BI Publisher - Michigan OAUG

BI Publisher: “JD Edwards Style”
Robert Robinson
JD Edwards Systems Manager
Health Care REIT, Inc. Toledo, OH
This Presentation is Rated “R”
The presentation includes strong technical
language, fast paced system action, some
presenter violence and power user content.
Attendee discretion is advised.
Company Profile
My Profile
Overview of BI Publisher
BI Publisher Setup, briefly
Step-by-step example
“How to” tips
Key documents
About The REIT
• Health Care REIT, Inc. is a self-administered, equity
real estate investment trust that invests across the full
spectrum of senior housing and health care real estate
including independent living/continuing care retirement
communities, assisted living facilities, skilled nursing
facilities, hospitals, long-term acute care hospitals and
medical office buildings.
• Founded in 1970, the company was the first real
estate investment trust to invest exclusively in health
care properties. The Company also offers a full array
of property management and development services.
As of September 30, 2008, the Company’s portfolio
consisted of 641 properties in 39 states.
My profile
• 22 years on JDE (World and E1)
• Experience as end user, trainer, EDP auditor,
consultant, CNC and “crash test dummy”
• Started at the REIT in July 2006
• President, Quest BI SIG; Vice President –
Alliances, Quest R/E SIG; Vice President – JD
Edwards, Merged Michigan Oracle Users Group
What is BI Publisher?
• A template-based desktop publishing application
• BI Publisher was created by Oracle and was first
used in its E-Business Suite; it was then bundled
with the PeopleSoft Suite a few years ago
• In 2006, the first BIP application (Phase 1) was
bundled with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne; the 8.97
Tools Release introduced the Phase 2 upgrade of
BI Publisher (Phase 2 linked BIP to the JD Edwards
Change Management process, which allows CNCs
to manage BIP objects through OMW)
What is BI Publisher?
• BI Publisher improves reporting by putting a familiar face
(Word, Adobe) on the report design process, allowing users to
leverage existing reports without major rewrites of the
associated UBE.
• End users can create and change reports with minimal CNC
support, and without having to have their BIP reports updated
through the JDE Change Management process
• The collection of the data can still be handled by existing report
tools, but you can design and control how the report outputs will
be presented (in separate template files). At runtime, your
designed template files are merged with the report data to
create a variety of output formats (PDF, Excel, HTML,
PowerPoint, even flat files).
What is BI Publisher?
Users can create:
• Customer-ready PDF documents, such as financial statements,
marketing materials, contracts, invoices, and purchase orders
utilizing colors, images, font styles, headers and footers, and
many other formatting and design options
• Excel output to create a spreadsheet of your report data
• PowerPoint slides for presentations
• "Filled-out" third-party provided PDF documents (such as
1099s). Download a PDF document, such as a government
form, to use as a template. At runtime, the data and template
produce a "filled-out" form
BI Publisher Setup
• JD Edwards EnterpriseOne release 8.11 SP1 or
• Tools Release 8.97 (Required for Phase 2 of BI
• Baseline ESU (Check Metalink3 for most current
• Planner ESU (Check Metalink3 for most current
Perform necessary Application and/or Tools Release
Upgrades and ESU installs as per instructions
Outline of JD Edwards BI Publisher Process
1. Familiarize yourself with the JD Edwards UBE that you want to use
2. On the desktop, open a blank Word document and save it as an RTF
3. Upload the blank template to EnterpriseOne
4. Create a report definition associating the batch application and the template
5. Submit the report definition either on the web or on a fat client
6. In the Report Definition Job Control Search, find the job for the report
definition you just submitted and take the Row exit for view RD Output
7. In the Report Definition Job Control Search find the job for the report
definition you just submitted and take the Row exit for view RD Source. This
will contain the XML source code. Download this source code to the
directory where you have stored the RTF template
8. Return to your desktop, and open the template in Word. Begin designing
your template
Outline of JD Edwards BI Publisher Process
9. Load XML Data and continue to “markup” your template (While you are
designing your template, you can preview the look of the form by selecting
the “Preview” function)
10.Once you have completed and saved your template, save the template back
to the JD Edwards XML Object Repository
11.Re-submit the report definition
12.Return to the Report Definition Job Control Search, find the report you just
submitted and take the Row exit for “View RD Output”
13.If the report requires revisions, return to the template and repeat steps 8-12
1. Identify UBE to use
My UBE of choice
1. Identify UBE to use
The small sample will allow me to get familiar with the UBE
2. Create rtf document
3. Upload blank template to JDE
To upload the template, access the “XML Publisher Repository”
and click “Add”.
