Truth in Texas Textbooks Review Publisher/Publication/Year: Centage-National Geographic/World Cultures and Geography/2015 Editor/Consultant: Dr. Sandra Alfonsi Problem: Bias (B), Omission of Fact (OF), Half-Truth (HT), Factual Error (FE) Page #/Line # 1. 2. 3. Quote Connect to NG ePals eMentors for Common Core User Agreement Common Core is illegal in the State of Texas. This Text is written for the Common Core Curriculum. Program Consultants v. Reviewers of Religious Content. Shabbir Mansuri, Institute on Religion and Civic Values, Fountain Valley, California. Problem Fact & Source This book should not be accepted on this entry alone. Omitted is that Mansuri founded the Council on Islamic Education before changing its name to Institute on Religious and Civic Values.(IRCV) Omitted is that the IRCV proselytizes for Islam in the public schools and excludes Islam’s violent jihadist characteristics asp?grpid=7617 Omitted is that Mansuri is endorsed by Hamassupporting Muslim Brotherhood organization Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) asp?grpid=7617 Teacher must sign (accept) a legal agreement before he/she is allowed to access this textbook. OF/B 4. Connect to NG NG Current Events News Getting Rich off Global Warming It’s easy to get depressed about Climate Change. B 6th grade students should not be exposed to “depression” about Climate Change. Climate Change is a theory and is promoted as fact throughout this textbook 1 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Teachers Resources Select Unit 1 Ch. 1.1-1.2 NG Photo Gallery Student Miami, Fla Teachers Resources Select Unit 1 Ch. 1.1-1.2 NG Photo Gallery Student Rescue from Katrina Teachers Resources Select Unit 1 Ch 2 1.2-1.3 Student Teachers Resources Select unit 1 Ch 2 2.5-2.6 Student Barataria Bay, LA Teachers Resources Select Unit 1 Ch 2 3.1-3.2 NG Photo Galary Student Inuit hunter, Canada Teachers Resources Select Unit 1 Ch. 2 2.1-3.2 NG Photo Galary Student The Blue Mosque Turkey Picture of Miami, FL coastline. Caption under picture: More than two-thirds of the city’s population is Hispanic, and half of that group is of Cuban descent. OF No facts explaining why this is so. Picture of Man knee deep in water. Caption reads: About 1,800 people died in the hurricane or in its aftermath. Many people were critical of the U.S. Governments response to the disaster. OF No facts to explain “Many people” No facts to explain why people were critical of the U.S. Governments response. Picture of Mosque and farming villages, great Rift Valley, Eritrea B Eritrea has both Islam and Christianity as primary religions. Therefore there could also be a picture of a Christian church. Picture of an oil spill. Caption reads: killed or injured thousands of marine animals, and cost the gulf coast billions of dollars in damages and losses. OF No facts or statistics to verify these statements Picture of a beautifully dressed hunter. Caption says: Most Inuit no longer follow their traditional ways. OF No facts to back up this statement Photo of Blue Mosque B, OF The lack of photos of churches eliminates the history of Christianity in Turkey. “Although Turkey is now 98-99% Muslim, there are still major historical Christian churches in Istanbul. Among them are: The Saint Antony Church, The Saint Antony Church, The Greek Orthodox Patriarchate, Surp Kirkor Lusarovic Armenian Orthodox Church and Virgin Mary Suryani Church. Any one of these would provide the student with examples of Turkish architecture as well as some of the history of Christianity in Turkey.” 2 11. 12. Teachers Resources Select Unit 1 Ch. 2 3.3-3.4 Student NG Photo Galary House of Representatives Connect to NG Videos For Kids Our Ocean conference with secretary of state John Kerry Picture of Session meeting. Caption reads: The President gives the state of the union address each year before a joint session of Congress. This ritual is more of a tradition than a requirement, Must allow the website to store information on my personal computer in order to view this video. OF No pictures of synagogues. This totally eliminates the history of the Jews in Turkey which predates the history of both Christianity and Islam in Asia Minor. There are a number of notable synagogues in Istanbul whose pictures could have been included. Among them are: Neve Shalom Synagogue, Ahrida Synagogue, Yanbol Synagogue. There has been a Jewish community in Turkey (Asia Minor) since the 4th century B.C. such as in Sardis. According to the Old Testament, the prophet Abraham was born in Ur in Chaldea. Near the Euphrates (Firat) river, there is a historic and ancient city called Sanliurfa whose initial name was Ur. Jewish communities in Asia Minor continued to prosper throughout the Turkish conquest under Seljuks and Ottomans. Today Turkey's total Jewish population is around 26,000 (the second largest Jewish community in a Muslim country, being the first is Iran), with a great majority living in Istanbul. No explanation as to why this has become a ritual President Washington started this ritual and every president since then has taken up the tradition out of respect. Should not have to allow the website to store information on my personal computer in order to view a video. 3 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Connect to NG Click on Any country Top Line Videos How to Survive the end of the World Connect to NG Click Any Country Top Line Animals Videos Connect to NG Click Any Country Top Line Environment Global Warming Connect to NG Click Any Country Top Line Environment Global Warming (Causes) Par 1 Line 3 Connect to NG Click Any Country Top Line Environment Global Warming (Effects) Connect to NG Click Any Country Top Line Environment Global Warming (Science) Titles of videos inside “How to Survive the end of the World”: Conventional Weapons vs Nano Robots It will Rain for the next 300 years Is there anything we can do? Everything will Fall down. Ashes to ashes A very dark universe Titles of videos inside the “Animals” heading: Are Mites having sex on my face? World’s Deadliest Grizzly bear World’s Deadliest: Gelada vs Gelada World’s Deadliest: Kangaroo Kickboxing The Current cycle of Global Warming is changing the rhythms of climate that all living things have come to rely upon. B Negative propaganda bombarding the minds of 6th grade American children Before EVERY video the student must watch a 30-60 second advertisement. Website touts 1000’s of videos B Same as previous FE Global Warming is still a theory and this textbook promotes it as fact “But the amount and pattern of warming that’s been measured can’t be explained by these factors alone” OF No facts given regarding the amounts and patterns of warming measured. 13 bullets listing current effects of Global Warming. Examples below Ice is melting worldwide Bill Fraser has tracked the decline of the Adelie Penguine Sea level rise became faster over the last century Precipitation (rain and snow) has increased across the globe, on average What is Global Warming? “While we struggle to figure it out, the face of the earth as we know it – coasts, forests, farms and snow-capped mountains – hangs in the balance.” OF No facts with any of these bullets. Only statements OF Establishing fear in our children without any facts to allow the student to make his/her own decision. “hangs in the balance”?? 