Daily announcements

Daily Announcements
CS 101
Spring 2005
Aaron Bloomfield
Monday, 24 January 2005
The final conflicts with APMA 310 and ECON
202 (sections 100 and 200)
There will be labs this week
More on the lab scheduling issues…
A note about the common curve (between 101
and 101-E) and the separation of the classes
CodeLab registration
Please use your @virginia.edu e-mail address!
Wednesday, 26 January 2005
My Thursday office hours are changing
I don’t know what to, yet
Thus, I won’t have office hours tomorrow
There is a lab this week!
Must go to your own lab section or else, blah, blah, blah
First CodeLab homework assigned today
Posted on the website
Due next Thursday by 8:00 a.m.
The problems shouldn’t take very long for each one!
Don’t wait until late next week to handle registration issues!
First programming homework will be out next week
(probably on Monday)
Pacing for lecture today
Monday, 31 January 2005
My Thursday office hours are changing to 10:30-noon
There is a lab this week!
Must go to your own lab section or else, blah, blah, blah
Some students did the lab from somewhere other than the lab room –
they will get zeros on the lab
How the labs will be graded
Grades for lab 1 should be e-mailed this Wednesday
CodeLab registration issues: don’t wait until the last minute!
First CodeLab homework due on Thursday by 8:00 a.m.
The problems shouldn’t take very long for each one!
Don’t wait until late next week to handle registration issues!
First programming homework is out, due 11 Feb by 10:00 a.m.
A note about Lab 1
// Name: Chris Doe
// E-mail: abc1d@virginia.edu
// Purpose: To demonstrate a compile error
public class CompileError {
public static void main (String[] args) {
System.out.println ("I solved my compile error!");
Quick survey
I understood the concepts of last lecture
All of them
Most of them
I was a bit lost
I was totally lost
Quick survey
How hard were the CodeLab problems?
Really hard
Really easy
Quick survey
How helpful were the CodeLab problems?
Now I see the light!
Fairly helpful
Not really helpful
I only learned how much I dislike CodeLab
Wednesday, 2 February 2005
My Thursday office hours are now 10:30-noon
There is a lab this week
CodeLab registration issues: don’t wait until the last minute!
First CodeLab homework due on Thursday by 8:00 a.m.
The problems shouldn’t take very long for each one!
Don’t wait until late next week to handle registration issues!
First programming homework is due 11 Feb by 10:00 a.m.
Submissions will be enabled tonight
For those who do not have the 1.5 version of the textbook:
BufferedReader stdin = new BufferedReader(new
Scanner stdin = new Scanner (System.in);
A note about the questionnaires on the labs/homeworks
About the slide notes
Quick survey
I understood the concepts of last lecture
All of them
Most of them
I was a bit lost
I was totally lost
Quick survey
I understood the Scanner class in last lecture
All of them
Most of them
I was a bit lost
I was totally lost
Monday, 7 February 2005
A note about temperature conversion for HW J1
About the grading scripts…
Grades for HW C1 in Toolkit
A bunch weren’t registered for my section – they have been notified by
“Good programming practices”
There is a lab this week
Second CodeLab homework will be out this week
Second programming homework will be out this week
First programming homework is due 11 Feb by 10:00 am
Office hours this week
Don’t wait until the last minute for HW J1 questions!
First midterm is 2 weeks from Wednesday
Will most likely be open book (meaning only the textbook)
Previous year’s tests will be posted on the website
About that computer prediction slide from last time…
An old prediction of the future…
Wednesday, 9 February 2005
“Good programming practices”
Make sure your name and e-mail ID (i.e. abc1d) are in the header
There is a lab this week
You can leave lab if ALL of the following are true:
You finished your lab
You have finished your HWs that are currently due
You have been there for 30 minutes
First programming homework is due 11 Feb by 10:00 am
Second CodeLab homework will be out this week
Second programming homework will be out this week (probably Fri)
Office hours this week
Don’t wait until the last minute for HW J1 questions!
First midterm is 2 weeks from today
Will most likely be open book (meaning only the textbook)
Previous year’s tests will be posted on the website
Black Monday
“Good programming practices”
Make sure your name and e-mail ID (i.e. abc1d) are in the header
You can leave lab if ALL of the following are true:
You finished your lab
You have finished your HWs that are currently due
You have been there for 30 minutes
Second programming homework is due 18 Feb by 10:00 am
Second CodeLab homework will be out this week
Office hours this week
Don’t wait until the last minute for HW J2 questions!
