VARIABLE-FREQUENCY NETWORK PERFORMANCE LEARNING GOALS Variable-Frequency Response Analysis Network performance as function of frequency. Transfer function Sinusoidal Frequency Analysis Bode plots to display frequency response data Resonant Circuits The resonance phenomenon and its characterization Scaling Impedance and frequency scaling Filter Networks Networks with frequency selective characteristics: low-pass, high-pass, band-pass VARIABLE FREQUENCY-RESPONSE ANALYSIS In AC steady state analysis the frequency is assumed constant (e.g., 60Hz). Here we consider the frequency as a variable and examine how the performance varies with the frequency. Variation in impedance of basic components Resistor Z R R R0 Inductor Z L jL L90 Capacitor Zc 1 1 90 jC C Frequency dependent behavior of series RLC network 2 1 ( j ) 2 LC jRC 1 j RC j ( LC 1) Z eq R jL j C jC jC " Simplifica tion in notation" j s s 2 LC sRC 1 Z eq ( s ) sC | Z eq | (RC ) (1 LC ) C 2 2 2 1 LC 1 Z eq tan RC 2 Simplified notation for basic components Z R ( s) R, Z L ( s) sL, ZC 1 sC For all cases seen, and all cases to be studied, the impedance is of the form am s m am 1s m 1 ... a1s a0 Z ( s) bn s n bn1s n1 ... b1s b0 Moreover, if the circuit elements (L,R,C, dependent sources) are real then the expression for any voltage or current will also be a rational function in s LEARNING EXAMPLE 1 sC R sRC VS 2 VS R sL 1/ sC s LC sRC 1 s j jRC Vo VS 2 ( j ) LC jRC 1 Vo ( s) sL R j (15 2.53 103 ) Vo 100 2 3 3 ( j ) (0.1 2.53 10 ) j (15 2.53 10 ) 1 MATLAB can be effectively used to compute frequency response characteristics USING MATLAB TO COMPUTE MAGNITUDE AND PHASE INFORMATION am s m am 1s m 1 ... a1s a0 Vo ( s) bn s n bn1s n1 ... b1s b0 num [am , am 1 ,..., a1 , a0 ]; den [bn , bn1 ,..., b1 , b0 ]; freqs(num , den) EXAMPLE MATLAB commands required to display magnitude and phase as function of frequency NOTE: Instead of comma (,) one can use space to separate numbers in the array a1 j (15 2.53 103 ) Vo ( j ) 2 (0.1 2.53 103 ) j (15 2.53 103 ) 1 b2 b1 b0 » num=[15*2.53*1e-3,0]; » den=[0.1*2.53*1e-3,15*2.53*1e-3,1]; » freqs(num,den) Missing coefficients must be entered as zeros This sequence will also » num=[15*2.53*1e-3 0]; work. Must be careful not » den=[0.1*2.53*1e-3 15*2.53*1e-3 1]; to insert blanks elsewhere » freqs(num,den) GRAPHIC OUTPUT PRODUCED BY MATLAB Log-log plot Semi-log plot LEARNING EXAMPLE A possible stereo amplifier Desired frequency characteristic (flat between 50Hz and 15KHz) Log frequency scale Postulated amplifier Frequency Analysis of Amplifier Vin ( s ) Rin VS ( s ) Rin 1 / sC in G ( s) Vo ( s) 1 / sC o [1000Vin ] 1 / sC o Ro Vo ( s ) Vin ( s ) Vo ( s ) VS ( s ) VS ( s ) Vin ( s ) Voltage Gain Frequency domain equivalent circuit s 40,000 sC in Rin 1 [ 1000 ] G ( s) s 40,000 [1000]1 sC R s 100 1 sC R in in o o C in Rin 1 9 100 3.18 10 10 Co Ro 1 79.58 109 6 1 1 100 (50 Hz ) 40,000 (20kHz ) s 40,000 100 | s | 40,000 G ( s ) [1000] s 40,000 Frequency dependent behavior is caused by reactive elements actual required NETWORK FUNCTIONS Some nomenclature When voltages and currents are defined at different terminal pairs we define the ratios as Transfer Functions INPUT Voltage Current Current Voltage OUTPUT TRANSFER FUNCTION SYMBOL Voltage Voltage Gain Gv(s) Voltage Transimpedance Z(s) Current Current Gain Gi(s) Current Transadmittance Y(s) If voltage and current are defined at the same terminals we define Driving Point Impedance/Admittance EXAMPLE To compute the transfer functions one must solve the circuit. Any valid technique is acceptable I 2 ( s) Transadmittance V1 ( s ) Transfer admittance V ( s) Gv ( s) 2 Voltage gain V1 ( s) YT ( s ) LEARNING EXAMPLE VOC ( s ) sL V1 ( s ) sL R1 The textbook uses mesh analysis. We will use Thevenin’s theorem 1 sLR1 1 R1 || sL sC sL R1 sC s 2 LCR1 sL R1 ZTH ( s ) sC ( sL R1 ) ZTH ( s) I 2 ( s) Transadmittance V1 ( s ) Transfer admittance V ( s) Gv ( s) 2 Voltage gain V1 ( s) YT ( s ) ZTH (s) VOC (s) sL V1 ( s ) sL R1 VOC ( s ) sC ( sL R1 ) I 2 ( s) s 2 LCR1 sL R1 sC ( sL R1 ) R2 ZTH ( s ) R2 sC ( sL R1 ) I 2 ( s) R2 V2 ( s ) s 2 LC YT ( s) 2 s ( R1 R2 ) LC s( L R1R2C ) R1 Gv ( s ) Vs ( s ) R2 I 2 ( s ) R2YT ( s ) V1 ( s ) V1 ( s) POLES AND ZEROS (More nomenclature) am s m am 1s m 1 ... a1s a0 H ( s) bn s n bn1s n1 ... b1s b0 Arbitrary network function Using the roots, every (monic) polynomial can be expressed as a product of first order terms H ( s) K 0 ( s z1 )( s z2 )...