Health & Safety Orientation (HSO) Health, Safety & Environment Department 2005-02-23 Rev. 2 1 Introduction & Troubleshooting Health and Safety Orientation (HSO) is mandatory for all individuals who require unescorted access at the CLS facility and is a prerequisite for all HSE training. Viewing PowerPoint Presentations: Troubleshooting Please note there are sounds files included in the HSO PowerPoint presentation. Below are a few tips if you have trouble viewing or hearing any of the slides (assistance from a system administrator may be required if you do not have sufficient privileges). o Try running a Windows Update to ensure that Internet Explorer and Windows Media Player are both up to date. o Download java virtual machine from (click download, appropriate software will be installed). o Please notify the CLS User Services Office if you encounter problems with the presentation including sounds, pictures, or text. or (306) 657-3700 2005-02-23 Rev. 2 2 Outline 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Introduction Regulatory requirements Building access Emergency information Hazard identification Additional Resources 2005-02-23 Rev. 2 3 HSO • HSO is a prerequisite to all HSE Training. • HSO is mandatory for personnel who require unescorted access into CLS Free Access Zone o Visitors are not required to take this course but they must be escorted by a properly trained person at all times. • Access to Controlled Areas within Restricted Access Zone requires additional training. • HSO expires after 2 years, retraining will be required with option of testing out (challenging). • Refresher HSO training will be required for significant changes in site operations or safety and regulatory requirements. • Participants will demonstrate their knowledge by scoring 80% or more on a written examination. 2005-02-23 Rev. 2 4 Completion of HSO • Upon successful completion of HSO, you will: o Be qualified to access all areas designated as Free Access Zone. o Be qualified to escort visitors within the Free Access Zone. o Be issued an ID Badge and Security Access Card o If required, be designated a NEW (Nuclear Energy Worker, as defined under CNSC). Contact HSE Dept. for further info. Be issued a TLD (Thermo Luminescent Dosimeter) to monitor your radiation dose exposures at the CLS facility. • Attendance at HSO is documented on HSE training attendance database. 2005-02-23 Rev. 2 5 Objectives of HSO This course will include: • Necessary information to safely evacuate the building. • Information on the access zones, controlled areas and their associated hazards. • Identification of main hazards at the CLS facility • General HSE information and other HSE Training 2005-02-23 Rev. 2 6 Module 1 Introduction 2005-02-23 Rev. 2 7 What is the Canadian Light Source (CLS)? • The CLS facility is a national science research laboratory for the production of bright infrared, ultraviolet and X-ray light. • The CLS is the only facility of its kind in Canada. • Known as the “Synchrotron Facility” 2005-02-23 Rev. 2 8 Who owns the CLS? • The University of Saskatchewan (U of S) is the owner of the CLS facility. • The U of S has established the Canadian Light Source Inc. (CLSI) to lead the construction project and to operate the facility upon completion. • The CLSI is a “not-for–profit” corporation. 2005-02-23 Rev. 2 9 CLSI Health Safety Environment CLSI Board of Directors HSE Advisory Committee Executive Director William Thomlinson CLSI HSE DEPARTMENT OHS Committee 2005-02-23 HSE Manager Mohamed Benmerrouche Room 2017 Phone 657-3514 – Cell 227-3113 Safety Coordinator Allen Hodges Room 2018 – Phone 657-3565 Radiological Control Coordinator Grant Cubbon Room 2018 – Phone 657-3515 Health Safety Technician Craig Cowper Room 1022 – Phone 657-3589 Rev. 2 10 Area Designations • The CLS Facility is divided into Zones and Controlled Areas to regulate access and to ensure personnel safety • Access to the CLS Controlled Areas depends on your requirement and training. • The CLS Zone designations are: o Public Access Zone (PAZ) o Free Access Zone (FAZ) o Restricted Access Zone (RAZ) 2005-02-23 Rev. 2 11 Access Zones • Public Access Zone (PAZ) o PAZ includes the lobby area within the CLS facility and areas outside