Strategy Reference Sheet

Rumelt, R. P. 1974. Diversification: Strategy, Structure and Economic Performance;Mintzberg, H. 1978.Patterns in strategy formation;Rumelt,
R. P. 1984. Towards a strategic theory of the firm;Porter, M. E. 1985. Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance;
Porter, M. E. 1987. From competitive advantage to corporate strategy;Mintzberg, H. 1987. Crafting strategy;Nelson, R. R. 1991. Why do firms
differ, and how does it matter; Rumelt et al.1994. Fundamental issues in strategy;Porter, M. E. 1991. Towards a dynamic theory of strategy;
Porter, M. E. 1996. What is strategy? Barnett.Burgelman.1996. Evolutionary perspectives on strategy;Hoskisson.Hitt et al.1999. Theory and
research in strategic management: Swings of a pendulum; Lovas.Ghoshal.2000. Strategy as guided evolution;Powell, T. C. 2001. Competitive
advantage: Logical and philosophical considerations;Liedtka, J. M. 2001. Strategy formulation: The roles of conversation and design; Dess.
Lumpkin.2001. Emerging issues in strategy process research; Durand, R. 2002. Competitive advantages exist: A critique of Powell; Powell.
2002. The philosophy of strategy: Response to Durand; Hitt, M. A., Boyd, B. K., & Li, D. 2004. The State of Strategic Management Research
and a Vision of the Future. Research Methodology in Strategy and Management; Boyd.Gove.Hitt.2005. Construct measurement in strategic
mgmt research: Illusion or reality?
Simon, H. A. 1945. Administrative Behavior: Satisficing &Bounded Rationality;Bain, J. S. 1956. Barriers to New Competition, Their Character
and Consequences...;Chandler, A. D. 1962. Strategy then Structure: The History of the American Industrial Enterprise; Bain, J. S. 1968.
Industrial Org: Structure, Conduct, Performance; Demsetz, H. 1973. Industry structure, market rivalry monopoly, and public policy.JLE; Porter,
M. E. 1981. The contributions of I/O to Strat Mgmt; Rumelt.Schendel.Teece.1991. Strat mgmt and econ; McWilliams.Smart.1993. Efficiency
vs. S-C-P: Implications for strategy research and practice
Thompson.1967. Org in action: technology and interdependence;Lawrence.Lorsch.1968. Orgs and environments: fit and performance;
Blau.1970. Formal theory of differentiation in orgs: size and differentiation; Child, J. 1972. Environment and performance: The necessary role of
strategic choice; Woodward, J. 1977. Management and technology; Perrow, C. 1977. Org analysis: Bureaucratic efficiency vs flexibility;
Burns.1977. Mechanistic and organismic structures; Miles.Snow.1978. Org Strategy, Structure and Process; Pfeffer.Salancik.1978. The
External Control of Orgs;Rousseau.1979. Assessment of technology in orgs: Closed versus open systems; Beyer.Trice.1979. Re-Examination
of the Relations between Size and Various Components of Org Complexity; Starbuck.1981. A trip to view the elephants and rattlesnakes in the
Garden of Aston; Pugh.1981. Rejoinder to Starbuck; Pugh, D.S. 1981.The Aston Program perspective: orgal, group and individual analysis;
Mintzberg.1981. Org design: Fashion or fit, structure from situation; Schoonhoven. 1981. Problems with contingency theory: Testing
assumptions w/i the language…Fry.1982. Technology-structure research: Three critical issues: conception, perception, & dimension; Pfeffer.
1982.Orgs and OT; Miller.1983. The correlates of entrepreneurship in three types of firms; Gooding.Wagner.1985. A meta-analytic review of
the relationship between size and performance: Moderation effect of productivity and efficiency of orgs and their subunits; Pfeffer.1988. A
resource dependence perspective on intercorporate relations; Pennings.1992. Structural contingency theory: A reappraisal of contingency &
congruence; Scott.1992. Orgs: Rational, Natural, and Open Systems; Birkinshaw.Nobel.Ridderstrale. 2002.Knowledge as a contingency
variable: Do the Characteristics of Knowledge Predict Org Structure?