4 Par 3 Line 2 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. What evidence? No “strong” evidence given. This remains controversial because there are no facts to back this up. Why are economics, sociology and politics important factors in planning for the future? Connect to NG Click Any Country Top Line Environment Global Warming (Solutions) Par 1 All Connect to NG Click Any Country Top Line Environment Global Warming (Solutions) Par 7 Line 3 Connect to NG Click North America United States Fast Facts Religion Student Unit 1 Chapter 1 Pages 12-13 What Can We do? The evidence that humans are causing global warming is strong, but the question of what to do about it remains controversial. Economics, sociology and politics are all important factors in planning for the future. OF Increasing forest lands and making changes to the way we farm, could increase the amount carbon we are storing OF “could” does not represent facts. Changes from what to what? Protestant, Roman Catholic, Jewish OF This part of the website has chosen to identify two different Christian Religions without using the word Christian. Geography is more than names of places on a map. It involves “Spatial Thinking”, or thinking about the space on earth’s surface. HT “space” is equated with air and atmosphere. Better word would be “land” Student Unit 1 Ch1 Pg 14 Column 2 #3-HumanEnvironmental Interaction Student Unit 1 Ch1 Page 15 Column 1 #5, Environment and Society Human-Environmental Interaction explains how people affect the environment and the environment affects people. OF Just a statement made with no facts to explain the meanings How do people affect the environment and how does the environment affect people? Geographers explore how humans change the environment and use resources OF Here Geographers explore how humans change the environment but there is still no explanation or facts given to explain. All humans use resources and so far the textbook has not identified to the student what a resource is. 5 25. 26. 27. Student Unit 1 Ch 2 Page 34 Revolution and Rotation Par 2 Line 1 Student Unit 1 Ch2 Section 2 Page 48 Tornados Par 1 Lines 1-5 Student Unit 1 Ch2 Section 2 Page 49 Scientific Solutions Par 1 Line 6 The Solar system is formed by sun, Earth and seven other planets. Earth is three planets from the sun OF Why not name all the planets here. On August 29, 2005, Hurricane Katrina raced toward New Orleans, LA. The water level in the gulf of Mexico rose 34 feet and flooded 80% of the city. Thousands of people lost their homes and many businesses were destroyed. OF No mention of homes which were built below sea level. Many residents of New Orleans believe that better levees might have limited damage caused by flooding after Hurricane Katrina OF Many does not represent facts Is the author guessing when they say “better levees might have limited damage”? Only one example is given as to what might have limited damage. The student only has one choice to choose from. There are many interviews with victims of Hurricane Katrina which would substantiate the quoted material. No facts to explain why such poverty exists. Oil is the first resource discussed in this chapter of natural resources 28. 29. 30. 31. Student Unit 1 Ch2 Section 2 Page 50 Natural resources Par 1 Line 1 Student Unit 1 Ch2 Section 2 Page 52 Natural Habitats Par 2 Line 4 Student Unit 1 Ch2 Section 2 Page 53 Habitat Loss and Restoration Par 1 Line 7 Student Unit 1 Ch2 Section 2 Page 54 Worlds Oceans Natural resources are an important part of everyday life, get countries with a large supply are not always wealthy. Nigeria, for example, is a major supplier of oil, but 7 out of 10 Nigerians live in poverty. African elephants’ habitats are grasslands and forests. Unfortunately, much of this land is being turned into farms and villages to feed and house Africa’s growing human population. OF B The destruction of one ecosystem affects all the others. For example, many scientists believe the destruction of rain forests habitats has led to changes in earth climate. Earle has witnessed a huge drop in the number of fish in the ocean. Text is implying with the use of the word “unfortunately” that the elephant is more important than the human beings. Eliminate the word “Unfortunately” FE No substantial facts to make this claim Climate change is a Theory OF Very vague statement with no facts to substantiate this. 6 Par 2 Line 4 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. Student Unit 1 Ch2 Page 55 Mission Blue Par 1 Line 1 Student Unit 1 Ch2 Section 2 Page 55 Reading tab Question #2 Student Unit 1 Ch2 Page 61 Religions and Belief systems Student Unit 1 Ch2 Page 64 Political Geography Par 1 Line 1 Student Unit 1 Ch2 Page 65 Political Geography Types of Governments First Bullet Line 8 Student Unit 2 Ch3 Page 76-77 Click of Camera Picture of Denver, CO Many people believe human activity has no effect on the vast oceans. They also do not understand the impact oceans have on all forms of life. OF Who are many people? Dr. Earle the only person who understands this? Analyze cause and effect: How has human activity affected the world’s oceans? Use a chart like the one below to list some of the causes and effects of these activities. OF Not enough facts given in this section to allow the student to adequately answer this question Religions have also spread due to work of missionaries, people who convert others to follow their religion. OF Poor choice of the word “convert” Religions spread because people accept the teachings unlike Islam which converts by conquest. How is trash collection related to the protection of Free speech? Both are responsibilities of Government. A Government is an organization that keeps order, sets rules, and provides services for a society. The United States was the first modern country to establish a representative democracy. OF What countries governments are being discussed here? Comparing Trash collection to Free speech? FE The United States formed a “Constitutional Republic” Caption reads: Denver is the home of the state’s government, various sports teams…. HT Denver is the Capitol of Colorado. 7 38. Chap 3. No. American Geog & Hist. p80. Para 3. Lines 5-7 Plowing of native prairie grasses that helped hold the soil contributed to soil erosion, and the plains became known as the “Dust Bowl”. FE and OF 39. Student Unit 2 Ch 3 Page 81 Section 1.2 Para 1 Map and comments 40. Student Unit 2 Ch 3 Page 81 Section 1.2 Questions #2 Student Unit 2 Ch 3 Page 82 Section 1.2 Landforms and Climate Par 3 Line 5 Student Unit 2 Ch 3 Page 82 Section 1.2 Resources and Conservation Par 1 All Student Unit 2 Ch 3 Page 82 Section 1.2 Resources and Conservation Par 2 Student Unit 2 Ch 3 Page 82 Section 1.2 Resources and Conservation 41. 42. 43. 44. Plowing of just native prairie grasses was not the cause of the erosion and Dust Bowl. It was also caused by plowing of crops. It was created by a combination of factors including drought, rising temperatures and lack of dryland farming techniques -science/dust-bowl-cause.htm “risky” does not represent facts Blank statement with No facts to explain how human error was involved. Commercial drilling in the Gulf of Mexico is risky. Oil deposits lie beneath layers of salt that can shift and cause an underwater earthquake. In 2010 human error caused an explosion of a large deepwater drilling structure, resulting in a major oil spill. 2. Human environment interaction: Identify two commercial activities that have modified the environment in the Great Plains OF OF The best known canyon is the Grand Canyon in the southwestern United States. Formed over hundreds of millions of years, it is 277 miles in length and up to 18 miles wide. OF Varying climates contribute to a varied supply of resources. The Great Basin and the mountain ranges that surround it contain important mineral deposits. OF Water for human use is in short supply in the southwestern United States. The population there has grown rapidly in recent years, and the demand for water has increased in this already dry area. OF Omission of the name of the states being referred to. Omission of why the population “there” has grown rapidly when there is a shortage of water. Make inferences: What does the shortage of certain resources mean for the people who live in the West? OF Not enough facts or information in this text to form a conclusion The only commercial activity discussed in this section is farming. Leading student to say Farming modifies the environment. Omitting that the Grand Canyon is in Nevada Subject is the Grand Canyon and author omits the depth of the Canyon. This one paragraph is the entire discussion of Resources and conservation. No mention of what kinds of resources No mention of what kinds of important mineral deposits. 