( s zm ) ( s p1 )( s p2 )...( s pn ) z1, z2 ,..., zm zeros of the network function p1, p2 ,..., pn poles of the network function The network function is uniquely determined by its poles and zeros and its value at some other value of s (to compute the gain) EXAMPLE zeros : z1 1, poles : p1 2 j 2, p2 2 j 2 H (0) 1 H ( s) K 0 ( s 1) s 1 K0 2 ( s 2 j 2)( s 2 j 2) s 4s 8 1 H (0) K 0 1 8 H ( s) 8 s 1 s 2 4s 8 LEARNING EXTENSION Find the driving point impedance at VS (s) I (s) Z ( s) VS ( s ) I ( s) KVL : VS ( s) Rin I ( s ) Z ( s ) Rin 1 I ( s) sC in 1 100 1 M sC in s Replace numerical values LEARNING EXTENSION Find the pole and zero locations and the value of K o for the voltage gain G ( s ) H ( s) K 0 Vo ( s ) VS ( s ) ( s z1 )( s z2 )...( s zm ) ( s p1 )( s p2 )...( s pn ) Zeros = roots of numerator Poles = roots of denominator For this case the gain was shown to be s 40,000 sC in Rin 1 [ 1000 ] G ( s) s 40,000 [1000]1 sC R s 100 1 sC R in in o o zero : z1 0 poles : p1 50 Hz, p2 20,000 Hz K 0 (4 107 ) Variable Frequency Response SINUSOIDAL FREQUENCY ANALYSIS A0e j ( t ) B0 cos( t ) H (s) A0 H ( j )e j ( t ) B0 | H ( j ) | cos t H ( j ) Circuit represented by network function To study the behavior of a network as a function of the frequency we analyze the network function H ( j ) as a function of . Notation M ( ) | H ( j ) | ( ) H ( j ) H ( j ) M ( )e j ( ) Plots of M ( ), ( ), as function of are generally called magnitude and phase characteristics. 20 log10 (M ( )) BODE PLOTS vs log10 ( ) ( ) HISTORY OF THE DECIBEL Originated as a measure of relative (radio) power P2 |dB (over P1 ) 10 log P2 P1 V2 V22 I 22 PI R P2 |dB (over P1 ) 10 log 2 10 log 2 R V1 I1 2 V |dB 20 log10 | V | By extension I |dB 20 log10 | I | G |dB 20 log10 | G | Using log scales the frequency characteristics of network functions have simple asymptotic behavior. The asymptotes can be used as reasonable and efficient approximations General form of a network function showing basic terms Poles/zeros at the origin Frequency independent K 0 ( j ) N (1 j1 )[1 2 3 ( j3 ) ( j3 )2 ]... H ( j ) (1 ja )[1 2 b ( jb ) ( jb )2 ]... log( AB ) log A log B First order terms log( Quadratic terms for complex conjugate poles/zeros N ) log N log D D | H ( j ) |dB 20 log10 | H ( j ) | 20 log10 K 0 N 20 log10 | j | 20 log10 | 1 j1 | 20 log10 | 1 2 3 ( j3 ) ( j3 ) 2 | ... 20 log10 | 1 ja | 20 log10 | 1 2 b ( jb ) ( jb ) 2 | .. z1z2 z1 z2 H ( j ) 0 N 90 Display each basic term z1 2 z1 z2 1 1 separately and add the 3 3 tan tan ... 1 z2 results to obtain final 1 (3 ) 2 2 bb tan a tan ... 1 (b ) 2 1 1 answer Let’s examine each basic term Constant Term the x - axis is log10 this is a straight line Poles/Zeros at the origin ( j ) N | ( j ) N |dB N 20 log10 ( ) ( j ) N N 90 | 1 j |dB 20 log10 1 ( ) 2 1 j Simple pole or zero (1 j ) tan 1 1 | 1 j |dB 0 low frequency asymptote (1 j ) 0 1 | 1 j |dB 20 log10 high frequency asymptote (20dB/dec) The two asymptotes meet when 1(corner/break frequency) (1 j ) 90 Behavior in the neighborhood of the corner corner octave above octave below distance to FrequencyAsymptoteCurve asymptote Argument 3dB 3 45 1 0dB 2 6dB 7db 1 63.4 0 .5 0dB 1dB 1 26.6 Asymptote for phase Low freq. Asym. High freq. asymptote Simple zero Simple pole Quadratic pole or zero t 2 [1 2 ( j ) ( j ) ] [1 2 ( j ) ( )2 ] 2 | t 2 |dB 20 log10 1 ( ) 2 2 t 2 tan 1 2 2 1 | t2 |dB 0 low frequency asymptote 2 1 ( ) 2 t2 0 1 | t2 |dB 20 log10 ( )2 high freq. asymptote 40dB/dec t2 180 1 | t2 |dB 20 log10 (2 ) Corner/break frequency t2 90 1 2 2 | t2 |dB 20 log10 2 1 2 Resonance frequency These graphs are