SASOL PENSION FUND RULES JANUARY 2006 SASOL PENSION FUND RULE DESCRIPTION 1. INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Name 1 1.2 Object 1 1.3 Legal Status 1 1.4 Registered Office 1 1.5 Definitions 1 2. 3. 4. PAGE FINANCIAL STRUCTURE OF THE FUND 12 2.1 Share Account 12 2.2 Surplus Account 13 2.3 Risk and Expenses Reserve Account 13 2.4 Guarantee Reserve Account 14 2.5 Pensions Account 15 2.6 Employer Surplus Account 16 2.7 Member Surplus Account 17 MEMBERSHIP 18 3.1 Eligibility and Admission 18 3.2 Termination 19 3.3 Temporary Absence 19 RETIREMENT 21 4.1 Normal Retirement 21 4.2 Early Retirement 21 4.3 Early Ill-Health Retirement 22 4.4 Late Retirement 22 4.5 Lump Sum Benefit and Pension Options 22 RULE DESCRIPTION PAGE 5. DEATH 26 5.1 Benefit Payable on Death of a Member while in Service 26 5.2 Death after retirement 26 5.3 Payment of Pensions to Qualifying Spouses 5.4 and Qualifying Children 28 Payment of Benefit 28 6. DISABLEMENT 29 7. WITHDRAWAL FROM SERVICE 30 7.1 Cash Withdrawal Benefit 30 7.2 Deferred Pension 30 7.3 Transfer 32 8. 9. CONTRIBUTIONS 35 8.1 Member Contributions 35 8.2 Employer Contributions 35 8.3 Payment of Contributions 36 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS REGARDING BENEFITS 38 9.1 Payment of Benefits 38 9.2 Payment other than Specified 40 9.3 Limitation 41 9.4 Benefits Inalienable 42 9.5 Lien over Benefits 43 9.6 Unclaimed Benefits 45 9.7 Greater Benefits and Escalation of Benefits 46 9.8 Transfers from or to other Funds 46 9.9 Currency 50 9.10 Moneys not to revert to Employer 50 RULE DESCRIPTION PAGE 9.11 Interpretation of Rules and Disputes 50 9.12 Special Provisions applicable with effect from 9.13 10. 11. 2 October 2000 51 Tracing Costs 52 MANAGEMENT OF THE FUND 53 10.1 Board of Trustees 53 10.2 Meetings of the Board of Trustees 56 10.3 Powers of the Board of Trustees 57 10.4 Principal Officer 61 10.5 Auditor 62 10.6 Books of Account 62 10.7 Actuary 63 10.8 Actuarial Valuations 63 10.9 Bank Account 65 10.10 Records and Safe Custody of Securities 65 10.11 Signing of Documents 65 10.12 Indemnification 66 10.13 Fidelity Insurance 66 10.14 Expenses 66 GENERAL 68 11.1 Proof of Age and Particulars 68 11.2 Beneficiaries are Deferred Creditors 68 11.3 Conditions of Service Unchanged 68 11.4 Registration and Approval 69 11.5 Amendments to the Rules 69 11.6 Members may obtain Copies of Documents 70 11.7 Binding Power of Rules 70 11.8 Admission of Additional Employers 70 RULE DESCRIPTION PAGE 11.9 Dissolution of Fund 70 11.10 Withdrawal of an Employer 74 11.11 Transfer or Amalgamation 75 11.12 New Fund or Scheme 76 11.13 Transfer to another Fund in which the Employer participates 77 ANNEXURE A : SECTION 37C OF THE ACT 78 ANNEXURE B : SECTION 19(5) OF THE ACT 81 ANNEXURE C : SPECIAL PROVISIONS APPLICABLE TO DEFINED BENEFIT MEMBERS ANNEXURE D : 85 SPECIAL PROVISIONS APPLICABLE TO CATEGORY B MEMBERS 102 -11. INTRODUCTION 1.1 NAME The SASOL PENSION FUND (hereinafter referred to as "the FUND") was established with effect from 1 July 1969. These Rules are the RULES of the FUND including the amendments up to 31 December 2005 and are effective from 1 January 2006. 1.2 OBJECT The object of the FUND is, in terms of these RULES, to provide retirement and other benefits for EMPLOYEES and former EMPLOYEES of the EMPLOYERS, and benefits in the event of their death. 1.3 LEGAL STATUS The FUND is a separate legal entity, distinct from its MEMBERS and shall be capable in law, in its own name, of suing and of being sued, and of acquiring, holding and alienating property, movable and immovable. 1.4 REGISTERED OFFICE The registered office of the FUND is at 1 Sturdee Ave, Rosebank, Johannesburg. The postal address Johannesburg, 2000. 1.5 DEFINITIONS In the RULES where the context so requires: is P.O. Box 5486, -2words and expressions defined in the ACT and not in the RULES shall bear the meanings assigned to them in the ACT; words and expressions importing one gender shall include the other gender; words and expressions denoting the singular shall include the plural and vice versa; and the following words and expressions shall bear the meanings assigned to them below: ACT : the Pension Funds Act, 1956 (Act No. 24 of 1956), as amended, and the regulations framed thereunder; ACTUARY : the ACTUARY of the FUND appointed in terms of Rule 10.7; ADJUDICATOR : the Pension Funds Adjudicator appointed in terms of Section 30C(1) of the ACT; ADJUSTED MEMBER’S SHARE in respect of a MEMBER : his MEMBER’S SHARE increased by a percentage (if any) as determined by the TRUSTEES from time to time after consultation with the ACTUARY, being an apportionment from the investment reserves; APPROVED PENSION FUND : a pension fund, other than a PRESERVATION PENSION FUND, approved as such by the REVENUE AUTHORITIES for the purposes of these RULES; APPROVED PROVIDENT FUND : a provident fund, other than a PRESERVATION PROVIDENT FUND, approved as such by the REVENUE AUTHORITIES for the purposes of these RULES; -3- APPROVED RETIREMENT ANNUITY FUND : a retirement annuity fund approved as such by the REVENUE AUTHORITIES for the purposes of these RULES; AUDITOR : an AUDITOR registered in terms of the Public Accountants’ and Auditors’ Act, 1991 and appointed by the TRUSTEES in terms of Rule 10.5; BENEFICIARY : any person who is entitled to benefits in terms of these RULES; BENEFIT POLICY : a separate arrangement providing benefits on disablement for a MEMBER referred to in Rule 6; CALCULATION DATE : the date, in terms of the agreed practice of the FUND, on which the MEMBER’S benefit is calculated on his retirement, death or leaving SERVICE in terms of Rule 7 or in order to transfer the MEMBER’S benefit from the FUND in any of the circumstances contemplated in these RULES; CATEGORY B MEMBER : a MEMBER other than a DEFINED BENEFIT MEMBER, who became a MEMBER of the FUND before 1 January 1998; provided that (a) the TRUSTEES at the request of the EMPLOYER may decide that a MEMBER shall be a CATEGORY B MEMBER notwithstanding the fact that such MEMBER may have joined the FUND after 1 January 1998; (b) a MEMBER who became a MEMBER in terms of Rule 3.1(4) shall be classified as a CATEGORY B MEMBER; and -4(c) the special provisions applicable to CATEGORY B MEMBERS are set out in Annexure D; CONVERSION DATE : 1 April 1994; DEFERRED PENSIONER : a person who in terms of Rule 7.2 or Rule 7.2 of Annexure C exercised an option to preserve his benefit in the FUND until payment of his benefit commences; DEFINED BENEFIT MEMBER : a MEMBER who irrevocably elected before 30 September 1994 to receive benefits in terms of the RULES in force immediately prior to 1 April 1994, as set out in Annexure C; DEPENDANT : a person in respect of whom a MEMBER, PENSIONER or DEFERRED PENSIONER: (a) is legally liable for maintenance; (b) is not legally liable for maintenance if such a person is (i) considered by the TRUSTEES as having been in fact dependent on the MEMBER, PENSIONER or DEFERRED PENSIONER for maintenance at the time of the death of the MEMBER, PENSIONER or DEFERRED PENSIONER; (ii) the spouse of the MEMBER, PENSIONER or DEFERRED PENSIONER, including a party to a customary union according to Black law and custom or to a union recognised as a marriage under the tenets of any Asiatic religion; (iii) the child of a MEMBER, PENSIONER or DEFERRED PENSIONER, including a posthumous child, an adopted child and an illegitimate child; -5- (c) would have become legally liable for maintenance, had the MEMBER, PENSIONER or DEFERRED PENSIONER not died; EMPLOYEE : an employee of any of the EMPLOYERS, including a full-time working director who is in receipt of emoluments in addition to director's fees, but excluding any employee whose employment is temporary or casual or subject to a limited period; EMPLOYER : the MAIN EMPLOYER and such participating employers as may be admitted to the FUND from time to time with the consent of the MAIN EMPLOYER; provided that any EMPLOYER who withdraws from the FUND in terms of Rule 11.10 shall simultaneously cease to be an EMPLOYER for the purposes of the RULES; in relation to any EMPLOYEE or MEMBER, "EMPLOYER" shall mean the EMPLOYER by whom that person is, or was last, employed; FULL-TIME STUDENT : a QUALIFYING CHILD who: (a) is between the ages of 18 and 23 years; (b) is registered as a student at a recognised secondary or tertiary educational institution; and (c) in the case of a student at a recognised tertiary educational institution, is registered so as to be able to complete his course of study within the minimum period prescribed by such institution; provided that -6(i) the TRUSTEES reserve the right to suspend or stop the PENSION to the QUALIFYING CHILD if the QUALIFYING CHILD fails to provide satisfactory proof of attendance at such institution and progress with their course of study when so requested by the TRUSTEES; (ii) the TRUSTEES, at their discretion and having regard to the circumstances of a particular case, may continue to pay the PENSION to a QUALIFYING CHILD after the expiry of the minimum period referred to in (c) above, subject to the maximum age of 23 years specified in (a) above continuing to apply; FUND ANNIVERSARY : the 31st of December in each year until 31 December 2002. The FUND ANNIVERSARY shall change to the 31st of March in each year after 31 December 2002; INSURER : an insurer registered in terms of the Long-term Insurance Act, 1998 to transact life business; INVESTMENT RETURN : any income (received or accrued) including, if applicable, interest payable by the EMPLOYER in terms of Rule 8.3 and capital gains and losses (realised and unrealised) of the FUND, less an allowance for any tax and such expenses (paid or accrued) as may be determined by the TRUSTEES; provided that (a) such INVESTMENT RETURN may be positive or negative; (b) the INVESTMENT RETURN shall be allocated to each MEMBER’S SHARE on such equitable basis as the TRUSTEES in their absolute discretion, in consultation with the ACTUARY and in accordance with the agreed practice of the FUND, may determine from time to time; and -7- (c) where a MEMBER’S SHARE is, and/or contributions paid by or in respect of a MEMBER are, invested in a selected portfolio or portfolios, the INVESTMENT RETURN relating to such MEMBER’S investment within each portfolio shall be allocated to such MEMBER’S benefit within the portfolio; MAIN EMPLOYER : Sasol Limited; MEMBER : a person who has been admitted to membership in terms of Rule 3 as long as he remains a MEMBER in terms of these RULES; MEMBER'S SHARE in respect of a MEMBER : an amount determined in accordance with Rule 2.1, increased or decreased by the INVESTMENT RETURN until the CALCULATION DATE; MINIMUM INDIVIDUAL RESERVE : the Minimum Individual Reserve for a MEMBER as defined in the ACT and as determined by the ACTUARY using methods and assumptions prescribed by the REGISTRAR by notice in the Government Gazette; NOMINEE : a person, other than a DEPENDANT, who has been nominated in writing by a MEMBER, PENSIONER or DEFERRED PENSIONER as entitled to receive all or part of the death benefits provided by the FUND in terms of Rule 5; NORMAL RETIREMENT AGE : the age of 60 years for all group management staff as determined by the EMPLOYER and age 65 years for all other MEMBERS; NORMAL RETIREMENT DATE : the first day of the month succeeding the month in which the MEMBER attains his NORMAL RETIREMENT AGE; -8- PENSION : an annual PENSION payable for the lifetime of the BENEFICIARY or, in the case of a PENSION payable in respect of a child, the annual PENSION payable for as long as such child remains a QUALIFYING CHILD; PENSIONABLE EMOLUMENTS : the MEMBER'S basic annual salary or wages and any other regular amounts which are regarded as pensionable by the TRUSTEES at the request of the EMPLOYER, subject to Rule 8.1(4); PENSIONABLE SERVICE : (a) the uninterrupted SERVICE with an EMPLOYER as a MEMBER of the FUND or as a member of a PREVIOUS FUND; plus (b) any period in which the MEMBER worked for the EMPLOYER or elsewhere and which the EMPLOYER recognises for pension purposes and in respect of which pension contributions are or were made to the FUND. For the purposes of the FUND the transfer of an EMPLOYEE from one EMPLOYER to another who participates in the FUND shall not be regarded as a break in PENSIONABLE SERVICE; PENSIONER : a MEMBER who has retired and who is in receipt of a PENSION payable from the FUND in accordance with Rule 4, Rule 6 or Rule 7.2(3); PRESERVATION PENSION FUND : an APPROVED PENSION FUND recognised as a preservation fund, subject to the conditions set out by the REVENUE AUTHORITIES from time to time; -9- PRESERVATION PROVIDENT FUND : an APPROVED PROVIDENT FUND recognised as a preservation fund, subject to the conditions set out by the REVENUE AUTHORITIES from time to time; PREVIOUS FUND : the Sasol Group Management Pension Fund and the Sasol Pension Fund 1980; QUALIFYING CHILD of a MEMBER or PENSIONER : the child (including an adopted child, an illegitimate child, a step-child or a posthumous child) who was financially dependent on the MEMBER or PENSIONER immediately before his death (or in the case of a posthumous child would have become financially dependent on the MEMBER or PENSIONER but for the death of such person); provided that such child is the product of a relationship recognised by the TRUSTEES and specifically excluding a child who would otherwise qualify in terms of the description set out above if such child: (a) was born more than nine months after the PENSIONER retired; or (b) was adopted or became a step-child after the MEMBER’S NORMAL RETIREMENT DATE or the date of the MEMBER’S actual retirement, if earlier; and provided further that such child is (i) unmarried; and (ii) under the age of - 10 (aa) 18 years; or (bb) 21 years if physically or mentally disabled; or (cc) 23 years if a FULL-TIME STUDENT; QUALIFYING SPOUSE : a person who, at the date of the MEMBER’S death or the PENSIONER’S retirement, was either (a) the legal spouse of the MEMBER or the PENSIONER; or (b) the MEMBER’S or PENSIONER’S partner, (i) in a union according to customary law or in a union recognised as a marriage under any religion; or (ii) in a relationship in respect of which the TRUSTEES, in their sole discretion, is satisfied that the partners, who may be persons of the same or the opposite sex, have co-habited and have shared a reciprocal duty of support as if they were married and where the MEMBER or PENSIONER has provided the TRUSTEES, in their sole discretion, with proof thereof; provided that (aa) the MEMBER or PENSIONER has notified the FUND of the existence of such a QUALIFYING SPOUSE prior to the date upon which a benefit becomes due from the FUND; (bb) the MEMBER or the PENSIONER supplies the FUND with sufficient proof of the continued existence of the relationship on a yearly basis; - 11 - (cc) the TRUSTEES may direct that more than one person may be regarded as a QUALIFYING SPOUSE. In such case, the total benefits payable to such persons shall be equal to the benefit which would have been payable to one QUALIFYING SPOUSE; and (dd) in the case of a MEMBER who died or a PENSIONER who retired prior to 1 November 2001, “QUALIFYING SPOUSE” shall mean a “Qualifying Spouse” as defined in terms of the RULES as they applied prior to 1 November 2001. Notwithstanding any other provision contained in this definition, the TRUSTEES may, in their sole discretion, accept proof of a relationship referred to in (i) and (ii) above, after the date on which the benefit becomes due from the FUND from a person other than the MEMBER or PENSIONER; REGISTRAR : the Registrar of Pension Funds appointed in terms of the Financial Services Board Act, 1990 (Act No. 97 of 1990); REVENUE AUTHORITIES : the South African Revenue Service and any other statutory revenue authority whose approval of the FUND has been obtained; RULES : these RULES as amended from time to time; SERVICE : SERVICE as an EMPLOYEE of one or more of the EMPLOYERS; SURPLUS APPORTIONMENT DATE : 31 December 2002. TRUSTEES : the Board of TRUSTEES constituted in terms of Rule 10.1 to control the FUND. - 12 2. FINANCIAL STRUCTURE OF THE FUND: FUND ACCOUNTS The TRUSTEES shall establish such accounts as are allowed by legislation, including the following: 2.1 Share Account (1) The Share Account shall comprise all the MEMBERS' SHARES and the following credits shall be recorded in this account: (a) an opening balance comprising the MEMBER’S actuarial interest in the FUND at the CONVERSION DATE, if any, as determined by the ACTUARY after taking into account the benefit structure and the funding method of the FUND as it applied prior to that date and taking into account the limit on PENSIONABLE EMOLUMENTS; (b) the MEMBER’S contributions received by the FUND after the CONVERSION DATE in terms of Rule 8.1; (c) the EMPLOYER'S contributions made after the CONVERSION DATE on behalf of the MEMBER in terms of Rule 8.2(1)(a); (d) transfer values received after the CONVERSION DATE in respect of a MEMBER in terms of Rule 9.8(1)(a). (2) The Share Account shall be debited with: (a) any lump sum benefit paid to the MEMBER in terms of Rule 4.5(1) and any transfers to the Pensions Account and/or to an INSURER of the balance of the MEMBER’S SHARE on his retirement in terms of Rule 4; - 13 - (b) 2.2 benefit payments in terms of Rule 5 or Rule 7. Surplus Account (1) The Surplus Account shall be credited with the actuarial surplus of the FUND as at the SURPLUS APPORTIONMENT DATE. (2) The Surplus Account shall be increased or decreased by the INVESTMENT RETURN earned on the assets in this account. (3) The assets in the Surplus Reserve Account, less any costs and expenses specifically arising as a result of the FUND’S compliance with the Pension Funds Second Amendment Act, Act No. 39 of 2001, shall be apportioned in terms of Section 15B of the ACT. 2.3 Risk and Expenses Reserve Account (1) The Risk and Expenses Reserve Account shall be credited with (a) the amount recommended by the ACTUARY as the amount required in order to meet the ongoing cost of providing the risk benefits payable in terms of these RULES; (b) any EMPLOYER contributions in terms of Rule 8.3 of Annexure C and Rule 8.2(1)(b) of Annexure D which are allocated towards the cost of risk benefits; (c) any reinsurance payment made to the FUND by the INSURER; - 14 - (d) contributions by the EMPLOYER in terms of Rule 10.14(1). (2) The Risk and Expenses Reserve Account shall be increased or decreased by the INVESTMENT RETURN earned on the assets in this account. (3) The Risk and Expenses Reserve Account shall be used (a) to meet any premiums payable in respect of reinsurance in terms of Rule 9.3; (b) to meet the cost of any payment made by the TRUSTEES in terms of Rule 9.3; (c) towards meeting the expenses of the FUND referred to in Rule 10.14. 