ANNUAL REPORT 2010 – 2011 The Rotary Club of Horsham East Inc. THE FOUR-WAY TEST Of the things we think, say or do Is it the TRUTH? Is it FAIR to all concerned? Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? The 4-Way Test was created by Rotarian Herbert Taylor in 1932 when he was asked to take charge of the Chicago-based Aluminium Company, which was facing bankruptcy. Taylor looked for a way to save the struggling company mired in depression-caused financial difficulties. He drew up a 24-word code of ethics for all employees to follow in their business and professional lives. The 4-Way Test became the guide for sales, production, advertising and all relations with dealers and customers. The survival of the company was credited to this simple philosophy. Rotary Club of Horsham East Inc. Board of Directors President Past President President Elect Treasurer Secretary Tanya Barnes Peter Sturrock Chas McDonald Phil Proctor Jenni Reid Directors Louise Brennan Ken Dowsley Cherese Mackley / 2 CONTENT President’s Report Programs Photos 4/5 6/7 8 New Generations – Youth Exchange; RYPEN; Bill Davey Award; NYSF; Junior Secondary School Debating 9/10 International – Donation to Philippine’s; Shelter Box; GSE Florida; GSE Iceland; Support in Bangladesh 11 Vocational – 40th Anniversary Publicity Car Raffle; Christmas Gift Wrapping; Black Road Markers Meals on Wheels; Bulletin; 9780 Team to Florida23 Moria Kelly Photos Treasurer Attendance 11/12 12/13 14/15 15 16 17 18/19 20/21 22 3 PRESIDENT’S REPORT TANYA BARNES Presidents Report 2010 -2011 It sounds glib to say it has been a great and busy year, suffice to say it has been a different year. Robyn Lardner and the dedicated team for ensuring everything came together filling what was Rotarian Sue’s vision. Our 40th Anniversary year started with us still reeling from the unexpected death of two Rotarians. However, Rotary goes on and with no song and dance, others stepped up to take on roles that had not been in their plans for the year. Christmas came and went with a lovely dinner at the Natimuk Hotel and BBQ at the Botanical Gardens. Then we were in floods with Rotarians jumping to the call to sandbag and support our own members, extended Rotarian family and the community at large. The first impact was Change Over dinner, thankyou Gary Harper for trawling through Rotarian Allan’s computers gathering photos and Gary Green for putting together the annual report. Also thanks to Gillian Vanderwaal for arranging the Club Directory 2010-2011. The Car Raffle was ultimately a financial success but it was a struggle to fill the roster. Do we need a change in the system or find an alternate location or maybe different times? Is this something we need to reconsider before October 2011? Next, the Art Show, it was with gratitude I received several offers to take on the role of Art Show Director. Thank you to Fields Days started with a major clean of the shed after the flood waters had gone through. The BBQ went off without a 4 hitch thanks to Lyall Wheaton as catering Zealand. Putting the Art show into recess director and his large band of helpers. The tractor cleaning was easier than usual with a lot less dust in the air. for the 2011/12 year, to will allow time for a survey of stakeholders and review of how the show will function for the next 20 years. Moira Kelly – Family First Foundation was our major fundraiser for the year. The brainchild of Lyall Wheaton and the team led by Peter Rafter ensured we raised lots of money and we were all spellbound by the voice of Emmanuel. In amongst all this the vocational Committee arranged our Inaugural Service Excellence Awards. Jim Lonsdale researched our 40th Anniversary and a team led by Robyn Lardner provided us with a wonderful night of red carpet reminiscing and dancing. With a 40’s dress theme, Pam Capstick and Brenton Johnson (Johno) won best-dressed individuals with Neil Popple and Di Albert as best dressed couple. Major decisions for the year included not having a 12-month exchange student for 2010/11 but having a 3 month exchange student Georgia Prestidge, from New The Rotary clock is still in progress after VicRoads refused our initial application, however we are getting closer to getting the clock finalised. We have sent hay to flood ravaged areas, the Bob Mibus Sponsorship was awarded to Kane McKinnon, PP Terry Harris is our latest Paul Harris Fellow and our program has involved visits to Horsham Hydraulics and Jayco Caravans. Plus, we had the pleasure of successfully nominating Lion Jan Morris as Horsham citizen of the Year 2011. There are many to thank and only one page to fill so please accept my gratitude to you all for allowing me the privilege of leading this wonderful club for the Rotary year 2010-11. 