inverted for a zero Magnitude for quadratic pole t 2 tan 1 1 2 2 Phase for quadratic pole 2 2 LEARNING EXAMPLE Draw asymptotes for each term Generate magnitude and phase plots Gv ( j ) 10(0.1 j 1) ( j 1)(0.02 j 1) Breaks/corners : 1,10,50 Draw composites dB 40 20 10 |dB 20dB / dec 0 20dB / dec 20 90 45 / dec 45 / dec 0.1 1 10 100 90 1000 asymptotes LEARNING EXAMPLE Generate magnitude and phase plots Draw asymptotes for each Gv ( j ) Form composites 25( j 1) ( j ) 2 (0.1 j 1) Breaks (corners) : 1, 10 dB 40 28dB 20 0 40dB / dec 20 90 45 / dec 45 90 180 0.1 1 10 100 270 Final results . . . And an extra hint on poles at the origin 40 dB dec 20 dB dec 40 1 K0 0 K 0 2 ( j ) 2 dB dB dec LEARNING EXTENSION Sketch the magnitude characteristic breaks : 2, 10, 100 104 ( j 2) G ( j ) But the function is NOT in standard form ( j 10)( j 100) 20( j / 2 1) We need to show about Put in standard form G ( j ) 4 decades ( j / 10 1)( j / 100 1) dB 40 25 |dB 20 0 20 90 1 10 100 1000 90 LEARNING EXTENSION Sketch the magnitude characteristic It is in standard form 100(0.02 j 1 G ( j ) ( j ) 2 break at 50 Double pole at the origin dB 40 20 0 20 90 90 1 10 100 Once each term is drawn we form the composites 270 1000 LEARNING EXTENSION Put in standard form j G ( j ) ( j 1)( j / 10 1) Sketch the magnitude characteristic G ( j ) 10 j ( j 1)( j 10) not in standard form zero at the origin breaks : 1, 10 dB 40 20 0 20 20dB / dec 20dB / dec 90 90 0.1 1 10 Once each term is drawn we form the composites 100 270 LEARNING EXAMPLE A function with complex conjugate poles t 2 [1 2 ( j ) ( j )2 ] Put in standard form G ( j ) G ( j ) Draw composite asymptote 25 j ( j 0.5) ( j ) 2 4 j 100 0.5 j ( j / 0.5 1) ( j / 10) 2 j / 25 1 2 1 / 25 0.2 0.1 dB 40 20 1 | t2 |dB 20 log10 (2 ) 0 8dB 20 90 90 Behavior close to corner of conjugate pole/zero is too dependent on damping ratio. Computer evaluation is better 0.01 0.1 1 10 270 100 Evaluation of frequency response using MATLAB G ( j ) Using default options 25 j ( j 0.5) ( j ) 2 4 j 100 » num=[25,0]; %define numerator polynomial » den=conv([1,0.5],[1,4,100]) %use CONV for polynomial multiplication den = 1.0000 4.5000 102.0000 50.0000 » freqs(num,den) Evaluation of frequency response using MATLAB User controlled G ( j ) 25 j ( j 0.5) ( j ) 2 4 j 100 >> clear all; close all %clear workspace and close any open figure >> figure(1) %open one figure window (not STRICTLY necessary) >> w=logspace(-1,3,200);%define x-axis, [10^{-1} - 10^3], 200pts total >> G=25*j*w./((j*w+0.5).*((j*w).^2+4*j*w+100)); %compute transfer function >> subplot(211) %divide figure in two. This is top part >> semilogx(w,20*log10(abs(G))); %put magnitude here >> grid %put a grid and give proper title and labels >> ylabel('|G(j\omega)|(dB)'), title('Bode Plot: Magnitude response') Evaluation of frequency response using MATLAB User controlled Repeat for phase Continued USE TO ZOOM IN A SPECIFIC REGION OF INTEREST >> semilogx(w,unwrap(angle(G)*180/pi)) %unwrap avoids jumps from +180 to -180 >> grid, ylabel('Angle H(j\omega)(\circ)'), xlabel('\omega (rad/s)') >> title('Bode Plot: Phase Response') No xlabel here to avoid clutter Compare with default! LEARNING EXTENSION Sketch the magnitude characteristic t 2 [1 2 ( j ) ( j ) ] 2 0.2( j 1) G ( j ) j[( j / 12) 2 j / 36 1] dB 40 1 / 12 2 1 / 36 1 / 6 1 | t2 |dB 20 log10 (2 ) 9.5dB 20 20dB / dec 0 20 0dB / dec 90 40dB / dec 90 0.1 1 12 10 100 270 G ( j ) 0.2( j 1) j[( j / 12) 2 j / 36 1] » num=0.2*[1,1]; » den=conv([1,0],[1/144,1/36,1]); » freqs(num,den) DETERMINING THE TRANSFER FUNCTION FROM THE BODE PLOT This is the inverse problem of determining frequency characteristics. We will use only the composite asymptotes plot of the magnitude to postulate a transfer function. The slopes will provide information on the order A. different from 0dB. There is a constant Ko A B C K 0 |dB 20 K 0 D E K 0 |dB 10 20 B. Simple pole at 0.1 ( j / 0.1 1)1 C. Simple zero at 0.5 ( j / 0.5 1) D. Simple pole at 3 ( j / 3 1)1 E. Simple pole at 20 G ( j ) 10( j / 0.5 1) ( j / 