Hannan.Freeman.1981.The population ecology of orgs. Hannan.Freeman.1984. Structural inertia and orgal change;Carroll.1984. Orgal
ecology.Carroll.1984.The specialist strategy.CaMgmtRev;Astley.1985.The two ecologies: Population and community perspectives on org
evolution;Carroll.1985.Concentration and specialization: Dynamics of niche width in pops. of orgs;Carroll.Hannan.1989.Density depn in the
evolution of pops. of newspaper orgs; Hannan.Freeman. 1989. Org Ecology. Singh.1990.Org ecology: Hannan and Freeman Singh.Lumsden.
1990.Theory and research in org ecology;Hannan.Barron.Carroll.1991.On the interpretation of density dependence in rates of org mortality;
Kelly.Amburgey.1991.Org inertia and momentum: A dynamic model of strategic change; Amburgey.Kelly.Barnett.1993. Resetting the clock:
The dynamics of org change and failure; Carroll.1993. A sociological view on why firms differ; Baum.Singh.1994. Evolutionary Dynamics of
Orgs; Hannan et al, 1995. Org evolution in a multinational context: Entries of automobile manufacturers in Belgium, Britain, France, Germany,
and Italy; Barnett.Carroll.1995.Modeling internal org change; Baum.1996.Org ecology; Ingram.Baum.1997.Oppty and constraint: Org learning
from operating and competitive experience of industries; Ruefli.1997. Assessing org fitness on a dynamic landscape: An empirical test of the
relative inertia thesis; Henderson.1999.Firm strategy and age dependence: A contingent view of the liabilities of newness, adolescence, and
obsolescence; Carroll.Swaminathan.2000. Why the microbrewery movement? Org dynamics of resource partitioning in the US brewing
industry; Ruefli.2000. The emergence of orgal forms: A community ecology approach; Carroll.Dobrev. Swaminathan.2002. Org processes of
resource partitioning;Cattani.Pennings.Wezel.2003. Spatial and temporal heterogeneity in founding patterns; Hannan.Polos.Carroll.2003.
Cascading orgal change; Carroll. Barnett.2004. Org ecology: an introduction; McGahan.2004. How Industries Evolve: Principles for Achieving
and Sustaining Superior Performance; Smith.Cao.2008.An entrepreneurial perspective on the firm-environment relationship
Selznick, P. 1957. Leadership in Administration: A Sociological Interpretation;Meyer.Rowan.1977.Institutionalized orgs: Formal structure as
myth and ceremony;DiMaggio.Powell.1983.The iron cage revisited: Institutional isomorphism and collective rationality in org fields; Zucker.
1987.Institutional theories of org; Mizruchi.Fein.1988.Isomorphism’s link to RDT, networks, and cognition; Covaleski.Dirsmith.1988.