the CLS facility. • Free Access Zone (FAZ) o FAZ includes areas where hazards are expected to be low. • Restricted Access Zone (RAZ) o RAZ encompasses all areas where there may be radiological and/or industrial hazards. Industrial Controlled Area (ICA) Radiological Controlled Area (RCA) which include Radiological Storage Area (RSA) High Radiation Area (HRA) 2005-02-23 Rev. 2 12 Access Zones First Floor Second Floor Free Access Zone Industrial Controlled Area Radiological Controlled Area 2005-02-23 Rev. 2 13 Module 2 Regulatory Requirements 2005-02-23 Rev. 2 14 Saskatchewan Occupational Health and Safety Act & Regulations Who is responsible for health and safety? Everyone!! 2005-02-23 Rev. 2 15 CLSI HSE Policy “CLSI is committed to provide a safe and healthful working environment for all staff and to protect the general public and the environment from unacceptable risks” Approved by CLSI Executive Director (2001 March 31) Passed by CLSI Board of Directors (2001 June 26). 2005-02-23 Rev. 2 16 Acts and Regulations • The CLS is a federally regulated facility, licensed under the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) o Operating and construction licenses are posted on HSE Bulletin Boards. • CLSI is required to comply with the: CNSC Act & Regulations Construction/operating license conditions Saskatchewan Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 Saskatchewan Occupational Health & Safety Regulations, 1996 o Other applicable health, safety and environmental laws o o o o • Contact the CLSI HSE Department for further information. 2005-02-23 Rev. 2 17 Saskatchewan OHS Act & Regulations • The Saskatchewan OHS (Occupational Health and Safety) Legislation states that the worker’s rights are: o to be informed of the hazards at the workplace o to participate in the Occupational Health and Safety Program o to refuse work which the worker believes is unusually dangerous o to work in an environment free from harassment 2005-02-23 Rev. 2 18 Saskatchewan OHS Act & Regulations • Under the Saskatchewan OHS legislation the worker’s responsibilities are: o to comply with all policies and procedures and perform work in a safe and healthy manner, with as little impact on the environment as possible o to take an active role in promoting health and safety and protection of the environment o to refrain from activities which may jeopardize the health and safety of others, or the environment 2005-02-23 Rev. 2 19 Saskatchewan OHS Act & Regulations • The CLSI responsibilities under the Saskatchewan OHS legislation are: o to ensure the health, safety and welfare at work of all CLS personnel. o to consult and co-operate with the Occupational Health and Safety Committee. o to ensure CLS staff are not exposed to harassment o to co-operate with any person exercising a duty imposed by the Act and Regulations. o to comply with Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations. 2005-02-23 Rev. 2 20 CLSI OHSC • The CLSI OHSC (Occupational Health and Safety Committee) is formed to: o Help the CLSI identify, assess and control hazards o Provide a channel of communication between the CLSI and o o o o o CLS staff Conduct regular inspections Talk with CLS staff about their health and safety concerns Help the CLSI develop and monitor policies, plans and programs Participate in accident investigations and investigations of dangerous occurrences (called “near misses”) Meet to discuss concerns and make recommendations for corrective actions to discuss with CLSI 2005-02-23 Rev. 2 21 CLSI OHS Membership • Members: o o o o o o o o o o o o o Skeeter Abell-Smith (co-chairperson) John Swirsky (co-chairperson) Mohamed Benmerrouche Jeff Cutler Terry Johnson Elder Matias Dean Orosz Mark de Jong Reg Aupperle Jon Stampe Brian Yates Matthew Dalzell Grant Cubbon 2005-02-23 Rev. 2 657-3574 657-3567 657-3514 657-3530 657-3573 657-3551 657-3575 657-3532 657-3597 657-3578 657-3563 657-3739 657-3515 22 Module 3 Building Access 2005-02-23 Rev. 2 23 Security • Reception hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00 to 16:30. o The main entrance to the lobby will be unlocked during these hours. • All exterior doors are locked at all times except as noted above. • Access to CLS Building and Radiological Controlled Areas are controlled using a Card Access System. • The main entrances are monitored with a Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) System. • Any security concerns should be reported to the HSE Department 227-3113 and Campus Security 966-5555 immediately. Card Reader o NOTE: Prefix with 9 if using CLS Phones. 