5 PROGRAMS July August September October November December January February March April May June 7 14 21 28 4 12 19 26 2 8 15 22 29 6 16 20 27 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 30 6 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 2 9 16 23 30 6 20 27 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 Change over Dinner Andrew Almond The Life of Leigh Davies Fireside meeting Wendy Middleton Wimmera Uniting Care International Quiz Night Bingo Night L2P Program - Bill Lovell Rebecca Maxwell - Author JoAnne Bates CASA Alison Butler No Interest Loan Scheme Bill Richmond Ambassador Prostate Cancer Catherine Darbyshire Prison Expansion Art Show Set Up 2010 Meeting Ian Trigg, Rotary International Conference, Montreal Johnno Johnston Life & Job Talk Horsham Racetrack Naomi O'Callaghan Leadership program DG Jessie Harman DG's Visit Annual General Meeting & Bill Davey Award Horsham Hydraulics Mary Raynes GSE Christmas family BBQ- Botanical Gardens Christmas Dinner Natimuk RECESS RECESS 10 pin bowling Cathy Roth Rotary Foundation Australia Day partners night Trivia/Games night Andrew Wright Sheriffs with wheel clamps Darwin Defenders story DG Jessie Harmam bring a friend night Justin Van Rossen Horsham College Chaplain Bob Vennings Rotary & Business in Kapunda Jayco Caravans Partners night Billee Sanders Returning exchange student Justin van Rossen Horsham College chaplain GSE Team Andrew Wright Sheriffs with wheel clamps Georgia Prestidge Youth Exchange New Zealand Joy Juma Her journey to Australia/Horsham Vocational Colin Barnett Community Axis Peter Brown Issues facing HRCC Table tennis Kane McKinnon Glaucoma Aust Catia Sicari David Eltringham General Monash Georgia Delahunty New Zealand Change over Dinner 6 – The Club shared the experience of attending businesses, Horsham Hydraulics, Jayco Horsham, and the Horsham Race Track and joined in playing Tenpin Bowls, and Table Tennis. The year started with a Life and Job talk from Andrew Almond and ended with the life and times of Sir John Monash. In between we had information given to us about topics such as the South Australian and boarder and where it is not, sexual assault, prison expansion, prostate cancer, postcards of the Great War, Horsham College Chaplaincy, Community Axis, immigration issues facing Horsham, Wimmera Uniting Care, The Sheriff’s Department, the Darwin Defenders story, Issues facing our Council and our community, local innovation by Anthony Op de Coul, and a very entertaining presentation about No Interest Loans. However, the highlight of the past year was the 40th Anniversary Dinner. It was a wonderful event to celebrate the enormous impact a Club like Rotary has on the social, cultural and financial wellbeing, of our community, our country and the world. The Rotary Club of Horsham East is proud of the wonderful contribution it has made to our society in the last 40 years. And of cause, who can forget the installing of Terry Harris to the prestigious list of Paul Harris Fellows. We also had fun social events with a quiz night on Australia Day, our Christmas events, the 2010 meeting, and due to some missing speakers, we had impromptu 2 minutes talks. The Club also heard from Rotary visitors and members about the Leadership Program, attracting new members to Rotary, Youth Debating, GSC program, Youth Exchange, and Rotary Foundation. We heard the life stories of Joy Juma, Leigh Davies, Rotarians Ken Agnew, Johno, and Robert Venning. The biggest event for the year, the Rotary Art Show was an outstanding success and the Moira Kelly Fundraising event another wonderful accomplishment by the Club. I will let the Directors for these two events speak on their behalf. I finish my report by say that this role has taught me a great deal about Rotary and I appreciate all the speakers who gave their time to educate and inform us on a variety of issues. I must also thank Tanya for her support throughout the year and congratulation her on her year as President. 