First midterm is 1 week from this Wednesday
Will most be open textbook
Previous year’s test is posted on the website
Exam will cover all of chapters 1-3, and parts of chapter 4
Regrades for lab1, etc.
Overview of HW J2
HW J2 overview
Line l1 = new Line ();
Line l2 = new Line (1, 0);
double x = l1.computeIntersection(l2);
double y = l1.getYValue(x);
- m = 0.0
- b = 0.0
+ Line()
+ Line (double m, double x)
+ setYIntersect (double b)
+ computeIntersection (Line that)
+ getYValue (double y)
+ ...
Wednesday, 16 February 2005
Second programming homework is due 18 Feb by
10:00 am
Second CodeLab homework will be out this week
Office hours this week
Don’t wait until the last minute for HW J2 questions!
First midterm is 1 week from today
Will most be open textbook
Previous year’s test is posted on the website
Exam will cover all of chapters 1-3, and parts of
chapter 4
Regrades for lab1, etc.
Monday, 21 February 2005, page 1
Third programming homework is out today
Due one week from this Friday
Second CodeLab homework is out today
Due one week from this Wednesday
CodeLab problems from chapters 3 and 4
Due next Wed, March 2, @ 9:00 a.m.
Office hours this week
I will not have any this Thursday, as I’ll be out of town
And tomorrow’s will be very crowded…
Today’s lecture
Going over HW J3: 10 minutes
Finishing up chapter 4: About 15 minutes
Review of chapters 1-3: About 30 minutes
Starting on chapter 4: remaining time
About last week’s lab…
Frankly, it sucked. My apologies! That shouldn’t happen again.
And about constructors in general
Monday, 21 February 2005, page 2
I’m very behind in my e-mails
I will get to them, hopefully this upcoming weekend
I’m going to have LOTS of time in airports
First midterm is this Wednesday
In this room (CHM 402)
Will be open textbook
No notes, computers, cell phones, or assistants (digital or human)
Previous year’s test is posted on the website
Exam will cover all of chapters 1-3, and parts of chapter 4
Know your lab section time and number
It’s worth points on the exam!
Lab quiz is this Thursday
Is also open textbook
Must go to your assigned lab section!
You are not allowed to ask Java-related questions
Can ask about JCreator / submission problems
No required survey (only the optional comments field)
Last year’s will be on the website tonight
Monday, 28 February 2005
HW J3 is due this Friday
HW C2 is due this Wednesday
HW J4 will be out this week, due two weeks from this Friday
Midterm 1 returned today
Some got it back last Thursday
I have the rest of the exams with me today
Average: 86.6 (standard deviation: 7.3)
What students were a bit confused on:
Regrades will be discussed on Wednesday
Lab quiz 1 will be returned within a day or two
The plan:
Cover chapters 5, 6, and 7 over the next 3 weeks (1 week each)
A ROUGH curve for the exam is:
A: 90+, B: 80+, C: 70+
This is going to change as the semester progresses!
Quick survey
I thought the midterm was…
Way too hard
Hard, but fair
A bit easy
Really, really, REALLY easy
Quick survey
How far did you get with the CRE book?
Read it all the way through!
Read some of it, got the general idea
Bought it but didn’t read it
Didn’t even bother buying it
Wednesday, 2 March 2005
HW J3 is due this Friday
HW J4 will be out this week, due two weeks from this
We’ll be going over HWs J3 and J4 today
Midterm 1
I have it with me today
Regrades will be discussed today
Lab quiz 1 will be returned within a day or two
Lab 5 this week – we’ll go over it in lecture
About the returning of the exams in lecture…
Quick survey
I understand what HW J3 is asking…
For the most part
Not really
Not at all
Quick survey
I understand what HW J4 is asking…
For the most part
Not really
Not at all
Monday, 14 March 2005
HW J4 is due this Friday
HW J5 will be out this week, due two weeks from this Friday
It probably will be on Blackjack…
We’ll be going over HW J4 today, J5 on Wednesday
Regrades for midterm 1 will be discussed today
Midterm 2 is one week from this Wednesday
That means a lab quiz next week as well
Are no longer visible in the Toolkit
Instead, use the script found on the Submit page of the website
These grades are much more up-to-date
This should alleviate the grade issues that students were having
Wednesday, 16 March 2005
HW J4 is due this Friday
HW J5 will be out this week, due two weeks from this Friday
It probably will be on Blackjack…
We’ll be going over HW J4 today, J5 on Monday
I have regrade sheets with me today. And all un-picked up copies of the first
Midterm 2 is one week from this today
It will focus on chapters 4 and 5, with a little bit of chapter 6
And it’s cumulative as well
That means a lab quiz next week as well
The Circle class is serving as the review of chapter 4
Are no longer visible in the Toolkit
Instead, use the script found on the Submit page of the website
These grades are much more up-to-date
This should alleviate the grade issues that students were having
No office hours for me tomorrow!
