Engine Oil Jim Halderman Introductions: Jim Halderman Author of many automotive books and lives in Dayton, Ohio. http://jameshalderman.com jim@jameshalderman.com Topics to be Discussed • • • • • Types of oils API grades SAE grades ACEA specifications OE specifications (GM, Ford, BMW etc.) Ever hear this? • “Do we have to know all of this?” • Therefore I started labeling content: – A. Need to know – B. Nice to know – C. Miscellaneous useless information or in other words………..Who cares??? Determine Four Things 1. The recommended oil change interval 2. The recommended viscosity (SAE rating) 3. The recommended API rating 4. The vehicle specific specification of the oil Need to know-right? Looks like a good oil … Is it? Does Not Meet GM and Others High-Mileage Oil • Usually higher viscosity and therefore can not meet ILSAC GF-4 rating • Has esters to swell seals • To be used in engines with higher than 75,000 miles • Does not have the energy rating of conventional oils • Need to know? Look for GM, Ford, Chrysler, Honda and other manf. spec’s on label Meets Ford and Chrysler but not GM. If the manf. spec is NOT listed, it does not meet their requirements. DON’T USE. Do you think that all “quickie” oil change places use exactly the correct oil for each vehicle?? What about a warranty claim?? API Ratings Gasoline Engine Ratings • SA-SJ=older and now obsolete ratings • SL-2001-2003 • SM-2004+ • SN -October, 2010 Diesel Engine Ratings • CA-CC=obsolete • Current ratings = CF-4 (four cycle); CG-4 and CJ-4 (low ash) (2007+ Engines using ULSD) • Need to know stuff API GROUPS • Group I- Solvent refined. (Older technology) • Group II- Hydrocracked (most oils) • Group III- Further hydrowaxed (Castrol Syntec) • Group IV-Polyalphaolefin (PAO), Mobil 1 • Group V-Esters (Royal Purple and Redline) ILSAC Ratings ILSAC=International Lubricant Standardization and Approval Committee • • • • • GF-1-First used in 1993 GF-2-updated in 1997 GF-3-Updated in 2000 GF-4-Updated in 2004 GF-5-Out now for use in 2011+ engines • “Star Burst” is always on the front of the container. • GF means gasoline fueled engines • Star Burst indicates that the oil is of a good quality and meets the GF rating. Usually, only 0W, 5W and 10W oils will have this symbol. Nice to know stuff……….but….. What’s Falling? • The viscosity is falling • The sky is NOT falling Viscosity • Viscosity is a lubricant’s resistance to flow. • The viscosity of an industrial lubricant is normally given in: – cSt (centistokes) or mm²/second – measure of kinematic viscosity Viscosity is the main feature which influences the efficiency of lubrication © epc graphics Viscosity Measurement 40°C or Measured by timing oil flow through a calibrated orifice @ 40°C (104 F) and/or 100°C (212 F) Calibrated orifice 100 °C Effect of Temperature on Viscosity • Viscosity of a fluid is a function of temperature 200 KINEMATIC VIS COS ITY c S t • Viscosity is a measure of a fluid’s resistance to flow (“how thick it is”) 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 50 TEMP ERATURE (C) 100 uh….a liquid gets thinner as it gets hotter!!!) Viscosity Index Improvers VI Improvers - Are polymers (very large molecules) which inhibit the oil from thinning out at high temperatures In the Cold With Heat Uncoiling Counteracts the Normal Thinning of Oil VI Improver Multigrade Oils Viscosity THICK SAE 40 SAE 10W40 SAE 10W THIN -18 100 Temperature (°C) SAE Grades COLD • SAE = Society of Automotive Engineers -22OF (WINTER) HOT 212OF • 5W = The “W” means winter and the oil is tested at -30 C (-22F) • SAE 5W-30 = The “30” is the viscosity measured at 100 C (212 F) Need to know stuff THE “W” DOES NOT STAND FOR “WEIGHT” Do customers know? Do service technicians know? • SAE=? (Society of Automotive Engineers) • API=? (American Petroleum Institute) • ILSAC=? (International Lubricant Standardization