2.4 Guarantee Reserve Account (1) The Guarantee Reserve Account shall be credited with (a) the amount recommended by the ACTUARY as the amount required to meet the FUND’S liability to pay benefits to the DEFINED BENEFIT MEMBERS in terms of Annexure C; (b) any amount transferred from the Employer Surplus Account in terms of Rule 2.6(3)(a). (2) The Guarantee Reserve Account shall be increased or decreased by the INVESTMENT RETURN earned on the assets in this account. - 15 - (3) The Guarantee Reserve Account shall be debited with (a) the amount needed to provide the benefits promised to DEFINED BENEFIT MEMBERS in terms of these RULES; (b) any amount transferred to the Employer Surplus Account on the recommendation of the ACTUARY. 2.5 Pensions Account (1) The Pensions Account shall be credited with (a) the amount recommended by the ACTUARY as the amount required to meet the liability of the FUND in respect of PENSIONS in payment from the FUND as at the SURPLUS APPORTIONMENT DATE, taking into consideration increases in PENSIONS in terms of Rule 9.7(2); (b) any amount required to be credited in terms of Rule 4.5(2)(b)(ii), Rule 4.5(2)(c)(ii)(bb) or Rule 4.4(1)(b)(ii) of Annexure C; (c) any contributions by the EMPLOYER in terms of Rule 8.2(2); (d) any amount transferred from the Employer Surplus Account in terms of Rule 2.6(3)(a). (2) The Pensions Account shall be increased or decreased by the INVESTMENT RETURN earned on the assets in this account. - 16 - (3) The Pensions Account shall be debited with PENSIONS payable to PENSIONERS and other BENEFICIARIES in terms of the RULES. 2.6 Employer Surplus Account (1) The Employer Surplus Account shall be credited with (a) the amount, if any, apportioned to the EMPLOYER in terms of a surplus apportionment scheme approved by the REGISTRAR in terms of Section 15B of the ACT; (b) any amount which is required to be transferred to such an account in terms of an application made in accordance with Section 15F of the ACT and approved by the REGISTRAR; (c) any amount transferred from the Guarantee Reserve Account in terms of Rule 2.4(3)(b); (d) (2) any amount credited in terms of Rule 10.8(3). The amount standing to the credit of the Employer Surplus Account shall be increased or decreased by the INVESTMENT RETURN earned by the assets within this account. (3) The amount standing to the credit of the Employer Surplus Account (a) shall be transferred to the Guarantee Reserve Account and if necessary to the Pensions Account from time to time as recommended by the ACTUARY; - 17 - (b) may be used in the manner and for any of the purposes set out in Section 15E of the ACT. 2.7 Member Surplus Account (1) The Member Surplus Account shall be credited with (a) any amount allocated in terms of Section 15B of the ACT to be used for the benefit of MEMBERS in terms of a surplus apportionment scheme approved by the REGISTRAR; (b) any amount allocated to be used for the benefit of MEMBERS in terms of Section 15C of the ACT. (2) The amount standing to the credit of the Member Surplus Account shall be increased or decreased by the INVESTMENT RETURN earned by the assets within this account. (3) The amount standing to the credit of the Member Surplus Account may be used in the manner and for any of the purposes set out in Section 15D of the ACT. - 18 3. MEMBERSHIP 3.1 Eligibility and Admission (1) Each person who was a MEMBER of the FUND immediately prior to 1 January 2006 shall, subject to the provisions of the RULES, remain a MEMBER of the FUND. (2) Each EMPLOYEE who is not referred to in (1) above shall qualify for membership of the FUND except where otherwise determined in terms of an industrial or similar agreement and shall, as a condition of employment, become a MEMBER of the FUND from the day on which he becomes an EMPLOYEE. (3) An EMPLOYEE who becomes a MEMBER in terms of (2) above shall produce such evidence as to the state of his health as the TRUSTEES may require, at the expense of the FUND. Such MEMBER shall, if in the TRUSTEES' opinion he is not in good health, be subject to such restrictions in his benefits as the TRUSTEES, acting on the advice of the ACTUARY, shall determine. (4) On 1 April 2001 each EMPLOYEE who: (a) was a member of the Polifin Retirement Fund; and (b) was in receipt of a disablement income benefit from a separate disability arrangement set EMPLOYER; and (c) was eligible for membership of the FUND; up by the - 19 became a MEMBER of the FUND at that date. Each such MEMBER’S full benefit entitlement at the date of transfer was transferred to the FUND and applied under his MEMBER’S SHARE. MEMBERS who became MEMBERS in accordance with the provisions of this Rule 3.1(4) shall not be eligible for the benefits set out in Rule 6 of the main body of the RULES or in Section 2 of Annexure D. (5) If a MEMBER transfers to another APPROVED PENSION FUND or APPROVED PROVIDENT FUND in any of the circumstances envisaged in these RULES and such transfer is subject to the provisions of Section 14 of the ACT, then it is specifically provided that with effect from the date on which he becomes a member of such fund, contributions in terms of Rule 8 shall cease and in the event of his death or disablement, prior to transfer of his benefit in terms of these RULES from the FUND to such other fund, the risk benefits provided in terms of these RULES shall not be payable. 3.2 3.3 Termination (1) Unless otherwise provided for in the RULES, a MEMBER shall not be permitted to withdraw from membership while he remains in SERVICE. (2) A Member who has left SERVICE for any reason and has received all the benefits which may be due to him in terms of these RULES shall cease to be a MEMBER. Temporary Absence (1) With full remuneration Membership of the FUND and the benefits and contributions payable shall not be affected by a MEMBER'S absence from SERVICE while he is in receipt of his full normal remuneration from the EMPLOYER. - 20 (2) Approved temporary absence (a) When a MEMBER is on leave with less than full normal remuneration, his MEMBER'S SHARE shall be credited with any contributions actually paid by the MEMBER in terms of Rule 8.1(1) and/or by the EMPLOYER in terms of Rule 8.2(1)(a) during such period of absence. (b) If a MEMBER who is on approved temporary leave, becomes disabled or dies during such period, the death benefits referred to in Rule 5.1 and the disability benefit referred to in Rule 6 of Annexure D shall become payable. The benefit shall be calculated as if the death or disability occurred immediately prior to the date on which the temporary absence commenced. (3) Reinstatement of membership upon return to Service If a MEMBER leaves SERVICE and within twelve months returns to SERVICE and before any benefit has been paid to or in respect of him by the FUND, or if a benefit has been paid to him and it is paid back to the FUND together with interest at a rate determined by the TRUSTEES, he shall immediately become a MEMBER again and his MEMBER’S SHARE shall be reinstated. - 21 4. RETIREMENT 4.1 Normal Retirement (1) If a MEMBER retires from SERVICE on his NORMAL RETIREMENT DATE he shall receive a PENSION vesting on his NORMAL RETIREMENT DATE, secured by utilising his ADJUSTED MEMBER'S SHARE, less the amount of any lump sum benefit paid in terms of Rule 4.5(1), based on a conversion factor applicable to his NORMAL RETIREMENT AGE, as decided by the TRUSTEES acting on the advice of the ACTUARY and subject to the provisions of Rule 4.5(2). (2) The PENSION shall be deemed to commence on the MEMBER'S NORMAL RETIREMENT DATE and the first payment of the PENSION shall be due at the end of such month. 4.2 Early Retirement (1) If a MEMBER retires from SERVICE in the ten years prior to his NORMAL RETIREMENT DATE, or 15 years in the case of a female MEMBER who entered SERVICE prior to 3 March 1985 and whose NORMAL RETIREMENT AGE prior to 1 July 2001 was age 60 years, such MEMBER shall receive a PENSION vesting on the first day of the following month secured by utilising his ADJUSTED MEMBER'S SHARE, less the amount of any lump sum benefit paid in terms of Rule 4.5(1), based on a conversion factor applicable to his age at the actual date of such early retirement, as decided by the TRUSTEES acting on the advice of the ACTUARY, subject to the provisions of Rule 4.5(2). - 22 (2) The PENSION shall commence on the first day of the month following the MEMBER’S actual retirement and the first payment of the PENSION shall be due at the end of such month. 4.3 Early Ill-Health Retirement A MEMBER who leaves SERVICE due to ill-health but who is not entitled to benefits in terms of Rule 6 shall be entitled to benefits in terms of Rule 7. 4.4 Late Retirement (1) Subject to the consent of the EMPLOYER, a MEMBER who has reached his NORMAL RETIREMENT DATE may remain in SERVICE, but no further contributions by or on behalf of the MEMBER shall be made. (2) Upon retirement after his NORMAL RETIREMENT DATE a MEMBER shall receive a PENSION vesting on the first day of the following month secured by utilising his ADJUSTED MEMBER'S SHARE, less the amount of any lump sum benefit paid in terms of Rule 4.5(1), based on a conversion factor applicable to his age at the actual date of such late retirement as determined by the TRUSTEES acting on the advice of the ACTUARY, subject to the provisions of Rule 4.5(2). The first payment of the PENSION shall be due at the end of the month following the MEMBER’S actual retirement. 4.5 Lump Sum Benefit and Pension Options (1) At the request of a retiring MEMBER made at the time of retirement, the TRUSTEES shall commute for a MEMBER up - 23 to one-third of his ADJUSTED MEMBER’S SHARE (or up to the whole thereof if allowed by income tax legislation) as a lump sum, payable on the first day of the month immediately following the MEMBER'S retirement from SERVICE. The balance of the ADJUSTED MEMBER'S SHARE, if any, shall be made available to secure a PENSION in terms of the relevant provisions of the RULES. (2) A retiring MEMBER who becomes eligible in terms of these RULES to receive a PENSION, may elect either (a) that his PENSION be purchased as an annuity or annuities from an INSURER in terms of Rule 4.5(3); or (b) that his PENSION be paid from the FUND, in which case (i) the terms and conditions of these RULES shall apply unaltered; and (ii) the PENSION payable from the FUND in respect of him, shall be allocated to the Pensions Account in terms of Rule 2.5(1)(b) and shall be applied in terms of Rule 2.5(3); or (c) that - 24 (i) a portion of his PENSION be purchased as an annuity or annuities from an INSURER and that the provisions of Rule 4.5(3) shall apply mutatis mutandis to that portion of the PENSION; and (ii) the remaining portion of his PENSION be paid from the FUND and that accordingly (aa) the terms and conditions of these RULES shall apply unaltered; and (bb) the portion of his PENSION to be paid from the FUND shall be allocated to the Pensions Account in terms of Rule 2.5(1)(b) and shall be applied in terms of Rule 2.5(3). It is specifically provided that the provisions of this Rule are subject to the requirements of the REVENUE AUTHORITIES. (3) If a retiring MEMBER elects the option provided for in Rule 4.5(2)(a) or Rule 4.5(2)(c)(i), such PENSION shall be purchased as an annuity or annuities in his name from an INSURER chosen by him. The terms and conditions applicable to such annuity or annuities, including options elected by the MEMBER and the determination of any benefits arising on his death, shall be agreed between the MEMBER and the INSURER and shall be set out in writing by the INSURER; provided that: - 25 - (a) the annuity or annuities so purchased shall be compulsory, non-commutable, non-assignable and payable for life; (b) the purchase of more than one annuity shall be subject to any further requirements of the REVENUE AUTHORITIES; and (c) on the purchase of an annuity or annuities in terms of this Rule, the FUND shall have no further liability in respect of the MEMBER, such liability resting with the INSURER from whom the annuity or annuities are purchased; provided that in the case of a MEMBER who elects the option provided for in Rule 4.5(2)(c), the FUND shall have no further liability in respect of that part of the PENSION Rule 4.5(2)(c)(i). purchased in terms of - 26 5. DEATH 5.1 Benefit Payable on Death of a Member while in Service (1) Upon the death of a MEMBER while in SERVICE, subject to the provisions of Rule 10.3(f), his ADJUSTED MEMBER’S SHARE shall become payable to his BENEFICIARIES as an annuity or annuities; provided that the person or persons entitled to the benefit may commute the whole or a part of such benefit for a lump sum. (2) An annuity which becomes payable in terms of Rule 5.1(1) shall be purchased by the FUND in the name of the person entitled to the benefit from an INSURER, and thereafter the FUND shall have no further liability in respect of the benefit payable to such person, such liability resting with the INSURER from whom such annuity or annuities are purchased. The annuity or annuities so purchased shall be compulsory, non-commutable and non-assignable, payable for life and the purchase shall be subject to any further requirements of the REVENUE AUTHORITIES if more than one annuity is purchased. 5.2 Death after retirement On the death of a PENSIONER who retired in terms of the provisions of Rules 4.1 to 4.4, 6 or 7.2(3), his PENSION shall cease as provided for in Rule 9.1(3). The following benefits shall be payable: (a) a lump sum of R2 000, or such other amount as decided by the TRUSTEES from time to time, subject to the maximum amount permitted in terms of income tax legislation; - 27 (b) a PENSION to his QUALIFYING SPOUSE, equal to 75% of the PENSION payable immediately prior to the commencement of the PENSION to the QUALIFYING SPOUSE; (c) a PENSION to the QUALIFYING CHILDREN of the PENSIONER, equal to a percentage of the PENSIONER'S PENSION as described in (b) above, in accordance with the following table: Number of Percentage of QUALIFYING PENSIONER'S PENSION CHILDREN described in (b) above 1 10,0% 2 15,0% 3 20,0% 4 or more 25,0% If there is no QUALIFYING SPOUSE, the PENSION to the QUALIFYING CHILDREN shall be double the PENSION that would have been payable if there had been a QUALIFYING SPOUSE; (d) after the last payment of a PENSION to a PENSIONER, QUALIFYING SPOUSE and/or QUALIFYING CHILDREN has been made, the TRUSTEES shall deduct the total amount paid to the PENSIONER, his QUALIFYING SPOUSE and QUALIFYING CHILDREN, including any amount which may have been paid in a lump sum and, if applicable, that part of the PENSION purchased as an annuity or annuities in terms of Rule 4.5(2)(c)(i), from the amount of the ADJUSTED MEMBER’S SHARE. Should there be any positive difference, such positive difference shall be paid in accordance with Rule 5.4. - 28 - 5.3 Payment of Pensions to Qualifying Spouses and Qualifying Children (1) If the deceased PENSIONER leaves more than one QUALIFYING SPOUSE, the TRUSTEES shall decide to which of them and in what proportion the benefits shall be paid; provided that the total QUALIFYING SPOUSES' PENSIONS payable shall not be more than the PENSION that would have been payable had there only been one QUALIFYING SPOUSE. (2) PENSIONS in respect of the QUALIFYING CHILDREN of a PENSIONER shall be paid to or for the benefit of such QUALIFYING CHILDREN in such proportions as the TRUSTEES may decide. 