Year 6 Overview

Year 6 English Overview
Focus of study
(from POS)
Autumn 1
In The Beginning
Incredible Islamics
Little ShipsDescribe setting, character and action
Suggested writing, reading, speaking
and listening tasks
Little Ships- describing setting, character- using
words to create impact and effect, paragraphing, RI
Diary entries
Empathy with a character, characters point of view
Stories with dilemas
Fantastic, Funny, Frightening– Stories/Genres
Exploring genre- Balaclava Boys
Reading, responding to and analyzing short stories
Write own short suspense story.
Dilema story- in a familiar setting.
Newspaper reports
Children imagine the possible headlines for a report on
each of the short stories. Then choose one to develop
into a full report
Fantastic, Funny, Frightening– Stories/Genres
Read a selection of stories to revise and practice
different reading comprehension techniques
Reinforce revision by writing own comprehension
Revise paraphrasing, sentence structure and
Plan and write stories considering genre and elements of
a good story
Revise proofreading techniques to improve own writing
Write own short story with a dilemma, or ending to a
dilemma story
Formal Letters
Children imagine they are the man dying of thirst who is
refused entry to the hotel. Assuming he recovered, he
writes a formal letter of complaint to the manager
about the treatment he received
Non-chronological writing
Ancient Civilisations
Study of Baghdad – non chronological. & wonders of
ancient world.
Writing APP
(5 needed per term)
Re-tell of part of Little
Suspense story – give an
opening paragraph for
children to finish
Ending to a dilemma story
Newspaper report – based
on one of the short stories
in the book
Year 6 English Overview
Autumn 2
Come Dine With Me
Healthy Living
Good Night Mr Tom.
Comparing film to text.
To write in role adapting a characters voice.
Williams story, Zachs story or Toms story- writing from
characters perspective- through their eyes. Thoughts,
feelings, actions.
Formal letters- Letter from Home Office to Tom.
Informal letters- Letter to a friend, or family member.
Instructions and Explanations. ‘Come Dine With Me’
Recipes and instructions. Menus.
Informal letters- Letter
from William to his Mum.
Explanation Texts. ‘Come Dine With Me’
Reporting texts linked to Science, Healthy Eating.
Write a report on and
aspect of topic ‘Healthy
The Big Write-Allow 2 weeks for Christmas unit.
Planning for this unit is on the server. To build to an
assessed writing task which will be moderated across
lower school.
(Assessed task based on
the Christmas book)
Christmas Book Study – A Christmas Carol. Charles
Dickens Using film and text.
CHRISTMAS – Book study – 2 wks plus Assessed writing task
Spring 1 and 2
It’s A Small World
Persuasive writing- holiday brochures - Asia
Information Text
holiday brochures Asia
Letters of complaint
Newspaper Reports
Non- chronological reports
Persuasive Leaflet
Book Week- (02/03/15) Author visit. Book reviews, Book
synopsis, Literary heritage
Author study linked to author visit.
Non-chronological report
Flooding in Bangladesh compared to UK- causes, effects
and solutions..
Non- chronological reports
Year 6 English Overview
Spring 2
The Big Write- narrative story.
Linked to pictures of houses. – Planning to follow.
As Spring 1 – Titanic unit/Asia topic.
Writing assessed and then
moderated across whole
Revision as required – use past SATs papers etc
Discussion/debate/balanced argument
To understand and use the features of a balanced argument.
Pros and cons of healthy snacks at school, mobile
phones, uniform etc. Study published texts of balanced
arguments eg. No cars in city center. Identify features,
consider own arguments for and against. Plan and write
SATs term
Balanced argument about
healthy snacks at
school/healthy eating/sport
at school.
Summer 1
Time Travellers
Cruel Crime
RWI- Robin Hood Unit
News Paper Stories
Information Texts
Children research and create a fact file style report
Non Chronological reports
Persuasive Poster
Children design a poster persuading people
Biography – write biography
of a character from a short
Biography and autobiography. Study published
examples. Features, layout/organizational devices.
Children start by writing a biographical account of an
event in their own lives.
The Big Write- A crime scene, or mysterious happening
set up and the children discuss and then write about it.
Summer 2
Make £5 Grow
Film Review- Paddington
Fantasy stories
Diary – linked to Summer term residential trip or
Enterprise week, “Make £5 Grow’
Story trail- Forest school
Book making, sharing with Year 3- Yr 6 as writing
Fantasy story openings.
Insructions for a game.
Year 6 English Overview
Instructional writing linked to Design a maths game
project and textile design linked to topic
- Transition- I Believe In Unicorns. (Yr5’s in Year 6)