Volumetric Analysis - Ms Critchley's Laboratory

BTEC Level 3
Subsidiary Diploma
in Applied Science
UNIT1: Fundamentals of Science
Assignment 1.1-Volumetric Analysis
You are a supervisor in an industrial laboratory ‘Edvisprog’. The company you work for has
agreed to take three students on work experience placements. The students will be required
to work with chemicals whilst on their placement, producing standard solutions, performing
calculations and checking the solutions they prepare. You are required to produce an
induction for these students providing background information on the periodic table,
structure and bonding as well as clear instructions for the process of preparing and checking
standard solutions. (You should identify hazards and necessary control measures to reduce
any risks.)
Grading Criteria
outline the key features of the periodic table, atomic structure and chemical bonding
demonstrate practically the ability to prepare chemical solutions and test their accuracy
relate the key features of the periodic table to the conclusions drawn from the practical activities
explain how standard solutions and titrations are prepared in industry
Task 1
Produce a leaflet or series of posters providing information about the periodic table. You should use
your leaflet or posters to explain the different annotations such as atomic number and relative atomic
mass, use further diagrams to explain how these annotations relate to the particles in the nucleus and
the electronic structure of the first 20 elements. Contained in the information you produce should also
be information relating to the groups of the periodic table and the different types of bonding that occur
between elements.
Task 2
The students you are preparing an induction for will need to be able to prepare a standard solution.
Produce a standard solution of 0.75 moldm-3 NaOH from pellets using the techniques and procedures
you have studied. You can use the procedure in your BTEC text books to help and any of the
standard equipment provided. You must make 250cm3 of the solution. Document each step and each
stage of the procedure to produce a clear set of instructions for the production of a standard solution,
you may choose to photograph important steps in the procedure to accompany your instructions. Your
teacher will also complete an observation form which you must sign.
Task 3
Having produced a standard solution, the students will be required to test its accuracy using titration.
As in task 2, perform the procedure required to test the accuracy of the standard solution
documenting each step to produce a set of clear instructions for the procedure. Again it may be useful
to photograph different steps in the procedure to accompany your instructions. Your teacher will also
complete an observation form which you must sign. Again use your textbook for help in the method.
You will also be provided with a titration proforma to help you.
Task 4
Clearly outline the process of calculating the accuracy of the standard solution using the results from
the titration you performed. Ensure that the balanced equation and each step in the calculation is
clearly laid out and annotated so that the work experience students will be able to follow the
procedure when they test the accuracy of their own standard solutions. Your teacher will also
complete an observation form which you must sign. You will also be provided with a titration proforma
to help you.
Task 5
To ensure the work experience students have a thorough understanding of the processes and
calculations required to test the accuracy of their standard solution they need a better understanding
of the chemistry behind what has been carried out. Use diagrams of the atoms and molecules
involved in the titration to provide a visual guide to the stoichiometry of the titration. Your diagrams
should take the form of another poster. In this task you need to link the knowledge of the periodic
table from task 1 to the calculations performed in task 4. Say what the Periodic table allowed you to
find out. Make sure that you account for anomalous results. Finally in this task, write a brief summary
of how the conclusion relating to the accuracy of the standard solution links with the knowledge of the
periodic table, atomic structure and bonding.
Task 6
Produce a piece of written information explaining the key differences between the procedures carried
out in this assignment and those performed in large industrial chemical plants. The information you
produce should include an evaluation of the procedures and techniques you have outlined and an
explanation of how the accuracy of standard solutions can be improved using industrial methods and
techniques. Include information relating to the scale, how safety issues change and the importance of
better accuracy in industrial settings.
You will have two weeks to hand in your report
Hand out date Sept. 26th 2014
Hand in date (1st) Oct. 14th 2014
Final Deadline ________________________