5.4 Payment of Benefit Payment of any death benefit which is not expressed to be paid to a particular person shall be made in terms of Section 37C of the ACT. (The contents of Section 37C of the ACT are contained in Annexure A to the RULES). - 29 6. DISABLEMENT Should a MEMBER leave SERVICE as a result of injury or illness and receive a disability benefit from the BENEFIT POLICY, such MEMBER shall receive a PENSION vesting on the first day of the following month. Such PENSION shall be secured by utilising his ADJUSTED MEMBER’S SHARE, based on a conversion factor applicable to his age at the date of such early retirement, as decided by the TRUSTEES acting on the advice of the ACTUARY and subject to the provisions of Rules 4.5(2) and 9.5. If such PENSION does not exceed the amount which, in terms of income tax legislation, may be commuted in full, the MEMBER shall not receive the PENSION but shall have paid to him an amount equal to his ADJUSTED MEMBER’S SHARE. - 30 7. WITHDRAWAL FROM SERVICE 7.1 Cash Withdrawal Benefit (1) If a MEMBER leaves SERVICE prior to his NORMAL RETIREMENT DATE in circumstances which are not specifically provided for elsewhere in these RULES, an amount equal to the ADJUSTED MEMBERS' SHARE shall become payable, subject to the conditions of Rule 9.5. (2) The benefit in terms of this Rule shall be paid to the MEMBER as a lump sum. Subject to the provisions of Rule 9.5(3)(a), payment shall be made as soon as possible after the date of his leaving SERVICE. (3) Instead of receiving the benefit entirely as a lump sum, the MEMBER may transfer all or, subject to (b) below, part of the benefit to another PRESERVATION APPROVED PENSION PENSION FUND, FUND, APPROVED PROVIDENT FUND or APPROVED RETIREMENT ANNUITY FUND; provided that (a) in the case of transfer to an APPROVED PROVIDENT FUND, the amount so transferred shall be less any tax payable thereon; and (b) transfer to a PRESERVATION PENSION FUND is subject to the requirements of the REVENUE AUTHORITIES as specified from time to time. 7.2 Deferred Pension (1) If a MEMBER leaves SERVICE after at least 10 years of FUND membership under the conditions described in - 31 Rule 7.1(1) and he prefers not to take a part of his benefit in cash, he will become entitled to a benefit equal to his ADJUSTED MEMBER'S SHARE, which will be preserved in terms of the provisions below. (2) Where a MEMBER preserves his benefit in terms of (1) above, such MEMBER will become a DEFERRED PENSIONER and his benefits shall be determined as follows: (a) the ADJUSTED MEMBER'S SHARE shall form the opening balance of his Share Account at the date of withdrawal from SERVICE; (b) no further contributions will be payable by or on behalf of the DEFERRED PENSIONER after the date of his withdrawal from SERVICE; (c) the ADJUSTED increased or MEMBER’S decreased by SHARE the shall be INVESTMENT RETURN until the CALCULATION DATE; (d) the DEFERRED PENSIONER shall only be entitled to benefits provided for under this Rule 7.2. (3) Upon the DEFERRED PENSIONER’S attainment of a retirement age in terms of Rule 4, he shall receive a PENSION vesting on the first day of the following month. Such DEFERRED PENSIONER shall be entitled to retirement benefits in terms of Rule 4 and shall, subject to the provisions of Rule 4.5(2), become a PENSIONER in terms of the RULES of the FUND. - 32 (4) On the death of a DEFERRED PENSIONER before the PENSION in terms of (3) above becomes payable, his ADJUSTED MEMBER'S SHARE, increased or decreased by the INVESTMENT RETURN until the CALCULATION DATE, shall be payable. 7.3 Transfer (1) If a MEMBER is transferred abroad he shall remain a MEMBER of the FUND for the first three years or the initial period of transfer and contributions by both the MEMBER and the EMPLOYER as set out in Rule 8 of the main body of the RULES or, in the case of a DEFINED BENEFIT MEMBER, as set out in Rule 8.1 of Annexure C shall be payable; provided that: (a) if such MEMBER’S transfer is lengthened for a further period or to a period of longer than three years and the MEMBER starts to contribute to an overseas arrangement for retirement funding; or (b) if such MEMBER is compelled to contribute towards an overseas arrangement for retirement funding; the contributions by and in respect of the MEMBER shall cease and the MEMBER shall be regarded as being a DEFERRED PENSIONER on the date on which contributions to the FUND cease. (2) If a MEMBER referred to in Rule 7.3(1) returns to South Africa, the MEMBER shall rejoin the FUND as a - 33 contributing MEMBER of the FUND. In the case of a MEMBER other than a DEFINED BENEFIT MEMBER, his ADJUSTED MEMBER’S SHARE shall be reinstated as his MEMBER’S SHARE and in the case of a DEFINED BENEFIT MEMBER his PENSIONABLE SERVICE shall be reinstated at the date of return; provided that any period for which no contributions were made shall not be regarded as PENSIONABLE SERVICE. (3) If such MEMBER’S service is terminated during his overseas transfer, he shall be entitled to (a) in the case of a MEMBER who is not a DEFINED BENEFIT MEMBER, the benefit referred to in Rule 7.1 of the main body of the RULES, or if he qualifies, in terms of Rule 7.2 of the main body of the RULES; or (b) in the case of a DEFINED BENEFIT MEMBER, the benefit referred to in Rule 7.1 of Annexure C, or if he qualifies, in terms of Rule 7.2 of Annexure C; and the provisions of Rule 7 of the main body of the RULES or Rule 7 of Annexure C, as applicable, shall apply to the payment of his benefit. (4) If such MEMBER dies during his overseas transfer, a benefit shall be payable equal to: - 34 (a) in the case of a MEMBER by whom and in respect of whom contributions are made in accordance with Rule 8 of the main body of the RULES or who contributes in terms of Rule 8 of Annexure C, the benefit referred to (i) in the case of a MEMBER who is not a DEFINED BENEFIT MEMBER, in Rule 5.1 of the main body of the RULES; or (ii) in the case of a MEMBER who is a DEFINED BENEFIT MEMBER, in terms of Rule 5.1 of Annexure C; or (b) in the case of a MEMBER who is not a DEFINED BENEFIT MEMBER and is regarded as a DEFERRED PENSIONER, his ADJUSTED MEMBER’S SHARE; or (c) in the case of a DEFINED BENEFIT MEMBER who is regarded as a DEFERRED PENSIONER, the benefit in accordance with Rule 7.2.4 of Annexure C. - 35 8. CONTRIBUTIONS 8.1 Member Contributions (1) Each MEMBER RETIREMENT who DATE has shall not reached contribute NORMAL throughout his SERVICE an amount equal to 7,5% of his PENSIONABLE EMOLUMENTS to the FUND. (2) Contributions are deducted monthly from the MEMBER'S remuneration. (3) A MEMBER may make additional contributions to the FUND on an annual or monthly basis, at a rate and frequency agreed to with the TRUSTEES in order to secure greater benefits or in respect of a period of past service. The additional contributions shall be credited to his MEMBER’S SHARE. (4) If a MEMBER'S PENSIONABLE EMOLUMENTS are reduced for reasons other than a change in his work status from fulltime to part-time service, he may choose to continue contributions based on his PENSIONABLE EMOLUMENTS immediately prior to such reduction; provided that the MEMBER notifies the TRUSTEES in writing of his intention within one month of the date on which the MEMBER is informed of such reduction. In this case such PENSIONABLE EMOLUMENTS shall be regarded as the MEMBER'S PENSIONABLE EMOLUMENTS for the purposes of the RULES. 8.2 Employer Contributions (1) The EMPLOYER shall contribute the following amounts to the FUND in respect of each MEMBER in its SERVICE who has not reached NORMAL RETIREMENT DATE: - 36 - (a) 7,5% of each MEMBER'S PENSIONABLE EMOLUMENTS which shall be applied towards the MEMBER’S SHARE; (b) 2% of the lesser of each MEMBER’S PENSIONABLE EMOLUMENTS and an amount determined in respect of the MEMBER by the EMPLOYER from time to time and notified in writing to the TRUSTEES; and (c) the balance of the contribution of 2,1% of each MEMBER’S PENSIONABLE EMOLUMENTS which is not applied to provide additional death benefits. (2) The EMPLOYER shall contribute such amounts as determined by the TRUSTEES from time to time, as may be necessary to eliminate an actuarial shortfall in the Pensions Account which is not met from the Employer Surplus Account in terms of Rule 2.6(3)(a), the amount of which shall be calculated by the ACTUARY. 8.3 Payment of Contributions Contributions are payable to the FUND monthly, in arrears. The EMPLOYER shall deduct the MEMBER’S contributions in terms of Rule 8.1 from the MEMBER’S remuneration at the end of each pay-period. The first deduction shall be that at the end of the payperiod during which the MEMBER became a MEMBER in terms of the RULES. These contributions and the EMPLOYER'S contributions in terms of Rule 8.2 shall be paid over to the FUND within seven days of the end of the calendar month to which such contributions relate, subject to the provisions of Section 13A of the - 37 ACT. If contributions are not paid to the FUND as required in terms of the ACT, the EMPLOYER shall be required to pay late payment interest at the rate prescribed by legislation. Any such interest shall be included in the INVESTMENT RETURN. - 38 9. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS REGARDING BENEFITS 9.1 Payment of Benefits (1) Amounts payable in respect of a MEMBER or PENSIONER during his lifetime shall be paid to such MEMBER or PENSIONER. (2) PENSIONS are payable monthly. (3) The first PENSION payment shall be due at the end of the month in which: (a) a MEMBER retires or dies; or (b) a PENSIONER dies; and the last payment shall be that due at the end of the month preceding the month in which: (a) a PENSIONER dies; (b) the QUALIFYING SPOUSE dies in the case of a QUALIFYING SPOUSE'S PENSION; (c) a QUALIFYING CHILD ceases to be a QUALIFYING CHILD. (4) Whenever a PENSION commences, is changed or terminates, payments due at the end of the month concerned will be made based on the circumstances which are applicable at that date. - 39 (5) The TRUSTEES shall be entitled to request proof to their satisfaction as to the identity and right of any BENEFICIARY to any benefit before payment of any benefit is made to such BENEFICIARY. Each person in receipt of a PENSION from the FUND shall provide such evidence of his survival or continued eligibility as the TRUSTEES may require. If such evidence is not produced, the TRUSTEES may direct that payment of the PENSION be suspended until such evidence is produced. (6) When a benefit is payable to any BENEFICIARY, such benefit shall be paid over by means of electronic transfer to the bank account of the BENEFICIARY held at a banking institution registered in terms of the Banks Act, 1990 (Act No. 94 of 1990), as amended, or, if such account does not exist, or if the BENEFICIARY neglected to provide the FUND with the particulars thereof, such benefit shall be paid by means of a cheque or cheques which shall be sent to the BENEFICIARY’S postal address by means of registered mail, or by such other method of payment as the TRUSTEES at the request of the BENEFICIARY may approve. The BENEFICIARY shall notify the FUND in writing of the particulars of his bank account and/or his postal address. (7) Late payment interest may be payable on any benefit due to a MEMBER or other BENEFICIARY on such MEMBER’S retirement, leaving SERVICE in terms of Rule 7 or death, or, subject to the provisions of the ACT, on any amount transferred for his benefit to another APPROVED PENSION FUND, APPROVED PROVIDENT FUND or APPROVED RETIREMENT requirements ANNUITY of the FUND REVENUE or, subject AUTHORITIES, to the to a PRESERVATION PENSION FUND. Any such interest shall - 40 be paid in accordance with the practice of the FUND. It is specifically provided that if a MEMBER who has left SERVICE in terms of Rule 7 elects to transfer his benefit to another APPROVED PENSION FUND, APPROVED PROVIDENT FUND, APPROVED RETIREMENT ANNUITY FUND or PRESERVATION PENSION FUND in terms of that Rule, any interest payable on such benefit shall be paid at a rate that is not less than the rate prescribed by legislation. 9.2 Payment other than Specified Notwithstanding a contrary provision contained in the RULES, if the TRUSTEES, in their absolute discretion, for some good and sufficient reason deem it not advisable to make payment of a benefit in the manner elsewhere provided for in these RULES, they may pay the benefit in one of the following ways: (a) to a trustee contemplated in the Trust Property Control Act, 1988 (Act No. 57 of 1988), for the benefit of the BENEFICIARY; and/or (b) where any BENEFICIARY is a minor, to the curator or guardian of such BENEFICIARY, for the benefit of such BENEFICIARY; and/or (c) where a BENEFICIARY is contractually incapacitated, to the curator of such BENEFICIARY, for the benefit of the BENEFICIARY. Any decision of the TRUSTEES in terms of this Rule may be varied by them from time to time in their discretion. Any lump sum payable in terms of Rule 5.1 may be paid in instalments subject to the provisions of Section 37C of the ACT. - 41 - Any payment made in terms hereof shall not be made in a manner which is in conflict with the provisions of the ACT or the requirements of the REVENUE AUTHORITIES. 9.3 Limitation This Rule shall apply notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in Rules 5 and 6: (1) The TRUSTEES may after consultation with the ACTUARY reinsure the death benefits referred to in Rule 5.1 of Annexure C and Rule 5.1 of Annexure D with an INSURER. Such benefits shall be subject to the conditions imposed by the INSURER concerned and each MEMBER shall only be entitled to such benefits to the extent that the claim is accepted by the INSURER; provided that the TRUSTEES may, in their absolute discretion and after consultation with the ACTUARY, make provision for payment out of the Risk and Expenses Reserve Account of part of any benefit which has been reduced or for payment of the whole benefit, where the INSURER has refused to admit a claim in respect of any benefit. (2) Any MEMBER whose benefit or any part thereof is restricted in terms of this Rule shall be informed of the extent of such restriction by the TRUSTEES. (3) If the contributions in terms of Rule 8.2(1)(b) of Annexure D, together with any provision made for this purpose in the Risk and Expenses Reserve Account are not sufficient to provide the death benefits set out in Rule 5.1 and Rule 6 of Annexure D such benefits may be reduced to avoid a loss. - 42 Such reduction shall be determined by the TRUSTEES after consultation with the ACTUARY. (4) If any part of the death benefits referred to in Rule 5.1 of Annexure C and Rule 5.1 of Annexure D is insured with an INSURER and the cover provided in terms of the policy issued by the INSURER is suspended or cancelled for reasons beyond the control of the TRUSTEES then that part of the death benefits in Rule 5.1 of Annexure C and Rule 5.1 of Annexure D which was so insured shall not be payable by the FUND. 9.4 Benefits Inalienable (1) Save to the extent permitted by the ACT, the Income Tax Act, 1962, the Maintenance Act, 1998 and the Divorce Act, 1979, no benefit or right thereto provided for in the RULES, or right in respect of contributions made by or on behalf of a MEMBER or DEFERRED PENSIONER shall be capable of being reduced, transferred, ceded, pledged or hypothecated or be liable to attachment or subject to any form of execution under a judgement or order of court, or to the extent of not more than R3 000 per annum, be capable of being taken into account in the determination of a judgement debtor's financial position in terms of the Magistrates' Courts Act, 1944. (2) If a person attempts to transfer, cede, pledge or hypothecate a benefit or right, the benefit shall, as the TRUSTEES may direct, be withheld or suspended; provided that the TRUSTEES may direct that the benefit or part thereof be paid to one or more of the BENEFICIARY'S DEPENDANTS or to a guardian or trustee for the benefit of such DEPENDANT(S) during such period as they may determine. - 43 - (3) If the estate of any person entitled to a benefit in terms of the RULES is sequestrated or surrendered, the benefit shall, subject to the provisions of the ACT, not be deemed to form part of the assets of the insolvent estate of such person and may not in any way be attached or appropriated by the trustee of such person's insolvent estate or by his creditors, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any law relating to insolvency. 