ELAP 2015-2016 MS Word Template for UM Faculty Members Instruction for UM Supervisors Please use the following Microsoft Word document to upload your application responses. The International Office is required to upload these responses as the institutional representative to CBIE. Please contact Helen Balderama, International Office if you have any questions. Application Questions (as written on the DFATD/ELAP Website) Canadian institutions must apply on behalf of the candidate. They must complete the online application form with all supporting documents submitted with this form prior to the deadline. APPLICATION FORM TO BE COMPLETED BY THE PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAMS AT THE CANADIAN INSTITUTION. (*) - Mandatory/required fields 1. PROGRAM Program* [Undergraduate/Graduate] 2. CANADIAN ACADEMIC SUPERVISOR Salutation (Mr/Ms/Dr/Prof)* First Name Last Name* Institution* Job Title* Department/Office* Address* City* Province* Postal Code* Phone* Fax* Email* 3. CONTACT PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PROGRAM AT CANDIDATE'S HOME INSTITUTION Ms. Helen Balderama University of Manitoba International Office 536A University Centre, Winnipeg Manitoba R3T 2N2 Phone: 204-474-7374; Fax: 204-474-7648 Email: Helen.Balderama@umanitoba.ca Language of Correspondence: English Page 1 of 3 ELAP 2015-2016 MS Word Template for UM Faculty Members 4. CONTACT PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PROGRAM AT CANDIDATE'S HOME INSTITUTION Salutation (Mr/Ms/Dr/Prof)* First Name* Last Name* Job Title* Institution* Department/Office* Address* City* Province/State/Region* Postal Code/ZIP* Country* Email* 5. CANDIDATE INFORMATION Salutation (Mr/Ms/Dr/Prof)* First Name* Last Name* Gender* Email* Country of Citizenship* Degree Sought at Home Institution* Degree Sought at Home Institution* Field of Study* Discipline* Expected Completion Date of Degree (mm/yyyy) * Job Title at Home Institution* Employed at Home Institution Since (mm/yyyy) * 6. SUMMARY OF STUDY PROGRAM/RESEARCH Title of research and/or study program* Provide a Summary of the Research Project or Courses to be undertaken (maximum 1000 characters)* For College and Undergraduate students: please provide a list of courses the student will be taking in Canada FOR GRADUATE STUDENTS: Please include the Research Project Summary stated in this form in the UM Letter of Support Expected Start Date of Scholarship (dd/mm/yyyy) * Expected End Date of Scholarship (dd/mm/yyyy)* Page 2 of 3 ELAP 2015-2016 MS Word Template for UM Faculty Members 7. HISTORY OF INTER-INSTITUTIONAL COLLABORATION Please describe the nature of the agreement i.e., formal Memorandum of Understanding, informal agreement between post-secondary institutions or departments, research collaboration between professors, etc. (maximum 1000 characters)* 8. DECLARATION AND PERMISSION I have checked this application and its supporting documents and certify that all statements contained within it are correct to the best of my knowledge. I will notify the CBIE should there be any changes in the information provided in this application. I give CBIE permission to verify the information I have presented in this application and in all supporting documents. I agree that funding obtained will only be used for student expenses and that no administrative expenses, other than the $300 administration fee, will be covered by this scholarship. By checking this box, I acknowledge that I have read this statement and agree to its conditions. * 9. REQUIRED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS IMPORTANT NOTE: UPLOADED DOCUMENTS MUST BE LESS THAN 5 MB and meet accepted formats: jpg, gif, doc, pdf, doc, docx, txt. Uploaded documents over 5 MB will result in loss of your application data. REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS (.jpg, .gif, .doc, .pdf, .docx, .txt, <5MB) Letter of intent from candidate.* Privacy Notice Statement signed by the candidate* download doc Privacy Notice Statement for non-Canadian participants Proof of citizenship.* Proof of full-time enrollment.* Letter of support from home institution.* Signed copy of Memorandum of Understanding or Agreement with the partner institution.* [Required only for Undergraduate Students] Letter of invitation from Canadian supervisor (for graduate candidates only).* Page 3 of 3