Annex VII / to funding contract no….……….. SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL REPORT NO.** .......... Contract no. ……………… any)………………. AAd. No. (it will be written no. of last Addendum, if Project Title ………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… Period covered: ......………………. Stage **(nr): ……… Date of submission: ........... Drafted by: Contractor: Complete name:................................................ Authorized Representative: Function: Director General/Rector Surname and name: ....................... Signature: .......................... Financial director Surname and name:................ Signature: ............... Project director Surname and name: ............................... Signature: Phone, fax, email........ We declare, under our sole responsibility, that the data provided in this Activity Report is true and that all expenditures were made, both from the resources of the program budget and, where appropriate, from private cofunding exclusively for its achievement and conforming with contract provisions no............................., funded by the program "Research in Priority Sectors". All expenses are shown separately in the accounts and the Contractor will provide anytime the Contracting Authority the primary registration documents. Raportul anual se prezintă la predare şi pe suport electronic. **Numarul Raportului Anual si numarul etapei sunt identice SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL REPORT EXECUTION STAGE NO. ............ WITH TITLE ............. RST – Scientific and Technical Report, in extenso PVAI – report of ionternal approval PVRLP – minutes of receiving the work from partners* Annex on achievement indicators * form and content shall be determined by the project director, taking into account those contained in NOTES ON THE STRUCTURE OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL REPORT Scientific and Technical Report 1. Synthetic indicators of activity (according to the proposed implementation plan). Fill in the Annex according to the project specific and execution stage achieved; 2. Raportul de cercetare in extenso conform urmatoarei structuri: o summary; o general objectives; o objectives of the execution stage; o summary stage (maximum 2 pages); o Scientific and technical description with highlighted results of the stage and the degree of achievement of objectives (Indicate results); o Annexes (execution documentation, specification, design themes, testing newsletters , certification, and so on - as applicable); o conclusions (it shows the point by point); o bibliography. Annex on indicators achievement Indicators on stage achievement (according to the Programme and the specifics of each project) Indicators Number/ Thousand lei Planned 1. Number of joint scientific publications in international journals 2. Number of scientific publications in international journals 3. Number of patent applications 4. Number of PhD and / or post-doc researchers involved in the project 5. Number of researchers involved in the project 6. New investments in RDI infrastructure 7. The average utilisation degree of the equipment RDI 8. Number of conferences / seminars organized, out of which internationals 9. Number of proposals submitted to other competitions at European programs / internationals Achieved MODEL APPOVED, Rector / Director General …………………………………………………… ……………………………… …………………………………………………… ……………………… (surname, name, signature) APPROVED, FINANCIAL DIRECTOR, ………………………………………………… …….. ………………………………………………… …….. (surname, name, signature) MINUTES FOR INTERNAL ENDORSEMENT OF RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT AND INNOVATION WORKS - P V A I The approval commission established by Decision no……./ date………….examining the works carried out by <section, workshop, laboratory, team> within the project…………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. in the stage no……, which are done under the contract no……/………addendem no……/…………signed with (name of the Contracting Authority), has concluded the followings: a) The executed works are fulfilling the contractual clauses; b) All required documents for payment are properly and correct prepared; c) Conclusions of the works, the main results obtained and the data on the already made expenditures are presented in the annual activity Report and its accompanying documents; d) Planning activities and related resources to achieve the next stage of the project, are presented in the annual activity Report are appropriate to achieve the planned objectives and in accordance with the contract provisions; e) The private cofunding amount accomplished in the current execution stage is ……………lei. The commission POSITIVELY approves the works and documents and deems that they may be presented for evaluation to …........................... APPROVAL COMMISSION FUNCTION IN COMMISSION SURNUME AND NAME PRESIDENT MEMBERS (cel putin trei specialisti) SECRETARY SIGNATURE