iGCSE English Language revision booklet

Reading: Tuesday 5th May
Writing: Friday 8th May
The Reading Exam – Tuesday 5th May (pm)
2 hours long
50 marks available
40% of your final Language grade 
3 sections in the exam
Stick to the specified word counts as far as possible – you will be penalised for going over
Section A (20 marks) – Aim to spend 45 minutes on this section (includes planning time)
Marked 15 marks for reading skills
Marked 5 marks for writing skills
React to Passage A – writing in the role of someone from the non-fiction passage
Use the 3 bullet points to construct the 3 sections of your response
Bullet point A – simplest to find
Bullet point B – more challenging
Bullet point C – most challenging – you need to use the text to predict the future.
What you write must always be based in the text (not completely made up)
There needs to be equal coverage of all bullet points – aim for about 4-5 points for
Don’t use the text in your writing – rephrase in your own words (within reason e.g. if
it is a location or thing that has a specific name then of course you can use it!)
Section B (10 marks) – Aim to spend 30 minutes on this section (includes planning time)
Marked only for reading skills – all 10 marks
Based on Passage A again
You are asked two questions A and B – each question asks you to concentrate on
one numbered paragraph (don’t talk about anything outside of that paragraph!)
You need to aim to make 4-5 points per question
Use the formula: give the quote, explain the meaning of the word(s) chosen, explain
the effect of this and the writer’s intentions in relation to the focus of the question
Section C (20 marks) – Aim to spend 45 minutes on this section (includes planning time)
Marked 15 marks for reading skills
Marked 5 marks for writing skills
React to Passage B
You have to find 15 different points in reaction to the focus of the question
List these points on the bullet point notes page – this is worth 15 marks so spend the
most amount of time on getting these right
Make sure you don’t use up several potential bullet points in one – break it down to
a number of reasons where possible (although making sure that you haven’t
repeated the same point – guessing the mark scheme isn’t easy, but you need to try)
5 marks is for writing up the ideas – you need to ensure that you make several
points per sentence, in your own words and as concisely as possible
The Directed Writing and Composition Exam – Friday 8h May (pm)
2 hours long
50 marks available
40% of your final Language grade 
2 sections in the exam
Stick to the specified word counts as far as possible – you will be penalised for going over
Section A (25 marks) – Aim to spend 60 minutes on this section (includes planning time)
This question tests writing assessment objectives W1 to W5 (15 marks)
 W1 articulate experience and express what is thought, felt and imagined
 W2 sequence facts, ideas and opinions
 W3 use a range of appropriate vocabulary
 W4 use register appropriate to audience and context
 W5 make accurate use of spelling, punctuation and grammar
and reading assessment objectives R1 to R3 (10 marks)
 R1 demonstrate understanding of explicit meanings
 R2 demonstrate understanding of implicit meanings and attitudes
 R3 analyse, evaluate and develop facts, ideas and opinions
React to the passage in the insert – writing in the role of someone from the nonfiction passage
Use the 3 bullet points to construct your response
Bullet point A – simplest to respond to
Bullet point B – more challenging to respond to
Bullet point C – most challenging – however, you must use the text. What you write
must always be based in the text (not completely made up)
There needs to be equal coverage of all bullet points
Don’t use the text in your writing – rephrase in your own words
Section B (25 marks) – Aim to spend 60 minutes on this section (includes planning time)
This question tests writing assessment objectives W1 to W5 (15 marks)
 W1 articulate experience and express what is thought, felt and imagined
 W2 sequence facts, ideas and opinions
 W3 use a range of appropriate vocabulary
 W4 use register appropriate to audience and context
 W5 make accurate use of spelling, punctuation and grammar
Up to 13 marks are available for the content and structure of the answer, and up to
12 marks
You are asked to write between 350 and 450 words
You will be given a choice of either narrative or descriptive writing to complete
Within the narrative or descriptive writing choices you will have 2 choices e.g. there
will be 4 questions to choose from
Only choose one task
Practice Exam Papers:
You will have 3 timed practice reading papers in class – one a week until the exam
There are 3 practice reading papers at the end of this revision booklet for you to complete at home.
