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Human Geography (CH 4) Study Guide
1. Draw a less developed and more developed pyramid. List 4 factors you can infer just by looking at the pyramid
(use the population vocabulary) ( look at page 104-105 for a complete list of characteristics include newly
industrialized countries):
High birthrate
Low life expectancy
Low Literacy Rate
High IMR
Low or steady birthrate
High Life Expectancy
High Literacy rate
2. What is population density? (pg 89)
The number of people living on a square mile or square kilometer of land
3. IMR is the number of _infants__ who will die before the age of _1_. This number can decrease if people have
access to __healthcare_ and __nutrition__.
4. Factors that attract people to a place are called ___pull factors____, factors of migration are called __push
factors____. (pg 90)
5. What are some reasons that cause people to move to the cities?
6. What does HDI measure? (pg 79)
HDI measures the level of human development using three dimensions of development: health, education, and
living standards.
Urban Geography:
7. Urban geography is the study of how _people___ use _space_ in cities.
8. What are the four land use patterns found in each city and list what can be found in that pattern (from your
Urbanization Notes)
1)_Residential___: Single family homes and apartment buildings
2)__Industrial__: Reserved for the manufacturing of goods
3)_Commercial__: Used for private business and the buying and selling of retail products
4)__CBD___: Commercial and business core of a city
9. What is the difference between a city, a suburb and a metropolitan area? Give an example of each. (pg 111)
City: an area that is the center of business and culture and has a large population (Houston)
Suburbs: areas surrounding a large central city (Cy-Fair)
Metropolitan Area: land of a central city and all of its suburbs (Houston Metro Area)
10. Define rural and urban areas. (from notes)
Urban: having something to do with cities. People make a living in ways other than farming.
Rural: Having to do with the countryside. People make a living with agriculture.
Economic Geography:
11. What are the levels of economic activities and give an example for each level. (pg 102)
1)__Primary___: Growing and picking coffee beans
2)__Secondary_: Roasting the beans and adding flavor
3)_Tertiary__: Making a drink at Starbucks with the coffee
4)__Quaternary_: Doing research on new types of coffee beans and when basic girls want a pumpkin spice latte
Political Geography:
12. Define each of the following government systems and give an example:
1) Democracy: People directly rule and make decisions. (Switzerland)
2) Monarchy: A ruling family headed by a king or queen holds political power. (United Kingdom)
3) Autocracy: One person holds complete political power (North Korea)
4) Oligarchy: A small group of people hold all political power (Soviet Union)
5) Theocracy: Government run by religious leaders. (Vatican City)
13. Version of languages related to class, region or other cultural changes is called dialect_ (notes)
14. The belief in one god is known as monotheistic_. Give examples of monotheistic religions. (from religion notes)
-Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism
15. Briefly describe the basic belief of each of the following religions From religion notes)
Abraham made a covenant with God that if his ancestors remained faithful God would reward them with land
and prosperity.
There is only one God and his son Jesus was sent to abolish all sin.
There is only one God and Muhammed is his prophet.
Belief in a Supreme Being and adherence to certain concepts such as truth, dharma, karma, and belief in the
authority of the Vedas.
Physical Geography Review:
16. What does a climograph show?
The relationship between rainfall and temperature in determining climate patterns.
17. What is the rain shadow effect?
Result of a process by which dry areas develop on the leeward sides of mountain ranges