Classification of Microarray Data - Recent Statistical Approaches Geoff McLachlan and Liat Ben-Tovim Jones Department of Mathematics & Institute for Molecular Bioscience University of Queensland Tutorial for the APBC January 2005 Institute for Molecular Bioscience, University of Queensland Outline of Tutorial • Introduction to Microarray Technology • Detecting Differentially Expressed Genes in Known Classes of Tissue Samples • Cluster Analysis: Clustering Genes and Clustering Tissues • Supervised Classification of Tissue Samples • Linking Microarray Data with Survival Analysis Outline of Tutorial • Introduction to Microarray Technology • Detecting Differentially Expressed Genes in Known Classes of Tissue Samples BREAK • Cluster Analysis: Clustering Genes and Clustering Tissues • Supervised Classification of Tissue Samples • Linking Microarray Data with Survival Analysis Outline of Tutorial • Introduction to Microarray Technology • Detecting Differentially Expressed Genes in Known Classes of Tissue Samples • Cluster Analysis: Clustering Genes and Clustering Tissues • Supervised Classification of Tissue Samples • Linking Microarray Data with Survival Analysis “Large-scale gene expression studies are not a passing fashion, but are instead one aspect of new work of biological experimentation, one involving large-scale, high throughput assays.” Speed et al., 2002, Statistical Analysis of Gene Expression Microarray Data, Chapman and Hall/ CRC Growth of microarray and microarray methodology literature listed in PubMed from 1995 to 2003. The category ‘all microarray papers’ includes those found by searching PubMed for microarray* OR ‘gene expression profiling’. The category ‘statistical microarray papers’ includes those found by searching PubMed for ‘statistical method*’ OR ‘statistical techniq*’ OR ‘statistical approach*’ AND microarray* OR ‘gene expression profiling’. A microarray is a new technology which allows the measurement of the expression levels of thousands of genes simultaneously. (1) sequencing of the genome (human, mouse, and others) (2) improvement in technology to generate high-density arrays on chips (glass slides or nylon membrane). The entire genome of an organism can be probed at a single point in time. (1) mRNA Levels Indirectly Measure Gene Activity Every cell contains the same DNA. Cells differ in the DNA (gene) which is active at any one time. Genes code for proteins through the intermediary of mRNA. The activity of a gene (expression) can be determined by the presence of its complementary mRNA. Target and Probe DNA Probe DNA - known Sample (target) - unknown (2) Microarrays Indirectly Measure Levels of mRNA •mRNA is extracted from the cell •mRNA is reverse transcribed to cDNA (mRNA itself is unstable) •cDNA is labeled with fluorescent dye TARGET •The sample is hybridized to known DNA sequences on the array (tens of thousands of genes) PROBE •If present, complementary target binds to probe DNA (complementary base pairing) •Target bound to probe DNA fluoresces Spotted cDNA Microarray Compare the gene expression levels for two cell populations on a single microarray. Microarray Image Red: High expression in target labelled with cyanine 5 dye Green : High expression in target labelled with cyanine 3 dye Yellow : Similar expression in both target samples Assumptions: Gene Expression cellular mRNA levels directly reflect gene expression (1) mRNA (2) intensity of bound target is a measure of the abundance of the mRNA in the sample. Fluorescence Intensity Experimental Error Sample contamination Poor quality/insufficient mRNA Reverse transcription bias Fluorescent labeling bias Hybridization bias Cross-linking of DNA (double strands) Poor probe design (cross-hybridization) Defective chips (scratches, degradation) Background from non-specific hybridization The Microarray Technologies Spotted Microarray Affymetrix GeneChip cDNAs, clones, or short and long oligonucleotides deposited onto glass slides short oligonucleotides synthesized in situ onto glass wafers Each gene (or EST) represented by its purified PCR product Each gene represented multiply - using 16-20 (preferably non-overlapping) 25-mers. Simultaneous analysis of two samples (treated vs untreated cells) provides internal control. Each oligonucleotide has single-base mismatch partner for internal control of hybridization specifity. relative gene expressions absolute gene expressions Each with its own advantages and disadvantages Pros and Cons of the Technologies Spotted Microarray Affymetrix GeneChip Flexible and cheaper More expensive yet less flexible Allows study of genes not yet sequenced Good for whole genome expression (spotted ESTs can be used to discover analysis where genome of that organism new genes and their functions) has been sequenced Variability in spot quality from slide to slide High quality with little variability between slides Provide information only on relative gene expressions between cells or tissue samples Gives a measure of absolute expression of genes Aims of a Microarray Experiment • observe changes in a gene in response to external stimuli (cell samples exposed to hormones, drugs, toxins) • compare gene expressions between different tissue types (tumour vs normal cell samples) To gain understanding of • function of unknown genes • disease process at the molecular level Ultimately to use as tools in Clinical Medicine for diagnosis, prognosis and therapeutic management. Importance of Experimental Design • Good DNA microarray experiments should have clear objectives. • not performed as “aimless data mining in search of unanticipated patterns that will provide answers to unasked questions” (Richard Simon, BioTechniques 34:S16-S21, 2003) Replicates Technical replicates: arrays that have been hybridized to the same biological source (using the same treatment, protocols, etc.) Biological replicates: arrays that have been hybridized to different biological sources, but with the same preparation, treatments, etc. Extracting Data from the Microarray •Cleaning Image processing Filtering Missing value estimation •Normalization Remove sources of systematic variation. Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Sample 4 etc… Gene Expressions from Measured Intensities Spotted Microarray: log 2(Intensity Cy5 / Intensity Cy3) Affymetrix: (Perfect Match Intensity – Mismatch Intensity) Data Transformation log x c x 2 2 Rocke and Durbin (2001), Munson (2001), Durbin et al. (2002), and Huber et al. (2002) Representation of Data from M Microarray Experiments Sample 1 Sample 2 Expression Signature Gene 1 Gene 2 Expression Profile Gene N Sample M Assume we have extracted gene expressions values from intensities. Gene expressions can be shown as Heat Maps Microarrays present new problems for statistics because the data is very high dimensional with very little replication. Gene Expression Data represented as N x M Matrix Sample 1 Sample 2 Expression Signature Gene 1 Gene 2 Expression Profile Gene N Sample M N rows correspond to the N genes. M columns correspond to the M samples (microarray experiments). Microarray Data Notation Represent the N x M matrix A: A = (y1, ... , yM) Classifying Tissues on Gene Expressions the feature vector yj contains the expression levels on the N genes in the jth experiment (j = 1, ... , M). yj is the expression signature. AT = (y1, ... , yN) Classifying Genes on the Tissues the feature vector yj contains the expression levels on the M tissues on the jth gene (j = 1, ... , N). yj is the expression profile. In the N x M matrix A: N = No. of genes (103-104) M = No. of tissues (10-102) Classification of Tissues on Gene Expressions: Standard statistical methodology appropriate when M >> N, BUT here N >> M Classification of Genes on the Basis of the Tissues: Falls in standard framework, BUT not all the genes are independently distributed. Mehta et al (Nature Genetics, Sept. 2004): “The field of expression data analysis is particularly active with novel analysis strategies and tools being published weekly”, and the value of many of these methods is questionable. Some results produced by using these methods are so anomalous that a breed of ‘forensic’ statisticians (Ambroise and McLachlan, 2002; Baggerly et al., 2003) who doggedly detect and correct other HDB (high-dimensional biology) investigators’ prominent mistakes, has been created. Outline of Tutorial •Introduction to Microarray Technology •Detecting Differentially Expressed Genes in Known Classes of Tissue Samples •Cluster Analysis: Clustering Genes and Clustering Tissues •Supervised Classification of Tissue Samples •Linking Microarray Data with Survival Analysis Gene 1 Gene 2 . . . . Gene N Sample 2 . . . . Sample 1 Sample M Sample 2 . . . . Sample 1 Gene 1 Gene 2 . . . . Gene N Class 1 Class 2 Sample M Fold Change is the Simplest Method Calculate the log ratio between the two classes and consider all genes that differ by more than an arbitrary cutoff value to be differentially expressed. A two-fold difference is often chosen. Fold change is not a statistical test. Multiplicity Problem Perform a test for each gene to determine the statistical significance of differential expression for that gene. Problem: When many hypotheses are tested, the probability of a type I error (false positive) increases sharply with the number of hypotheses. Further complicated by gene co-regulation and subsequent correlation between the test statistics. Example: Suppose we measure the expression of 10,000 genes in a microarray experiment. If all 10,000 genes were not differentially expressed, then we would expect for: P= 0.05 for each test, 500 false positives. P= 0.05/10,000 for each test, .05 false positives. Methods for dealing with the Multiplicity Problem •The Bonferroni Method controls the family wise error rate (FWER). (FWER is the probability that at least one false positive error will be made.) - but this method is very conservative, as it tries to make it unlikely that even one false rejection is made. •The False Discovery Rate (FDR) emphasizes the proportion of false positives among the identified differentially expressed genes. Test of a Single Hypothesis The M tissue samples are classified with respect to g classes on the basis of the N gene expressions. Assume that there are ni tissue samples from each class Ci (i = 1, …, g), where M = n1 + … + ng. Take a simple case where g = 2. The aim is to detect whether some of the thousands of genes have different expression levels in class C1 than in class C2. Test of a Single Hypothesis (cont.) For gene j, let Hj denote the null hypothesis of no association between its expression level and membership of the class, where (j = 1, …, N). Hj = 0 Hj = 1 Null hypothesis for the jth gene holds. Null hypothesis for the jth gene does not hold. Retain Null Hj = 0 Hj = 1 Reject Null type I error type II error Two-Sample t-Statistic Student’s t-statistic: Tj y1 j y 2 j 2 1j s n1 s 2 2j n2 Two-Sample t-Statistic Pooled form of the Student’s t-statistic, assumed common variance in the two classes: Tj y1 j y 2 j sj 1 n1 1 n2 Two-Sample t-Statistic Modified t-statistic of Tusher et al. (2001): Tj y1 j y 2 j sj 1 n1 1 n2 a0 Multiple Hypothesis Testing Consider measures of error for multiple hypotheses. Focus on the rate of false positives with respect to the number of rejected hypotheses, Nr. Possible Outcomes for N Hypothesis Tests Accept Null Reject Null Total Null True N00 N01 N0 Non-True N10 N11 N1 Total N - Nr Nr N Possible Outcomes for N Hypothesis Tests Accept Null Reject Null Total Null True N00 N01 N0 Non-True N10 N11 N1 Total N - Nr Nr N FWER is the probability of getting one or more false positives out of all the hypotheses tested: FWER pr{N 01 1} Bonferroni method for controlling the FWER Consider N hypothesis tests: H0j versus H1j, j = 1, … , N and let P1, … , PN denote the N P-values for these tests. The Bonferroni Method: Given P-values P1, … , PN reject null hypothesis H0j if Pj < a / N . False Discovery Rate (FDR) # (false positives) FDR # (rejected hypotheses ) The FDR is essentially the expectation of the proportion of false positives among the identified differentially expressed genes. Possible Outcomes for N Hypothesis Tests Accept Null Reject Null Total Null True N00 N01 N0 Non-True N10 N11 N1 Total N - Nr Nr N N 01 FDR Nr Controlling FDR Benjamini and Hochberg (1995) Key papers on controlling the FDR • Genovese and Wasserman (2002) • Storey (2002, 2003) • Storey and Tibshirani (2003a, 2003b) • Storey, Taylor and Siegmund (2004) • Black (2004) • Cox and Wong (2004) Benjamini-Hochberg (BH) Procedure Controls the FDR at level a when the P-values following the null distribution are independent and uniformly distributed. (1) Let p(1) p( N ) (2) Calculate be the observed P-values. kˆ arg max k : p(k ) ak / N . 