and Approval Committee) • ACEA=? (Association des Contructeurs European d’Automobiles) • Need to know or nice to know? Scary Story • New car; FREE first oil change • Dealer used SAE 10W-30 and not the specified SAE 0W-20 (Owner’s manual) • When talking to service manager he said that it was OK to use and that “DSM can change any specifications at any time” • Service manager said that he was not reimbursed for the more expensive oil ACEA Gasoline Ratings Association des Contructeurs European d’Automobiles • A1-Low friction; low viscosity • A2-General use with regular oil changes • A3-High performance and/or extended oil change intervals • A4-For gasoline directinjected engines • A5-Low friction; low viscosity; extended oil change intervals • Nice to know stuff ACEA Diesel Ratings • B1-Low viscosity passenger vehicle indirect-injected diesel engines • B2- Passenger vehicle indirect-injected diesel engine. Low viscosity. • B3-High performance indirect-injected diesel engines; extended oil change interval • B4-Direct-injected diesel engines • B5-Low viscosity and extended oil change interval • Nice to know stuff ACEA Combined Ratings • A1/B1-Low HTHS, semisynthetic • A3/B3-High HTHS; Mineral or semi-synthetic • A4/B4-High HTHS; synthetic • A5/B5-Low HTHS, High fuel economy additives; extended oil change intervals; synthetic HTHS =High temperature/ high shear rate viscosity (ASTM D-4683) Miscellaneous useless information ACEA “C” ratings • C1- Basically an A5/B5 oil with low SAPS, Low HTHS. • C2- A5/B5 with low HTHS and mid level SAPS • C3- A3/B4 (meets 229.3) with high HTHS and mid level SAPS • C4-Low SAPS; High HTHS SAPS means Sulfated Ash, Phosphorous and Sulfur C rating are catalytic converter compatible oils Asian Vehicle Specifications Most Asian brand vehicle manufactures do not specify any specifications other than SAE, API and ILSAC. These vehicles include: • Acura/Honda • Toyota/Lexus/Scion • Kia • Hyundai • Nissan/Infinity • Mitsubishi • Mazda • Suzuki Typical Viscosities • Most newer vehicle manufacturers specify: • SAE 5W-20 or SAE 5W-30 • Most hybrid electric vehicles specify • SAE 0W-20 or SAE 5W-20 Vehicle OE Specifications • BMW-Long Life (LL-98; LL-01; LL-04) • Changing the oil requires the dealer Service Computer to run all the auxiliary oil pumps. • Note: The filter is located behind the splash shield in the left front wheel housing; the capacity is 8 liters of BMW synthetic 10W-60 oil. (AVERAGE COST OF AN OIL CHANGE = $160.00) General Motors • General MotorsGM 6094M (many GM vehicles);need to know stuff GM 4718 (syntheticCorvette); Dexos 1 (Gasoline engines-2011+) Dexos 2 (Diesel engines-2011+) OE Specifications-continued FordWSS-M2C153-H;(SAE 5W-20 GF-3) WSS-M2C929-A (SAE 5W-30; 4.0 Liter; 2.0 Liter) WSS-M2C930-A (SAE 5W-20; GF-4 Need to know OE Specifications-continued • Chrysler-MS-6395 (2005+ vehicles); MS-10725 (older than 2005) Need to know stuff • Honda-HTO-06 (Mobil 1 for Acura RDX turbo only) OE Specifications-continued Mercedes229.1 -Super high performance diesel(SHPD) 229.3-SHPD extended drain 229.3-gas and diesel; extended drain 229.31- gas and diesel low ash (LA) 229.5-long life (LL) 229.51-low ash and LL OE Specifications-continued VW and AudiGasoline engines:502.00; 505.00;505.01; 503; 503.01; 505; Diesel engines: 506 ;506.1;507 What is different with European ratings? • Usually very high viscosity index (VI) meaning that the SAE grade is broad; often requiring SAE 10W-50 or 5W-40 • Extended oil change intervals requiring a robust additive package • Low SAPS (Sulfated Ash, Phosphorous and Sulfur) • Higher HTHS (High temperature/ high shear rate viscosity) Case Study • 2003 VW Passat with a 1.8 liter turbocharged four cylinder that had been using API approved oil instead of VW 502 oil developed serious oil gelling problems • Some similar vehicle engines have