The Britannia Cup 2015 – Competition Category The Britannia Cup 3 October 2015 Additional Supplementary Regulations Competition Category Foreword Tour Britannia 2015 will be a one day event on Saturday 3 October. It will be called The Britannia Cup. In 2014, as another Britannia ground breaking exercise, we centred Mini Britannia at The Royal Automobile Club’s Woodcote Park Country Club, Epsom. It was the first ever motorsport event to be held there. Expanding on that success, this year on Saturday 3 October, the Royal Automobile Club have decided to hold a Motorsport Day at Woodcote Park. They have kindly invited us to provide the main sporting feature of their programme. We will utilise our very successful special stage format for road registered pre 1991 Historic cars, crewed by 2 people. We will have Scrutineering and Documentation that morning while the first car will start the Woodcote Stage at approximately 9.15 am. After their second run, with the aid of a simple tulip diagram road book, crews will drive to Dunsfold Park the home of the BBC Top Gear track. After 2 runs at Dunsfold, crews will have 2 runs over another classic stage nearby while our marshals turn round Dunsfold for our return. We return to Woodcote Park mid afternoon to do the stages again as the main attraction of the day, in front of an enthusiastic audience. We will have our Prize Giving at about 5.00 pm in the 19th Suite at Woodcote Park. To make it a multi sport event, and for those who want to stay, the critical England – Australia World Cup rugby match, which conveniently has a late kick-off, will follow on the TV. There are approximately 15 rooms available at Woodcote Park for Rally competitors on a first come first served basis if you wish to stay there on the Friday and / or Saturday nights. Please advise us on a covering note with your entry form if you want to avail yourself of this. Alternatively there are rooms at the nearby Chalk Lane Hotel and the Epsom Holiday Inn. There will be approximately 32 stage miles of smooth tarmac with about 90 miles of straight forward traffic free roads. Our Britannia days are always good fun for like minded car enthusiasts, with a competitive twist and this should be no exception. This is not going to be a tough event for the Competition Category, more something for you to do in your car before the weather turns, the days get short and they put salt on the roads for winter. Likewise the Regularity Category will be light. There will be regularity or consistency tests on these classic stages. Entrants will follow the same road route as Competition, but they will have an extra road regularity loop. In this category competition licences are not required so it is an ideal platform for those with nice cars to come out for a play, without the whole thing becoming too serious. Page 1 of 10 The Britannia Cup 2015 – Competition Category In Britannia events as on Tour Ireland in May 2015, we can now accept FIA Historic cars manufactured up to 1991. In the Competition Category, to respect genuine FIA cars we are introducing 2 new classes for cars which don’t have FIA papers – to be called Targa Britannia Class A up to 1975 and Targa Britannia Class B 1975 to 1991. Only the FIA cars will only be eligible for the Overall FIA Trophies. All cars including Targa Britannia will be eligible for our main award, The Woodcote Park Trophy which will be given to Index of Performance winner. As our entry fees do not have to cover an expensive HQ hotel, only venue, administration and mandatory MSA event costs including 3rd party insurance we have been able to keep our earlybird entry fee (for entries received before 31 July 2015) down to £450 for Competition and £250 for Regularity. This will be the ‘must do’ event of 2015…! Please read these Additional Supplementary Regulations and also the applicable sections of the General Regulations of the Motor Sports Association (“The Blue Book”). Space will be limited, so please don’t hesitate. Looking forward to receiving your entry. Alec Poole Event Director Page 2 of 10 The Britannia Cup 2015 – Competition Category The Britannia Cup 3rd October 2015 Additional Supplementary Regulations Competition Category 1. 1.1. Announcement Tour Britannia on behalf of the Historic Sports Car Club (HSCC) will organise a National B Permit Special Stage Tour on 3rd October 2015, to be called The Britannia Cup. 1.2. Rally HQ will be The Royal Automobile Club, Woodcote Park, Wilmerhatch Lane, Epsom, Surrey, KT18 7EW. The Official Notice Board will be sited at Rally HQ. 2. 2.1. Jurisdiction The Event will be held under the 2015 General Regulations of The Motor Sports Association (MSA) incorporating the provisions of the International Sporting Code of the FIA, the FIVA Events Code, these Supplementary Regulations, and any written instructions the Organising Clubs may issue for the event. 3. Authorisation MSA Permit No. TBA D.o.E. Authorisation No. TBA 4. 4.1. Format The event comprises liaison sections on public roads with rally special stages on private ground. All on surfaced roads. The total distance will be about 90 miles of which about 32 miles will be stages. 