Monday, 21 March 2005
HW J5 is out, due one week from Friday
We’ll be going over it today
HW C3 is out, as e-mailed to you yesterday
Midterm 2 is this Wednesday
It will focus on chapters 4 and 5, with a little bit of chapter 6
For chapter 6, you just have to be able to analyze while loops
And it’s cumulative as well
That means a lab quiz this week as well
There is a reference section at the end of the book…
No TA office hours on Thursday
Today’s schedule
Going over HW J5
Finishing up chapter 5 slides
Going over the Tune class
Continuing on chapter 6 slides
Wednesday, 23 March 2005
Test today!
That’s why everybody showed up!
When finished, put it in your section’s folder
HW J5 is out, due one week from Friday
HW C3 is out, as e-mailed to you earlier
Lab quiz this week as well
There is a reference section at the end of the book…
No TA office hours on Thursday
Test started at 2:01
Test ends at 3:16
Time now:
Monday, 28 March 2005
HW J5 is out, due this Friday
HW C3 is out, due this Wednesday
It not yet on the website…
Midterm 2
Average was an 85
Grades are available via the viewgrades script on the website
Will be returned in lab on Thursday
Midterms 3 is 3 weeks from this Wednesday
Lab quiz will be returned later this week
The plan
Finishing up chapter 6 (iteration) today
Go through chapter 7 (methods and classes) – will probably finish this
on Wednesday
Move onto chapter 8 (arrays) – will spend two weeks (at least) on this
Major selection…
Wednesday, 30 March 2005
HW J5 is out, due this Friday
Can use EITHER switch or if with the Triangle class
Don’t have to use mutators with the Triangle class
HW J6 will be out late this week (or this weekend – by next Mon at the latest)
Will go over it in lecture next Monday
Midterm 3 is 3 weeks from today
Placing out of the final
Grading curve:
A range is (roughly) 91 and above
B range is (roughly) 82 and above
The plan
Finishing up chapter 6 (iteration) today
We are going to skip chapter 6 (methods and classes) for now
We’ll come back to it later
Sorry about not letting you know about this ahead of time!
Move onto chapter 8 (arrays) – will spend two weeks (at least) on this chapter
Addressing the comments
Okay, okay! No more Enya!
About the 101/101-E split
Why I use the cough drops
Lots of comments about unclear directions
Me not responding to the in-class surveys
About the humor asides…
Will go over the textbook appendix
Lots of requests for The Who’s Baba O’Reiley
Usefulness of various course aspects (esp. CodeLab)
Lab length (and interest!)
Use better (and shorter) examples
Be better about putting slides on the website
Explain (and go over) HWs and labs more in class
Putting exam answers and code on the website
My idea: put a glossary on the website
Comments on the size of the class
Monday, 4 April 2004
Using mutators in constructors
Always do it! It’s a good programming practice
HW J5 was an exception (because we didn’t ask you to implement the mutators – in
hindsight, we should have done so)
About the comments for HW J4
HW J6 will be out today or tomorrow
I’ll e-mail about it when it’s available
Due one week from this Friday
We’ll go over it in lecture on Wednesday
Please read it over before class on Wed!
Lab this week is on arrays (we’ll go over it on Wed)
Homework “C” grades via viewgrades
‘hwc’ is the sum of all the individual ones
It’s weighted the same as the other homeworks
The individual ones have a weight of zero
Midterm 3 is 2 weeks from this Wednesday
The plan
Go through chapter 8 (arrays) this week
Then go back to chapter 7 (methods and classes) next week
Following week is the midterm
Will talk about the textbook appendix today
Wednesday, 6 April 2004
Using mutators in constructors
Will do a regrade for this on quiz 2
HW J6 is out
Due one week from this Friday
We’ll go over it in lecture today
HW C4 is out
CodeLab questions on chapter 8
It’s due next Wed right before midnight
See the notes (either on the problems or on the homeworks page)
Lab this week is on arrays (we’ll go over it today as well)
I have midterm 2 with me today (if you missed it in lab)
Midterm 3 is 2 weeks from today
The plan
Go through chapter 8 (arrays) this week
Then go back to chapter 7 (methods and classes) next week
Following week is the midterm
Monday, 11 April 2004
HW J6 is out
Due this Friday
We’ll go over it a bit more in lecture today
HW C4 is out
CodeLab questions on chapter 8
It’s due this Wed right before midnight
See the notes (either on the problems or on the homeworks page)
HW J7 will be out late this week or early next week, and will be due two weeks
from Friday
Lab this week is on 2-D arrays
Midterm 3 is 1 week from Wednesday
Will cover chapters 1-8, with a focus on 6-8
Lab quiz 3 is 1 week from Thursday
Will also focus on chapters 6-8
The plan
Go through chapter 7 (methods and classes) this week
Next week is midterm review and the midterm
Following week is chapter 9 (inheritance)
The last week of classes is review for the final
Only one day of class that week
Wednesday, 13 April 2004
HW J6 is due this Friday
HW C4 is out
Due tonight at 11:59 p.m.