0.1 1)( j / 3 1)( j / 20 1) ( j / 20 1)1 If the slope is -40dB we assume double real pole. Unless we are given more data LEARNING EXTENSION Determine a transfer function from the composite magnitude asymptotes plot A. Pole at the origin. Crosses 0dB line at 5 C E A B D 5 j B. Zero at 5 C. Pole at 20 D. Zero at 50 E. Pole at 100 5( j / 5 1)( j / 50 1) G ( j ) j ( j / 20 1)( j / 100 1) Sinusoidal RESONANT CIRCUITS - SERIES RESONANCE Im{ Z } 0 QUALITY FACTOR RESONANT FREQUENCY PHASOR DIAGRAM RESONANT CIRCUITS These are circuits with very special frequency characteristics… And resonance is a very important physical phenomenon Parallel RLC circuit Series RLC circuit Z ( j ) R jL 1 jC Y ( j ) G jC 1 jL The reactance of each circuit is zero when L 1 0 C 1 LC The frequency at which the circuit becomes purely resistive is called the resonance frequency Properties of resonant circuits At resonance the impedance/admittance is minimal Z ( j ) R jL | Z |2 R 2 (L 1 j C Y ( j ) G 1 2 ) C 1 jL | Y |2 G 2 (C j C 1 2 ) L Current through the serial circuit/ voltage across the parallel circuit can become very large (if resistance is small) Quality Factor : Q 0 L R 1 0CR Given the similarities between series and parallel resonant circuits, we will focus on serial circuits Properties of resonant circuits At resonance the power factor is unity VR j L j V1 L VC j I C GV1 jCV1 CIRCUIT SERIES PARALLEL BELOW RESONANCE CAPACITIVE INDUCTIVE Phasor diagram for series circuit ABOVE RESONANCE INDUCTIVE CAPACITIVE Phasor diagram for parallel circuit LEARNING EXAMPLE Determine the resonant frequency, the voltage across each element at resonance and the value of the quality factor I 1 0 L 50 0C VC 1 j 0 C I j 50 5 250 90 Q 1 1 2000rad / sec 3 6 LC (25 10 H )(10 10 F ) At resonance Z 2 V 100 I S 5A Z 2 0 0 L (2 103 )(25 103 ) 50 VL j0 LI j50 5 25090 (V ) 0 L R 50 25 2 At resonance VS Q | VS | R | VC | Q | VS | | VL | 0 L LEARNING EXAMPLE 0 Given L = 0.02H with a Q factor of 200, determine the capacitor necessary to form a circuit resonant at 1000Hz 1 1 C 1.27 F 2 1000 0.02C LC What is the rating for the capacitor if the circuit is tested with a 10V supply? At resonance VS Q | VS | R | VC | 2000V | VC | Q | VS | | VL | 0 L L with Q 200 200 I 0 L R R 2 1000 0.02 1.59 200 10 6.28 A 1.59 The reactive power on the capacitor exceeds 12kVA LEARNING EXTENSION Find the value of C that will place the circuit in resonance at 1800rad/sec 0 1 1 1 1800 C 0.1( H ) C LC 0.1 18002 C 3.86 F Find the Q for the network and the magnitude of the voltage across the capacitor Q 0 L R Q 1800 0.1 60 3 At resonance VS Q | VS | | V | 600V C R | VC | Q | VS | | VL | 0 L M ( ) Resonance for the series circuit Z ( j ) R jL | Z |2 R 2 (L 1 j C 1 2 ) C 1 1/ 2 0 2 2 1 Q ( ) 0 BW 0 Q Claim : The voltage gain is Gv VR 1 V1 1 jQ ( 0 ) 0 Gv At resonance : 0 L QR, 0C R 1 R jL jC 1 QR Z ( j ) R j Gv R Z R Z ( j ) Half power frequencies ( ) tan 1 Q ( QR j 0 QR 0 R 1 jQ ( 0 ) 0 M ( ) | Gv |, ( ) | Gv LO 2 1 1 0 1 2Q 2Q 0 ) 0 The Q factor 0 L 1 R 0CR For series circuit : High Q Low R For parallel circuit : High Q High R (low G) Q dissipates Stores as E field High Q Small BW M Stores as M field Capacitor and inductor exchange stored energy. When one is at maximum the other is at zero Q 2 Q can also be interpreted from an energy point of view WS maximum energy stored 2 WD energy dissipated by cycle 2 WD RI eff 2 0 1 2 2 RI mx 2 0 1 2 1 2 W S LI mx CVmx 2 2 Ws L 0 Q WD 2 R 2 ENERGY TRANSFER IN RESONANT CIRCUITS i (t ) V cos t[ A] R m O Normalization factor LEARNING EXAMPLE Determine the resonant frequency, quality factor and bandwidth when R=2 and when R=0.2 2 5 F 2mH 0 0 R 2 0.2 Q 1 LC Q 0 L R 1 (2 103 )(5 106 ) Q 10 100 10000 0.002 R 1 0CR BW 0 Q 104 rad / sec R 2 0.2 Q 10 100 BW(rad/sec) 1000 100 BW 10000 / Q Evaluated with EXCEL LEARNING EXTENSION A series RLC circuit as the following properties: R 4,0 4000rad / sec, BW 100rad / sec Determine the values of L,C. 0 1 LC Q 0 L R 1 0CR BW 0 Q 1. Given resonant frequency and bandwidth determine Q. 2. Given R, resonant frequency and Q determine L, C. Q L C 0 BW QR 0 1 L 02 4000 40 100 40 4 0.040 H 4000 1 1 6 1 . 