Hold down the Control button, and click on the name of the transfer guide that you wish to view. Art History General or Pre-Liberal Arts Art Studio Music Art Studio (B.F.A.) Theatre English (B.A.) Northeast Alabama Community College Transfer Guide Art History Attention: Students who complete the courses listed on the following transfer guide can receive the Associate in Arts degree. Area I: Written Composition (6 hours total) Courses ENG 101 ENG 102 Courses Taken Area II: Humanities and Fine Arts (12-13 hours total) Courses Courses Taken Literature (3-6 hrs) Choose from ENG 251, 252; 261, 262; or 271, 272 SPH 107 (3 hrs) Fine Arts Elective (3 hrs) Choose from ART 100; MUS 101; THR 120, 126 Humanities and Fine Arts Electives (0-4 hrs)** Choose from ART 100; ENG 251, 252, 261, 262, 271, 272; MUS 101; PHL 206; REL 100, 151, 152; SPA 101, 102, 201, 202; THR 120, 126 Area III: Natural Sciences and Mathematics (11 hours total) Courses Courses Taken Natural Science Sequence (8 hrs)** Choose sequence from BIO 103, 104; CHM 104, 105; CHM 111, 112; PHS 111, 112; PHY 201, 202; or PHY 213, 214 MTH 110 or higher (3 hrs)** Area IV: History, Social, and Behavioral Sciences (12 hours total) Courses Courses Taken History (3-6 hrs)* Choose from HIS 101 and 102 or HIS 201 and 202 Social and Behavioral Sciences (6-9 hrs)** Choose from ECO 231, 232; GEO 100; POL 211; PSY 200, 210; or SOC 200, 210 Courses CIS 146 (3 hrs) ART 113 (3 hrs) ART 114 (3 hrs) ART 121 (3 hrs) ART 127 (3 hrs) ART 203 (3 hrs) ART 204 (3 hrs) Area V: Pre-Professional, Major, and Elective Courses (21 hours total) Courses Taken Hours Earned Hours Earned Hours Earned Hours Earned Hours Earned *Must take a 6 semester-hour sequence in either literature or history. **Student is responsible for consulting and following STARS transfer guide: http://stars.troy.edu. Total Hours Required: 62-63 Student Name: Student Number: Transferring to: Transfer Guide dated: Total Earned: Date Completed: Date Checked: Signature of Advisor: Last updated made to this form: July 2014 Northeast Alabama Community College Transfer Guide Art Studio Attention: Students who complete the courses listed on the following transfer guide can receive the Associate in Arts degree. Area I: Written Composition (6 hours total) Courses ENG 101 ENG 102 Courses Taken Area II: Humanities and Fine Arts (12-13 hours total) Courses Courses Taken Literature (3-6 hrs)* Choose from ENG 251, 252; 261, 262; or 271, 272 SPH 107 (3 hrs) Fine Arts Elective (3 hrs)** Choose from ART 100; MUS 101; THR 120, 126 Humanities and Fine Arts Electives (0-4 hrs)** Choose from ART 100; ENG 251, 252, 261, 262, 271, 272; MUS 101; PHL 206; REL 100, 151, 152; SPA 101, 102, 201, 202; THR 120, 126 Area III: Natural Sciences and Mathematics (11 hours total) Courses Courses Taken Natural Science Sequence (8 hrs)** Choose sequence from BIO 103, 104; CHM 104, 105; CHM 111, 112; PHS 111, 112; PHY 201, 202; or PHY 213, 214 MTH 110 or higher (3 hrs)** Area IV: History, Social, and Behavioral Sciences (12 hours total) Courses Courses Taken History (3-6 hrs)* Choose from HIS 101 and 102 or HIS 201 and 202 Social and Behavioral Sciences (6-9 hrs)** Choose from ECO 231, 232; GEO 100; POL 211; PSY 200, 210; or SOC 200, 210 Courses CIS 146 (3 hrs) ART 113 (3 hrs) ART 114 (3 hrs) ART 121 (3 hrs) ART 127 (3 hrs) ART 203 (3 hrs) ART 204 (3 hrs) Area V: Pre-Professional, Major, and Elective Courses (21 hours total) Courses Taken Hours Earned Hours Earned Hours Earned Hours Earned Hours Earned *Must take a 6 semester-hour sequence in either literature or history. **Student is responsible for consulting and following STARS transfer guide: http://stars.troy.edu. Total Hours Required: 62-63 Student Name: Student Number: Transferring to: Transfer Guide dated: Total Earned: Date Completed: Date Checked: Signature of Advisor: Last updated made to this form: July 2014 Northeast Alabama Community College Transfer Guide Art Studio (B.F.A.) Attention: Students who complete the courses listed on the following transfer guide can receive the Associate in Arts degree. Area I: Written Composition (6 hours total) Courses ENG 101 ENG 102 Courses Taken Area II: Humanities and Fine Arts (12-13 hours total) Courses Courses Taken Literature (3-6 hrs)* Choose from ENG 251, 252; 261, 262; or 271, 272 SPH 107 (3 hrs) Fine Arts Elective (3 hrs)** Choose