Review Electricity CPO

Unit 7: Electricity and Magnetism
Chapter 19 Electricity
 19.1 Electric Circuits
 19.2 Current and Voltage
 19.3 Electrical Resistance and Ohm’s Law
Chapter 19 Objectives
1. Describe the difference between current and voltage.
2. Describe the connection between voltage, current,
and resistance.
3. Describe the function of a battery in a circuit.
4. Make calculations and inferences in a circuit using
Ohm’s law.
5. Draw and interpret a circuit diagram with wires,
battery, bulb, and switch.
6. Give examples and applications of conductors,
Chapter 19 Vocabulary Terms
electric current
Ohm’s law
open circuit
closed circuit
circuit diagram
electrical conductor
electrical symbols
 Wire
 Load
 Bulb
 Switches
 Battery
 Cell
 electric circuit
 amperes (amps)
19.1 Electric Circuits
Key Question:
What is an electric circuit?
19.1 Electric Circuits
 Electricity refers to the
presence of electric current
in wires, motors, light bulbs,
and other devices.
 Electric current is similar to
a current of water, but
electric current flows in solid
metal wires so it is not
 Electric current can carry a
lot of power.
19.1 Electric Circuits
 An electric circuit is something that provides a
complete path through which electricity travels.
 Wires in electric circuits are similar in some ways to
pipes and hoses that carry water.
19.1 Electric Circuits
 When drawing a circuit diagram, symbols are used to
represent each part of the circuit.
 These electrical symbols are quicker and easier to draw
than realistic pictures of the components.
19.2 Current and Voltage
Key Question:
How does current move
through a circuit?
19.2 Current and voltage
 Electric current is measured in
units called amperes, or amps
(A) for short.
 One amp is a flow of a certain
quantity of electricity in one
 The amount of electric current
entering a circuit always equals
the amount exiting the circuit.
19.2 Voltage
 Voltage is a measure of electric
potential energy, just like height
is a measure of gravitational
potential energy. Voltage can
also be referred to as potential
 Voltage is measured in volts (V).
— Did you know that…… a voltage
difference of 1 volt means 1 amp of
current does 1 joule of work in 1
19.2 Voltage
 The positive end of a 1.5 volt
battery is 1.5 volts higher than
the negative end.
 If you connect batteries
positive-to-negative, each
battery adds 1.5 volts to the
 Three batteries make 4.5 volts.
 Each unit of current coming
out of the positive end of the
three-battery stack has 4.5
joules of energy.
19.2 Measuring voltage of a cell
 Set the meter to DC volts.
 Touch the red (+) lead of
the meter to the (+) battery
 Touch the black (-) lead of
the meter to the (-) battery
 Adjust the meter dial as
19.2 Measuring voltage in a circuit
 Measure the voltage
across the battery
exactly as before.
NOTE: Since voltage is measured from one
point to another, we usually assign the
negative terminal of a battery to be zero
volts (0 V). Use the other lead to check the
voltage on each side of the bulbs in your two
bulb series and two bulb parallel circuits
19.2 Current and voltage
 A battery uses chemical
energy to create a voltage
difference between its two
 In a battery, chemical
reactions provide the
energy to pump the current
from low voltage to high
 A fully charged battery adds
energy proportional to its
19.2 What does a battery do?
 A battery uses chemical energy to move charges.
 If you connect a circuit with a battery the charges
flow out of the battery carrying energy.
19.2 How do these batteries differ?
 Some are smaller and don't store as much energy.
 Other batteries made with Ni and Cd can be recharged.
 Which battery above has the greatest voltage capacity?
19.2 Current is a flow of charge
19.3 Electrical resistance
 Resistance measures how difficult it is for
current to flow.
19.3 Electrical Resistance
 The total amount of electrical resistance in a circuit
determines the amount of current that in the circuit for
a given voltage.
 The more resistance the circuit has, the less current
that flows.
19.3 The ohm
 Resistance is
measured in ohms
 One ohm is the
resistance when a
voltage of 1 volt is
applied with a
current of 1 amp.
19.3 Ohm's law
 German physicist Georg Ohm
experimented with circuits to
find an exact mathematical
relationship between voltage,
current and resistance.
 Ohm's law can be used to
predict any one of the three
variable if given the other
19.3 Calculate current
 A light bulb with a resistance of 2 ohms is
connected in a circuit that has a single 1.5-volt
 Calculate the current that flows in the circuit.
 Assume the wires have zero resistance.
19.3 The resistance of electrical devices
 The resistance of
electrical devices ranges
from very small (0.001 Ω)
to very large (10×106 Ω).
 Each device is designed
with a resistance that
allows the right amount
of current to flow when
connected to the voltage
the device was designed
19.3 Changing resistance
 The resistance of many
materials, including those
in light bulbs, increases
as temperature increases.
 A graph of current versus
voltage for a light bulb
shows a curve.
 A device with constant
resistance would show a
straight line on this
19.3 Electrical Conductivity
 The electrical conductivity describes a material’s
ability to pass electric current.
19.3 Conductors and insulators
 A material such as copper is
called a conductor because it
can conduct, or carry, electric
 Materials that insulate against
(or block) the flow of current
are classified as electrical
 Some materials are neither
conductors nor insulators.
 These materials are named