County of Santa Barbara Employee Benefits Interest Survey November 2001 THE SEGAL COMPANY 1 County of Santa Barbara Executive Summary - Background • The County HR Department wanted to determine employee attitudes toward their benefit plan, including: Satisfaction with current programs. How they believe benefits compare with other employers. Additional benefits they would like to have. • The results of the survey will be used to help make policy decisions regarding County benefits. THE SEGAL COMPANY 2 County of Santa Barbara Executive Summary - Methodology • 4,665 surveys distributed in electronic & hard copies. 46.7% response rate (2,177 returned) Typical is 18-20% THE SEGAL COMPANY 3 County of Santa Barbara Executive Summary - Major Findings Perception of County benefits: • Job applicants to County positions generally believe County benefits are competitive in today’s market. • While the majority of employees believe the County’s benefits are better or the same as other employers’ at all stages of their career, those viewing benefits as worse increases slightly after the five years of on the job. • Job applicants indicate they are more willing than employees to work for better benefits, even if it means lower pay. THE SEGAL COMPANY 4 County of Santa Barbara Executive Summary - Major Findings Perception of County benefits: • All three medical plans showed a high degree of overall satisfaction with their benefits, with the Health Net POS showing a slightly lower satisfaction level than the other two plans (18%). • Of the two dental plans, there was substantial dissatisfaction with the HMO (40%). THE SEGAL COMPANY 5 County of Santa Barbara Executive Summary - Major Findings Top six desired benefit enhancements: (as determined by the percentage of respondents who ranked these as “Very interested” or “Interested”) Improve retirement benefits - 91.9% Increase County retirement offset - 89.5% Increase County contribution toward employee medical coverage - 84.8% Increase County benefit cash allowance - 84.7% Increase County contribution toward employee dental coverage - 83.4% Add or increase deferred comp contribution by County into a supplemental 401(a) - 78.1% THE SEGAL COMPANY 6 County of Santa Barbara Introduction • The County of Santa Barbara faces tough competition for employees in the public sector Benefits are a key selling point in attracting new hires • County officials want to: Maximize the selling points of the County’s Benefit Program Continue to develop a program that helps recruit & retain employees THE SEGAL COMPANY 7 County of Santa Barbara Introduction - continued • The County employs roughly 4,000 active employees. • Benefits are centralized at the main office in Santa Barbara. • Employees are scattered 70 miles along the coast from Santa Maria to lower Ventura. THE SEGAL COMPANY 8 County of Santa Barbara Objective • Objective of the survey was to determine employee attitudes about the County’s employee benefit programs, including: Perceptions of the current program How County benefits compare against other employers What additional benefits would be most valued THE SEGAL COMPANY 9 County of Santa Barbara Description of the Study Research Strategy • This electronic survey gathered information in two ways: Quantitative data - statistical analysis of survey questions (full summary of all responses are included in the Frequency Report in the Appendix) Qualitative data - written comments from the survey • This was the first electronic benefit survey distributed to County employees and selected job applicants. • Survey was distributed to virtually all employees. THE SEGAL COMPANY 1 0 County of Santa Barbara Who Responded: Men vs. Women? Men 38% Women 62% • The employees responding to the survey reflect the same age demographics of the workforce and therefore are a representative sample. • A larger percentage of women responded (62%). This reflects the higher percentage (57%) of women in the County workforce. THE SEGAL COMPANY 1 1 County of Santa Barbara Who Responded: How old were they? • The majority of the respondents were between the ages of 40 and 49 A key consideration when looking at results with regard to important benefits, such as retirement Age of Respondents 40% 631 481 30% 483 Employee 20% 230 Applicant 10% 0% 2 2 33 31 41 23 82 1 % of Total Respondents (2,040 Respondents) THE SEGAL COMPANY 1 2 County of Santa Barbara Who Responded: Where do they live? • 52% of respondents live in North County: 52% 3% • 45% of respondents live in South County 45% South County •Santa Maria •Lompoc •Buellton/Santa Ynez •San Luis Obispo •Santa Barbara •Ventura County North County Other THE SEGAL COMPANY 1 3 0% Applicants Physicians & Dentists Fire Fighters Deputy District Attorneys Sheriff's Manager Executive Assoc. ConfidentialUnrepresented Engineers & Tecnicians Probation Peace Officers Management Association Deputy Sheriffs Assoc. SEIU #535 SEIU #620 County of Santa Barbara Who Responded: By Association 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% THE SEGAL COMPANY 1 4 County of Santa Barbara Who Responded: By Association Organization Count Percentage SEIU, Local 620 (Office, Administrative, Technical, Public Health, Craft Workers and Maintenance Employees 895 43.30% SEIU, Local 535 281 13.59% Deputy Sheriffs Association 233 11.27% Management Association 131 6.34% Probation Peace Officers Association 97 4.69 % Engineers & Technicians Association 78 3.77% Confidential-Unrepresented Employees 74 3.58% Executive Association 28 1.35% Sheriffs’ Manager Association 25 1.21% Deputy District Attorneys Association 20 .97% Union of American Physicians and Dentists 5 .24% 180 8.71% Applicant – Does not apply THE SEGAL COMPANY 1 5 County of Santa Barbara Who Responded: Are they married? 9% Married Not married Domestic Partner 30% 61% THE SEGAL COMPANY 1 6 County of Santa Barbara Who Responded: Do they have children? 