8 Before you Move On 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. Chap 3. No. American Geog & Hist. p 83. Para 2, Lines 8-9 Student Unit 2 Ch 3 Page 88 2.1 Exploration and Colonization Europe meets native America Para2 Line 3 Chap 3. No. American Geog & Hist. p. 90, Para 2 [ignore the last phrase] However, dams can also cause problems such as excess soil erosion. OF Settlers carried diseases such as smallpox, which the native people could not fight. Disease killed a large percentage of certain Native American populations. OF OF Chap 3. No. American Geog & Hist. p. 92, Para 2, Lines 8-13 OF Chap 3. No. American Geog & Hist. p. 92, Para 4, Lines 5-8, OF Omitted is that soil erosion caused by dams can be very much limited by using modern dam construction technology. Who are these Native Americans? Are they Indians? No mention that the Indians also had diseases that spread among the settlers. “large percentage” does not represent facts “certain Native American populations” does not represent facts. Omitted is that France never had a colonial settlement policy in N. America. French colonies were based on trade with the Mother country and proselytizing Christianity. cs/French_colonization_of_the_Americas.html Omitted is that they dressed like Indians to let the British know they were Americans, not British. Omitted is mention of Paul Revere’s ride and Longfellow’s famous poem. Facts will stand out better in young student’s minds if accompanied by colorful episodes, or drama, or anecdotes. 9 50. Chap 3. No. American Geog & Hist. p. 92-3, Para 59 51. Chap 3. No. American Geog & Hist. pp 92-3 Para 7. Last sentence. The American Revolution had created the United States of America. OF Omitted are equality, Creator and pursuit of happiness. The content of the Declaration is not discussed until p.274! FE The Treaty of Paris did not create the United States of America. It recognized colonies represented by a Continental Congress. The United States of America was created by the Constitutional Convention The only factor mentioned is French help. Omitted are all others. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. Chap 3. No. American Geog & Hist. pp 92-3 Last Para Chap 3. No. American Geog & Hist. pp 94-5, Para 2, Lines 1-2 Chap 3. No. American Geog & Hist. pp 95, In 1789 American leaders me to begin writing a new constitution, FE Chap 3. No. American Geog & Hist. pp.98-9, Para 2. Beginning Chap 3. No. American Geog & Hist. pp.100-101. Para. 6 Chap 3. No. American Geog & OF OF OF The convention was called to improve the Articles of Confederation, not to write a new Constitution. nal_Convention_of_1787_called Omitted is that our form of government is a Republic with elected representatives. Lincoln did not cause the war. His election was a proximate cause. Even a simplified history for 6th Grade can list other causes. [Reviewer’s comment: This Para is about the Cold War, Soviet Union and US. No leader is mentioned.] OF Omitted are names of significant leaders, e.g. Reagan, Gorbachev. [This Para is about 9/11 and the war in Afghanistan.] B, OF Terrorism is not identified as Islamic. The word “Islam” is not used at all. 10 Hist. pp.100-101. Para. 7 58. Chap 3. No. American Geog & Hist. pp.100-101. pp 106-7. First Header OF 59. 60. 61. 62. Chap 3. No. American Geog & Hist. pp.108-9, Para 3. Chap 3. No. American Geog & Hist. pp.108-9, Picture superimposed on Timeline Chap 3. No. American Geog & Hist. pp.110-11 [This paragraph discusses the Alamo, Santa Anna and San Jacinto and omits mention of Bowie, Crockett and Houston.] [These 2 pages are about the Mexican Revolution and include a large picture of Pancho Villa. There is no mention of Emilio Zapata] Chap 4. No. America Today. pp. 122-3 OF OF OF OF 63. Chap 4. No. America Today. pp 124-5 64. Chap 4. No. America Today. pp 128-9. Para 2, Lines 3-5 All income from a nationalized industry goes to the government. Omitted is that Mexicans resented increasingly high taxes imposed by Mexican rulers and opposed the new Bonaparte-controlled Spain’s anticipated influence over Mexico. The paragraph is too bare-bones without inclusion of American del Norte heroes, particularly for Texas students. Crockett and Houston are mentioned in pictures in the Digital Library There are only these words referencing the Treaty, with no definition of what it was. Zapata contributed to the Revolution as much as Villa and needs to be included. volution/p/08zapatabio.htm Other experts say the US has enough oil to last for several hundred years. eliberately-making-americans-poorer/ FE It is an error to say that only Canada, not the US, has the citizen right to be protected against race or gender discrimination. Our Civil Rights Act of 1964 and subsequent laws give these protections in the US. FE Failure to distinguish income from profit, or net income from gross income. Gross income is used to pay costs, including wages. 11 65. Chap 4. No. America Today. pp 128-9. Para 4. Last sentence. OF Omitted is what NAFTA’s supporters say. 66. Chap 4. No. America Today. pp 134-5. Para 4 OF There are certain exemptions for disability and age. 67. Chap 4. No. America Today. pp 134-5. Para 6. Lines 1-2 To become naturalized an applicant must give up loyalty to other nations, OF Student Unit 3 Chapter 5 Pg 142 Central America Par 1 Line 10 Student Unit 3 Ch5 Pg 144 Earthquakes and Volcanoes Par 5 Line 6 Tropical Rain Forests - Heavily wooded forests that may receive more than 100 inches of rain per year – provide resources that boost the economy. OF Omitted is that the US also allows dual citizenship in a limited number of circumstances No mention of what resources that boost the economy. Donations poured in from around the world in an international effort to help Haiti to recover and rebuild. OF 68. 69. 70. Student Unit 3 Ch5 Pg 146 Rainforests of Central America Par 2 Line 4 A rain forest is an individual ecosystem, a place where plants and animals rely on the environment to survive. HT UN claims 1.6 billion was donated from around the world but 1.4 billion of that was from the U.S. After the Jan. 12 disaster, donations from the United States alone numbered $1.4 billion in just a year. Yet today problems still exist — greatly because the money never got to enough people in need. Plants and animals rely on the environment to survive in ANY given ecosystem, not just rainforests. 12 71. Student Unit 3 Ch5 Pg 152 Trade across Continents Par 3 Line 6 As large numbers of native people died from disease, Spanish settlers had to search elsewhere for the workers they needed to farm their cash crops. So after minerals and raw materials arrived in Spain, manufactured goods went to Africa to pay for slaves, beginning more than 300 years of slavery. OF 72. 73. 74. 