3. Upload blank template to JDE
Complete the screen as shown above, (Object Type = “TR”, Product Codes = “55”,
Region = “US”, Language = “EN” – change the last two attributes to match your region
and language, if necessary). Click “OK”
3. Upload blank template to JDE
The “File Upload” prompt then appears. Click “Browse”
3. Upload blank template to JDE
Identify and select the blank RTF template. Click “Open”
3. Upload blank template to JDE
After the file name appears, click “Load”
3. Upload blank template to JDE
Enter the current date directly, or click on the calendar icon.
3. Upload blank template to JDE
Click on the check mark. This sets the current date as the
effective date
3. Upload blank template to JDE
The effective date is now entered. Click OK
3. Upload blank template to JDE
At that point the new template was loaded into JD Edwards. The
next step is to create the Report Definition
4. Create report definition
Run the P95620 application on a FAT client.
4. Create report definition
Click “Add”.
4. Create report definition
Enter the name of the report, description, and ‘55’ in the Product Code fields.
Enter the name of the UBE, click on the flashlight in the “Template Name” field.
4. Create report definition
Identify and highlight the Report Definition template created earlier, highlight
and click “Select”
4. Create report definition
Click “Next”
4. Create report definition
Select at least one “Available” output type, then select one “Default” output
type. Click the check box for “*ALL Active Languages”. Click “Next”
4. Create report definition
Leave this screen unchanged. Click “End”
4. Create report definition
The new report definition has now been added. Click “Close”
5. Submit report definition to batch
On the “XML Publisher Report Definitions” screen (P95620),
select the desired Report Definition. Click “Submit”
5. Submit report definition to batch
Select a UBE version (if one was not designated earlier)
5. Submit report definition to batch
Select sample data
5. Submit report definition to batch
Complete the data selection and Processing Options (if necessary)
5. Submit report definition to batch
Click OK, and then click OK again at the Printer Selection screen.
5. Submit report definition to batch
Select “Submitted RD Jobs” from the “Form” exit.
6. Review RD output (blank)
Status is “X” (new for BIP)
6. Review RD output (blank)
Job Status Codes
XML Publishing Done
Data Extraction Failure
Data Extraction
XML Publisher (in process)
Delivery Error
Report Definition Invalid
System Error (during XML publishing)
Template or Transformation Unavailable
XML Publishing Error
BI Publisher (Phase 2) Job Status Codes X= In process
6. Review RD output (blank)
Click “Find”. Status changes to “D” (Done)
6. Review RD output (blank)
Select “View RD Output” from the “Row” exit
6. Review RD output (blank)
At the “Report Definition Output” screen, select “View Output”
6. Review RD output (blank)
6. Review RD output (blank)
Initial output for XML report
7. Locate RD source/save to desktop
Select “View RD Source” from the “Row” exit
7. Locate RD source/save to desktop
Save the XML code to directory where the RTF template is stored
7. Locate RD source/save to desktop
XML Source Code
Before you start to work on that template, take
XML Basics – What is “XML”?
• “XML” = “eXtensible Markup Language” (XML)
• XML is at the heart of the technology
• The 8.96/8.97 upgrades allow JD Edwards to translate data
from its native code into XML
• Data passes from the ERP system to the desktop over the web
smoothly because the XML now used by JD Edwards is the
same language that is (and has been) the basis of the Microsoft
Suite for years
• This means that data can now be moved into distribution-ready
report templates on the desktop without the additional data
massaging that has been required in the past.