1 k N (3) If k̂ exists then reject null hypotheses corresponding to p(1) p( k ) . Otherwise, reject nothing. Example: Bonferroni and BH Tests Suppose that 10 independent hypothesis tests are carried out leading to the following ordered P-values: 0.00017 0.00448 0.00671 0.00907 0.01220 0.33626 0.39341 0.53882 0.58125 0.98617 (a) With a = 0.05, the Bonferroni test rejects any hypothesis whose P-value is less than a / 10 = 0.005. Thus only the first two hypotheses are rejected. (b) For the BH test, we find the largest k such that P(k) < ka / m. Here k = 5, thus we reject the first five hypotheses. SHORT BREAK Null Distribution of the Test Statistic Permutation Method The null distribution has a resolution on the order of the number of permutations. If we perform B permutations, then the P-value will be estimated with a resolution of 1/B. If we assume that each gene has the same null distribution and combine the permutations, then the resolution will be 1/(NB) for the pooled null distribution. Using just the B permutations of the class labels for the gene-specific statistic Tj , the P-value for Tj = tj is assessed as: where t(b)0j is the null version of tj after the bth permutation of the class labels. If we pool over all N genes, then: Null Distribution of the Test Statistic: Example Class 1 Gene 1 Gene 2 A1(1) A2(1) A3(1) A1(2) A2(2) A3(2) Class 2 B4(1) B5(1) B6(1) B4(2) B5(2) B6(2) Suppose we have two classes of tissue samples, with three samples from each class. Consider the expressions of two genes, Gene 1 and Gene 2. Class 1 Gene 1 Gene 2 A1(1) A2(1) A3(1) A1(2) A2(2) A3(2) Class 2 B4(1) B5(1) B6(1) B4(2) B5(2) B6(2) To find the null distribution of the test statistic for Gene 1, we proceed under the assumption that there is no difference between the classes (for Gene 1) so that: Gene 1 A1(1) A2(1) A3(1) A4(1) A5(1) A6(1) And permute the class labels: Perm. 1 A1(1) A2(1) A4(1) ... There are 10 distinct permutations. A3(1) A5(1) A6(1) Ten Permutations of Gene 1 A1(1) A2(1) A3(1) A4(1) A5(1) A6(1) A1(1) A2(1) A4(1) A3(1) A5(1) A6(1) A1(1) A2(1) A5(1) A3(1) A4(1) A6(1) A1(1) A2(1) A6(1) A3(1) A4(1) A5(1) A1(1) A3(1) A4(1) A2(1) A5(1) A6(1) A1(1) A3(1) A5(1) A2(1) A4(1) A6(1) A1(1) A3(1) A6(1) A2(1) A4(1) A5(1) A1(1) A4(1) A5(1) A2(1) A3(1) A6(1) A1(1) A4(1) A6(1) A2(1) A3(1) A5(1) A1(1) A5(1) A6(1) A2(1) A3(1) A4(1) As there are only 10 distinct permutations here, the null distribution based on these permutations is too granular. Hence consideration is given to permuting the labels of each of the other genes and estimating the null distribution of a gene based on the pooled permutations so obtained. But there is a problem with this method in that the null values of the test statistic for each gene does not necessarily have the theoretical null distribution that we are trying to estimate. Suppose we were to use Gene 2 also to estimate the null distribution of Gene 1. Suppose that Gene 2 is differentially expressed, then the null values of the test statistic for Gene 2 will have a mixed distribution. Class 1 Class 2 Gene 1 Gene 2 A1(1) A2(1) A3(1) A1(2) A2(2) A3(2) B4(1) B5(1) B6(1) B4(2) B5(2) B6(2) Gene 2 A1(2) A2(2) A3(2) B4(2) B5(2) B6(2) Permute the class labels: Perm. 1 A1(2) A2(2) B4(2) ... A3(2) B5(2) B6(2) Example of a null case: with 7 N(0,1) points and 8 N(0,1) points; histogram of the pooled two-sample t-statistic under 1000 permutations of the class labels with t13 density superimposed. ty Example of a null case: with 7 N(0,1) points and 8 N(10,9) points; histogram of the pooled two-sample t-statistic under 1000 permutations of the class labels with t13 density superimposed. ty The SAM Method Use the permutation method to calculate the null distribution of the modified t-statistic (Tusher et al., 2001). The order statistics t(1), ... , t(N) are plotted against their null expectations above. A good test in situations where there are more genes being over-expressed than under-expressed, or vice-versa. Two-component Mixture Model Framework Two-component model f (t j ) 0 f 0 (t j ) 1 f1 (t j ) 0 is the proportion of genes that are not differentially expressed, and 1 1 0 is the proportion that are. Two-component model f (t j ) 0 f 0 (t j ) 1 f1 (t j ) 0 is the proportion of genes that are not differentially expressed, and 1 1 0 is the proportion that are. Then 0 f 0 (t j ) 0 (t j ) f (t j ) is the posterior probability that gene j is not differentially expressed. 1) Form a statistic tj for each gene, where a large positive value of tj corresponds to a gene that is differentially expressed across the tissues. 2) Compute the Pj-values according to the tj and fit a mixture of beta distributions (including a uniform component) to them where the latter corresponds to the class of genes that are not differentially expressed. or 3) Fit to t1,...,tp a mixture of two normal densities with a common variance, where the first component has the smaller mean (it corresponds to the class of genes that are not differentially expressed). It is assumed that the tj have been transformed so that they are normally distributed (approximately). tj 4) Let ˆ0(tj) denote the (estimated) posterior probability that gene j belongs to the first component of the mixture. If we conclude that gene j is differentially expressed if: ˆ0(tj) c0, then this decision minimizes the (estimated) Bayes risk where Estimated FDR where Suppose 0(t) is monotonic decreasing in t. Then ˆ0(tj ) c0 for tj t 0. 1 F 0(t 0) ˆ FDR ˆ 0 1 Fˆ (t 0) E 0(t ) | t t 0 Suppose 0(t) is monotonic decreasing in t. Then ˆ0(tj ) c0 for tj t 0. 1 F 0(t 0) ˆ FDR ˆ 0 1 Fˆ (t 0) Suppose 0(t) is monotonic decreasing in t. Then ˆ0(tj ) c0 for tj t 0. 