9.5 Lien over Benefits (1) Any benefit payable in respect of a BENEFICIARY in terms of the RULES on a MEMBER'S retirement or termination of membership for any reason may be subject to a deduction by the TRUSTEES in respect of the following: (a) any housing loan granted to the MEMBER by the EMPLOYER for any purpose referred to in Section 19(5)(a) of the ACT; (b) any amount for which the FUND or the EMPLOYER is liable under a guarantee furnished in respect of any loan granted by some other person or body to the MEMBER for any purpose referred to in Section 19(5)(a) of the ACT; (c) compensation (including any legal costs recoverable from the MEMBER) in respect of any damage caused to the EMPLOYER as a result of any theft, dishonesty, fraud or misconduct by the MEMBER and in respect of which the MEMBER has in writing admitted liability to the EMPLOYER, or judgement has been obtained against the MEMBER in any court. - 44 - (2) The TRUSTEES shall pay any amount so deducted to the EMPLOYER or such other person or body; provided that the total amount deducted in terms of (1)(a) and (b) above shall not exceed the amount which may be taken as a lump sum by a BENEFICIARY in terms of the Income Tax Act, 1962. It is further provided that the amount deducted in terms of (1)(c) above is not subject to any restriction other than as stipulated in the ACT. (3) Notwithstanding any other provisions of the RULES, in order to give effect to the provisions of this Rule: (a) the TRUSTEES may where an EMPLOYER has instituted legal proceedings in a court of law and/or laid a criminal charge against the MEMBER concerned for compensation in respect of damage caused to the EMPLOYER as contemplated in Section 37D of the ACT, withhold payment of the benefit until such time as the matter has been finally determined by a competent court of law or has been settled or formally withdrawn; provided that (i) the amount withheld shall not exceed the amount that may be deducted in terms of Section 37D(b)(ii) of the ACT; (ii) the TRUSTEES in their reasonable discretion are satisfied that the EMPLOYER has made out a prima facie case against the MEMBER concerned and there is reason to believe that the EMPLOYER has a reasonable chance of success in the proceedings that have been instituted; - 45 - (iii) the TRUSTEES are EMPLOYER is not at satisfied that any stage the of the proceedings responsible for any undue delay in the prosecution of the proceedings; (iv) once the proceedings have been determined, settled or withdrawn, any benefit to which the MEMBER is entitled is paid forthwith; and (v) the TRUSTEES, at the express written request of a MEMBER whose benefit is withheld, may, if applicable and practical, permit the value of the MEMBER’S benefit as at the time of such request to be isolated, TRUSTEES in believe whatever manner appropriate, from the the possibility of a decrease therein as a result of poor investment performance. (b) if a MEMBER is retiring on PENSION, the TRUSTEES shall have the right to commute for a lump sum an amount of the PENSION up to the maximum amount which may be commuted in terms of Rule 4.5(1) or Rule 4.3 of Annexure C and to make the deduction from such lump sum. 9.6 Unclaimed Benefits If a benefit due under the FUND, other than a benefit payable in terms of Section 37C of the ACT, is not claimed within three years after the date on which it became due for payment, the benefit shall revert to the FUND; provided that if a potential BENEFICIARY approaches the FUND at any stage thereafter, the TRUSTEES shall consider his claim - 46 and if the circumstances so warrant, shall pay to the BENEFICIARY that part of the benefit, increased by such interest as they may allow, that as at the date of payment to the BENEFICIARY is in excess of any costs incurred by the FUND in the administration of such benefit and any amount referred to in Rule 9.13. 9.7 Greater Benefits and Escalation of Benefits (1) The TRUSTEES shall, at the request of the EMPLOYER, increase any benefit payable to or in respect of any MEMBER on such basis as shall be determined after consultation with the ACTUARY, subject to such conditions as they may impose and subject to the approval of the REVENUE AUTHORITIES where necessary. The cost of such greater benefit shall be payable by the EMPLOYER. (2) The TRUSTEES shall review the level of PENSIONS being paid from the FUND and may direct that PENSIONS and deferred PENSIONS be increased. Any increase in PENSIONS and deferred PENSIONS shall be paid in terms of the pension increase policy adopted by the TRUSTEES in consultation with the ACTUARY from time to time, and shall be payable from the date set out in the pension increase policy and subject to the minimum pension increase in terms of the ACT. 9.8 Transfers from or to other Funds (1) The TRUSTEES may, after consultation with the ACTUARY and on conditions determined by them, approve special arrangements for the preservation of pension rights, which make provision, inter alia, for the following: - 47 (a) In respect of persons who were members of another APPROVED PENSION FUND or an APPROVED PROVIDENT FUND and who become MEMBERS of the FUND: (i) for the amendment of the conditions of the FUND in respect of such MEMBERS, having regard to the conditions that applied to such MEMBERS under such other fund; (ii) in the case of DEFINED BENEFIT MEMBERS, for the recognition of certain periods of former service as PENSIONABLE SERVICE or for additional PENSIONS in recognition of any former service; (iii) for the payment by such persons or such other fund of contributions in respect of recognition of such former service or such MEMBER’S benefits. (b) In respect of a person who was a MEMBER of the FUND and within six months of his withdrawal from the FUND becomes a member of an APPROVED PENSION FUND, APPROVED PROVIDENT FUND or APPROVED RETIREMENT ANNUITY FUND: (i) that no withdrawal benefit shall be paid by the FUND under Rule 7 in respect of such MEMBER; (ii) for the payment to such other fund of an amount not less than the value of the withdrawal benefit - 48 that the MEMBER would otherwise have been entitled to in terms of Rule 7.1 and not greater than the ADJUSTED MEMBER'S SHARE in the case of a MEMBER other than a DEFINED BENEFIT MEMBER; provided that in the case of transfer to an APPROVED PROVIDENT FUND, the amount so transferred shall be less any tax payable thereon. (2) Notwithstanding any other provisions of these RULES, in the event of a transfer of an EMPLOYER’S business in terms of Section 197 of the Labour Relations Act, the following shall apply: (a) if a MEMBER affected by such transfer becomes a member of an APPROVED PENSION FUND or an APPROVED PROVIDENT FUND established for the benefit of the employees of the organisation into which the business of his EMPLOYER has been transferred, the TRUSTEES shall pay to such APPROVED PENSION FUND or APPROVED PROVIDENT FUND an amount equal to: (i) in the case of a MEMBER who is not a DEFINED BENEFIT MEMBER, his ADJUSTED MEMBER’S SHARE (less, in the case of transfer to an APPROVED PROVIDENT FUND, any tax payable thereon); or (ii) in the case of a DEFINED BENEFIT MEMBER, his actuarial reserve (less, in the case of transfer - 49 to an APPROVED PROVIDENT FUND, any tax payable thereon), as determined by the ACTUARY at the date on which the MEMBER becomes a member of such APPROVED PENSION FUND or APPROVED PROVIDENT FUND, increased until the date of transfer by interest at a rate determined by the TRUSTEES, after consulting the ACTUARY; or (b) if the circumstances contemplated in (a) above do not exist, the TRUSTEES shall arrange for an amount to be transferred to an APPROVED RETIREMENT ANNUITY FUND for the benefit of the MEMBER, such amount being equal to: (i) in the case of a MEMBER who is not a DEFINED BENEFIT MEMBER, his ADJUSTED MEMBER’S SHARE; or (ii) in the case of a DEFINED BENEFIT MEMBER, his actuarial reserve, as determined by the ACTUARY at the date on which the MEMBER becomes a member of such APPROVED RETIREMENT ANNUITY FUND, increased until the date of transfer by interest at a rate determined by the TRUSTEES, after consulting the ACTUARY. On finalisation of the transfer of his benefit in terms of (a) or (b) above, the MEMBER shall cease to be a MEMBER of the FUND. - 50 - 9.9 Currency Contributions and benefits are payable in the currency of the Republic of South Africa. 9.10 Moneys not to revert to Employer The EMPLOYER shall not derive any monetary advantage from moneys paid into or out of the FUND and no moneys shall become the property of the EMPLOYER other than expressly provided for in these RULES. 9.11 Interpretation of Rules and Disputes (1) The decision of the TRUSTEES as to the meaning of or interpretation of these RULES or of any particular Rule or part of a Rule shall be final and binding on the EMPLOYERS, MEMBERS and every person claiming to be entitled to a benefit under these RULES, subject to the provisions of Section 30A of the ACT. (2) Any question which may arise with regard to a claim by any person under these RULES shall be decided by the TRUSTEES, subject to the provisions of Section 30A of the ACT. (3) If any person affected by a decision of the TRUSTEES in terms of (1) or (2) above is dissatisfied with the decision, he shall have the right to lodge a written complaint as envisaged in Section 30A of the ACT. dissatisfied he may lodge If such person remains his complaint with the ADJUDICATOR which shall be dealt with in accordance with Sections 30D to 30P of the ACT. - 51 - (4) The EMPLOYER, the TRUSTEES (or one or more of their number), or any other person having a complaint or dispute of fact or law shall, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in these RULES, have the right to invoke the complaint procedures in accordance with the ACT. 9.12 Special Provisions applicable with effect from 2 October 2000 (1) If the PENSION payable to a QUALIFYING SPOUSE who is in receipt of a PENSION on 2 October 2000 had previously been reduced as a result of the QUALIFYING SPOUSE’S remarriage, in terms of the RULES as they applied prior to 1 December 1997, the PENSION payable to such QUALIFYING SPOUSE shall be increased to the level which would have been payable on 2 October 2000, if such reduction had not been applied; provided that such revised PENSION shall only be payable with effect from 2 October 2000 and no adjustment shall be made to the PENSION which was paid to a QUALIFYING SPOUSE prior to this date. (2) If the PENSION payable to a QUALIFYING CHILD who is in receipt of a PENSION on 2 October 2000 had previously been increased as a result of the remarriage of a QUALIFYING SPOUSE, in terms of the RULES as they applied prior to 1 December 1997, the PENSION payable to such QUALIFYING CHILD shall be reduced to the level which would have been payable on 2 October 2000, if such increase had not been applied; provided that such revised PENSION shall only be payable with effect from 2 October 2000 and no adjustment shall be made to the PENSION which was paid to a QUALIFYING CHILD prior to this date. - 52 (3) This Rule shall not be applied retrospectively and no person who qualifies for benefits in terms of this Rule shall have any claim whatsoever for benefits hereunder, prior to 2 October 2000. 9.13 Tracing Costs If any costs are incurred as a consequence of the TRUSTEES tracing any potential BENEFICIARIES whose benefits due under the FUND are unclaimed, such reasonable costs may be recovered from the benefits payable to such BENEFICIARIES. - 53 10. MANAGEMENT OF THE FUND 10.1 Board of Trustees (1) The control, management and administration of the FUND shall vest in a Board of TRUSTEES consisting of fourteen persons, of which seven (hereinafter referred to as representatives of the EMPLOYER) shall be appointed by the MAIN EMPLOYER, six (hereinafter referred to as representatives of the MEMBERS) shall be elected by the MEMBERS, and one (hereinafter referred to as a representative of the PENSIONERS) shall be elected by the PENSIONERS. (2) An alternate for each TRUSTEE may be appointed by the MAIN EMPLOYER or elected by the MEMBERS or PENSIONERS depending on whether the TRUSTEE is a representative of the EMPLOYER, the MEMBERS or the PENSIONERS. Each such alternate shall act on behalf of the TRUSTEE in respect of whom he has been appointed or elected during the latter’s absence or inability to act as TRUSTEE. (3) The representatives of the MEMBERS and PENSIONERS and their alternates shall be elected by ballot. The six candidates receiving the highest number of votes from the MEMBERS shall be regarded as representatives of the MEMBERS while the next six candidates shall serve as alternatives. The candidate receiving the highest number of votes from the PENSIONERS shall be regarded as the PENSIONERS’ representative and the candidate receiving the second highest number votes shall be his alternate. - 54 Where two or more MEMBERS have the same number of votes, the election, in respect of those MEMBERS shall be determined by a draw. When a MEMBERS' or PENSIONERS' representative or alternate is elected, he shall remain, subject to the provisions of Rules 10.1(5) and 10.1(6) and his right to resign, a TRUSTEE or alternate for a period of three years, whereafter he shall retire from his position. A TRUSTEE or alternate who has retired in accordance herewith may be re-elected. (4) A casual vacancy on the Board of TRUSTEES in respect of a TRUSTEE or alternate appointed by the MAIN EMPLOYER, shall be filled by the MAIN EMPLOYER. A casual vacancy on the Board of TRUSTEES in respect of a TRUSTEE or alternate elected by the MEMBERS or the PENSIONERS, shall be filled by the Board of TRUSTEES after consultation with the representatives of the MEMBERS and PENSIONERS; provided that the person thus appointed shall retire at the same time as the TRUSTEE or alternate in whose place he was appointed, would have retired. (5) The MAIN EMPLOYER has the right at any time to remove one or more of his representatives on the Board of TRUSTEES and/or their alternates from office and to appoint new representatives and/or alternates in their place. The MEMBERS have the right to remove one or more of their representatives on the Board of TRUSTEES and/or their alternates by way of a resolution made at a general meeting of MEMBERS called for this purpose by the Board of TRUSTEES at the request of at least one-third of the MEMBERS, and to alternates in their place. elect new representatives and/or - 55 The PENSIONERS may remove their representative on the Board of TRUSTEES and/or his alternate by way of a resolution made at a general meeting of PENSIONERS called for this purpose by the Board of TRUSTEES at the request of at least one-third of the PENSIONERS, and to elect a new representative and/or alternate in his place. (6) Any TRUSTEE or any alternate shall cease to act as such if: (i) he ceases to be a TRUSTEE in terms of Rules 10.1(3) or 10.1(5); or (ii) he becomes mentally or physically incapable of acting; or (iii) his estate is sequestrated or surrendered or assigned in favour of his creditors; or (iv) he is convicted by a competent court of theft, fraud, forgery or any similar offence; or (v) he is discharged by a competent court from any office of trust on account of misconduct; or (vi) he is convicted by a competent court on any charge and sentenced to a prison term without the option of a fine. (7) A chairman shall be elected by the TRUSTEES from nominations which they have submitted. The outgoing chairman shall not have a vote during such election and, should the votes be equal, the matter shall be referred to the president of the Institute of Retirement Funds for a final decision. - 56 - The following provisions shall apply to the chairman: (i) he may not be a MEMBER or a TRUSTEE of the FUND; (ii) he must be younger than 70 years of age; (iii) he shall be appointed for a period of 3 years; and (iv) an outgoing chairman may present himself for reelection but may not hold this office for more than three terms. (8) The quorum of the Board of TRUSTEES shall comprise six TRUSTEES of which three shall be representatives of the EMPLOYER. Such quorum shall be authorised to carry out any of the obligations of the Board of TRUSTEES in spite of any vacancy which may arise on the Board of TRUSTEES. In the case of absence of the chairman at any meeting, an acting chairman shall be elected by the TRUSTEES present. 10.2 Meetings of the Board of Trustees (1) The chairman shall, when he deems it necessary, but at least once a year, convene a meeting of the Board of TRUSTEES in order to address the matters pertaining to the FUND. At all such meetings the decision of the majority shall be binding. The chairman of the meeting shall not have a normal vote but, should the votes be equal, he shall have a casting vote. - 57 (2) Any TRUSTEE may direct a written request to the chairman to convene a meeting of the Board of TRUSTEES in order to address matters set out in the request. If the chairman deems the request to be reasonable, he shall convene a meeting of the TRUSTEES as soon as possible, but in any event not more than 30 days after the request was received; provided that if the request enjoys the support of the majority of TRUSTEES and the chairman does not convene a meeting, the TRUSTEES may themselves convene a meeting after having informed the chairman of their intention to do so, and if a quorum is present the decision of the meeting shall be binding. At least 15 days’ notice of each ordinary meeting shall be given to each TRUSTEE; provided that at the discretion of the Board of TRUSTEES this notice period may be waived or reduced. (3) Minutes of the meeting of the Board of TRUSTEES must be kept. At each meeting the minutes of the previous meeting must be signed by the chairman of the meeting after being approved by the meeting. (4) A decision signed by more than half the Board of TRUSTEES, shall be as valid and binding as a decision taken at a meeting of the Board of TRUSTEES and must be noted as such. Any decision taken in terms of this provision must be ratified at the next TRUSTEES’ meeting. 