Institutional Power Perspective on the Rise, Social Transformation, & fall of a University Budget Category; Powell.1991. Expanding the Scope
of Institutional Analysis; DiMaggio.Powell.1991. Introduction.The New Institutionalism in Orgal Analysis; Haveman.1993. Follow the leader:
Mimetic isomorphism & entry into new markets;Scott.1995. Institutions and Orgs; Tolbert.Zucker.1996. The institutionalization of institutional
theory;Selznick.1996. Institutionalism Old & New: Legitimacy, mimicry, uncertainty & bounded rationality;Stinchcombe.1997. On the virtues of
the old institutionalism; Haunschild. Miner.1997. Modes of interorgal imitation: The moderating effects of outcome salience and uncertainty;
DiMaggio.1998. Interest and agency in institutional theory; Kostova.Zaheer.1999. Orgal legitimacy under conditions of complexity: The case of
the multinational enterprise; Greenwood.Suddaby.Hinings. 2002.Theorizing change: The role of professional associations in the
transformation of institutionalized fields; Green, S. 2004. A Rhetorical theory of diffusion; Smith.Cao.2008.An entrepreneurial perspective on the
firm-environment relationship
Aldrich.1976. Resource dependence and interorgal relations: size & resource access;Pfeffer.Salancik.1978. The external control of orgs;
Bacharach & Lawler, 1981. Resource dependence btwn orgs; Pfeffer.1982. Orgs and orgal theory;Pfeffer.1988. A resource dependence
perspective on intercorporate relations;Scott.1992. Orgs: Rational, natural and open systems;Carroll.1993. A sociological view on why firms
differ: uncertainty and survival; Hillman. Dalziel.2003. BoD and firm performance: Integrating agency and resource dependence perspectives
Kahneman.Tversky.1979. Prospect theory: An analysis of decision under risk;Tversky.Kahneman.1986. Rational choice and the framing of
decisions;March.Shapira.1987. Managerial perspectives on risk and risk taking;Wiseman.Gomez-Mejia.1998.Behavioral agency model of
managerial risk taking using referents;Fiegenbaum.Hart.Schendel.1996. Strategic reference point theory;Bazerman.2006. Judgment in
managerial decision making
Coase.1937. The Nature of the Firm;Alchian.Demsetz.1972. Production, information costs, and economic org;Williamson.1975. Markets and
Hierarchies: analysis and antitrust implications; Klein.Crawford.Alchian.1978.Vertical integration, appropriable rents, and the competitive
contracting process; Williamson.1979. TCE: Governance of contractual relations;Williamson.Ouchi.1981. The markets and hierarchies
program of research; Williamson.1982. The Economics of Org: The TCE Approach;Williamson.1985.The Economic Institutions of Capitalism:
firms, markets, & relational contracting;Jones.Hill.1988. TCE analysis of strategy-structure choice;Alchian.Woodward.1988. The firm is dead;
Long live the firm. A review of Williamson.1985; Williamson.1991. Asset Specificity & Uncertainty: Markets, Hybrids, or Hierarchies; Hennart.
1993. Explain the swollen middle: Why most transactions are a mix of market & hierarchy;Williamson.1994.TCE and OT;Ghoshal.Moran.1996.
Bad for practice: A critique of the TCT; Jones.1998.Don’t Throw the Baby Out With the Bathwater: A Positive Interpretation of Transaction Cost
Theory;Leiblein.Miller.2003.An empirical examination of transaction- and firm-level influences on the vertical boundaries of the firm; David.
Han.2004. A meta-analysis of the lack of empirical support for TCE ;Robertson.Gatignon.1998. Technology development mode: A transaction
cost conceptualization; Williamson.1999. Strategy Research: Governance and Competence Perspectives
Selznick, P. 1957. Leadership in Administration: A Sociological Interpretation;Tversky.Kahneman.1974.Judgment under uncertainty: Heuristics
and biases;Slovic.Fischhoff.Lichtenstein.1977.Behavioral decision theory;March.Shapira.1992.Variable risk preferences and the focus of
attention;Sitkin.Weingart.1995. Determinants of risky decision-making behavior: A test of the mediating role of risk perceptions and propensity;
Mezias.Chen.Murphy.2002. Aspiration-level adaptation in an American financial services org: A field study;Short.Palmer.2003.Org perf
referents: An empirical examination of their content and influences internally and externally;Miller.Chen.2004. Variable orgal risk preferences:
Tests of the March- Shapira model;Palmer.Wiseman.1999.Decoupling risk taking from income stream uncertainty: A holistic model of risk.