75. Student Unit 3 Ch6 Pg 164 Impact of Tourism Par 4 All Student Unit 3 Ch6 Pg 164 Impact of Tourism Par 7 Before you Move On Student Unit 3 Ch6 Pg 174 Feeding Central America Impact on Food Supply Par 4 Line 1 Student Unit 3 Ch6 Pg 177 Migration and the Caribbean Par 1 Line 7 Native people not identified as Indians. Who sent the manufactured goods to Africa? The Spanish took the first African captives to the Americas from Europe as early as 1503, and by 1518 the first captives were shipped directly from Africa to America. The majority of African captives were exported from the coast of West Africa, some 3,000 miles between what is now Senegal and Angola, and mostly from the modern Benin, Nigeria and Cameroon. rticle_01.shtml Overnight tourists use a great deal of electricity OF and consume vast amounts of food and water. This causes shortages for the local people. Large resorts and cruise ships release pollution into the air and water, which threatens marine life. Monitor Comprehension: In what ways does OF tourism affect the regions income and resources? Student has only been given the negative aspects of tourism to this region. No comparisons given. Today, climate change adds a new threat to the food supply. Climate scientists predict that Global Warming will cause more extreme weather patterns B/OF Author is telling the student to fear because of climate change. Author is forcing the theory of global warming onto the student. Jamaica receives more than $79 million in official aid, or money from other governments or organizations. OF No explanation as to HOW “overnight tourists” cause these things. “great deal”, “vast amounts”, “causes shortages” do not represent facts. No mention of what governments are supplying aid. Great place to identify what countries are supplying financial aid and how much 13 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. Student Unit 3 Ch6 Pg 179 Conserving the Rain Forest Par 4 Line 7 Student Unit 3 Ch6 Pg 181 Interpret Charts Student Unit 4 Ch 7 Pg 198-199 Rain Forests and Climate Change Main Idea Student Unit 4 Ch 7 Pg 207 The Spanish in South America Student Unit 4 Ch 8 Pg 235 Impact of the Olympics Picture on page Student Unit 4 Ch 8 Pg 238 Sports and Olympics Home Advantage Par 1 Line 8 Student Unit 4 Ch 8 Pg 241 TEKS Project Predict Par1 Line 5 However, even ecotourists can have a negative impact. If too many ecotourists visit a single location, they can interfere with habitat there. International conservation organizations have become involved in ecotouristism. OF Percent living below poverty line. No mention as to how ecotourists would interfere with habitat. What International conservation organizations have become involved? OF No explanation as to what Poverty means. Who are these countries being compared to and why? The health of the Amazon Rain forest can influence climate change across the globe. FE Climate Change is still a theory and has no business being discussed in a textbook for 6th grade American Children. Missionaries who arrived after the 1550s viewed South America as an opportunity to spread Christianity. The goal was to convert, or persuade native populations to change their religious beliefs. Some conversions were forced. The Christ the Redeemer statue atop Corcovado Mountain overlooks Rio de Janeiro. B Christianity is not a religion that is known for forcing people to convert. Author needs to explain the statement “Some conversions were forced.” Awesom e Picture Wonderful picture and commentary as to where the next Olympics in 2016 are to be held. Four years earlier at the summer games in Athens, Greece, China had won only 63 medals. OF Delete the word “only”. Author implies 63 medals is not many! Predict how a future discovery or innovation could have a positive impact on: A social problem such as poverty or inequality. OF Inequality has not been discussed in this Unit or this chapter. The sentence wants the positive impact yet asks the negative. 14 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. Student Unit 5 Chapter 9 Pg 245 Map – click on cameras Student Unit 5 Ch 9 Pg 252 Protecting the Mediterranean Under the Sea Par 2 Line 9 Student Unit 5 Ch 9 Pg 261 The Republic of Rome Par 6 Line 9 Student Unit 5 Ch 9 Pg 268 Exploration and Colonolization European Exploration Par 1 Line 5 Student Unit 5 Ch 9 Pg 278 World War II and the Cold War Main Idea Student Unit 5 Ch 9 Pg 278 World War II and the Cold War The Cold War Par 3 Line 4 Camera over Spain: Alhambra, Granada, Spain Caption reads: …a palace used by the Muslim rulers of Granada, Spain, in the 13th and 14th centuries. B The third is overdevelopment, which has occurred as coastal populations have grown. Growing populations have added to the Mediterranean’s pollution, and the erosion, or wearing away, of its coast line. OF …tensions began to grow between patricians and plebeians. These tensions triggered a war between the two groups. The war set the stage for the end of the Roman Republic- OF They also wanted people in other lands to convert, or change their religion, to Christianity. OF The Cold War developed between the democratic United States and the communist Soviet Union. FE The United States is a Constitutional Republic and nowhere in our Constitution will you find reference to a “democracy” In 1991 the Soviet Union itself collapsed. The Cold War ended and democracy replaced communism throughout Eastern Europe. OF No explanation as to what caused the Soviet Union to collapse. No comparison of democracy and communism for the student to understand why communism collapsed. This is the 1st picture you click on of 11 different pictures; all pictures except this one depict a beautiful scene or a common recognizable building. Example: Spain – The Arc de Triomf Recommend a “Bull Fight” No explanation as to how, when a population grows, it leads to erosion and wearing away of its coast line? Populations are going to grow, so it appears the answer may be in education! Text gives only 1 reason for the end of the Roman Republic. Our American students could learn a lot about our own government from the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire. Why it was successful for so long and why it fell Christian missionaries were among the people who came over in ships from Europe. 15 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. Student Unit 5 Ch 10 Pg 299 Changing Demographics New Citizenship Roles Par 1 Line 9 Student Unit 5 Ch 10 Pg 299 Challenges of Immigration Par 1 Line 9 National Geographic World Cultures and Geography/Texas Unit 6 Chapter 11 Section 1 Page 315 Para1 Lines 11-13 National Geographic World Cultures and Geography/Texas Unit 6 Chapter 11 Section 1.4 Page 316 Para 2 Lines 2-3 National Geographic World Cultures and Geography/Texas Unit 6 Chapter 11 Page 322 2nd Column Par 1 Lines 4-6 They have the opportunity to vote in free, multiparty elections, for example, and the right to speak out against government polcies. They also have responsibilities, which for citizens in Western Europe are similar to those of the United States. OF No facts explaining the “responsibilities” they have when comparing the 2 countries Europeans would like to see the Muslim immigrants assimilate, or be absorbed into their society’s culture. They believe the immigrants should adopt European traditions and values. Others believe a more multicultural approach is better. This approach encourages tolerance and embraces all cultures. As a result, the resources in these areas of Siberia remain largely untouched. OF Who are the “others” who believe a more multicultural approach is better? This approach does not encourage tolerance and is proven throughout history not to be successful. OF They (other scientists) believe that because of global warming, the permafrost below its lakes is thawing… (underling by reviewer) OF The Russian people came to distrust western European ideas and culture. OF Russia Starts Drilling on its Northernmost Oil Well, off the Coast of Siberia in the Kara Sea “Many Americans have long since thought that the best scientific evidence available suggested that man wasn’t causing any sort of global warming. However, now, we can go even further and suggest that the planet isn’t warming at all. Al Gore predicted all the Arctic ice would be gone by 2013.” From “5 Scientific Reasons That Global Warming Isn’t Happening” by John Hawkins 18/5-scientific-reasons-that-global-warming-isnthappening-n1796423/page/full No examples or references given to verify the author’s opinion. 