5. Timetable Item Entries Open Entries close for seeding Entries close Final Instructions emailed Documentation, Noise Check, Scrutineering Publication of Start List Compulsory Briefing First car starts Day 1 Date and time 1st July 2015 18th Sept 2015 30th Sept 2015 25th Sept 2015 3rd October 2015 09:00, 3rd Oct 2015 09:00, 3rd Oct 2015 09:15, 3rd Oct 2015 Page 3 of 10 16:00, 3rd Oct 2015 All times subject to confirmation First car finishes Event The Britannia Cup 2015 – Competition Category 6. 6.1. 6.2. Eligibility Historic Competition: Four-wheeled cars made prior to 31 December 1990. Cars with an FIA Historic Technical Passport (HTP) are eligible. 7. Classes Class FIA Period 1 A to D 2 Targa Britannia is for Historic cars which do not have FIA Technical Passports. It is divided into 2 classes. Class A is for cars manufactured before 1976 and Class B for cars manufactured between 1976 and 1990. Cars entered in the Targa Britannia classes are not eligible for the Overall Awards which are allocated to FIA cars. 8 F (up to 1600cc) F (over 1600cc) G & H (up to 2000cc) G & H (over 2000cc) I (up to 2000cc) I (over 2000cc) 9 J1 10 J2 3 4 5 6 6.3. 6.4. Cars in both 6.1 Historic Competition and 6.2 Targa Britannia are eligible for our Main Index of Performance Award The Woodcote Park Trophy. 7 In addition to the safety equipment listed in MSA Regulation R48.10, front and rear towing eyes are compulsory. Owners of such cars should contact the Organisers to discuss eligibility. 6.5. All cars must comply with MSA race safety regulations. 11 6.6. Membership of the Historic Sports Car Club (HSCC) is included in the entry fee. 12 6.7. The Driver must hold a Rally National B licence (or higher). 13 6.8. The Co-driver must hold a National B non-race licence (or higher). 14 6.9. If the Co-driver wishes to drive on any of the stages, a Rally National B Stage licence (or higher) is required. 6.10. All Non UK Competitors must hold a National competition licence issued by their ASN’s equivalent to the MSA status above valid for competing abroad E G – J2 (Porsche 911 up to 2000cc) G – J2 (Porsche 911 over 2000cc) Targa Britannia Class A Targa Britannia Class B Year up to 31-12-46 01-01-47 to 31-1261 01-01-62 to 31-1265 01-01-66 to 31-1276 01-01-77 to 31-1281 01-01-82 to 31-1285 01-01-86 to 31-1290 01-01-66 to 31-1290 01-01-66 to 31-1290 up to 31-12-75 01-01-76 to 31-1290 8. 8.1. Entries The maximum entry for the Event is 60 and the minimum entry is 30. The minimum entry for each class is 3. Should the minimum figures not be reached, the Organisers reserve the right to cancel the Event, amalgamate class awards or reduce the awards as is deemed appropriate. 8.2. The Entry fee for each car and 2 crew members includes all sporting fees, road books, event plates and competition numbers. A Support Car plate and two Support Crew passes are also included. 8.3. The Earlybird entry fee is £450.00, payable up to 31 July 2015. Thereafter the entry fee is £499.00. 8.4. No entry will be accepted without the entry fee. 50% of the entry fee is considered to be the application fee Page 4 of 10 The Britannia Cup 2015 – Competition Category 8.5. 8.6. 8.7. The application fee is non-refundable. In the event of competitor cancellation, refunds of the paid balance will be: 10.2. Each car must carry the identification (provided by the organisers) of the Historic Sports Car Club on both sides of the car. Before Before 10.3. The Organiser’s advertising is obligatory and will be detailed in the Final Instructions. 31 July 2015 50% 31 August 2015 25% Thereafter at Organisers discretion In the unlikely event of cancellation of the event by the organisers, entry fees paid will be refunded in full (less the application fee). All entries must be made on the Official Entry Form accompanied by the appropriate fees and sent to the Entries Secretary: Peter Hunt Tour Britannia, Suite 300, 30 Horse Fair, Banbury, Oxon, OX16 0BW Email: 8.8. The Organisers reserve the right to refuse an entry or refuse a member of crew without stating a reason. 9. Officials Event Director MSA Steward Club Stewards Clerk of the Course (Competition) Secretary of the Meeting Chief Scrutineer Environmental Scrutineer Chief Medical Officer Chief Timekeeper Safety Officer Chief Marshal Results 10.4. All official identification must be visible at all times; removing or obscuring competition numbers during the event will be penalised. 