You will be give one practice paper each week – either a reading paper or directed writing paper.
These will be your homework each week and should be completed in exam conditions and in 2 hours
The spare papers left over are there for you to complete if you would like some extra practice
You will be given the mark schemes and example A grade answers to compare to what you have
produced in the time available
ALL practice papers available at the end of this booklet are:
1. ‘Rainforest’ extended reading paper
2. ‘Into the Wild’ extended reading paper
3. ‘Volcano’ extended reading paper
4. Exam board specimen Directed Writing & Composition paper
Homework Timetable
 Homework 1: Directed Writing & Composition specimen paper – week commencing 13/4/15
 Homework 2: ‘Rainforest’ reading paper – week commencing 20/4/15
 Homework 3: ‘Into the Wild’ reading paper – week commencing 27/4/15
Pre Public Exam Paper 2 – Extended
IGCSE Style Paper
First Language English
Paper 2 Reading Passages Extended
May 2015
(The Indonesian Rainforest / From Luwak Dropping to Delicious Drink)
2 hours
Name: _______________________
Class: ___________
Teacher/Teaching group: ____________________________________
Pre Public Exam Paper 2 – Extended
Read Passage A carefully and then answer Questions 1 and 2
Passage A: The Indonesian Rainforest
Pascal Sanches is a journalist for a conservation magazine. His editor has sent him to the Indonesian
rainforest to learn about the wildlife there and the threats facing the endangered animals.
I meet my guide just before sunrise so that we can navigate our way through the forest in the relative
cool before the sun heats the whole forest like an oven. We meet on a dirt track, surrounded by a
wasteland of tree stumps and blackened soil. In the grey morning light, each stump looks like a
gravestone in an abandoned graveyard, the flora around it, dry and dead. The track itself is lifeless,
cracked and broken after endless days in the sun. Deep gashes have been cut through it from logs that
have been towed away on ropes attached to lorries, headed for the city and then the West.
My guide introduces himself, shaking my hand. He is called Amin, which he informs me means trusted
and faithful custodian. I smile at him, glad to be in safe hands. I climb aboard his battered truck and
we make the bumpy journey towards the forest edge.
Soon, giant trees loom large before us. Amin stops the truck and signals for me to get out. He starts
to walk towards the forest, not bothering to lock his vehicle. I follow, taking a large gulp from my water
bottle. The sun has now risen and already the temperature is rising.
After a short walk, we enter the forest and humidity hits me like an inescapable suffocating blanket.
Goliath trees tower above us, their foliage blocking out the sky and creating shards of light that cut
down through the air, illuminating the dew and leaves that glistened like emeralds. I take a deep
breath in, overwhelmed by the beauty and magnitude of it – and we are only at the very edge.
We continue on, me following Amin, always in single file so that I can follow his footsteps exactly and
avoid stepping on unsteady ground what will cause me to slip. Amin walks freely, confidently, his legs
and feet quick and adept on the uneven ground. I am slower, gripping the trees we pass to help me
balance, letting my fingers savour the feeling of soft paper-like bark. Suddenly, Amin holds out his arm
to stop me and raises his finger to his lips to signal for quiet. Slowly, he tilts his head and eyes upwards
to the canopy above us.
Only metres away, an orangutan sits on a tree branch, lazily chewing on a large stalk covered with
leaves. Its free arm carelessly lolls down beside it as its almost human eyes focus on the snack it is
consuming. He is covered in a coat of brilliant auburn hair, tangled at the ends like the hair of a child
who has played too long in the dirt of the garden. We watch in silence and in awe as the orangutan
finishes his snack and seemingly smiles in contentedness. Then, sliding his finger into his mouth, this
amazing creature starts to pick at his teeth, attempting to free a piece of stalk that has presumably
become lodged. I stare up at this wild animal whose mouth mirrors mine; he has two straight lines of
front teeth bookended by a pair of pointed canines just as I do – only his teeth are larger, sharper. I
watch, mesmerized, as the soft skin of his face moves, so full of expression, so full of life.
