facilities planning committee meeting minutes tuesday, september

MEMBERS PRESENT: Dr. Deborah Arfken, Dr. Richard Brown, Dr. John Delaney, Dr. Robert Dooley,
Asst. VC Tom Ellis, Theresa Liedtka, VC Bob Lyon, Dr. Phil Oldham, Mike Royster (sitting in for Rick
Hart), Dr. Mary Tanner
SUPPORT STAFF & GUESTS: Dr. Dee Dee Anderson, Cindee Pulliam, Jim Pulliam, Janet Spraker,
Monty Wilson, Sandy Cole, Doug Silver
Vice Chancellor Brown opened the meeting by asking for approval of the June 29, 2010 minutes. Dean
Liedtka made a motion to approve and was seconded by Dr. Mary Tanner. Minutes were approved.
Ms. Spraker and Dr. Arfken briefed the committee on the consultant’s work to date. Several information
gathering sessions were held over the spring. These were followed by campus and community sessions in
July in which preliminary alternative concepts were presented for comment. The next sessions will be held
in October to review updated alternative concepts for another round of campus and community input.
Particular attention is being paid to the size, location, and timing of new campus housing.
Dr. Brown stated that this process is necessary to help us determine the best way to grow the campus in the
next 10-15 years. In addition to academic space and student housing, all aspects of enrollment growth
including parking, greenspace, recreation, athletics and student services are being addressed in this plan. Dr.
Brown added that the Strategic Plan will inform the process as well. Once the plan is in its final form it must
be approved by the UT Board, THEC and the State Building Commission.
Ms. Spraker provided a handout showing the current capital projects status with the following highlights:
Student Recreation Center, Phase II is 100% complete
New Library Building is targeted for April 2013 completion
Boiler Replacement Phase II 98% completed
Metro Renovation, Phase II construction start February 2012
Stagmaier Hall Housing is out for bid with completion in July 2012
ADA Improvements, Phase III is awaiting additional funding
South Stadium Demolition is substantially complete.
Academic Math Mall was completed in July 2011
Patten House Exterior Repairs is to be completed October 2011
Fire Alarm Upgrades (Development House/Maclellan) to be completed December 2011
Window Replacements, last round (Hunter Hall) to be completed December 2011
Roof Replacements, final roof (Frist south) to be completed December 2011
Restroom Upgrades to be complete late September 2011
Bretske Hall Improvements being bid with an estimated completion of July 2012
Maclellan Gym Pool Improvements still under design
Campus Landscape Improvements, Phase II to get underway summer 2012
Dr. Brown suggested that members stop in and check out the new “Math Plaza” in the former lobby of
Maclellan Gym. It is up and running with 102 computer stations for lower level math classes. He also gave
an update on the South Stadium project. When site work is finished over the next few months there will be a
center walkway with new pedestrian lights and trees. Dr. Delaney asked if there was a rendering that shows
what is planned for this section of Oak Street. Mr. Ellis said he would provide the concept drawing, though
final details need to be settled. VC Lyon asked a related question about the policy on memorial tree
replacement. Mr. Silver said that the Campus Landscape Committee looks at these on a case-by-case basis,
but that replacement trees will be a long-lived variety. This has not always been the case in the past. VC
Lyon said that he would relay that information to those who ask.
Two projects were approved in July—the State funded renovation of Holt Hall at $7.45 million and an
institutionally funded $3.5 million project to retrofit the Lupton Building after the library is moved.
Designers have been appointed for both projects. The earliest the Lupton project could begin would be
sometime in the summer of 2013. Dr. Brown asked for volunteers to serve on a committee that would
recommend the space utilization for the Lupton project. Dean Liedtka, Dr. Rutledge (appointed by Dean
Tanner), Dr. Oldham, Jim Pulliam and Janet Spraker will serve on this ad-hoc committee. Dr. Delaney
asked that student input be sought if administrative functions are considered.
Dr. Oldham stated that the Holt and the Lupton project must be mutually considered as his desire is to
convert Holt to a building focusing on the life sciences. This would mean that several departments would
need to relocate to the Lupton Building or elsewhere. He will work with Dean Burhenn, John Tucker and
others to finalize the future space program for Holt Hall.
FY 2012-13 Capital Submittal:
Ms. Spraker provided a handout with the current capital submittal. Discussion ensued on the #1 capital
outlay project, which is listed as a $31.5 million joint renovation to the Lupton Building and the Fine Arts
Center. Dr. Brown stated that the previously discussed $3.5 million project was requested as a stop-gap
solution to retrofit the building into useable space as we await capital outlay funding. There is, however, a
possibility that the State will proceed with a bond issue for additional capital construction and renovation
projects due to the current economic climate. Dr. Brown asked the group looking at the Lupton space to
keep the long term needs in mind.
Project Related Moves:
Ms. Spraker said that that Metro Phase II design is nearly complete and will be bid as soon as fire marshal
approval is in hand. She anticipates the required moves (Gear-Up, EOC & other CCCE programs in Metro,
and ESL) need to happen after the end of the fall semester. Mr. Pulliam stated that due to deteriorating
conditions in Metro Annex he strongly recommends relocating Gear-Up offices and ESL more quickly. Dr.
Tanner stated that all programs under the CCCE umbrella need to be co-located in appropriate space, which
includes the current functions in Frist Hall. Dr. Brown asked that a meeting be scheduled soon to discuss
possible space allocation for this entire group in the Doctors Building.
Mr. Ellis stated that significant surge space has to be allocated to accomplish on-going capital projects. Most
projects require completely vacating buildings to do the work, and the Holt renovation will be particularly
challenging to accomplish due to the lab needs.
