TLC Forum Presentation - Anne Arundel Community College

Thematic Learning
An Initiative of the Teaching
and Learning Committee
Anne Arundel Community
Definition of a Thematic
Learning Community
a curricular restructuring that links
two or more courses in a given
semester around a common theme
and enrolls a common cohort of
Thematic Learning Community
Design at AACC
Cluster will involve two or three courses
with a logical connection
Faculty will coordinate their content,
materials, exercises and activities toward
a well-defined thematic goal, which will
permeate all the courses within that
particular cluster.
Examples of Learning
Communities that Fit this
Example – Developmental
Theme – Rites of Passage: The Journey
of Life
– PSY 111:
– ENG 002:
– RDG 023:
– RDG 024:
Introduction to Psychology
Basic English 2
Critical Reading (1st 8 weeks)
Academic Reading (2nd 8 weeks)
(the 2 Reading courses must be
taken consecutively)
Example - General Education
Theme - Environment of the Chesapeake
– BIO 107:
Environmental Science (3-credit,
Gen. Ed., Science)
– ENG 250: Literature of the Chesapeake
Bay (3-credit, Gen. Ed., English)
Example - General Education
Collin County Community College
Theme – Promises, Promises: Issues and
Policies of Presidential Campaigns
– HIST 1301: United States History
– SOC 1301: Introduction to Sociology
Example - General Education
University of North Florida
Theme – Imagined Worlds
– Introduction to Anthropology
– College Writing
Description of Learning Community:
Imagined Worlds challenges students to
build a fictional reality of social relations,
mythic traditions, and sacred landscape.
Introduction to Anthropology provides the
basic building blocks to understand past and
present culture; the rise of civilization,
kinship, political structures, and religious
Definition continued:
College Writing teaches students to read
the world as a text using photography,
advertisements, monuments, maps,
essays and fiction. It will emphasize
analysis of audience, purpose and
Students will read J.R.R. Tolkein’s The
Hobbit. The students will engage in a
semester-long creative project to bring
their own imagined world to life,
presenting their project to other
students and faculty.
Example – Developmental
LaGuardia Community College
Theme – Reflections on Identify, Gender
and Culture
– ENG099: Basic Writing
– CSE099: Essentials of Reading
– HUC101: Oral Communication
Description of Learning Community:
How is identity defined and controlled by
family, culture, community, society? How do
culture and gender stereotypes affect our
relationships? How do new relationships and
new communities change our ideas about
identity? How do individuals develop a voice
to define their identity? Students will refine
their reading, writing and speaking skills in
this cluster as they study memoirs, speeches,
stories, poems, plays and contemporary
Example - General Education
University of North Florida
Theme – Global Warming
– BSC 1930: Current Apps Biology
– LIT 2110 Introduction to Literature
– POS 2041: Intro Am Govt.
Description of Learning Community:
…….for thirty years scientists and others have
warned that it is in progress; others have claimed
it is a fraud. In the biology course, we shall
examine the roots and effects of climate change;
in political science we shall consider what steps
might be taken to deal with the threat, what steps
have been taken, and what is involved in largescale political action; and in the literature course
we shall examine the arguments on both sides of
the issue…..
Other Possible Themes
Reefer Madness: A Philosophical Inquiry
into Drugs and Society
Pen and Podium: Making your Voice
Dude, Where’s my Culture?
Truth, Lies and Videotape
Values and Vision: Creating a Better
History of TLC’s at AACC
Fall 1996: One General Education
Course and Two Developmental
– Professors Rayner Wharton, Joanne
Hilton, & Verna Robinson
Fall 2003: Two Developmental Courses
– Professors Kerry Taylor & Verna Robinson
Initial Design Structure
for TLC’s at AACC
Thematic Learning Clusters
Dev. Cluster 1
Dev. Cluster 2
General Education
Cluster 1
Gen Ed Cluster 1
Gen Ed Cluster 2
Gen Ed Cluster 3
Example of Assignments
Appropriate for Clusters
Research Projects
Service Learning Opportunities
Field Trips
Creative Works
Keys to a Successful Learning
A theme that appeals to target audience
Courses with larger enrollments / several
Courses with some flexibility about time
and day offered
Courses that fit well together in relation to
the theme
Courses with limited prerequisites
Course Categories Commonly
Participating in TLC’s
Political Science
Benefits of Learning Communities
to Students
Higher student retention rates
Higher grade point averages
Improved student attitudes and
perceptions of the college
Increased interaction with faculty
Benefits of Learning Communities
to Faculty and College
Improved faculty attitudes and perceptions
of the college
Faculty collaboration leading to other
possible interdisciplinary initiatives
Enhanced recruitment of new students
Comment From a Student in a
Learning Community
" other classes I write my notes and
the minute I walk out the door, it's like
'what did we just talk about?' In this class,
you don't forget."
Resources for Selecting Themes
and Designing Clusters
Intranet Website
– Committees, Councils and Work Teams /
Teaching and Learning Committee / Thematic
Learning Clusters
Thanks to the many departments involved
for their support and to the administration
for its financial and logistical support and
ongoing enthusiasm.