Out of nowhere, a shrill call cuts through the quiet and the orangutan is immediately on its feet and
swooping through the forest, its arms reaching from one branch to the next. Before I know it, he is
“You are a lucky man,” Amin says. “Very few people get to witness such a thing. So many of the
orangutans have been killed.” I shake my head and sigh. The killing of the orangutans is no news to
me but having just seen one so close, the loss seems so much greater. I feel an ache of sadness and
guilt growing inside of me as Amin speaks, explaining the threat. “You see, big companies want to
grow palm oil trees here because it’s hot and because of the rain. The palm oil is used in so many of
your products in the West: toothpaste, cakes, shampoo. The producers clear the natural forest here
and burn it, like where I met you earlier.” I nod to show I understand although I am surprised to hear
that palm oil is used in so many things. Amin continues. “They replace the rainforest trees with palm
trees but it’s too late for the orangutans. Hundreds of them are killed when the trees are cut down
and if they survive, they get burned in the fire.” Amin shrugs as if this is all inevitable and he turns
away to continue on our trek. I hesitate for a moment, looking back to the place where the orangutan
disappeared into the trees and then I follow Amin deeper into the forest.
Part 2
Read Passage B carefully, and then answer Question 3 on the Question Paper
Passage B: From Luwak Dropping to Delicious Drink
This passage from a website describes the production of kopi luwak coffee in Indonesia.
Deep in the Indonesian forest, where the air is thick with damp humidity and the buzzing of insects,
you can find a troupe of young men gripping woven reed bowls, roaming the forest with their eyes
fixed to the ground. They are searching for the droppings of the famous luwak and collecting up their
precious findings ready to take back to their homes.
Best described as a cross between a weasel and a cat, luwaks are shy, nocturnal creatures that roam
the dense forests and jungles of Southeast Asia. They are small mammals, weighing between four and
eleven pounds. With pointed, meerkat-like faces, and shaggy mottled grey and black fur, they appear
friendly and likeable but this is not why these Indonesian men seek them out.
What makes the luwak special is its diet; the animals feed almost exclusively on coffee berries that
contain the coffee beans that are used to make coffee. Luwaks eat the berries for their fleshy pulp
which is digested in the creature’s bowel. The coffee bean itself, however, remains whole and thus
they can be removed from the droppings, washed, roasted and made into kopi luwak coffee.
The coffee produced, also known as civet, wolf or cat coffee, is the most expensive coffee in the world,
reaching the price of up to ten American dollars per cup, even in some of the poorest areas of
Southeast Asia. Coffee experts claim that the final product is superior to every other because the
digestive process, as the beans pass through the luwak, break the compounds in the bean down,
removing the often unpleasant bitter taste that some coffee has.
Kopi luwak coffee was first developed in the 18th century when Dutch colonies began to farm the
coffee forests, turning them into plantations. They prohibited local Indonesians from picking the
coffee beans for their own use. However, the Indonesians soon discovered that when luwaks ate the
coffee berries, they left the coffee bean itself undigested and in-tact and so the process of collecting
the luwak faeces began.
Nowadays, because wild luwak dropping are difficult to find, farmers of the coffee who collect luwak
droppings from the wild are rare. More and more, wild kopi luwak coffee farming has been replaced
by luwak farms where the animals are caged and the coffee beans are collected and roasted en masse.
Sadly, there is no legislation regarding the treatment of luwaks and, as a result, many of the animals
are kept in cramped conditions and force-fed the coffee beans in order to enhance production.
Despite these new farming methods and kopi luwak coffee now being far more readily available, the
price of the coffee remains exorbitantly high and the farmers also gain revenue from tourists who are
eager to try the coffee in its place of origin. However, some wild kopi luwak farmers do still remain
and the coffee they produce truly is the best in the entire world.
Pre Public Exam Paper 2 – Extended
IGCSE Style Paper
First Language English
Paper 2 Reading Passages Extended
May 2015
(The Indonesian Rainforest / From Luwak Dropping to Delicious Drink)
2 hours
Exam Paper
Name: _______________________
Class: ___________
Teacher/Teaching group: ____________________________________
Pre Public Exam Paper 2 – Extended
Read carefully Passage A, The Indonesian Rainforest, in the Reading Booklet Insert and then
answer Questions 1 and 2 on this Question Paper.
