English Faculty Meeting Wednesday, February 3, 2016 Agenda 1. Introducing Garrett Sullivan, our NEAG Visiting Professor for Spring 2016 2. Announcements and Updates 3. Welcoming Mary Gallucci, Adjunct Faculty Liaison 4. Invitation/Offer to teach First Year Writing 5. Changing the merit system for professors in residence 6. Discussion of Hiring Priorities 1. Welcoming Garrett Sullivan • 2016 Neag Visiting Professor • Author of Sleep, Romance and Human Embodiment: Vitality from Spenser to Milton (Cambridge UP, 2012) • Co-editor of The Cambridge Companion to English Renaissance Tragedy (CUP, 2010) • Co-editor of the Encyclopedia of English Renaissance Drama (Wiley-Blackwell, 2012) 2. Announcements and Updates • Minutes of our last meeting are on their way. • Aetna Chair Search – saving your comments • Mengestu Visit • Report on the Budget Meeting • Update on the redesign of the English Major • Terrence Cheng has been named Director of the Stamford Campus. 2. Announcements and Updates • Please congratulate Sarah Winter on her NEH Fellowship for her project “Habeas Corpus, Human Rights, and the Novel in the 18th and 19th Centuries” 2. Announcements and Updates • Margaret Higonnet was part of a research group awarded a Leverhulme grant of £124,942 for a project titled “Landscapes of Realism. • Ellen Carillo won a Provost Grant for Teaching Innovation • Yohei Igarashi’s essay “Keat’s Way: The Dark Passages of Meditation and Why He Gives up Hyperion” won the essay prize of the Keats-Shelley Association of America. 2. Announcements and Updates • Fred Roden published a coedited edition of MarcAndré Raffalovich's Uranism and Unisexuality: A Study of Different Manifestations of the Sexual Instinct (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016) 3. Adjunct Faculty Liaison Welcome Mary Gallucci as the Adjunct Faculty Liaison • Member of the Adjunct Faculty Task Force/Committee • Member at large for the AAUP 4. Teaching First Year Writing • The department is inviting faculty to teach a course in the First Year Writing cycle. • After teaching such a course three times, faculty will be awarded a teaching release, since they will have banked three credits. 5. Merit Pool for Professors in Residence • Address the problem of merit for professors in residence • Would not effect instructors and lecturers in residence • Separate pool • Same form • Gathering Comments and Suggestions from professors in residence 6. Hiring Priorities • Senior Shakespeare scholar – manage our affiliation with the Folger Institute – help attract undergraduate majors – direct dissertations • Rhetoric-Composition specialist - develop rhetoric-composition / writing studies - serve as director of FYW in a sustainable rotation • 19th-Century Americanist (perhaps with a speciality in Twain) – to fill the vacuum left by the retirement of Sherry Harris – direct dissertations – develop our relationship with the Twain and Beecher Stowe Houses • Digital Humanist – mentor and support our digital humanist faculty on the tenure track – take a leadership role in developing DH at UCONN