Board of County Commissioners Local Housing Assistance Plan State Fiscal Years 2015-2018 April 21, 2015 Presentation Outline Background Housing Strategies Action Requested Presentation Outline Background Revisions to Housing Strategies Action Requested Background State Housing Initiatives Partnership Program (SHIP) Dedicated funding source for affordable housing Established Housing Trust Fund Administered by Orange County Monitoring and oversight by the Florida Housing Finance Corporation Background State Housing Initiatives Partnership Program (SHIP) Local Housing Assistance Plan (LHAP) required Identifies housing strategies for very low, low, and moderate income households LHAP must be adopted by resolution Background State Housing Initiatives Partnership Program (SHIP) Orange County Allocation Year Allocation 2012-2013 $358,366 2013-2014 $1,340,435 2014-2015 $4,355,191 2015-2016 $4,300,000 Background SHIP Program – Expenditure Requirements 65% of funds – home-ownership activities 75% of funds – construction related 60% of funds – low-income households Background Housing Market • Population growth especially in younger households • Decline in homeownership rate • Tight rental market • Slow wage growth Background Housing Market Median Price of Homes 2013 $149,000 2014 $164,000 2015 $160,000 Background Housing Market Value of Single Family Building Permits 2013 2014 2015 YTD Single Family # of Permits 1,926 2,015 668 Median Value $322,376 $344,822 $324,196 Background Housing Market Rental Units Completed Occupancy Levels Source: 2014 MPF Research of the Orlando Metropolitan Area Background Housing Market Changes in Orange/Osceola/Seminole Households 2007-2013 Source: Shimberg Center for Housing Studies, University of Florida Presentation Outline Background Housing Strategies Action Requested Housing Strategies Current LHAP Housing Strategies Down Payment Assistance Home-owner Rehabilitation Multi-Family Acquisition/Construction Special Needs Housing Housing Strategies Yearly Average 2010-2015 Down Payment Assistance 115 Homeowners Rehabilitation 114 Multi-Family Construction 93 Special Needs Housing 25 Housing Strategies Income Limits Household Size Very Low (50% of Median) Low (80% of Median) Moderate (120% of Median) 1 2 3 4 $20,450 $23,350 $26,250 $29,150 $32,700 $37,350 $42,000 $46,650 $49,080 $56,040 $63,000 $69,960 Housing Strategies Down Payment Assistance Provide assistance to very low, low, moderateincome households Required pre-purchase homebuyers education Income Level Current Very Low $30,000 Low $20,000 Moderate $10,000 Housing Strategies Housing Rehabilitation Provide assistance to very low income households Activity Current Emergency Rehab $20,000 Substantial Rehab $75,000 Reconstruction $100,000 Housing Strategies Multi-Family Construction Encourage acquisition, construction, or rehabilitation of rental housing for very low and low income households Continue to provide minimum local government contribution for developers competing for State Housing Tax Credits Housing Strategies Special Needs Housing For adult persons requiring independent living services Provide assistance to disability support organizations: • acquire, construct, or rehab group homes • provide home modifications for people with disabilities Housing Strategies Impact Fee Subsidy Developer incentive to build owner occupied homes, affordable to low-income households Subsidy Level: Income Category Current Proposed Very Low 50% 75% Low 25% 50% Moderate 0 0 Housing Strategies Maximum Sales Price Maximum sales price must be established in LHAP Currently $200,000 Average price under our programs is $124,000 Presentation Outline Background Revisions to Housing Strategies Action Requested Action Requested Adoption of Resolution of the Orange County Board of County Commissioners regarding the State Housing Initiatives Partnership Program (SHIP) and the Orange County SHIP Local Housing Assistance Plan (LHAP) for State Fiscal Years 2015-2016, 2016-2017 and 2017-2018; and approval of Certification to Florida Housing Finance Corporation. All Districts