10.5. Competition numbers must be removed or cancelled on retirement or on completion of the event 11. Scrutineering 11.1. A static Noise Test will be conducted prior to the start of Scrutineering. This will be conducted in accordance with MSA Regulation R4.1, R4.1.7 and J5.18.1 to J5.18.11, all competitors vehicles must pass this test which will allow for a MAXIMUM OF 100 dba at 4500rpm using the 0.5 metre test. Alec Poole 11.2. At Scrutineering, cars will be examined for compliance with the current MSA and/or FIA Tyre, Technical and Safety Regulations as well as for Class and Award eligibility. Each Entrant and Driver will be assumed to have full knowledge of the car and its eligibility for the class entered. Cars must be presented in the same condition as they intend to compete. Peter Riches TBA 11.3. All vehicles must be currently valid for use on public roads in the UK. TBA 11.4. Seat belts complying with MSA Regulation Q.19.14.2 must be worn with all elements fastened by the crew whilst in the car on the competitive sections and public road. Alec Poole TBA A.Warner / A. Glover Barry Guess Vaughan Allcock TBA TBA Ron Jackson 10. Identification 10.1. The Organisers will supply each crew with two panels 29.7cm high x 42cm wide, bearing competition numbers which must be fitted to each side of the car; two rally plates - one to be fixed to the front of the car and the other to the rear. If, due to the size or shape of a car, it is necessary to cut these plates, all the elements must be affixed to the car. 11.5. Competitors must wear Flame-Resistant Overalls, which shall cover the arms, legs and the torso up to the neck, during the competitive sections, in compliance with MSA Regulation K14.3. Also, as MSA Regulation Q.10.1 (c), the use of flame-resistant gloves and shoes are mandatory; balaclava, socks and underwear are strongly recommended. 11.6. Crash helmets in compliance with MSA Regulation K.10.3.1 must be worn by both crew members on the Stages. Page 5 of 10 The Britannia Cup 2015 – Competition Category 11.7. HANS devices are not compulsory but are recommended. 11.8. Competitors who wish to carry Video Cameras must have written permission from the Clerk of the Course and present this written authorisation to the Chief Scrutineer at Scrutineering for countersigning. Failure to obtain written authorisation will lead to a REFUSED START or the equipment having to be removed. The commercial rights to all video/sound material recorded on these events are the copyright of the Organisers. 11.9. All vehicles must carry a warning triangle, SOS / OK board, First aid kit and Spill Kit. Competitors will be supplied with an OK/SOS sign in the back of their Road Book. 11.10. Safety belt cutter(s) must be carried on board at all times. Both driver and co-driver must be able to reach a belt cutter when seated with their harness fastened as MSA Regulation R48.10.11 12. Tyres 12.1. The make, type and size of tyre to be used throughout the event are free, up to a maximum quantity of eight (8). All the tyres must be legal for road use in the UK. 12.2. The wheel diameter and rim width must be in compliance with the vehicle documents specified in Article 6 or as fitted to the original car. The tyres must fit safely on these wheels and no modifications to the suspension or bodywork are allowed in order for the tyres to be used in competition. No wheel spacers are permitted unless specified on the papers in Article 6.1. 12.3. All tyres to be used must be presented at Scrutineering, along with the Tyre Declaration Form, for approval. Each tyre to be used will be marked with the car and tyre number. 12.4. In exceptional circumstances, the Chief Scrutineer may authorise, at his sole discretion, replacement tyre(s). Should this happen, they will be marked as in Article 12.3. above. 12.5. The tyre marking will be checked in the Assembly Area before each race and at random during the event. The use of any unmarked tyre at any point of the event will entail a penalty of 30 minutes. Page 6 of 10 The Britannia Cup 2015 – Competition Category 13. Documentation At Documentation, competitors will be required to: 13.1. Confirm the details set out on their Entry Form and report any amendments to these. 13.2. Sign a legally binding declaration confirming that their vehicle, and all those who will drive it, are properly covered for third party insurance. 13.3. Sign the indemnity statement shown on the Entry form. 13.4. Show their relevant competition licences. Collect final route details and other paperwork and identification items. 14. Briefing 14.1. At least one member of each crew must attend the pre-start Briefing. There will be a 5 minute time penalty for failing to attend. Time cards will be issued at the briefing. 15. Damage Declaration 15.1. At the end of the Event competitors will be required to complete and sign a report declaring that they have not been involved in any incidents resulting in damage to private property and/or injury to persons or animals, or alternatively giving details of any such incident where damage or injury has occurred. Any information given will not incur a penalty, but failure to hand in a duly completed form will be penalised by EXCLUSION and will be reported to the MSA for further disciplinary action. 15.2. Competitors who do not report to the finish of the event are required to forward the report to the Secretary of the Meeting within 72 hours of the finish of the event. If competitors have been involved in an incident they must supply full details to the Organisers on the day of the rally. Competitors who fail to comply will be penalised in accordance with MSA Regulation R40.1.4, and will be reported to the MSA for further disciplinary action. 