Child.1972. Org structure, environment and performance: The role of strategic choice; Mintzberg.Raisinghani.Théorêt.1976.Structure of
unstructured decision processes; Pfeffer.1982. Orgs and Orgal Theory; Schwenk.1984.Cognitive simplification processes in strategic decision
making;Prahalad.Bettis.1986.The dominant logic: A new linkage between diversity and performance;Schwenk.1988.The cognitive perspective
on strategic decision making;Eisenhardt.Bourgeois.1988.Politics of strategic decision-making in high-velocity environments: Toward a
midrange theory; Eisenhardt.1989. Making fast strategic decisions in high-velocity environments; Hitt.Tyler.1991.Strategic decision models:
Integrating different perspectives; Eisenhardt.Zbaracki.1992. Strategic decision making; Schwenk.1995.Strategic decision-making;
Papadakis.Lioukas.Chambers.1998.Strategic decision-making processes: The role of management and context; Eisenhardt.1999. Strategy
as strategic decision making; Dess.Lumpkin.2001.Emerging issues in strategy process research; Liedtka, J. M. 2001. Strategy formulation:
The roles of conversation and design; Nutt.2001.Strategic decision-making; Priem.Cycyota.2001.On strategic judgment; Hayward.Rindova.
Pollock.2004. Believing one's own press: The causes and consequences of CEO celebrity
Berle.Means.1932.The Modern Corporation and Private Property;Alchian. Demsetz.1972.Production, information costs, and economic
org;Jensen.Meckling.1976.Theory of firm: Managerial behavior, agency costs and ownership structure;Holmstrom.1979. Moral hazard and
observability;Shavell.1979. Risk sharing and incentives in the principal and agent relationship;Fama.1980. Agency problems and the theory of
the firm;Amihud.Lev.1981.Risk reduction as a managerial motive for conglomerate mergers;Holmstrom.1982. Moral hazard in teams; Fama.
Jensen.1983. Separation of ownership and control;Barney.Ouchi.1986. Orgal Economics;Eisenhardt.1989. Agency theory: An assessment
and review; Fama.Jensen.1993.Agency problems and residual claims;Walsh.Kosnik.1993. Corporate raiders and their disciplinary role in the
market for corporate control;Davis.Schoorman.Donaldson.1997. Toward a stewardship theory of management; Lane.Cannella.Lubatkin.
1998.Agency problems as antecedents to unrelated mergers and diversification: Amihud and Lev reconsidered; Lubatkin.Lane.Schulze.
2001.Strategic mgmt model of agency relationships in firm governance; Kogut et al.2002. Agency and institutions: National divergences in
diversification behavior; Dalton.Daily.Certo.2003.Meta-analyses of financial performance and equity: Fusion or confusion?
CORPORATE GOVERNANCE (additional readings)
Walsh.Seward.1990.On the efficiency of internal and external corporate control mechanisms; Johnson.Daily.Ellstrand.1996. Boards of
directors: A review and research agenda; Hitt.Hoskisson.Johnson.Moesel.1996.The market for corporate control and firm innovation;
Dalton.Daily.Ellstrand.Johnson.1998. Meta-analytic reviews of board composition, leadership structure, and financial performance;
Lane.Cannella.Lubatkin.1998. Agency problems as antecedents to unrelated mergers and diversification: Amihud and Lev reconsidered;
Westphal.1999.Collaboration in the boardroom: Behavioral and performance consequences of CEO-board social ties; Coff.1999.When
competitive advantage doesn't lead to performance: The resource-based view and stakeholder bargaining power; Chatterjee.Harrison.
2001.Corporate governance; Coff.2002. Human capital, shared expertise, and the likelihood of impasse in corporate acquisitions; Hoskisson.
Hitt et al.2002. Conflicting voices: The effects of institutional ownership heterogeneity and internal governance on corporate innovation
strategies; Aguilera.Jackson.2003.The cross-national diversity of corporate governance: Dimensions and determinants; Chatterjee.Harrison.
Bergh.2003.Failed takeover attempts, corporate governance and refocusing; Coff.2003. Bidding wars over R&D-intensive firms: Knowledge,
opportunism, and the market for corporate control. Combs.Skill.2003. Managerialist and human capital explanations for key executive pay
premiums: A contingency perspective. Daily.Dalton.Cannella.2003. Introduction to special topic forum: Corporate governance: Decades of
dialogue and data; Dalton.Daily.Certo.Roengpitya.2003. Meta-analyses of financial performance and equity: Fusion or confusion? Hillman.
Dalziel.2003. Boards of directors and firm performance: Integrating agency and resource dependence perspectives; Sanders.Carpenter.