16 National Geographic World Cultures and Geography/Texas Unit 6 Chapter 11 Section 2.5 Page 328 Par 1 Lines 6-8 National Geographic World Cultures and Geography/Texas Unit 6 Chapter 11 Section 2.5 Page 328 Para 3 Lines 8-10 Unit 6 Chapter 11 Section 1 Page 315 Para1 Lines 11-13 Under communism, a single political party controls the government and economy. OF The Marxist-Lenin version of Communist doctrine that advocates the overthrow of capitalism by the revolution of the proletariat. (Underling by reviewer) Still, the Soviet Union had trouble feeding all its people. HT/OF No mention of the Great Famine of 1921 The Russian Famine of 1921-1922 was one of the greatest human disasters of the 20th century…Historians conclude that at least five million died of starvation and disease, though the figure may be as high as eight million. As a result, the resources in these areas of Siberia remain largely untouched. OF 97. Unit 6 Chapter 11 Section 1.4 Page 316 Para 2 Lines 2-3 They (other scientists) believe that because of global warming, the permafrost below its lakes is thawing… (underling by reviewer) OF 98. Unit 6 Chapter 11 Page 322 2nd Column Par 1 Lines 4-6 The Russian people came to distrust western European ideas and culture. OF Russia Starts Drilling on its Northernmost Oil Well, off the Coast of Siberia in the Kara Sea MoscowRussia has begun drilling on its northernmost oil well, in the Kara Sea off the northern coast of Siberia. “Many Americans have long since thought that the best scientific evidence available suggested that man wasn’t causing any sort of global warming. However, now, we can go even further and suggest that the planet isn’t warming at all. Al Gore predicted all the Arctic ice would be gone by 2013.” From “5 Scientific Reasons That Global Warming Isn’t Happening” by John Hawkins 18/5-scientific-reasons-that-global-warming-isnthappening-n1796423/page/full No examples or references given to verify the author’s opinion. 94. 95. 96. 17 99. Unit 6 Chapter 11 Section 2.5 Page 328 Para 1 Lines 6-8 Under communism, a single political party controls the government and economy. OF 100. Unit 6 Chapter 11 Section 2.5 Page 328 Para 3 Lines 8-10 Still, the Soviet Union had trouble feeding all its people. HT/OF 101. Unit 6 Chapter 12 Section 2.1 Page 341 First Column Para 1 Lines 1-5 Unit 6 Chapter 12 Section 2.1 Page 341 2nd Column Para 2 Lines 1-6 Unit 6 Chapter 12 Section 2.2 Page 342 1st Column Para 1 Lines 3-6 Unit 6 Chapter 12 Section 2.2 Page 342 1st Column Para 1 Lines 6-8 The Soviet Union Falls After the collapse of the Berlin Wall in Germany in November 1989, the Communist no longer had control over Eastern Europe. OF The economic transition has been difficult as well. Less government control in Russia has led to a large gap between rich and poor, higher prices, unemployment, and an increase in corruption and organized crime. This set up a federal system, with a strong central government and local government units. The United States also has a federal system. HT The transition may have “been difficult” but implying that “less government” was the problem leaves the student with the impression that ‘more government’ is better. OF No mention of America’s exceptionalism as required by TEKS. Student is led to believe that US and Russia’s governments are similar without giving the advantages of America’s form of government. Russia’s government is more democratic than that of the former Soviet Union. OF Student is led to believe Russia is an improvement over the former Soviet Union with no mention of the move to invade and take back former territory. Since February, Russia and Ukraine have been at war. The most overt campaign in this conflict was Russia’s brazen invasion and annexation of the Crimean peninsula, but Moscow has been waging a covert operation to destabilize eastern Ukraine since March. 102. 103. 104. The Marxist-Lenin version of Communist doctrine that advocates the overthrow of capitalism by the revolution of the proletariat. (Underling by reviewer) No mention of the Great Famine of 1921 The Russian Famine of 1921-1922 was one of the greatest human disasters of the 20th century…Historians conclude that at least five million died of starvation and disease, though the figure may be as high as eight million. No mention of President Ronald Reagan’s charge “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” ll.htm 18 105. 106. 107. 108. HT Unit 6 Chapter 12 Section 2.2 Page 343 2nd Column Data Lab # 3 Lines 1-3 Unit 6 Chapter 12 Section 2.2 Page 343 Chart at top Columns 1 and 2 Is the government in Russia more or less democratic than that in the United States? Unit 6 Chapter 12 Section 2.4 Page 346 Column 1 Top of Page Lines 1-2 Unit 6 Chapter 12 Section 2.4 Page 350 1st Column Para 2 Lines 5-7 Main Idea The Chernobyl nuclear disaster severely damaged the environment in parts of Belarus, Ukraine, and western Russian. OF Many scientists believe that the carbon dioxide those sources give off contribute to an overall global temperature increase. OF Compare Russian and US Governments OF (underlining by reviewer) Russia and the US governments cannot be compared by their level of democracy. The United States of America is a Constitutional Republic not a democracy. The US Constitution Chart depicts almost a mirror image of the two governments. No mention of the fact that the American form of government is superior and that communism has failed. Historians today know better, of course, hindsight being a great clarifier. Unlike Braudel (the great French historian), they know that the great communist experiment failed. From “Seeing Red: Why Communism Really Failed;” There have been many studies refuting the severity of the effects of Chernobyl. “Putting Chernobyl in Perspective. There are many scientists who do not believe in “overall global temperature increase” or global warming. The Myth of the Climate Change ‘97%’ 2303480304579578462813553136 31,000 Scientists say “no convincing evidence” That Scientific Global Warming Consensus…Not! 19 or 109. Unit 6 Chapter 12 Section 2.4 Page 350 1st Column Para 3 Lines 1-3 Fossil fuels are formed by buried plants and animals that have been dead for millions of years. OF 110. National Geographic World Cultures and Geography/Texas Unit 6 Chapter 12 Review and Extend Page 352 1st Column Para 2 Lines 1-5 The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization has identified hundreds of sites that form part of the world’s natural and cultural heritage. 111. Unit 6 Chapter 12 Page 353 Bottom of page Photo of many country’s flags 112. Unit 7 Chap 13. SubSaharan Africa Geography & History. pp 374-5. OF ?B FE, OF, B Many scientists do not believe the earth is millions of years old. Growing list of scientists who consider young earth creationism (YEC) a fact and evolution as bunk Young Earth Creationism UNESCO is not an organization that upholds American students’ best interest. UNESCO’s Program for Sexuality Education in light of a Proper Understanding of International Human Rights.;kartoc;es/Shea.Br adem.pdf In 1984, President Ronald Reagan responding to considerable public outcry over a long string of UNESCO abuses announced that the US was dropping its membership in the organization. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) by that time had accumulated a longstanding record of notoriety for waste, corruption, subversion, and espionage.’s-rotten-track-record Of the many flags shown, it is difficult to see the American flag. If the photo was taken from the opposite side, the American flag would have been on the front row instead of the back row. Photo not credited or location given. Islam didn’t just “come” to Africa. It arrived by military conquest. A more accurate beginning to the sentence would say, “After the Islamic conquest of North Africa, etc.” 20 No mention of the size and duration of the Muslim Slave Trade. OF OF This definition is too narrow and can refer to almost anything in the market place. A more exact definition would include that commodities are normally agricultural and mineral, are indistinguishable from others of the same type, and are normally used as raw materials for manufactured products. Omitted is that DDT is the most cost effective control for malaria, that the death toll rose because its used was prohibited by unscientific environmentalist pressure, and that finally today its use is approved so that malaria can be more easily prevented. /DDT.html 50/en/ Omitted is that it is a resource from the Earth that cannot be readily replaced if it is used up. Para 1. Last Sentence. 