CodeLab questions on chapter 8
It’s due this Wed right before midnight
See the notes (either on the problems or on the homeworks page)
HW J7 will be out late this week or early next week, and will be due two weeks
from Friday
Lab this week is on searches (we’ll go over it today)
Midterm 3 is 1 week from today
Will cover chapters 1-8, with a focus on 6-8
Lab quiz 3 is 1 week from Thursday
Will also focus on chapters 6-8
The plan
Finish chapter 7 (methods and classes) today
We may finish lecture early today
Next week is midterm review (Monday) and the midterm (Wednesday)
Following week is chapter 9 (inheritance)
The last week of classes is review for the final
Only one day of class that week
Monday, 18 April 2004
Observations on HW J6
HW J7 is due one week from this Friday
We’ll go over it today
There will most likely be one more C homework
Midterm 3 is this Wednesday
Will cover chapters 1-8, with a focus on 6-8
We will TRY to get them returned in labs the next day
If not, they will be returned the following week in labs
Lab quiz this week
You will probably have to write a class that uses for/while loops and
TAing for next year
The plan
This week is midterm review (Monday) and the midterm (Wednesday)
Next week is chapter 9 (inheritance)
What OOP is all about!
The last week of classes is review for the final
Only one day of class that week
Wednesday, 20 April 2004
HW J7 is due one week from this Friday
There will most likely be one more C homework
Midterm 3 is today!
Notice how many people show up to class!
We will TRY to get them returned in labs the next day
If not, they will be returned the following week in labs
Lab quiz tomorrow
You will probably have to write a class that uses
for/while loops and arrays
Monday, 25 April 2004
HW J7’s due date is being extended to next week
Technically due at 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday
But the late penalty won’t start until 10 a.m. on Wednesday
We will be going over HW J7 today
No more C homeworks
Midterm 3 discussion
Average: 76.4, stdev 14.6
Will regrade questions 11 & 12 for hasNextInt()
I have regrade forms on me today
Placing out of the final exam: must meet ALL of the following:
Criteria: B- or above overall average
70 or better on the third lab quiz
A “passing grade” on HW J7
Current curve has 90+ being A, 80-90 being a B, etc.
This is subject to change!!!
Note that IF 80 is the cut-off, then 79.5 will round up, but 79.4999999999 will not
CS for CLAS program
I’m a bit behind in my e-mails…
Wednesday, 27 April 2004
HW J7’s due date is being extended to next week
Technically due at 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday
But the late penalty won’t start until 10 a.m. on Wednesday
We will be going over HW J7 today
No more C homeworks
Midterm 3 discussion
Average: 76.4, stdev 14.6
Will regrade questions 11 & 12 for hasNextInt()
I have more regrade forms on me today
Can pick them up in lab tomorrow
Placing out of the final exam: must meet ALL of the following:
Criteria: B- or above overall average
70 or better on the third lab quiz
A “passing grade” on HW J7
Perhaps a minimum grade on the third midterm
Current curve has 90+ being A, 80-90 being a B, etc.
This is subject to change!!!
Note that IF 80 is the cut-off, then 79.5 will round up, but 79.4999999999 will not
CS for CLAS program
I’m a bit behind in my e-mails…
About tomorrow’s lab
Regrade times for remaining assignments…
Monday, 2 May 2004
HW J7’s due 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday
But the late penalty won’t start until 10 a.m. on Wednesday
We will be going over HW J7 today
No more C homeworks
Midterm 3
All regrades are completed (I have them with me)
Placing out of the final exam: must meet MOST of the following:
Criteria: B- or above overall average
A “passing grade” on the third lab quiz
A “passing grade” on HW J7
Current curve has 90+ being A, 80-90 being a B, etc.
This is subject to change!!!
Note that IF 80 is the cut-off, then 79.5 will round up, but
79.4999999999 will not
Final exam conflicts