2005-02-23 Rev. 2 24 ID Badge, Access Card and TLD • You will be issued an Identification Badge and a Security Access Card o The Security Access Card will be programmed to give you access into the building and the Free Access Zone. • If required, you will be issued a Radiation Dosimeter Thermo Luminescent Dosimeter (TLD). o The dosimeter will record your exposure to ionizing radiation. • ID Badge, Security Access Card and TLD must be returned to CLSI User Office when your work is complete. 2005-02-23 Rev. 2 25 Hazards • Hazards are mostly confined to areas within RAZ (Restricted Access Zone) and may include: o Chemical/Biological o Electrical/mechanical o Cryogenic o Radiological (ionizing and non-ionizing) o Magnetic o Physical such as Noise, Heights and Ergonomic 2005-02-23 Rev. 2 26 Module 4 Emergency Information 2005-02-23 Rev. 2 27 Emergency Information • Contact Info for specific emergencies: o o o o o Fire/Ambulance Security Oxygen Alarms Hazardous material Spills Saskatchewan Poison Centre 9-911 9-227-3113/9-966-5555 9-227-3113 9-227-3113 9-1-866-454-1212 NOTE: The prefix 9 is required when dialing from a CLS telephone. • CLS Building Emergency Contact Info: o o o o U of S Security Health, Safety & Environment Mechanical Electrical 2005-02-23 Rev. 2 9-966-5555 9-227-3113 9-227-0759 9-230-2803 28 Building Evacuation • All personnel must leave the building when fire alarm sounds o click to listen to the alarm • Leave the building through the closest exit and assemble at the meeting area near the entrance to the Main Parking Lot (see Map next slide). o During inclement weather, assemble at the Environment Canada Building or the Food Research Building (see Map next slide). • Remain at the meeting area until the all clear signal is given by the CLSI Chief Warden. 2005-02-23 Rev. 2 29 Building Evacuation Meeting Place Meeting Area Inclement Weather Meeting Place Inclement Weather Meeting Place 2005-02-23 Rev. 2 30 Incident/Accident Reporting • An accident is an unplanned event which results in a fatality, injury, property damage or material loss. • Reporting work injuries is an important key to allow the prompt correction of situations that could have a serious affect on the health and safety of the CLS staff, contractors, users, and visitors. o A work injury is the result of any work-related event, such that a worker needs medical treatment or time away from work. • Reporting of accidents or incidents (near misses) is a requirement under the Saskatchewan Occupational Health and Safety Act & Regulations and the Worker’s Compensation Act. 2005-02-23 Rev. 2 31 Injury Reporting • If you are involved in an accident, the injury must be cared for immediately and you must inform your supervisor/CLSI Contact. • Consult CLSI Incident/Accident Reporting procedure for more details or contact CLSI HSE Department. • For a minor injury: o Treat the injury o Record the injury and treatment in the logbook located in a First Aid Kit or in the First Aid Room. o Report the injury to your supervisor/CLSI Contact • Major injury (requires medical attention): o Seek and receive appropriate medical attention o Report the injury to your supervisor/CLSI Contact o Complete Accident/Incident Report form (Form No. o Complete the “Injury Report Form” and Worker’s Compensation Forms (WCB). 2005-02-23 Rev. 2 32 First Aid Supplies • The first Aid supplies are kept in: o First Aid Closets - Room 1015 and Room 1060 o First Aid kits - placed at key locations • If you use first aid supplies from the First Aid Closet or any of the kits, complete the First Aid Use Sheet. • The First Aid Use Sheet will be reviewed in case there are complications with the injury and a claim has to be made to WCB. This record will confirm that the injury occurred at work and that you qualify for compensation. 