113. Unit 7 Chap 14. SubSaharan Africa Today. pp 392-3. Para 3, first sentence. 114. Unit 7 Chap 14. SubSaharan Africa Today. pp 398-9. Para 4. Last sentence. Many sub-Saharan countries use mineral resources as commodities, which are materials or goods that can be bought, sold or traded. 115. 116. Unit 8 Chap 15. Southwest Asia and North Africa Geography and History. pp 418-9. Para 6, Last Sentence Unit 8 Chap 15. Southwest Asia and North Africa Geography and History. pp 424-5, Para 3, Lines 5-6 The Hebrew Bible is the sacred text of Judaism. It contains Jewish history and teaches how to lead a moral life. OF OF The Tanach is the Hebrew Bible i.e. what Christians call the 'Old Testament'. The books of the Tanach touch on all aspects of life, including history, laws, behavior, prayers, advice (wisdom literature). All the books of the Tanach were written originally in Hebrew, except for a small part of the Book of Daniel which is written in Aramaic. The Tanach is made up of three components: 1. Torah - which contains the five books of Moses, namely: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. This section of the Tanach is also known as the Chumash which means 'five' (referring to the five books contained in it). 21 117. 118. Unit 8 Chap 15. Southwest Asia and North Africa Geography and History. p 426-7, Par 4, Lines 1-2h Unit 8 Chap 15. Southwest Asia and North Africa Geography and History. pp 428-9. Para 6, last half. Islam spread through expansion of Muslim rule and through trade. B, OF OF 119. Unit 8 Chap 16. Southwest Asia and North Africa Today. pp 454-5. Para 7, Middle of para. OF 2. Nevi'im - book of prophets which contains the books of Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and the Twelve Later Prophets. 3. Ketuvim - holy writings which contain David's psalms, Solomon's proverbs, the Five Megillot(scrolls), the books of Ezra and Nehemia and Chronicles. tml Omitted is that Muslim rule expanded by jihad. Omitted is discussion of the Janissary Corps and Suleiman’s devschirme, the levy of Christian boys who never saw their parents again after being forced into the Sultan’s military and administrative service. an.pdf Omitted also is the heavy taxation of Christians and the destruction of thousands of schools and religious structures. Omitted is that Hussein had dismantled some nuclear facilities that could have produced weapons grade bomb material had they been allowed to continue operation. Also omitted is that Hussein prevented further inspections. ng/etc/arsenal.html Omitted is that Hussein’s chemical weapons stockpiles have been found recently. 22 120. 121. 122. Unit 8 Chap 16. Southwest Asia and North Africa Today. pp 456-7. Para 6, Lines 4-6 Unit 9 Chap 17. South Asia, Geography and History. pp 472-73 Unit 9 Chap 17. South Asia, Geography and History. pp 476-7. Para 4, Lines 5-7 airplanes. They flew the planes into the towers of the World Trade Center in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington D.C. A plane headed for the White House crashed in a Pennsylvania field. In response, the United States and its allies bombed terrorist camps in Afghanistan. The Taliban were removed from power and a new government was established, but the violent conflict continued. Picture of Mt. Everest As a result, the Green Revolution benefited mostly wealthy farmers. OF, HT, B Omitted is that al-Qaeda terrorists are Islamic jihadists and the definition of a terrorist is incomplete. al-Qaeda jihadi terrorists are murderers who usually target civilians in order to strike terror in a civilian population to achieve their political ends. And, as the Jihadists themselves point out, they make no distinction between religion and politics. OF Photo lacks caption. FE This statement is opinion, not fact, because “benefited” is not defined and is narrowly construed. The Green Revolution was implemented only in a few Indian states with adequate water for high crop yields and caused income disparity with other states, meaning that some states benefited more than others. It also benefited the millions that did not die from the famines that it prevented. Omitted is that the Indian government has an agency like the EPA to control pollution and that since the 1970’s numerous anti-pollution laws have been passed. 123. Unit 9 Chap 17. South Asia, Geography and History. pp 478-9. Para 6, Sentence 1. Local Non-governmental Organizations (NGO’s) are helping to reverse the damage. OF 23 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. Unit 9 Chap 17. South Asia, Geography and History. pp 482-3. from Para 6 OF Unit 9 Chap 17. South Asia, Geography and History. pp 484-5. Para 7 FE/OF Unit 9 Chap 17. South Asia, Geography and History. pp 486-7. Para 1. Lines 10-12 Unit 9 Chap 17. South Asia, Geography and History. pp 486-7. Purple box Unit 9 Chap 17. South Asia, Geography and History. pp 488-9. Para 1. Last sentence. Omitted is inclusion of Untouchables as part of, yet outside of, the caste system Islam did not unify. It conquered. It became a large religious minority because the Mughals murdered millions of Hindus. “As a contribution to research on the quantity of the Islamic crimes against humanity, we may mention Prof. K.S. Lal's estimates about the population figures in medieval India (Growth of Muslim Population in India). According to his calculations, the Indian (subcontinent) population decreased by 80 million between 1000 (conquest of Afghanistan) and 1525 (end of Delhi Sultanate).” egaind/ch2.htm Again, the text omits that Islam spread by jihad. A simple re-write of the sentence would correct the omission: “but the Arab armies quickly brought it to South Asia.” Islam was founded in Saudi Arabia, but it quickly spread to South Asia. OF/B Islam arrived with Muslim traders in the early A.D. 700’s. FE Re-write to say, “Islam arrived with the Arab armies in the early A.D. 700’s.” Eventually this power grew into colonialism, the control by one power over a dependent area or people. OF More a definition of imperialism than colonialism. “In Colonialism, one can see great movement of people to the new territory and living as permanent settlers. Imperialism is just exercising power over the conquered regions either through sovereignty or indirect mechanisms of control. ence-between-colonialism-and-imperialism/ 24 129. Unit 9 Chap 17. South Asia, Geography and History. pp 488-9. Para 2 130. Reference Handbook 1. Skills Lessons 131. Reference Handbook 2. Economics and Government. pp R41, 2nd Column, 2nd sentence. Reference Handbook 2. Economics and Government. pp R42. Col 2. Para 2. Reference Handbook 2. Economics and Government. pp R 42. 2nd Column, Next to last sentence. Reference Handbook 2. Economics and Government. pp R 43. 1st col.,2nd Para, 1st sentence. 132. 133. 