10.3 Powers of the Board of Trustees Subject to the provisions of the ACT, the TRUSTEES shall be authorised to carry out the objects and purposes of the FUND in accordance with the RULES and, without prejudice to the general purport of this provision, shall have the following powers: - 58 - (a) to receive, administer and apply the moneys of the FUND; (b) to enter into contracts in the name of the FUND and to sign such contracts or other documents on behalf of the FUND, to institute any legal action and to conduct, process, defend, settle or abandon any legal action or process instituted by or against the FUND; (c) to raise, borrow or lend moneys, at interest or otherwise, for the purposes of the FUND; provided that borrowing shall be limited to temporary loans for bridging unforeseen cash shortages or for taking advantage of attractive investment opportunities; provided further that the total amount of such loans shall be limited to 50% of the gross income of the FUND from all sources in the preceding financial year; (d) to acquire, hold, alienate or otherwise deal with any movable or immovable property for the use of the FUND; provided that any property in excess of the FUND'S own requirements at any stage may be let; (e) subject to the provisions of Section 19 of the ACT, to invest in immovable property and otherwise to invest, lend, put out at interest, place on deposit, make advances of, or otherwise deal with all moneys of the FUND upon such securities and in such manner as they may determine from time to time, and, in particular, to invest the whole or part of the moneys of the FUND, for such period and on such terms as they may determine, in an investment policy issued by an INSURER; provided that the TRUSTEES may delegate their powers to make investments of any nature to any person or persons, or to a financial institution as defined in the Financial Institutions - 59 (Protection of Funds) Act, 2001, or to a person approved in terms of Section 4(1)(a) of the Stock Exchanges Control Act, 1985, and may defray expenses incurred as a result of such delegation out of the moneys of the FUND; (f) to provide a guarantee in respect of a loan granted to a MEMBER by another person, for a purpose envisaged in Section 19(5)(a) of the ACT; provided that such guarantee shall be subject to the requirements of the REGISTRAR; provided further that a MEMBER who is in receipt of a loan from the FUND on 1 November 1996, as envisaged in Section 19(5) of the ACT, may elect to leave such loan with the FUND or to apply for a loan from another person as determined by the TRUSTEES and to settle the loan with the FUND, in which case the provisions of the first paragraph above shall apply. A loan granted to a MEMBER by the FUND or a loan granted to the MEMBER by another person and in respect of which the FUND has provided a guarantee, shall be repaid immediately on termination of the MEMBER'S SERVICE, and may in accordance with Rule 9.5 of the RULES and Section 37D of the ACT, be deducted from any benefit payable to which the MEMBER or his BENEFICIARY may be entitled, and paid to the FUND or the other person who granted the loan, as the case may be. If the MEMBER is in receipt of a PENSION, the TRUSTEES may commute part of the PENSION for a lump sum in accordance with Rule 9.5, on the advice of the ACTUARY, to settle the loan. (g) to reinsure with an INSURER any benefit provided by the FUND to its MEMBERS and/or PENSIONERS and to act on behalf of the FUND and the MEMBERS in all negotiations with such INSURER; - 60 - (h) to delegate any of their powers and obligations to a subcommittee or any other person or persons, subject to such conditions they may determine; (i) to make, amend and rescind regulations in respect of any matter concerning the FUND, provided that such regulations are compatible with the RULES; (j) in general to take such steps as are, in their discretion, conducive to the attainment of the objects of the FUND. (k) (aa) Notwithstanding the provisions of Rule 10.3(e), the investment powers of the TRUSTEES may be delegated by the TRUSTEES to each MEMBER of the FUND on such terms and conditions and in accordance with such procedures as the TRUSTEES may prescribe from time to time. These terms, conditions and procedures include but are not limited to: (i) the right of the TRUSTEES to determine, and change from time to time, the number, range and composition of any investment portfolios from which a MEMBER may elect to invest all or part of his MEMBER'S SHARE and/or contributions paid by and in respect of him; (ii) the right of the TRUSTEES, in their sole discretion, to take into account any charges incurred in connection with any investment choice made by a MEMBER when determining the INVESTMENT RETURN in respect of that MEMBER; - 61 - (iii) in the case of a MEMBER who does not elect within such timeframe specified by the TRUSTEES, an investment portfolio in respect of all or part of his MEMBER'S SHARE and/or contributions paid by and in respect of him, the right of the TRUSTEES to invest the assets relating to his MEMBER’S SHARE in a moderate balanced portfolio which continues to operate on the smoothed bonus principle. (bb) The TRUSTEES shall take reasonable steps to ensure that MEMBERS are adequately informed of their investment choices available to consequences of their decisions. them and the The TRUSTEES shall in no way advise, influence or assist MEMBERS in making their choices, such advice to be obtained by MEMBERS from their personal financial planners or such other financial advisors as the TRUSTEES may from time to time arrange for the benefit of MEMBERS. (cc) Whilst the TRUSTEES shall take reasonable steps to ensure that the interests of all MEMBERS are protected, the TRUSTEES and the FUND shall not be liable for any loss, damage or prejudice suffered, or alleged to be suffered, by any MEMBER or other person claiming to be entitled to a benefit or any other amount under the FUND, as a result of or in connection with any investment choice made by a MEMBER. 10.4 Principal Officer (1) The TRUSTEES shall appoint a principal officer and, if deemed necessary, any other staff subject to such terms and - 62 conditions as they may determine. Any such appointment may be changed by the TRUSTEES in their sole discretion. The TRUSTEES shall inform the REGISTRAR of the name of the principal officer. If the principal officer is absent from the Republic of South Africa for a period exceeding 30 days or is otherwise unable to perform his duties, the TRUSTEES must appoint another person to act as principal officer during the period of his absence or disability and must advise the REGISTRAR accordingly. (2) The TRUSTEES may from time to time appoint a suitable person or body to attend to the day-to-day operation of the FUND. Any such appointment may be changed by the TRUSTEES in their sole discretion. 10.5 Auditor (1) The TRUSTEES shall appoint an AUDITOR, subject to the provisions of the ACT, and each such appointment shall remain in force for a period of twelve months unless the AUDITOR is discharged by the TRUSTEES or the AUDITOR withdraws the appointment prior to the expiry of such period of twelve months. (2) The AUDITOR shall have access to all books, vouchers, accounts and other documents pertaining to the FUND and shall certify in writing the result of each audit. 10.6 Books of Account (1) The TRUSTEES shall ensure that such accounts, entries, registers and records as are necessary for the proper - 63 management of the FUND are kept. The books of account shall be closed off as at the FUND ANNIVERSARY and be audited by the AUDITOR of the FUND. (2) The accounts shall be approved by the TRUSTEES and a copy thereof shall be available for inspection by MEMBERS of the FUND and any other person having an interest in the FUND. 10.7 Actuary The TRUSTEES shall appoint an ACTUARY as the valuator of the FUND in terms of the ACT, subject to the consent of the REGISTRAR, and such appointment shall remain in force until rescinded by the TRUSTEES or withdrawn by the ACTUARY. 10.8 Actuarial Valuations (1) The TRUSTEES shall keep such registers and records as will enable the ACTUARY to undertake an actuarial valuation of the FUND at any time. (2) The financial condition of the FUND shall be investigated and reported on by the ACTUARY at intervals not exceeding three years. The TRUSTEES shall forward a copy of such report to the REGISTRAR and shall cause a copy of such report or a summary thereof to be sent to every EMPLOYER participating in the FUND. (3) If the valuation discloses that there is a deficit, the manner of funding the deficit shall be considered by the TRUSTEES and the MAIN EMPLOYER in consultation with the ACTUARY. The decision on how the deficit is to be funded shall be taken - 64 by the TRUSTEES on the advice of the ACTUARY and subject to the agreement of the MAIN EMPLOYER; provided that any deficit in respect of DEFINED BENEFIT MEMBERS and persons in receipt of PENSIONS from the FUND shall be met by the EMPLOYER and/or the Employer Surplus Account. If the valuation discloses that there is an actuarial surplus, the provisions of (4) or (5) below, as applicable, shall apply. (4) If a valuation as at the SURPLUS APPORTIONMENT DATE discloses that there is an actuarial surplus, such surplus shall, after meeting the costs of apportioning surplus in accordance with the ACT, be equitably apportioned between the stakeholders contemplated in the ACT in accordance with a scheme for REGISTRAR apportionment within 18 to months be submitted after the to the SURPLUS APPORTIONMENT DATE, or such later date as approved by the REGISTRAR. Any amounts allocated to the MEMBERS and/or the EMPLOYER in terms of the surplus apportionment scheme shall be credited to the Employer Surplus Account and the Member Surplus Account established in terms of Rule 2.6 and Rule 2.7. (5) If a valuation after the implementation of a scheme for surplus apportionment in terms of (4) above discloses surplus, such amount shall be credited to the Employer Surplus Account and to the Member Surplus Account in terms of Section 15C of the ACT; provided that any surplus in respect of DEFINED BENEFIT MEMBERS and persons in receipt of PENSIONS from the FUND shall be credited to the Employer Surplus Account. - 65 10.9 Bank Account The TRUSTEES shall cause accounts to be opened in the name of the FUND at any registered banking institution and may from time to time authorise cheques, bills or other documents relating to such accounts and pertaining to the FUND to be signed or endorsed by any person as they deem fit. All moneys received by or on behalf of the FUND shall be paid into one of these accounts. 10.10 Records and Safe Custody of Securities (1) The TRUSTEES shall ensure that complete records are kept of all the necessary particulars of the MEMBERS and any other persons entitled to benefits and of all other matters essential to the efficient administration of the FUND. (2) All mortgage bonds, title deeds and other securities belonging to or held by the FUND shall, unless temporarily held in custody by others for the purposes of the FUND, be kept in safe custody in the safe or strongroom at the registered office of the FUND or at any registered financial institution approved by the REGISTRAR. (3) All assets and securities belonging to or held by the FUND shall be registered in the name of the FUND or in the name of a nominee company approved by the REGISTRAR. 10.11 Signing of Documents The principal officer, and one other TRUSTEE so authorised by the TRUSTEES shall sign any agreement or document which is binding - 66 on the FUND or which authorises action on behalf of the FUND; provided that documents to be deposited with the REGISTRAR shall be signed as prescribed in the ACT. 10.12 Indemnification In the interpretation of the RULES or in the execution of any duty entrusted to them in terms of the RULES, the TRUSTEES or any person to whom they have delegated any of their powers are not responsible for any consequence of their actions, except for a premeditated or intentional breach of trust. 10.13 Fidelity Insurance The TRUSTEES shall: (a) insure the FUND against losses resulting from negligence, dishonesty or fraud of any of its officers (including the TRUSTEES) having the receipt or charge of moneys or other assets belonging to the FUND; (b) obtain a written undertaking that any other person or party including the MAIN EMPLOYER has taken out insurance against losses resulting from the negligence, dishonesty or fraud of any other person having the receipt or charge of moneys or other assets belonging to the FUND. 10.14 Expenses (1) The costs incidental to the management and administration of the Fund, including the cost of audits, actuarial valuations and investment charges, shall be borne by the FUND. For this purpose the EMPLOYERS shall make an additional monthly - 67 contribution to the FUND, currently 0,6 per cent of PENSIONABLE EMOLUMENTS or as agreed between the MAIN EMPLOYER and the Board of TRUSTEES from time to time. (2) In case where actions by the EMPLOYERS give rise to substantial, non-recurrent increases or decreases in cost (e.g. staff reductions, withdrawal of an EMPLOYER), the EMPLOYERS and the FUND shall compensate each other for additional costs or savings. Where FUND costs increase or decrease for other reasons, the MAIN EMPLOYER and the FUND may negotiate an adjustment in the percentage referred to in (1). (3) Expenses such as stamp duties, brokers’ commissions and other costs which arise directly from the investments of the FUND are excluded from any costs in terms of this Rule 10.14 and shall continue to be borne by the FUND. - 68 11. GENERAL 11.1 Proof of Age and Particulars Every MEMBER must submit proof of age satisfactory to the TRUSTEES and furnish such other information as is required by the TRUSTEES. No benefits, other than benefits in terms of Rule 7.1, shall be paid in respect of any MEMBER until such proof of age has been submitted and such other information furnished. 11.2 Beneficiaries are Deferred Creditors The BENEFICIARIES in terms of the RULES are deferred creditors of the FUND and their claim in their capacity as BENEFICIARIES shall not be met until the claims of ordinary creditors have been paid. 11.3 Conditions of Service Unchanged (1) Nothing contained in the RULES shall restrict the right of the EMPLOYER to dismiss any EMPLOYEE, or the right of any EMPLOYEE to leave the SERVICE of his EMPLOYER, provided he fulfils the conditions of his service. (2) No benefit, right or interest to which a MEMBER is or may have been entitled in terms of the RULES shall be grounds for a claim for damages in any action brought by such MEMBER against the EMPLOYER or the FUND. (3) Nothing contained in the RULES shall in any way affect the right of a MEMBER or his DEPENDANT to claim compensation or damages in terms of Common Law or any law governing workman's compensation, and the benefits payable in terms of the RULES shall not be reduced by any payment made under any such law. - 69 - 11.4 Registration and Approval The TRUSTEES shall apply for registration of the FUND in accordance with the provisions of the ACT and shall apply to the REVENUE AUTHORITIES for the approval of the FUND as a pension fund in terms of the Income Tax Act, 1962. 11.5 Amendments to the Rules (1) The TRUSTEES may at any time amend the RULES by a majority of votes; provided that: (a) the value of a MEMBER'S SHARE and the vested benefits in respect of accumulated PENSIONABLE SERVICE of DEFINED BENEFIT MEMBERS prior to such amendment shall not be reduced; (b) the amendment is approved by the MAIN EMPLOYER should the amendment affect the MAIN EMPLOYER’S financial obligation to the FUND; (c) the amendment is not inconsistent with the provisions of the ACT or of the Income Tax Act, 1962; provided that the limitations in (a) and (b) above shall not apply to amendments required to ensure that the FUND will be able to meet its obligations in terms of a certificate issued by the ACTUARY; and provided further that any amendment to the RULES affecting the financial basis of the FUND shall be referred to the ACTUARY before being adopted. (2) The TRUSTEES shall submit all amendments to the RULES to the REGISTRAR and the REVENUE AUTHORITIES. - 70 - (3) Within six months after the FUND ANNIVERSARY the principal officer shall notify the MEMBERS of all amendments to the RULES registered during the latest financial year of the FUND. 11.6 Members may obtain Copies of Documents Every MEMBER shall on admission to membership be entitled to a copy of the RULES or to a summary thereof supplied at his request. Every MEMBER shall also be entitled on demand to inspect and make copies of the current RULES of the FUND, the latest accounts of the FUND and the latest valuation report by the ACTUARY. 11.7 Binding Power of Rules The provisions of the RULES and any regulation made thereunder by the TRUSTEES shall be binding on the EMPLOYER, the MEMBERS, the FUND and its officials, and any person who institutes a claim against the FUND. 11.8 Admission of Additional Employers Any organisation, company or body directly or indirectly related to the MAIN EMPLOYER which applies to participate in the FUND may be admitted as an EMPLOYER for the purposes of the RULES, subject to the approval of the MAIN EMPLOYER and the TRUSTEES on such conditions as they may determine. 