2005-02-23 Rev. 2 33 First Aid Closets • First Aid supplies are located in Room 1015 and Room 1060 as shown below. Room 1015 Room 1060 2005-02-23 Rev. 2 34 Alarms Fire Alarm WHITE strobe and Horn Accelerator Access Control Interlock System (ACIS) •Buzzer sounds for a 1 minute period after Lock-up is complete •RED light flashes at the ACIS Zone entrance ACIS Emergency Off RED light & Buzzer in Control Room Crane YELLOW flashing light & Buzzer Forklift YELLOW flashing light & Intermittent Horn Oxygen Level Monitor BLUE strobe & Buzzer Area Radiation Monitor •Alert: ORANGE light •Alarm: RED light 2005-02-23 Rev. 2 35 Module 5 Hazard Identification and Control 2005-02-23 Rev. 2 36 Ionizing Radiation • Radiation, simply defined, is energy transferred through space and matter. • When radiation travels through a medium, it deposits (loses) some of its energy to the medium. • Radiation doses to personnel during operations are primarily the result of secondary radiation caused by the beam striking a target, hardware, or shielding that surrounds the beam line. • The beam pipes and other parts of the machine may become activated during operations. This residual activity is a major source of exposure. 2005-02-23 Rev. 2 37 Ionizing Radiation - TLD • TLD is short for Thermo Luminescent Dosimeter. • TLD is used to monitor radiation exposure. • TLD responds to most types of radiation in the same way as tissue. • TLD at the CLS measures exposure to beta, X-rays, Gamma and neutron radiation. • Information required to get a TLD o First and last name, Date of Birth (DOB), SIN, Place of Birth, and Past dose history if applicable – Contact User Office for more info. 2005-02-23 Rev. 2 38 Ionizing Radiation • TLD Dose Report o Your quarterly dose report is available upon request from the CLSI HSE Department. o You will be notified if your dosimeter records a radiation dose above the minimum detectable limit. 2005-02-23 Rev. 2 39 Ionizing Radiation - EPD • EPD is short for Electronic Personal Dosimeter • EPD is used when immediate dose measurements or dose rate alarm functions are needed. • The electronic dosimeter has a broad dose range and is very accurate. • This dosimeter is issued to escorted visitors who require entry into Radiological Controlled Areas. 2005-02-23 Rev. 2 40 Ionizing Radiation • Assigned TLD and any other personal monitoring devices shall be worn on the waist or chest while in the facility. • TLD must be stored in a designated location (badge rack in front lobby or west entrance) when not in use. • Lost/Damaged TLD must be reported immediately to CLSI HSE Department. 2005-02-23 Rev. 2 TLD Storage Rack 41 Chemical/Biological - WHMIS • WHMIS stands for Workplace Hazardous Material Information System. • WHMIS is a system designed to give employers and workers information about hazardous materials in the workplace. • It is done by identifying and classifying the hazards in the workplace and ensuring consistency of information about hazardous materials. • This information is given through the use of labels, Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) and worker training. 2005-02-23 Rev. 2 42 Chemical/Biological • The CLS facility has hazardous materials from all WHMIS classes. • Chemical and biological materials can have serious health effects on a worker. • The identity of these materials, the possible health effects and any special precautions are clearly spelled out on the labels or in the Material Safety Data Sheets. • The Hazardous Materials Management Plan (Doc. No. will provide you with the information necessary for the proper storage, handling and disposal of chemicals. 2005-02-23 Rev. 2 43 Cryogenic • Liquid helium and liquid nitrogen are used in the Super Conducting Cavity in the Storage Ring and Cryogen-room. • Liquid nitrogen is distributed to beamline enclosures and stations as required • Liquid nitrogen fill station is located at the Loading Dock. • These liquids are extremely cold and can cause severe frost-bite if you come into contact with them. • They also have a high expansion ratio (1:700) and can reduce the oxygen concentration in the air, creating an oxygen deficient atmosphere. 2005-02-23 Rev. 2 44 Physical • Noise o The noise in mechanical rooms or around equipment can exceed the Provincial guidelines. The sound levels are measured and signs are posted as required. 