7 – Horsham East Rotary Club has always had a strong involvement and encouragement of Youth activities in our community and endeavours to involve young people in the many programmes that Rotary promotes. The Youth Committee this past Rotary year consisted of Leon Forrest, Peter Freckleton, Miao He, Trevor Howie, Wendy James, Andrew Price, Peter Rafter and Brydie Scollary. All members were available to assist and organise programmes without hesitation when requested to do so and I thank them for their efforts and time in making this Committee again a strong backbone of our club. Victoria Thomsen from Denmark joined our Club in July 2009 and left our shores in July 2010 after having a very enjoyable and educational year in Australia and was one of the most amiable Exchange students our Club has had the pleasure to sponsor. Her counsellor, Pam Capstick ensured that Victoria settled in well and the Club thanks Pam for ensuring that Victoria enjoyed her stay with Horsham East Rotarians. We had no nominations for 2011 for Student Exchange and even though we did have an outbound nomination for 2012, due to schooling limitations the nominee was unable to take up the Exchange. A first for the Club this year was a short term Exchange student, Georgia Prestidge from Timaru, New Zealand who arrived in Horsham in early April for three months. Georgia will be hosted by Rotarian Debbie Delahunty and her family. Whilst in Australia, Georgia had Rotarian Gary Green as her Counsellor and he also will be Counsellor for Georgia Delahunty when she returns with Georgia to New Zealand in late June to spend three months with her family. Our Inbound Exchange Student for 2011-2012 is Micaella Mendes from Brazil and we look forward to her arrival in Horsham where she will be counselled by Rotarian Wendy James and the Club thanks her impending host families, Pam Capstick, Andrew Almond and Louise Brennan for assisting in hosting Micaella while she is here with us. During 2010 we had Billie Saunders as our outgoing Exchange Student and she was on Exchange in Brazil for the year. Billie had an eventful year in her host city and even though her early months in Brazil were difficult due to some host family issues, the later months were enjoyable and widened her thirst for more travel and learning experiences. 8 The Club thanks go to Louise Brennan as Billies Counsellor and Sue Van Every for her assistance in the early part of Billies Exchange. Whilst we contacted Secondary Colleges for their involvement in this program where 14-17 year olds can extent their leadership, decision making, network and community skills over a weekend residential camp, unfortunately no nominations were forthcoming. The above cash awards are presented annually to two students to assist in their studies and are in recognition of Past President Bill Davey. The Davey Family makes a contribution to the award and this year the two recipients were Jake McIntyre – Horsham College and Stephanie Schmidt – Murtoa College. Rotarians Brydie Scollary and Andrew Price conducted the interviews and were very impressed with the standard of applicants and the two successful awardees. The Club sponsored Simon Coles to this 12 day Forum in Canberra in January where students in year 11 are given a unique opportunity to “test drive” careers in Science, Engineering and related disciplines. The Annual School Debating competition with Year 7 Students from Horsham College was well received by members at our Meeting in late August. The topic “That good looks get you further than a good mind” enthralled not only the members and the Students parents and friends but showed to us all the benefits of such a programme in enhancing the Public Speaking skills of such young debaters. For the record the negative team were victorious. The following programmes that Horsham East Rotary Club support and encourage failed to obtain applicants this year but the Club will continue to endeavour to encourage young people to apply for these very worthy programmes - • RYLA – Rotary Youth Leadership Awards • Rotary Murray-Darling School of Freshwater Research Thank you to the Committee members for their responsibility in cocoordinating these programmes that encourage and continue to support the young people in our district and for the Board in their ongoing funding of these important programmes. Terry Harris New Generation Committee Convenor International Service International Report 2010/11 Over the duration of the Forum, students live-in at the University of Canberra. 