Unit 4 Essay Prep Directions: Make a list of examples and then

Unit 4 Essay Prep
Directions: Make a list of examples and then create a topic sentence
1) Direct Democracy of
2) Greece/England Stuart Reign
3) Absolute Monarchs France
a. Origins- how it started
b. Working- describe type of government and how it worked, who was involved, major events…
c. Results – What were the outcomes?
Essay 1- Athens/ England
1. Athens/England- Origins
AthensTS: Created democracy to stop power struggle and give the people more say in government.
 Tried many different governments Monarchy, Oligarchy, Tyranny
 Cleisthenes overthrew Tyrant Pisistratus
 Pericles
 Direct democracy
England- England government suffered from religious conflict, needed an heir to the thrown
 Queen Elizabeth had no heir
 King James I- Cousin of Queen Elizabeth
 Anglican, Calvinist, Puritans, Protestants
2. Athens/England- Working
Athenian- Assembly
 Citizens Vote, Free Adult Males,
 Solon- outlaw debt slavery,
 Council of 500
England – Struggle between Parliament and Absolute Monarchs
 Absolute Monarchs James I- Calvinist but refused to make puritan reforms
 Struggle with Parliament over money
 King of Scotland
 Charles I Fought with Parliament – needed money for war with Spain and France. Dissolved
 1628- Called parliament forced to sign petition of rights
 1629 – dissolved again
 1641- called parliament to raise taxes, fight Scots
 1642 – arrested parliament
 Tried for treason and killed
 Charles I- Restoration
 William and Mary- Glorious Revolution
3. Athens/England –results
Athens Lead to a better Economy but Greed
 Leads to freedom and Art and Culture
 Peloponnesian war and lost to the Spartan
 Chaos is Assembly during Peloponnesian war
 Restoration of the Monarchy
 Constitutional Monarchy
 English Bill of Rights 1689
 Habeas Corpus
Essay #2
1. England/France- Origins
Need for stability and strength
Avoid financial problems debt
Henry IV- Civil war between Bourbons (Huguenots) Valois (catholic)
2. England/France – Working
France Absolute Monarchy
 France- Henry IV (Navare) – Edict of Nantes,
 Louis XIII
 Represented located bodies called (Parlement)
 Louis XIV- There were rebellions when he was first king. It was better to have one-person rule with
no rebellions. There was direct taxation. There was no represented body (Estates General)
 Control of Nobility – Versailles
 Jean Babtist Colberit
3. England/France- Results
France Ends in a violent revolution
 Wars- War of Spanish Succession Lou
 Debt- Palace of Versailles and wars with
 Eventually will lead to French Revolution overthrow King Louis XXI
Essay #3
Athens/France- Origins
Athens/France- Workings
Athens/France – Results
Unit 4 Test Review
Who concurred the Aztecs?
Name the two major religious groups after the Reformation?
Protestants and Catholics
What is the Bourgeoisie?
French Middle Class
What were the new foods from Americas that helped population grow?
Potatoes and Corn
What Christian sects from Greek Schism
Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox
Which enlightenment philosopher was most influential in American government?
Locke, Montesquieu
The Portuguese were a trade empire, what did they control in SE Asia?
Ports- Malacca- SE Asia
Macaw –China
Calcut, Goa- India
Who were the first people Columbus ran into in the Americas?
Why were women accused of being a witch?
Too independent or widows, women not under control of a man
Who were the greatest of the seafarers in the EARLY Middle AGES
What is the way to salvation for Calvinists, Lutheran, and Catholic
Calvinists- Predestination and faith
Who founded the Jesuits?
Ignatius Loyola
Name the two countries of Iberian Peninsula?
Spain and Portugal
What was the name of the document that made England and Constitutional monarchy?
English Bill of Rights
Who controlled the source of slaves in Africa?
The Africans (Kongo)