chapter iv research finding

This chapter presents the background of study, problems of the study,
purpose of the study, significance of the study, scope and limitation, definition of
the key term and organization of the study.
A. The Background of the Study
Human resources is an important factor for every country in the world, not
only for progressing country but also developing country. In order to have high
quality of human resources, it is important for each country to give priority to
education. Education is one of the main way to create high quality of human
resources, involving informal education at home or formal education at school.
“Education is adopted from Latin “Edication” or “Edicare”, means produce
something from the hide personality or personal personality comprising a process
of developing and producing” (Fauzan, 2007:35-36). Education makes everyone
knows what she/he doesn’t know before.
Education according toDewey (in Iman, 2004:80) “is a process to know
ourselves, in other word education is a survival process to be eternal, a process of
impulse formation”. In the same page, Dewey also states that “Education Institute
should be a place for preparing children in social contex and should be a miniature
of the society”. It means that education determines how the condition of the
society is and it might be a mirror of the quality of the society. Dewey (in Yamin,
2009:15) also states strickly that “education is a media to educate people life
andbring this nation to the Aufklarung era (bright era)”. It can be said that future
depends on the quality of the education. The purpose of education is to estabilish
the full of cleaverness social order, sensitivity, and full of care of the nation and
the country.
Indonesia as one of the developing country, is trying to increase the human
resources by improving quality of education. To talk about improving human
resouces, it is better for the learners not to forget about the developing ofthe
language, especially English as the international language.
English is learned by most of people in this universe. All around the
world, students of all ages are learning to speak English, but their reasons for
studying English can be vary. “Some students of course only learn English
because it is on the curriculum at primary or secondary level, but for others
studying the language reflect some kind of a choice” (Harmer, 2007:11). English
does not belong to the main subject for students of elementary school. Their
reason probably it depends on how hard are their effort to learn a language. In
Indonesia English becomes one of the subject that the students have to learn. For
East Java local area, English is a main local subject, the Education ministry
obligate the students to learn it (Suyanto, 2010:2). English is not only introduced
to the students of elementary school, but also introduced to the very young
learners. English now is enclosed in the curriculum of Indonesia. A variety of
reasons can create a desire to learn. Perhaps the learners love English as their
choice, or probably they learn English for seeing what it is like. The desire to
achive some goals is the root of motivation, if it is strong enough to provoke a
decision to act. This is kind of motivation.
Motivation is psychological condition to push someone to do something,
so learning motivation is psychological condition to push someone to learn.
“Motivation is a support inside of individual; it also causes the strong or weak of
someone’s motivation” (Ahmadi, 1997:109).There are two kinds of motivation,
the first is intrinsic motivation. It is the kind of motivation that is generated by
what happens inside the classroom, this could be the teacher’s method, the
activities that the students take part in, or their perception of their succes or
failure. Another motivation is kind of motivation which comes from the outside of
the classroom and may be influenced by a number of external, factors such as the
attitude of the society, family and peers to the subject in question is often referred
to as extrinsic motivation (Harmer, 2007:20). Motivation is an important thing in
learning something including English, both they are intrinsic and extrinsic
motivation. It may drive the achievement of the learners. For students of
elemantary school, it is important to have extrinsic motivation from their parents.
Parents are the ones who the closest with the children (students).
It is admitted that parents play very significant role to the children
educational processing. Parents as the first people who take care of every child in
this world. Parents are children educational builder, they also determine the
children will be in the future, involving the things related to the religion and the
secular. Household or the family is a kindegarten for the children. It has big
influence to the children learning process. Family is the first place where the
children start to do interaction. “To interact to the children using positive ways are
really important to children’s successful in the future” (Jindrich, 2005:15). It is
better if the parents give much care to the students’ education while interacting
than they don’t. Experience in the early age influences how the person will be in
the future” ( Jindrich, 2005:14). So, it can be said that parents role is very
important for the children achievement. They color the life of children and
determine whether their children will be educated children or not.
For the child, extrinsic motivation in a form of support given by the
parents is needed to have intrinsic motivation. It is possible that the parents can
stimulate the studying willingness of the child considering that a child usually
relay on the parents for every necessities. Even the child is often obeying the rules
given by the parents. It can be concluded that support from the parents determines
the studying activeness of the child at home, and it also will influence the
achievement of the child, in this case is student. In other words, the differences of
parent’s support toward the child will produce any kind of different student’s
spirit in learning. It depends on the children’s responses toward their parents’
Al Badar Islamic Elementary School is one of full day school in
Tulungagung. It is located in Ketanon village. Its mission is to educate the young
generation with Islamic soul, good morals, excellent achievement, smart, full skill
and to be autonomous. To reach its mission Albadar Islamic Elementary School
treats the students as good as possible. It is proved by the limitation of the number
of the students in the classroom. Al-Badar tries to make the classroom to be
effective by having the students not more than twenty for each class.
The students of Al-Badar Islamic Elementary School come from many
kinds of family background, parents’ education background, and from different
environment background. These differences, probably make the students
(children) have different support from their parents. The differences of support
will influence what the students’ learning are like. By seeing the students with
good capability and good support from the parents, it is interesting to know the
treatment from the parents toward the children.
Finally, based on the background mentioned above the writer focusses her
study on “The Descriptive Study on The Role of Parental Support towards
Student’s Learning English at Al-Badar Islamic Elementary School”.
B. Statement of Research Problem
Based on the background that has been discussed, the writer of this thesis
formulated the problems as follows :
1. What kinds of support are given by the parents to the students in learning
2. To what extent does the parents support contribute to the improvement of
the children’s English skill?
C. Objective of The Research
This research intends to get solution and description of the problem
through analysis and study that have been previously mentioned in the research
problems, as follows:
1. To know the kind of support given by the parents to the students in
learning English.
2. To know to what extent parental support contribute for the children in
learning English does.
D. Significance of the Research
Theoretically, it is used to practice the writer knowledge in field of the
research. Practically, the finding of the presents study is expected to give some
scientific contribution for the writer and the reader of this research.
For the writer also, it can add the writer’s knowledge about extrinsic
motivation and the effect to the children (students) English achievement in the
classroom. This research can be evidence that parental material support in
learning English bring significance result for the English learner. It is also will be
a worth experience for the researcher who also will be a parent in the future.
Finally, for other researchers, it is the one of important thesis to find useful
experiences in finding the information about the parental support to the student
learning English. The researcher also does hopes that this study will be useful for
the researcher herself and the people who conduct further similar research.
E. Scope and Limitation of The Research
The scope of this research focuses on the elementary school students of
fourth, and fifth grades with different achievement for each student. This research
limits tothe students of Al-Badar Islamic Elementary school who have good
support from their parents.
F. Definition of Key Term
To avoid misunderstanding and misinterpretation of the research,
definition of some key terms is provided in the present research. It is expected that
after reading it, the readers will have the same interpretations in understanding the
From the research problem stated above, this study focusses on the study
of the role of parental support instudents learning English. In order to avoid
misunderstanding, the key terms used in this study are defined as follows:
1. The Descriptive Study
Study is designed to obtain information concerning the current status of
phenomena (Ary, 1985:322). The researchers have to find the detail
information to accomplish the research.
2. Parental Support
Is parental apathy, or active resistance to responsible involvement in their
child’s education (Froyen, 1993:321-322). In other word, it is how their
parents give contribution to their children education especially for English
Support here is a part of motivation coming from the outside of the
3. Students Learning
Learning is as interpreting and understanding reality in a different way.
Learning involves comprehending the world by reinterpreting knowledge.
(Ramsden, 1992:26). Students’learning in this research is about the
students in interpreting and understanding English.
A. The Nature of Motivation
1. Definition of Motivation
In etymology, motivation is taken from Latin language moveers, means
make something move (Wahyuni, 2010:12). It means that motivation is the thing
that causes someone to do everything they want. In other words motivation can be
a reason from the bottom of the heart that makes someone brave to express his/her
While in terminology some experts define motivation in as bellows:
a. According to Hilgard and Russel (in Indayati, 2008:59) motivation is
the evidence seems rather clear too that motivation is not something
applied apart from learning situation but is an intrinsic part of it. It
means that motivation must be exist in learning process.
b. Printich and Shcunk (in Wahyuni, 2009:13) define that motivation is
a process happening to someone that lead the individual’s activity to
reach the goal, it needs to be pushed and kept.
According to Mc. Donald(in Sardiman, 2011:73) motivation is the
change of power inside the individual; it is signed by appearing
“feeling” and preceded by respond to the goal existence.
However, all the definitions almost have the same point that motivation is
the individual power to reach the certain goal. Motivation is really needed by
everyone who wants to reach the goal. It gives power, spirit and willingness to
conduct action in reaching certain goals.
Mc. Donald (in Sadiman, 2011:74) states that motivation contains three
important elements as follows;
a. That motivation starts the change of power for each human. The
development of motivation will change the individual’s power inside the
system of “neurophysiological” for the human organism, because it relates
to the change of human power (although the motivation appears from the
inside of the human) its appearance will have relation to the human
physical activities.
b. Motivation is signed by appearing, feeling, and someone’s affection. In
this case motivation is relevant to the psychological problem, affection and
emotion which are able to determine human behavior.
c. Motivation will be stimulated because it has certain purpose. So
motivation in this case actually is a response of the action, which is the
goal. In a fact motivation appears from the inside, but its appearance is
because it is stimulated by other elements. The element in this case is the
goals. The goals will have relation to the humans needs.
Those three elements sign that motivation is a complex thing. Motivation
will cause the change of power inside the human personality. It has relation to the
psychology, feeling and so do emotion, than an individual conducts an action.
Everything is pushed by the goal, the need, and the willingness.
2. Types of Motivation
The experts divide motivation into two types; they are intrinsic and
extrinsic motivation.
a. Intrinsic Motivation
“Intrinsic motivation is an action willingness that is caused by supported
factors inside the individual”, Thornburg (in Prayitno, 1989:10). These are actions
that have no relation with external influence. Wahyuni, (2009:25) defines intrinsic
motivation as the motivation that growths from inside of individual and becomes
important phenomena in education, not only for the students but also for the
teachers, lectures and all personal involved in education. It means that intrinsic
motivation is the inside willingness makes someone to do certain actions include
to learn something. Intrinsic motivation also plays significant role for the
student’s successful in learning.
“In a process of learning, the student are motivated intrinsically seems
more diligent and responsible in accomplishing his/her task” (Prayitno, 1989:11).
They are pushed by their own willingness. The students or the learners who have
good intrinsic motivation may obtain the result not far from their effort. Their
inside willingness pushes them to do better action to reach their goal as a
statement of Grage and Berline (Prayitno, 1989:11)“The student are motivated
intrinsically do better activity in learning than the students who have only external
motivation”. It can be said that intrinsic and extrinsic motivations support each
b. Extrinsic Motivation
“Extrinsic motivation is active motifs with outside stimulation in
function”( Sardiman, 2011: 90). It means that extrinsic motivation is a support
coming from outside of an individual; it can be environment, people, etc. Extrinsic
motivation is actually not the real feeling or willingness from individual, but this
is how outside stimulation influences or pushes an individual to do something.
Wahyuni, (2010:31) states that “Extrinsic motivation is a construction related to
the activities done to get some result because of external factors of individual“. It
makes differences between intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation which
intrinsic motivation is an activity done enjoyable because of doing that activity.
In a process of learning, students are motivated extrinsically needs more
attention and guidance from outside to push their spirit up especially in studying.