1 F 0(t 0) ˆ FDR ˆ 0 1 Fˆ (t 0) where F 0(t 0) (t 0) ˆ t 0 i ˆ F (t 0) ˆ 0(t 0) ˆi ˆi i 1 g For a desired control level a, say a = 0.05, define t 0 arg min FDˆ R(t ) a t If 1 F 0(t ) 0 1 F (t ) (1) is monotonic in t, then using (1) to control the FDR [with ˆ 0 1 and Fˆ (t 0) taken to be the empirical distribution function] is equivalent to using the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure based on the P-values corresponding to the statistic tj. Example The study of Hedenfalk et al. (2001), used cDNA arrays to measure the gene expressions in breast tumour tissues taken from patients with mutations in either the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes. We consider their data set of M = 15 patients, comprising two patient groups: BRCA1 (7) versus BRCA2-mutation positive (8), with N = 3,226 genes. The problem is to find genes which are differentially expressed between the BRCA1 and BRCA2 patients. Example of a null case: with 7 N(0,1) points and 8 N(0,1) points; histogram of the pooled two-sample t-statistic under 1000 permutations of the class labels with t13 density superimposed. ty Example of a null case: with 7 N(0,1) points and 8 N(10,9) points; histogram of the pooled two-sample t-statistic under 1000 permutations of the class labels with t13 density superimposed. ty Fit 0 N (0,1) 1 N ( 1 , ) 2 1 to the N values of tj (pooled two-sample t-statistic) jth gene is taken to be differentially expressed if ˆ0 (t j ) c0 Estimated FDR for various levels of c0 c0 Nr FDˆ R 0.5 1702 0.29 0.4 1235 0.23 0.3 850 0.18 0.2 483 0.12 0.1 175 0.06 Use of the P-Value as a Summary Statistic (Allison et al., 2002) Instead of using the pooled form of the t-statistic, we can work with the value pj, which is the P-value associated with tj in the test of the null hypothesis of no difference in expression between the two classes. The distribution of the P-value is modelled by the h-component mixture model h f ( pj ) if ( pj;ai1, ai 2) , i 1 where a11 = a12 = 1. Use of the P-Value as a Summary Statistic Under the null hypothesis of no difference in expression for the jth gene, pj will have a uniform distribution on the unit interval; ie the b1,1 distribution. The ba1,a2 density is given by where Outline of Tutorial •Introduction to microarray technology •Detecting Differentially Expressed Genes in Known Classes of Tissue Samples •Cluster Analysis: Clustering Genes and Clustering Tissues •Supervised Classification of Tissue Samples •Linking Microarray Data with Survival Analysis Gene Expression Data represented as N x M Matrix Sample 1 Sample 2 Expression Signature Gene 1 Gene 2 Expression Profile Gene N Sample M N rows correspond to the N genes. M columns correspond to the M samples (microarray experiments). Two Clustering Problems: Clustering of genes on basis of tissues – genes not independent (n = N, p = M) •Clustering of tissues on basis of genes latter is a nonstandard problem in cluster analysis (n = M, p = N, so n << p) 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 CLUSTERING OF GENES WITH REPEATED MEASUREMENTS: Medvedovic and Sivaganesan (2002) Celeux, Martin, and Lavergne (2004) Chapter 5 of McLachlan et al. (2004) UNSUPERVISED CLASSIFICATION (CLUSTER ANALYSIS) INFER CLASS LABELS z1, …, zn of y1, …, yn Initially, hierarchical distance-based methods of cluster analysis were used to cluster the tissues and the genes Eisen, Spellman, Brown, & Botstein (1998, PNAS) Hierarchical (agglomerative) clustering algorithms are largely heuristically motivated and there exist a number of unresolved issues associated with their use, including how to determine the number of clusters. “in the absence of a well-grounded statistical model, it seems difficult to define what is meant by a ‘good’ clustering algorithm or the ‘right’ number of clusters.” (Yeung et al., 2001, Model-Based Clustering and Data Transformations for Gene Expression Data, Bioinformatics 17) McLachlan and Khan (2004). On a resampling approach for tests on the number of clusters with mixture modelbased clustering of the tissue samples. Special issue of the Journal of Multivariate Analysis 90 (2004) edited by Mark van der Laan and Sandrine Dudoit (UC Berkeley). Attention is now turning towards a model-based approach to the analysis of microarray data For example: • Broet, Richarson, and Radvanyi (2002). Bayesian hierarchical model for identifying changes in gene expression from microarray experiments. Journal of Computational Biology 9 •Ghosh and Chinnaiyan (2002). Mixture modelling of gene expression data from microarray experiments. Bioinformatics 18 •Liu, Zhang, Palumbo, and Lawrence (2003). Bayesian clustering with variable and transformation selection. In Bayesian Statistics 7 • Pan, Lin, and Le, 2002, Model-based cluster analysis of microarray gene expression data. Genome Biology 3 • Yeung et al., 2001, Model based clustering and data transformations for gene expression data, Bioinformatics 17 The notion of a cluster is not easy to define. There is a very large literature devoted to clustering when there is a metric known in advance; e.g. k-means. Usually, there is no a priori metric (or equivalently a user-defined distance matrix) for a cluster analysis. That is, the difficulty is that the shape of the clusters is not known until the clusters have been identified, and the clusters cannot be effectively identified unless the shapes are known. In this case, one attractive feature of adopting mixture models with elliptically symmetric components such as the normal or t densities, is that the implied clustering is invariant under affine transformations of the data (that is, under operations relating to changes in location, scale, and rotation of the data). Thus the clustering process does not depend on irrelevant factors such as the units of measurement or the orientation of the clusters in space. Height y Weight BP H W H-W BP MIXTURE OF g NORMAL COMPONENTS f ( x ) 1 ( x; μ1 , Σ1 ) g ( x; μg , Σ g ) where 2 log ( x; μ, Σ ) ( x μ) Σ ( x μ) constant TT 11 MAHALANOBIS DISTANCE ( x μ )T ( x μ ) EUCLIDEAN DISTANCE MIXTURE OF g NORMAL COMPONENTS f ( x ) 1 ( x; μ1 , Σ1 ) g ( x; μg , Σ g ) k-means σ II Σ1 Σ gg σ 22 SPHERICAL CLUSTERS Equal spherical covariance matrices With a mixture model-based approach to clustering, an observation is assigned outright to the ith cluster if its density in the ith component of the mixture distribution (weighted by the prior probability of that component) is greater than in the other (g-1) components. f ( x ) 1 ( x; μ1 , Σ1 ) i ( x; μi , Σi ) g ( x; μg , Σ g ) Figure 7: Contours of the fitted component densities on the 2nd & 3rd variates for the blue crab data set. Estimation of Mixture Distributions It was the publication of the seminal paper of Dempster, Laird, and Rubin (1977) on the EM algorithm that greatly stimulated interest in the use of finite mixture distributions to model heterogeneous data. McLachlan and Krishnan (1997, Wiley) • If need be, the normal mixture model can be