2003.Strategic satisficing? A behavioral-agency theory perspective on stock repurchase program announcements; Shen.2003.The dynamics of
the CEO-board relationship: An evolutionary perspective Sundaramurthy.Lewis.2003. Control and collaboration: Paradoxes of governance.
Coombs.Gilley.2005.Stakeholder Management as a Predictor of CEO Compensation: Main Effects and Interactions with Financial Performance
O'Connor et al.2006. Do CEO stock options prevent or promote fraudulent financial reporting? Arthaud-Day et al.2006. A changing of the
guard: Executive and director turnover following corporate financial restatements; Morrow et al.2007. Creating value in the face of declining
performance: Firm strategies and organizational recovery
Barnard.1938. The Functions of the Executive; Lieberson.Connor.1972.Leadership and orgal performance: Study of large corporations; Staw.
Ross.1980. Commitment in an experimenting society: A study of the attribution of leadership from administrative scenarios; Pfeffer.1981. Mgmt
as symbolic action: The creation and maintenance of org; Smircich.Morgan.1982. Leadership: The management of meaning; Miller et al.
1982.Top exec locus of control and its relationship to strategy-making, structure, and environment; Hambrick.Mason.1984. Upper echelons:
The org as a reflection of its top managers; Meindl et al.1985.The romance of leadership; Miller.Toulouse.1986. CEO personality and
corporate strategy and structure in small firms; Conger.Kanungo.1987. Toward a behavioral theory of charismatic leadership in org settings;
Hambrick.Finkelstein.1987.Managerial discretion: A bridge between polar views of org outcomes; Meindl.Ehrlich.1987.The romance of
leadership and the evaluation of org perf; Thomas.1988. Does leadership make a difference to org perf? Hambrick.1989. Putting top mgrs back
in the strategy picture: Introduction; Finkelstein.Hambrick.1990. TMT tenure and org outcomes: The moderating role of mgr discretion;
Finkelstein.1992. Power in TMT: Dimensions, measurement, and validation Wiersema.Bantel.1992.TMT demography and corporate strategic
change; Cannella.Lubatkin.1993. Succession as a sociopolitical process: Internal impediments to outsider selection; Haleblian.
Finkelstein.1993.TMT size, CEO dominance, and firm performance: The moderating roles of environmental turbulence and discretion;
Finkelstein.D'Aveni. 1994.CEO duality as a double-edged sword: How boards of directors balance entrenchment avoidance and unity of
command; Hambrick.1994. Top mgmt groups: A conceptual integration and reconsideration of the "team" label; Zajac.Westphal.1996. Director
reputation, CEO-Board power, and the dynamics of board interlocks; Finkelstein.Hambrick.1996. Strategic Leadership: Top Executives and
Their Effects on Orgs; Hambrick et al.1996.The influence of top management team heterogeneity on firms' competitive moves; Cannella.
Monroe.1997. Contrasting perspectives on strategic leaders: Toward a more realistic view of top managers; Geletkanycz.Hambrick.1997.The
external ties of top executives: Implications for strategic choice and performance; Hayward.Hambrick.1997. Explaining the premiums paid for
large acquisitions: Evidence of CEO hubris; Miller et al.1998. Cognitive diversity among upper-echelon executives: Implications for strategic
decision processes; Finkelstein.Boyd.1998. How much does the CEO matter? The role of managerial discretion in the setting of CEO
compensation; Knight et al.1999. TMT diversity, group process, and strategic consensus; Chattopadhyay et al.1999. Determinants of
executive beliefs: Comparing functional conditioning and social influence; Kilduff et al.2000. TMT diversity and firm performance: Examining the
role of cognitions; Miller.Shamsie.2001.Learning across the life cycle: Experimentation and performance among the Hollywood studio heads;
Cannella. Shen.2001.So close and yet so far: Promotion versus exit for CEO heirs apparent; Carpenter.Fredrickson.2001. TMT, global
strategic posture, and the moderating role of uncertainty; Carpenter.Sanders.Gregersen.2001.Bundling human capital with org context: The
impact of international assignment experience on multinational firm performance and CEO pay; Carpenter.Sanders.2002. TMT compensation:
The missing link between CEO pay and firm performance? Carpenter.Geletkanycz.Sanders.2004. Upper echelons research revisited:
Antecedents, elements, and consequences of TMT composition; Cannella.Holcomb.2005. A multi-level analysis of the upper-echelons model
Festinger.1954.A theory of social comparison process; Homans.1958. Social behavior as exchange; Levine.White.1961.Exchange as a
Conceptual Framework for the Study of Interorgal Relationships; Emerson.1962.Power-Dependence Relations; Blau.1964.Social exchange.