The outside factor of it can be teacher, parents, everything that can increase the
student motivation
3. Motivation of Studying
Motivation is important in doing something, including studying. In
Indonesia, motivation is commonly called as “motif”, it refers to the reason of
doing something, “motif is also defined as a power pushes someone to do
something” (Sardiman, 2011:73). So, motivation can be power for the learner to
have spirit in studying. According to Winkel (in Indayati, 2008:62) “studying
motivation is all of the students’ mover energy appearing the studying activity,
keeping studying activity, and leading that studying activity, in order to reach the
students’ goal”. Those are the student’s reason why they learn something. The
same thing stated by Prayitno (1989) that studying motivation is not only energy
pushed the student to study, but also as a leader of student’s activities to the
studying purposes.
Motivation plays significant role in the success of the studying, because
how high is the intelligence of the student, how great is the talent of the student,
how perfect is the material given, and how complete is the studying media,
without good motivation, the goal of studying will not be reached optimally.
“Motivation likes fuel in operating machine. How good is machine, it means
nothing, if there is no fuel in it”, Tumbouch (in Prayitno, 1989:8). It means that
motivation is a mover for everyone to have awareness to do maximal work when
they have something to be reached.
Comparing between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, it is clear that
intrinsic motivation plays more role than others in pushing someone to do
something, including studying. Whereas it is possible that intrinsic motivation
may appear because of external factors, as like Thornburg statement (in Prayitno,
1989:14) that intrinsic and extrinsic motivation are strong each other, even
extrinsic motivation can increase the intrinsic motivation. It usually happens in a
child. In the early age, it makes more possibility that the motivations of children
are easier to be formed. Wahyuni, (2010:30), states that in the early age of the
children, motivation of studying appears because of culture and social influences
from the environment or because of the role of the responsible individuals
surrounding them. It means that parents take a role in forming the children
intrinsic motivation. Although the parents it self is a external side of the children.
B. Parental Support
1. Definition of Parents
Parent is a family component consists of father and mother, and it is a
result of a legal marriage bound. Parents have responsibility to keep, educate and
guide their children to reach the certain levels to be ready in the social context.
Parents also mean family, because parents are main part of the family that
representative a big family, father, mother and the children.
Generally, family is meant as two or more person’s related in blood
because of marriage and they live together. In oxford dictionary (2008:160),
“family is a group consisting of one or two parents and their children, close
relation, or the people descended from the some ancestor”. It involves very large
domain. Family is not only limited to the parents and their children but also,
everyone who has the same ancestor although they live separately in long
Based on the law number 10 of 1972 family consist of father, mother and
the children in a blood relation or because of the law. It means that an adoption
child is a legal member of family in a law.
Family in relation with the children is a place for the children to get full
love, attention, and the place to get all of the children’s right and needs. Family is
also the first education institution for the children, place for the children to get
first education that influence the children’s personality in the future as an
individual creature, social creature, and as a religious creature. According to
Darojat (in Patoni, 2004: 114) “parents are builder of the children personality.
Parents personality, attitude and their life style will be imitated by the children
automatically”. By having the personality at home sometime parents and children
have the similar habitual.
In educating children every parents has different ways to treat their
children. It depends on the background of the family, education background, or
the education treatment in the parents’ family. It makes the experts divide the type
of parents into some types. These types of parents according to Karen and Georgia
on as follows:
a. Pause Parents
The pause parents according to Karen and Georgia are the type of calm
and not panicky parents in facing the problem. The parents do not give more
attention to the problem or perhaps they underestimate it. It is not only when they
face their children’s problem, but also the problem of them. When they are
mocked by the children, or doing debate, the parents tend to be silent and quiet,
waiting for the normal situation, than give the reaction. The reactions of parent
can be assumed such as they speak very slowly and do not respond quickly in face
any problem. The pause parents often assumed as an uncared parent, they are
considered "cool" does not care about their child's situation. Even Sometimes they
are dominated / controlled by their child for making a decision in the family.
Pause parents do not give much contribution to the children.
b. Cheerleader Parents
Pause parents above, are assumed as uncared parents, because the parents
give not much contribution to the children. The following type of parent is
cheerleader parents. These types of parents like to give praise to their children
than give a critical. It means that everything conducted by the children is good for
the parent although it is not the real. Giving Praising for them is a best method in
motivating their children always to stay in a good way and keep increasing their
achievement. The children minds are kept in getting praise, because they assume
that everything they have conducted are perfect.Cheerleader parentsalso avoid not
admitting and not praising their children, although actually in a fact not all the
children always able to reach their achievement. The failure is possible for them.
So, cheerleader parents are the parents who only want to see their children
success, because it is difficult to accept the child’s failure.
c. Turned in Parents
The following type of parents is turned in Parents.Parents in this type use
sensation approach. They tend to be a loyal hearer. The parents give motivation to
their children by using the wise words to have their children come up from the
problem. This type of parents often tries to shift their feeling situation by telling
some thing or change the topic that can change the situation. Parents as like this
are often assumed as passive parents, and unable to make the children ready to
face bad reality as an experience.
d. Physical Parents
It is appropriate that this type of parents is given a name as physical
Parents, because the parents use physical approach to children attitude. It is not
only when the child does a right thing but also the wrong one.The parents often
embrace their child. Even, the child feel bored in doing their activities. The
parents will invite their children to have outdoor activity. For instance take a walk,
do sport, or invite them to be involved in the home activity such as gardening,
cooking etc. Physical parents should have not only positive side but also negative,
because the parents are brave to give punishment when their children do a
e. Sorted Parents
Sorted parents are the type of parents who often ask their children to
always live in a positive way. The parents complete all of the child’s needs.If they
have some children they will complete the needs for each child. The parents teach
the children to respect their privacy one another. The parents often introduce their
children about the family culture and custom that have to be respected. Sometime,
this type of parents is assumed as the authority and boring parents.
f. Commando Parents
As its name commando, Commando parents are types of controlling
parents. They control all of the child’s activity. They often give rules that the
children have to obey. Beside that, they will never let their children do mistakes.
The main reason of the commando parents is in order to make their children
become responsible people. This is the type of the true authority who limits their
children freedom not only in conducting an action but also in delivering opinion.
The commando parents often assume that their opinion is the right opinion. So,
the children have to listen to their parents and do as what their parents want to.
g. Laid-Back Parents
Laid back parents can be said as liberal parents, they are contradiction of
commando parents. Laid-back parent free their children to do whatever and let the
child choose the future. The child is also free to give opinion. At glance, a parent
in this type is ideal parents for each child. They do not control and force the
children in facing the future, but for another who put more attention let the
children in the free of life is danger, because the parent’s attention is needed to
have a good characteristic of the child.
The all of types of parents are based on Karen and Georgia’s opinion, the
different of parent’s treatment probably makes different characteristic of the child.
2. The Role of Parents
Parent means father or mother (Oxford Learner’s Pocket Dictionary, 2008:
317). They are the people who take care of the children. Caring of the children is
not limited in giving love, but moral and legal responsibilities, in relation to
physical, emotional and intellectual growth (Bridgeman, 2007:1) Every children
are born, has potential to be developed. That potential depends on the information
that they get from their environment, it is in family. How the parent do interaction,
determines the children will be. “The human growth in a family as a smallest unit
in social life is an essential human resources for the nation development”
(Semiawan, 2009:4). It means that good interaction in family is needed for the
children because in a family any kinds of characteristics are formed. The
Indonesian’s education law at section seventh in item one states that parents have
authority in selecting the school for their children and also have information about
their children education development. The young children are having not any
knowledge to select the school, so that in this case the role of parent will be very
useful for the children.
Family is not only the place where the children do interaction in the first
time but also where the children get the education from. “It is better that the
nation development starting from the house” (Semiawan, 2009:62). So, in the
early age of the children parent take a role in the process of children education. At
home the interaction, caring, awareness, and the environment totality are learned.
Jindrich, (2005:14) says that “the people who teach and educate the children to do
responsible toward children’s development in the future”. It is clear that the
people who take care and have responsibility to teach and educate the children are
the parents.
Basically, the relation of education in a family is based on the natural
relation between parents and the children. Pure love of the parents will be a strong
power for the parents to keep giving guidance and help that are needed by the
children. Giving guidance and help is the one of parents’ responsibility toward
their children. Patoni (2004:114) states that basic responsibilities of the parents
toward their children are as follows;
a. Support or love motivation of the parents and the children relationship
This love gets the parents to have attitude and willingness to accept their
responsibilities toward their child. The parents also serve their life for taking care
of the children.
b. Morality obligation support
Morality obligation support is the consequence of the parents toward their
generation. This morality obligation involves the religious value which is attentive
by “Ketuhanan Yang MahaEsa” and for each religion; beside they are commanded
to save the family dignity and the status.
c. Social responsibility as the part of the society, nation, country, and the
In Islam Education is self aims to:
1) Introducehis roleamonghis fellowhuman beingsandresponsibility in
this life.
2) Introduce the human social interactions and responsibilities
3) Invite peopletounderstand the wisdom ofthisnaturalcreation, and
benefit fromthe natural.
Those responsibilities are the right of every child. The love given to the
child makes the child feels safe and comfortable as a human being, then the moral
and religion education from the parents will make the children have certain status
in the environment. It also important to make a sense of belonging of the child
toward the environment by introducing the child about the society, nation, country
and whatever related to the child’s environment.
3. Parental Support
As stated above, parents play very significant role for the development of
the children. It is not only in the social interaction but also in education. Parental
support is a part of parental motivation coming from the parents.
motivation is the parental apathy or active resistance to responsible involvement
in their child’s education” (Froyen, 1993:321). It has the same meaning with
parental support, which motivates the children in reaching the achievement in
education. Every parent wants their children to have a perfect growth in the life.
They are brave to give everything needed by the children to have good health of
body and soul, have good skill, and to be smart.
Below are the forms of parental caring to the children in education
according to Halim malik (
a. Monitor the children’s studying schedule and the way they learn
In the present world of entertainment are very appealing to children or
adolescents are scattered everywhere. Television shows, VCD, play station and
other games can be easily found and enjoyed by children and adolescents.
Therefore, parents must drive their children to be wise about the timing, when to
be playing, and when to learn. Children must be instilled early learning on a
regular basis, not just when there is homework or a test only. Sometimes parents
need to check their children's books, records or books both exercises and
assignments. Frequently encountered by teachers in schools of students who do
not have a notebook, even if there blindly used to record the various lessons in the
some books are. If parents are diligent in checking their children's school books,
of course things like this do not happen because the parents can immediately find
out if their children study hard in school or not, and do the appropriate action to
cope alone.
b. Monitor the development of academic skills of children
This can be done by checking the values of daily tests and tasks the child.
If there are oddities, like not return test results or a lesson there is never repeated
daily by the recognition of the child, parents are entitled to ask the teacher at
school. Similarly, if there is a singularity value problems, parents are entitled to
ask the teacher at school to get an exact picture of the capabilities and attitudes of
children in these lessons.
c. Monitor the development of personality (attitudes, morals, behavior)
It can be done through visits to schools and communicate with the
homeroom teacher or teachers, to ask the percentage of attendance, if ever absent
at certain subjects, such as whether his behavior had violated school rules, how his
attitude toward the teacher, how activeness in the classroom, and so on. With the
liveliness of parents like this then the student is having trouble in school can be
addressed with the help of parents, so the problem does not drag on that would be
bad for the mental development of children and their future.
d. Monitor the effectiveness of study hours in school
It can be done with children often ask about teaching and learning in
schools, such as whether the lessons of the day is full or no clock is empty, if no
clock is empty because the teacher was unable to attend if there are assigned tasks,
is there any subjects that are often completely empty, or only records kept,
whether teachers in and out of class on time, and so on. If the descriptions of
children there who raises a question mark or dissatisfaction, then the parents are
entitled to ask directly to the school about it, and discuss with the school to seek a
solution to the problem. As the parties are obligated to pay the cost of educational
assistance, parents are entitled to assurance that their children are educated in
earnest at the school. Can also be done through school committees, parents can
communicate the problems that occur at school with the other components, so the
school can finally actually perform its function in holding the trust of parents to
educate our children to do their best to prepare future front.