56 10 F 2 6 0 RQ 4 10 16 10 LEARNING EXAMPLE Find R, L, C so that the circuit operates as a band-pass filter with center frequency of 1000rad/s and bandwidth of 100rad/s Gv 0 R R jL 1 LC 1 jC Q R Z ( j ) 0 L R 1 0CR BW 0 Q dependent Strategy: 1. Determine Q 2. Use value of resonant frequency and Q to set up two equations in the three unknowns 3. Assign a value to one of the unknowns 0 1000 Q 10 BW 100 1 1 0 (103 ) 2 LC LC Q 0 L R 10 1000 L R For example C 1 F 106 F L 1H R 100 PROPERTIES OF RESONANT CIRCUITS: VOLTAGE ACROSS CAPACITOR At resonance | V0 | Q | VR | But this is NOT the maximum value for the voltage across the capacitor 1 jC V0 1 1 VS 1 2 LC jCR R jL jC 0 L 2 1 V Q 0 R 0CR u ; g V 0 S 1 dg 2(1 u 2 )(2u) 2(u / Q )(1 / Q ) g ( u) 1 2 2 0 2 ( 1 u ) 2 2 2 du 2 2 u Q 2 1 u u 2 1 u Q Q 1 0 LC umax 1 max 1 0 2Q 2 gmax 1 Q2 Q | VS | | V | 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 2 4 1 4Q 4Q Q 2Q 4Q 2 LEARNING EXAMPLE Determine 0 , max when R 50 and R 1 50mH 0 5 F 1 LC umax 0 Q 1 1 2000rad / s 2 6 LC (5 10 )(5 10 ) 2000 0.050 R max 2000 1 1 R 50 1 Q 0 L R 1 0CR max 1 1 0 2Q 2 2Q 2 Q Wmax 2 1871 100 2000 Evaluated with EXCEL and rounded to zero decimals Using MATLAB one can display the frequency response R=50 Low Q Poor selectivity R=1 High Q Good selectivity LEARNING EXAMPLE The Tacoma Narrows Bridge Opened: July 1, 1940 Collapsed: Nov 7, 1940 Likely cause: wind varying at frequency similar to bridge natural frequency 0 2 0.2 Tacoma Narrows Bridge Simulator Assume a low Q=2.39 31.66 F 20 H 9.5 Vinmx 42 (1V 1 ft ) 1 At failure a 42mph wind caused 4' deflection. For the model at resonance v0 RB 4 vin RA RB 42 3.77' 0.44’ 1.07’ PARALLEL RLC RESONANT CIRCUITS Impedance of series RLC Admittance of parallel RLC 1 1 Y ( j ) G j C Notice equivalenc es j C jL 1 2 R G, L C , C L 1 2 | Z |2 R 2 (L ) | Y |2 G 2 (C ) Z Y , V I C L Z ( j ) R jL Series RLC I S YVS 0 1 LC Q 0 L R 1 0CR Parallel RLC At resonance 1 0 1 LC Q 0C G 0C Y G G 0 0 L IG GVS I S BW Series RLC Y Q IG I S j C 0 I C jCVS IS I I Parallel RLC BW C L Y Q C 1 0 1 jL | I C | G | I S | Q | I S | IL VS IS j L Y 1 | I L | |I | 0 LG S 1 0 LG VARIATION OF IMPEDANCE AND PHASOR DIAGRAM – PARALLEL CIRCUIT LEARNING EXAMPLE If the source operates at the resonant frequency of the network, compute all the branch currents IG 0.011200 1.20( A) I S 1 1 0 117.85rad / s 4 LC 0.120 (6 10 ) VS 1200, G 0.01S C 600 F , IC (190) (117.85) (600 106 ) 1200 8.4990( A) L 120mH At resonance 1 0C Y G G 0 L IG GVS I S Y IG I S j C I C jCVS IS I I C L Y 0C 1 | I | | IS | Q | IS | C 1 j L G IL VS IS j L Y 1 | I L | |I | 0 LG S I L 8.49 90( A) I x _______ Derive expressions for the resonant frequency, half power frequencies, bandwidth and quality factor for the transfer characteristic Vout LEARNING EXAMPLE H I in 2 G 1 G h 2C 2C LC Vout YT G jC I V 1 in H out YT I in YT | H | 1 1 1 jL 1 2 2 Half power frequencies | H ( j h ) |2 0.5 | H |2max 2 Q 0 BW G C 1 C C R G L L Replace and show 1 G C jL L 1 1 Resonant frequency : 0 | H max | R LC G G jC BW HI LO 1 1 G 2G 2 hC G 2 hC L h L h Q LO 0C G 1 0 LG 2 1 1 0 1 2Q 2Q LEARNING EXAMPLE Increasing selectivity by cascading low Q circuits Single stage tuned amplifier 0 1 LC 10 6 1 H 2.54 1012 F 1 C C Q 0 R BW G L L 2.54 1012 250 0.398 6 10 6.275 108 rad / s 99.9 MHz Determine the resonant frequency, Q factor and bandwidth LEARNING EXTENSION R 2k, L 20mH , C 150 F Parallel RLC 1 LC 0 0 Q 0C G 1 BW 0 Q 0 LG 1 3 6 (20 10 )(150 10 ) 577 150 106 Q 173 1/ 2000 BW 577 3.33rad / s 173 577 rad / s LEARNING EXTENSION Determine L, C, R 6k, BW 1000rad / s, Q 120 Parallel RLC 1 LC 0 Q 0C G 1 BW 0 Q 0 LG 0 Q BW 120 1000 1.2 105 rad / s C Q 120 0.167 F R0 6000 1.2 105 L R 6000 417 H Q0 120 1.2 105 Can be used to verify computations 0 PRACTICAL RESONANT CIRCUIT The resistance of the inductor coils cannot be neglected I . At resonance the voltage and impedance are maxima Y 