Exchange and Power in Social Life; Milgram.S.1967.The Small World Problem; Granovetter.1973.Strength of weak ties; Cook.1977.Exchange
and Power in Networks of Interorg Relations; Coleman.1988.Social capital in the creation of human capital; Coleman.1990.Social institutions
and social theory: Commentary; Miner.Amburgey.Stearns.1990. Interorg linkages and population-dynamics: Buffering and transformational
shields; Burt.1992. Structural holes: the social structure of competition; Larson.1992.Network dyads in entrepreneurial settings: A study of the
governance of exchange relationships; Ibarra.Andrews.1993. Power, social influence, and sense making: Effects of network centrality and
proximity on employee perceptions; Gulati.1995.Social structure and alliance formation patterns: A longitudinal analysis; Burt.1997.The
contingent value of social capital; Walker.Kogut.Shan.1997.Social capital, structural holes and the formation of an industry network; Nahapiet.
Ghoshal.1998. Social Capital, Intellectual Capital, and the Org Advantage; Gulati.Singh.1998.The architecture of cooperation: Managing
coordination costs and appropriation concerns in strategic alliances; Tsai.Ghoshal.1998. Social capital and value creation: The role of intrafirm
networks; Gulati.Gargiulo.1999.Where do interorgal networks come from? Ahuja. 2000.The duality of collaboration: Inducements and
opportunities in the formation of interfirm linkages;Tsai.2000.Social capital, strategic relatedness and the formation of intraorgal linkages;
Adler.Kwon.2002. Social capital: Prospects for a new concept; Kostova.Roth.2003. Social capital in multinational corporations and a micromacro model of its formation; Klienbaum.Tushman.2008.Building bridges: the social structure of interdependent innovation; Rosenkopf.
Schilling.2008.Comparing alliance network structure across industries: Observations & explanations
Granovetter.1985.Economic action and social structure: The problem of embeddedness; Oliver.1990. Determinants of interorg relationships:
Integration and future directions; Baum.Oliver.1992.Institutional embeddedness and the dynamics of orgal populations; Oliver.1996.The
institutional embeddedness of economic activity. Amburgey.Dacin.Singh.1996.Learning races, patent races, and capital races: Strategic
interaction and embeddedness within orgal fields; Powell et al.1996. Interorgal collaboration and the locus of innovation: Networks of learning in
biotechnology; Uzzi.1996.The sources and consequences of embeddedness for the economic performance of orgs: The network effect; Uzzi.
1997.Social structure and competition in interfirm networks: The paradox of embeddedness; Rao et al. 2000.Embeddedness, social identity and
mobility: Why leave the NASDAQ and join the New York Stock Exchange; Rowley et al. 2000. Redundant governance structures: An analysis
of structural and relational embeddedness in the steel and semiconductor industries
Karnani.Wernerfelt.1985.Multiple point competition; Bulow et al.1985.Multimarket oligopoly: Strategic substitutes and complements; McGrath
et al.1998. Multimarket maneuvering in uncertain spheres of influence: Resource diversion strategies; Gimeno.1999. Reciprocal threats in
multimarket rivalry: Staking out 'spheres of influence' in the US airline industry; Gimeno.Woo.1999.Multimarket contact, economies of scope,
and firm performance; Haveman.Nonnemaker.2000. Competition in multiple geographic markets: The impact on growth and market entry;
Gimeno.Jeong.2001.Multimarket contact: Meaning and measurement at multiple levels of analysis; Greve.Baum.2001. Introduction: A
multiunit, multimarket world; Korn.Rock.2001. Beyond multimarket contact to mutual forbearance: Pursuit of multimarket strategy; Li.Chuang.