9 District in Florida in May, congratulations ladies. Congratulations to Kara Gough another Horsham East representative selected for GSE study tour to Iceland this September. Water project, the club supported this District project to the value of $500-. This donation to Disaster Aid Australia was allocated to Family Survival Pack No. AUS1095. You can track the deployment of this box on website – Rotarian Andrew Almond visited and worked in Bangladesh, whilst their formed good relationships with the Rotary Club of Baridhara. This gave our club the opportunity to provide $500- to benefit schools in Samiruddin Slum and Amiruddin Slum. Money will be used to buy books, stationery, school bags and floor mats. Louise Brennan RAWCS stickers made a come back to our club this year, raising $250-. Long weekend March our club had the opportunity to host the team from Rotary District 6950 Central West Florida. The club treated the team & members to Lochie’s Outdoor Adventure trip, ‘A day to remember’ hospitality, vintage ‘bush bashers’ and local knowledge. The next day was a trip up to Halls Gap Zoo, what an eye opener, well worth the trip and visit to Brambuk Aboriginal Centre, which our visit thoroughly enjoyed. We are excited to have Robyn Lardner as the Team Leader & Mary Raynes for the group going out to Rotary Committee members – Rob Aisbett, Steve Holmes, Miao He, Brian Thomas, Brenton Johnson (Johnno), Leigh-Anne Sharrock. This year the Vocational Services Committee decided to trial a new award called ‘Excellence in Customer Service’. With the assistance of Horsham Plaza, posters and nomination forms were placed in Horsham Plaza encouraging people to nominate an employee that had gone beyond what was expected of them. Nominees were asked to write a short citation on why the employee deserved recognition and outlining the details of their 10 experience. Entries were placed in a barrel in the plaza or sent to The Rotary Club of Horsham East during the month of March. Over forty entries were received for the awards with each one judged by a panel from the Rotary Club of Horsham East. The winner of the 2011 ‘Excellence in Customer Service Award’ was Mina Crooks from Jewelz and Things. Mrs Crooks was nominated for her extra attention to a customer looking for the perfect gift. In the citation, her nominator said Mrs Crooks went above what was expected to help her find the right gift, without being ‘pushy’. Her polite and helpful manner, combined with an understanding of the sort of gift that would be suitable for her customer, were the key elements in making her worthy of this new Rotary award. Mrs Crooks received the award and $250. The nominator, who wished to remain anonymous, received $150 worth of vouchers at Horsham Plaza. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our committee for their work in getting this award up and running to ensure it was successful. Thank you also to Horsham Plaza for allowing us to trial it in the plaza. This is the first year we have held this award and the quality of the nominations shows the worthiness of it in the community. I encourage future Vocation Services Committees to consider continuing with the award and broadening it to the wider business district in the future. Gillian Vanderwaal Vocational Services Director The Club celebrated its 40th Anniversary in style with a Dinner Dance at the Horsham Sports and Community Club on Saturday 9th April. On arrival everyone entered on a red carpet and met by Past Presidents Robyn Lardner and Bruce Johansen. A Forties theme captured the spirit of the evening with over 100 members, past members and guests attending, many decked out in forties finery no doubt mostly borrowed from mothers and grandmothers. Table decorations, club banners and posters from Don Mitchell further enhanced the theme of forty years of Rotary M.C. Past President Terry Harris warmly welcomed everyone, especially the Member for Sport and Recreation, the Hon. Hugh Delahunty and Mrs Judy Delahunty, Councillor Bernard Gross ,a past president, and Mrs Audrey Gross, District 9780 Assistant Governor Rtn Graeme Scott and Mrs Faye Scott. President Tanya Barnes further extended a welcome and acknowledged the presence of a number of former members and Past Presidents. Tanya made special mention of Kaye Davey. Yvonne Ryan, Margaret Schreck and Lee Owens, wives of members who had passed away. MC Terry moved around the room inviting Charter Members to recollect on the beginnings of the Club way back in1971. Oliver Williams, Past President Rodney Abud and Past President Bernard Gross reminisced about the early days of Horsham East Rotary. To capture a bit of club history a slide show of club activities compiled by Past President Gary Green and a short video with thoughts about rotary and the club from several current members were presented. This video which will serve the 11 historical club records featured Louise Brennan, PP Ken Dowsley, Penny Flynn, P P Steve Sostheim, PP Trevor Bysouth, PP Bruce Johansen and 'Johnno' Johnson with PP Jim Lonsdale asking the questions. A notable feature of the evening was the presentation of a Paul Harris Award to Past President Terry Harris. Rtn Michael Ward, President of the Rotary Club of Horsham, our sponsor club, duly proposed a