made less sensitive to outlying observations by using t component densities. • With this t mixture model-based approach, the normal distribution for each component in the mixture is embedded in a wider class of elliptically symmetric distributions with an additional parameter called the degrees of freedom. The advantage of the t mixture model is that, although the number of outliers needed for breakdown is almost the same as with the normal mixture model, the outliers have to be much larger. Mixtures of Factor Analyzers A normal mixture model without restrictions on the component-covariance matrices may be viewed as too general for many situations in practice, in particular, with high dimensional data. One approach for reducing the number of parameters is to work in a lower dimensional space by using principal components; another is to use mixtures of factor analyzers (Ghahramani & Hinton, 1997). Two Groups in Two Dimensions. All cluster information would be lost by collapsing to the first principal component. The principal ellipses of the two groups are shown as solid curves. Mixtures of Factor Analyzers Principal components or a single-factor analysis model provides only a global linear model. A global nonlinear approach by postulating a mixture of linear submodels g f ( x j ) i ( x j ; i , i ), i 1 where i Bi B Di (i 1,..., g ), T i Bi is a p x q matrix and Di is a diagonal matrix. Single-Factor Analysis Model Yj B U j e j ( j 1,..., n) , where U j is a q - dimensiona l (q p ) vector of latent or unobservab le variables called factors and Bi is a p x p matrix of factor loadings. The Uj are iid N(O, Iq) independently of the errors ej, which are iid as N(O, D), where D is a diagonal matrix D diag ( ,..., ) 2 1 2 p Conditional on ith component membership of the mixture, Y j i BiU ij eij (i 1,..., g ). where Ui1, ..., Uin are independent, identically distibuted (iid) N(O, Iq), independently of the eij, which are iid N(O, Di), where Di is a diagonal matrix (i = 1, ..., g). An infinity of choices for Bi for model still holds if Bi is replaced by BiCi where Ci is an orthogonal matrix. Choose Ci so that 1 i T i B D B i is diagonal Number of free parameters is then pq p q(q 1). 1 2 Reduction in the number of parameters is then 1 2 { ( p q ) 2 (p q)} We can fit the mixture of factor analyzers model using an alternating ECM algorithm. 1st cycle: declare the missing data to be the component-indicator vectors. Update the estimates of i and i 2nd cycle: declare the missing data to be also the factors. Update the estimates of Bi and Di M-step on 1st cycle: ( k 1) i ( k 1) i n j 1 (k ) ij n j 1 for i = 1, ... , g . /n n (k ) ij y j / j 1 (k ) ij M step on 2nd cycle: ( k 1) i Β ( k 1) i D where Vi ( k 1/ 2 ) diag {Vi (k ) i ( ( k )T i ( k 1/ 2 ) (B B (k ) i Iq (k ) i ( k )T i V Vi ( k )T i (k ) i ( k 1 / 2 ) ( k ) i i ( k 1/ 2 ) ( k ) 1 i D Bi (k ) i ( k 1/ 2 ) 1 i (k1)T i B (k ) i ) B , ) } j 1 n j 1 n i ( y j ; Vi ( k 1/ 2 ) i ( y j ; ) ( k 1 / 2 ) j i j i )( y )( y ) ( k 1 / 2 ) ( k 1) ( k 1) T is given by Work in q-dim space: (BiBiT + Di ) -1= Di –1 - Di -1Bi (Iq + BiTDi -1Bi) -1BiTDi -1, |BiBiT+D i| = | Di | / |Iq -BiT(BiBiT+Di) -1Bi| . PROVIDES A MODEL-BASED APPROACH TO CLUSTERING McLachlan, Bean, and Peel, 2002, A Mixture ModelBased Approach to the Clustering of Microarray Expression Data, Bioinformatics 18, 413-422 Example: Microarray Data Colon Data of Alon et al. (1999) M = 62 (40 tumours; 22 normals) tissue samples of N = 2,000 genes in a 2,000 62 matrix. Mixture of 2 normal components Mixture of 2 t components Clustering of COLON Data Genes using EMMIX-GENE Grouping for Colon Data 1 6 2 7 11 16 3 8 12 17 4 9 13 18 5 10 14 19 15 20 Clustering of COLON Data Tissues using EMMIX-GENE Grouping for Colon Data 1 6 2 7 11 16 3 8 12 17 4 9 13 18 5 10 14 19 15 20 Heat Map Displaying the Reduced Set of 4,869 Genes on the 98 Breast Cancer Tumours Insert heat map of 1867 genes Heat Map of Top 1867 Genes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 16 12 17 13 18 14 19 15 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 36 32 37 33 38 34 39 35 40 i 1 mi Ui 146 112.98 i 11 mi 66 Ui 25.72 i mi 21 44 Ui 13.77 i mi 31 53 Ui 9.84 2 93 74.95 12 38 25.45 22 30 13.28 32 36 8.95 3 61 46.08 13 28 25.00 23 25 13.10 33 36 8.89 4 55 35.20 14 53 21.33 24 67 13.01 34 38 8.86 5 43 30.40 15 47 18.14 25 12 12.04 35 44 8.02 6 92 29.29 16 23 18.00 26 58 12.03 36 56 7.43 7 71 28.77 17 27 17.62 27 27 11.74 37 46 7.21 8 20 28.76 18 45 17.51 28 64 11.61 38 19 6.14 9 23 28.44 19 80 17.28 29 38 11.38 39 29 4.64 10 23 27.73 20 55 13.79 30 21 10.72 40 35 2.44 where i = group number mi = number in group i Ui = -2 log λi Heat Map of Genes in Group G1 Heat Map of Genes in Group G2 Heat Map of Genes in Group G3 Number of Components in a Mixture Model Testing for the number of components, g, in a mixture is an important but very difficult problem which has not been completely resolved. Order of a Mixture Model A mixture density with g components might be empirically indistinguishable from one with either fewer than g components or more than g components. It is therefore sensible in practice to approach the question of the number of components in a mixture model in terms of an assessment of the smallest number of components in the mixture compatible with the data. Likelihood Ratio Test Statistic An obvious way of approaching the problem of testing for the smallest value of the number of components in a mixture model is to use the LRTS, -2logl. Suppose we wish to test the null hypothesis, H 0 : g g 0 versus H1 : g g1 for some g1>g0. We let Ψ̂ i denote the MLE of Ψ calculated under Hi , (i=0,1). Then the evidence against H0 will be strong if l is sufficiently small, or equivalently, if -2logl is sufficiently large, where 2 log l 2{log L(Ψˆ 1 ) log L(Ψˆ 0 )} Bootstrapping the LRTS McLachlan (1987) proposed a resampling approach to the assessment of the P-value of the LRTS in testing H 0 : g g0 v H1 : g g1 for a specified value of g0. Bayesian Information Criterion The Bayesian information criterion (BIC) of Schwarz (1978) is given by ˆ ) d log n 2 log L( as the penalized log likelihood to be maximized in model selection, including the present situation for the number of components g in a mixture model. Gap statistic (Tibshirani et al., 2001) Clest (Dudoit and Fridlyand, 2002) Outline of Tutorial •Introduction