XML Basics – What is “XML”?
Knowledge of XML is not a prerequisite for being able to
successfully create reports in BI Publisher; however, familiarity
with XML will help with the more intricate reports that you create.
The “Oracle Core Components Guide” does a good job
of detailing the complete list of “need to know” XML basics; if you
are hungry for more, a simple XML guide (like “Teach Yourself
XML in 24 Hours”) is sufficient to fill in anything that the Core
Components Guide leaves out.
Sample XML Code
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16" standalone="no">
- <R5503B4201>
- <On_Credit_Manager_S100000>
- <Company_Level_Break_S4>
<NameAlpha_ID5>Stanley Shorten Real Estate Group</NameAlpha_ID5>
<DateInvoiceJ_ID17>2008-07-31</DateInvoiceJ_ID17> (explained later)
Sample XML Code
• XML files are composed of “elements”. An element is
used to describe or contain a piece of information.
• Elements consist of two tags: an “opening tag” and a
“closing tag”. Opening tags appear as text contained
between the two angle brackets (<>). Closing tags
also appear within angle brackets, but they have a
forward slash (/) just before the tag name.
• The data between the tags (text and/or numeric) is the
“value” of the element.
Sample XML Code
< DateInvoiceJ_ID17>
(Opening tag)
(Element value)
(Closing tag)
"DateInvoiceJ_ID17" is the tag name, and the element value of
DateInvoiceJ_ID17 is "2008-07-31”. The elements of the XML file
have a hierarchical structure. Another way of saying this is that
the elements have “parent-child” relationships. In the XML
sample, some elements are contained within the tags of another
element. The containing element is the parent and the included
elements are its children.
XML Code in UBE output
RD source code from a UBE is arranged as follows:
• Report Properties
• Column Headings
• Page Headers/Footers
• Level Break Sections
7. Locate RD source/save to desktop
Save the XML file to your PC
8. Open blank template/begin work
Opened, with some preliminary work
9. Load XML data/ “markup” template
Select “Data” / “Load XML Data”
9. Load XML data/ “markup” template
Locate the XML file and select it
9. Load XML data/ “markup” template
XML data now loaded
9. Load XML data/ “markup” template
With XML data loaded, select “Insert”|“Field” from BI Publisher menu.
9. Load XML data/ “markup” template
9. Load XML data/ “markup” template
Customer name added to form
9. Load XML data/ “markup” template
Select “Preview”|“PDF” from the BI Publisher menu.
9. Load XML data/ “markup” template
The sample customer name is in place
9. Load XML data/ “markup” template
Marking up the “as of” date
9. Load XML data/ “markup” template
The date field is now populated
9. Load XML data/ “markup” template
Date format needs to be revised
9. Load XML data/ “markup” template
Highlight the field right click, select “Properties” (or “BI Publisher”|
9. Load XML data/ “markup” template
At the BI Publisher Properties box, select “Word Properties”
9. Load XML data/ “markup” template
Use drop down selector to change “Type” field from “Regular Text” to
9. Load XML data/ “markup” template
Use the drop down selector to select the “M/d/yyyy” option.
9. Load XML data/ “markup” template
Word formatting blanks out the visible value of the date field
9. Load XML data/ “markup” template
Date is in proper format
9. Load XML data/ “markup” template
Markup without placeholder. Select area, choose value, click “Insert”.
9. Load XML data/ “markup” template
“Receivables Manager” field has filled in properly
9. Load XML data/ “markup” template
Highlight the area where the table is to be placed.
9. Load XML data/ “markup” template
From the BI Publisher menu select “Insert”|“Table/Form”.
9. Load XML data/ “markup” template
Select “Customer Level Break” element (all invoices for customer).