toast to the Rotary Club of Horsham East which was responded to by President Tanya. The Hon. Hugh Delahunty congratulated the club on its achievements and contribution to the community over the past 40 years. A fine meal and conviviality was enjoyed as was the music provide by Dave McMaster which encouraged many to dance the night away. Anniversary Celebration wine sales and a ‘Stop the Clock’ raffle for a ruby donated by Macchia Jewelers gave added excitement to the night and funds to go towards the Club’s donation of a digital clock for the Rural City of Horsham. At the closing President Tanya acknowledged the efforts of PP Robyn Lardner and the members of the 40thh Anniversary Committee of Rtns Don Mitchell, Pam Clarke, Phil Proctor, PP Gillian Vanderwaal, PP Gary Green, Cherese Mackley, Jenni Reid, Debbie Delahunty Penny Flynn, and Wendy James. Pam Capstick and PP Jim Lonsdale. As reported by Louise Brennan in the Bulletin ‘it a was fantastic night and one we should look forward to in another forty years’ Carnivale 2010 Wimmera Art Show. The theme of “Carnivale” was the idea of the late Rotarian Sue Holmes, who worked with fellow Rotarian Pam Capstick, who described the theme as “wanting to explore different forms of art, and offer a makers market showcasing the talents of local artisans, with wares and exhibits to appeal to all the senses; and provide visitors with the opportunity to mix and mingle, watch the artisans at work, as well as chat to the Artist in residence”. It was 37 years ago that this art show had its humble beginnings with the idea to give budding artists and those who 12 simply enjoy painting, an opportunity to exhibit their works for the enjoyment of others and to be judged amongst their peers. Today the Club has retained that same philosophy and the Art Show now attracts entries from across Australia. This year’s Artist in Residence was Marian Caccianiga of Manangatang, who finds inspiration in her environment, outdoor life and camping on the Murray River. During her 30-year career, Marian has received many awards including, best pastel, people’s choice, best acrylic and best-in-show. Merle Hathaway returned to judge the artwork, who up until 2008 was the Director of the Horsham Regional Art Gallery. Opening night guests were entertained by local musicians the, Soulsmith Trio and treated to a 5-star supper catered by Graham Ponton. A strength of the Art Show has been its strong partnership with enthusiastic local sponsors, without whom the show would fail. Major sponsor, John Whitehouse of McDonalds Family Restaurant, was well supported by David & Kaye Chilver (Chilver Electricians), Anna East (Conserve Framing), Debbie Delahunty (Horsham Veterinary Clinic), Greg Walcott (Iluka Mining), Brian Thomas (Wilson Bolton), Jack Schmidt & Bruce Agnew (Horsham Concrete), and 3WM, ACE Radio/The Weekly Advertiser. Another key partnership is of course with the large number of participating artists who ensure the Rotary Art Show continues to be a highly respected forum for displaying all things art. Unfortunately there was also considerable sadness with this year’s show. Long-time show supporter, Rotarian Alan Vickers passed away, who had for many years provided invaluable graphic design assistance to many shows. Sue Holmes had enthusiastically accepted the challenge of leading the organising committee, but her untimely death in May 2010 left the Club in shock. A great admirer of the Venezia Carniavale, her much loved masks hanging in her home were this year’s inspiration. As is the tradition of the Rotary Club of Horsham East the organising committee just “got on with the job”, put-in countless hours, and my thanks go to Terry Harris, Ken Dowsley, Don Mitchell, Pam Capstick, Pam Clarke, Jim Lonsdale, Debbie Delahunty, Tony Bawden, Louise Brennan, Penny Flynn, Rick Hopper, Graeme Arthur and Phil Proctor. We were rewarded for our efforts by raising almost $6,000. In view of pending changes to the Horsham Town Hall, the art show is taking the opportunity to look at other art shows and then emerge again in 2012 with a ‘new look’ show. Has been busy this year with the visit of Moira Kelly of the Children First Foundation. Also our 40th club anniversary dinner on the 9th April, both a huge success, with thanks to the organising committees for 13 their publicity and promotions, duly attended to by Penny Flynn and Gillian Vanderwaal. And the many other smaller projects and service work that has made the print media and TV. In the future we as a club will need to work towards our publicity better and “Show Case” as much as possible of our community and overseas service. Chas