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% No Children One Child Two Children How many children do you have age 22 or younger and dependent on you for at least 50% of their support? Three or more children THE SEGAL COMPANY 1 7 County of Santa Barbara Who Responded: How long with the County? 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Less than 1 year 1-5 years 6-10 years 11-20 years More than 20 years Applicant THE SEGAL COMPANY 1 8 County of Santa Barbara Who Responded: How much longer do you plan to work for the County? 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Less than 1 year 1-5 years 6-10 years 11-20 years More than 20 years Applicant THE SEGAL COMPANY 1 9 County of Santa Barbara Perception of County Benefits • “How do you think the County’s benefits for your occupation compare to those of other employers?” 67% of all respondents believe the benefits are better or about the same as those provided by other employers 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Better Same Worse No opinion THE SEGAL COMPANY 2 0 County of Santa Barbara Perception of County Benefits Length of Service • 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Applicant Less than 1 year 1-5 years 6-10 years 11-20 years • Over 20 years 1. The County's benefits are generally better than other employers 2. The County's benefits are about the same as other employers 3. The County's benefits are generally worse than other employers 4. No opinion Benefits are better or the same Benefits are worse No opinion Applicants, as a group, felt that the County’s benefits where as good or better than other employers’ benefits … although they also had the largest number of “no opinion responses,” indicative of a lack of familiarity with the County plan. Employees have the highest opinion of County benefits in their first five years of employment. The high overall level of satisfaction, while still majority opinion, is generally reduced as their employment period lengthens, possibly due to reduced familiarity with the details of other employers’ benefit plans. Applicant Less than 1 1-5 years 6-10 years 11-20 years More than 20 62% 7% 31% 80% 14% 6% 70% 23% 7% 63% 30% 7% 66% 27% 7% 60% 29% 11% THE SEGAL COMPANY 2 1 County of Santa Barbara Perception of Benefits - By Union 100 80 60 40 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 County benefits generally worse than other employers County benefits generally the same as other employers County benefits generally better than other employers Total Percentage Responding “Generally Better” or “Same” 1. Sheriffs' Manager Association - 92% 2. Confidential-Unrepresented Employees - 78% 3. SEIU, Local 620 - 73% 4. Management Association - 69% 5. Executive Association - 68% 6. SEIU, Local 535 - 68% 7. Applicant - Does Not Apply - 63% 8. Engineers & Technicians Association - 61% 9. Union of American Physicians and Dentists - 60% 10. Deputy District Attorneys Association - 55% 11. Probation Peace Officers Association - 47% 12. Deputy Sheriffs Association - 43% 13. Firefighters Association, Local 2046 - 20% THE SEGAL COMPANY 2 2 County of Santa Barbara Perception of Benefits - By Union • Of the four largest groups (100 respondents or more), in all but one, 60% of the respondents or more say County benefits are “better” or “the same” as other employers: SEIU Local 620 (895 respondents) - 73% SEIU Local 535 (281 respondents) - 68% Deputy Sheriffs Association (233 respondents) - 43% Management Association (131 respondents) - 69% THE SEGAL COMPANY 2 3 County of Santa Barbara Perception of Benefits - By Union • Responses among the different organizations show few substantial differences. Average was 2.12, and median was 2 (“about the same”). Since a very small number of responses were received from the groups with the highest and lowest percentages of positive responses, it is difficult to draw any meaningful conclusions from those groups. • Group that thinks the County compares best against other employers: Sheriffs Manager Association, with 25 respondents (1.2% of total). • Group that thinks the County compares worst against other employers: Fire Fighters Association with 20 respondents (less than 1% of total). THE SEGAL COMPANY 2 4 County of Santa Barbara Enrollment in County Health Insurance Plans 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Self Family Self & partner None Self & children • 69.5% of County respondents have spouses or domestic partners 32.3% choose to cover their partner on a County health insurance plan • Half of the respondents (49.9%) have dependent children eligible for coverage 25.7% of all respondents choose family or self and children coverage • 10.4% of respondents are not enrolled in County health insurance plans THE SEGAL COMPANY 2 5 County of Santa Barbara Members Not Covered by County Health Insurance Plans 35% • A total of 34% of members who chose against taking County benefits felt they were getting a better price through a spouse’s or partner’s plan 30% 25% 20% 15% • Only 10% believe the spouse’s plan has better coverage 10% Other Spouse's plan better Private ins. or Medicare Too expensive Not eligible 0% Spouse's plan cheaper 5% THE SEGAL COMPANY 2 6 County of Santa Barbara Benefits vs. Salary "I would rather work for an employer that gives excellent benefits, even if my pay is lower." Disagree strongly 4% Disagree 20% Agree strongly 11% Agree 29% Neutral 36% Respondents said they were moderately in favor of ranking benefits over salary: •Agree - 40% •Neutral - 36% •Disagree - 24% THE SEGAL COMPANY 2 7 County of Santa Barbara Salary vs. Benefits by Gender I would rather work for an employer that gives excellent benefits, even if my pay is lower 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 1. Agree Strongly 2. Agree • There was no substantial difference in the responses between men and women with regard to ranking benefits over salary. 