to Microarray Technology •Detecting Differentially Expressed Genes in Known Classes of Tissue Samples •Cluster Analysis: Clustering Genes and Clustering Tissues •Supervised Classification of Tissue Samples •Linking Microarray Data with Survival Analysis Supervised Classification (Two Classes) Sample 1 ....... Sample n ....... Gene 1 Gene p Class 1 (good prognosis) Class 2 (poor prognosis) Microarray to be used as routine clinical screen by C. M. Schubert Nature Medicine 9, 9, 2003. The Netherlands Cancer Institute in Amsterdam is to become the first institution in the world to use microarray techniques for the routine prognostic screening of cancer patients. Aiming for a June 2003 start date, the center will use a panoply of 70 genes to assess the tumor profile of breast cancer patients and to determine which women will receive adjuvant treatment after surgery. Selection bias in gene extraction on the basis of microarray gene-expression data Ambroise and McLachlan Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Vol. 99, Issue 10, 6562-6566, May 14, 2002 Supervised Classification of Tissue Samples We OBSERVE the CLASS LABELS z1, …, zn where zj = i if jth tissue sample comes from the ith class (i=1,…,g). AIM: TO CONSTRUCT A CLASSIFIER c(y) FOR PREDICTING THE UNKNOWN CLASS LABEL z OF A TISSUE SAMPLE y. e.g. g = 2 classes C1 - DISEASE-FREE C2 - METASTASES Sample 1 Sample 2 Expression Signature Gene 1 Gene 2 Expression Profile Gene N Sample M LINEAR CLASSIFIER FORM c( y ) b 0 β y β0 β1 y1 β p y p T for the production of the group label z of a future entity with feature vector y. FISHER’S LINEAR DISCRIMINANT FUNCTION z sign c( y ) where 1 β S ( y1 y2 ) 1 T 1 b 0 ( y1 y2 ) S ( y1 y2 ) 2 and y1 , y2 , and S are the sample means and pooled sample covariance matrix found from the training data SUPPORT VECTOR CLASSIFIER Vapnik (1995) c( y ) β0 β1 y1 β p y p where β0 and β are obtained as follows: min β , b0 subject to j 0, 1 2 n β j 2 z j c(y j ) 1 j j 1 ( j 1,, n) 1 ,, n relate to the slack variables separable case n βˆ aˆ j z j y j j 1 with non-zero â j only for those observations j for which the constraints are exactly met (the support vectors). n c( y ) aˆ j z j y Tj y bˆ0 j 1 n aˆ j z j y j , y bˆ0 j 1 Support Vector Machine (SVM) REPLACE y by h( y ) n c( y ) aˆ j h( y j ), h( y ) bˆ0 j 1 n aˆ j K ( y j , y ) bˆ0 j 1 where the kernel function K ( y j , y ) h( y j ), h( y ) is the inner product in the transformed feature space. HASTIE et al. (2001, Chapter 12) The Lagrange (primal function) is LP 1 2 n n n β j a j z j C ( y j ) (1 j ) l j j 2 j 1 j 1 j 1 which we maximize w.r.t. β, β0, and ξj. Setting the respective derivatives to zero, we get n β a j z j y j (2) j 1 n a j z j (3) j 1 a j lj ( j 1, , n). (4) with a j 0, l j 0, and j 0 ( j 1, , n). (1) By substituting (2) to (4) into (1), we obtain the Lagrangian dual function n LD a j j 1 n n aa 2 1 j 1 k 1 We maximize (5) subject to 0 a j j k T j z j z k y yk n and a j 1 j (5) z j 0. In addition to (2) to (4), the constraints include a j z j c( y j ) (1 j ) 0 l j j 0 z j c( y j ) (1 j ) 0 (6) (7) (8) for j 1, , n. Together these equations (2) to (8) uniquely characterize the solution to the primal and dual problem. Leo Breiman (2001) Statistical modeling: the two cultures (with discussion). Statistical Science 16, 199-231. Discussants include Brad Efron and David Cox GUYON, WESTON, BARNHILL & VAPNIK (2002, Machine Learning) LEUKAEMIA DATA: Only 2 genes are needed to obtain a zero CVE (cross-validated error rate) COLON DATA: Using only 4 genes, CVE is 2% Since p>>n, consideration given to selection of suitable genes SVM: FORWARD or BACKWARD (in terms of magnitude of weight βi) RECURSIVE FEATURE ELIMINATION (RFE) FISHER: FORWARD ONLY (in terms of CVE) GUYON et al. (2002) LEUKAEMIA DATA: Only 2 genes are needed to obtain a zero CVE (cross-validated error rate) COLON DATA: Using only 4 genes, CVE is 2% GUYON et al. (2002) “The success of the RFE indicates that RFE has a built in regularization mechanism that we do not understand yet that prevents overfitting the training data in its selection of gene subsets.” Error Rate Estimation Suppose there are two groups G1 and G2 c(y) is a classifier formed from the data set (y1, y2, y3,……………, yn) The apparent error is the proportion of the data set misallocated by c(y). Cross-Validation From the original data set, remove y1 to give the reduced set (y2, y3,……………, yn) Then form the classifier c(1)(y ) from this reduced set. Use c(1)(y1) to allocate y1 to either G1 or G2. Repeat this process for the second data point, y2. So that this point is assigned to either G1 or G2 on the basis of the classifier c(2)(y2). And so on up to yn. Ten-Fold Cross Validation 1 Test 2 3 4 5 6 7 Training 8 9 10 Figure 1: Error rates of the SVM rule with RFE procedure averaged over 50 random splits of colon tissue samples Figure 3: Error rates of Fisher’s rule with stepwise forward selection procedure using all the colon data Figure 5: Error rates of the SVM rule averaged over 20 noninformative samples generated by random permutations of the class labels of the colon tumor tissues ADDITIONAL REFERENCES Selection bias ignored: XIONG et al. (2001, Molecular Genetics and Metabolism) XIONG et al. (2001, Genome Research) ZHANG et al. (2001, PNAS) Aware of selection bias: SPANG et al. (2001, Silico Biology) WEST et al. (2001, PNAS) NGUYEN and ROCKE (2002) BOOTSTRAP APPROACH Efron’s (1983, JASA) .632 estimator B.632 .368 AE .632 B1 where B1 is the bootstrap when rule the training sample. * is applied to a point not in Rk A Monte Carlo estimate of B1 is n B1 Ej n j 1 K where Ej IjkQjk k 1 K I jk k 1 with Ijk 1 if xj kth bootstrap sample 0 otherwise and Qjk * 1 if R k misallocates xj 0 otherwise Toussaint & Sharpe (1975) proposed the ERROR RATE ESTIMATOR A(w) (1 - w)AE wCV2E where w 0.5 McLachlan (1977) proposed w=wo where wo is chosen to minimize asymptotic bias of A(w) in the case of two homoscedastic normal groups. Value of w0 was found to range between 0.6 and 0.7, depending on the values of p, , and n1 . n2 .632+ estimate of Efron & Tibshirani (1997, JASA) B.632 (1 - w)AE wB1 where .632 w 1 .368r B1 AE r AE (relative overfitting rate) g pi (1 qi ) (estimate of no information error rate) i 1 If r = 0, w = .632, and so B.632+ = B.632 r = 1, w = 1, and so B.632+ = B1 MARKER GENES FOR HARVARD DATA For a SVM based