Question 1
You are Pascal Sanches, the journalist. Write a magazine article for the conservation
magazine based on your visit to the Indonesian Rainforest, with the title ‘Palm Oil Threat to
Indonesian Rainforest’.
In your newspaper article you should comment on:
your own memories of the rainforest and your experience of seeing an orangutan
an explanation of the threat to the rainforest and the orangutans
your feelings about the rainforest and the orangutans and your predictions for their
future. Base your magazine article on what you have read in Passage A, but be careful to use your
own words. Address each of the three bullets. Begin the magazine article: ‘The Indonesian rainforest is truly a sight to behold…’. Write about 250-350 words. Up to 15 marks are available for the content of your answer, and up to 5 marks for the
quality of your writing.
[20 marks]
Question 2
Re-read the descriptions of:
(a) the place Pascal met his guide in paragraph 1, beginning, “I met my guide...”
(b) the orangutan in paragraph 6, beginning, “Only metres away...”.
Select four powerful words or phrases from each paragraph. Your choices should include
imagery. Explain how each word or phrase selected is used effectively in the context.
Write about 200-300 words.
Up to 10 marks are available for the content of your answer.
[10 marks]
Read carefully Passage B, From Luwak Dropping to Delicious Drink, in the Reading Booklet
Insert and then answer Question 3(a) and (b) on this Question Paper.
Question 3
Answer the questions in the order set.
(a) Notes
What do you learn about kopi luwak coffee from Passage B?
Write your answer using short notes. You do not need to use your own words.
Up to 15 marks are available for the content of your answer.
[15 marks]
What you learn about kopi luwak coffee:
(b) Summary
Now use your notes to write a summary of what Passage B tells you about kopi luwak
You must use continuous writing (not note form) and use your own words as far as
Your summary should include all 15 of your points in Question 3(a) and must be 200-250
Up to 5 marks are available for the quality of your writing.
[5 marks]
Pre Public Exam Paper 2 – Extended
IGCSE Style Paper for CIE 2015 Specification
First Language English
Paper 2 Reading Passages Extended
May 2015
(Into the Wild / East meets West)
2 hours
Name: _______________________
Class: ___________
Teacher/Teaching group: _____________________________________
Reading Booklet
Part 1
Read Passage A carefully, and then answer Questions 1 and 2 on the Question Paper.
Passage A: Into the Wild
Christopher McCandless dreamed of living off the land of the Alaskan wilderness. In April 1992 he
hitchhiked from Enderlin, North Dakota, to Fairbanks, Alaska. He was last seen alive on April 28, 1992,
by Jim Gallien, a local, who had given McCandless a ride from Fairbanks to the head of the Stampede
Trail and warned him of the dangers ahead.
For the first time in years Christopher was content. Far from civilization, he could look out on the vast
expanse that was his new home and begin to experience the thrill of solitude. He knew the Alaskan
wilderness was notorious, but it would be worth it to be able to hunt and be the master of his own
destiny. Stood in his borrowed Wellington rubber boots, eating tuna melt sandwiches and corn chips,
Christopher imagined the adventures that awaited him. Despite realising he had travelled too lightly
and regretting his decision to leave his compass behind, Christopher breathed in the fresh Alaskan air
with a sense of personal triumph.
The first couple of weeks surprised him. Christopher was not used to such complete abandonment.
There was not another soul for miles around and even the wildlife seemed to shy away from his gentle
advances. At night the myriad of strange noises made it difficult to sleep. He clung onto to his rifle and
wondered how long 400 rounds would last. Christopher tried to keep his mind occupied by studying
the local plant life, but to the untrained eye the pictures sometimes looked very similar and it was
hard to distinguish the nutritious seeds and berries from the poisonous ones.