3. Neither agree nor disagree 4. Disagree 5. Disagree strongly Male Female THE SEGAL COMPANY 2 8 County of Santa Barbara Salary vs. Benefits by Gender 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% • When the question was rephrased to offer a Increasing my salary is more important to me than choice between improving benefits. increasing salary vs. 1. Agree Strongly improving benefits, 2. Agree there was a moderately 3. Neither agree nor higher preference by disagree 4. Disagree men of salary over 5. Disagree strongly benefits, as compared Male Female to responses by women. THE SEGAL COMPANY 2 9 County of Santa Barbara Perception of Benefits Applicant vs. Employee How do you think the County's benefits for your occupation compare to those of other employers? 1. The County's benefits are generally better than other employers 50% 40% 2. The County's benefits are about the same as other employers 30% 20% 3. The County's benefits are generally w orse than other employers 10% 0% Applicant Less than 1 year 1-5 years 6-10 years 11-20 years Over 20 years 4. No opinion THE SEGAL COMPANY 3 0 County of Santa Barbara Perception of Benefits Applicant vs. Employee • There is a direct correlation between applicant vs. employee with regard to perception of benefits. A higher percentage of applicants over employees feel that the County’s benefits are the same or better than those offered by other employers Employees with a longer tenure have a somewhat higher perception of other employers’ benefits as being better than the County’s. THE SEGAL COMPANY 3 1 County of Santa Barbara Value of Benefits Applicant vs. Employee I would rather work for an employer that gives excellent benefits, even if my pay is lower 100% 79* 58* 225* 165* 213* 104* 80% 5. Disagree strongly 60% 4. Disagree 3. Neither agree nor disagree 40% 2. Agree 20% 1. Agree Strongly 0% Applicant Less than 1 year 1-5 years 6-10 years 11-20 years Over 20 years Generally, applicants expressed more interest in working for better benefits and lower pay, than any category of employee * Total number answering “Agreed” and “Agreed Strongly” for each category THE SEGAL COMPANY 3 2 County of Santa Barbara Satisfaction with County Medical Plans Of the three medical plans, there was the least degree of satisfaction with the Health Net POS benefits (18%). How satisfied are you with your County medical plan benefits? 50% 40% 1. Very Satisfied 2. Satisfied 30% 3. Somewhat Satisfied 20% 4. Not Satisfied 10% 0% Health Net HMO Pacificare HMO Health Net Select Pointof-Service THE SEGAL COMPANY 3 3 County of Santa Barbara Satisfaction with County Medical Plans - By area North County South County 35% 32% Very Satisifed Very Satisifed 16% Satistifed Somewhat Satisified 11% Not Satisifed 38% 11% Satistifed Somewhat Satisified Not Satisifed 42% 15% Overall 53% of those enrolled answered “satisfied” or “very satisfied” THE SEGAL COMPANY 3 4 County of Santa Barbara Satisfaction with County Dental Plans Of the two dental plans, there was substantial dissatisfaction with the HMO (40%). How satisfied are you with your County dental plan benefits? 50% 1. Very Satisfied 40% 2. Satisfied 30% 3. Somewhat Satisfied 20% 4. Not Satisfied 10% 0% County Self-Funded Dental Plan (freedom of choice of any dentist) Golden West Pacesetter Dental HMO (limited to list of HMO dentists) THE SEGAL COMPANY 3 5 County of Santa Barbara Satisfaction with County Dental Plans - By area North County South County 23% 34% 29% 27% Very Satisifed Satistifed Very Satisifed Satistifed Somewhat Satisified Somewhat Satisified Not Satisifed 1% 36% Not Satisifed 40% 10% Overall 46% of those enrolled answered “satisfied” or “very satisfied” THE SEGAL COMPANY 3 6 County of Santa Barbara Satisfaction with the Medical HMO Choice of Providers 5% 21% Very satisfied Satisfied 48% Somewhat satisfied Not satisfied 26% A total of 48% of participants were not satisfied with their choice of medical providers. THE SEGAL COMPANY 3 7 County of Santa Barbara Satisfaction with the Dental HMO Choice of Providers 6% 22% Very satisfied Satisfied 44% Somewhat satisfied Not satisfied 28% In a similar fashion, 44% participants were unhappy with the choice of dental HMO providers. THE SEGAL COMPANY 3 8 County of Santa Barbara Survey Results: What Employees Value Most Health Benefits 100% 80% 60% Important 40% Most important Chiropractic EAP Mental Health Vision Prescription Drugs Dental 0% Medical 20% THE SEGAL COMPANY 3 9 County of Santa Barbara Survey Results: What Employees Value Most Flexible Benefit Plans & Reimbursement Accounts 80% The most popular account was the cash allowance for benefits, with 72.6% of respondents ranking it as most important or important. 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Benefit Cash Allow. Pre-tax Option Life Med. & Insurance Dental Premiums Most Important Medical Spending Acct Pers. Dependent Accident Spending Insurance Accts Important THE SEGAL COMPANY 4 0 County of Santa Barbara Survey Results: What Employees Appreciate Non-Cash Employee Benefits 98% 100% 90% 80% 95% 94% 78% 74% 69% 70% 60% 54% 50% 51% 49% 43% 40% 41% 38% 31% 27% 30% 20% 10% 0% Most Important Important THE SEGAL COMPANY 4 1 County of Santa Barbara Survey Results: What’s Most Important Other Employee Benefits 100% 90% 96% 94% 91% 85% 84% 80% 70% 60% 61% 58% 51% 50% 44% 43% 43% 41% 39% 39% 40% 30% 23% 20% 10% 0% Most Important Important THE SEGAL COMPANY 4 2 County of Santa Barbara Union/ American Phys & Dentists Confidential – Unrep Emps Management Assoc. Exec Assoc. 