Moves out of Stagmaier:
Several moves had to be completed over the summer in order to start the housing restoration project in
Stagmaier Hall. Summary of these moves are as follows:
 Army ROTC is now occupying the former ADPi House at 601 Douglas Street. A motion was made
by Dr. Oldham and seconded by Dr. Arfken to make this a permanent assignment. Motion carried.
Ms. Spraker asked members to give this building a formal name. The consensus was to call it the
“Military Science Building”.
 Arts & Sciences/Administrative storage uses have been assigned space in the Doctors Building.
The administrative storage (H.R./Graduate/Cress Gallery) should be temporary depending on future
 The Music Department will move Band Storage and studio space to the newly acquired former Art
Accent property at 825 McCallie. A motion was made by Dr. Tanner to approve the assignment of
this space and seconded by Dean Liedtka. Motion carried. Mr. Wilson stated that installation of the
phone and alarm systems are in process. Mr. Pulliam said that exit signage and lighting is also
required before we can occupy the building. Ms. Spraker asked the group to approve the naming as
“Music Annex”. A motion was made by Dr. Oldham and seconded by Dr. Arfken. Motion carried.
Bretske Hall Art assignment – This building is being renovated to house various Art Department uses. The
main floor will have drawing and painting classrooms, a few offices and a seminar room. The lower level is
laid out for studios. Ms. Spraker showed members a rendering of the new Chamberlain frontage façade,
which features a large two-story window wall. The renovation will also add new restrooms and an elevator.
A motion was made by Dean Liedtka to formally approve this use seconded by Dr. Arfken. Motion carried.
Administrative Services Building assignment – A proposal was made to move Purchasing back to the
Administrative Services Building in first floor space they once occupied, but most recently used for the IT
Help Desk. Ms. Spraker commented that bidders have difficulty finding Purchasing in Race, and finding
parking for bid events. They also do considerable work with Facilities so this would be a positive move.
Safety & Risk Management is also proposed to occupy a portion of the space for their emergency
management office growth, and Public Safety space for their storage and other needs. A motion was made
by Dr. Oldham and seconded by Dr. Tanner. Motion carried. Dr. Brown asked Ms. Spraker to coordinate
the space assignments and necessary renovations.
Race/Hooper Hall - Space has been temporarily assigned to the Records office and the Equity and Diversity
office. The Records office needs will have to be addressed permanently once other departments move out of
Race and Hooper.
Arena - Health and Human Performance has moved the Physical Activity Center from the Arena to
Maclellan Gym in the north end of the auxiliary gym. Athletics has requested that the academic use of the
Dance Studio be relocated also as they want to have permanent use of this room. Dr. Brown said that Arena
Operations uses this room for most all events, especially because of adjoining kitchen. Any assignment
would have to serve this need. The academic use of the Dance Studio (three sections of Theater dance
classes) could possibly be accommodated in Maclellan classroom 207, but this could not take place until
HHP moves to Metro after its renovation. Dr. Delaney stated that he has been approached about possible use
of the ARC dance rooms, but they are heavily used. He will continue to see if something could be worked
out temporarily and will follow up with Ms. Spraker. Formal action on this item was deferred, although the
committee agreed in principal that Maclellan 207 could be converted for academic dance use at a later date
as long as it serves other needs by HHP and Campus Rec.
Engel Stadium - The acquisition of the City/County property is now finalized. The additional railroad
property is close to final. Dr. Brown said the intent is that the stadium itself will remain as-is with a private
group working on raising money to repair and restore it. Mr. Ellis said that the adjoining administration
building needs considerable work before it could be used.
551 Oak Street – This Victorian property will house the Provost and his Academic Affairs staff, bringing
most of his Associate Provosts into one location for the first time. He also plans to bring Asst. VC Yancy
Freeman to this location. Once the building has phone and network access these moves will be scheduled.
Dr. Brown stated that this house is on the Historic Register so any renovations have to be carefully planned.
545 Oak Street – This building is proposed for International offices and ESL classrooms. Dr. Oldham asked
Ms. Spraker to coordinate a space plan with Hugh Prevost. Network/phone access needs to be completed.
720 McCallie Avenue - It is proposed that Human Resources, the Office of Equity and Diversity and
possibly Legal staff will occupy this recently acquired building. Dr. Brown stated that this high visibility
location will be much more accessible to visitors, both campus customers and prospective employees. A
motion was made by Dr. Delaney to approve this assignment and seconded by Dr. Arfken. Motion carried.
Red Cross Property – Dr. Brown said he is working on this possible acquisition. It could be used for shortterm surge/storage space but would likely be demolished in the future for use as outlined in the Master Plan.
Several spaces will be vacated by the moves approved for acquisitions and other project related moves.
These include:
Founders Hall – space vacated by the Provost’s move to 551 Oak Street house.
Race/Hooper Halls – The first floor Associate Provost space and the entire 2nd floor of Race will be vacant
after Human Resources, OED, and Purchasing move to their respective assignments. The former Financial
Aid space in Hooper 1st floor has not been assigned. Dr. Brown reminded the committee that he needs to
relocate the Banner offices from Fletcher Hall offices to provide additional space for the College of
Guerry Center - Space will be available after Art moves to Bretske in the fall of 2012.
Dr. Brown asked Ms. Spraker to send out floor plans of these areas and he would like the committee to meet
in 30 days for further discussion on this space. Mr. Ellis reminded the committee again that we need to keep
in mind the need vacate Holt Hall a minimum of 50% to accomplish that funded renovation.
Walk-on item: Dean Burhenn submitted a request for Theater prop storage space in the Doctors Building.
Dr. Tanner made a motion to defer this item until the next meeting seconded by Dean Liedtka. Motion
Meeting adjourned by Dr. Brown.
Recording Secretary
Valerah Hodges