from ART 100; MUS 101; THR 120, 126 Humanities and Fine Arts Electives (0-4 hrs)** Choose from ART 100; ENG 251, 252, 261, 262, 271, 272; MUS 101; PHL 206; REL 100, 151, 152; SPA 101, 102, 201, 202; THR 120, 126 Area III: Natural Sciences and Mathematics (11 hours total) Courses Courses Taken Natural Science Sequence (8 hrs)** Choose sequence from BIO 103, 104; CHM 104, 105; CHM 111, 112; PHS 111, 112; PHY 201, 202; or PHY 213, 214 MTH 110 or higher (3 hrs)** Area IV: History, Social, and Behavioral Sciences (12 hours total) Courses Courses Taken History (3-6 hrs)* Choose from HIS 101 and 102 or HIS 201 and 202 Social and Behavioral Sciences (6-9 hrs)** Choose from ECO 231, 232; GEO 100; POL 211; PSY 200, 210; or SOC 200, 210 Courses CIS 146 (3 hrs) ART 113 (3 hrs) ART 114 (3 hrs) ART 121 (3 hrs) ART 127 (3 hrs) ART 203 (3 hrs) ART 204 (3 hrs) Area V: Pre-Professional, Major, and Elective Courses (21 hours total) Courses Taken Hours Earned Hours Earned Hours Earned Hours Earned Hours Earned *Must take a 6 semester-hour sequence in either literature or history. **Student is responsible for consulting and following STARS transfer guide: http://stars.troy.edu. Total Hours Required: 62-63 Student Name: Student Number: Transferring to: Transfer Guide dated: Total Earned: Date Completed: Date Checked: Signature of Advisor: Last updated made to this form: July 2014 Northeast Alabama Community College Transfer Guide English (B.A.) Attention: Students who complete the courses listed on the following transfer guide can receive the Associate in Arts degree. Area I: Written Composition (6 hours total) Courses ENG 101 ENG 102 Courses Taken Area II: Humanities and Fine Arts (12 hours total) Courses Courses Taken Literature (6 hrs) ENG 261, 262 SPH 107 (3 hrs) Fine Arts Elective (3 hrs)** Choose from ART 100, 203, 204; MUS 101; THR 120, 126 Area III: Natural Sciences and Mathematics (11 hours total) Courses Courses Taken Natural Science Sequence (8 hrs)** Choose sequence from BIO 103, 104; CHM 104, 105; CHM 111, 112; PHS 111, 112; PHY 201, 202; or PHY 213, 214 MTH 110 or higher (3 hrs)** Area IV: History, Social, and Behavioral Sciences (12 hours total) Courses Courses Taken History (3 hrs)* Choose from HIS 101 and 102 or HIS 201 and 202 Social and Behavioral Sciences (9 hrs)** Choose from ECO 231, 232; GEO 100; POL 211; PSY 200, 210; or SOC 200, 210 Area V: Pre-Professional, Major, and Elective Courses (19-23 hours total) Courses Taken Courses CIS 146 (3 hrs) ENG 251 (3 hrs) ENG 252 (3 hrs) ENG 271 or 272 (3 hrs)*/** Area V Electives (10-14 hrs) */** Hours Earned Hours Earned Hours Earned Hours Earned Hours Earned *9 semester-hour courses chosen for a 120 semester-hour degree. 12 semester-hour courses chosen for a 128 semester-hour degree. **Student is responsible for consulting and following STARS transfer guide: http://stars.troy.edu. Total Hours Required: 60-64 Student Name: Student Number: Transferring to: Transfer Guide dated: Total Earned: Date Completed: Signature of Advisor: Date Checked: Last updated made to this form: Feb 2015 Northeast Alabama Community College Transfer Guide General or Pre-liberal Arts Attention: Students who complete the courses listed on the following transfer guide can receive the Associate in Arts degree. Area I: Written Composition (6 hours total) Courses ENG 101 ENG 102 Courses Taken Area II: Humanities and Fine Arts (12 hours total) Courses Courses Taken Literature (3-6 hrs)* Choose from ENG 251, 252; 261, 262; or 271, 272 SPH 107 (3 hrs) Fine Arts Elective (3 hrs)** Choose from ART 100, 203, 204; MUS 101; THR 120, 126 Humanities and Fine Arts Electives (0-3 hrs)** Choose from ART 100; ENG 251, 252, 261, 262, 271, 272; MUS 101; PHL 206; REL 100, 151, 152; SPA 101, 102, 201, 202; THR 120, 126 Area III: Natural Sciences and Mathematics (11 hours total) Courses Courses Taken Natural Science Sequence (8 hrs)** Choose sequence from BIO 103, 104; CHM 104, 105; CHM 111, 112; PHS 111, 112; PHY 201, 202; or PHY 213, 214 MTH 110 or higher (3 hrs)** Area IV: History, Social, and Behavioral Sciences (12 hours total) Courses Taken Courses History (3-6 hrs)* Choose from HIS 101 and 102 or HIS 201 and 202 Social and Behavioral Sciences (6-9 hrs)** Choose from ECO 231, 232; GEO 100; POL 211; PSY 200, 210; or SOC 200, 210 Area V: Pre-Professional, Major, and Elective Courses (18-22 hours