However all of the parent interfare in education is important for the
children in the future. Controlling the children in the age of childhood is needed to
form the children personalities.
To talk about the children school, parents also have main role in remaining
the children about their obligation. Brunner research (in Suyanto, 2010:11)states
that parents can help and support tasks effectively, among others, by doing the
1) Make the children become interested in the job
2) Simplify the tasks
3) Always remind the intent and purpose of the task
4) Showe the children about the important part to do and try to give how
other ways to do part of the task
5) Demonstrating an ideal form of task
C. Learning
1. Definition of Learning
“Learning is interpreting and understanding reality in a different way.
Learning involves comprehending the world by reinterpreting knowledge”
(Ramsden, 1992:26), it means that learning is a process of knowing certain
knowledge by acquiring much information about the thing that the learner wants
to know. Based on Saljo’s research (1979) by asking a number of adult students
about what they understood about learning, it is found some main responses about
a. Learning as a quantitative increase in knowledge. Learning is acquiring
information or ‘knowing a lot’.
b. Learning as memorising. Learning is storing information that can be
Learning as acquiring facts, skills, and methods that can be retained and
used as a necessary.
Learning as making sense or abstracting meaning. Learning involves
relating parts of the subject matter to each other and to the real world.
It is concluded that learning has wide meaning. It involves a change
behavior in the process of knowing new information.
2. Theory of learning
a. Behaviourism
The behaviourist movement in psychology has looked to the use of
experimental procedures to study behaviour in relation to the environment. This
theory becomes a dominant theory during 1950. According to Watson, Pavlov,
and Skinner (in Danim and Khairil, 2010:27) “behaviriosm theory is a theory
where the behavior iscaused by environment”. It focuses on the observed
behavior. Watson, who is generally credited as the first behaviourist, argues that
the inner experiences that are the focus of psychology could not be properly
studied as they are not observable. Instead he turns to laboratory experimentation.
The result was the generation of the stimulus-response model. In this the
environment is seen as providing stimulus to which individuals develop
responses. The essences of the three assumsion about the behaviourism orientation
to learning are as follows:
1) Observable behaviour rather than internal thought processes are the focus
of study. In particular, learning is manifested by a change in behaviour.
2) The environment shapes one's behaviour; what one learns is determined
by the elements in the environment, not by the individual learner.
3) The principles of contiguity (how close in time two events must be for a
bond to be formed) and reinforcement (any means of increasing the
likelihood that an event will be repeated) are central to explaining the
learning process. (Merriam and Caffarella 1991: 126)
In terms of learning, according to Hartley (in four key principles come to the fore:
1) Activity is important. Learning is better when the learner is active
rather than passive. ('Learning by doing' is to be applauded).
2) Repetition, generalization and discrimination are important notions.
Frequent practice - and practice in varied contexts - is necessary for
learning to take place. Skills are not acquired without frequent practice.
3) Reinforcement is the cardinal motivator. Positive reinforcers like
rewards and successes are preferable to negative events like
punishments and failures.
4) Learning is helped when objectives are clear. Those who look to
behaviourism in teaching will generally frame their activities by
behavioural objectives e.g. 'By the end of this session participants will
be able to. With this comes a concern with competenciesand product
approaches to curriculum.
From the explanation it can be said that learning is the process of behavior
changed and it focuses on the the relationship between environment and behavior.
b. Cognitive
Cognitive psychologists are interested in how a man understand, diagnose,
and solve the problem by themselves and the mental process between stimulus
and respond. The cognitive theory argues that the problem solving is taken in a
form of alogaritme or heuristic. Researchers like Piaget, while recognizing the
contribution of environment, explored changes in internal cognitive structure. He
identifies four stages of mental growth (sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete
operational and formal operational). Bruner explores how mental processes could
be linked to teaching (emphasizing, among other things, learning through
discovery). Gagné develops a model that highlights eight different forms of
learning - behaviourists identifying only a fragment of human capabilities.
Hartley (1998) has usefully drawn out some of the key principles of
learning associated with cognitive psychology. As he puts it: 'Learning results
from inferences, expectations and making connections. Instead of acquiring
habits, learners acquire plans and strategies, and prior knowledge is important'
(1998: 18). The principles he identifies are:
1) Instruction should be well-organized. Well-organized materials
easier to learn and to remember
2) Instruction should be clearly structured. Subject matters are said to
have inherent structures - logical relationships between key ideas
and concepts - which link the parts together
3) The perceptual features of the task are important. Learners attend
selectively to different aspects of the environment. Thus, the way a
problem is displayed is important if learners are to understand it.
It can be said that the principles of learning is important. It must be well
organized, clearly provided, and different aspect of learning.
c. Humanictic
In this orientation the basic concern is for human growth. It can be seen
from the work of Maslow and Rogers as expressions of this approach. A great
deal of the theoretical writing about adult education in the 1970s and 1980s draws
on humanistic psychology. In this orientation the basic concern is for the human
potential for growth. As Tennant notes, the concern with ‘self’ is ‘a hallmark of
humanistic psychology’ (1997: 12). There is a reaction against ‘scientific’
reductionism – people being treated as objects and rationalism. Instead the
affective and subjective world was to be reaffirmed. Personal freedom, choice,
motivations and feelings had to have their place.
d. Social
Social learning theory 'posits that people learn from observing other
people. By definition, such observations take place in a social setting' (Merriam
and Caffarella 1991: 134). Within psychology, initially it is behaviourists who
look to how people learn through observation. Later researchers like Bandura look
to interaction and cognitive processes. One thing that observation does is to allow
people to see the consequences of other’s behaviours. They can gain some idea of
what may flow from acting in this way or that.
Learning would be exceedingly laborious, not to mention hazardous, if
people had to rely solely on the effects of their own actions to inform them what
to do. Fortunately, most human behavior is learned observationally through
modeling: from observing others one forms an idea of how new behaviors are
performed, and on later occasion s this coded information serves as a guide for
action. (Bandura 1977: 22)
As Tennant (1997: 77) argues, this orientation has the definite advantage
of drawing attention to the need to understand knowledge and learning in context.
However, situated learning depends on two claims:
1) It makes no sense to talk of knowledge that is decontextualized,
abstract or general.
2) New knowledge and learning are properly conceived as being located
in communities of practice
Questions can be raised about both of these claims. It may be that learning
can occur that is seemingly unrelated to context or life situation. Second, there
may situations where the community of practice is weak or exhibits power
relationships that seriously inhibit entry and participation.
It can be said, the idea of situated learning does provide significant pointers
for practice. Below are highlights of situated learning:
1) Learning is in the relationships between people
2) Educators work so that people can become participants in communities of
3) There is an intimate connection between knowledge and activity Learning is part of daily living. Problem solving and learning from
experience become central processes
Other psychologists have looked beyond the focus on human interaction to
the geography or terrain of learning. There is a need to explore the extent to which
learning (or intelligence) lies in the resources to which people have access. These
might be obvious resources like libraries and internet access, but it can also
involve the use of tools like pencils and pens.
3. Learning style and Learning strategies
Learning style defines as “a characteristic and prefered way of
approaching learning and processing information” (Hedge, 2010:18). It is the way
of an individual’s effort in understanding new information. There are three kinds
of learning style (Chatib, 2009:136)
a. Visual
This style accesses the visual images, colours, pictures, notes, table, mind
map and many others.
b. Auditorial
Auditorial style acceses anykind of sound, voice, music, tone, rhythm,
story, dialogue, and understanding the material by listening the story, song and
other related thing.
c. Kinesthetic
This style accesses anykind of body movement, emotional, coordination,
etc. Based on the Magnesan’s research the human brain can receive information
easier from the movement visual.
The culture, community, and school have strong influence on learning
style. There is evidence to prove those conditions (Hedge, 2007:19), hofstede
(1986) suggests that Chinese children, in learning an indeograpic writing system,
learn to see patern and to learn by rote. Reid (1987) finds that Korean students in
term of sensory preference are more visual than US or Japanese students, on the
other hand Egyptian students take a global approach.
A component of aptitude and learning style of an individual perhaps make
different strategies that are used by succesfull language learners. These are
techniques used by the learners to deal with input, assimilate new language, store,
retrieve, and practise using it. (Oxford in Hedge, 2007:19) provides a
comprehensive list which can be used by teacher to prepare for learning. There are
two items of the list as follows:
d. Setting Goal and Objectives
Setting aims for language learning, it includes long-term goals such as
being able to use language for informal conversation by the end of the year, or
short-term objectives such as finishing reading a short story by Friday.
e. Self monitoring
Identifying error in understanding or producing the new language,
determining which one is important, tracking the source of important errors, and
trying to eliminate such errors.
The idea that there are identifiable strategies used by good learners which
migh be trained in the classroom has led to great interest among teachers and
textbook writers, who have attemted both to find ways of improving the strategies
learners already have and to raise their awareness about others they might
4. Students Learning English
English is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world and,
because it is the preferred language for international commerce, English as a
Second Language (ESL) schools exist in most industrialized countries.
Englishsubjectcan be taughtformallyin schoolssincethe academic year1994
aslo local subjects (Suyanto, 2010:1). It means thatEnglish is notasubjectthat the
In theinformation andglobalization era, the government realizes the importance
ofthe role ofEnglish languageandhuman resources thathave the reliabilityto
communicatein English, whichinIndonesiais aforeignlanguage. So in the State of
Indonesia English material already provides from the time of children.
a. English Young Learner
English young learner is a young learner who learns English. They can be
students of elementary school who get English material as local content.
Generally they are beginner learners, but the teacher can not generalize them by
giving the same task or activity. Young student meanthereare students aged 6-12
years. They can be divided into two groups, namely younger group (6-8 years),
and the older group (9-12 years). Based on their class level, they can be called as
children of lower classes, for the students of first, second and third grade,and
upper classes for the students of fourth, fifth, and sixth grade. Scott and Ytreberg
(in Suyanto,2010:15) divide them into groups of level one or level beginners (5-7
years), and level two (80-10 years). Level two groups can also be regarded as
originating if they are just getting started at that age.
b. Young learners’ characteristics
Belows are the general characterisctics of the young learner. It is possible
that there are still many others characteristic of the young learners that influence
the success in learning English.
1) Generally, children aged 5-7 years are egocentric. It means thst they
like to connect what they learn or they do by themselves
2) The young students aged 5-7 years often get difficult to distinguish the
3) Children also tend to imaginative and active
4) Easily bored, because they have a short concentration and attention
5) Their live are full of color and fun
6) Children like the story as they like the game
7) Naturally they are a beginner learners
8) Learners aged 80-10 years have enough awareness and readiness to
9) Essentially they like a conversation to interact and talk about what they
10) And most important, they are active learners.
The young learners have different characteristic that the teacher
should understand. Their uniquiness perhaps make them have different way in
understanding the lesson.
c. Factors affecting learning
Belows are some factors affecting the children in learning language:
1) Mother Tongue
Instincts, characteristics, and skills that have been formed in the process of
learning the mother tongue or first language help the children in learning a new
language, in this case is English. There are similarities between the pattern of
learning the mother tongue and foreign languages, but there are also many
differences, especially in terms of spelling, speech, including stress and
intonation, structure and vocabulary. These differences can affect the process of
learning a foreign language for children. The first language perhaps has influence
for the children in learning a foreign language.