2001. Racing for market share: Hypercompetition and the performance of multiunit-multimarket firms; Audia et al. 2001.Tradeoffs in the org of
production: Multiunit firms, geographic dispersion and orgal learning; Scott.2001.Designing multimarket-contact hypothesis tests: Patent
citations and multimarket contact in the product and innovation markets of the chemicals industry; Stephan.Boeker.2001. Getting to multimarket
competition: How multimarket contact affects firms' market entry decisions; VanWegberg. VanWitteloostuijn.2001.Strat Mgmt in the new
economy: Modern information technologies and multichannel contact strategies; Young.Smith.Grimm.Simon.2000.Multimarket contact and
resource dissimilarity: A competitive dynamics perspective
Parsons.1937.The Structure of Social Action; Parsons.Shils.1951.Toward a General Theory of Action: Theoretical Foundations for the Social
Sciences; Kamien.Schwartz.1972. Timing of innovations under rivalry; Wernerfelt.Karnani.1987.Competitive strategy under uncertainty;
Oliva.Day.Macmillan.1988.A generic model of competitive dynamics; Smith.Grimm.Chen.Gannon.1989. Predictors of response-time to
competitive strategic actions: Preliminary theory and evidence. Smith.Grimm.1991.A communication -information model of competitive
response timing; Chen.MacMillan.1992.Nonresponse and delayed-response to competitive moves: The roles of competitor dependence and
action irreversibility; Chen.Smith.Grimm.1992. Action characteristics as predictors of competitive responses; Garud.Kumaraswami. 1993.
Changing competitive dynamics in network industries: An exploration of Sun Microsystems Open Systems Strategy; Chen.Miller.1994.
Competitive attack, retaliation and performance: An expectancy-valence framework; Miller.Chen.1994.Sources and consequences of
competitive inertia: A study of the United States airline industry; Chen.Hambrick.1995.Speed, stealth, and selective attack: How small firms
differ from large firms in competitive behavior; Chen. 1996.Competitor analysis and interfirm rivalry: Toward a theoretical integration; Young.
Smith.Grimm.1996. ''Austrian'' and industrial org perspectives on firm-level competitive activity and performance. Miller.Chen.1996.
Nonconformity in competitive repertoires: A sociological view of markets; Miller.Chen.1996.The simplicity of competitive repertoires: An
empirical analysis; Grimm.Smith.1997.Strategy as Action: Industry Rivalry and Coordination; Williams.1998. Renewable Advantage: Crafting
Strategy through Economic Time; Ferrier.Smith.Grimm.1999.The role of competitive action in market share erosion and industry
dethronement: A study of industry leaders and challengers; Lee.Smith.Grimm.Schomburg.2000.Timing, order and durability of new product
advantages with imitation; Ferrier.2001.Navigating the competitive landscape: The drivers and consequences of competitive aggressiveness;
Smith.Ferrier.Ndofor.2001.Competitive dynamics research: Critique and future directions; Phillips.Mason.2001.Collusion in horizontally
connected markets: Multimarket producers as conduits for learning; Chattopadhyay. Glick.Huber.2001.Orgal actions in response to threats
and opportunities; Mathews.2002.A resource-based view of Schumpeterian economic dynamics;Mathews.2003.Competitive dynamics and
economic learning: An extended resource-based view; Ketchen.Snow.Hoover.2004.Research on competitive dynamics: Recent
accomplishments and future challenges; Grimm.Lee.Smith.2006.Strategy as Action: Competitive Dynamics and Competitive Advantage;
Sirmon et al. Forthcoming. Resource management in dyadic competitive rivalry: The effects of resource bundling and deployment
Ricardo, D. 1817. Principles of political economy and taxation; Penrose.1959.The Theory and Growth of the Firm ; Demsetz.1973. Industry
structure, market rivalry, and public policy; Lippman.Rumelt.1982.Uncertain imitability: An analysis of interfirm differences in efficiency under