15.3. In the event of damage caused to third party property by a Competitor, the Organisers and the Promoters of the event reserve the right to pass the cost of repairs up to a maximum of the insurance excess under the MSA Master Policies (currently involved. £350.00) to the competitor(s) 16. Route and Road Book 16.1. A map of the route will be displayed on the event website. A printed version will be available at Documentation. 16.2. A Road Book containing route diagrams and other information to define the route and stages will be displayed on the website about 10 days before the Start. Printed versions will be issued at Documentation. Should there be a discrepancy between the map and the Road Book the Road Book will be deemed to be correct. Competitors are recommended to page check the Road Book before the Start. 17. Insurance 17.1. Competitors must have Insurance in place which provides Third Party Liability cover that complies with the current Road Traffic Act. This can be an extension to the existing motor policy for the car or arranged separately. 17.2. If a competitor uses an extension to an existing policy, they will be required to sign a declaration that the cover complies with the requirements of the Road Traffic Act. Responsibility for a fraudulent or misleading declaration about existing cover lies with the competitor. 18. Results 18.1. Interim results will be issued when possible at locations during the day. Provisional Results will be published on the Official Notice Board at Rally HQ as soon as possible after the last car finishes the event. 19. Controls 19.1. Main Time Control (MTC): Main Controls will be situated at the Start and Finish of the Rally. Competitors will start at minute intervals. Each competitor will be given a due starting time from the MTC (OUT) and the difference between this time and the actual starting time will be counted towards exclusion for overall lateness. 19.2. Time Controls (TC): Time controls will be situated at the end of a road section as shown in the Road Book. At a TC before a stage start there will be a minimum of 3 minutes after the TC time before the start time for the stage. The competitor, Page 7 of 10 The Britannia Cup 2015 – Competition Category when instructed to do so, must then proceed immediately to the start control. 19.3. Special Stage Start Control (SS): A start time for the stage will be in hours, minutes and, if competitors are to start at 30 second intervals, seconds. 19.4. The special stage starting procedure will be by traffic lights, which will operate as follows: 15 secs to go A verbal warning will be given 10 secs to go Red light comes on 5 secs to go Amber light (which consists of 5 segments) comes on Each second A segment of the amber light will go out 0 secs to go green light comes on - GO 19.5. In the event of a traffic light failure, the organisers will revert to a manual start system as follows: The marshal will count the competitor down in accordance with MSA Regulation R.25.7.1 and will raise a flag or similar signal at zero, which will be the signal to start. 19.6. Special Stage Finish Controls (SF): The finish time will be recorded as the car passes a Flying Finish and will be timed to the second. Competitors must stop at the “Stop” control after the flying finish to have their time entered on their time card. 19.7. Passage Controls (PC): At certain points indicated in the Road Book, the Organisers may establish a PC in order to collect Time Cards from Competitors, or for other purposes. 20. Timing 20.1. The Event will be run to target timing as MSA Regulation R.31.2. 20.2. Timing on special stages will be to the second using digital clocks operated by officials under control of an MSA licensed Timekeeper. 20.3. All clocks will be set to British Summer Time (BST) using BBC or Telecom time signals. 20.4. Controls will open 15 minutes before the due time of the first car and close 15 minutes after the due time of the last competitor still running, having taken into account any delays. 20.5. Lateness in excess of target time on road sections and special stages is cumulative. Once cumulative lateness calculated between two Main Time Controls exceeds the maximum of 15 minutes, a competitor will be deemed to have missed the control and will be penalised as Article 21.5. 20.6. It is the Competitor’s responsibility to ensure that his/her times are correctly recorded and timecards handed in when and where instructed. Should any recorded time not be legible or not appear authentic, the Organisers may use any means at their disposal to establish a time. 20.7. All special stages will have a bogey time set at 75 mph and a target time set at approximately 30 mph (or less on short stages). 20.8. Timing on road liaison sections will be to the previous whole minute. Each liaison road section will be allotted a target time set at 30 mph or less and a competitor can calculate his/her due time of arrival at any Time Control by adding the target time to the actual time of departure from the preceding stage finish or time control. 