2) Teaching Material
Selection of materials as teaching materials by learning techniques to suit
the age and interests of children will be able to make the students are interested in.
Children have great attention to the matters relating to their interest. Teaching
materials that can stimulate students should be active learning with a clear and
meaningfull object with clear instructions. Exercises, tasks and activitiesselected
should involve students.
3) Social interaction
Communication between students to teachers and students to students will
provide a sense of security to the novice learner and can improve self-confidence
in learning new languages. This relationship can be established through games,
songs, and learning activities are conducted in pairs and in groups.
Communication with friends in the form of questions and answers can help
students to be brave in using language.
4) Learning Media
Learning for children at a young age would be more effective if it is
carried out by using the medium of learning. Use of assistive devices or media in
the form of teaching real objects, pictures, puppets, and miniature can make the
presentation of the material more interesting and fun.
5) Family background
The factor of family or social background can also support or hinder the success
of children learning English. Availability of dictionaries, books, and other
facilities at home and parental support are also factors that can affect the process
of learning a foreign language.
There are still many other factors that influence the success of learning
language. The most important thing is that every child has their own uniquiness
way to learn.
This chapter discusses the research methods used in this study. It covers
the discussion of the research design, data and data source, data collection, and
data analysis.
A. Research Design
Before conducting a research, it is better to know what the meaning of
research is. “Research is an application of the scientific approach to the study of
the problem” (Ary, 1985:21). It is a tool used for studying the problems
scientifically in order to find a solution related to the phenomenon observed.
According to Hilwan (in Nazir, 2005:12) “Research is a study method conducted
through scientific and perfect survey toward the problem to get the solution of that
problem”. It means conducting research to solve the problems which are faced in
the research process.
In researching problem, the researcher should have specific planning to
make the research run fluently, orderly, and appropriately. The researcher has to
plan the steps taken in conducting research. This process in research is known as
research design. In planning process of a research, the design is started by holding
an investigation and evaluation toward the known research. In conducting process
the design involves a process of making experiment or observation. The research
design is categorized into four categories. They are sample design, instrument
design, administration design, and analysis design (Nazir, 2005:86). The research
design in this research is using sample design, because the researcher needs to
find the sample as an object to be described in the descriptive study of the effect
of parental support toward student’s English achievement.
Research design is important; it determines where the research will be
driven, the research design in this research is qualitative. “Qualitative research, for
the most part, do research in natural setting” (Wiersma, 1991:82). It means that
the researcher do not manipulate or intervene the situation. Research design is also
including in what method the research will be presented. Nazir divides the
category of research method into five categories (Nazir, 2005: 47), they are
historical method, descriptive, experimental, grounded, and classroom action
research. The research method will be used by the researcher is descriptive
research. “Descriptive research study is designed to obtain information concerning
the current status of phenomena” (Ary, 1985:322). In this case, the researcher
should describe the object as detail as possible, it can be people, and certain
condition, or might phenomena. “The main purpose of this research is described
what exist with respect to variables or condition in a situation” (Ary, 1985:322). It
means that, the duty of researcher does not only describe the object, but also the
researcher has to find the something hidden in the research. The researcher
should describe as detail as possible about the object that is being described.
There are several types of study that may be classified as descriptive
research. These are surveys, case studies, developmental studies, follow-up
studies, documentary analysis, trend analysis, and correlation studies (Ary, 1985:
322). As stated in the objective of study, the researcher intends to the descriptive
study on the parental support to the student English achivement. This study is
categorized as a case study.
B. Data and Data source
1. Data
“Research is a process of steps used to collect and analyze information to
increase our understanding of a topic or issue” (Cresswell, 2008:3). Therefore data
or information collected has to be relevant with the problem faced. It means that,
the data must be accurate, related, and appropriate. The writer assumes knowing
what the data definition is necessary. According to Arikunto, (2006:118) “Data is
the result of researcher note, it can be in form of fact or numbers”. In other word,
it can be stated that data is all information that is got from.
“The main data in qualitative research are words, actions, and additional
data as like document” (Moleong, 2005:157). It means that in qualitative research
the data will not be in form of numbers. Data in this research are the results of
interview conducted by the researcher to the target, the notes of researcher’s
observation, and some supported document as like rapports of the students, and so
2. Source Data
“Data source is subject in which data is gotten” (Arikunto, 2006:129). The
different ways for getting data probably make different kind of data source. In this
research, the researcher uses interview, questionnaire, observation, and document
to collect the data. The researcher takes effort to get data from:
a. Respondents
“Respondents are someone who responses or answers the researcher
questions orally or written” (Arikunto, 2006:129). They are someone interviewed
by the researcher, and someone who answer the researcher’s questionnaire. In this
research the respondents are the parents, students, headmasters, teachers, and
perhaps the students peers or from other important relevant sides.
C. Data collection
In conducting research data is an important thing. In qualitative, the data
are in form of words rather than numbers and statistics (Ary, 2002:425). It is
necessary that the researcher has data collection. “Data collection is standard and
systematic procedure to get the available data” (Nazir, 2005:174). It is about how
the researcher obtains her data.
The techniques of collecting data in this research are as follows:
1. Interview
Interview is of one technique to collect the data in conducting research.
“Interview is a conversation with certain purposes” (Moleong, 2005:186). It is
conversation which is held by giving some questions, and the questions have to be
answered by the interviewee. In this research also the interview is some way to
collect information with some questions to someone orally or directly. To get the
valid information the interviewer must make the good relationship to the
The interview will be conducted to the parents, the children (students) with
a request of the researcher based on the result of the questionnaire given.
Interview will be held in the place which the subjects have decided. The interview
will be also conducted to the English teacher to know the students’ action in the
classroom. Interview is conducted in Bahasa Indonesia to make the researcher
easier to get the points.
The questions that are questioned to the interviewee are as follows:
a. The questions for the Student
The questions addressed to the students are involved the student’s
willingness in studying English. The researcher starts the interview by asking
about daily activity of the student at home. The researcher then asks about
student’s response toward English subject, student’s reason why she/he likes or
dislikes English, and student’s daily and the semester English score. It does not
stop until that point, in the next section of interview the researcher asks about the
motivation given by the parents whom the students feel that they really have, and
then ask how they respond to that motivation.
b. The question for the Parents
Interview will be also conducted to the parents. The parents can be father,
mother or both of them.
The questions addressed to the parents are:
a) How do parents treat the children in general?
b) How do parents treat the children in their education?
c) How do parents respond an English subject as a foreign school
d) How do parents motivate the children related to English subject?
e) How is child’s response toward it?
f) What are parents’ contributions toward English subject?
g) What facilitates is given to the children by the parents?
h) How do parent respond toward student’s English score?
i) How if the child are lazy to do his/her homework?
These all are main points to be questioned in the interview. The
developing question is allow to be questioned when it is needed to have the more
appropriate data.
b. The Questions for the teacher
The teacher as the one who knows the students in the classroom is also
need to be interviewed. In the first of interview process the researcher wants the
teacher to tell about their students in English class and describe the students’ spirit
in learning English generally, and for the specific information about the students
pointed by the researcher as the samples. The researcher then asks the teacher
about the parent-teacher contact to know how the teachers give the information
about the child’s development in learning English. It is important to question the
teacher about the English ability standard for the students of Al-Badar.
D. Data Analysis
The researcher should describe the approach taken in the analysis of the
data. “Data analysis is the process of systematically searching and arranging the
interview transcripts, field notes, and or materials that you accumulate to increase
your own understanding of them and to enable you to present what you have
discovered” (Bodgan and Biklen, 1982:145). It is the researcher way to analyze
and present his or her data in order to make reader know the steps taken in the
processing of arranging data.
Data analysis used in this research is inductive. The researcher concerns to
the students personally by seeing what the result of questionnaire is like. For
descriptive data analysis, the collected data have to be classified based on its form.
“The qualitative data could be written in a form of words or symbol” (Arikunto,
2006:239). In this research also the researcher gives the symbol for the collected
Then the researcher uses the data taken from interview as a framework and
develops it based on the theme determined. The researcher may identify the topics
given by the interviewee when the process of interview is running.
1. Al-Badar Profile
a. Overview
Al Badar Islamic Education Institute as a new figure in the world of
education implements Full Day School Education System (Education All Day), by
applying the basic concept: "Integrated Curriculum and Integrated Activity.” It
means that all programs and activities of children in school are learning, play, eat
and worship packed into one system of education.
Social and educational foundations of Islam Al Badr, a family tradition
that began with a small and neat, true indeed that this school actually do not want
to popularize it self to be able to do kindness. However, as the system YSPI Al
Badr organization is organized, it is hard to go back to "hide" a family tradition.
The role of the Aiytam and Mustadz'afiin is not out of an appreciation of gratitude
for the blessings God bestowed a great family H. Badarudin Moeskar, given that
gift is solely his property. Life experiences that many obstacles would really
reminded us of the difficulty of life in economic depression.
YSPI Al Badr, it is difficult to escape from Badarudin Group's role as Al
Badr own YSPI much helped by the company during the early established. Thank
to Allah currently can operate independent. In the beginning of the 3rd
millennium to the name of "Al Badr" not yet been agreed, but that does not mean
that the management are unable to work for social and religious.
The one who is confidant as Board of Trustees of Al Badr, who is also
have a lot of contribution, H. Munawan, M.Pd (a preacher in the
region).Communication conducted with H. Badarudin Moeskar at social events.
Initially only the usual discussions yet led to the initiative of establishing the
Foundation. However, communications that still leaves the question whether isthe
name that accordance with this foundation.Moreover the idea of H. Figure
Munawan express to take a full moon that light does not hurt, the name associated
with H. Badarudin (Al Badr), hopefully with this name, he has been having more
Sense of Responsible. Up to now been almost ten years we stood. Thank to Allah
it been many accomplishments that achieved, even for this year already there;
SMP Islam, Islamic Banking SMK.
b. Vision and Mission
To educate the next generation of Islamic spirit, berakhlaqul karimah
superior performance, intelligent skilled and independent
1) To make the Islamic educational institution as a vessel to carry out the
education of students to be able to develop in accordance with the
demands of the Qur'an and Sunnah of Prophet and technological
2) Da'wah institutions that develope in the field of education
3) Institute of Islamic education is capable of giving superior performance
and as a pilot institution.
c. Goals and Targets Al Badr SDI Education
The goals and target Al Badal Islamic Elementary school are :
1) To establish a balanced children's intelligence between intelligence
Intellectual (IQ), Emotional intelligence (EQ), Spiritual Intelligence
(SQ), and Financial Intelligence (FQ).
2) To form of the basic attitude of Islamic children through give moral
education and inuring Islamic cultured according to the Qur’an and
3) To master knowledge and skills, both are based on Academic and Non
d. Organization Structure of Al-Badar Islamic Elementary School
Below is the organization structure of Al-Badr Islamic Elementary School
Kepala Sekolah
Lab. Bahasa
Staf Sarana
Staf Kesiswaan
Unit Ekstra
e. Teacher and Staff
The total number of teachers and staffs in Al-Badar Islamic Elementary
School is 28. They consist of 17 teachers and 11 staffs. Workers who educate and
nurture the SDI Al Badar should have qualification as follows:
1) S1 scholar and pass the selection of commitment and competence
2) Have a good teaching experience
3) Have pass the training of teachers of the Al Badr YLPI
4) Missionary commitment
5) Have nature Educators / mentors
6) Have a good worship habits
7) Can read the Qur'an
Teaching and Learning Process
Learning activities take place from 07:00 to 14:00 In order to provide
learning services that can optimize the potential of students then packed in the
teaching and learning process grouping / dividing students based on their multiple
Principles and learning strategies are used:
1) Learning is easy and fun
Learning is fun and easy. It means that in the classroom the teachers tend to make
the students fun in delivering the material.