99% 94% 97% 71% 25% 49% 33% 42% 94% 36% 38% 40% 78% 23% 62% 96% 100% 92% 100% 84% 80% 58% 60% 8% 0% 28% 20% 12% 0% 13% 0% 63% 100% 37% 0% 32% 80% 20% 40% 92% 60% 4% 75% 36% 80% 97% 95% 96% 66% 18% 37% 33% 22% 64% 24% 33% 41% 64% 19% 63% 99% 85% 95% 69% 12% 23% 22% 37% 67% 18% 43% 37% 72% 12% 54% 69% 67% 74% 42% 0% 4% 7% 15% 22% 7% 33% 22% 59% 12% 26% Sheriffs’ Manager Prob. Peace Officers 98% 100% 94% 100% 91% 90% 60% 39% 20% 20% 40% 24% 29% 24% 19% 24% 73% 52% 12% 29% 39% 81% 44% 33% 76% 57% 10% 5% 34% 38% Deputy Sheriffs Firefighters #2046 99% 100% 88% 95% 86% 84% 78% 56% 16% 21% 27% 26% 35% 22% 45% 0% 84% 42% 20% 11% 59% 53% 48% 21% 59% 79% 30% 9% 62% 5% Deputy Dist. Atty Vacation/Annual Leave 95% 99% 99% Sick Leave 88% 97% 98% Paid Holidays 93% 98% 96% County-Provided Training Opportunities 89% 78% 82% Child Care Referral Assistance 38% 31% 34% Coastal Housing Partnership 63% 46% 29% Credit Union 48% 43% 40% Telecommuting 46% 49% 50% Flexible Work Schedule 72% 79% 93% Job Sharing 36% 38% 43% Reimbursement for Professional License Fees 57% 47% 44% TDM 46% 57% 49% Vacation Cash-Out 64% 69% 59% Informal Dress 17% 23% 17% Improved Access to Parking 68% 60% 47% Red indicates above 75% rated as "Important" or "Most Important" Engineers & Techs SEIU Local #535 SEIU Local #620 Applicant Survey Results: What’s Most Important by Employee Group THE SEGAL COMPANY 4 3 County of Santa Barbara What Changes Do They Want? All Respondents PROPOSED BENEFIT Improve retirement benefits Increase County retirement offset Increase County contribution toward employee medical coverage Increase County benefit cash allowance Increase County contribution toward employee dental coverage Add or increase deferred comp contribution by County into a supplemental 401(a) Increased paid time off Increase County contribution toward dependent medical coverage Add County-paid long-term care insurance Increase County contribution toward dependent dental coverage Continuing education reimbursement Physical exam for employees once every two years More flexible work schedules Tuition reimbursement program Add County-paid financial planning service Financial housing assistance for homebuyers Allow more telecommuting from home No-interest loans for computer purchase Home computer upgrade reimbursement Improve amount of available parking Home Internet access Financial housing assistance for renters Add prepaid legal insurance County-paid elder care assistance On-site child care facility County-paid child care assistance Transportation and Park Reimbursement Account Program % “Very Interested” or “Interested” 91.9 89.5 84.8 84.7 83.4 78.1 71.4 69.3 68.7 67.0 66.7 65.7 64.8 60.2 59.3 55.8 51.0 50.6 48.2 47.0 46.1 44.2 40.3 38.2 38.1 37.3 37.1 The top five responses (receiving more than 80% support) include: •Improve retirement benefits •Increase County retirement offset •Increase County contribution toward employee medical coverage •Increase County benefit cash allowance •Increase County contribution toward dental coverage THE SEGAL COMPANY 4 4 County of Santa Barbara Desired Benefit Changes by Rank Order SEIU Local #620 PROPOSED BENEFIT Improve retirement benefits. Increase County Retirement offset (County pickup of retirement contribution) Increase County benefit cash allowance which supplements employees pay to help cost of employee benefits Dental Insurance - Increase County's contribution towards cost of employee coverage Medical Insurance - Increase County's contribution towards cost of employee coverage Add or increase deferred compensation contribution by County into a supplemental 401(a) deferred compensation plan (this would not reduce the amount you can contribute to your regular deferred compensation account). Increase Paid Time Off Add more flexible work schedules Add County-paid long-term care insurance - for employees (parents and parent-in-law would have access to plan) Continuing education - Add County reimbursement for courses related to employment Physical Exam - Provide a complete exam for all employees once every two years Medical Insurance - Increase County's contribution towards cost of dependent coverage Add Financial planning service - paid by the County to help employees with their finances, retirement planning, etc.) Dental Insurance - Increase County's contribution towards cost of dependent coverage Tuition reimbursement program - County reimbursement for accredited college classes Telecommuting from home - Allow more telecommuting Add financial housing assistance for homebuyers Add no-interest loans for home computer purchase Add Reimbursement for home computer upgrades Improve amount of available parking Home Internet Access - Add County reimbursement of home Internet access fees Add Prepaid Legal Insurance Add financial housing assistance for renters Add On-Site Child Care Facility Add County-paid Elder Care Assistance Add County-paid Child Care Assistance Add Transportation and Parking Reimbursement Account Program - County withholds part of employee's salary on a pre-tax basis and reimburses employees for qualified commuting expenses upon receipt of claim (similar to Healthcare Spending Account) % "Very Interested" or "Interested" 92.6% 90.1% 87.6% 85.1% 84.0% 80.5% 74.4% 71.5% 69.7% 66.8% 66.7% 65.3% 64.7% 64.1% 58.3% 58.0% 54.8% 54.6% 51.2% 49.8% 45.1% 44.5% 44.4% 43.7% 40.8% 40.7% 37.0% THE SEGAL COMPANY 4 5 County of Santa Barbara Desired Benefit Changes by Rank Order SEIU Local #535 PROPOSED BENEFIT Improve retirement benefits Increase County Retirement offset (County pickup of retirement contribution) Dental Insurance - Increase County's contribution towards cost of employee coverage Medical Insurance - Increase County's contribution towards cost of employee coverage Increase County benefit cash allowance which supplements employees pay to help cost of employee benefits Add more flexible work schedules Add or increase deferred compensation contribution by County into a supplemental 401(a) deferred compensation plan (this would not reduce the amount you can contribute to your regular deferred compensation account). Increase Paid Time Off Continuing education - Add County reimbursement for courses related to employment Medical Insurance - Increase County's contribution towards cost of dependent coverage Dental Insurance - Increase County's contribution towards cost of dependent coverage Tuition reimbursement program - County reimbursement for accredited college classes Physical Exam - Provide a complete exam for all employees once every two years Add County-paid long-term care insurance - for employees (parents and parent-in-law would have access to plan) Add financial housing assistance for homebuyers Telecommuting from home - Allow more telecommuting Add no-interest loans for home computer purchase Add Financial