Christopher’s situation improved when he stumbled across an old abandoned bus on an overgrown
section of the trail near Denali National Park, which he suspected had been erected by hunters to offer
protection from the bears and provide warmth against the biting winds. Christopher transformed the
decrepit bus into a permanent home. From here he could forage for plant food and hunt game. Over
the next few weeks he poached porcupines, squirrels, and birds, such as ptarmigans and Canada
geese. He even managed to kill a moose, but because he did not know what to do with the meat it
was soon covered with maggots and started to smell.
From the bus Christopher gazed out over the majesty of the savage kingdom. He was now ruler of the
lowland valley between the outer range to the south and the east to west ridge system to the north.
The rugged flat lowland between the two ridge systems snarled with tussock tundra, and the sea green
grasses that crowded the bog land thrashed violently whenever the winds whipped and cracked. The
edge of the historic Stampede Trail was just about visible from the crown of the hill, though on misty
mornings it slipped silently away from sight. Surrounding hillsides and spur ridges were brushy and
wild like primitive beasts unable to control their animal urges.
As the weeks passed, Christopher’s mood began to change. The sense of freedom and excitement
gave way to doubt. He had lost a lot of weight and he noticed that parts of his skin were slowly
blistering and starting to blacken. The nights were getting colder and the bus did not seem to offer
the same protection as before. There were days when he felt very light-headed and on more than one
occasion he needed to sit down to overcome a bout of dizziness. After three months in the wild he
decided it was time to return to his family.
The Teklanika River separated Christopher from safety. He had first crossed it early in the season when
the tides were low. Three months later, it had now fully woken and transformed into a raging torrent.
The current thundered north and punched its way through the helpless canyon near Mt. Wright. From
there it ripped open against the banks before forcing its way back down the single channel where the
Stampede Trail crossed. The water was like pure ice and in places near the edge it had sunk its chilly
bite into the overhanging grasses that had clearly tried to retreat before being turned to stone. There
was no obvious way to cross, particularly without the necessary harnesses he had left in his garage.
The river could not be passed and so Christopher eventually turned and made his way back to the bus.
Part 2
Read Passage B carefully, and then answer Question 3 on the Question Paper.
Passage B: East meets West
This passage is from a promotional website aimed at the luxury world travel market.
Hong Kong is renowned as the one place in the world where East truly meets West. Containing a
fascinating blend of Ancient Chinese heritage and modern European culture, Hong Kong is the
preferred destination for today’s global jet setting traveller who is eager to combine the experience
of a vibrant modern world city with the charms of historical tradition.
It is impossible not to be impressed by Hong Kong’s sprawling skyline. Well over 1200 skyscrapers
tower over the city, making Hong Kong the world’s leader in buildings over 500 feet in height. The
tallest of these shrines to modern architecture is the International Commerce Centre (ICC), measuring
in at a breathtaking 1,588 feet. The ICC is home to The Ritz-Carlton, a five-star hotel which occupies
floors 102 to 118 and is the ideal choice for premier clients with big bank balances and a taste for the
high life. Guests of the hotel can take advantage of the world's highest swimming pool and bar, where
the spectacular scenery can be savored over cocktails and canopies.
Viewing galleries are not the only way to soak up the atmosphere of this stunning city. Standing at
552m, Victoria Peak is the highest point on Hong Kong Island and the perfect spot to take in the
sweeping panorama of a vibrant metropolis encased by lush green tropical forests, where visitors can
also go on beautiful, accessible nature trails to experience the extensive array of birdlife native to the
area. Victoria Peak has the added incentive of the Peak Tram - a traditional funicular railway that
carries both tourists and residents to the upper levels of Hong Kong Island. The tram provides the
most direct route to the Peak and, therefore, limits the need for too much arduous walking. Upon
arrival at the summit, there are multiple points to take in the spectacular views over the harbour and
skyscrapers below. It really is an unforgettable vista.