2) All can and earnestly learn
It means that in delivering the material the teacher has to stimulate the children
and make the students have interest to learn. Make the students understand is also
the teacher’s job.
3)Continuous Progress
No child will stop learning, it means that the learning process is conducted
4) Emphasizing the "Learn how to learn"
Learning how to learn
5) Active Learning
Active learning or student-centered learning. It means that learning process is
priority to the students’ activeness in the classroom.
g. The Supported Facilities
1) Classroom
The total number of the classrooms in Al-Badar Islamic Elementary
School is 10 classrooms; consist of two rooms for first and the fourth class, three
rooms for second class, and one room for the third, fifth, and the sixth class.
The capacity of the class is 20 students, with 20 chairs and tables for each
The classroom is completed by one white board, one presentation, board
one teacher table, some supported thing, such as a globe, some educated pictures,
and the assignment box.
2) Library
The collections get significant attention in order to encourage users to
increase their knowledge and insights. There are 6,000 collections, consist of 800
titles and it will always add a new of quality collection based on the user needs. In
addition, the atmosphere and condition of the library must be concerned, for
example it is comfortable, it is save from the noise, Reading culture into school
culture, and writing a school culture.
SDI Al Badar has treated the library as follows:
(a) Increase library hours with extracurricular activities.
For example: journalistic activities, participating in writing competitions
(b) Integrate library with other subject areas, such as: structured tasks to be
completed with the usingof library collections
(c) Make a schedule of classes’ visit
3) Healthy Center School(UKS)
It involves Health Education, health services, and development of a
healthy environment of school life.
4) Guidance and Counseling
Counseling function not only concern to mental health support, but also
intended to help students develop themselves and overcome the problem, so it
does not interfere the development of learning.
Psychology Consultation Service
a. For the teachers
b. For the parents and students
5) Learning Resource Centre
Learning resource center is the place where the sources of information as
well as designed, prepared and organized everything that can support teaching and
learning activities, both in class and outside class.
6) Computer Laboratory
Computer laboratory has a strategic position at an educational institution;
it is used to support the optimization of an effort to produce products according to
what the school expects. In the era of the digital world in this time where
information technology develops very rapidly, the presence of computer labs is a
must needed not only used as a means of educating, coaching traffic increased
both students, teachers and employees in the field of computer software and
especially on the brainwork aspect. Computer labs are also optimized its function
for teachers’ need and school administration, and also used as a means of
supporting the manufacture of instructional media, and also used as a means of
improving the professionalism of teachers’ major.
Computer laboratory programs include:
a. Students
Computer laboratory for studentsis used as media in identifying
information technology include:
1) The introduction of computer hardware parts to understand the
function of its work.
2) Lesson edutainment computer using software. WordPad, Microsoft
Office and Mind Mapping
3) The event in honing the motor, cognitive and creativity of students
trained in using the software memory and logic.
b. Teacher and the staff
Computer laboratory for teachers and staff are used as:
1. Media creativity to enhance the capability and professionalism of
teachers in the field of computers in accordance with the development of
information technology today.
2. Media to assist teachers in implementing the tasks of teaching and
learning activities, especially in the manufacture of instructional media
3. Central storage of all data, including data values, staple, matter and
others, as well as documentation of student progress reports to be given to the
h. School Extra
The program is a school effort to develop interests and talents of students.
Hope the school will self-actualization needs can be met through thisprogram.
Existing programs include:
1. Arts development
2. Art read the Qur’an
3. Sound art
4. Fine art
5. Drum band
i. Valueof Excellence involves:
1) Childrenreceive an educationthatanticipatoryagainstagainst
2) Science and technology development
3) Get-Islamic educationtoproperlyandproportionally
4) Getting apersonality that isanticipatoryofeducationtosocialdevelopment
5) Get thecoachinganddevelopment oftalentandintelligence interestsfrom
an early agethroughmonitoringguidanceandcounseling
6) Potentialchild arechanneledthroughvariousextracurricularactivities
7) Minimize thenegativeactivitiesundertaken
j. New Student Orientation
Courses beginning of the year in this institution for grade 1 who performed
for 1 week. With this program intended to prepare students to school happy,
comfortable, comfortable at school and complete their development tasks. This
program will deliver on:
1) Students have the motivation to follow the learning process
2) Students do not often strike to learn
3) Students complete its development and basic skills
4) Students assume the school is the second home
k. Quality Assurance (QA)
1) Akhlaq Karimah
It involves prayer with awareness, respect and obedience to parents,
discipline, confident, net Culture, nice to read, behave well.
2)Academic Optimal
It involves the value of Final Examination: Individual Average: 8.00.
Average Group: 8.00,Memorize Juz Amma, read Al-qur'an tartil, ability to read
effectively, and ability to conduct good communication.
3) National Standards
NEM produces the best to be able to enter junior high school and junior
high schools in Tulungagung favorite.
B. Data Presentation
1. The Result of Interview
Interview is a conversation with certain purposes. In this research, the
researcher uses interview as a technique to obtain the data. Interview is conducted
to the students, teacher, and the parents with any kinds of purposes. For the
students the interview is conducted in order to know the students’ intrinsic
motivation, for the teacher interview is conducted to know the students’ spirit in
learning English in the classroom, and for the parents the interview is conducted
in order to know how contributions and facilitates given to their children are, and
how the contribution influence the result of study.
Interview to the Student
Respondent 1 : Student 1(NAP)
: IV SDI Al-Badar
Interviewer: “Dik, apa saja kegiatan sehari hari dirumah?”
Respondent: “Main ..”
Interviewer: “Trus belajarnya kapan?”
Respondent: “Malam, setelah Magrib”
Interviewer: “Di temenin siapa?”
Respondent: “Ibu”
Interviewer: “ Menurut adik Bahasa Inggris itu bagaimana?”
Respondent: “ Menyenangkan, karena mudah mudah”
Interviewer: “ Suka ndak dengan Bahasa Inggris?”
Respondent: “Suka”
Interviewer: “Biasanya Bahasa inggris dapat nilai berapa?”
Respondent: “ Diatas 80 an”
Interviewer: “ Dik, apa kah ada kontribusi langsug dari orang tua supaya nilai
bahasa Inggris adik meningkat?”
Respondent: “Ada, dari Ibu, soalnya Ibu kan guru Bahasa Inggris di SMP”
Interviewer: “ Trus ada ndak fasilitas yang diberikan ke adik?”
Respondent: “Kamus, sama game Bahasa Inggris“
Interviewer: “Kalau adik lagi malas belajar, orang tua gimana?”
Respondent: “ Marah, biasanya di jewer”
Interviewer: “Menurut adik pengetahuan tentang Bahasa Inggris banyak didapat
dari mana?”
Respondent: “Ibu, di ajarin sama ibu”
Interviewer: “Pernah ndak di beri motivasi oleh orang tua?
Respondent: “Pernah, sering”
Interviewer: “Suka tidak kalau orang tua memberikan motivasi?”
Respondent: “Ya suka ..”
Interviewer: ”Trimakasih ya dik ?”
Respondent: “Ya sama sama”
Respondent 2
: Student 2(AAF)
: V SDI Al-Badar
Interviewer: “ Apa saja kegiatan sehari hari dirumah?”
Respondent: “ Sering main, baca buku, trus kalo belajar subuh”
Interviewer: “ Kenapa kok pilih belajar di waktu subuh?”
Respondent: “ Otak lebih fresh”
Interviewer: “ Belajarnya kemauan sendiri atau kemauan orang tua?”
Respondent: “ Kadang kemauan sendiri kadang juga kemauan orangtua”
Interviewer: “ Menurut adik Bahasa Inggris itu bagaimana?”
Respondent: “ Menyenangkan, karena mudah. Selain itu ibu juga berlatar
belakang Bahasa Inggris, ibu kan jadi guru di SMP”
Interviewer: “ Bagaimana nilai Bahasa Inggris adik di sekolah, baik nilai harian
juga nilai rapor?”
Respondent: “ Kalau nilai harian biasanya 90 sampe 100, kalo dirapor 80 atau 90”
Interviewer: “ Kontribusi apa saja yang orang tua berikan untuk adik supaya
nilainya bagus khususnya Bahasa Inggris?”
Respondent: “ Di ajarin ibu, di kasih kamus, dulu pernah di leskan, tapi sekarang
udah nggak, malah lebih sering belajar sama ibu, malah kadang
kadang juga di ajak conversation gitu”
Interviewer: “Fasilitas apa saja yang orang tua berikan untuk menunjang prestasi
Respondent: “Kamus, laptop, dulu juga waktu kecil sering di belikan kaset kaset
Bahasa Inggris”
Interviewer: “Bagaimana adik memanfaatkan fasilitas fasilitas tersebut?”
Respondent: “Ya kalo ga ngerti sesuatu ya buka kamus, trus kalo kaset kasetnya
di setelkan”
Interviewer: “Dek, apa yang dilakukan oleh orang tua jika adik malas belajar?”
Respondent: “Diem aja, tapi lama lama ya nyuruh belajar”
Interviewer: “Suka ndak kalau belajarnya di suruh?”
Respondent: “Ndak terlalu suka, lebih suka kalau belajar karena kemauan sendiri”
Interviewer: “Suka tidak kalau orang tua memberikan motivasi?”
Respondent: “Ya seneng seneng aja”
Interviewer: ”Berdasarkan jawaban adik dalam questionnaire, adik pernah ikut
kompetisi bahasa Inggris, dimana?
Respondent: “Iya, di Surabaya, Jakarta, juga di Al-Asraf”
Interviewer: “Awalnya bisa jadi suka bahasa inggris itu bagaimana?”
Respondent: “Ya karena orang tua sering ajarkan, saya jadi bisa, trus jadi suka.
Interviewer: “Biasa adik di sekolah peringkat berapa?”
Respondent: “3”
Interviewer: “Oke, trimakasih ya dik”
Respondent: “Sama sama.”
Based on the interview to the students, the researcher concludes that the
students are interested in learning English and they have good contribution from
their parents.
b. Interview to The Parents
Interview to the parents is conducted in order to know the parents’
contribution toward the students’ English achievement. However parents could be
extrinsic motivation for the children. The different kind of motivation probably
bring different impact for the students it self. That way the information from the
parents is also needed.
Below are the scripts of interview conducted to the parents :
Respondent 1 : Orang tua NAP
Interviewer: “Bu, bagaimana ibu memperlakukan dek Aji dirumah?”
Respondent : “ Karna Aji itu anak yang paling besar, saya anggap nanti dia jadi
panutan adik adiknya, jadi saya anggap dia sebagai teman juga untuk
bicara, saya berusaha untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dia maksudnya
dalam hal-hal yang positif lah jadi berusaha untuk diajak bicara”.
Interviewer: “Terus, bagaimana dengan kaitannya dengan pendidikan di sekolah,
seumpama kalau belajar dirumah itu biasanya dek Aji belajar sendiri
atau bagaimana?”
Respondent: “Dia selalu berusaha untuk selalu belajar sendiri dulu, bila
menemukan kesulitan baru saya turun tangan, saya bimbing”.