on 64 genes, and using 10-fold CV, we noted the number of times a gene was selected. No. of genes 55 18 11 7 8 6 10 8 12 17 Times selected 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 MARKER GENES FOR HARVARD DATA No. of Times genes selected 55 1 18 2 11 3 7 4 8 5 6 6 10 7 8 8 12 9 17 10 tubulin, alpha, ubiquitous Cluster Incl N90862 cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2C (p18, inhibits CDK4) DEK oncogene (DNA binding) Cluster Incl AF035316 transducin-like enhancer of split 2, homolog of Drosophila E(sp1) ADP-ribosyltransferase (NAD+; poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase) benzodiazapine receptor (peripheral) Cluster Incl D21063 galactosidase, beta 1 high-mobility group (nonhistone chromosomal) protein 2 cold inducible RNA-binding protein Cluster Incl U79287 BAF53 tubulin, beta polypeptide thromboxane A2 receptor H1 histone family, member X Fc fragment of IgG, receptor, transporter, alpha sine oculis homeobox (Drosophila) homolog 3 transcriptional intermediary factor 1 gamma transcription elongation factor A (SII)-like 1 like mouse brain protein E46 minichromosome maintenance deficient (mis5, S. pombe) 6 transcription factor 12 (HTF4, helix-loop-helix transcription factors 4) guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), gamma 3, linked dihydropyrimidinase-like 2 Cluster Incl AI951946 transforming growth factor, beta receptor II (70-80kD) protein kinase C-like 1 Breast cancer data set in van’t Veer et al. (van’t Veer et al., 2002, Gene Expression Profiling Predicts Clinical Outcome Of Breast Cancer, Nature 415) These data were the result of microarray experiments on three patient groups with different classes of breast cancer tumours. The overall goal was to identify a set of genes that could distinguish between the different tumour groups based upon the gene expression information for these groups. van de Vijver et al. (2002) considered a further 234 breast cancer tumours but have only made available the data for the top 70 genes based on the previous study of van ‘t Veer et al. (2002) Number of Genes Error Rate for Top 70 Genes (without correction for Selection Bias as Top 70) Error Rate for Top 70 Genes (with correction for Selection Bias as Top 70) Error Rate for 5422 Genes (with correction for Selection Bias) 1 0.50 0.53 0.56 2 0.32 0.41 0.44 4 0.26 0.40 0.41 8 0.27 0.32 0.43 16 0.28 0.31 0.35 32 0.22 0.35 0.34 64 0.20 0.34 0.35 70 0.19 0.33 - 128 - - 0.39 256 - - 0.33 512 - - 0.34 1024 - - 0.33 2048 - - 0.37 4096 - - 0.40 5422 - - 0.44 Nearest-Shrunken Centroids (Tibshirani et al., 2002) The usual estimates of the class means overall mean y of the data, where n yi zijyj / ni j 1 and n y yj / n. j 1 yi are shrunk toward the The nearest-centroid rule is given by where yv is the vth element of the feature vector y and yiv ( y )v . In the previous definition, we replace the sample mean yiv of the vth gene by its shrunken estimate v where 1 1 1 2 mi (ni n ) Comparison of Nearest-Shrunken Centroids with SVM Apply (i) nearest-shrunken centroids and (ii) the SVM with RFE to colon data set of Alon et al. (1999), with N = 2000 genes and M = 62 tissues (40 tumours, 22 normals) Nearest-Shrunken Centroids applied to Alon data (a) Overall Error Rates (b) Class-specific Error Rates SVM with RFE applied to Alon data (a) Overall Error Rates (b) Class-specific Error Rates Outline of Tutorial •Introduction to Microarray Technology •Detecting Differentially Expressed Genes in Known Classes of Tissue Samples •Cluster Analysis: Clustering Genes and Clustering Tissues •Supervised Classification of Tissue Samples •Linking Microarray Data with Survival Analysis Breast tumours have a genetic signature. The expression pattern of a set of 70 genes can predict whether a tumour is going to prove lethal, despite treatment, or not. “This gene expression profile will outperform all currently used clinical parameters in predicting disease outcome.” van ’t Veer et al. (2002), van de Vijver et al. (2002) Problems •Censored Observations – the time of occurrence of the event (death) has not yet been observed. •Small Sample Sizes – study limited by patient numbers •Specific Patient Group – is the study applicable to other populations? •Difficulty in integrating different studies (different microarray platforms) A Case Study: The Lung Cancer data sets from CAMDA’03 Four independently acquired lung cancer data sets (Harvard, Michigan, Stanford and Ontario). The challenge: To integrate information from different data sets (2 Affy chips of different versions, 2 cDNA arrays). The final goal: To make an impact on cancer biology and eventually patient care. “Especially, we welcome the methodology of survival analysis using microarrays for cancer prognosis (Park et al. Bioinformatics: S120, 2002).” Methodology of Survival Analysis using Microarrays Cluster the tissue samples (eg using hierarchical clustering), then compare the survival curves for each cluster using a non-parametric Kaplan-Meier analysis (Alizadeh et al. 2000). Park et al. (2002), Nguyen and Rocke (2002) used partial least squares with the proportional hazards model of Cox. Unsupervised vs. Supervised Methods Semi-supervised approach of Bair and Tibshirani (2004), to combine gene expression data with the clinical data. AIM: To link gene-expression data with survival from lung cancer in the CAMDA’03 challenge A CLUSTER ANALYSIS We apply a model-based clustering approach to classify tumour tissues on the basis of microarray gene expression. B SURVIVAL ANALYSIS The association between the clusters so formed and patient survival (recurrence) times is established. C DISCRIMINANT ANALYSIS We demonstrate the potential of the clustering-based prognosis as a predictor of the outcome of disease. Lung Cancer Approx. 