Monarchy and Revolution 1625

The English Revolution/Civil War
Barry Coward, Oliver Cromwell
Christopher Hill, Puritanism and Revolution
Christopher Hibbert, Cavaliers and Roundheads
Ronald Hutton, The British Republic,1649 - 1660
J.Morrill (ed.), The Impact of the English Civil War
B.Coward, The Stuart Age, England, 1603-1714
J.R.Jones (ed.), The Restored Monarchy, 1660-1688
The American Revolution
J.R.Alden Britain and the Loss of the American Colonies
L.W.Cowie, Hanoverian England, 1714 - 1837
Christopher Hibbert, Redcoats and Rebels: The American Revolution Through British eyes
John Keane, Tom Paine: A Political Life
Keith Perry, British Politics and the American Revolution
Peter D.G.Thomas, 3 volume series on US Revolution Volume 1: British Politics and the Stamp Act Crisis, 1763-1767
Volume 2: The Townshend Duties Crisis, 1767-1773
Volume 3: Tea Party to Independence, 1773-1776
& also Peter D.G. Thomas, John Wilkes: A Friend to Liberty
The French Revolution
T.C.W. Blanning, The French Revolution
L.W. Cowie, The French Revolution, Documents and Debates
H.T.Dickinson (ed.), Britain and the French Revolution
W. Doyle, Origins of the French Revolution
W. Doyle, Oxford History of the French Revolution
Marianne Elliot, Partners in Revolution: The United Irishmen and France
Norman Hampson, Prelude to Terror
John Hardman, The French Revolution Sourcebook
John Hardman, Robespierre
Christopher Hibbert, The French Revolution
Colin Jones (ed.), Britain and France: Conflict, Subversion and Propaganda
George Rude, The French Revolution
Malcolm Crook, Napoleon Takes Power: Dictatorship and Democracy in France
G.Ellis, The Napoleonic Empire
Richard Glover, Britain at Bay: Defence Against Bonaparte, 1803-1814
R.B.Jones, Napoleon, Man and Myth
M. Lyons Napoleon Bonaparte and the Legacy of the French Revolution
Andrina Stiles, Napoleon, France and Europe
Jean Tulard, Napoleon: The Myth of the Saviour
Charles Breunig, The Age of Revolution and Reaction, 1789 - 1850
Robert Gildea, Barricades and Borders: Europe 1800 - 1914
M.S. Anderson The Ascendancy of Europe, 1815-1914