Interviewer: “Kemudian, pelajaran bahasa Inggriskan sekarang sudah di berikan
di SD, kita tau bahwa bahasa Inggris merupakan bahasa asing ,
bagaimana ibu menanggapi bahasa Inggris yang dijadikan sebagai
sebuah materi atau di masukan kedalam kurikulum sekolah ?”
Respondent: “Itu,saya sangat setuju sekali kalau di masukkan kedalam
kurikulum, sabab saya berharap di sekolah justru setiap hari untuk
conversation nya ada, minimal dua atau tiga kata lah atau good
morning, good afternoon ketika ketemu gurunya nyapalah dalam
bahasa Inggris. Soalnya jaman sekarang itu kan semua sudah pake
bahasa Inggris ya mbak ya.., mulai dari computer, anak saya itu kalo
internetan juga pakai bahasa Inggris, dalam buku-buku sekarang juga
sudah banyak yang pakai bahasa Inggris, saya kemarin itu usul juga
di sekolah Al- Badar itu, kalo bisa bahasa Inggrisnya itu setiap hari di
pake, meskipun cuma kata –kata sapaan untuk teman – temannya.”
Interviewer: “Terus dari ibu, bagaimana ibu memotivasi dek Aji agar bahasa
Inggrisnya berkembang?”
Respondent : “Saya berusaha memberikan, contohnya untuk lagu-lagu sederhana
itu pake bahasa Inggris, untuk game, permainan yang juga ada bahasa
Inggrisnya, saya berusah anak saya itu menenjemahkan sendiri, kalau
dia nggak menemukan arti kata itu, saya sodori dia kamus.”
Interviewer: “Dengan di perlakukandemikian itu, tanggapannya dek Aji
bagaimana ?”
Respondent: “Enjoy, untuk belajar bahasa Inggrisnya, karena dia emang suka
bahasa Inggrisnya, saya lihat pelajaran yang paling menonjol
diantara pelajaran yang lainnya kelihatannya bahasa inggris. Dia
selalu tertarik, selalu Tanya pokoknya kalau ada kata-kata yang dia
nggak tau, mesti tanya.”
Interviewer: “Ok, kalo dari sudut pandang ibu sendiri gitu ya, Ibu sebagai guru
bahasa Inggris di sekolah, apa Ibu merasa benar-benar telah
berperan terhadap parkembangan bahasa inggris dek Aji?”
Respondent: “Ya otomatis. Saya berusaha agar anak saya itu lebih baik dari
Ibunya, hehehehehe, nanti kalo bisa saya ikut kan les-les, untuk
jangka panjangnya.”
Interviewer: “Jadi peran Ibu begitu ?”
Respondent: “Ya itu, selalu mendampingi, memberikan dia apa yang dia perlukan
untuk kaitannya dengan pelajaran bahasa Inggris, mungkin itu
ya…, buku cerita , kebanyakan buku cerita dia..”
Interviewer: “Terus, selain buku cerita, fasilitas apa lagi yang ibu berikan ke dek
Respondent: “Lagu-lagu sama kamus, dia paling suka liat kamu,hehehehe, kalo
ada kata-kata nggak tau, trus keliatan Ibu’e kesel gitu, “ Ah, gak
usah tanya’ Ibu tak lihat kamus” , gitu..”
Interviewer: “Nilai bahasa Inggris dek Aji sekarang di sekolah berapa bu?”
Respondent: “Kalau Ulangan harian kelihatannya sembilan keatas, tapi kemaren
di rapot itu delapan koma berapa gitu, saya lupa, pokoknya
kemarin paling baik sendiri ya bahasa Inggrisnya.”
Interviewer: “Kalo pas Dek Aji males belajar ato males ngerjakan tugas, ibu
Respondent: “Anak kan punya banyak kegiatan mbak, kalo pas saya liat anak
saya itu capek, keliatan males, ato pas laper, atau palah gitu ya
saya biarkan dia, dia bermain pun saya biarkan dia. Karna namanya
anak kan punya masa bermain gitu ya, kalo nati saya paksa
…..Sinau……Belajar !, ya ndak akan masuk. Saya berusaha cari
kesempatan yang memang anak saya itu lagi enjoy buat belajar. Itu
Interviewer: “ Pertannyaan penutupnya bu, Apa harapan ibu terhadap Bahasa
Inggrisnya dek Aji kedepan?”
Respondent: “Saya pengen anak saya itu bisa dan tidak hanya untuk bisa bicara
bahasa Inggris, tapi memang benar – benar menguasai bahsa Inggris
di banding Ibunya lah minimal, pokoknya harus –harus – harus lebih
baik, saya pengen anak-anak saya itu diatas saya, lebih baik nasibnya
di atas ibunya dan ayahnya untuk kedepannya nati, karena dasarnya
semua pakai bahasa Inggris itu tadi, jadi harus bisa, ya pokoknya
harus bisabahasa Inggris”
Interviewer: ”Sepertinya itu saja bu, trimakasih banyak atas informasinya..”
Respondent: “Iya, sama-sama mbak…”
Respondent 2 : Orang tua AAF
Interviewer: “Bu, bagaimana ibu memperlakukan dek Amar dirumah?”
Respondent: “Kalau memperlakukannya ya seperti kebanyakan orang tua, saya
memang berusaha membebaskan tapi di satu sisi saya tetap
mengontrol, contohnya kalau lihat tv tetap saya kontrol, mana yang
boleh dilihat mana yang tidak.”
Interviewer: “Terus,bagaimana dengan kaitannya dengan pendidikan di sekolah,
kalau belajar dirumah itu biasanya dek Amar belajarnya
Respondent: “Kalau itu saya termasuk orang tua yang los, saya hanya
mengingatkan kalau ada PR, jadi ndak harus setiap hari belajar
dengan pengang buku, karena sekolahnya juga sudah padat, apa lagi
semester kemarin dia ambil les, jadi kalau memang tidak ada PR,
trus dia gak mau belajar saya tidak memaksakan untuk belajar,
karena sudah terforsir tenaganya”.
Interviewer: “Bu, ada tidak kontribusi dari ibu yang sifatnya matrial?”
Respondent: “Yang rutin setiap sebulan sekali saya langganan majalah fan,
majalah yang berbahasa inggris itu…, atau biasanya insidental,
kalau di sekolah ada bacaan bagus, ya saya bawa pulang saya suruh
baca dia, atau kadang saya membuat soal saya teskan dulu ke dia,
alhamdulilah kebetulan dia sering bisa. Dan hari hari sering di rumah
juga berbicara dengan bahasa Inggris, ya semampunya dia.”
Interviewer: “Biasanya kalau berbicara Bahasa Inggris, biasanya
tentang apa bu?”
Respondent: “Biasanya tentang “what do you think about”, mengenai opini,
karena menurut saya selain melatih bahasa Inggrisnya juga bisa
mengeksplorasi pendapatnya, dua duanya dapat, atau juga yang
ringan ringan misalnya minta tolong apa gitu.”
Interviewer: “Nah itu kalau dengan ibu, pernah tidak adek Amar mengaplikasikan
diluar, dengan temanya atau mungkin dengan siapa gitu ..?”
Respondent: “Kalau itu, pernah dulu sewaktu saya ajak ke Prambanan, ketika saya
ngobrol ngobrol dengan bule yang ada di situ, dia juga ikut
nimbrung sedikit sedikit. Itu yang saya tau, mungkin bisa jadi
disekolah, Cuma memang karena saya tidak pernah mengikuti
kegiatan di sekolah jadi ndak tau kapan dia mempraktikannya.”
Interviewer: “Apakah Ibu merasa kontribusi kontribusi yang ibu berikan itu benar
benar berdampak posititif untuk dek amar bu ?”
Respondent: “Saya fikir, karena Amar itu gemar membaca jadi itu support sekali,
karenan dengan adanya majalah tersebut dia banyak sekali belajar
vocab, karena content majalah itu memang banyak cerita yang yang
berbentuk naratif, pengetahuan dan lain sebagainya, tentang dunia,
mengembangkan vocabnya”
Interviewer: “Berbicara mengenai fasilitas bu, dari ibu sendiri fasilitas fasilitas
apa saja yang ibu berikan untuk mendukung agar Bahasa Inggris
dek Amar bagus?”
Respondent : “Ya majalah itu tadi, trus kalau nge-net ya saya juga memfasilitasi
itu, saya sering menyarankan kalau chatingan mencari teman dari
luar negeri, biar bisa chatingan pake Bahasa Inggris, untuk
prakteknya begitu.”
Interviewer: “Bagaimana dengan vcd, maksud saya film film yang berbahasa
Inggris, atau mungkin juga game game dalam bahasa Inggris?”
Respondent: “Kalau untuk film berbahasa Ingris ya yang biasa ada di TV, yang
sudah ada textnya, cuma saya sarankan sekalipun ada text bahasa
Indonesianya tetap harus mendengarkan, biar bisa di sinkronize
antara apa yang di dengar dan dibaca, dengan begitu bisa menambah
vocabnya. Kalau untuk game, dulu waktu kecil seperti Boby Bola
yang pernah saya berikan di komputernya, kalau sekarang game
geme online di internet, saya kontrol, boleh main asalkan yang
berbahasa Inggris”
Interviewer: “Biasanya permainan apa yang dimainkan bu?”
Respondent: “ Waduh, kalau soal nama nama game saya kok tidak update, ..”
Interviewer: “Bagaimana dengan gambar gambar yang ada vocab Bahasa
Inggrisnya bu?”
Respondent: “Ya, kalau itu dulu waktu awal awalnya seperti itu, tapi sekarang
sudah tidak lagi”
Interviewer: “Mengenai Prestasi adek Amar bu, mohon diceritakan.”
Respondent: “Prestasi menonjol Amar yang saya amati, itu ya di Bahasa Inggris
dan matematikanya, kalau yang bahasa Inggris itu diawali dengan
pidato bahasa Inggris yang sampai mewakili tingkat Jawa Timu,
kemudian belum lama ini, sekitar November 2010 kemarin dia juara
II untuk retelling story, kalau untu matematikanya dia masuk 50
besar jaringan siswa berbakat matematika.”
Interviewer: “Kalau di sekolahnya sendiri bagaimana bu?”
Respondent: “Dari kelas 1 sampai kelas 4 dulu waktu belum pindah sekolah dia
selau peringkat 1, kemudian pindah di Al-Badar dulu peringat 3, dan
semester ini dia peringkat 2.”
Interviewer: “Trimakasih bu atas informasinya ..”
Respondenr: “ iya, trimakasih kembali mbak”
Based on the result of interview to the parents, the researcher finds many
kinds of answers about the parents’ contribution. In a fact, the parents of Al-Badar
students have different way in educating their children, including how they treat
their children in order to be able in English. Two samples above describe how the
parentstreat and facilitate the children to support their children’s English skill.
c. Interview to The Teacher
The teacher here means English teacher. The interview is conducted to the
teacher in order to know the students daily action in the classroom when the
teaching learning English is running. It is considered as the support coming from
the parents. The interview is conducted in the school of Al-Badr to some of
English teachers. Below are the scripts of teacher interview:
Respondent 1
: English Teacher 1
Interviewer: “Bagaimana semangat anak anak ketika mengikuti kelas Bahasa
Respondent: “Anak anak dari kelas I s/d kelas VI untuk semangatnya ya seperti
pelajaran pelajaran yang lain. Karena Bahasa inggris itu memang di
tuntut untuk di berikan dengan cara yang menyenangkan. Jadi
biasanya kalau anak anak kurang semangat ya bagaimana seorang
guru itu menciptakan suasana yang menyenangkan, seperti kita buat
nyanyian, dengan game, atau kadang kadang di sela sela setelah
ulangan itu di buat jadwal untuk menonton film khusus Bahasa
Inggris. Begitu yang biasa saya praktek kan”
Interviewer: “Bagaimana respon anak anak ketika diajak belajar dengan cara yang
Respondent: “Biasanya kalau di ajak nonton untuk anak anak kelas bawah itu
biasanya mereka masih belajar untuk adaptasi dengan bahasa,
karena bagi mereka ini merupakan hal yang baru. Ketika mereka
memahami alur cerita mereka ceria ceria saja. Dan mereka sering
minta nonton lagi kalau ketemu jam pelajaran saya”
Interviewer: “Di dalam kelas sering kita jumpai anak dengan motivasi yang
berbeda beda, bagaimana wujud anak yang memiliki motivasi bagus
menunjuk kan antusias nya di dalam kelas?”
