Passion Inspiration Scholarship Scholarship Session 1 Scholarship Habits of a SUCCESSFUL SCHOLAR Being a successful scholar involves: • • • • • • • • Consistency in attendance, producing quality work reading widely, becoming an expert in your chosen subject, a passion for learning good note taking skill class participation studying, preparing for and taking tests. Scholarship What kind of scholar are you? • To find out what kind of scholar you are, take out a sheet of paper and number it 1–10. • Read the following 10 questions and write ALWAYS, SOMETIMES, or NEVER for each statement. • Only you will see your answers so be honest with yourself. Scholarship ALWAYS, SOMETIMES, or NEVER • • • • • • • 1. I complete homework assignments. 2. I have all materials needed for class. 3. I use time in class to start homework. 4. I take good notes. 5. I ask and answer questions in class. 6. I use tricks to memorize information. 7. I know what I’ve read after reading an assignment. • 8. I get along well with teachers. • 9. I am good at taking tests. • 10. I am happy with my grades. Scholarship Scoring Give yourself: • 2 points for each ALWAYS response. • 1 point for each SOMETIMES response. • 0 points for NEVER response. • Add up your score. Scholarship What your score means. • 20 – 15 points = You are an excellent student. • 14 – 10 points = You are a student, with some extra effort could be getting excellent grades. • 9 – 5 points = You are a student that needs to do better to get good grades. • 4 – 0 points = You are a student that needs to work a lot harder to get good grades. Think about these statements …. ‘Dig deeper’ Research new topics Read widely around subjects Become an expert in your subjects Watch one documentary a week and learn new things Develop a passion for learning Read widely and deepen your knowledge around subjects As a scholar, study beyond your homework. Become the expert…. Its not beyond you! Be the Eagle! Know that Change is necessary!! Do Something about it!!! Scholarship • Remember: This is school. • Laugh, learn and enjoy this experience Session 2 Scholarship Habits of a SUCCESSFUL SCHOLAR Being a successful scholar involves: • • • • • • • • Consistency in attendance, producing quality work reading widely, becoming an expert in your chosen subject, a passion for learning good note taking skill class participation studying, preparing for and taking tests. LIFESTYLES AND LEARNING How do I develop scholarly attitudes? Do you need to make changes? Why/Why not? Scholarship WHILE IN CLASS • Be seated in your place before class begins. • Have your textbook, notebook, pen / pencil, homework out on your desk and ready. • Focus your attention on the teacher and not on friends or neighbours. • Remember - Social time is between classes not during lessons. • Take notes on important facts written on the board and what the teacher is discussing. • Remember - You are responsible for Your success. Scholarship WITH ALL TYPES OF NOTES: • Review the notes soon, within 24 hours. • Use a separate notebook for each subject. • Refer back to the notes as the topic progresses. • Periodically make study notes, mindmaps or revision cards which you can use to study for an exam. Scholarship Be Prepared!!! – Get To Class On Time. When you arrive late, it may take you several minutes to get settled; and you may feel a sense that you have missed something. – Bring your books, and any additional reading assignments that may be referred to during class. – Skim your notes from the previous class. Good teachers have some continuity from one class to the next. So should you. – Do The Reading. Lessons usually coincide with a specific reading assignment. If you’re already familiar with the new vocabulary and the new material, learning will be much easier. Think about these statements …. ‘Dig deeper’ Research new topics Read widely around subjects Become an expert in your subjects Watch one documentary a week and learn new things Develop a passion for learning Read widely and deepen your knowledge around subjects As a scholar, study beyond your homework. Become the expert…. Its not beyond you! Be the Eagle! Know that Change is necessary!! Do Something about it!!! Scholarship • Remember: This is school. • Laugh, learn and enjoy this experience Session 3 Scholarship Habits of a SUCCESSFUL SCHOLAR Being a successful scholar involves: • • • • • • • • Consistency in attendance, producing quality work reading widely, becoming an expert in your chosen subject, a passion for learning good note taking skill class participation studying, preparing for and taking tests. Scholarship Make Friends. • It is a good idea to make a regular habit of sharing your lesson notes with a friend • See what your friend has written down, and decide for yourself if it seems important. Your classmate can be your biggest resource. • Explaining the material to each other is an excellent way to ensure you really understand it. • Nothing forces you to think through what you have learned like having to explain it to someone else Scholarship If you miss something…… – Compare your notes to that of your friend. Fill out any missing work – If you were absent, ask the teacher for catch-up work. It is your responsibility to do so, – Raise your hand, if appropriate, and ask for clarification or repetition if you do not understand something. – Approach the teacher after class with your question. – Read over your work after classes Scholarship During Class Discussions • You want to learn the most you can from the discussion experience, and you want your participation in class to