

Introduction: Tropisms can be negative or positive. A positive response is when the plant moves TOWARDS or in the direction of the stimulus. A negative response is when a plant moves AWAY from the stimulus.

Hypothesis: Explain what you think will happen to the beans AND DRAW A PICTURE to illustrate this. (2)




- Graduated cylinder

- Water

- Beans

- Filter paper


1. Pick up a petri dish from Ms.Young and label the dish with a piece of masking tape and your class/group number.

2. Remove the top of the petri dish and carefully place 5 beans (seeds) on the filter paper, being careful to space them equally apart and facing their ends facing the middle of the dish.

3. While being careful NOT TO MOVE the bean seeds, using your graduated cylinder pour 15ml of water onto the PAPER.

4. Ensure your beans are in the proper location and position the cotton carefully over the bean seeds so the seeds are unable to move.

5. Hold the top cover carefully and turn the petri dish over to check that the bean seeds are in the correct position.

6. Take a piece of thin, clear tape to tape the petri dish closed.

7. Tape the petri dish containing the seeds to the inside of the cabinet door, with the bottom of the dish facing out.

**The dishes are kept in the dark cabinet so that only one variable is being tested: the seeds’ response to gravity

8. Each day we will observe and record our results by describing the bean seeds and drawing a picture of the petri dish and beans seeds each observation day.

Results: see other page for the results tables (15)

Analysis and Conclusion: Answer the following questions on the back or separate lab paper in FULL SENTENCES (10)

Did the root growth match the predicted sketch (drawing)? (2)

What do these results show about how roots grow? (2)

What do you think would happen if we placed these same dishes out into the sunlight? What kind of tropism would they show? (4)

Identify and explain 2 examples of tropisms around the school or in your home. (2)


Student Worksheet: Bean Tropism Lab (27 + 4 lab participation/behavior)

Hypothesis: (2)

Results for Bean Tropism Lab: (15)

Observations of Bean Seeds

Day (3)

Day 1 Date:

Day 2 Date:

Day 3 Date:

How the Seed Grew (6) Sketch of the Petri Dish (6)

Analysis and Conclusion: Answer the following questions on the back or separate lab paper in FULL SENTENCES (10)

Did the root growth match the predicted sketch (drawing)? (2)

What do these results show about how roots grow? (2)

What do you think would happen if we placed these same dishes out into the sunlight? What kind of tropism would they show? (4)

Identify and explain 2 examples of tropisms around the school or in your home. (2)
