
End of Semester
• Semester Reports
– Outline
– Proposed System
– Minimum requirements
• Team Work and Individual Performance
• Professional and Ethical Considerations
• Report Formats
Semester Report - Outline
• There is no single outline that we want you to adopt
• Your report should cover the following:
– a. System analysis – 15 Pts
Current system analysis, data collection and interpretation
– b. Proposed system – 8 Pts
– c. Model(s) – 10 Pts
Model development, consideration of alternatives, validation and
test of models, technical competencies, etc.
– d. Solution methods – 6 Pts
– e. Other sections – 6 Pts
This report should be self-contained and must include system
description, problem definition, and project plan for the next
Semester Report
• Should include
– revised problem definition
– revised time table and work packages
• Should consider
– all feedbacks given on your Project Proposals by
your academic advisor and course coordinator
(If there are any conflicting views, consult to your
Proposed System
• You are expected to design a system
• What is a system?
– A system is a group of interacting, interrelated, and
interdependent components that form an integrated whole.
– A system must have a purpose within a larger system and all
subparts of a system must be present and have a unique
arrangement for the whole system to fully function.
– Systems maintain their stability by making adjustments based on
– A component that constitutes a system could be a subsystem, a
model, an interface, an algorithm, a process, a data source, an
information flow, etc.
– System design is the process of defining the system
architecture, system components, and feedback mechanisms for
a system to satisfy specified requirements.
Proposed System
• Develop a conceptual design of your system:
What is the purpose of your system?
What are the components of your system?
How do they interact?
What are the crucial information flows?
What are feedback mechanisms?
What is the outer system that your system is a part of?
• Would like to see a “picture” of your system
(i.e., “model of the system”, “system architecture”,
“conceptual system design”, etc).
• Some components of the system to be designed would
require a model or models to develop. Wilson (1984)
defines a model as follows:
“A model is the explicit interpretation of one’s
understanding of a situation, or merely one’s ideas about
that situation. It can be expressed in mathematics,
symbols, or words, but it is essentially a description of
entities and the relationships between them. It may be
prescriptive or illustrative, but above all, it must be
• Note that in solving IE related problems, a wide variety of
models such as mathematical, stochastic, statistical,
simulation, data, and conceptual models could be useful.
Semester Report
Minimum Requirements
• Conceptual design of your system
• Model(s) developed, tested, and
• Directions for solution approaches
Team Work and Individual
• We ask each group to fill one “Teamwork
Summary Form”
– Have it signed by each team member
– Have it signed by your academic advisor
• We ask each student to fill one “Peer Evaluation
– Send it from your personal Bilkent e-mail account to
Team Work and Individual
• The group’s 5-Point Team Work performance will be
determined based on the information in the
Teamwork Summary Form
• Academic advisors will evaluate each team
member’s performance throughout the semester
• S/he will inform us if one or more team members’
performance should be above or below the overall
team performance
– Overall team performance: Total points collected from all
items in “IE477 Evaluation Form”
Professional and Ethical
• 5 Points attached to this issue, be careful!
• Reminder: Travel organizations should be
made by Yesim Erdogan
– Some groups failed to do so, even though we
informed them for at least two times, an
“unprofessional” behavior
Report Formats
• Should conform to the “Report Format”
• Please consider all feedbacks given by the
TAs about the format of your reports