CREDO PAPER ASSIGNMENT SHEET PART 1: THE CREDO PAPER Due Date: Wednesday April 30, 2013 Formulate a statement of your relationship with God in the form of a Credo Paper ("I Believe" paper). I have found that it takes at least one page and not much more than three pages. However, take as little or as much space as you need to clearly explain yourself. On the day of your Affirmation of Baptism you will be asked, “You have made public profession of your faith. Do you intend to continue in the covenant God made with you in Holy Baptism: to live among God's faithful people, to hear his Word and share in his supper, to proclaim the good news of God in Christ through word and deed, to serve all people, following the example of our Lord Jesus, and to strive for justice and peace in all the earth?” To which you will be invited to respond with, “I do, and I ask God to help and guide me.” Tell me, what is it that you think you are promising? Below are some questions to help you get started, to think about what kind of things you might write about. I am particularly interested in the italicized questions. How would you describe God? o What are characteristics of God? o How does God act? o What does God look like? o What is special about how God created you? o Why did God create you and put you in this world? Who is Jesus to you? o What difference does it make in your life that Jesus died on the cross and was raised from the dead? How would you describe the Holy Trinity? What spiritual habits or disciplines will mark you as a follower of Jesus Christ? o What roll does prayer play? o What roll does worship play in faith life? o How will/do you make use of the Bible in your daily life? o How does your faith effect/change your daily life? What do the sacraments mean to you? o What does my baptism mean to you? o What benefit do you receive from the Lord’s Supper and how will you honor Christ’s invitation to receive it often? What do you struggle with when it comes to your faith? When do you feel closest/furthest from God? Who has influenced you, taught you, the most about faith? How? What Bible passage(s) best describe/summarize/encompass your faith? What is your favorite Bible passage? Why? What does it mean to you to be confirmed, to affirm your baptism? What life events have most influenced your faith? Why? In what way? Write your personal mission statement and explain how you plan to live your life, following that mission statement. These are just some ideas that you might want to use in writing your faith statement. Look at Luther’s explanation of the Apostles Creed for further thoughts of how you might describe your faith. I look forward to reading your Credo Papers. Write about your convictions and beliefs from a personal perspective. DON'T SIMPLY COPY FROM A BOOK, but put your faith into your own words. Please write this out in paragraphs and don’t just simply answer questions. I want you to formulate this in such way that it’s as if somebody who has never heard about God, or Jesus, has asked you about why you go to church and what it is that you believe there. PART 2: CREDO CONFERENCE To be scheduled individually during May You will be asked to schedule an individual appointment with Pastor Brad to share your Credo Paper and discuss it. The Credo Conference is NOT a test but a chance to converse about your faith with your pastor on a one-to-one basis. You will be encouraged, but not criticized, given a grade, nor will you be told that you pass or fail. The Credo Conference is also a time for gathering information for Confirmation Day There will be a form for you to check the spelling of your name and also to add your middle name. Pastor Brad will give you a list of Bible verses to help you select a favorite Bible verse for Confirmation Day Measurements for you confirmation gown will be recorded. If your Credo appointment is before 4:30 p.m. Mandy will record your measurements for height and chest in the church office. For appointments after 4:30 p.m. Pastor Brad will record the measurements for the boys, and asks that mothers take the measurements for their girls and enclose them in a note, or call them into Mandy during office hours, at 273-4617. The height measurement is to be taken with shoes on.