The view from down below is equally special, and can be best enjoyed in the evening by taking a
romantic stroll along the Tsim Sha Tsui East Promenade. When it turns dark, the promenade houses
the Symphony of Lights, a spectacular sound-and-light show involving 44 buildings on the Hong Kong
Island skyline. The many high-end bars make it possible to indulge and combine the sparkling light
show with an equally sparkling glass of champagne. After the theatrics, there is the opportunity to
dine in one of the many top end restaurants that line the walkways. Cuisine from every corner of the
globe is represented, with menus and wine lists to satisfy the most discerning of tastes.
During the day the opportunities for first class experiences continue, particularly for those who are
willing to pay for a touch of class. Everyone knows Hong Kong is the retail version of Mecca. It is
brimming with swanky shopping malls and brand-name boutiques, featuring famous American and
European designers, as well as some lesser known Asian fashion names. Admiralty, Central and SoHo
are the main places to see and be seen: these are locations where the rich and famous flash their
plastic and show off their expensive purchases to anyone with a camera. At the other end of the
spectrum is Stanley Market, which is certainly a memorable experience. Bursting at the seams with
mainstreams tourists and locals alike, the market is a myriad of beguiling alley ways, bright lights and
cheap bric-a-brac and gaudy souvenirs. Whilst money may remain in wallets and purses, there is
something about the thrill and excitement that is definitely worth taking home.
But Hong Kong is not all about glitz and glamour. Much of the territory’s spiritual ancestry can still be
found in the many temples, shrines and monasteries. These religious buildings have managed to resist
the economic pressures to replace old with new and remain calm, peaceful havens where weary
travellers can recharge their batteries and find a moment to restore order to their muddled thoughts.
One of Hong Kong’s oldest temples is the Man Mo Temple, which is dedicated to the gods of literature
(‘Man’), holding a writing brush, and of war (‘Mo’), wielding a sword. Built during the Qing dynasty in
1847 by wealthy Chinese merchants, this place of worship was also a court of arbitration for local
disputes. It remains well intact and the perfect counterpoint to the many other thrills and excitements.
Sophisticated, vibrant, and diverse: Hong Kong really does live up to its impressive billing as the
number one choice for the traveller who wants to live in the lap of luxury.
Pre Public Exam Paper 2 – Extended
IGCSE Style Paper for CIE 2015 Specification
First Language English
Paper 2 Reading Passages Extended
May 2015
(Into the Wild / East meets West)
2 hours
Exam Paper
Name: _______________________
Class: ___________
Teacher/Teaching group: ____________________________________
Question Paper
Read carefully Passage A, Into the Wild, in the Reading Booklet Insert and then answer
Questions 1 and 2 on this Question Paper.
Question 1
You are Jim Gallien, a local man who gave McCandless a ride to the head of the Stampede
Trail. A reporter for a local newspaper interviews you after the death of Christopher
McCandless and asks you the following three questions only:
In your newspaper article you should comment on:
What made McCandless undertake this dangerous adventure?
What challenges would McCandless have faced before his tragic death?
What lessons can be learned about surviving in the wild from McCandless’s experiences?
Base your newspaper article on what you have read in Passage A, but be careful to use your
own words. Address each of the three bullets.
Begin the newspaper article: ‘I was the last man to see Christopher McCandless alive...’
Write about 250-350 words.
Up to 15 marks are available for the content of your answer, and up to 5 marks for the
quality of your writing.
[20 marks]
Question 2
Re-read the descriptions of:
(a) the surrounding environment in paragraph four, beginning, “From the bus Christopher
(b) the description of the Teklanika River in paragraph six, beginning, “The Teklanika River
Select four powerful words or phrases from each paragraph. Your choices should include imagery.
Explain how each word or phrase selected is used effectively in the context.
Write about 200 to 300 words.
Up to 10 marks are available for the content of your answer.
[10 marks]
Read carefully Passage B, East meets West, in the Reading Booklet Insert and then answer Question
3(a) and (b) on this Question Paper.
Question 3
Answer the questions in the order set.
(a) Notes
What are the reasons for visiting Hong Kong, according to Passage B?
Write your answer using short notes.
You do not need to use your own words.
Up to 15 marks are available for the content of your answer.
