Houffaneh Osman halio029@uottawa.ca Single Instruction, Multiple Data Part of Flynn Taxonomy computer classification Multiple processors ◦ Different data streams Same instruction executed Able to operates on multiple data items at the same time Computation : The most minimal time possible ◦ Vectors ◦ Matrices Better speedup then sequential Two type of processors ◦ True SIMD ◦ Pipelined SIMD Divide a instruction into smaller function Execute smaller function in parallel on different data Single control unit M processing elements act as arithmetic unit N data elements (or even more then M) Processor elements receives instruction from control unit If a processor element need information from another processor element ◦ Send request to control unit and it manage the memory exchanges Single control unit M processing elements act as arithmetic unit N data elements (or even more then M) Processor elements receives instruction from control unit Processing elements able to share their memory without control unit access True SIMD : Distributed Memory True SIMD : Shared Memory Cell used : IBM Cell BE The Cell Broadband Engine (CBE) ◦ Single-chip multiprocessor with 9 processor ◦ All processor share the same main storage Processor function used in 2 functions ◦ PowerPC Processor Element (PPE) ◦ Synergistic Processor Element (SPE) VMX : Vector Multimedia eXtension to the PowerPC architecture ◦ Utilizes data parallelism for faster performance SIMD in VMX and SPE (Reference IBM Cell Programming) ◦ 128bit-wide datapath ◦ 128bit-wide registers ◦ 4-wide fullwords, 8-wide halfwords, 16-wide bytes ◦ SPE includes support for 2-wide doublewords Vector Programming Each of the 4 elements in VA and VB are added and their sum placed in VC VC = vec_add(VA,VB) SIMD Unprocessable Patterns ◦ Case where the instruction differ for each processing element SIMD Processable Patterns ◦ Case where the instruction are the same for each processing element Register view of the add instruction in previous slide VC = vec_add(VA,VB) Permute method or shuffling ◦ Between two vector ◦ Third vector used for control vector VT = vec_perm(VA,VB,VC) SSE : Streaming SIMD Extensions ◦ Instruction set to the x86 architectures ◦ Extension of 128-bit Introduced in 1999 in the Pentium III ◦ Latest version : SSE5 before revision Future extension from Intel ◦ AVX : Advanced Vector Extensions ◦ 256-bit instructions Image Processing Digital Signal Processing Encoding Streaming load Streaming load instruction ◦ Enables faster read ◦ Improves performance of application that ‘s using the GPU and CPU SIMD improve encoding speed ◦ Required arithmetic performed on pixel Pixel in a video -> high level of parallelism required Matrix multiplication – No data parallelism Matrix multiplication – Employed data parallelism Native vs Traditional programming Auto-vectorization ◦ Detection of low-level operation ◦ Convert these sequential program to process 2 to up to 16 elements in one operation Auto-parallization ◦ Turning sequential code into multi-threaded Intel C++ Compiler ◦ Serial section of input program -> multithreaded code ◦ Compiler also efficient in order to not have too much overhead when creating multithreads Intel® Architecture Code Analyzer PGI CDK Cluster Development Kit ◦ AMD Opteron ◦ Intel Core 2 GNU Compiler for C and C++ ◦ Nested Loops conditions ◦ Multidimensional arrays PGI CDK Cluster Development Kit ◦ SSE vectorization Developed to utilized ◦ Multi-core processors ◦ Graphics processing units Takes advantages of the SIMD and core processing elements Portion of C/C++ code that have parallelism can be used in conjunction with ArBB Isolated data objects from rest of codes ◦ Intel mention this imposes a restrictions ◦ Restrictions eliminates locks and data races Threading by itself ◦ Do not provide access to per-core vector parallelism ArBB API provides programming models at software level for developers Intel Press, “Multi-Core Programming : Increasing Performance through Software Multithreading,'' pp. 2--6 -- 11--13, Apr 2006. 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