11.9 Dissolution of Fund (1) The FUND may be dissolved by the TRUSTEES, in which case the TRUSTEES shall appoint a liquidator, subject to the approval of the REGISTRAR. - 71 - The liquidator shall allocate the balance in the Pensions Account to the PENSIONERS and the QUALIFYING SPOUSES and QUALIFYING CHILDREN in receipt of PENSIONS from the FUND, on a basis recommended by the ACTUARY and approved by the liquidator, and use each such PENSIONER'S, QUALIFYING SPOUSE’S and QUALIFYING CHILD’S allocation to purchase a pension from an INSURER. The conditions determined in respect of such pension shall as far as possible be equal to the PENSIONER'S, QUALIFYING SPOUSE’S or QUALIFYING CHILD’S PENSION. The liquidator shall allocate the balance of the assets of the FUND in an equitable manner, as recommended by the ACTUARY, amongst the MEMBERS participating in the FUND and the DEFERRED PENSIONERS, and each MEMBER'S and DEFERRED PENSIONER'S interest in the FUND shall be invested in such person's name in an APPROVED RETIREMENT ANNUITY FUND of his choice, or in a PRESERVATION PENSION FUND; provided that transfer to a PRESERVATION PENSION FUND is subject to the requirements of the REVENUE AUTHORITIES as specified from time to time. (2) The liquidator may determine another method of allocating the assets of the FUND for the benefit of the MEMBERS, PENSIONERS, DEFERRED PENSIONERS, QUALIFYING SPOUSES and QUALIFYING CHILDREN, subject to the approval of the REGISTRAR AUTHORITIES. (3) The FUND may further be dissolved: (a) in terms of an order of a court; and the REVENUE - 72 - or (b) if the EMPLOYERS unanimously decide that the FUND should be dissolved, subject to giving six months’ notice to the TRUSTEES and MEMBERS; or (c) if the MAIN EMPLOYER ceases to do business for any reason; provided that if the MAIN EMPLOYER ceases to do business due to reconstruction or amalgamation, such reconstructed or amalgamated organisation shall have the right to take the place of the MAIN EMPLOYER in the FUND, in which case the FUND shall not otherwise be affected. (4) If the FUND is dissolved in terms of (3) above, the TRUSTEES shall appoint a liquidator, subject to the approval of the REGISTRAR. (5) Subject to the provisions of the ACT and the provisions of Rule 9.5, the liquidator shall decide in which manner the assets of the FUND shall be realised and, after consultation with the ACTUARY, in which manner the obligations of the FUND, including obligations and conditional obligations in respect of MEMBERS, PENSIONERS, DEFERRED PENSIONERS, QUALIFYING SPOUSES and QUALIFYING CHILDREN, shall be met. The ACTUARY shall take the following into consideration: (a) any PENSIONS or increases in PENSIONS payable to PENSIONERS, QUALIFYING SPOUSES and - 73 QUALIFYING CHILDREN in terms of the RULES as well as any future QUALIFYING SPOUSE’S and QUALIFYING CHILDREN'S PENSIONS which may become payable at a later date due to the death of a PENSIONER; (b) the interest of each MEMBER and DEFERRED PENSIONER as at the date of dissolution as well as any additional contributions transferred to the FUND by or on behalf of an EMPLOYER or assets to the FUND contributed by an EMPLOYER on the date on which he was admitted to the FUND as such; and (c) any other obligations and liabilities. The liquidator shall arrange, where necessary, for the purchase of annuities from an INSURER in respect of the PENSIONS referred to in (a) above. (6) Any assets remaining in the FUND after the obligations referred to in (5) above have been met, shall be equitably divided amongst the MEMBERS, PENSIONERS, DEFERRED PENSIONERS, QUALIFYING SPOUSES and QUALIFYING CHILDREN by the liquidator and at his discretion; provided that all EMPLOYEES who left the SERVICE in the immediately preceding twelve months shall, for purposes of this Rule, be considered to be MEMBERS at the date of dissolution of the FUND; provided further, that benefits already paid to such EMPLOYEES prior to the dividing of the remaining assets shall be taken into consideration in determining the amount payable to such person. - 74 It is specifically provided that the provisions of the Pension Funds Second Amendment Act, Act No. 39 of 2001, shall override any conflicting provisions in this Rule 11.9, in particular with regard to payment of minimum benefits and the rights of the stakeholders. (7) If the FUND is terminated or dissolved under Section 28 of the ACT, all moneys remaining unclaimed for a period of six months from the date on which payment of benefits commenced after completion of all necessary formalities, shall be paid into the Guardian's Fund by the liquidator for the benefit of the BENEFICIARIES concerned, and thereafter there shall be no claim against the FUND or the EMPLOYER. The liquidator shall indicate in his final liquidation account the amount thus paid and shall simultaneously furnish the REGISTRAR with a certificate to the effect that all reasonable steps were taken to trace persons entitled to the amount. An auditor approved by the REGISTRAR shall certify the account as correct. (8) If the FUND is wound up in terms of an order of court as envisaged in Section 29 of the ACT, and the winding-up order does not specifically make Section 410 of the Companies Act, 1973, expressly applicable and makes no other prescription regarding how to deal with unclaimed moneys, the provisions of (7) above shall apply. 11.10 Withdrawal of an Employer (1) Subject to the giving of three months' (or such shorter period as is accepted by the TRUSTEES) notice by the EMPLOYER concerned to the TRUSTEES and the MEMBERS employed by that EMPLOYER, an EMPLOYER may withdraw from the FUND in which case one of the following provisions shall apply: - 75 - (a) Subject to the provisions of (b) below, the provisions of Rule 11.9 shall apply mutatis mutandis in respect of the MEMBERS in the SERVICE of the EMPLOYER concerned. (b) If such EMPLOYER decides to establish a new fund or scheme or to participate in another fund or scheme for the purpose of providing retirement benefits for EMPLOYEES who are members thereof, the provisions of Rule 11.12 shall apply in respect of such EMPLOYER. (2) With the approval of, or, if requested by the MAIN EMPLOYER, the TRUSTEES may request an EMPLOYER to withdraw from the FUND as from a date specified by them in which case the provisions of (1) above shall apply. (3) If an EMPLOYER ceases to do business for any reason, such cessation shall be deemed a withdrawal from the FUND by such EMPLOYER for the purposes of this Rule, in which event (1)(a) above shall apply. 11.11 Transfer or Amalgamation If an EMPLOYER'S operation is transferred to or amalgamated with that of any other organisation, one of the following provisions shall apply: (1) If after such transfer or amalgamation there is no EMPLOYER in terms of the RULES, such other organisation may: (a) replace such EMPLOYER in the FUND in which event the FUND shall not otherwise be affected; or - 76 - (b) decide that the FUND be dissolved in accordance with Rule 11.9. (2) Otherwise such other organisation may: (a) continue contributions to the FUND in respect of the existing MEMBERS at the time of such transfer or amalgamation, subject to any conditions imposed by the TRUSTEES after consultation with the ACTUARY; in which case the FUND shall not be affected except that "EMPLOYER" shall then include such new organisation, and the provisions of the RULES shall thereafter apply to all EMPLOYEES of the new EMPLOYER who were MEMBERS of the FUND at the time of such transfer or amalgamation; or (b) withdraw from the FUND in which case Rule 11.10 shall, subject to the requirements of the REVENUE AUTHORITIES, apply. 11.12 New Fund or Scheme (1) If the EMPLOYER decides to establish an APPROVED PENSION FUND or an APPROVED PROVIDENT FUND for the principal purpose of providing retirement benefits for his EMPLOYEES or for certain of his EMPLOYEES, or to participate in another APPROVED PENSION FUND or APPROVED PROVIDENT FUND for this purpose, the TRUSTEES may, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the RULES, apply each MEMBER'S and DEFERRED PENSIONER'S share of the FUND, as determined by the TRUSTEES after consultation with the ACTUARY, to obtain - 77 benefits for the MEMBERS and DEFERRED PENSIONERS concerned under the APPROVED PENSION FUND or APPROVED PROVIDENT FUND, in such manner as the TRUSTEES, after consultation with the ACTUARY and with the approval of the REGISTRAR, may decide, subject to the provisions of Section 14 of the ACT; and provided that sufficient arrangements are made in respect of PENSIONS referred to in Rule 11.9(5)(a). (2) The EMPLOYER shall have the right to request that the PENSIONERS who were employed by him prior to their retirement, be transferred to the APPROVED PENSION FUND or APPROVED PROVIDENT FUND, in which case the TRUSTEES shall transfer the appropriate proportion of the Pensions Account, as determined by the ACTUARY, to such APPROVED PENSION FUND or APPROVED PROVIDENT FUND. 11.13 Transfer to another Fund in which the Employer participates With the agreement of the TRUSTEES, certain groups of MEMBERS may be allowed to transfer to another APPROVED PENSION FUND or APPROVED PROVIDENT FUND in which the EMPLOYER participates. In such case, the TRUSTEES, subject to the provisions of Section 14 of the ACT, shall transfer each such MEMBER'S share of the FUND, as determined by the TRUSTEES after consultation with the ACTUARY, to obtain benefits for the MEMBERS in terms of the rules of such APPROVED PENSION FUND or APPROVED PROVIDENT FUND. - 78 ANNEXURE A PENSION FUNDS ACT, NO. 24 OF 1956 SECTION 37C "37C. Disposition of pension benefits upon death of member (1) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in any law or in the rules of a registered fund, any benefit payable by such a fund upon the death of a member, shall, subject to a pledge in accordance with section 19(5)(b)(i) and subject to the provisions of sections 37A(3) and 37D, not form part of the assets in the estate of such a member, but shall be dealt with in the following manner: (a) If the fund within twelve months of the death of the member becomes aware of or traces a dependant or dependants of the member, the benefit shall be paid to such dependant or, as may be deemed equitable by the board, to one of such dependants or in proportions to some of or all such dependants. (b) If the fund does not become aware of or cannot trace any dependant of the member within twelve months of the death of the member, and the member has designated in writing to the fund a nominee who is not a dependant of the member, to receive the benefit or such portion of the benefit as is specified by the member in writing to the fund, the benefit or such portion of the benefit shall be paid to such nominee: Provided that where the aggregate amount of the debts in the estate of the member exceeds the aggregate amount of the assets in his estate, so much of the benefit as is equal to the difference between such aggregate amount of debts and such aggregate amount of assets shall be paid into the estate and - 79 the balance of such benefit or the balance of such portion of the benefit as specified by the member in writing to the fund shall be paid to the nominee. (bA) If a member has a dependant and the member has also designated in writing to the fund a nominee to receive the benefit or such portion of the benefit as is specified by the member in writing to the fund, the fund shall within twelve months of the death of such member pay the benefit or such portion thereof to such dependant or nominee in such proportions as the board may deem equitable: Provided that this paragraph shall only apply to the designation of a nominee made on or after 30 June 1989: Provided further that, in respect of a designation made on or after the said date, this paragraph shall not prohibit a fund from paying the benefit, either to a dependant or nominee contemplated in this paragraph or, if there is more than one such dependant or nominee, in proportions to any or all of those dependants and nominees. (c) If the fund does not become aware of or cannot trace any dependant of the member within twelve months of the death of the member and if the member has not designated a nominee or if the member has designated a nominee to receive a portion of the benefit in writing to the fund, the benefit or the remaining portion of the benefit after payment to the designated nominee, shall be paid into the estate of the member or, if no inventory in respect of the member has been received by the Master of the Supreme Court in terms of section 9 of the Estates Act, 1965 (Act No. 66 of 1965), into the Guardian's Fund. - 80 (2) For the purpose of this section, a payment by a registered fund to a trustee contemplated in the Trust Property Control Act, 1988 (Act No. 57 of 1988), for the benefit of a dependant or nominee contemplated in this section shall be deemed to be a payment to such dependant or nominee. (3) Any benefit dealt with in terms of this section, payable to a minor dependant or minor nominee, may be paid in more than one payment in such amounts as the board may from time to time consider appropriate and in the best interests of such dependant or nominee: Provided that interest at a reasonable rate, having regard to the investment return earned by the fund, shall be added to the outstanding balance at such times as the board may determine: Provided further that any balance owing to such a dependant or nominee at the date on which he or she attains majority or dies, whichever occurs first, shall be paid in full. (4) (a) Any benefit dealt with in terms of this section, payable to a major dependant or major nominee, may be paid in more than one payment if the dependant or nominee has consented thereto in writing: Provided that - (i) the amount of the payments, intervals of payment, interest to be added and other terms and conditions are disclosed in a written agreement; and (ii) the agreement may be cancelled by either party on written notice not exceeding 90 days. (b) If the agreement contemplated in paragraph (a) is cancelled the balance of the benefit shall be paid to the dependant or nominee in full." - 81 ANNEXURE B PENSION FUNDS ACT, NO. 24 OF 1956 SECTION 19(5) "19.5 Granting of loans by a registered fund to members by way of investment of its funds (a) A registered fund may, if its rules so permit and subject to the regulations, grant a loan to a member by way of investment of its funds or furnish a guarantee in favour of a person other than the fund in respect of a loan granted or to be granted by such other person to a member to enable the member – (i) to redeem a loan granted to the member against security of, either a pledge by the member concerned to the fund of the benefit contemplated in paragraph (c)(ii), or immovable property which either belongs to the member or his or her spouse or the member and his or her spouse and on which a residence has been or will be erected which is occupied or, as the case may be, will be occupied by the member or a dependant of the member; (ii) to acquire immovable property on which a residence has been or will be erected, or to erect a residence on immovable property in respect of which, either the member or his or her spouse, or the member and his or her spouse has or have obtained ownership or the right to ownership through a right of occupation, for occupation by the member or a dependant of the member; or (iii) to make additions or alterations to or to maintain or repair a residence of which ownership or the right to ownership was - 82 obtained through a right of occupation by either the member or his or her spouse or the member and his or her spouse and which is occupied or will be occupied by the member or a dependant of the member, if the right of occupation of the immovable property or residence is secured by virtue of the operation of any custom or law, other than an agreement of lease or similar temporary measure, entitling such member, or his or her dependants, to the right of occupation of such immovable property or residence or any specified portion thereof. (b) A loan or guarantee by a fund, contemplated in paragraph (a), shall not be granted or furnished, respectively, after the commencement of the Pension Funds Amendment Act, 2001 – (i) unless secured by – (aa) a first mortgage on the immovable property in respect of which the loan is granted; or (bb) a pledge by the member concerned to the fund of the benefits to which the member is entitled in terms of the rules of the fund; or (cc) (ii) both such mortgage and such pledge; in respect of immovable property if the member concerned is liable to the fund in respect of a loan or guarantee granted or furnished in respect of the member in respect of other immovable property; (iii) unless, in the case of a loan granted by the fund, the rate of interest on the loan is equal to or exceeds the rate of interest which may from time to time be prescribed by regulation; - 83 - (iv) in the case of a loan granted to the member by some other person in respect of which a guarantee has been furnished by the fund, or in respect of a loan by the fund to the member, unless the capital sum in respect of any such loan together with interest thereon, is redeemable over a period not exceeding 30 years in equal weekly or monthly instalments: Provided that if such period in a particular case extends beyond the normal retirement date of the member concerned, the outstanding balance of the loan on that date must be able to be repaid out of no more than one third of the total value of the benefit due to the member at that date. (c) A loan or guarantee contemplated in paragraph (a) shall not exceed, at the time it is granted or furnished, where it is secured in accordance with – (i) paragraph (b)(i)(aa), 90 per cent of the fair value of the hypothecated immovable property concerned; (ii) paragraph (b)(i)(bb), the lesser of the amount of – (aa) the lowest benefit in terms of the rules which the member would receive on termination of his or her membership of the fund, nett of income tax as envisaged in section 37D(a); or (bb) (iii) the fair value of the immovable property concerned, or paragraph (b)(i)(cc), the lesser amount of – (aa) the amount equal to the aggregate of 90 per cent of the fair value of the hypothecated immovable property - 84 concerned and the amount of the lowest benefit in terms of the rules which the member would receive on termination of his or her membership of the fund, nett of income tax as envisaged in section 37D(a); or (bb) the fair value of the hypothecated immovable property concerned. (d) The percentages referred to in subparagraphs (i) and (iii) of paragraph (c) may be increased to 100 per cent, subject to the furnishing to the fund by the employer of the member of an irrevocable guarantee in respect of so much of the loan or the amount of the guarantee as may exceed 90 per cent. (e) For the purposes of this section “immovable property” includes a land tenure right as defined in section 1 of the Upgrading of Land Tenure Rights Act, 1991 (Act No. 112 of 1991).” - 85 ANNEXURE C SPECIAL PROVISIONS APPLICABLE TO DEFINED BENEFIT MEMBERS The RULES shall be varied as follows in respect of DEFINED BENEFIT MEMBERS: 1. The following definitions shall apply for the purposes of this Annexure: ACCUMULATED CONTRIBUTIONS of a MEMBER : the sum of the contributions paid by the MEMBER in terms of the RULES, together with interest at a rate determined from time to time by the TRUSTEES after consultation with the ACTUARY; EXPECTED PENSION : in the case of a MEMBER at any particular date prior to his NORMAL RETIREMENT DATE, the PENSION calculated in terms of Rule 4.1 of this Annexure, based on his PENSIONABLE EMOLUMENTS at that date and the period of PENSIONABLE SERVICE to the NORMAL RETIREMENT DATE; FINAL SALARY : the highest average PENSIONABLE EMOLUMENTS during any continuous two years of PENSIONABLE SERVICE; 2. Rule 3.3 shall be replaced by the following: 3.3 Temporary Absence (1) With full remuneration Membership of the FUND and the benefits and contributions payable shall not be affected by a MEMBER'S absence from SERVICE while he is in receipt of his full normal remuneration from the EMPLOYER. - 86 - (2) Approved temporary absence (a) A DEFINED BENEFIT MEMBER who is permitted to be absent with reduced remuneration or without remuneration, shall make a choice in writing to continue his contributions during such period of absence. The choice shall be subject to the approval of the EMPLOYER. Any period during such absence for which no contributions are made, shall not be considered as PENSIONABLE SERVICE. The MEMBER’S contributions shall be determined in accordance with his PENSIONABLE EMOLUMENTS on the date the absence commenced. (b) If a DEFINED BENEFIT MEMBER who has made no contributions, dies or becomes disabled during such period of absence, the benefits in terms of Rule 5.1 or Rule 6 of this Annexure as the case requires, shall be paid. The benefit shall be calculated as if death or disability occurred on the date that the last MEMBER’S contribution was received. 