Respondent: “Kalau anak anak nya memang sudah antusias, itu biasa karena
orang tuanya berlatar belakang Bahasa Inggris, biasanya kalau diajak
bicara mereka langsung faham, apalagi kalau memakai soal soal
seperti writing test itu sangat terlihat dari nilai yang mereka peroleh”
Interviever: “Bagaimana dengan yang memiliki motivasi yang kurang?”
Respondent: “Di dalam kelas biasanya memang ada anak dengan motivasi yang
kurang, itu kadang ya ramai sendiri. Itu wajar menurut saya, karena
mereka masih anak-anak. Tapi kebanyakan mereka terbawa arus
teman temanya yang serius dalam Bahasa Inggris. Biasa juga di beri
punishment, tapi berupa punishment yang
sifatnya educative.
Misalnya saya minta untuk maju kedepan dan menyanyikan lagu
bahasa inggris yang pernah saya ajarkan, atau untuk kelas atas biasa
saya minta untuk mengahafalkan vocab”
Interviewer: “Adakah hubungan antara orang tua dan guru Bahasa Inggris, terkait
perkembangan Bahasa Inggris anak?”
Respondent: “Selama ini di SDI Al-Badar, untuk masalah perkembangan
kemampuan anak tidak melalui guru Bahasa Inggris secara langsung,
melainkan wali kelas yang biasanya menyambung lidah. Tapi, juga
ada orang tua yang secara langsung memberi masukan berupa kritik
dan saran kepada saya mengenai pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris dengan
perbandingan sekolah lain. Tapi itu juga teratasi karena sarana
prasarana di sini juga cukup memadai”
Interviewer: “Sebagai guru Bahasa Inggris, menurut ibu factor apa yang paling
mempengaruhi prestasi anak?”
Respondent: “Memang semua factor itu saling keterkaitan, tapi menurut saya
factor yang paling utama adalah factor kemauan. Karena kalau itu
tidak dimiliki oleh anak hanya di dukung oleh kemampuan orang tua,
sarana prasarana, kalau anak anak tidak punya kemauan itu tidak bias
Interviewer: “Bagaimana dengan pendapat yang mengatakan factor dari luar juga
mempengaruhi kemauan anak?”
Respondent: “Ya itu memang mendukung kemauan, tapi kalau dari dalam diri
anak sudah ada kemauan maka jika lingkungan tidak mendukung itu
masih bisa jalan”
Interviewer: “Anak yang bagaimana bu yang bisa dikatakan sebagai anak yang
pandai dalam Bahasa Inggris?”
Respondent : “Kalau di SD menurut saya karena Bahasa Inggris masih dalam taraf
pelajaran tambahan, sudah cukup baiklah jika anak sudah bias
greeting secara simple, membuat kalimat, aplikasi. Saya rasa itu sudah
cukup layak tinggal bagaimana nanti bias di asah di SMP”
Interviewer: Standart nilai apa yang di gunakan bu?”
Respondent: “Kalau nilai ya pakai KKM ( Kreteria Ketuntasan Maksimal) kalau
untuk Bahasa Inggris di sekolah ini KKM nya 70. Dan juga untuk
Bahasa Inggris Standarnya empat skill, meliputi writing, reading,
speaking dan juga listening”
Interviewer: “Bagaimana cara memotivasi anak bu? Apa kah juga dengan
memberikan apresiasi?
Respondent: “Iya, memang untuk apresiasinya harus sedikit mengeluarkan biaya.
Biasanya berupa jajan atau pulpen. Memang itu butuh pengorbanan,
tapi bagi saya itu tidak menjadi masalah selama anak anak enjoy
denga pelajaran saya”
Interviewer: “Trimaksih banyak ya bu …”
Respondent: “Ya, sama sama mbak …”
a. English Teacher 2
Interviewer: “Bu, bagaimana semagat siswa-siwi ketika mereka itu menerima
materi pelajaran bahasa inggris di kelas?”
Respondent: “Ya alhamdulilah siswa-siswi saya selama saya mengajar di SD
Al-Badar ini selalu menerima materi- materi yang saya ajarkan dengan
penuh semangat. Contoh nya kalo siswa-siswi yang mempunyai
semangat untuk menerima pelajaran saya itu”setiap kali pertama saya
masuk kelas, mereka langsung antusias dan siap untuk menerima
pelajaran saya. Tapi ya ada juga, kan kelihatan antara anak yang
semangat sama yang tidak,itu ya berapa persenlah, pokoknya tidak
banyak, yang lain itu ya pokoknya kalo saya masuk kelas sudah siap
dan selalu antusias setiap kali saya memberikan materi yang saya
ajarkan mereka selalu memperhatikan dan semangat untuk menjawab
pertannyaan itu. Contoh kecil nya saja salam, saya memerikan salam
itu mereka selalu siap memberikan jawaban salam saya selain salam-
salam mungkin dalam pelajaran saya dengan materi colour atau warna
selalu ada timbal baliknya.
Interviewer: “Kemampuan anak satu dan anak yang lain dalam menerima
pelajaran itu kan berbeda,bagaimana ibu melihat antara anak yang
semangat dengan yang tidak semangat ?”
Respondent: “Nah itu…Yang tidak semangat itu kelihatan banget, waktu saya
masuk itu biasanya Cuma diam, Cuma memperhatikan saya dan
jarang sekali bisa menjawab pertannyaan saya. Dia mau menjawab
karena dengan bukan terpaksa tetapi memang mungkin ndak mengerti
dengan pertannyaan saya, kan mereka itu yang nggak punya semangat
itu otomatis biasanya nggak bisa, kenapa kok nggak semangat itu
memang karena nggak bisa kalo saya lihat, mungkin itu juga kurang
motivasi dari orang tua atau dari dirinya sendiri. Kalau mereka
mempunyai motivasi entah dari orang tua entah dari dirinya sendiri,
mereka pasti mau bertanggung jawab maksudnya itu mereka bisa
mengikuti pelajaran dengan baik karena mereka sudah mempunyai
motivasi dari diri sendiri atau dari luar . Dengan begitu kalau sudah
memiliki motivasi dia kan mau berusaha untuk bisa kalo ndak yo
biasanya itu nggak semangat itu tadi,jadi karena nggak bisa”.
Interviewer: “Bagaimana cara ibu mengatasi anak-anak yang di dalam kelas itu
mereka kurang bersemangat dalam belajar?”
Respondent: “Ya karena tanggung jawab saya selain saya sebagai gurudi SD
Al-Badar ini harus menuntaskan anak-anak yang kurang semangat
atau yang kurang bisa mengikuti pelajaran ya antara lain kita dari
sekolah sendiri, kalo jam pulang atau istirahat gitu selalu memanggil
nak tersebut untuk di berikan tambahan , tambahan materi. Selain itu,
kita harus konsultasi dengan orang tua untuk bagaimana mengatasi
anak tersebut. Apakah mungkin anaknya, biasanya gini, kita menciba
untuk memberikan pelajaran tambahan di sekolah, entah pada jam
istirahat atau pulangnya, kalo ndak gitu orang tua mungkin memilih
untuk mengeleskan anak –anaknya,memberikan pelajaran tambahan di
luar, contohnya seperti di masukkan di LBB ataupun les privat yang
dirumah itu, pokoknya kita selalu berusaha untuk memberikan
motivasi tersebut agar bisa sejajar dengan teman-temanya. Jadi ya
biasanya orang tua ya memilih memberikan diluar karena kalo di
sekolah kasihan, nanti temannya waktu istirahat dia nggak bis
istirahat, nanti waktunya temannya pulang nggak bisa pulang, jdi
kebanyakan di berikan les diluar, bagi yang kurang motivasi atau yang
ketinggalan. ”
Interviewer: “Menurut Ibu, adakah anak yang mendapatkan kontribusi langsung
dari orang tua maksudnya anak yang pintar bahasa Inggrisnya karena
da kontribusi dari orang tuanya?”
Respondent: “Saya rasa bahasa Inggris itu memang harus dari diri kita sendiri,
dari orang tua atau dari luar itu Cuma penunjang, kelihatan lo, anak
yang memang nggak suka bahasa inggris itu biasanya orang tua mati-
matian memberikan tambahan diluar ataupun semangat dari keluarga
dan lingkungannya ini ya tetap aja nggak bisa kalo menurut saya, itu
memang dari kita sendiri. Tapi ada solusi agar dia itu terbuka dari
dirinya sendirinya, kalo sejak lahir dia itu tidak suka bahasa inggris ya
bagaimanapun diberi apapun kalo saya rasa nggak bisa. Mungkin gini
solusinya,guru bahasa inggrisnya itu agak ramah sedikit dan pelajaran
bahasa inggris itu kebanyakan lebih cepat mengena itu dengan
permainan-biasanya seperti itu, namanya anak -anak kalo ada
temannya yang semangat biasanya dia pasti ikut-ikutan semangat, jadi
nggak mungkinlah kalo dari lahir nggak bisa trus nggak bisa, tetep ada
trik-trik nya agar mau mempunyai semangat agar bisa bahasa inggris
itu banyak sekali langkahnya atau solusinya banyak, ya salah satu nya
itu, dengan puzzle atau game atau permainan atau nyanyi biasanya itu
anak-anak semangat. Saya sudah pernah kok mencoba itu waktu ada
anak yang kelihatannya sejak awal itu entah dari TK nya atau dari
mananya itu atau dari kelas satu nya udah nggak suka itu saya ajak
game atau sering kita ajak ngomong itu biasanya malah seneng
soalnya dia nggak suka itu karena dia nggak bisa, kalo dia sudah bisa,
biasanya dia jadi suka.
Interviewer: “Selanjutnya bu, adakah hubungan antara orang tua dengan guru
inggrisnya anak ?”
