
How my generator works
Data provider has the following
Raw data
Dataset: ECMWF_ERA-40_subset.ncml
longitude, 0, 2.5, …, 355, 357.5
latitude, 90, 87.5, …, -87.5, -90
time, 898476, 898482, …, 899196, 899202
tcw.longitude, 0, 2.5, …, 355, 357.5
tcw.tcw[tcw.time=898476][tcw.latitude=90], -25311, -25311, …, -25311
tcw.tcw[tcw.time=898476][tcw.latitude=87.5], -23880, -23798, …, -25311
NC_GLOBAL.Conventions: CF-1.0
NC_GLOBAL.history: 2004-09-15 17:04:29 GMT by mars2netcdf-0.92
DODS_EXTRA.Unlimited_Dimension: time
<Domain xmlns="" xmlns:ows="" xmlns:gml="">
<ows:BoundingBox crs="urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326">
<ows:LowerCorner>360 90</ows:LowerCorner>
<ows:UpperCorner>0 -90</ows:UpperCorner>
<TimeResolution>6 hours</TimeResolution>
<SupportedCRS xmlns="">urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326</SupportedCRS>
They want the data portal in this way
• End users can select the data section to view
by selecting variables and applying constraints
on time, latitude and longitude
• End users can get the data section in forms of
an ASCII textual file, a NetCDF file or a binary
DAP object
• There is a visualization of the currently
selected data section shown on the Web page
They want the portal looks like
So they write a description file
<label id=“label1”>Action:</label>
<button id=“button1”>
<name>Get ASCII</name>
<action type=“javascript” function=“ascii_button” />
<button id=“button2”>
<row><cell id=“label1” /><cell id=“button1” /><cell id=“button2” />…</row>
<row><cell id=“previewLabel” /></row>
<row><cell id=“preview1” /><cell id=“preview2” /></row>
The descritpion file defines the
following elements
• URL of the dataset and access method
• Widgets on the UI and their layout
– Label
– Button
– Section selector
– Facet list
– Query display
– Search result
For example, a section selector looks
<section-selector variable=“tcw” id=“section-tcw”>
<introduction>Grid of Array of 16 bit Integers [time = 0..61][latitude = 0..72][longitude = 0..143]</introduction>
<constraint variable=“time”>
<default start=0 step=1 end=61/>
<constraint variable=“latitude”>
<default start=0 step=1 end=72/>
<constraint variable=“longitude”>
<default start=0 step=1 end=143/>
A facet list looks like
<facet-list id=“main”>
<facet name=“Catalogs:” facet=“Catalog” />
<facet name=“Agencies:” facet=“Agency” />
<facet name=“Categories:” facet=“Category” />
A query display looks like
<query-display id=“right” modify=“true” layout=“vertical”>
<constraint name=“Keywords:” type=“keyword” />
<constraint name=“” type=“facet-list” reference=“main”/>
<facet-list id=“main”>
<facet name=“Catalogs:” facet=“Ca
<facet name=“Agencies:” facet=“Ag
<facet name=“Categories:” facet=“
A query display can also looks like
<query-display id=“left” modify=“false” layout=“horizontal”>
<constraint name=“Keywords:” type=“keyword” />
<constraint type=“facet-list” reference=“main”/>
A search result can be a table
<search-result id=“result” type=“table” data=“result-data” results-per-page=10 />
Where “result-data” is a hidden element containing the
search result
A search result can also be a preview
<search-result id=“result” type=“preview” data=“result-data” forward=“onclick” />
Where “result-data” is a hidden element containing the
search result