2 2 L 2 R L 2 R 2 R L R1 R 0 Z MAX R1 R 0 R R Z MAX RQ02 V ZI Y ( j ) jC 1 R jL R jL R jL R jL R 2 (L) 2 R L Y ( j ) 2 j C 2 2 2 R (L) R (L) How do you define a quality factor for this circuit? Y ( j ) jC L 1 R Y real C 2 0 R LC L R (L)2 1 1 0 L 1 0 , Q0 R 0 2 LC R Q0 2 LEARNING EXAMPLE 1 1 L , Q0 0 R 0 1 2 Q0 LC R 0 0 Q0 Determine both 0 , R for R 50, 5 1 3 6 (50 10 H )(5 10 F ) 2000rad / s 2000 0.050 1 , R 2000 1 2 R Q0 R 50 5 Q0 2 20 Wr(rad/s) f(Hz) 1732 275.7 1997 317.8 RESONANCE IN A MORE GENERAL VIEW Z ( j ) R jL | Z |2 R 2 (L 1 j C Y ( j ) G 1 2 ) C 1 jL | Y |2 G 2 (C j C 1 2 ) L For series connection the impedance reaches maximum at resonance. For parallel connection the impedance reaches maximum Ys jC ( j ) 2 LC jCR 1 Zp jL ( j ) 2 LC jLG 1 In Bode plots the quadratic term was written as ( j )2 2 j 1 LC series 2 CR 2 0CR A high Q circuit is highly under damped 1 0 parallel 1 Q Q 2 LG 2 0 LG 1 2 1 Q Resonance SCALING Scaling techniques are used to change an idealized network into a more realistic one or to adjust the values of the components Magnitude or impedance scaling Frequency or time scaling R' K M R ω' K F ω L' K M L Impedance of each component is unchanged C ' C KM ' L' L, LC L' C ' 0 Q 0 L 0 L' R 1 1 LC L' C ' R' Magnitude scaling does not change the frequency characteristics nor the quality of the network. 1 1 ' C ' C R' R L' L KF C' C KF 0' K F 0 Q' BW ' 0' L' 0' Q' R' Q Constant Q networks K F ( BW ) LEARNING EXAMPLE Determine the value of the elements and the characterisitcs of the network if the circuit is magnitude scaled by 100 and frequency scaled by 1,000,000 0 2rad / s, Q 1H R' R 1 F 2 2 Magnitude or impedance scaling R' K M R BW ' C C ' KM R' 200 1 C' F 200 L' ' 100mH C '' C KF 0' K F 0 L' K M L L' 100 H R' ' 200 L L' KF C' Q,0 are unchanged 0' Q' 2 , BW 2 2 1 F 200 0'' 1.414 106 rad / s K F ( BW ) LEARNING EXTENSION An RLC network with R 10, L 1H, C 2F is magnitude scaled by 100 and frequency scaled by 10,000. Determine the resulting circuit elements Magnitude or impedance scaling Frequency scaling R' K M R R' R L' K M L C C ' KM R' 1000 L' 100 H C ' 0.02 F L L' KF C C KF ' R' ' 1k L' ' 0.01H C ' ' 2 F Scaling FILTER NETWORKS Networks designed to have frequency selective behavior COMMON FILTERS High-pass filter Low-pass filter We focus first on PASSIVE filters Band-reject filter Band-pass filter Simple low-pass filter 1 V 1 jC Gv 0 V1 R 1 1 jRC jC 1 Gv ; RC 1 j M ( ) | Gv | 1 1 2 Gv ( ) tan 1 1 1 M max 1, M 2 1 half power frequency BW 1 Simple high-pass filter Gv V0 R jCR V1 R 1 1 jCR jC Gv j ; RC 1 j M ( ) | Gv | Gv ( ) 1 2 2 tan 1 1 1 M max 1, M 2 1 half power frequency LO 1 Simple band-pass filter Band-pass V Gv 0 V1 M ( ) LO R 1 R j L C RC HI RC 2 2 LC 1 2 1 M 1 M ( 0) M ( ) 0 LC 0 M ( LO ) 1 LC 1 M ( HI ) 2 ( R / L) R / L2 4 20 2 ( R / L) R / L2 4 20 2 BW HI LO R L Simple band-reject filter 1 1 0 j 0 L LC C 0 at 0 the capacitor acts as open circuit V0 V1 0 at the inductor acts as open circuit V0 V1 LO , HI are determined as in the band - pass filter LEARNING EXAMPLE Depending on where the output is taken, this circuit can produce low-pass, high-pass or band-pass or bandreject filters Band-reject filter Band-pass Bode plot for R 10, L 159H , C 159 F VL VS VC VS jL 1 R j L C 1 jC 1 R j L C VL 0 0, VL ( ) 1 VS VS VC 0 1, VC ( ) 0 VS VS High-pass Low-pass LEARNING EXAMPLE A simple notch filter to eliminate 60Hz interference vin (t ) sin 2 60t 0.2 sin 2 1000t L 70.3mH , C 100 F 1 L jC C ZR 1 1 jL j (L ) jC C jL V0 Req Req Z R Vin 1 1 Z R V 0 0 LC LC LEARNING EXTENSION Sketch the magnitude characteristic of the Bode plot for Gv ( j ) 1 1 jC Gv ( j ) 1 1 jRC R jC Break/corner frequency : 5rad/s low frequency asymptote of 0dB/dec RC (10 103 )(20 106 F ) 0.2rad / s High frequency asymptote of - 20dB/dec LEARNING EXTENSION Sketch the magnitude characteristic of the Bode plot for Gv ( j ) 20dB/dec. Crosses 0dB at Gv ( j ) RC (25 103 )(20 106 F ) 0.5rad / s R R 1 jC 1 2rad / s jRC 1 jRC Break/corner frequency : 2rad/s low frequency