2005-02-23 Rev. 2 45 Physical • Ultraviolet light o UV light is produced during the welding process. Care must be taken to wear the proper eye and face protection while welding. • Heights o Working at heights above 3 meters requires you to be tied off. 2005-02-23 Rev. 2 46 Physical • Forklift o The forklift traveling through the facility can be hazardous for anyone walking, the load being carried could restrict the vision of the operator. Operators must be certified to operate the forklift • Crane o The crane moving back and forth could be carrying loads and creating a hazard overhead. Operators must be certified to operate the Crane. 2005-02-23 Rev. 2 47 Physical • Vacuum/Compressed air o The beam pipe is under a high vacuum. An implosion of a vacuum system can generate small flying objects. o There are compressed air lines throughout the building. • Machine shop o Moving parts on equipment, welding, grinding and cutting are some of the hazards found in a machine shops. 2005-02-23 Rev. 2 48 Electrical/Magnetic • Electrical Fields o The CLS uses high voltage and current to operate various power supplies. o There are 4 main types of injuries Direct contact with electrical energy Electrical arcs Thermal burns Muscle contractions causing a worker to fall • Magnetic Fields o Exposure to magnetic fields of extremely low frequency may present a health risk. 2005-02-23 Rev. 2 49 Ergonomic Ergonomics is the study of the interaction between you and your workstation. A workstation that doesn’t adjust to your needs could cause serious injuries. 2005-02-23 Rev. 2 50 Ergonomic • Injuries can occur from: o o o o o o Repetitive motions Forceful exertions Vibration Mechanical compression Sustained or awkward position Limitations on motion or action • To prevent injuries: o Adjust your workstation to fit you o Take needed breaks to allow for the movement of your joints o Use equipment that is designed to reduce harmful effects of the activity 2005-02-23 Rev. 2 51 Module 6 Additional Resources 2005-02-23 Rev. 2 52 Additional HSE Training • General Industrial Training (GIT) o If you need unescorted access in any Industrial Controlled Area then you will require GIT. • General Radiation Training (GRT) o GRT is mandatory for personnel who need unescorted access into the Radiological Controlled Areas but do not routinely enter these areas. o GRT certified personnel are not allowed to work with radioactive material or perform radiological work. o Access into the High Radiation Area or Radiological Storage Area requires approval from CLSI HSE Department • Radiation Worker Training (RWT) o RWT is required for individuals who will require regular access to RSA or HRA or anyone who could work with radioactive material or perform radiological work. 2005-02-23 Rev. 2 53 Additional HSE Training • Workplace Hazardous Material Information System (WHMIS) o Is required for all workers who will be working with or in the close proximity of hazardous materials. o Provide information on the safe use, handling, storage and disposal of hazardous materials. • Crane and Forklift Operation o Workers who operate the crane or forklift require the proper training. This training is delivered by an external instructor. • First Aid and CPR Training o Training is offered to all staff upon demand. This training is delivered by an external instructor. • Beamline specific or other training 2005-02-23 Rev. 2 54 Information • HSE Documentation: o HSE Manual o HSE Guidelines, Procedures and Forms are located in the Control Room and HSE Department. o MSDS’s are located in the area where you are working - A master copy is located in the HSE Department, Library and Control Room. • HSE Staff: o For contact information click info button • Links o HSE Email: o CLSI Website: o HSE Internal Web Site: http://www/hse/ 2005-02-23 Rev. 2 55 The End You have reached the end of the Health & Safety Orientation Presentation Please Exit this Presentation and Proceed to: • Complete the HSO exam (if you are at the CLS). or • Arrange a time to take the HSO exam. This can be done M-F 8:00 am - 4:30 pm; please phone or email ahead to confirm your arrival time. or (306) 657-3700. 2005-02-23 Rev. 2 56