134. OF/B The paragraph tells only the bad side of the British. Omitted are the British contributions that made it possible for an India fragmented by hundreds of political states to enter the modern world as a nation. It is unsubstantiated opinion that Britain crippled India’s economic growth for more than 100 years. British railroads unified India, as did the English language. The British were responsible for roads, telephone, telegraph, dams, bridges, irrigation canals, schools, improved sanitation and public health. er%2011%20Section%204.pdf [Reviewer’s Note. The Skills Lessons are well done for grade level and include standards skills like note taking, outlining, predicting, citing references, and organizing main ideas. The text samples used to illustrate the skills are taken directly from the different text units. Various omissions of facts, etc, should be noted in the units, not again here in the Skills Section.] Omitted is that raising capital also encourages savings and investments. Businesses raise capital, or money, to create new products and hire workers. OF embargo, n: a government ban on trade with another country. OF Omits that embargo can be either import, export, or both. Capital is the machinery and other tools that are used to create a good or a service. OF Capital also includes money. In a free enterprise system, producers are motivated by self-interest. OF Omitted is that producers also are motivated by concern for employees and a sense of civic duty. Human resource departments often help employees pursue career goals. 25 135. 136. 137. 138. OF Corporations make huge civic contributions and encourage community service. This definition of market economy omits that prices are set by supply and demand. cs/Market_economy.html Reference Handbook 2. Economics and Government. pp R 44. 1st col. Last Para. 1st Sentence Reference Handbook 2. Economics and Government. pp R 48 1st col. Chart market economy, n: an economic system in which people and businesses choose freely to buy and sell in markets. Reference Handbook 3. World Religions. p 53, Col 2, Next to last sentence. Reference Handbook 3. World Religions. p 54, Para 1. Lines 8-9 Today Islam continues to spread around the world through migration and conversion. OF Omitted is that it also continues to spread by military conquest or the sword. The Hebrew Bible contains books of law, history and prophecy. OF The Tanach is the Hebrew Bible i.e. what Christians call the 'Old Testament'. The books of the Tanach touch on all aspects of life, including history, laws, behavior, prayers, advice (wisdom literature). All the books of the Tanach were written originally in Hebrew, except for a small part of the Book of Daniel which is written in Aramaic. FE It is an error to say that US citizens under age 18 must attend school to receive an education. Home-based education is legal in the US. It is also an error to say that US citizens under age 18 receive an education. While free public education is offered, students must exert effort in order to become educated. 26 139. Reference Handbook 3. World Religions. p 54, Para 1. Lines 910 Another important book is the Talmud, a collection of scholarly writings. FE 140. Unit 10 Ch 19 Page 549 1st Column Para 1 Lines 1-4 Encouraged by this initial success, Mao set a plan in motion the following year called the Great Leap Forward to make China’s economy grow even faster. OF 141. Unit 10 Ch 20 Section 1.1 Page 563 1st Column Para 1 Lines 9-10, 12-14 Muslim traders in northwestern China helped “spread” Islam in the 700s. OF Christian missionaries began to come to East Asia in the 1600s to “spread” their religion. (underlining and quotation marks by reviewer) 142. Unit 10 Ch 20 Page 563 1st Column Para 1 Lines 1-4 China’s strategies have worked. In 2013, China had the world’s third largest economy after the United States and the European Union. OF 143. Unit 10 Ch 20 Page 563 1st Column Para 1 Lines 1-4 Those who did not comply (with one-child policy) had to pay large fines. OF The Talmud is Oral Law and a legal commentary on the Torah which explains how to carry out its Commandments. lmud_&_mishna.html It should be included that the ‘Great Leap Forward’ was responsible for 45 million deaths of the Chinese. Mao’s Great Leap Forward ‘killed 45 million in four years’ Mao Zedong, founder of the People’s Republic of China, qualifies as the greatest mass murderer in world history, an expert who had unprecedented access to official Communist Party archives said yesterday. Using the same word ‘spread’ referring to how Muslims and Christians shared their religion gives the student the wrong impression. and I would suggest changing the verb “spread” in the statement about Christian missionaries to “teach” because that is what missionaries are supposed to do. No mention of the millions of dollars China receives from the US in foreign aid. See “Aiding and Abetting” in Foreign Policy China’s one-child policy has recently been described as “arguably the greatest bioethical atrocity on the globe” (Wendy McElroy, Fox News Views, 24 September 2002). Since the 1970s, the Chinese government has conducted a program of population control through forced abortion, infanticide, forced sterilization, forced use of abortifacient birth control, abandonment of children and deliberate killing of orphans through neglect. The program is enforced through severe penalties for those who do not comply 27 144. Unit 11 Ch 21 Page 612 1st Column Para 2 Lines 2-5 Fossils, or preserved remains, found on Java suggest that human life existed there as early as 1.7 million years ago. OF 145. Unit 12 Ch 24 Page 677 1st Column Para 1 Lines 1-3 One of APEC’s main achievements has been to establish free trade agreements among member countries. OF 146. Unit 12 Ch 24 Page 683 1st Column Para 2 Lines 7-8 New Zealand is forging a new path for sustainable energy production. OF 147. Unit 12 Ch 24 Page 686 1st Column Para 5, Lines 8-10 In Argentina, beef producers struggle with government policies that limit how much beef can be exported. (underlining by reviewer) Good Point with the policy, including extortionate fines, destruction of property, imprisonment and even torture. Other scientists do not believe the earth is millions of years old. Evolution is a theory not a fact. Students need to be given both theories, creation and evolution. Evidence for a Young Earth (that’s not billions of years old) by Bob Dutko, Billions, Millions, or Thousands—Does it Matter? by Kenneth Ham, Students need to be given both sides regarding APEC. Not everyone was in agreement with the ‘benefits’. “In its eagerness to sell APEC and free trade to the public, the government has deliberately neglected to mention the negative impacts…” from [APEC] Critics say negative trade impacts ignored There a variety of definitions of ‘sustainability’ of which students should be aware. “The Three Faces of Sustainability” by Paul Driessen, Policy Study for The Heartland Institute, “Top 10 Myths about Sustainability” by Michael D Lemonick; Scientific American, March 1, 2009; Government policies pose the same struggles for American cattlemen. 28 General Comments: 1) The 3 min videos are pretty pictures saying too little too fast, may be good for baby-sitting. 2) There are no clickable links in the table of contents or in the contents listed on the first page of each chapter. This means the student can't quickly review or check on a particular topic without going to the GO TO dropdown box to get there. This system wastes too much of a reader’s time to reach desired content. 3) The Digital Library at the top of each page has some famous pictures, well shown, but no artist’s name. 4) The Search box on the upper right searches for individual words, not phrases you type in. It doesn’t even allow computer use of quote marks to define search terms. 5) The bold and highlighted words aren’t clickable, for more information. 6) The text lists too many events without names of people and uses supplemental pictures to bring in names of important historical figures. The teacher is then left to “teach the picture”. 6th graders need to read more for themselves. If they can’t read at 6th grade level, they should not have been promoted to 6th grade. 