be both useful and recognized. • Do the reading. You will have something informative to say, reactions to express, and questions to ask about points that weren’t clear in the reading. • Intelligent questions are useful but remember, there are no stupid questions. Someone else may be wondering the same question, but afraid to ask. Scholarship Discussion Etiquette (rules). – Be prepared with one thing to say for each topic. – Don’t feel you have to comment on every subject. – Try not to dominate the discussion. – Keep you comments relevant to the topic. – Listen attentively. Respond to what people say; refer to previous comments if they relate. – Respect other people’s opinions. Avoid eye rolling, snickering, snorting, and mocking laughter. – Raise your hand to be acknowledged. – Speak up. Don’t cut people off. Make eye contact Be the Eagle! Know that Change is necessary!! Do Something about it!!! Scholarship • Remember: This is school. • Laugh, learn and enjoy this experience Session 4 Scholarship Habits of a SUCCESSFUL SCHOLAR Being a successful scholar involves: • • • • • • • • Consistency in attendance, producing quality work reading widely, becoming an expert in your chosen subject, a passion for learning good note taking skill class participation studying, preparing for and taking tests. Scholarship STUDY TACTICS - 1 Studying isn’t just putting in time with a book in front of you. Studying requires an attentive, active mind that’s focused on the task at hand. • Environment. In order to get the most of your study time, you need to work in an environment that helps you focus. • TURN OFF THE TV. Television makes demands of your eyes and ears. If you are studying while you watch television, you’re shortchanging yourself. Scholarship STUDY TACTICS -2. Work out rules of study time. • Decide when and where you can best study. Discuss these with family and friends. • If you have pets train them to leave you alone at these times. Find a place free of distraction • Find a specific place with good lighting with as little noise as possible. • It can be a room at home, or the local library, Train yourself to go into “study mode” when you enter this space. Scholarship STUDY TACTICS - 3. • Procrastination. This is when you keep putting things off. I will start tomorrow! Well there is always tomorrow… Why not start today! • When you procrastinate, you end up not doing the schoolwork you were supposed to. In fact you may have spent hours doing something that will not help you be successful in school. • DO NOT PROCRASTINATE!! Scholarship DO NOT PROCRASTINATE!! When faced with a big task,…… • Break the task into smaller parts. Study one unit of a chapter. Memorize one area of learning. Track your progress. • Tell other people what you are working on. It is more difficult to procrastinate when others know what you need to finish. • Do first, those parts you are most reluctant to do. When the parts you dislike are out of the way, it is much easier to finish the task. • Rewards are a good idea. When you complete a big piece of work or revision, reward yourself by taking time to do something you enjoy. Be the Eagle! Know that Change is necessary!! Do Something about it!!! Scholarship Session 5 Scholarship Habits of a SUCCESSFUL SCHOLAR Being a successful scholar involves: • • • • • • • • Consistency in attendance, producing quality work reading widely, becoming an expert in your chosen subject, a passion for learning good note taking skill class participation studying, preparing for and taking tests. Scholarship TEST / EXAM PREPARATION You should be reviewing your notes throughout the week, continually revising aspects of each topic as you learn them. • Daily Review. Research indicates that a daily review of your notes is an effective way of moving ideas from short-term to long-term memory. • Several short reviews are generally more effective than a single lengthy review session. • Weekly Reviews. Weekly reviews should be longer: allow about an hour of additional study time per subject. Scholarship Study Groups. Some people work better on their own, some in groups. If you study more effectively with a partner or two, pair up or form a small study group. • Come prepared with questions, maybe on cue-cards, to quiz each other. • Keep at it until you can answer each other’s questions and explain the answers. • Do this regularly – eg for new topics etc not just nearer exams • Large groups are usually ineffective because smaller nonrelated discussions take place and interrupt the study process for others. Scholarship The Night Before and the Morning of. – Review before you go to bed. Your brain continues to work while you are asleep. Get a good night sleep if you can. – Review casually in the morning. You are not going to get serious learning done at this point. – Eat breakfast. Your brain needs the energy to function at its best. – Recite, Revise, Visualise - Use flash cards. You are trying to lodge as much into your short-term memory as you can. Famous Modern Day Scholars Muhammad Yunus Passion Inspiration Fulbright Scholar Nobel Peace Prize Created the first microfinance bank for the developing world Michael Spence Rhodes Scholar Nobel Prize for Economics Contribution to understanding different world markets Scholarship Professor Wole Soyinka Playwright and Poet – 45 books Nobel Prize Literature – 1st African Wrote: Telephone conversation, Opera Wonyosi, The Lion and the Jewel to list a few. Be the Eagle! Know that Change is necessary!! Do Something about it!!! Scholarship Passion Inspiration Scholarship Passion Inspiration Scholarship