Assignment – Civil War Writing

In this assignment, you will answer a
question in a 5-paragraph essay regarding the
Civil War, which we have just studied.
Choose one of the following questions
Write a 5-paragraph essay explaining your point
of view; use information from the class or your
own research to support your point of view
Submit this essay to Mr. White
 Many
of President Lincoln’s decisions to use
his war powers as president are controversial
– his decision to suspend the writ of habeas
corpus, his issuing of the Emancipation
Proclamation, his conducting of the war
without Congressional approval. Was Lincoln
justified in using these war powers? Why or
why not?
 General
William Tecumseh Sherman’s
destructive march through Georgia helped
end the Civil War, but many people criticize
him for his army’s destruction of Atlanta and
and the area around it. Explain whether you
feel that Sherman was justified in his use of
these tactics.
 At
the end of the video, the historian
Barbara Fields says that, in many senses, the
Civil War, or its results, aren’t fully
complete. Is this an accurate statement? If
so, is it still important to study the Civil War?
Explain why you feel this way.
Argument Logic – 12 Points
Excellent – 6-5 points
Good – 4-3 points
Poor – 2-0 points
Logic argues major points and avoids
logical gaps
Virtually no gaps exist in the paper’s logic
Some minor gaps and questions may exist
in the paper’s logic
The paper’s arguments make little or no
logical sense
Evidence used is appropriate, strong, and
supports the main thesis strongly
All information used strongly supports the Most information used strongly supports
main thesis
the main thesis
Most of the information in the paper is
weak and does not support the main thesis
Writing Mechanics and Structure – 12
Excellent – 6-5 points
Poor – 2-0 points
Writing mechanics and structure follow
common standards of written English for
the subject
Writing mechanics and structure have few, Writing mechanics and structure may have Writing mechanics and structure have
if any, errors
some minor problems that do not detract numerous errors that cause major
from the paper overall.
problems with the paper
Formatting follows the APA style guide
Formatting is clean and closely follows the Formatting is mostly clean and generally
APA style guide.
follows the APA style guide
Formatting has numerous mistakes
Introduction and Conclusion – 12 Points
Excellent – 4 points
Poor – 1-0 points
Introduction directly and clearly states the
point of view or purpose of the paper.
Introduction directly and clearly states the Introduction may only vaguely state the
view or purpose of the paper.
view or purpose of the paper.
Introduction engages the reader by
explaining importance or relevance of the
Introduction clearly states the importance Introduction may only vaguely state the
Introduction does not explain the
or relevance of the argument.
importance or relevance of the argument. importance or relevance of the argument.
Good – 4-3 points
Good – 3-2 points
Conclusion logically brings together all
Conclusion logically brings together all
Conclusion may have gaps in bringing
parts of the argument for a clear summary parts of the argument for a clear summary. together the various parts of the
Introduction does not state the paper’s
purpose, or states it in an extremely
unclear way.
Conclusion does not bring together the
parts of the argument.