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FAM1910_F10: Advanced Principles of Learning and Behaviour
Course Syllabus
Please note that the timeline provided here, including the assessment schedule, is subject to change.
Students are expected to attend all classes.
Any absence can result in a grade of zero for one or more assessments.
Introduction to Course;
Learning; Habituation;
Classical Conditioning
Introduction to Operant
Conditioning; Shaping;
Types of Reinforcers
Reinforcement Schedules;
Stimulus Control
Observational Learning;
Cognitive Learning
Module 1: Dignity and Behaviour
Module 2: Defining Behaviour
Restrictive Treatment Model, DRO;
Module 2 (continued)
Module 3: Positive Reinforcement
and Punishment
Module 4: Negative Reinforcement
Module 5: Identification of ABCs
Module 6: Teaching Functional Skills
Module 7: Role of the Environment
ONLINE/DISCUSS: Overcorrection
Module 8: Role of Choice
Module 9: Interactions
Module 9 (continued)
Module 10: Prompting
Module 10 (continued)
Module 11: Error Correction
Module 12: Chaining
Module 13: Program Implementation
Skills Checks (40%)
Quiz 1
Entry 1
Quiz 2
Quiz 3
Quiz 4
Entry 2
Entry 3
Entry 4
Quiz 5
Entry 5
Module 2 (written)
Module 3 (role-play)
Module 4 (written)
Module 5 (written)
Quiz 6
Entry 6
Quiz 7
Entry 7
Module 6 (written)
Module 7 (written)
Quiz 8
Module 8 (role-play)
Quiz 9
Module 9
(group role-play)
Quiz 10
Modules 10 & 11
Module 12
(group role-play)
Entry 8
Entry 9
Entry 10
Entry 11
Entry 12
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Module 14: Problem Solving
Module 13 (written)
Module 14 (continued)
Module 15: Functional Assessment
Module 16: Data Collection
Module 15 (written)
Module 16 (continued)
Module 16 (written)
Entry 13
Exam (30%)
In order to pass FAM1910, you must 1) earn an overall grade of at least 50%, 2) earn a grade of at least
50% on at least 7 of the 10 online quizzes before their closing dates, 3) earn a grade of at least 50% on
your journal assignment, and; 3) earn a passing grade on least 10 of the 14 Positive Behaviour Support
Skills Checks.
Positive Behaviour Support Skills Checks (40%)
Your grade for each Skills Check will be assigned based on your first attempt at completing the
assessment. If you are present in class while a Positive Behaviour Support module is being taught and
you attempt the corresponding Skills Check in class but do not successfully complete it, you may
repeat the assessment during office hours prior to the end of term. However, if you are absent for
part or all of a class in which a module is taught, you will not have the opportunity to complete the
corresponding Skills Check and will therefore earn a grade of zero for that assessment.
Journal (20%)
Your journal assignment is worth 20% of your final grade. Journal entries must be submitted on a
weekly basis and must be written in your own words. A late submission penalty of one percentage
point per day will apply to late journal entries. Any external sources used in the journal must be
credited. Failure to cite the source of information in your journal entries can result in a grade of zero
for the entry. You must earn a grade of at least 50% on your journal assignment in order to pass the
Final Exam (30%)
The final exam consists of multiple choice questions that are designed to assess your knowledge of
material covered throughout the course. Failure to write the final exam at its scheduled time can result
in a grade of zero on the exam.
Online Quizzes (10%)
The online quizzes are open-book assignments. You may work in pairs or groups to complete the
online quizzes, but each student must login to Blackboard and submit his/her own quiz in order to
receive credit for it. You may retake each online quiz as many times as you like within the time that it
is available. Quiz questions are randomly drawn from a pool of questions, so it is possible to receive
different questions each time a quiz is started.
You must earn a grade of at least 50% on at least seven of the ten online quizzes in order to pass
this course. The quizzes will not be re-opened after they close. There are no make-up assignments for
online quizzes.
You should always try to do an online quiz when you will have time to complete it in one session. If
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you begin a quiz and want to resume taking it later, do not save the quiz. Instead, submit the quiz each
time you open it, even if you do not answer all of the questions. You will then have the opportunity to
re-take the quiz from the beginning. If you save a quiz, it is likely that you will be locked out of it.
If you do get locked out of a quiz, you should let your instructor know immediately, by email. Your
quiz will be reset within two business days of receipt of your email request. Remember, if you are
attempting a quiz near its closing date and get locked out of it, you will not necessarily be able to
have it reset before it closes. Therefore, you should complete each quiz as early in the assessment
period as possible.
Class Attendance
Attendance in class is mandatory. Failure to attend a class in which an assessment is completed will
result in a grade of zero for that assessment. Because you must pass at least 10 Skills Checks, missing
more than two classes can result in a failing grade in the course. It is the student's responsibility to be
aware of or any announced changes that are covered during class time. Out of class communication in
this course will be via Algonquin email accounts and Blackboard.
This course requires in-class and online participation and demonstrations of skill mastery both in
class and during small group appointments held outside of class time. Therefore, students are
advised that successful completion of this course depends on class and appointment attendance and
Group Work
Many aspects of this course will require that you work successfully in a group. The extent to which you
are able to cooperate with your peers to complete assignments can influence the grade you earn in the
course. If you have concerns about group work or experience difficulties while working with your
peers, please seek help from your professor promptly.
Professor Contact Information
Heather Poole, PhD