total) Courses Courses Taken CIS 146 (3 hrs) Area V Electives (15-19 hrs)** Hours Earned Hours Earned Hours Earned Hours Earned Hours Earned *Must take a 6 semester-hour sequence in either literature or history. **Student is responsible for consulting and following STARS transfer guide: http://stars.troy.edu. Total Hours Required: 60-64 Student Name: Student Number: Transferring to: Transfer Guide dated: Total Earned: Date Completed: Date Checked: Signature of Advisor: Last updated made to this form: July 2014 Northeast Alabama Community College Transfer Guide Music Attention: Students who complete the courses listed on the following transfer guide can receive the Associate in Arts degree. Area I: Written Composition (6 hours total) Courses ENG 101 ENG 102 Courses Taken Area II: Humanities and Fine Arts (12-13 hours total) Courses Courses Taken Literature (3-6 hrs)* Choose from ENG 251, 252; 261, 262; or 271, 272 SPH 107 (3 hrs) Fine Arts Elective (3 hrs)# Choose from ART 100, 203, 204; MUS 101; THR 120, 126 Humanities and Fine Arts Electives (0-4 hrs)# Choose from ART 100; ENG 251, 252, 261, 262, 271, 272; MUS 101; PHL 206; REL 100, 151, 152; SPA 101, 102, 201, 202; THR 120, 126 Area III: Natural Sciences and Mathematics (11 hours total) Courses Courses Taken Natural Science Sequence (8 hrs)# Choose sequence from BIO 103, 104; CHM 104, 105; CHM 111, 112; PHS 111, 112; PHY 201, 202; or PHY 213, 214 MTH 110 or higher (3 hrs)** Area IV: History, Social, and Behavioral Sciences (12 hours total) Courses Courses Taken History (3-6 hrs)* Choose from HIS 101 and 102 or HIS 201 and 202 Social and Behavioral Sciences (6-9 hrs)# Choose from ECO 231, 232; GEO 100; POL 211; PSY 200, 210; or SOC 200, 210 Area V: Pre-Professional, Major, and Elective Courses (20 hours total) Courses Courses Taken CIS 146 (3 hrs) Music Theory (8 hrs) Choose from MUS 111, 112 or MUS 211, 212 Studio Courses (5 hrs)** Hours Earned Hours Earned Hours Earned Hours Earned Hours Earned Music Ensembles (4 hrs)*** *Must take a 6 semester-hour sequence in either literature or history. **Individual performance instruction taken from MUP courses – must include a complete sequence in a single instrument. ***Taken from MUL 180 or above #Student is responsible for consulting and following STARS transfer guide: http://stars.troy.edu. Total Hours Required: 61-62 Student Name: Student Number: Transferring to: Transfer Guide dated: Total Earned: Date Completed: Signature of Advisor: Date Checked: Last updated made to this form: July 2014 Northeast Alabama Community College Transfer Guide Theatre Attention: Students who complete the courses listed on the following transfer guide can receive the Associate in Arts degree. Area I: Written Composition (6 hours total) Courses ENG 101 ENG 102 Courses Taken Area II: Humanities and Fine Arts (12-13 hours total) Courses Courses Taken Literature (3-6 hrs)* Choose from ENG 251, 252; 261, 262; or 271, 272 SPH 107 (3 hrs) Fine Arts Elective (3 hrs)** Choose from ART 100, 203, 204; MUS 101; THR 120, 126 Humanities and Fine Arts Electives (0-4 hrs)** Choose from ART 100; ENG 251, 252, 261, 262, 271, 272; MUS 101; PHL 206; REL 100, 151, 152; SPA 101, 102, 201, 202; THR 120, 126 Area III: Natural Sciences and Mathematics (11 hours total) Courses Courses Taken Natural Science Sequence (8 hrs)** Choose sequence from BIO 103, 104; CHM 104, 105; CHM 111, 112; PHS 111, 112; PHY 201, 202; or PHY 213, 214 MTH 110 or higher (3 hrs)** Area IV: History, Social, and Behavioral Sciences (12 hours total) Courses Courses Taken History (3-6 hrs)* Choose from HIS 101 and 102 or HIS 201 and 202 Social and Behavioral Sciences (6-9 hrs)** Choose from ECO 231, 232; GEO 100; POL 211; PSY 200, 210; or SOC 200, 210 Area V: Pre-Professional, Major, and Elective Courses (22 hours total) Courses Courses Taken CIS 146 (3 hrs) THR 113 (3 hrs) THR 114 (3 hrs) THR 131 (3 hrs) Area II Electives (10 hrs)** Hours Earned Hours Earned Hours Earned Hours Earned Hours Earned *Must take a 6 semester-hour sequence in either literature or history. **Student is responsible for consulting and following STARS transfer guide: http://stars.troy.edu. Total Hours Required: 63-64 Student Name: Student Number: Transferring to: Transfer Guide dated: Total Earned: Date Completed: Date Checked: Signature of Advisor: Last updated made to this form: July 2014