3. Rule 4 shall be replaced by the following: 4. PENSION BENEFITS 4.1 Retirement on or after Normal Retirement Date A MEMBER who retires from the full-time, permanent SERVICE of the EMPLOYER on or after his NORMAL RETIREMENT DATE shall receive an annual PENSION - 87 which is equal to 2,25% of his FINAL SALARY for each year of PENSIONABLE SERVICE calculated in years and completed months. 4.2 Early Retirement (1) If a MEMBER leaves the SERVICE of the EMPLOYER at his own or the EMPLOYER’S request during the five year period between the ages of 60 and 65 years, and the EMPLOYER considers such withdrawal as early retirement, such MEMBER shall receive a full PENSION in terms of Rule 4.1; provided that if a MEMBER who has a NORMAL RETIREMENT AGE of 65 years leaves the SERVICE of the EMPLOYER at any stage during the five year period between the ages of 55 and 60 years (or in the case of a female MEMBER who entered SERVICE prior to 3 March 1985 and whose NORMAL RETIREMENT AGE prior to 1 July 2001 was age 60 years, the ten year period between the ages of 50 and 60 years) and the EMPLOYER considers such withdrawal to be early retirement, the MEMBER shall receive a PENSION calculated in accordance with Rule 4.1, reduced by 4 per cent per annum for the period from the date of retirement to the end of the month in which the MEMBER attains the age of 60 years, calculated in years and completed months. (2) Notwithstanding the provisions of (1) above (a) a MEMBER who, on early retirement has completed 40 years’ PENSIONABLE SERVICE, shall not be subject to the reduction in PENSION set out in (1) above; - 88 - and (b) the EMPLOYER may agree with the TRUSTEES that part of the aforementioned reduction shall not apply in which event the costs thereof, determined by the ACTUARY, shall be paid by the EMPLOYER to the FUND. 4.3 Commutation of Pension A MEMBER may, prior to his retirement, request that a maximum amount equal to one-third of the value of the PENSION to which he is entitled, as determined by the ACTUARY, be paid to the MEMBER in cash, in which case the PENSION to which the MEMBER is entitled, shall then be reduced proportionately. If the PENSION to which the MEMBER is entitled is less than the maximum amount of annual PENSION that may, from time to time, be fully commuted for cash by an APPROVED PENSION FUND in terms of income tax legislation, the full value of the PENSION may be paid in cash, and the FUND shall thereafter have no further liability in respect of the MEMBER. 4.4 Pension Options (1) A retiring MEMBER who becomes eligible in terms of this Appendix C to receive a PENSION, may elect either (a) that his PENSION be purchased as an annuity or annuities from an INSURER in terms of Rule 4.4(2); - 89 - or (b) that his PENSION be paid from the FUND, in which case (i) the terms and conditions of these RULES shall apply unaltered; and (ii) the PENSION payable from the FUND in respect of him, shall be allocated to the Pensions Account in terms of Rule 2.5(1)(b) and shall be applied in terms of Rule 2.5(3). (2) If a retiring MEMBER elects the option provided for in Rule 4.4(1)(a), such PENSION shall be purchased as an annuity or annuities in his name from an INSURER chosen by him. The terms and conditions applicable to such annuity or annuities, including options elected by the MEMBER and the determination of any benefits arising on his death, shall be agreed between the MEMBER and the INSURER and shall be set out in writing by the INSURER; provided that: (a) the annuity or annuities so purchased shall be of such amount as can be purchased by the actuarial reserve of the PENSION, as calculated by the ACTUARY, such calculation being based on the general assumptions as set out in the latest statutory valuation of the FUND but taking - 90 into account the actual factors applicable to the MEMBER at the date of purchase including, in particular, any contingent liability with regard to payment of any benefit on the death of such person, but less any amount commuted in terms of Rule 4.3; (b) the annuity or annuities so purchased shall be compulsory, non-commutable, non-assignable and payable for life; (c) the purchase of more than one annuity shall be subject to any further requirements of the REVENUE AUTHORITIES; and (d) on the purchase of an annuity or annuities in terms of this Rule, the FUND shall have no further liability in respect of the MEMBER, such liability resting with the INSURER from whom the annuity or annuities are purchased. 4. Rule 5 shall be replaced by the following: 5. DEATH 5.1 Death of a Member in Service before the Normal Retirement Date If a MEMBER dies in the SERVICE of the EMPLOYER before his NORMAL RETIREMENT DATE, the FUND shall pay the following: (a) three times the MEMBER'S PENSIONABLE EMOLUMENTS on the day before his death; - 91 and (b) a PENSION in respect of a QUALIFYING SPOUSE equal to 50% of the EXPECTED PENSION; and (c) a PENSION to the QUALIFYING CHILDREN for as long as they are QUALIFYING CHILDREN and there is a QUALIFYING SPOUSE, equal to a percentage of the EXPECTED PENSION according to the following table: Number of Percentage of QUALIFYING EXPECTED CHILDREN PENSION 1 25% 2 33 1/3% 3 41 2/3% 4 or more 50% If there is no QUALIFYING SPOUSE, the PENSION to the QUALIFYING CHILDREN shall be double the PENSION that would have been payable if there had been a QUALIFYING SPOUSE. 5.2 Death of a Member in Service on or after the Normal Retirement Date If a MEMBER dies in the SERVICE of the EMPLOYER on or after the NORMAL RETIREMENT DATE and he leaves a - 92 QUALIFYING SPOUSE and/or QUALIFYING CHILDREN, the FUND shall pay such benefits as would have been paid if the MEMBER retired on the day before his death and elected to commute for a lump sum the maximum amount permissible in terms of Rule 4.3 of this Annexure. 5.3 Death after retirement On the death of a PENSIONER, his PENSION shall cease in accordance with Rule 9.1(3) of the main body of the RULES and the following benefits shall become payable by the FUND: (a) a lump sum equal to R2 000 or such other amount as the TRUSTEES may determine from time to time, subject to the maximum amount allowed in terms of income tax legislation; (b) a PENSION to the QUALIFYING SPOUSE equal to 50% of the PENSION that the PENSIONER was receiving immediately prior to his death, or if he commuted a portion of his PENSION, 50% of the PENSION the PENSIONER would have received if such commutation had not taken place; (c) a PENSION to the QUALIFYING CHILDREN for as long as they are QUALIFYING CHILDREN, equal to a percentage of the PENSION the PENSIONER was receiving immediately prior to his death, or in the circumstances referred to in (b) above, he would have received, in accordance with the following table: - 93 - (d) Number of Percentage of QUALIFYING CHILDREN PENSION 1 25% 2 33 1/3% 3 41 2/3% 4 or more 50% if no PENSION is payable in terms of (b) above, the PENSION to the QUALIFYING CHILDREN shall be double the PENSION that would have been payable if there had been a QUALIFYING SPOUSE; (e) if in terms of his conditions of service a MEMBER is required to retire on reaching age 60 years and if such MEMBER retires after reaching age 59 years and 6 months and dies before the age of 65 years, a lump sum equal to three times the PENSIONABLE EMOLUMENTS which such PENSIONER earned immediately prior to his retirement shall be utilised to increase pension benefits to his QUALIFYING SPOUSE and/or QUALIFYING CHILDREN; (f) if a PENSIONER, who is in receipt of a disability benefit in accordance with Rule 6 dies during the continuance of such disability, and such death occurs before his NORMAL RETIREMENT DATE, then (i) if he leaves a QUALIFYING SPOUSE and/or QUALIFYING CHILDREN, an amount equal to three times the PENSIONABLE EMOLUMENTS immediately prior to the commencement of the - 94 disability benefits shall be utilised to increase the pension benefits payable to his QUALIFYING SPOUSE and/or QUALIFYING CHILDREN; (ii) if he does not leave a QUALIFYING SPOUSE and/or QUALIFYING CHILDREN, an amount equal to three EMOLUMENTS times the immediately PENSIONABLE prior to the commencement of the disability benefits shall be payable in terms of Section 37C of the ACT; (iii) if there is no QUALIFYING SPOUSE but there are QUALIFYING CHILDREN, the lump sum payable in terms of (i) above shall not be used to augment pensions, but shall be placed in a trust to be paid out to the QUALIFYING CHILDREN when they attain majority or at such time as the TRUSTEES may decide; provided that, at the discretion of the INSURER, the amount of three EMOLUMENTS times immediately the PENSIONABLE prior to the commencement of the disability benefits may become payable prior to the PENSIONER’S death if his medical condition is such that the INSURER agrees to this. In such case, the PENSIONER may elect to commute not more than one-third of such amount for a lump sum and the balance shall be applied to increase the PENSIONER’S PENSION. 5.4 Commutation of Pensions payable to Qualifying Spouses and Qualifying Children Up to one-third of a PENSION to a QUALIFYING SPOUSE or a QUALIFYING CHILD payable in terms of this Rule 5, including - 95 any PENSION which is increased in terms of Rule 5.3(e) or (f), may be commuted for a lump sum of such amount as may be determined by the ACTUARY, in which case the PENSION to which the QUALIFYING SPOUSE or QUALIFYING CHILD is entitled shall be reduced proportionately; provided that such commutation takes place within 6 months after the death of the MEMBER or PENSIONER. 5.5 Payment of Pensions to Qualifying Spouses and Qualifying Children (1) If the deceased MEMBER or PENSIONER leaves more than one QUALIFYING SPOUSE, the TRUSTEES shall decide to which of them and in what proportion the benefits shall be paid; provided that the total QUALIFYING SPOUSES' PENSIONS payable shall not be more than the PENSION that would have been payable had there only been one QUALIFYING SPOUSE. (2) PENSIONS in respect of QUALIFYING CHILDREN of a MEMBER or PENSIONER shall be paid to or for the benefit of such QUALIFYING CHILDREN in such proportions as the TRUSTEES may decide. 5.6 Payment of Benefit Payment of any death benefit which is not expressed to be paid to a particular person shall be made in terms of Section 37C of the ACT. (The contents of Section 37C of the ACT are contained in Annexure A to the RULES). 4. Rule 6 shall be replaced by the following: - 96 6. DISABILITY The benefit payable to a MEMBER who, before reaching his NORMAL RETIREMENT DATE in the opinion of the TRUSTEES, becomes totally and permanently unable, due to injury or disease, to pursue any occupation for which, in the opinion of the TRUSTEES, he would be reasonably qualified by his education, training and experience shall be equal to his EXPECTED PENSION at the date of disability. 5. Rule 7.1 and Rule 7.2 shall be replaced by the following: 7.1 Lump sum (1) Resignation or Dismissal A MEMBER who leaves the SERVICE of the EMPLOYER of his own free or will who is dismissed by the EMPLOYER for reasons other than the reasons specified in (2) below and who is not entitled to any other benefits in terms of the RULES shall receive from the FUND an amount equal to his ACCUMULATED CONTRIBUTIONS at the date of leaving SERVICE. (2) Retrenchment or Redundancy If an MEMBER leaves SERVICE due to a reduction of reorganisation of staff, then he shall become entitled to a benefit equal to the greater of his ACCUMULATED CONTRIBUTIONS and his actuarial reserve, as determined by the ACTUARY, at the date of leaving SERVICE. - 97 (3) Payment of Benefit (a) The benefit in terms of this Rule shall be paid to the MEMBER as a lump sum. Subject to the provisions of Rule 9.5(3)(a), payment shall be made as soon as possible after the date of his leaving SERVICE. (b) Instead of receiving the benefit entirely as a lump sum, the MEMBER may transfer all or, subject to (ii) below, part of the benefit to another APPROVED PENSION FUND, PRESERVATION PENSION FUND, APPROVED PROVIDENT FUND or APPROVED RETIREMENT ANNUITY FUND; provided that (i) in the case of transfer to an APPROVED PROVIDENT FUND, the amount so transferred shall be less any tax payable thereon; and (ii) transfer to a PRESERVATION PENSION FUND is subject to the requirements of the REVENUE AUTHORITIES as specified from time to time. 7.2 Deferred Pension (1) If a MEMBER leaves the SERVICE for the reasons referred to in Rule 7.1(2), or if a MEMBER with at least 10 years' PENSIONABLE SERVICE resigns from SERVICE or is asked to resign due to unsatisfactory SERVICE and the MEMBER is not entitled to benefits in terms of any other Rule, the MEMBER may choose a deferred PENSION payable from his NORMAL RETIREMENT DATE rather than the benefits in - 98 terms of Rule 7.1; provided that if the MEMBER has attained the age of at least 55 years at the date of such dismissal or resignation he may, notwithstanding the other provisions of the RULES, choose the deferred PENSION irrespective of the number of years of PENSIONABLE SERVICE he has completed. (2) The amount of the deferred PENSION shall be equal to the PENSION calculated in accordance with the formula set out in Rule 4.1 on the basis of his PENSIONABLE SERVICE and his FINAL SALARY as at the date on which he became a DEFERRED PENSIONER. The provisions of Rule 4.2 shall, mutatis mutandis, apply to a DEFERRED PENSIONER. (3) After a deferred PENSION has become payable to a MEMBER such PENSION shall be subject to the same conditions which would have applied if the MEMBER had retired in terms of the provisions of Rule 4. (4) If a DEFERRED PENSIONER dies before payment of his PENSION begins, a lump sum benefit equal to the discounted value of his deferred PENSION at the date of his death, as calculated by the ACTUARY, shall be payable. 6. Rule 8 shall be replaced by the following: 8. CONTRIBUTIONS 8.1 Member Contributions (1) Each MEMBER who has not reached NORMAL RETIREMENT DATE shall contribute throughout his SERVICE an amount equal to 7,5% PENSIONABLE EMOLUMENTS to the FUND. of his - 99 - (2) Contributions are deducted monthly from the MEMBER'S remuneration. 8.2 Additional Member Contributions (1) A MEMBER may make additional contributions to the FUND on an annual or monthly basis, at a rate and frequency agreed to with the TRUSTEES in order to secure greater benefits or in respect of a period of past service. The additional contributions shall be known as his “ACCUMULATED SPECIAL CONTRIBUTIONS” and shall be applied in terms of (2), (3), (4) and (5) below. (2) The TRUSTEES shall keep a record of the MEMBER'S ACCUMULATED SPECIAL CONTRIBUTIONS and such contributions shall be debited with such administration expenses as shall be determined by the TRUSTEES and accumulated with interest at a rate which shall be determined from time to time by the TRUSTEES on the advice of the ACTUARY. (3) If the MEMBER retires in terms of Rule 4 of this Annexure, then he shall become entitled to an additional PENSION in respect of the period referred to in Rule 8.2(1), which PENSION shall either be calculated in the same manner as is provided for in this Annexure or in such other manner as shall be agreed by the MEMBER and the TRUSTEES on the advice of the ACTUARY. (4) On the death of the MEMBER while in SERVICE, a lump sum equal to his ACCUMULATED SPECIAL - 100 CONTRIBUTIONS calculated in terms of Rule 8.2(2) at the date of his death shall become payable in terms of Rule 5 of this Annexure; provided that a QUALIFYING SPOUSE may choose to use part or the whole of the ACCUMULATED SPECIAL CONTRIBUTIONS to increase the pension benefits payable to such QUALIFYING SPOUSE. (5) If the MEMBER is not qualified to retire in terms of Rule 4 of this Annexure but leaves SERVICE for any reason, then a lump sum equal to his ACCUMULATED SPECIAL CONTRIBUTIONS calculated in terms of Rule 8.2(2) at the date of his leaving SERVICE shall become payable in terms of Rule 7 of the main body of the RULES. 