7) The Reference Handbook and Index are a joke, again with no clickable links. There are pages R1 to R98 followed by many pages of index. With nothing clickable the reader has to go to the picture of the binoculars in the upper right of each page, click there, enter a page like "r10", search, then read many page numbers that may include "r10" or at least some page near it like "r5", click there to reach the page. 8) The little speaker icons allow for students to listen to a voice read certain paragraphs or words. It is meaningless to read occasional paragraphs aloud. If the text is for illiterates, read it all. If not, read nothing. 9) Sometimes directions on a page tell student to go to the Digital Skills Library. There is no way to access such a library unless the page happens to include a small digital skills icon at the top. 10) The Glossary is in the Reference Handbook starting on page R 60. There is no way to enter a word to look up. If you’re looking for “primogeniture” you have to go page-by-page from the “a’s” to the “p’s” to find it. 11) You can download maps only from the online Atlas on the first page of each unit. This means if you’re on the twentieth page of a unit looking at a map of India you can’t download it without going back to page one. 12) Text is too small. If you click to enlarge it, only the interior expands instead of the entire frame. Then you have to use the scroll bars at bottom and side to read. Very awkward. Often you can’t even see the map as you read map items the text is describing. 13) Southwest Asia topic needs updating from 2010 to now, to include jihadist expansion as Arab Springs turned to Arab Winter. 14) research links are very hard to find. Many of the text pages have no clickable link to get there even when they tell you to go there. 15) When you do find, it is often out of date without the latest research findings. It includes too may National Geographic, US government, PBS and CNN sites that do not present conservative viewpoints. Furthermore, all these resources give you only a proprietary National Geographic page, not a regular web page to search for other references and alternate viewpoints. 16) When this book is presenting indisputable historical events, it is factual and clear to sixth graders. When it presents issues dear to the heart of progressives and the National Geographic (e.g. environmentalism, wealth discrepancies), it is biased by omission of alternative views or research. An example is in Chap 13, Unit 1.3. Forest Holocaust (an invented term) claims most of world’s natural forests have been destroyed. Omitted is that many forest scientists see little difference between natural forests and planted forests, except in unusual circumstances, and that most of the world is not losing forests because they have been planted or regenerated naturally. E- Photography was lovely 29 CONCERNS: How In2Books Works In2Books brings the Common Core Standards to life with a safe motivating online curriculum that matches students with adult eMentors. Students get authentic experience purposefully reading books with eMentors and sharing ideas about important issues via online letters. These next few entries were copied from the text (although I agreed at the beginning not to copy anything) but would not fit into the template framework. Found under: Home>Connect to NG>ePals>in2books>eMentors for Common Core Since Texas has rejected Common Core this text should not be accepted. Adult pen pals are not appropriate for eleven-twelve year olds even if approved by the teacher. In2Books is a Common Core State Standards, evidence-based eMentoring program. In2Books fosters reading, writing and critical-thinking skills across the curriculum. Our curricula have been shown to significantly improve students' literacy skills and love of learning. In2Books promotes literacy across the curriculum by matching students with adult pen pals who read the same books and correspond online about the important issues in the books. The books are carefully selected to align with literacy, social studies and science standards. This learning experience is reinforced in the classroom with the study of the applicable genre, in-depth discussion and carefully designed curricula. In2Books has been used successfully in 3rd-6th grade classrooms with basal curricula and with less-structured learning environments. Evidencebased, it supports, augments and extends almost any literacy curriculum. Through In2Books: Students select and read age-appropriate, high-quality books carefully selected by a team of children's literature experts. Students are matched with adult eMentors called pen pals who read the same books as the students. Students engage in an ongoing, dynamic online conversations about the important issues in the books. Teachers access online professional development and practical teachertested learning activities. Teachers provide genre instruction and teach reading, writing and thinking skills appropriate to the genre. The yearlong In2Books curricula are called the Informed Reader Series and include: Realistic Fiction, Social Science, Biography, Folktales, and Science. Home>Connect to NG>ePals>in2books>eMentors for Common Core Adult pen pals would not be advisable for sixth graders. Common Core has been rejected by Texas. Concerns: Because Texas Legislature has rejected Common Core, I don’t believe this text should be used by Texas students. The idea of adult pen pals for all the students would pose an insurmountable problem. There are advertisements throughout the text distracting the students from the real purpose of learning. They should not be induced to shopping for Subaru, Ford, National Geographic magazines(even for kids), Apple products, Zulily, Cobblestone magazines, Facebook, Twitter, BASF just to name a few. The National Geographic videos are too coarse for adults, much less 6th graders, dealing with drugs, drug busts, methane, and custody issues for example. And there is an advertisement before every video. There must be a reason that the reader has to “Agree” at the beginning not to copy or reproduce any material in this text for any reason. Clicking Connect to NG>National Geographic Current Events>News opens a new window and navigates to the National Geographic website. From here, a student can navigate anywhere on the web. I would not want Texas students to be exposed to the propaganda included in this text. 30 Evaluation of Social Studies Skills and other important issues Number Questions Yes No 1. Is the appropriate vocabulary relevant to the subject matter presented to students? For example, on comparative government are terms such as monarchy, oligarchy, democracy, socialism, fascism, and communism presented? J K 2. Are the captions under pictures factual? J K E 3. Are the charts and graphs relevant to the topic being presented? J K E 4. Are the maps accurate and relevant to the topic? J K E 5. Are questions thought provoking? Is adequate and accurate material provided so that the students can formulate appropriate answers? J K E 6. Are primary and secondary sources presented for students to examine (for bias, propaganda, point of view, and frame of reference)?* J K E 7. Does the text present a lesson on how to evaluate the validity of a source based on language, corroboration with other sources, and information about the author? * j- very limited lesson K E 8. Does the textbook have a Glossary? Are key terms included and defined? J-terms are defined in the text where they appear, also in glossary, but hardly accessible K E J-Not a useful one, see comments E-Defined, but not always properly defined E 31 9. Does the textbook have accurate timelines to help the student understand chronological historical developments? J-yes, and selective enough to be meaningful to 6th Grade K E Evaluations based on template Choices Explanations 1. This text has minor changes that need to be made 2. This text has a moderate number of changes 3. This text has substantial changes that need to be made 4. This book is so flawed that it is not recommended for adoption. Yes No J K E 32