80% of lung cancer patients have NSCLC (of which adenocarcinoma is the most common form). All Patients diagnosed with NSCLC are treated on the basis of stage at presentation (tumour size, lymph node involvement and presence of metastases). Yet 30% of patients with resected stage I lung cancer will die of metastatic cancer within 5 years of surgery. Want a prognostic test for early-stage lung adenocarcinoma to identify patients more likely to recur, and therefore who would benefit from adjuvant therapy. Lung Cancer Data Sets (see Wigle et al. (2002), Garber et al. (2001), Bhattacharjee et al. (2001), Beer et al. (2002). Genes Heat Map for 2880 Ontario Genes (39 Tissues) Tissues Genes Heat Maps for the 20 Ontario Gene-Groups (39 Tissues) Tissues Tissues are ordered as: Recurrence (1-24) and Censored (25-39) Expression Profiles for Useful Metagenes (Ontario 39 Tissues) Gene Group 1 Gene Group 2 Log Expression Value Our Tissue Cluster 1 Our Tissue Cluster 2 Recurrence (1-24) Censored (25-39) Gene Group 19 Gene Group 20 Tissues Tissue Clusters CLUSTER ANALYSIS via EMMIX-GENE of 20 METAGENES yields TWO CLUSTERS: CLUSTER 1 (38): 23 (recurrence) plus Poor-prognosis 8 (censored) CLUSTER 2 (8): 1 (recurrence) plus 7 (censored) Good-prognosis SURVIVAL ANALYSIS: LONG-TERM SURVIVOR (LTS) MODEL S (t ) prob.{T t} 1S1 (t ) 2 where T is time to recurrence and 1 = 1- 2 is the prior prob. of recurrence. Adopt Weibull model for the survival function for recurrence S1(t). Fitted LTS Model vs. Kaplan-Meier Second PC PCA of Tissues Based on Metagenes First PC Second PC PCA of Tissues Based on Metagenes First PC Second PC PCA of Tissues Based on All Genes (via SVD) First PC Second PC PCA of Tissues Based on All Genes (via SVD) First PC Cluster-Specific Kaplan-Meier Plots Survival Analysis for Ontario Dataset • Nonparametric analysis: Cluster 1 2 No. of Tissues No. of Censored 29 8 Mean time to Failure (SE) 665 85.9 1388 155.7 8 7 A significant difference between Kaplan-Meier estimates for the two clusters (P=0.027). • Cox’s proportional hazards analysis: Variable Cluster 1 vs. Cluster 2 Tumor stage (I vs. II&III) Hazard ratio (95% CI) P-value 6.78 (0.9 – 51.5) 1.07 (0.57 – 2.0) 0.06 0.83 Discriminant Analysis (Supervised Classification) A prognosis classifier was developed to predict the class of origin of a tumor tissue with a small error rate after correction for the selection bias. A support vector machine (SVM) was adopted to identify important genes that play a key role on predicting the clinical outcome, using all the genes, and the metagenes. A cross-validation (CV) procedure was used to calculate the prediction error, after correction for the selection bias. ONTARIO DATA (39 tissues): Support Vector Machine (SVM) with Recursive Feature Elimination (RFE) 0.12 Error Rate (CV10E) 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 log2 (number of genes) Ten-fold Cross-Validation Error Rate (CV10E) of Support Vector Machine (SVM). applied to g=2 clusters (G1: 1-14, 16- 29,33,36,38; G2: 15,30-32,34,35,37,39) STANFORD DATA 918 genes based on 73 tissue samples from 67 patients. Row and column normalized, retained 451 genes after select-genes step. Used 20 metagenes to cluster tissues. Retrieved histological groups. Genes Heat Maps for the 20 Stanford Gene-Groups (73 Tissues) Tissues Tissues are ordered by their histological classification: Adenocarcinoma (1-41), Fetal Lung (42), Large cell (43-47), Normal (48-52), Squamous cell (53-68), Small cell (69-73) STANFORD CLASSIFICATION: Cluster 1: 1-19 (good prognosis) Cluster 2: 20-26 (long-term survivors) Cluster 3: 27-35 (poor prognosis) Genes Heat Maps for the 15 Stanford Gene-Groups (35 Tissues) Tissues Tissues are ordered by the Stanford classification into AC groups: AC group 1 (1-19), AC group 2 (20-26), AC group 3 (27-35) Expression Profiles for Top Metagenes (Stanford 35 AC Tissues) Log Expression Value Gene Group 1 Gene Group 2 Stanford AC group 1 Stanford AC group 2 Stanford AC group 3 Misallocated Gene Group 3 Gene Group 4 Tissues Cluster-Specific Kaplan-Meier Plots Cluster-Specific Kaplan-Meier Plots Survival Analysis for Stanford Dataset • Kaplan-Meier estimation: Cluster 1 2 No. of Tissues No. of Censored 17 5 Mean time to Failure (SE) 37.5 5.0 5.2 2.3 10 0 A significant difference in survival between clusters (P<0.001) • Cox’s proportional hazards analysis: Variable Cluster 3 vs. Clusters 1&2 Grade 3 vs. grades 1 or 2 Tumor size No. of tumors in lymph nodes Presence of metastases Hazard ratio (95% CI) P-value 13.2 (2.1 – 81.1) 1.94 (0.5 – 8.5) 0.96 (0.3 – 2.8) 1.65 (0.7 – 3.9) 4.41 (1.0 – 19.8) 0.005 0.38 0.93 0.25 0.05 Survival Analysis for Stanford Dataset • Univariate Cox’s proportional hazards analysis (metagenes): Metagene Coefficient (SE) P-value 1 2 3 4 5 1.37 (0.44) -0.24 (0.31) 0.14 (0.34) -1.01 (0.56) 0.66 (0.65) 0.002 0.44 0.68 0.07 0.31 6 7 8 9 10 -0.63 (0.50) -0.68 (0.57) 0.75 (0.46) -1.13 (0.50) 0.73 (0.39) 0.20 0.24 0.10 0.02 0.06 11 12 13 14 15 0.35 (0.50) -0.55 (0.41) -0.61 (0.48) 0.22 (0.36) 1.70 (0.92) 0.48 0.18 0.20 0.53 0.06 Survival Analysis for Stanford Dataset • Multivariate Cox’s proportional hazards analysis (metagenes): Metagene Coefficient (SE) P-value 1 3.44 (0.95) 0.0003 2 -1.60 (0.62) 0.010 8 -1.55 (0.73) 0.033 11 1.16 (0.54) 0.031 The final model consists of four metagenes. STANFORD DATA: Support Vector Machine (SVM) with Recursive Feature Elimination (RFE) 0.07 Error Rate (CV10E) 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 log2 (number of genes) Ten-fold Cross-Validation Error Rate (CV10E) of Support Vector Machine (SVM). Applied to g=2 clusters. CONCLUSIONS We applied a model-based clustering approach to classify tumors using their gene signatures into: (a) clusters corresponding to tumor type (b) clusters corresponding to clinical outcomes for tumors of a given subtype In (a), almost perfect correspondence between cluster and tumor type, at least for non-AC tumors (but not in the Ontario dataset). CONCLUSIONS (cont.) The clusters in (b) were identified with clinical outcomes (e.g. recurrence/recurrence-free and death/long-term survival). We were able to show that gene-expression data provide prognostic information, beyond that of clinical indicators such as stage. CONCLUSIONS (cont.) Based on the tissue clusters, a discriminant analysis using support vector machines (SVM) demonstrated further the potential of gene expression as a tool for guiding treatment therapy and patient care to lung cancer patients. This supervised classification procedure was used to provide marker genes for prediction of clinical outcomes. (In addition to those provided by the cluster-genes step in the initial unsupervised classification.) LIMITATIONS Small number of tumors available (e.g Ontario and Stanford datasets). Clinical data available for only subsets of the tumors; often for only one tumor type (AC). High proportion of censored observations limits comparison of survival rates.