8.3 Contributions by the Employer The EMPLOYER shall contribute to the FUND such amounts as are agreed upon from time to time between the MAIN EMPLOYER and the TRUSTEES. Such amounts shall not be less than the amounts determined by the ACTUARY to be necessary to ensure that the REGISTRAR'S requirements with regard to the financial soundness of pension funds are met. 8.4 Payment of Contributions Contributions are payable to the FUND monthly, in arrears. The EMPLOYER shall deduct the MEMBER’S contributions from the MEMBER’S remuneration at the end of each payperiod. The first deduction shall be at the end of the pay- - 101 period during which the MEMBER became a MEMBER in terms of the RULES. These contributions and the EMPLOYER'S contributions in terms of Rule 8.3 shall be paid over to the FUND within seven days of the end of the calendar month to which such contributions relate, subject to the provisions of Section 13A of the ACT. If contributions are not paid to the FUND as required in terms of the ACT, the EMPLOYER shall be required to pay late payment interest at the rate prescribed by legislation. Any such interest shall be included in the investment return on the assets of the FUND. 7. Rule 12 shall be added to the Rules: 12. Minimum Benefits Notwithstanding any other provisions of these RULES, it is specifically provided that after the SURPLUS APPORTIONMENT DATE, the benefit paid to or in respect of a DEFINED BENEFIT MEMBER whose benefits are determined in accordance with the provisions of this Annexure C who ceases to be a MEMBER of the FUND prior to retirement shall, subject to the provisions of Section 14A(1)(b) of the ACT, not be less than his MINIMUM INDIVIDUAL RESERVE. - 102 ANNEXURE D SPECIAL PROVISIONS APPLICABLE TO CATEGORY B MEMBERS The RULES shall be varied as follows in respect of each CATEGORY B MEMBER: 1. Rule 5 shall be replaced by the following: 5. DEATH 5.1 Death in Service prior to Normal Retirement Date On the death of a CATEGORY B MEMBER while in SERVICE prior to his NORMAL RETIREMENT DATE the following shall be paid, subject to the provisions of Rules 3.1(3) and 9.3 of the main body of the RULES: (a) a lump sum equal to three times the MEMBER'S PENSIONABLE EMOLUMENTS; (b) a PENSION to his QUALIFYING SPOUSE equal to (50-t)% of the MEMBER'S PENSIONABLE EMOLUMENTS immediately before his death; provided that the TRUSTEES locate the QUALIFYING SPOUSE within twelve months of the MEMBER'S death, and where t is equal to the total completed years whereby the MEMBER'S age when he became a MEMBER of the FUND or a PREVIOUS FUND is greater than 20 years; (c) a PENSION to the QUALIFYING CHILDREN of the MEMBER equal in total to a percentage of the PENSION payable in terms of (b) above according to the following table: - 103 - Number of Percentage of QUALIFYING PENSION payable to the CHILDREN QUALIFYING SPOUSE 1 50% 2 62,5% 3 75% 4 or more 87,5% Provided that (i) the PENSION payable in respect of the QUALIFYING CHILDREN of a MEMBER is doubled for any month for which no PENSION is payable to a QUALIFYING SPOUSE of the MEMBER in terms of (b) above. If a PENSION ceases upon the death of a QUALIFYING SPOUSE in accordance with the provisions of (b) above, the QUALIFYING CHILDREN’S PENSION will be doubled; (ii) after the last payment of any PENSION to a QUALIFYING SPOUSE and/or QUALIFYING CHILD(REN), the TRUSTEES shall deduct the total amount made up in terms of (a), (b) and (c) above from the ADJUSTED MEMBER'S SHARE. Any positive difference shall be paid in accordance with Rule 5.7; (iii) if such MEMBER dies in SERVICE prior to his NORMAL RETIREMENT DATE without leaving a QUALIFYING SPOUSE and/or QUALIFYING CHILD, an amount equal to the greater of his ADJUSTED MEMBER’S SHARE and three times his PENSIONABLE EMOLUMENTS at the date of his death shall be payable in terms of Section 37C of the ACT; - 104 - (iv) subject to the provisions of Section 37C of the ACT, the QUALIFYING SPOUSE may elect that, instead of the benefits in terms of Rule 5.1(a), (b) and (c), the deceased MEMBER’S ADJUSTED MEMBER’S SHARE shall become payable as an annuity or annuities and accordingly shall be transferred to an INSURER, approved by the TRUSTEES; provided that the QUALIFYING SPOUSE may commute up to onethird of the benefit for a lump sum. Such annuity or annuities shall be purchased in the name of the QUALIFYING QUALIFYING CHILDREN as SPOUSE decided and/or by the QUALIFYING SPOUSE from an INSURER, and thereafter the FUND shall have no further liability in respect of the QUALIFYING SPOUSE and/or QUALIFYING CHILDREN. Such liability will then rest with the INSURER from whom such annuity or annuities are purchased. The annuity or annuities so purchased shall be compulsory, non-commutable and non-assignable, payable for, in the case of the QUALIFYING SPOUSE, life and the purchase shall be subject to any further requirements of the REVENUE AUTHORITIES if more than one annuity is purchased. 5.2 Death in Service on or after Normal Retirement Date If a MEMBER who has deferred his retirement in terms of Rule 4.4(1) of the main body of the RULES dies while still in SERVICE, there shall be payable: (a) one-third of his ADJUSTED MEMBER'S SHARE at the date of death; and - 105 - (b) the benefits payable in terms of Rule 5.2 of the main body of the RULES, calculated as if the MEMBER had retired from SERVICE on the date on which he died and had commuted one-third of his ADJUSTED MEMBER’S SHARE for cash in terms of Rule 4.5(1) of the main body of the RULES. 5.3 Death of a Pensioner in receipt of a Disability Pension If a PENSIONER who is in receipt of a disability pension in accordance with Rule 6 of this Annexure dies during such period of disability and such death occurs prior to the NORMAL RETIREMENT DATE, then (a) if he leaves a QUALIFYING SPOUSE and/or QUALIFYING CHILDREN, an amount equal to three times his PENSIONABLE EMOLUMENTS immediately prior to the commencement of the disability benefits shall be applied to increase the pension benefits payable to QUALIFYING the QUALIFYING CHILDREN as SPOUSE decided and/or by the TRUSTEES; or (b) if he does not leave a QUALIFYING SPOUSE and/or QUALIFYING CHILDREN, an amount equal to three times the PENSIONABLE EMOLUMENTS immediately prior to the commencement of the disability benefits shall be payable in terms of Section 37C of the ACT; or - 106 - (c) if there is no QUALIFYING SPOUSE but there are QUALIFYING CHILDREN, the lump sum payable in terms of (a) shall not be used to augment pensions, but shall be placed in a trust to be paid out to the QUALIFYING CHILDREN when they attain majority or at such time as may be decided by the TRUSTEES; provided that, at the discretion of the INSURER, the amount of three times the PENSIONABLE EMOLUMENTS immediately prior to the commencement of the disability benefits may become payable prior to the PENSIONER’S death if his medical condition is such that the INSURER agrees to this. In such case, the PENSIONER may elect to commute not more than one-third of such amount for a lump sum and the balance shall be applied to increase the PENSIONER’S PENSION. 5.4 Death of a Pensioner required to retire at age 60 years If the PENSIONER’S conditions of service determine that on reaching age 60 years he is compelled to retire and he has retired after reaching age 59 years and 6 months and dies before the age of 65 years, then (a) a lump sum equal to three times the PENSIONABLE EMOLUMENTS which the PENSIONER earned immediately prior to his retirement shall be utilised to increase pension benefits to his QUALIFYING SPOUSE and/or QUALIFYING CHILDREN; (b) if he does not leave a QUALIFYING SPOUSE and/or QUALIFYING CHILDREN, an amount equal to three - 107 times the PENSIONABLE EMOLUMENTS which the PENSIONER earned immediately prior to his retirement shall be payable in terms of Section 37C of the ACT; (c) if there is no QUALIFYING SPOUSE but there are QUALIFYING CHILDREN, the lump sum payable in terms of (a) above shall not be used to augment pensions, but shall be placed in a trust to be paid out to the QUALIFYING CHILDREN when they attain majority or at such time as may be decided by the TRUSTEES. 5.5 Death of any other Pensioner On the death of a PENSIONER who retired in terms of the provisions of Rules 4.1 to 4.4, 6 or 7.2(3), his PENSION shall cease as provided for in Rule 9.1(3). The following benefits shall be payable: (a) a lump sum of R2 000, or such other amount as decided by the TRUSTEES from time to time, subject to the maximum amount permitted in terms of income tax legislation; (b) a PENSION to his QUALIFYING SPOUSE, equal to 75% of the PENSION payable immediately prior to the commencement of the PENSION to the QUALIFYING SPOUSE; (c) a PENSION to the QUALIFYING CHILDREN of the PENSIONER, equal to a percentage of the PENSIONER'S PENSION as described in (b) above, in accordance with the following table: - 108 - Number of Percentage of QUALIFYING PENSIONER'S PENSION CHILDREN described in (b) above 1 10,0% 2 15,0% 3 20,0% 4 or more 25,0% If there is no QUALIFYING SPOUSE, the PENSION to the QUALIFYING CHILDREN shall be double the PENSION that would have been payable if there had been a QUALIFYING SPOUSE; (d) after the last PENSIONER, QUALIFYING payment of a QUALIFYING CHILDREN PENSION SPOUSE has been to a and/or made, the TRUSTEES shall deduct the total amount paid to the PENSIONER, his QUALIFYING SPOUSE and QUALIFYING CHILDREN, including any amount which may have been paid in a lump sum and, if applicable, that part of the PENSION purchased as an annuity or annuities in terms of Rule 4.5(2)(c)(i), from the amount of the ADJUSTED MEMBER'S SHARE. Should there be any positive difference, such positive difference shall be paid in accordance with Rule 5.7. 5.6 Payment of Pensions to Qualifying Spouses and Qualifying Children (1) If the deceased MEMBER or PENSIONER leaves more than one QUALIFYING SPOUSE, the - 109 TRUSTEES shall decide to which of them and in what proportion the benefits shall be paid; provided that the total QUALIFYING SPOUSES' PENSIONS payable shall not be more than the PENSION that would have been payable had there only been one QUALIFYING SPOUSE. (2) PENSIONS in respect of QUALIFYING CHILDREN of a MEMBER or PENSIONER shall be paid to or for the benefit of such QUALIFYING CHILDREN in such proportions as the TRUSTEES may decide. (3) Up to one-third of a PENSION to a QUALIFYING SPOUSE or a QUALIFYING CHILD payable in terms of this Rule 5, including any PENSION which is increased in terms of Rule 5.3(a) or Rule 5.4(a), may be commuted for a lump sum of such amount as determined by the ACTUARY, in which case the PENSION to which the QUALIFYING SPOUSE or QUALIFYING CHILD is entitled shall be reduced proportionately; provided that such commutation takes place within 6 months after the death of the MEMBER or PENSIONER. 5.7 Payment of Death Benefits Payment of a death benefit which is not expressed in this Rule 5 to be paid to a particular person, shall be made in terms of Section 37C of the ACT. (The contents of Section 37C of the ACT are contained in Annexure A to the RULES). 2. Rule 6 shall be replaced by the following: - 110 6. DISABLEMENT 6.1 Disability Pension Benefits If at any time prior to the NORMAL RETIREMENT DATE a CATEGORY B MEMBER becomes disabled as described in Rule 6.2 of this Annexure, the FUND shall pay a disability pension, subject to the provisions of Rule 3.1(3). The disability pension shall be determined as: 65% of the MEMBER'S PENSIONABLE EMOLUMENTS if payment of the disability pension commences more than 10 years before the MEMBER'S NORMAL RETIREMENT DATE; A + B if payment of the disability pension commences within 10 years of the MEMBER'S NORMAL RETIREMENT DATE, where A= 65* (1-t/120)% of the MEMBER'S PENSIONABLE EMOLUMENTS; B= a PENSION, as calculated by the ACTUARY, purchased by t/120 times the ADJUSTED MEMBER'S SHARE; t= 120 minus the total amount of full months between the date on which payment of the disability pension commences and the NORMAL RETIREMENT DATE. Payment of such disability pension shall commence after the MEMBER has been declared disabled and all disability pension payments which are payable before the MEMBER'S NORMAL RETIREMENT DATE shall be subject to the MEMBER'S continued state of disability. - 111 - When a MEMBER in receipt of a disability pension reaches his NORMAL RETIREMENT DATE, no retirement pensions shall be paid, but the disability pension shall be continued as if it were a retirement pension. If a MEMBER in receipt of a disability pension dies after reaching NORMAL RETIREMENT DATE, the provisions of Rule 5.2 of the main body of the RULES shall apply. 6.2 Conditions of Disability For the purposes of this Rule "disabled" shall mean that the MEMBER, in the opinion of the TRUSTEES, has become totally and permanently unable, due to injury or disease, to pursue any occupation for which, in the opinion of the TRUSTEES, he would be reasonably qualified by his education, training and experience. The Board of TRUSTEES reserves the right to take necessary steps in respect of the monitoring, follow-up and re-evaluation of the condition of a MEMBER in receipt of a disability pension, at its discretion, in order to avoid abuse of such benefit. Such steps may include the following measures: (a) ensuring that the MEMBER undergoes regular medical treatment by a doctor, or other treatment by a qualified person, where there may be a reasonable expectation that such treatment may improve the MEMBER’S condition; (b) making provision that the MEMBER provides proof of his disability, to the satisfaction of the TRUSTEES and, if necessary, thereafter regularly provides proof of his continued disability up to and upon the attainment of his NORMAL RETIREMENT AGE; - 112 - (c) making provision for the MEMBER to provide proof to the satisfaction of the TRUSTEES of real and substantial loss of income from own employment and if necessary, to provide regular proof thereafter of such loss. The provisions of Rule 7 of the main body of the RULES shall apply to a disabled MEMBER who, before his NORMAL RETIREMENT DATE, recovers sufficiently that he is no longer considered to be disabled in terms hereof, and who does not immediately return to the full-time SERVICE of the EMPLOYER. 6.3 Death Benefit A benefit determined in accordance with the provisions of Rule 5.3 in Section 1 of this Annexure D shall be payable if a CATEGORY B MEMBER dies while in receipt of a disability pension benefit in terms of this Rule; provided that such benefit may be payable prior to the death of such person if the circumstances set out in the proviso to Rule 5.3 apply. 3. Rule 8.2(1) shall be replaced by the following: 8.2 (1) The EMPLOYER shall contribute the following amounts to the FUND in respect of each MEMBER in its SERVICE who has not reached NORMAL RETIREMENT DATE: (a) 7,5% of each MEMBER'S PENSIONABLE EMOLUMENTS which shall be credited towards the MEMBER’S SHARE; and - 113 (b) 4% of each MEMBER’S PENSIONABLE EMOLUMENTS, to be applied to meet the cost of the death benefits set out in Rule 5.1 and Rule 6 of this Annexure. 4. For the purposes of this Annexure D, the definition “Disability Arrangement” shall be added to Rule 1.5: DISABILITY ARRANGEMENT : a separate disability arrangement set up by an EMPLOYER to provide disablement income benefits for EMPLOYEES who become CATEGORY B MEMBERS in accordance with the provisions of Rule 3.1(4); 5. In the case of a CATEGORY B MEMBER who became a MEMBER in accordance with the provisions of Rule 3.1(4), Rule 6 shall be replaced by the following: 6. DISABILITY BENEFITS In the case of a MEMBER who is in receipt of a disability income benefit from the DISABILITY ARRANGEMENT, the following provisions shall apply: (a) the MEMBER will remain a MEMBER of the FUND, contributions by and on behalf of him will continue to be payable and he will remain entitled to rights and benefits in terms of the RULES; (b) the MEMBER’S PENSIONABLE EMOLUMENTS will, for the purposes of the RULES, be 100/65 times the amount of the disability income that he received from the DISABILITY ARRANGEMENT; - 114 (c) the MEMBER will retire in terms of Rule 4.1 of the main body of the RULES upon his attainment of his NORMAL RETIREMENT DATE, unless his disability income ceases prior to that date; (d) if the MEMBER’S disability income ceases to be payable prior to his NORMAL RETIREMENT DATE, one of the following shall apply, as the case may be: (i) the MEMBER shall remain a MEMBER of the FUND and, notwithstanding any other provisions of the RULES, shall be eligible for the disability benefits set out in Section 2 of this Annexure; or (ii) the MEMBER shall receive a withdrawal benefit in terms of Rule 7 of the main body of the RULES; or (iii) if the MEMBER qualifies, he shall receive a retirement benefit in terms of Rule 4 of the main body of the RULES; or (iv) benefits in terms of Rule 5.1 of this Annexure shall be payable, if applicable.