[15 marks]
The reasons for visiting Hong Kong:
 ____________________________________________________________
 ____________________________________________________________
 ____________________________________________________________
 ____________________________________________________________
 ____________________________________________________________
 ____________________________________________________________
 ____________________________________________________________
 ____________________________________________________________
 ____________________________________________________________
 ____________________________________________________________
 ____________________________________________________________
 ____________________________________________________________
 ____________________________________________________________
 ____________________________________________________________
 ____________________________________________________________
(b) Summary
Now use your notes to write a summary of what Passage B tells you about the reasons for
visiting Hong Kong.
You must use continuous writing (not note form) and use your own words as far as possible.
Your summary should include all 15 of your points in Question 3(a) and must be 200 to 250 words.
Up to 5 marks are available for the quality of your writing.
[5 marks]
Pre Public Exam Paper 2 – Extended
IGCSE style Paper for CIE 2015 Specification
First Language English
Paper 2 Reading Passages Extended
November 2014
2 hours
Teacher/Teaching group: _______
Pre Public Exam Paper 2 – Extended
Read Passage A carefully and then answer Questions 1 and 2
Passage A: The Sleeping Giant
A new and extreme tourist attraction has just exploded on to the scene in Iceland: Volcano
Walking. It would appear, according to Trip Advisor, that this is one trip that cannot be missed,
despite the extortionate cost.
The idea of making Thrihnukagigur volcano accessible was the brainchild of Ami B. Stefansson,
a doctor in Reykjavik and a lifelong cave enthusiast. He has been studying caves in Iceland
since 1954 and some would argue that there is no-one who has more experience.
Thrihnukagigur has always been special to Stefansson ever since he was the first to descend
down to the crater base in 1974. Like most people who experience it, he was utterly
spellbound by its uniqueness and beauty and made it his mission to protect and preserve this
stunning natural phenomenon. Unlike others who may have only seen the profit that could
be made from walking into the mouth of a volcano, Stefansson believed that the primary
focus was to treat such a grand natural wonder with the utmost respect, to protect and
defend it. The first ‘volcano tourists’ entered the volcano in 2005 and it has since been
labelled as one of the most unique tourist attractions in the world.
Volcano walkers are taken to the mouth of the crater from where they are lowered in a basket
into the depths of the earth. People once thought that volcanoes were portals to Hell and
associated with death and destruction and yet the entrance to the crater is awe-inspiring and
almost ethereal. The vastness of it can feel overwhelming; it is the size of a cathedral and the
Statue of Liberty could easily fit into the shaft. After 6 minutes and 120 metres, visitors arrive
at the crater base. The ground space is the size of three full-sized basketball courts placed
next to each other. It is an intimidating size and human beings appear ant-like to the visitors
about to make their descent.
At the bottom there is a reverent hush. People whisper in respect to the sleeping giant who
has lain dormant for 4,000 years. The subterranean walls are scorched with colours from a
divine palette: magenta red, vibrant purple, burnt orange, vivid green and honey yellow. The
colour intensifies in certain places where 4000 years ago the magma was pushed out with
brutal force. This is Mother Nature’s secret place, her private art studio where visitors feel
like trespassers. The protruding rock faces show a tapestry of patterns and formations that
have been moulded by heat, pressure and time. Floodlights illuminate the walls and draw
attention to the beauty humans were never intended to see. A light rain weeps from the
porous rock above and covers the crater sides with a shine that makes it sparkle. The scorch
marks can be seen close up – at one point in time these rock faces were glowing red with fiery
heat. This giant, although sleeping, is still dangerous: an 80-metre drop into the void is
disguised by a collection of rocks close to where visitors stand.
It is a soul-enriching experience and visitors often report feeling deeply moved by the beauty
and tranquillity of something that was once so destructive and angry. Confronted with this
result of the unrestrained forces of nature, it is hard not to feel small and powerless in
comparison. Sadly, the magical spell is broken when the basket appears, indicating that it is
time for visitors to return to reality. On the return hike, visitors walk across the lava fields as
though they are astronauts on the moon. They pass enormous open wounds where the
landscape is literally tearing itself apart as tectonic plates slowly shift. It serves as one final
reminder that this giant is merely dormant, not dead.