9. Load XML data/ “markup” template
Drag “Customer Level Break” element from “Data Source” view to
“Template” view.
9. Load XML data/ “markup” template
Tip: drop all nodes, as it is faster to delete nodes than to add
9. Load XML data/ “markup” template
To remove unneeded field, select the field, right click and select “Delete”
9. Load XML data/ “markup” template
After deleting all unwanted fields.
9. Load XML data/ “markup” template
Set the “Insert Position” for “Amount Open” element “Same Level”.
9. Load XML data/ “markup” template
Define layout the invoices. Display invoices as a table.
9. Load XML data/ “markup” template
To insert the table into the template, click “OK”
9. Load XML data/ “markup” template
Once table is inserted, reformat headings using Word.
9. Load XML data/ “markup” template
Format of “Amount Open” revised
9. Load XML data/ “markup” template
9. Load XML data/ “markup” template
9. Load XML data/ “markup” template
Click on “folder with tools” icon to activate “Legacy Forms”. Click on
“ab|” (Insert text field) icon.
9. Load XML data/ “markup” template
Highlight space for form field. Right click, select “Properties” or “BI
9. Load XML data/ “markup” template
In the “BI Publisher Properties” box, select “Word Properties”.
9. Load XML data/ “markup” template
Type descriptive text in “Default text” field. Click on “Add Help
Text” button.
9. Load XML data/ “markup” template
In “Form Field Help Text” box, click on “Type your own” radio
button, and then type in XML code. Click OK
9. Load XML data/ “markup” template
Copy and paste “Start Level Break” (“for-each”) tag to space where
the end level break will go
9. Load XML data/ “markup” template
Highlight copied section, right click and select “Properties”.
9. Load XML data/ “markup” template
Edit XML code and related text in either “BI Publisher” or “Word
Properties” section
9. Load XML data/ “markup” template
Marked up template, ready for preview
9. Load XML data/ “markup” template
Results appear, but there is no page break
9. Load XML data/ “markup” template
Use Word’s “Form Field” capability to insert page break field just inside
end of customer level break
9. Load XML data/ “markup” template
Page breaks now in place
Final steps
10.Once you have completed and saved your template, save the template back
to the JD Edwards XML Object Repository (step 2 with a “loaded”
11.Re-submit the report definition (using the P95620 application on the web)
12. Return to the Report Definition Job Control Search (P95630) to find the job
you just submitted and take the Row exit for view RD Output. This time, the
report is populated with data. If you selected other types of output (e.g.
Excel), when you arrive at the Report Definition Output Repository, you will
see more than 1 record; one for the standard (pdf) output, and extra lines for
the other forms of output that you selected
13. If the report requires revisions, go back to the template and repeat steps 812
Final Steps
“How To” Tips
Which standard EnterpriseOne reports are designed to work with XML Publisher?
Currently, there is no standard content delivered for XML Publisher with EnterpriseOne.
All of the standard EnterpriseOne reports have the capability to be adapted to work in
some fashion with XML Publisher, but no UBE reports have been specifically tailored or
designed to work seamlessly with XML Publisher design requirements. Delivery of
specific content that is explicitly designed to work out-of-the-box with XML Publisher is
being considered for future releases.
While some of the standard EnterpriseOne reports work fine with little or no modification,
many of the large and complex reports require considerable programming effort at the
template level in order to be successfully utilized in XML Publisher. With customizations
the output of some reports can be modified to fit the design requirements laid out by
XML Publisher. However this is considered a custom modification and therefore there is
no guarantee that the report will work properly with XML Publisher.
Editor’s note: In testing different types of UBEs with BI Publisher, I have found that
Tabular reports only returned the first line of data in my templates. After some research,
confirmation by Oracle support, Tabular reports lack level breaks, which are crucial for
“How To” Tips
How do I get the plug-in and instructions to download XMLP
Desktop -which includes a template builder?