planning service - paid by the County to help employees with their finances, retirement planning, etc.) Add Reimbursement for home computer upgrades Home Internet access - Add County reimbursement of home Internet access fees Add financial housing assistance for renters Add On-Site Child Care Facility Add County-paid Child Care Assistance Add County-paid Elder Care Assistance Add Prepaid Legal Insurance Improve amount of available parking % "Very Interested" or "Interested" 96.0% 94.5% 87.2% 86.8% 84.2% 80.5% Add Transportation and Parking Reimbursement Account Program - County withholds part of employee's salary on a pre-tax basis and reimburses employees for qualified commuting expenses upon receipt of claim (similar to Healthcare Spending Account) THE SEGAL COMPANY 78.6% 76.9% 75.2% 72.7% 71.7% 70.3% 67.4% 66.2% 62.9% 62.9% 61.4% 60.5% 57.5% 52.4% 48.4% 48.1% 48.0% 46.5% 40.7% 36.3% 34.0% 4 6 County of Santa Barbara Desired Benefit Changes by Rank Order Engineers and Technicians PROPOSED BENEFIT Increase County Retirement offset (County pickup of retirement contribution) Improve retirement benefits Medical Insurance - Increase County's contribution towards cost of employee coverage Dental Insurance - Increase County's contribution towards cost of employee coverage Add or increase deferred compensation contribution by County into a supplemental 401(a) deferred compensation plan (this would not reduce the amount you can contribute to your regular deferred compensation account). Increase County benefit cash allowance which supplements employees pay to help cost of employee benefits Increase Paid Time Off Continuing education - Add County reimbursement for courses related to employment Physical Exam - Provide a complete exam for all employees once every two years Medical Insurance - Increase County's contribution towards cost of dependent coverage Add County-paid Long-term care insurance - for employees (parents and parent-in-law would have access to plan) Add more flexible work schedules Telecommuting from home - Allow more telecommuting Tuition reimbursement program - County reimbursement for accredited college classes Improve amount of available parking Dental Insurance - Increase County's contribution towards cost of dependent coverage. Add no-interest loans for home computer purchase Home Internet Access - Add County reimbursement of home Internet access fees Add Reimbursement for home computer upgrades Add Financial planning service - paid by the County to help employees with their finances, retirement planning, etc. Add financial housing assistance for homebuyers Add Prepaid Legal Insurance Add Transportation and Parking Reimbursement Account Program - County withholds part of employee's salary on a pre-tax basis and reimburses employees for qualified commuting expenses upon receipt of claim (similar to Healthcare Spending Account) Add financial housing assistance for renters Add County-paid Elder Care Assistance % "Very Interested" or "Interested" 92.0% 88.3% 88.2% 85.5% 84.4% 83.2% 73.7% 73.3% 71.0% 65.3% 65.3% 64.0% 59.8% 59.2% 57.2% 56.6% 53.9% 52.6% 51.4% 48.7% 48.1% 42.7% 40.0% 38.7% 30.6% THE SEGAL COMPANY 4 7 County of Santa Barbara Desired Benefit Changes by Rank Order Firefighters #2046 % "Very Interested" or "Interested" 100.0% 95.0% 95.0% 90.0% 85.0% 85.0% PROPOSED BENEFIT Medical Insurance - Increase County's contribution towards cost of employee coverage Medical Insurance - Increase County's contribution towards cost of dependent coverage Dental Insurance - Increase County's contribution towards cost of employee coverage Improve retirement benefits Dental Insurance - Increase County's contribution towards cost of dependent coverage Increase County Retirement offset (County pickup of retirement contribution) Increase County benefit cash allowance which supplements employees pay to help cost of employee benefits 75.0% Add or increase deferred compensation contribution by County into a supplemental 401(a) deferred compensation plan (this would not reduce the amount you can contribute to your regular deferred compensation account). Increase Paid Time Off Physical Exam - Provide a complete exam for all employees once every two years Continuing education - Add County reimbursement for courses related to employment 70.0% 60.0% 55.0% 50.0% Add Financial planning service - paid by the County to help employees with their finances, retirement planning, etc. 45.0% Add County-paid Long-term care insurance - for employees (parents and parent-in-law would have access to plan) Tuition reimbursement program - County reimbursement for accredited college classes Home Internet access - Add County reimbursement of home Internet access fees Add financial housing assistance for homebuyers Add no-interest loans for home computer purchase Add more flexible work schedules Add Prepaid Legal Insurance Add Reimbursement for home computer upgrades Add County-paid Elder Care Assistance Add financial housing assistance for renters Improve amount of available parking Add Transportation and Parking Reimbursement Account Program - County withholds part of employee's salary on a pretax basis and reimburses employees for qualified commuting expenses upon receipt of claim (similar to Healthcare Spending Account) Add County-paid Child Care Assistance 45.0% 30.0% 30.0% 30.0% 25.0% 25.0% 20.0% 20.0% 20.0% 20.0% 15.8% 15.0% 15.0% THE SEGAL COMPANY 4 8 County of Santa Barbara Desired Benefit Changes by Rank Order Deputy Sheriffs % "Very Interested" or "Interested" 95.0% 95.0% 94.6% 85.2% PROPOSED BENEFIT Medical Insurance - Increase County's contribution towards cost of employee coverage Improve retirement benefits Increase County Retirement offset (County pickup of retirement contribution) Dental Insurance - Increase County's contribution towards cost of employee coverage Increase County benefit cash allowance which supplements employees pay to help cost of employee benefits Medical Insurance - Increase County's contribution towards cost of dependent coverage Dental Insurance - Increase County's contribution towards cost of dependent coverage 84.7% 82.2% 80.1% Add or increase deferred compensation contribution by County into a supplemental 401(a) deferred compensation plan (this would not reduce the amount you can contribute to your regular deferred compensation account). Physical Exam - Provide a complete exam for all employees once every two years 76.7% 68.3% Add County-paid Long-term care insurance - for employees (parents and parent-in-law would have access to plan) Increase Paid Time Off Continuing education - Add County reimbursement for courses related to employment Tuition reimbursement program - County reimbursement for accredited college classes 66.9% 63.4% 57.9% 55.0% Add Financial planning service - paid by the County to help employees with their finances, retirement planning, etc. Add financial housing assistance for homebuyers Add Prepaid Legal Insurance Add no-interest loans for home computer purchase Home Internet Access - Add County reimbursement of home Internet access fees Add more flexible work schedules Add Reimbursement for home computer upgrades Add County-paid Child Care Assistance Improve amount of available parking Add financial housing assistance for renters Add On-Site Child Care Facility Add County-paid Elder Care Assistance Telecommuting from home - Allow more telecommuting Add Transportation and Parking Reimbursement Account Program - County withholds part of employee's salary on a pre-tax basis and reimburses employees for qualified commuting expenses upon receipt of claim (similar to Healthcare Spending Account) 54.9% 50.7% 45.1% 41.7% 40.8% 39.5% 37.8% 35.1% 32.0% 31.6% 29.6% 26.1% 19.4% 17.1% THE SEGAL COMPANY 4 9 County of Santa Barbara Desired Benefit Changes by Rank Order Deputy District Attorney % "Very Interested" or "Interested" 100.0% 95.0% 90.0% 85.0% PROPOSED BENEFIT Improve retirement benefits Increase County Retirement offset (County pickup of retirement contribution) Dental Insurance - Increase County's contribution towards cost of employee coverage Dental Insurance - Increase County's contribution towards cost of dependent coverage Add or increase deferred compensation contribution by County into a supplemental 401(a) deferred compensation plan (this would not reduce the amount you can contribute to your regular deferred compensation account). 85.0% Increase County benefit cash allowance which supplements employees pay to help cost of employee benefits Medical Insurance - Increase County's contribution towards cost of employee coverage Medical Insurance - Increase County's contribution towards cost of dependent coverage Increase Paid Time Off Physical Exam - Provide a complete exam for all employees once every two years. Improve amount of available parking 85.0% 84.7% 80.0% 80.0% 70.0% 60.0% Add County-paid Long-term care insurance - for employees (parents and parent-in-law would have access to plan) Add more flexible work schedules Telecommuting from home - Allow more telecommuting 55.0% 50.0% 40.0% Add Financial planning service - paid by the County to help employees with their finances, retirement planning, etc. Add financial housing assistance for homebuyers Continuing education - Add County reimbursement for courses related to employment Home Internet access - Add County reimbursement of home Internet access fees Add no-interest loans for home computer purchase Add Reimbursement for home computer upgrades Add On-Site Child Care Facility Add County-paid Child Care Assistance Add financial housing assistance for renters Add County-paid Elder Care Assistance Add Prepaid Legal Insurance Tuition reimbursement program - County reimbursement for accredited college classes 35.0% 31.6% 30.0% 30.0% 30.0% 26.4% 26.4% 25.0% 23.5% 20.0% 15.8% 15.8% Add Transportation and Parking Reimbursement Account Program - County withholds part of employee's salary ona pre-tax basis and reimburses employees for qualified commuting expenses upon receipt of claim (similar to Healthcare Spending Account) 10.0% THE SEGAL COMPANY 5 0 County of Santa Barbara Desired Benefit Changes by Rank Order Probation Peace Officers PROPOSED BENEFIT Improve retirement benefits Increase County Retirement offset (County pickup of retirement contribution) Increase County benefit cash allowance which supplements employees pay to help cost of employee benefits Medical Insurance - Increase County's contribution towards cost of employee coverage Dental Insurance - Increase County's contribution towards cost of employee coverage Continuing education - Add County reimbursement for courses related to employment Add or increase deferred compensation contribution by County into a supplemental 401(a) deferred compensation plan (this would not reduce the amount you can contribute to your regular deferred compensation account). Medical Insurance - Increase County's contribution towards cost of dependent coverage Add more flexible work schedules Increase Paid Time Off Add County-paid Long-term care insurance - for employees (parents and parent-in-law would have access to plan) Add financial housing assistance for homebuyers Tuition reimbursement program - County reimbursement for accredited college classes Dental Insurance - Increase County's contribution towards cost of dependent coverage. Physical Exam - Provide a complete exam for all employees once every two years. Add no-interest loans for home computer purchase Add Financial planning service - paid by the County to help employees with their finances, retirement planning, etc.) Telecommuting from home - Allow more telecommuting Add financial housing assistance for renters Add Reimbursement for home computer upgrades Improve amount of available parking Home Internet access - Add County reimbursement of home Internet access fees Add County-paid Child Care Assistance Add Prepaid Legal Insurance Add Transportation and Parking Reimbursement Account Program - County withholds part of employee's salary on a pre-tax basis and reimburses employees for qualified commuting expenses