McDonald The gift wrapping service the week before Christmas proved a great success this year and was very popular with the Horsham Plaza shoppers. We always have a lot of positive feedback from the shopping public, and our club is seen out there with another community service, as well as a fund raiser. This year the club again participated in the Ballarat South car raffle, and commenced selling tickets at the Horsham Agricultural Show. Thanks to Brian Thomas of Wilson Bolton for supplying the promotional vehicle each week. Also thank you Janice Shaw and Tim Vanstan for organizing the members to sell tickets which at times has been difficult in filling the roster. A big thank you to Neil Popple for taking care of the raffle monies and passing onto our treasurer for banking. Final results, the car raffle raised $14,424,of which $11,532, was retained by our club and $2,892, was paid to the Ballarat South Community Fund raffle. A big thank you to all these Rotarians who helped out and in particular their family members who assisted as well. Again many thanks to the Horsham Plaza management for their continuing support. Placing these along the western highway west of Ararat to the South Australian border ,continues and this year unfortunately we had another two road fatalities ,where markers will have to be placed ,these become a timely reminder for the many drivers who use the highway to be more, responsible for their driving behaviour Many thanks to Terry Harris and his team of volunteers who continue this important service. Chas McDonald. 14 This is a vital Service in the community that is rewarding for everyone involved. This year we teamed up with students from Longernong College, which was a great experience and benefit for all concerned. I would like to thank the scribes who meticulously take the notes each week that make up our weekly bulletin. Their input is invaluable. To Louise Brennan, Peter Rafter and Gary Harper, thank you, and to our photographers in Gary Green, Brian Thomas and Johno, their photo's are usually home before I am. To President Tanya thank you for your regular input. As I am continuing on as editor next year I'm confident of a similar team effort, and ask club members to supply any relevant material they would like to see in their bulletin. Reports, classifieds, jokes,(clean) any items of interest. Steve Sostheim A Western Victorian Rotary “Group Study Exchange” (GSE) Team is leaving Australia on 13 May 2011 for a 4 week study tour in Central West Florida, USA. The GSE team from Rotary District 9780 will be travelling to Rotary District 9650 in Central West Florida, USA, which has 49 clubs across 12 counties. Central West Florida is well known to boaters and other travellers, and encompasses Pasco, Hernando, and Citrus Counties which are designated as “Florida’s Nature Coast.” There are also villages and Native American sites embracing some of the country’s most fascinating cultural histories, as well as a large arts community and health care system. The GSE Team lead by Rotary Club of Horsham East member Robyn Lardner, comprises; Anne Pett, sponsored by the Rotary Club of Hamilton; Mary Raynes sponsored by the Rotary Club of Horsham and Horsham East; Will Buchanan sponsored by the Rotary Club of Torquay and Ann McDowell sponsored by the Rotary Club of Cobden. The Rotary Foundation’s GSE program is an important cultural and vocational exchange opportunity for business people and professional who are in the early stage of their careers. The program provides travel grants for teams to exchange visits in paired areas of different countries, for four to six weeks. The team members experience the host country’s culture and institutions, observe how their vocations are practiced abroad, and then use this knowledge where it is appropriate back in their own communities. Some of the planned vocational tours include, a desalination plant in Tampa Bay, a government centre, a law school, Progress Energy Nuclear Training Centre, Marine Science Centre and Kennedy Space Centre. Robyn Lardner acknowledges the great support given to the GSE team by local Rotary clubs, and from Telstra Western Victoria who sponsored the team’s day wear uniforms. Their adventures are 15 currently being documented on their blog, GSE Photos On Sunday March 27th, Moria Kelly was the guest speaker at a special dinner auction for Rotary Club of Horsham East . Moira is internationally renowed for her humanitarian work. She was accompanied by twins Trishna & Krishna & sons Ahmed & Emmanuel Kelly. Emmanuel sang two songs from his Debut album which was released following his appearance at the Horsham Country Music Festival. Approximately $17,000- was raised for the Child First Foundation. 