1. Go to
2. Locate the download file for your BI Publisher phase:
a. For Phase 1 XMLP click on Oracle XML Publisher Desktop
5.6.2 for Microsoft Windows.
b. For Phase 2 XMLP click on BI Publisher Desktop
for Windows (preferred).
3. Install this product by invoking Setup.exe.
This will install a plug-in in MS Word, plus give a demo template,
tutorial on how to use the template builder.
“How To” Tips
In my Microsoft Word template I have a field based on the
JDESystem date that I'm using to return the current date, but it is
formatted as yyyy/mm/dd how can I change this format?
The System date item is an unsupported XML object and cannot be
formatted within Microsoft Word, instead to return the formatted current
date insert it from within Word itself.
On the Word toolbar:
- Go to Insert
- Date and Time
- Now pick the format you wish the date to be returned in
Once the Template is uploaded to E1 the date and time will pick up the
current system date and its output will be in the format chosen within
(Note: this process works for reformatting any date – see the example)
“How To” Tips
Although the start and end dates for templates are correct, they show as inactive
in the Report Definition. Why?
The OCM Mappings for the business function B95600A XML Publisher Validation were
not correct. Once these mappings were changed according to the special instructions of
ESU JK14530 the templates show as active. The special instructions from this ESU for
the business function are the following:
“You must enter OCM mappings for the following objects. Failure to do so could cause
software components to not run properly. Go to menu GH9011 and select the OCM
application (P986110), or type 'OCM' from the fastpath.
Machine Selection: Both System and Server maps
Environment: All environments
Object: Fusion Reporting Validation (B95600A)
Object Type: Bsfn
Action: Add
Primary Data Source: 'Enterprise Server - Logic'
System Role: *PUBLIC
Allow QBE: NA”
Key skill sets for BI Publisher:
• Knowledge of UBEs (especially how level breaks are
handled in the UBE)
• Knowledge of XML (not required for basic report, but
more important as your reports become more
• Knowledge of Microsoft Word (the more known about
how to manipulate Word tables and fields, the better
you will be in creating and supporting the BIP
Report issues
• Tabular reports do not run with BIP
Helpful Reading
• “Oracle XML Publisher Core Components Guide”
Release, October 2007
• “JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools 8.97 XML
Publisher”, October 2007
• “Welcome to Oracle BI Publisher Template Builder
for Word
• “Creating BI Publisher Templates for JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne”, June 2008
• “Scott’s Tips – XML Publisher Intro for E1”
COLLABORATE Session by Scott Beebe, cd|group,
Helpful Reading
• Metalink3 Doc #661001.1– “Validating XMLP Phase 2
with 8.97 has been successfully applied” (Solution
201065431, Knowledge Garden, April 2008)
• Metalink3 Doc #650220.1– “E1: XML: How to Install
the Word Plug-in for XML Publisher” (Solution
201022484, Knowledge Garden, May 2008)
• Metalink3 Doc #649178.1– “E1: XML: XML Publisher
Phase 1 and 2 ESUs” (Solution 201018186,
Knowledge Garden, August 2008)
Helpful Reading
• “Oracle XML Publisher Template Builder Demo”,
• “Teach Yourself XML in 24 Hours” SAMS
Publishing (knowledge of XML is not a requirement
in creating BIP reports, but it is a big help as the
reports become more complex)
• Office 2003, Office 2007 User Guides (Word
Helpful Reading
• “Oracle XML Publisher Core Components Guide”
Release, October 2007
• “JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools 8.97 XML
Publisher”, October 2007
• “Welcome to Oracle BI Publisher Template Builder
for Word
• “Creating BI Publisher Templates for JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne”, June 2008
• “Scott’s Tips – XML Publisher Intro for E1”
COLLABORATE Session by Scott Beebe, cd|group,
Shameless SIG Plug
If what you have seen has not caused too much
fright, you are a candidate for the Quest Business
Intelligence SIG
See me for details.
For a copy of the presentation e-mail:
Thank you for attending