upon receipt of claim (similar to Healthcare Spending Account) Add County-paid Elder Care Assistance % "Very Interested" or "Interested" 97.9% 95.8% 88.3% 84.2% 77.9% 77.9% 77.2% 75.8% 71.9% 69.6% 69.5% 67.8% 67.1% 66.3% 63.2% 60.6% 60.3% 57.4% 52.7% 52.6% 50.6% 43.2% 42.7% 42.5% 42.1% 39.0% THE SEGAL COMPANY 5 1 County of Santa Barbara Desired Benefit Changes by Rank Order Sheriffs’ Managers PROPOSED BENEFIT Medical Insurance - Increase County's contribution towards cost of employee coverage Dental Insurance - Increase County's contribution towards cost of employee coverage Increase County Retirement offset (County pickup of retirement contribution) Improve retirement benefits Increase County benefit cash allowance which supplements employees pay to help cost of employee benefits Dental Insurance - Increase County's contribution towards cost of dependent coverage Medical Insurance - Increase County's contribution towards cost of dependent coverage Physical Exam - Provide a complete exam for all employees once every two years Add County-paid Long-term care insurance - for employees (parents and parent-in-law would have access to plan) Increase Paid Time Off Add or increase deferred compensation contribution by County into a supplemental 401(a) deferred compensation plan (this would not reduce the amount you can contribute to your regular deferred compensation account). Tuition reimbursement program - County reimbursement for accredited college classes Add Prepaid Legal Insurance Continuing education - Add County reimbursement for courses related to employment Home Internet access - Add County reimbursement of home Internet access fees Add no-interest loans for home computer purchase Add financial housing assistance for homebuyers Add Financial planning service - paid by the County to help employees with their finances, retirement planning, etc. Add Reimbursement for home computer upgrades Add County-paid Elder Care Assistance Add more flexible work schedules Improve amount of available parking Add County-paid Child Care Assistance Add On-Site Child Care Facility Add financial housing assistance for renters Add Transportation and Parking Reimbursement Account Program - County withholds part of employee's salary on a pretax basis and reimburses employees for qualified commuting expenses upon receipt of claim (similar to Healthcare Spending Account) Telecommuting from home - Allow more telecommuting % "Very Interested" or "Interested" 100.0% 96.0% 88.0% 88.0% 80.0% 76.0% 72.0% 72.0% 72.0% 69.6% 60.0% 55.1% 52.0% 48.0% 36.0% 32.0% 32.0% 28.0% 28.0% 28.0% 28.0% 25.0% 20.0% 20.0% 20.0% 16.0% 13.0% THE SEGAL COMPANY 5 2 County of Santa Barbara Desired Benefit Changes by Rank Order Union American Physicians & Dentists % "Very Interested" or "Interested" 100.0% PROPOSED BENEFIT Increase County Retirement offset (County pickup of retirement contribution) Improve retirement benefits Add or increase deferred compensation contribution by County into a supplemental 401(a) deferred compensation plan (this would not reduce the amount you can contribute to your regular deferred compensation account). 100.0% Add more flexible work schedules Increase Paid Time Off 100.0% 100.0% Medical Insurance - Increase County's contribution towards cost of employee coverage Increase County benefit cash allowance which supplements employees pay to help cost of employee benefits 80.0% 80.0% Add County-paid Long-term care insurance - for employees (parents and parent-in-law would have access to plan) Continuing education - Add County reimbursement for courses related to employment 80.0% 80.0% Medical Insurance - Increase County's contribution towards cost of dependent coverage Dental Insurance - Increase County's contribution towards cost of employee coverage 60.0% 60.0% Physical Exam - Provide a complete exam for all employees once every two years Dental Insurance - Increase County's contribution towards cost of dependent coverage 50.0% 40.0% Add Financial planning service - paid by the County to help employees with their finances, retirement planning, etc. Add Prepaid Legal Insurance 40.0% 40.0% Home Internet access - Add County reimbursement of home Internet access fees Add County-paid Elder Care Assistance Improve amount of available parking 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% Add financial housing assistance for homebuyers Add financial housing assistance for renters 40.0% 40.0% Telecommuting from home - Allow more telecommuting 40.0% THE SEGAL COMPANY 100.0% 5 3 County of Santa Barbara Desired Benefit Changes by Rank Order Confidential-Unrepresented Employees % "Very Interested" or "Interested" 90.4% 90.1% PROPOSED BENEFIT Improve retirement benefits Increase County Retirement offset (County pickup of retirement contribution) Increase County benefit cash allowance which supplements employees pay to help cost of employee benefits Medical Insurance - Increase County's contribution towards cost of employee coverage Dental Insurance - Increase County's contribution towards cost of employee coverage Add or increase deferred compensation contribution by County into a supplemental 401(a) deferred compensation plan (this would not reduce the amount you can contribute to your regular deferred compensation account). 