seized Motorcycle Oil • Be sure to use oil designed for use in motorcycles which usually has the following characteristics 1. Higher level of ZDDP 2. Broader viscosity range (usually SAE 10W-40 or SAE 20W-50) 3. Often designed to work with a wet clutch Need to know? Why is Friction Reduced? Fluid Molecules There is less “friction” between fluid molecules moving over each other than between the two surfaces moving across each other. Connecting Rod Example The formation of an oil wedge in a plain bearing Metal-to-metal contact Oil wedge supports load SYNTHETIC OILS MINERAL OILS C10H20 C10H20 C10H20 Small molecules HH HH S H-C-C-C-C-C-H HO HN H vaporize at high temp C10H20 Impurities oxidize All molecules same size Large Molecules thicken at low temp Additives Improve the Base Oil • Viscosity Index (VI) improver – modifies the viscosity of the base fluid so that it changes less as the temperature rises allows the lubricant to operate over a wider temperature range • Pour point depressant – keeps the lubricant flowing at low temperatures • Antifoam – foam reduces the effectiveness of a lubricant – antifoams reduce/stop foaming when the lubricant is agitated or aerated Additives Protect the Base Oil • Antioxidants – slow down the breakdown of the base fluid caused by oxygen (air) and heat – oxidation is the main cause of lubricant degradation in service • Oxidation of the base fluid causes: – acid formation (corrosion) – sludges, varnishes (blockages) • Life of a lubricant in laboratory oxidation tests is often used to give an indication of service life Oxidation Additives Protect the Engine • Rust inhibitor – inhibits the action of water on ferrous metals (e.g. mild steel) • Corrosion inhibitor – protects non-ferrous metals (e.g. copper) • Anti-wear additive – forms a protective layer on metal surfaces to reduce friction and prevent wear when no lubricant film is present such as ZDDP. • Extreme pressure additive – as for anti-wear additive but functioning only when heavy loads and temperatures are encountered Roller bearing wear Gear tooth wear ZDDP • The phosphorous content of ZDDP= Zinc Dialkyl Dithiophosphates (commonly called zinc and/or phosphorous or ZDP) • Engine oil had about 1200 ppm zinc prior to 2001 • In 2001 the zinc was reduced to 1000 ppm and in 2005 reduced again to the current 800 ppm • These are typical zinc levels; API ratings do not specify the zinc content, just oil performance What About Older Engines? • If flat-bottom (non-roller) lifters are used then a ZDDP additive may be needed: – During break-in – During service – Need to know? How much zinc is needed? • Shell Rotella T 15W-40 ( API CJ-4) has about 1200 ppm zinc. This is 50% more zinc than current engine oils (API SM, GF-4) which typically contain about 800 ppm zinc G-Oil • Made from cow parts • “Ultimate Biodegradable is the highest biodegradability ranking determined by ASTM Standards (2.1 ASTM D-5864)” • API rated=? • ILSAC rated= no • www.getg.com • Miscellaneous useless information Other Additives? • Don’t USE THEM!!! • Most if not all oil experts warn about adding anything to the oil. • Vehicle manufactures warn not to add any additives to the oil. • Most are friction reducers such as posi additive The “3,000 Mile Myth” • California’s 3,000 mile myth program was started because research showed that 73% of California drivers change their oil more frequently than recommended by the vehicle manufacturer • General Motors has joined the campaign. Oil Life Monitor • algorithm –Computer programs contain algorithms that specify the specific instructions a computer should perform (in a specific order) to carry out a specified task • Mileage (3,750-7,500 miles) (usually every 5,000 miles) • Capacitance sensor (measures the oil) GM Oil Life Monitor GMOLS (GM Oil Life System) SCAN TOOL DATA STREAM SHOWING OIL INFORMATION Case