Judges' PowerPoint

Presentation for Judges
What is this Competition?
• Simulation of a criminal jury trial
• Students portray attorneys and witnesses
• Fictitious jurisdiction of Midlands
– Midlands has its own case law
– Midlands has its own statutes
– Midlands has its own rules of evidence (that
closely mirror the FREs)
This Year’s Case:
State v. Bancroft or State v. Covington
• Summary: Officers arrested Chase Covington, the
chair of the Midlands Gambling Commission, and
Avery Bancroft, a local casino owner, on suspicion that
Bancroft bribed Covington to procure Covington’s
support for a new casino license.
• If you have heard this case before, be aware that you
may see a very different round this time because:
– Students select only one defendant to prosecute.
– One defendant denies the bribe ever happened; the other
defendant claims entrapment.
– Witness selection varies from round to round.
What is your role?
• You are here to “judge” the competition.
You will do so in panels of two or more
• Judges fill three roles:
– Preside over the trial (one person per round)
– Score the trial (two people per round)
– Provide feedback (everyone)
– Reach a verdict
Your Role:
Presiding Over the Trial
• One judge will preside over the trial and act
as judge in the courtroom—ruling on
objections and keeping the trial moving.
• Trial consists of:
Pre-Trial Matters (including introductions)
Opening statements
Plaintiff case-in-chief (three witnesses)
Customary break
Defense case-in-chief (three witnesses)
Customary break
Closing Arguments (including rebuttal)
Your Role:
Presiding Over the Trial
• Differences from Real-World trials:
– Both teams must:
• Present opening statements at the start of trial
• Call three witnesses
• Cross-examine all witnesses called
– There are:
NO objections to openings or closings
NO motions in limine, for a directed verdict, or mistrial
NO side bars
NO objections or questions from the judges
NO scope limitations on cross-examination (but scope is
limited on re-direct and re-cross examination)
• NO requirements that expert witnesses be tendered
Your Role:
Scoring the Trial
• Two judges will score
the trial using this
blue (carbon paper)
Your Role:
Scoring the Trial
• Left =
• Right = defense
• Score 1-10
– 10 is high score
– Use whole numbers
will be disregarded)
Your Role:
Scoring the Trial
• Score on the blue
ballot as the trial
– Please do not wait
until the end of the
round to decide on
• Score on your own.
– Please do not
collaborate with
other judges on
Your Role:
Scoring the Trial
• Score differences
between teams.
– Scale doesn’t
matter, just be
– Point differential is
what matters.
Your Role:
Scoring the Trial
• There are SEPARATE scores
Opening statements
Direct examinations
Cross examinations
Closing arguments
Witnesses on direct and cross.
• There are NO SEPARATE
scores for:
Pre-trial matters
Re-direct examinations
Re-cross examinations
Objection arguments.
Your Role:
Scoring the Trial
• At the end of the
round, please rank
the top four
attorneys and
witnesses from the
Your Role:
Scoring the Trial
• Differences from other competitions:
– Witnesses are scored
• On both direct-examination and cross-examination
– Witnesses are allowed to costume
– Attorneys and witnesses are allowed to use
demonstrative aids (subject to objection)
Your Role:
Scoring the Trial
• Differences from other competitions:
– This competition has NO “invention of fact”
objection, but the rules do allow for impeachment if
there is an invention of fact.
• Teams may NOT invent a material fact on directexamination—such inventions are subject to impeachment.
• If you believe a successful impeachment has occurred, you
should reflect that in your score by penalizing the the
violating team, rewarding the impeaching team, or both.
• All witnesses except the Defendants have affidavits or
reports. These witnesses swear to include all relevant facts in
their statements. The Defendants did not prepare a statement
in which they were instructed to include all relevant facts.
Your Role:
• All scoring judges
should receive FOUR
comment sheets (more
carbon paper):
– Students will fill
out their names,
roles, and team
Your Role:
• There are blanks to
write comments on
all parts.
• Non-shaded boxes
are for plaintiff or
prosecution parts.
• Shaded boxes are
for defense parts.
Your Role:
• Students will get
copies of written
• After the trial is
complete, please
provide a few
minutes of verbal
feedback as well.
Roles of Others:
• Students act as competitors in the trial.
– Students’ school identity should remain anonymous
until after the round.
• Note that all trials are public. Do not assume the identity of
the teams based on who enters the courtroom.
• Students act as timekeepers.
– The trial has a three-hour time limit and each part of
the trial has time limits.
– The students will keep you informed of time limits.
– Please enforce time limits when you are informed of
Roles of Others:
AMTA Representatives
• AMTA Representatives ensure that all
rules are followed.
• AMTA Representatives may enter the
courtroom to inform you of time limit
issues, please follow their instructions.
• AMTA Representatives may enter the
courtroom to resolve a conflict brought to
their attention by students, please follow
their instructions.
The Big Things to Take Away
• Presiding:
– Let students argue, but listen to any time limitations
students bring to your attention.
• Scoring:
– Score on performance, not merits of the case.
– Score as the trial proceeds, not at the end of the
– Fill in all blanks on blue score sheet legibly.
• Commenting:
– Students will get copies of all written comments.
– Provide verbal feedback, but keep it to 10 minutes or
less for the entire judging panel combined.
What happens next?
• You will be assigned to a judging panel.
– Each panel will be at least two people.
• You will be assigned to a room.
– If you have already judged a team in that room at
this tournament, then please do not begin the trial
and let us know of the potential conflict.
– If you are somehow affiliated with a team in that
room (e.g. your child is on the team), then please
do not begin the trial and let us know of the
potential conflict.
Thank You