86.3% 84.7% 83.3% Add County-paid Long-term care insurance - for employees (parents and parent-in-law would have access to plan) Increase Paid Time Off Add Financial planning service - paid by the County to help employees with their finances, retirement planning, etc. Physical Exam - Provide a complete exam for all employees once every two years Add more flexible work schedules 76.4% 75.7% 69.8% 65.3% 65.3% Telecommuting from home - Allow more telecommuting Medical Insurance - Increase County's contribution towards cost of dependent coverage Continuing education - Add County reimbursement for courses related to employment Dental Insurance - Increase County's contribution towards cost of dependent coverage 63.4% 63.0% 61.1% 59.3% Tuition reimbursement program - County reimbursement for accredited college classes Add Reimbursement for home computer upgrades Add no-interest loans for home computer purchase Improve amount of available parking Home Internet access - Add County reimbursement of home Internet access fees 57.6% 56.9% 56.5% 56.5% 54.2% Add financial housing assistance for homebuyers Add financial housing assistance for renters Add Transportation and Parking Reimbursement Account Program - County withholds part of employee's salary on a pre-tax basis and reimburses employees for qualified commuting expenses upon receipt of claim (similar to Healthcare Spending Account) 44.4% 44.4% Add County-paid Elder Care Assistance Add Prepaid Legal Insurance Add On-Site Child Care Facility 38.9% 38.1% 30.6% 83.1% 40.0% THE SEGAL COMPANY 5 4 County of Santa Barbara Desired Benefit Changes by Rank Order Management Association PROPOSED BENEFIT Improve retirement benefits Increase County Retirement offset (County pickup of retirement contribution) Add or increase deferred compensation contribution by County into a supplemental 401(a) deferred compensation plan (this would not reduce the amount you can contribute to your regular deferred compensation account). Medical Insurance - Increase County's contribution towards cost of employee coverage Increase County benefit cash allowance which supplements employees pay to help cost of employee benefits Dental Insurance - Increase County's contribution towards cost of employee coverage Increase Paid Time Off Add County-paid Long-term care insurance - for employees (parents and parent-in-law would have access to plan) Medical Insurance - Increase County's contribution towards cost of dependent coverage Physical Exam - Provide a complete exam for all employees once every two years Continuing education - Add County reimbursement for courses related to employment Improve amount of available parking Add more flexible work schedules Telecommuting from home - Allow more telecommuting Dental Insurance - Increase County's contribution towards cost of dependent coverage Home Internet access - Add County reimbursement of home Internet access fees Tuition reimbursement program - County reimbursement for accredited college classes Add Financial planning service - paid by the County to help employees with their finances, retirement planning, etc. Add no-interest loans for home computer purchase Add Transportation and Parking Reimbursement Account Program - County withholds part of employee's salary ona pre-tax basis and reimburses employees for qualified commuting expenses upon receipt of claim (similar to Healthcare Spending Account) Add Reimbursement for home computer upgrades Add County-paid Elder Care Assistance Add financial housing assistance for homebuyers Add financial housing assistance for renters Add On-Site Child Care Facility Add County-paid Child Care Assistance % "Very Interested" or "Interested" 92.2% 86.2% 78.9% 78.0% 75.4% 71.3% 62.7% 56.9% 54.3% 53.5% 53.1% 49.6% 48.8% 47.6% 47.3% 45.8% 43.8% 42.2% 38.2% 37.6% 34.7% 29.0% 28.8% 28.8% 26.3% 24.8% THE SEGAL COMPANY 5 5 County of Santa Barbara Desired Benefit Changes by Rank Order Executive Association PROPOSED BENEFIT Improve retirement benefits Increase County Retirement offset (County pickup of retirement contribution) Medical Insurance - Increase County's contribution towards cost of employee coverage Add or increase deferred compensation contribution by County into a supplemental 401(a) deferred compensation plan (this would not reduce the amount you can contribute to your regular deferred compensation account). Increase County benefit cash allowance which supplements employees pay to help cost of employee benefits Dental Insurance - Increase County's contribution towards cost of employee coverage Physical Exam - Provide a complete exam for all employees once every two years Increase Paid Time Off Medical Insurance - Increase County's contribution towards cost of dependent coverage Home Internet access - Add County reimbursement of home Internet access fees Dental Insurance - Increase County's contribution towards cost of dependent coverage Add County-paid Long-term case insurance - for employees (parents and parent-in-law would have access to plan) Add Financial planning service - paid by the County to help employees with their finances, retirement planning, etc. Continuing education - Add County reimbursement for courses related to employment Improve amount of available parking Tuition reimbursement program - County reimbursement for accredited college classes Add no-interest loans for home computer purchase Add Reimbursement for home computer upgrades Add more flexible work schedules Add On-Site Child Care Facility Add County-paid Elder Care Assistance Add financial housing assistance for homebuyers Add financial housing assistance for renters Telecommuting from home - Allow more telecommuting Add County-paid Child Care Assistance Add Transportation and Parking Reimbursement Account Program - County withholds part of employee's salary ona pre-tax basis and reimburses employees for qualified commuting expenses upon receipt of claim (similar to Healthcare Spending Account) Add Prepaid Legal Insurance % "Very Interested" or "Interested" 88.9% 85.7% 71.4% 71.4% 71.4% 67.9% 53.6% 46.5% 46.4% 42.9% 42.8% 40.3% 28.5% 25.0% 25.0% 22.2% 21.5% 21.4% 21.4% 18.5% 17.9% 17.9% 17.9% 14.3% 14.2% 7.4% 7.1% THE SEGAL COMPANY 5 6 County of Santa Barbara What Changes Do They Want? Summary • In general, the areas in which respondents showed the greatest interest in new or increased benefits, fell into two broad categories: Retirement Current medical costs • Non-cash benefits, while attracting a great deal of interest, did not get the same level of participant support THE SEGAL COMPANY 5 7 County of Santa Barbara Next Steps • The results of this survey will be used in determining benefit policy-making • All responses have been kept confidential • See the appendices for written comments submitted with the survey THE SEGAL COMPANY 5 8