competition; Wernerfelt.1984.A resource-based view of the firm; Rumelt.1984.Towards a strategic theory of the firm; Barney.1986.Strategic
factor markets: Expectations, luck and business strategy; Dierickx.Cool.1989. Asset stock accumulation and sustainability of competitive
advantage; Prahalad.Hamel.1990.The core competence of the corporation; Barney. 1991.Firm resources and sustained competitive
advantage; Castanias.Helfat.1991.Managerial resources and rents; Conner.1991. A historical comparison of resource-based theory and 5
schools of thought within industrial org economics: Do we have a new theory of the firm? Grant.1991.The resource-based theory of competitive
advantage: Implications for strategy formulation; Mahoney.Pandian.1992.The resource based view within the conversation of strategic mgmt;
Amit.Schoemaker.1993. Strategic assets and org rent; Peteraf.1993.The cornerstones of competitive advantage: A resource based view;
Black. Boal.1994. Strategic resources: Traits, configurations and paths to sustainable competitive advantage; Roth.1995. Managing intl
interdependence: CEO characteristics in a resource based framework; Conner.Prahalad. 1996.A resource-based theory of the firm: Knowledge
versus opportunism; Miller.Shamsie.1996.The resource-based view of the firm in two environments: The Hollywood film studios from 1936 to
1965; Moran.Ghoshal.1996. Theories of econ org: the case for realism and balance; Coff.1999.When competitive adv doesn't lead to
performance: The resource-based view and stakeholder bargaining power; Carroll.Swaminathan.2000. Why the microbrewery movement? Org
dynamics of resource partitioning in the US brewing industry Priem.Butler.2001.Is the resource-based "view" a useful perspective for strat
mgmt research; Vicente-Lorente.2001. Specificity and opacity as resource-based determinants of capital structure: Evidence for Spanish
manufacturing firms; Zollo. Winter.2002.Deliberate learning and the evolution of dynamic capabilities; Denrell.Fang. Winter.2003. The
economics of strategic opportunity; Knott.2003. Persistent heterogeneity and sustainable innovation; Lippman.Rumelt.2003. A bargaining
perspective on resource advantage; Lippman.Rumelt.2003.The payments perspective: Micro-foundations of resource analysis; Carroll et
al.2002. Org processes of resource partitioning; McEvily.Chakravarthy.2002.The persistence of knowledge-based advantage: An empirical test
for product perf and technological knowledge; Miller.2003.An asymmetry-based view of advantage: Towards an attainable sustainability;
Mishina.Pollock.Porac.2004.Are more resources always better for growth? Resource stickiness in market and product expansion
Penrose.1959.The Theory and Growth of the Firm; Nelson.Winter.1982.An Evolutionary Theory of Economic Change; Wernerfelt.1984.A
resource-based view of the firm; Prahalad.Hamel.1990.The core competence of the corporation; Porter, M. E. 1991. Towards a dynamic theory
of strategy; Grant.1991.The resource-based theory of competitive advantage: Implications for strategy formulation; Black. Boal.1994. Strategic
resources: Traits, configurations and paths to sustainable competitive advantage; Lei.Hitt.Bettis.1996.Dynamic core competences through
meta-learning and strategic context; Teece.Pisano.Shuen. 1997. Dynamic capabilities and strategic management; Galunic.Rodan.1998.
Resource recombinations in the firm: Knowledge structures and the potential for Schumpeterian innovation; Eisenhardt.Martin.2000. Dynamic
capabilities: What are they? Priem.Butler.2001.Is the resource-based "view" a useful perspective for strategic management research;
Lichtenstein.Brush. 2001. How do 'resource bundles' develop and change in new ventures? A dynamic model of longitudinal exploration;
Helfat.Peteraf. 2003. The dynamic resource-based view: Capability lifecycles; Makadok.2001.Toward a synthesis of the resource-based and
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