16 TREASURER’S REPORT CLUB ACCOUNT: 1st July 2010 - 31st May 2011 Income ($) Catering Club Income Meal Receipts Membership Dues Club Income - Other 1,142.00 19,161.40 11,866.15 376.90 Expense ($) Art Show Club Expense Asset Purchase Post Office & Postage Shed Utilities Shed Maintenance Transport Costs Training Programs Licenses and Permits Insurance Stationery Rotary Levy Badges Utilities Meal Expense Member Welfare Club Expense - Other Catering Youth Programs Aust Rotary Foundation Trust Total Income 32,546.45 Net Income Total Expenses 591.90 125.90 528.36 499.46 502.50 332.40 480.00 41.80 278.26 227.00 7,318.58 142.60 346.66 14,784.51 16.50 3,606.21 207.54 192.00 100.00 30,322.18 2,224.27 SERVICE Tractor Washing 40th Anniversary Moira Kelly Equipement Hire Christmas Gift Wrapping Youth Car Raffle ARHRF RI Foundation Art Show Catering Income Gifts and Donations Income Miscellaneous Income 2,000.00 10,927.30 20,727.30 440.00 760.00 1,620.00 14,424.00 468.30 4,886.10 42,719.55 22,492.48 5,960.00 2,724.06 Total Income 130,149.09 Net Income 25,051.64 Moira Kelly Expenses Raffle Cost Bob Mibus Award Meal Cost 40th Anniversary Project GSE Inbound Club expence Car Raffle Expences World Vision Bill Davies Awards Youth Programs Art Show Expence Bank Expenses Advertising Dispursements Catering Expences Total Expense 22,485.33 46.00 935.00 88.00 19,551.02 345.28 476.94 2,942.00 516.00 1,000.00 6,055.15 35,905.45 30.00 268.50 5,934.60 8,518.18 105,097.45 Net Ordinary Income Net Income 17 DISPURSEMENTS 2010 -11 Name Amount ($) Children First Foundation World Vision Young Mother Group Wimmera Regional Girl Guides Prostate Cancer Foundation Disaster Aid Australia Horsham Combined Churches - Carols Rotary Club of Barridhara Wimmera Health Care Group Rotary Club of Warracknabeal Road Trauma Support Services RAWCS Horsham Table Tennis Association Australian Rotary Health Donations in Kind Natimuk Kindergarten Bennett Road Kindergarten Dimboola Kindergarten Green Park Kindergarten Horsham Community Child Care Centre Horsham North Kindergarten Natimuk Road Kindergarten Roberts Avenue Kindergarten Garinja Kindergarten Laharum Kindergarten Horsham Historical Society Christian Emergency Food Centre Horsham College Chaplaincy Committee Wimmera Health Care Group Foundation Disaster Aid Australia Horsham Calisthenics College School of St Jude Angel Flight The Heart Foundation 15,607.88 516.00 200.00 2,700.00 500.00 800.00 100.00 500.00 609.60 1,600.00 1,000.00 125.00 500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 200.00 300.00 1,000.00 500.00 800.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 500.00 Australian Rotary Health Research Foundation Rotary International Foundation Horsham Little Athletics Asthma Victoria, Horsham Branch End Polio Now Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia National Breast Cancer Foundation HRCC - 40th Anniversary Digital Clock Interplast Australia 1,000.00 5,000.00 500.00 500.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 15,000.00 1,000.00 TOTAL 64,558.48 CURRENT BANK ACCOUNT BALANCE AT 31/5/2011 CLUB ACCOUNT: $15,147.20 SERVICE ACCOUNT: $53,599.48 18 ATTENDANCE| Cherese Mackley MEMBER POSSIBLE NO. OF MEETINGS % Lardner, Robyn 48 94 Leembruggen, David 48 81 Lonsdale, Jim 48 90 MEMBER POSSIBLE NO. OF MEETINGS % Agnew, Ken 17 82 Aisbett, Robert 48 88 Mackley, Cherese 48 96 Almond, Andrew 48 73 May, Neil 48 52 Arthur, Graeme 48 38 McClure, Barry 48 63 Barnes, Tanya 48 100 McDonald, Chas 48 100 Bawden, Tony 48 71 Mitchell, Don 48 58 Bell, Barry 48 56 Motton, Margot 48 58 Brennan, Louise 48 100 Parker, John 48 35 Brown, Peter 26 62 Plush, Kevin 48 100 Bysouth, Trevor 48 79 Popple, Neil 48 92 Capstick, Pam 48 63 Price, Andrew 48 77 Clarke, Pam 48 69 Proctor, Phil 48 88 Colyer, Judy 48 31 Rafter, Peter 48 73 Connors, Paul 48 67 Redden, Bob 48 85 Delahunty, Debbie 48 83 Reid, Jenny 48 90 Dowsley, Ken 48 92 Scollary, Brydie 48 56 Eagle, Geoff 48 65 Sharrock, Leigh-Anne 48 58 Flynn, Penny 48 96 Shaw, Janice 48 100 Forrest, Leon 48 38 Sostheim, Steve 48 94 Freckelton, Peter 48 69 Story, Lachlan 48 33 Green, Gary 48 83 Sturrock, Peter 48 71 Grosser, Denis 48 56 Thomas, Brian 48 100 Harper, Gary 48 69 Vanstan, Tim 48 100 Harris, Terry 48 90 Waddell, John 48 83 He, Miao 48 83 Wheaton, Lyall 48 89 Holmes, Steve 48 88 Wolfe, Alan 48 54 Hopper, Rick 48 65 Johanson, Bruce HONORARY MEMBER James, Wendy 48 73 Leembruggen, Tom HONORARY MEMBER Johnson, Brenton 48 90 Schier, Jack Jones, Michael 48 85 Ladlow, Ian 48 31 Lardner, Robyn 48 94 SPECIAL MEMBER 19 20