asymptote of 0dB/dec High frequency asymptote of - 20dB/dec LEARNING EXTENSION Sketch the magnitude characteristic of the Bode plot for Gv ( j ) Band-pass 20dB/dec. Crosses 0dB at Gv ( j ) 1 0 1000 LC 1 1000rad / s RC R jRC 2 1 1 j RC ( j ) LC R jL jC 2 LC 106 103 , Break/corner frequency : 1000 rad/s 103 3 6 2 RC 10 10 0.5 2 103 High frequency asymptote of - 40dB/dec LO HI ( R / L) R / L2 4 20 2 ( R / L) R / L2 4 20 2 low frequency asymptote of 0dB/dec 618rad / s 1618rad / s 40dB / dec ACTIVE FILTERS Passive filters have several limitations 1. Cannot generate gains greater than one 2. Loading effect makes them difficult to interconnect 3. Use of inductance makes them difficult to handle Using operational amplifiers one can design all basic filters, and more, with only resistors and capacitors The linear models developed for operational amplifiers circuits are valid, in a more general framework, if one replaces the resistors by impedances These currents are zero Ideal Op-Amp Basic Inverting Amplifier I1 V1 Z1 I 0 V 0 V 0 Infinite gain V V Infinite input impedance I - I 0 V1 VO 0 Z1 Z 2 VO Z2 V1 Z1 G Z2 Z1 Linear circuit equivalent EXAMPLE USING INVERTING AMPLIFIER LOW PASS FILTER Basic Non-inverting amplifier V1 I1 0 I 0 V1 V0 V1 V1 Z2 Z1 V0 Z 2 Z1 V1 Z1 G 1 Z2 Z1 EXAMPLE USING NON INVERTING CONFIGURATION EXAMPLE SECON ORDER FILTER V V V V V V 0 R 1/ C s R R 2 IN 2 1 1 V V 0 R 1/ C s 2 V ( s) 2 2 2 O 2 2 2 O 3 Due to the internal op-amp circuitry, it has Operational Transductance Amplifier (OTA) limitations, e.g., for high frequency and/or low voltage situations. The Operational Transductance Amplifier (OTA) performs well in those situations Ideal OTA : Rin R0 COMPARISON BETWEEN OP-AMPS AND OTAs – PHYSICAL CONSTRUCTION Comparison of Op-Amp and OTA - Parameters Amplifier Type Op-Amp OTA Ideal Rin Ideal Ro Ideal Gain Input Current input Voltage 0 0 0 gm 0 nonzero Basic Op-Amp Circuit Basic OTA Circuit R0 gm v in R0 RL RL v0 Av vin R0 RL i0 Rin vin VS RS Rin vin Rin VS RS Rin RL Rin v A 0 Av VS R0 RL RS Rin Gm i0 R0 Rin gm v in R0 RL RS Rin Ideal OTA Ideal Op - Amp A Av Gm g m Basic OTA Circuits i0 gm v1 1t v0 i0 ( x )dx v0 (0) C0 Integrator gm t v0 ( t ) v1 ( x )dx v0 (0) C 0 In the frequency domain V0 gm V1 jC i0 gm vin (notice polarity) iin i0 0 Simulated Resistor vin 1 Req iin gm OTA APPLICATION gm1v1 gm1 v1 gm2 v2 gm 2v2 Basic OTA Adder v0 1 ( gm1 v1 gm2 v2 ) gm 3 Simulated Resistor Equivalent representation Programmability of gm S gm1 20 I ABC A Typical values gm 10mS gm range : 3 - 7 decades (e. g., gm 10mS ) 7 10 Controlling transconductance LEARNING EXAMPLE Produce a 25k resistor gm 4mS 4mS 4 107 S 4 10 gm 20 I ABC gm Simulated Resistor vin 1 Req iin gm 25 103 1 gm 4 105 S 4 107 S gm S 4 105 S 20 I ABC ( A) A I ABC 2 106 A 2A LEARNING EXAMPLE Floating simulated resistor i0 gmvin One grounded terminal i01 gm1v1 i1 i01 i02 gm 2v1 i02 i1 For proper operation gm1 gm 2 Produce a 10M resistor gm 4mS 4mS 4 107 S 4 10 gm 20 I ABC 1 7 gm 10 S 4 107 S 6 10 10 gm The resistor cannot be produced with this OTA! LEARNING EXAMPLE Select gm1 , gm 2 , gm 3 , to produce a) v0 10v1 2v2 gm 4mS 4mS 7 4 10 S 4 10 gm 20 I ABC gm b) v0 10v1 2v2 Case b Reverse polarity of v2! v0 1 ( gm1 v1 gm2 v2 ) gm 3 Case a gm1 g 10; m 2 2 gm 3 gm 3 Two equations in three unknowns. Select one transductance 1 104 ( A) 5A 20 gm 2 0.2mS I ABC 2 10A gm 3 0.1mS I ABC 3 gm1 1mS I ABC1 50A ANALOG MULTIPLIER Based on ‘modulating the control current ASSUMES VG IS ZERO AUTOMATIC GAIN CONTROL For simplicity of analysis we drop the absolute value v small v Av IN O v big v IN O A B IN OTA-C CIRCUITS Circuits created using capacitors, simulated resistors, adders and integrators resistor Magnitude Bode plot Gv V0 Vi1 integrator Frequency domain analysis assuming ideal OTAs V0 1 IC jC I01 gm1Vi1 V0 IC I01 I02 I 02 gm 2V0 1 gm1Vi1 gm 2V0 jC gm1 V0 gm 2 Vi1 C 1 j gm 2 g Adc m1 gm 2 gm 2 C g 2 f C m 2 C C LEARNING EXAMPLE gm 1mS V 4 Desired : Gv 0 Vi1 1 j 2 (105 ) 1mS 106 S 3 10 gm 20 I ABC gm Find the