Respondent: “SD Al-Badar itu kan, para orang tua itu menyekolahkan anak-anak
mereka disini kan karena mereka percaya kalo nanti hubungannya itu
akan bisa bagus antara orang tua dengan guru. Dan tidak hanya
pelajran bahasa Inggris saja, tapi semua pelajaran juga begitu, mereka
selalu mengikuti perkembangan, nanti kalo bahasa Inggris malah
orang tua itu kebanyakan menyekolahkan karena tau kalo bahasa
Inggrisnya satu minggu itu kan ada dua kali prtemuan jadi
frekuensinya ketemu guru bahasa Inggris dan menerima pelajaran itu
agak sering. Disitu orang tua memang suka menyekolahkan ank disini
karena berharap bahsa Inggrisnya bisa lancar waktu practice Inggris
itu ya, jadi kalo disini selalu, guru tu ada dering ananda disini jadi ada
hubungan sama guru, utamanya guru bahasa inggris untuk
menanyakan perkembangan-perkembangan anaknya. Contohnya nanti
kan di beri materi bahasa Inggris, itu dirumah faktanya orang tua itu
selalu membuka catatan putra-putrinya karena apa nnti kalo nilainya
jelek, langsung di tanyakan kok bisa jelek apa anak saya ketinggalan
anak saya, pasti Tanya gitu, terus nanti kita kan bisa dering ananda
yang lewat telponatau sms kita bisa menyampaikankenyatannya putraputrinya kalo di kelas gini- gini, kalo nilai bagus mereka juga
berkomentar, anak saya nilainya bagu bu, ini dari anak saya sediri atau
nyontek, itu selalu di pertanyakan jadi selalu ada hubungan antara
orang tua dan anak sangat di perhatikan oleh wali murid SD Al- Badar
ini. ”
Interviewer: “Anak seperti apa yang bisa dikatakan sebagai anak yang pintar bu?”
Respondent: “ya dia selalu aktif menjawab pertannyaan, bahasa Inggris kan ada
menulis, mendengarkan, berbicara dan membaca, nanti anak itu di
beri materi membaca, membacanya juga lancar, dengan benar dan
artinya juga tau, kalo listening kita ngomong apa saja mereka
mengerti apa yang di bicarakan dan mampu menjawabnya, itu berarti
bisa. Kalo speakingnya kita tanya Tanya kita kasih pertanyaan apapun
mereka menjawabnya menggunakan bahasa inggris berarti bisa, tapi
kalo menjawab pertannyaan bahasa Inggris menggunakan bahaa
Indonesia berarti mereka masih dikatakan belum bisa lah,terakhir
menulis , biasanya kita memberikan soal dikte kemudian mereka
suruh menjawab pake tulisan itu, berarti kalo dia tulisannya sudah
benar berarti mereka bisa, saya kira empat itu. Empat skill itu harus
bisa, kalo nggak berate masih belum bisa dikatakan bisa.
Interviewer: “Kalo secara nilai siswa bagaimana bu, standart yang digunakan
Respondent: “Kalo disini KKM , KKM nya tujuh, jadi kalo belum bisa
memenuhi standart KKM itu jadi ya belum dikatan bisa, jadi itu tadi
kita harus komunikasi dengan orang tuanya itu, soalnya standartnya
Interviewer: “Makasih bu..?”
Respondent: “Ya, sama -sama.”
According to the one of the English teacher in Al-Badar most of students
of Al-Badar have good motivation in learning everything in the school including
English. It is proved by the students’ daily action in the classroom. The students
who have motivation seem more enthusiasm than the students who don’t have
motivation. They are brave to up their hands to respond the questions or question
about the material that they haven’t understand. Based on the teacher the
motivation can be intrinsic motivation or probably their parents’ interference at
home, such as one of students in initial AAF who has parents with English
educational background, he gets parents contribution that makes his capability
more than others. The teacher states that there is no main factor to influence the
students’ English development. Both intrinsic and extrinsic factors are supporting
each other, even extrinsic motivation probably influences the intrinsic one.
To talk about the standard of the students’ capability, according to the
teacher it refers to the four skills of English, they are speaking, reading, listening
and writing. When the students have mastered these four skills, it can be said that
they are students with good English capability. Therefore, the KKM in Al-Badar
is also being consideration in determining the students’ English capability. The
KKM for English subject is 70. It can be said that when the students are able to
reach the score 70 and up, the students are in criteria of good English capability.
A. Result of Study
1. The Parental support
Motivation of parents is a form of support and contribution of parents that
are given to improve language skills of children that affect the English language
skill. The form of contribution and support can be direct contributions from
parents, by teaching the children at home. Form of supportcan also concern to
improve children’s English skill, for example by registering to a course or bring in
a tutor at home. This applies when the parents have no understanding or adequate
English language skills.
Parents in Al-Badar Islamic Elementary School have different professions
and different educational backgrounds as well. In fact it also affects the form of
support that they give to their children. Parents who have a background in English
language education for example, those stresses can be exceed the ability of
children to parents, certainly with the support not only in the form of motivation,
but also provide materials and facilities that can improve English language skills
of children.The facilitates that are given by the parents to support their children
English skill are books, magazines, internet, dictionary, film, English song,
In general, the support of the parents in the SDI Al-Badar is quite good.
They concern with the development of their child's education at school very
much. This is proved by the expression of a teacher who claims that the parents
ask critically considering their son's education. Regarding English, the parents are
very pleased to serve as English subjects, by reason of age development which
really need English language skills, diverse technology with English Service. The
specific support for the development of English childrencan be given by having a
variety of ways. For example teach their children;enrollthem the courses, some of
them are less concerned about the value of the English language, although only a
minority of parents only.
a. Parents’ treatment
From the interview above the researcher concludes that the parents do care
toward their children education. It is viewed from the respond of parents when the
researcher question about education. The parents want their children have the best
thing for the future. The parents agree that English becomes a subject for students
of Elementary school by reason that English is important, because many things are
delivering in English. It makes them have some ways for supporting their children
to be able in English.
For the first parent (NAP), her son is her friend at home, the place to have
discussion. She treats her son as an adult, because NAP is a first child of her. She
always tries to fulfill all of her children needs. When her child is being lazy to
study, she always keeps motivating the child to study, but she doesn’t force the
child if the condition does not support.
b. The kind of support given by the parents
1) Motivation Support
The parents pay attention to the children studying schedule. They
encourage their children to keep studying in the home; it doesn’t mean that the
parents force the children always to study all the time. They try to understand
when the children are in a bad condition. They are much responsible in controlling
their children in doing home activity, and it is needed for the parents to remind the
children to finish the homework.
2) Facilitate Support
Facilitate is important for everyone to have more comprehension in
learning something, including English. For the children the studying facilitates
also help them to support their learning process. To have the children to be good
in English, the parents in this research supply some facilitates to support their
children English ability. Based on the interview, there are some facilitates given
by the parents to their children as follows:
a) Books
It is not only a kind of English story book which helps the children to
enrich their English vocabularies, but also the book contents English exercises to
train their English capability.
b) Magazine
Magazine means here is English magazine, contents the story in a form of
narrative, science, many kinds of animals, and all about world.
c) Dictionary
It is used to help the children find the meaning of the unknown English words.
d) Internet
For one of the students in this research, internet is used to chat with
foreigner, the parents advise him to make a friend with foreigner in order to
practice English.
e) English Song
By listening to the English song, the parents expect their children use the
English word, and have good pronunciation.
f) Film
English movie, with Indonesian text in the television screen may add the
vocabulary of the students.
g) Games
Game not only bring negative effect for the children, educative game can
make the children interested in it, while actually they are learning about
something. English game can help the children mastering English.
h) Pictures
Pictures are given by the parents in the early age as the first introduction to
the English word.
These all facilitates are given by the parents to support their children in
learning English.
3) Material support
Material support means here is an English material given by the parents.
Based on the result of interview, the material support is given when the children
get difficult in finishing the exercises. It can be done when the children try to
finish the homework, or from the exercise book they have. There is no specific
material given by the parents. It means that this is incidental material. Material
support is also given in a form of conversation. The parents ask the children to
speak English, by asking the simple thing based on the condition. Ask for help or
ask their children about the simple thing that the children possible to answer.
2. Students’ respond toward parental support
Children naturally characteristics are unstable and tend to like thething that
is fun things, like playing. The attitude which is so unstable makes a child still
needs to be controlled by their parents. To face any child such parents generally
do not have the heart to let them. Attention, affection and motivation in learning
are needed by the children.
As already mentioned above, generally the parents in the Al-Badar Islamic
Elementary School pay proper attention to the education their children in school.
In fact, parents and teacher may not forget the naturalism of a child. So there are
various responses in responding the motivation given by the parents. As the
reality encountered in the field, there are children who give good responses of
motivation that is given by the parents. Usually he shows his great spirit by
learning and tremendous enthusiasm. There is also a less response, until his
parents find it difficult. Although they are facilitated with complete facilities, if
the children do not give a good response, it also can not change his performance.
It is needed much stimulus that can attract the child to learn English
Below are extents that parents support give contributive to the children in
learning English:
a. Having good English score
The children who have good support from their parents in this research
often get good score both for daily exercises and the semester score. Their score is
always up to the KKM. It is stated by the teacher, the children are spirit in having
English class.
b. Being active in the English class
Having good skill and comprehension in English make the children have
more self-confidence in the classroom. The feed back is givenby the student to the
teacher by responding the stimulation for instance could be evidence that the
children attempt to be active in the class. It describes thatthe students have both
interisic and extrinsic motivation. They show their capability in the class. The
teacher says that AAF and NAP often try to raise their hand to show that they are
able in English.
c. Be a winner in English competition
One of the students taken as a sample in this research often joins English
competition and he become a winner, this is stated by the student himself and his
parents. The competitions are speech contest and retelling story. In the school he
also often represents his school to join the competition.
d. Brave to applicate English as daily conversation
It is admitted by the parents that the children ever practice their English
skill in daily life. Although in a fact they still need to be stimulated by the parents.
3. The Effect of support toward Students Englishskill
To talk about motivation, that the extrinsic and intrinsic motivation are
actually can not be separated. It is very likely to occur when the motivation from
the outside can lead to motivation from within an individual. In other words, it
needs to stimulus from outside in advance to be able to create self-motivation.
Based on the field experience, not all the motivation could be a guarantee
of good skill of the children, but the motivations, whether in form of support,
materials, facilities, or direct contributions from parents to be strong support for
achieving good performance. It often happen thatchildren's success in education
can not be separated because of parental interference. In this case it must be
remembered that every child has different tendency that can not be blamed. For a
parent, beside to provide the motivation is conducted well, it also must be
In Al-Badar there are some excellent kids in English because the motivation in the
form of direct contributions from their parents. Based on field data obtained from
such children are often taught by parents, communicate with the English language,
and since childhood often gets stimulations of the English language DVDs and
story books in English. When school of English become a fun thing for him, and
also become a mainstay of the school to follow the English competition. It is also
important to understand the children intrinsic motivation, when intrinsic
motivation is not owned by a child, this will be a very difficult thing for parents.
Based on the result of the study on the previous chapters, in this chapter
the researcher would like to draw the conclusion and suggestions.
A. Conclusion
After all the data are analyzed on the result, the writer can draw the
conclusion as follows:
a. Supports given by the parents are motivation support; facilitate
support and the material support.
b. Motivation support is given by encouraging the children to have
responsibility to their obligation as a student. In other word it can
be used an encouragement for the children to study.
c. Facilitates given by the parents to support the students are books,
magazine, internet, dictionary, English song, film and games.
d. Material support is given in a form of incidental exercise and in a
form of conversation.
e. The students have good English skill because their own motivation
and supported by their parents.
B. Suggestion
Considering the result of this study, the writer would like to give some
suggestions. They are as follows:
1. Parents
For parents, the researchersuggests to give better attention and motivation
to the children. Because children at primary school age are still very necessary
assisted parents in learning. Given the English language today is important. So
even they are unable to teach, they can enroll children in course institution.
2. English Teacher
The researcher suggests to English teachers to provide motivation to
students in the class, and create English lessons into a fun lesson so that students
seem more passion and intrinsic motivation in them.
3. Students
For the students the researcher advises to keep studying hard, both at
school and at home in order to achieve what the students hope to be.
4. Other researcher
The result of this research can be used as input or a reference to conduct a
further research dealing with a similar problem.
Finally, the writer considers that this study still needs validation from the
next researcher that has the same topic with this study.
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