20.9. At all TC’s on road sections competitors who are early may wait for their due time outside the control. The time recorded at these TC’s shall be the time on the official clock when the crew submits their time card to the official, provided that the car and both crew members are within the control area. Once a competitor’s car enters the control area the crew must submit their time card to the official within one minute: (i.e. a competitor’s car may enter the control area up to 59 seconds before their due time, without incurring a penalty for early arrival. Should there be a queue at a control the competitor must walk to the control with his time card and request a time from the timekeeper. 21. Penalties 21.1. Penalties will be applied as printed in MSA Regulation R.32.2 except as modified below. See also appendix A. 21.2. Classifications will be by reference to total penalties. The winner will be the competitor with the least penalties. 21.3. Ties will be resolved by reference to the competitor with the best time for the first special stage. If this does not decide the tie, then the Page 8 of 10 The Britannia Cup 2015 – Competition Category times for the second stage then third etc will be taken into consideration until the tie is resolved. 21.4. The penalty for missing a stage will be the maximum time as specified. 21.5. The penalty for missing a TC or MTC is 5 minutes with the following exceptions: Missing start of day control – deemed retired. Missing final control of event – deemed retired. 21.6. In all cases a competitor reporting to a control over maximum cumulative lateness will be deemed to have missed the control. 21.7. Competitors will receive penalties on special stages as follows: Under bogey time - Bogey time Over bogey under target - Actual time taken Over target - Target time 21.8. Time in excess of Target time on a special stage will count towards the competitor’s cumulative lateness. 22. Diving Standards/Judges of Fact 22.1. Judges of Fact, appointed by the Organisers, will be on duty throughout the Event to observe and report on any competitor considered to be in contravention of MSA Regulations R24.7.1 to R24.8.3, R24.10 and R24.11. The names of these officials will be posted on the Official Notice Board. All other signed on marshals will be deemed to be Judges of Fact. 22.2. Start Officials on all Special Stages will be empowered to judge whether or not any Competitor has made a false start. 22.3. Any notified offence by a competitor or by his service crew or management personnel which involves speeding, reckless driving or failing to observe road signs will automatically be considered as a possible contravention of MSA Regulations C1.1.4. The competitor concerned is liable to be penalised in accordance with MSA Regulations Chart R32.2 and may be called before an MSA Disciplinary Tribunal. It will not be necessary to prove that a traffic offence was committed, as the involvement of the Police may give rise to contravention of MSA Regulation C1.1.4 23. Servicing 23.1. Servicing is permitted but must be carried out in safe and sensible locations. No service vehicle is permitted on a special stage or race track without the permission of a senior official. 23.2. Competitors are responsible for the actions of their service crews. 24. SOS & OK Boards 24.1. Competitors must carry an OK/SOS board (see Article 12.9). Attention is drawn to MSA Regulation R25.4 concerning their use. 25. Awards 25.1. Overall Awards: 1st Index of Performance - The Britannia Cup. 1st Best FIA Periods A to J 1st Targa Britannia Classes A & B The overall winners can only win one overall award and are not eligible for class awards which will pass to the next eligible crew. 25.2. Class Awards: 1st in Class 2nd in Class (subject to 3 or more starters) 25.3. Other Award: Corinthian Spirit Award (see Article 25.5) 25.4. Other Awards (shared with Regularity Category) Organisers Concours Award Driver of the Day Best One Make Award (subject to 3 or more starters of the same make). 25.5. To be eligible for the Corinthian Spirit Award competitors must have no backup support during the event and do not give any spares or tools to third parties to carry for them. If the Organisers provide a Sweeper / Service crew and Corinthians use it, this status is not impaired. 26. Seeding 26.1. The order of starting the event will be set by the Organisers. APPENDIX A Page 9 of 10 The Britannia Cup 2015 – Competition Category Summary of Penalties Competitors should read Chart 32.2 of the MSA Regulations for a summary of the standard penalties on target timed rallies. The following summarises the variations applicable to this event. ASR ref 12.5 14.1 20.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.7 21.7 21.4 21.7 Description Use of an unmarked tyre Not attending pre-start Briefing Over 15 mins cumulative lateness Missing start of day control Missing final control of event Missing other TC or MTC Stage time Under stage bogey time Missing a stage Over stage target time Penalty 30 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes Deemed retired Deemed retired 5 minutes Time taken over bogey and up to stage target Bogey time Target time Page 10 of 10