Study • 2007 Dodge Durango 5.7 liter Hemi with MDS (multiple displacement system) • Oil change using SAE 10W30 • Check engine light came on and stored P0521 DTC stored • DTC Description=Oil pressure not reaching specified at 1250 RPM • Changed to specified SAE 5W-20; cleared DTC ; now no DTC during operation. • Need to know Testing Oil • oil sample to lab for analysis • For example: • Blackstone Laboratories$22.50 www.blackstonelabs.com Nice to know Oil Test Results • Spectral Exam: Establishes the levels of wear metals, silicon, and additives present in the oil. Also checks for coolant. Note: Silicon = dirt; not sealer • Viscosity: Determines the grade of oil. • Insolubles: Quantifies the percentage of solids present in the oil. • Flash Point: Determines the flash point of the oil to determine whether any contamination is present in the oil (such as fuel) Understanding the Lab Report • • • • • • • • • • • • • Aluminum: Pistons, bearings, cases (heads & blocks) Chromium: Rings, a trace element in steel Iron: Cylinders, rotating shafts, the valve train, and any steel part Copper: Brass or bronze parts, copper bushings, bearings, oil coolers Lead: Bearings Tin: Bearings, bronze parts, piston coatings Molybdenum: Anti-wear additive, some types of rings Potassium: Antifreeze inhibitor, additive in some oil types Boron: Detergent/dispersant additive, antifreeze inhibitors Silicon: Airborne dirt, antifreeze inhibitors Sodium: Antifreeze inhibitors, additive in some gasoline engine oils. Calcium: Detergent/dispersant additive Magnesium: Detergent/dispersant additive • Nice to know Oil Related Faults • Gelling and sludge: – Usually caused by extended oil change intervals – Can be caused by coolant in the oil – Engine design or cooling system fault that causes a lot of heat to be in the cylinder which bakes the oil – Need to know? Improper operation of the PCV system can also cause engine sludging. Oil Related Faults • 2007 Toyota lawsuit • Several others facing similar actions – Audi – BMW – Chrysler – Saab – VW • No recalls • No admission of fault Toyota Class-Action Lawsuit Affected Models Model Avalon 6 cyl Camry 4 cyl Camry 6 cyl Celica 4 cyl Highlander 6 cyl Years Affected 1997 - 2002 1997 - 2001 1998 - 2002 1997 - 1999 2001 - 2002 Lexus ES300 1997 - 2002 Lexus RX300 1999 - 2002 Sienna 6 cyl 1998 - 2002 Solara 4 cyl 1999 - 2001 Solara 6 cyl 1999 - 2002 Watch Out for… • Recommended for use where..... • May be used where the following specifications apply..... • Recommended/Approved by…….?? • Racing/Track formula - What does this mean? • “Synthetic blend" - How much synthetic? • Need to know? Sample- not API approved Please do the following: • Check the oil level BEFORE changing the oil and document the work order (IMPORTANT) WHY? • Check and use the oil specified by the vehicle manufacturer • Recommend that the oil be changed according to the specified distance/time interval • Reset the oil monitor light. Always wear PPE Frequently Asked Questions • Question: Can you go back to using conventional oil after using synthetic? • Answer: Yes. By law, all oil is miscible meaning that it can be mixed. Frequently Asked Questions • Question: Do I have to break in a new engine on mineral oil before switching to synthetic oil? • Answer: Synthetic oil (Mobil 1) is used by many vehicle manufacturers in new vehicles. Most experts advise keeping mineral oil for the first 5,000 miles. Summary • Go to HTTP://jameshalderman.com for the chart that shows how to reset the light for all vehicles. FREE Click on “Charts and Specifications” then look under Engine Repair (A1) Genie light??>>>>>>>>>>>> Information Go to Mobil 1 web site and search for “chart” • www.gf-5.com • Information on the new ILSAC GF-5 rating due out in 2010 plus other good oil information Contact Information Jim Halderman: jim@jameshalderman.com