transductances and biases Adc gm1 gm 2 Adc 4 C 2 (105 ) fC 100kHz gm 2 C g 2 f C m 2 C C Two equations in three unknowns. Select the capacitor value C 25 pF gm 2 2 (10 )(25 10 5 gm1 62.8S I ABC1 3.14A 12 6 ) 15.7 10 S I ABC 2 15.7 0.785A 20 OK TOW-THOMAS OTA-C BIQUAD FILTER biquad ~ biquadratic i03 V0 A( j ) 2 B ( j ) C Vi ( j ) 2 0 ( j ) 2 0 Q V02 V01 gm1 Vi1 V02 jC I02 gm 2 (V01 Vi 2 ) 1 ( I 02 I 03 ) jC 2 I03 gm3 (Vi 3 Vo 2 ) Four equations and four unknowns (V01, V02 , I01, I02 ) jC 2 gm 3 gm 3 jC1 jC1 gm 3 V V Vi 3 i1 i2 g V V Vi 3 i1 i2 gm 2 gm 2 m2 gm1 gm1 gm 2 V01 V 02 C1C 2 2 gm 3C1 C1C 2 2 gm 3C1 g g ( j ) g g ( j ) 1 ( j ) g g g g ( j ) 1 m1 m 2 m 2 m1 m1 m 2 m 2 m1 g g g g g C2 gm 0 m1 m 2 , 0 m 3 , Q m12 m 2 0 C C1C 2 Q C2 C1 gm 3 gm1 gm 2 Q gm Filter Type A B C gm 3 C C 1 2 Low-pass 0 0 nonzero Band-pass 0 nonzero 0 BW gm 3 High-pass nonzero 0 0 C LEARNING EXAMPLE Design a band - pass filter with center frequency of 500kHz, bandwidth of 75kHz, and center frequency gain - 5. Use the Tow - Thomas configurat ion and 50 - pF capacitors C1 C2 gm 4mS 4mS 4 107 S 4 10 gm 20 I ABC gm Vi 3 0 BW 0 gm1 gm 2 0 gm 3 , ,Q C1C 2 Q C2 gm1 gm 2 C 2 C1 gm2 3 gm 3 2 75 103 23.56S 12 50 10 g | Gv ( j 0 ) | m 2 5 gm 2 117.8S gm 3 BW 0 2 2 5 10 5 2 jC1 jC1 gm 3 Vi1 V i 2 g g Vi 3 g m1 m1 m 2 V02 C1C 2 2 gm 3C1 ( j ) g g g g ( j ) 1 m1 m 2 m 2 m1 C1C 2 ( j ) 2 0 gm1 gm 2 0 1 gm1 117.8 106 gm1 209.5S (5 1013 ) 2 I ABC1 10.47 A I ABC 2 5.89A I ABC 3 1.18A Bode plots for resulting amplifier LEARNING BY APPLICATION Using a low-pass filter to reduce 60Hz ripple Using a capacitor to create a lowpass filter 1 VTH 1 jRTH C | VTH | | VOF | 2 1 RTH C VOF C 1 RTH C Design criterion: place the corner frequency at least a decade lower | VOF | 0.1 | VTH | Thevenin equivalent for AC/DC converter 500C 1 C 53.05 F 2 6 Filtered output LEARNING EXAMPLE Single stage tuned transistor amplifier Select the capacitor for maximum gain at 91.1MHz Antenna Transistor Voltage Parallel resonant circuit V0 4 R || jL || 1 jC VA 1000 4 1 j / C 1000 1 1 jC j / C R jL V0 4 j / C VA 1000 ( j ) 2 j 1 RC LC Band - pass with center frequency 1 / LC 1 2 91.1 106 C 3.05 pF 6 10 C V0 1 4 R 100 VA LC 1000 Magnitude Bode plot for V0 VA LEARNING BY DESIGN Anti-aliasing filter Nyquist Criterion When digitizing an analog signal, such as music, any frequency components greater than half the sampling rate will be distorted In fact they may appear as spurious components. The phenomenon is known as aliasing. SOLUTION: Filter the signal before digitizing, and remove all components higher than half the sampling rate. Such a filter is an anti-aliasing filter For CD recording the industry standard is to sample at 44.1kHz. An anti-aliasing filter will be a low-pass with cutoff frequency of 22.05kHz Single-pole low-pass filter Resulting magnitude Bode plot V01 1 Vin 1 jRC C 1 2 22,050 RC C 1nF R 72.18k Attenuation in audio range Improved anti-aliasing filter Two-stage buffered filter n - stage V0 n 1 Vin 1 jRC n v 01 V01 1 Vin 1 jRC Four-stage V02 1 V01 1 jRC Two-stage One-stage LEARNING BY DESIGN Notch filter to eliminate 60Hz hum Notch filter characteristic Magnitude Bode plot Vamp Vtape Ramp Ramp Rtape sL || 1 / sC C 10 F L 0.704mH Vamp Ramp s 2 LC 1 Vtape Ramp Rtape 2 L 1 s LC s Ramp Rtape 1 To design, pick one, e.g., C and determine the other notch frequency LC DESIGN EXAMPLE ANTI ALIASING FILTER FOR MIXED MODE CIRCUITS Signals of different frequency and the same samples Visualization of aliasing Ideally one wants to eliminate frequency components higher than twice the sampling frequency and make sure that all useful frequencies as properly sampled Design specification Simplifying assumption Infinite input resistance (no load on RC circuit) Design equation R 15.9k DESIRED BODE PLOT DESIGN EXAMPLE “BASS-BOOST” AMPLIFIER (non-inverting op-amp) f P 500 2 OPEN SWITCH (6dB) Switch closed?? DESIGN EXAMPLE TREBLE BOOST Original player response Desired boost Design equations Proposed boost circuit Non-inverting amplifier Filters