Part 2
Read Passage B carefully, and then answer Question 3 on the Question Paper.
Passage B: Space Exploration – A Waste of Time and Money?
A vast amount of money is spent each year on space exploration in countries all around the
world, but why? Is it really that important to know if there is life on Mars? Do we really need
to spend billions on being the first to launch a commercial spaceship with paying customers?
Does any of the research actually matter? Surely there are more worthy causes that demand
our attention? NASA’s answer to these questions is clear – space exploration is far more than
searching in vain for life on other planets. Is this true?
Humanity’s interest in the heavens has been universal and enduring, claim representatives
from NASA. This is certainly true; humans seem driven to explore the unknown and to
discover new and exciting worlds. Children love exploring and perhaps our early experiences
of revelation and discovery never truly leave us even when we become mature. Is our need
to explore other worlds based on our intense curiosity?
Space exploration also encapsulates our need to push the boundaries of our technical and
scientific limits, and then push further still. We want to feel like we are making progress,
taking what has come before and building upon it. There are huge benefits for society when
these boundaries are pushed further: we can expand our technology, create new and
innovative industries and build connections with other nations through working together. The
result of this can be financial investment to improve the economy and, as President Bush once
said, it can also improve national security.
Whilst it is true that space exploration can produce economic and security benefits, perhaps
our need to explore is part of understanding what it is to be human. Human space exploration
can help us to address fundamental questions about our place in the Universe and the history
of our vast solar system, it can suggest answers to the question of where we came from. Or
is it even more selfish than that? As individuals and societies do we seek to be the best or the
first in some activities? In short, do we want to stand out and be remembered for making a
groundbreaking discovery? Past generations left their mark when they built cathedrals,
pyramids, monuments and spectacular frescos to show the next generation what they had
done with their time on earth; these architectural and artistic marvels became physical
symbols of their achievements. Money was poured in to these projects with no expectation
of any economic return but that wasn’t the point; the point was that they would be
remembered and many of those iconic works still stand as memorials to the designers who
created them. This generation’s success has been built on the successes of previous
generations; perhaps we owe it to them to leave a legacy for those who come after us?
Pre Public Exam Paper 2 – Extended
IGCSE style Paper for CIE 2015 Specification
First Language English
Paper 2 Reading Passages Extended
November 2014
2 hours
Teacher/Teaching group: _______
Pre Public Exam Paper 2 – Extended
Read carefully Passage A, The Sleeping Giant, and then answer Questions 1 and 2 on this
Question Paper.
Question 1
You are a tourist who has been in to the Thrihnukagigur volcano and you are being
interviewed about your experience. Write your answer to the following interview questions.
In your interview you should answer the following questions:
What made you want to visit the volcano?
What did you feel about your experience?
Why would you recommend this experience to others?
Base the interview on what you have read in Passage A and be careful to use your own
words. Address each of the three bullets.
Write about 250-350 words.
Up to 15 marks will be available for the content of your answer, and up to 5 marks for the
quality of your writing.
[20 marks]
Question 2
Re-read the descriptions of:
The volcano in paragraph 3, beginning, “Volcano walkers… ”
The crater in paragraph 4 , beginning, “At the bottom…”
Select four powerful words or phrases from each paragraph. Your choices
should include imagery. Explain how each word or phrase selected is used
effectively in context.
Write about 200 to 300 words.
Up to 10 marks are available for the content of your answer.
Read carefully Passage B, Space Exploration – A Waste of Time and Money? and then
answer Question 3(a) and (b) on this Question Paper.
Question 3
Answer the questions in the order set.
(a) Notes
What are the reasons for investing in space exploration, according to Passage B?
Write your answer using short notes.
You do not need to use your own words.
Up to 15 marks are available for the content of your answer.
The reasons for investing in space exploration:
Now use your notes to write a summary of what Passage B tells you about the reasons
for investing in space exploration.
You must use continuous writing (not note form) and use your own words as far as
Your summary should include all 15 of your points in Question 3(a) and must be 200
to 250 words.
Up to 5 marks is available for the quality of your writing.