Project Management Committee Meeting December 2, 2004 Building the Human Resources and Payroll Environment for the Next Generation of North Carolina State Government Welcome and Introductions Project Management Committee John Barfield Marshall Barnes Rod Davis Dan Domico Amy Faulk Bob Giannuzzi Carl Goodwin Wendy Griffin Kathy Gruer Ginny Klarman Tracy Little Jim MaCaulay Jim Newman Kim Padfield Tom Runkle Gary Wiggins Margaret Wiggins Jonathan Womer OSC Staff Gwen Canady, Deputy State Controller Julie Batchelor, Assistant State Controller (PMC Chair) Linda Hudson, SBIP Program Manager Shannon MacFarlane (Senior Business Analyst) Deloitte Team Lowell Magee, Project Manager Bradd Craver Dorie Kehoe James Stovall Katie Beacham Others TBD 1 Agenda Welcome, Introductions and Agenda Statewide Kick-Off Review HR/Payroll Project Status HR/Payroll Vision, Goal and Guiding Principles JAD Sessions Overview Change Management Strategy Open Discussion Action Items Review Adjourn 2 Statewide Kick-off Feedback Review HR/Payroll Project Status Status Report Activities Completed This Period 11/10/2004 - 12/1/2004 Completed Planning Phase deliverables Finalized project vision and drafted guiding principles Met with Program Steering Committee Prepared for and conducted project Kick-Off Meeting with key stakeholders Confirmed subject matter experts (SMEs) and developed JAD calendar Developed preliminary JAD session calendar Refined communications plan and began stakeholder analysis activities Met with ITS project management staff Initiated requirements gathering interviews Distributed NCTIME communication Initiated project branding 5 Status Report Plans for Next Period 12/2/2004 - 1/5/2005 Finalize guiding principles Prepare for and conduct JAD Sessions on the following topics: – Develop and Train Workforce – Monitor Employee Safety & Health – Manage Employee Relations – Career and Succession Planning Review change management approach with OSC management Commence monthly ITS reporting Issues Requiring Management Attention None this period 6 High Level Project Timeline Project Week Plan Vision 1 3 Month 2 4 Execute 5 Nov Date 25 1 Project Management 8 15 22 29 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Dec 6 13 20 27 • • • • • • Close Jan 3 10 17 24 31 Feb 7 14 21 28 March 7 14 21 28 Apr 4 11 18 25 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Change Management Group I Human Resources Group II Payroll Technical • – Project Status Report – – Final Deliverables Offsite Working/Holiday HR – Group I • Personnel Administration • Recruitment • Applicant Tracking • Disciplinary Action and Complaint Management • Incident and Accident Tracking • Exit Interviews • Competency Based HR Management • Performance Management • Training Administration HR – Group II • Compensation Management • Job and Salary Surveys • Position Evaluation Analysis • Benefit Administration • Workforce Analytics • Organizational Management • Employee Self Service • Leave Tracking Payroll • Payroll Administration • Payroll Processing • Labor Cost Distribution • Time Collection & Management • Budget Support Technical • High level technical requirements • Security • Infrastructure • Integration 7 HR/Payroll Guiding Principles HR/Payroll Vision A strategic business partnership supporting the human resource and payroll needs of State government, enabled by utilizing leading business practices and current technology. 9 HR/Payroll Project Goal Through a statewide collaborative effort, the goal of the HR/Payroll Project is to develop an enterprise-wide Human Resources/Payroll system utilizing leading industry practices to provide a foundation for effective management, increased efficiency, and the information needed to make timely and appropriate decisions. 10 Guiding Principles Create a seamless HR/Payroll experience for employees Provide an environment for employees to make informed decisions about their careers Streamline business processes to drive efficiency Increase productivity and make the State of North Carolina more competitive Develop a single repository, with a common set of data elements, to successfully support the State’s reporting and management activities Move transactions closer to the point of origin (Employee Self Service/Manager Self Service) Provide a flexible system able to respond to changing HR/Payroll needs Eliminate redundant systems and duplicative processing Provide real time access to transaction activity 11 JAD Session Overview JAD Session Agenda Overview and Introductions HR/Payroll Project Overview – Vision/Goal/Guiding Principles – Overall Project timeline JAD Session Objectives Guidelines for This JAD Session Explain Industry Print Requirements gathering and process re-design Next Steps 13 JAD Session Objectives Deliverable for today Industry Best Practices Process Designs • Project Vision • Scope • Industry Best Practices JAD Session • Review Process/Subprocesses • Identify Activities • Identify Opportunities State of NC Process Designs • HR/Payroll Business Requirements • Future Processes • Business Impact/Benefits • Potential Barriers • Performance Measurements 14 Guidelines for This JAD Session Participate! Your input is critical. This is a workshop, not a formal presentation Discussion will be kept at a high-level to capture critical information and requirements Discussion around detailed system functionality will be kept to a minimum Be respectful of each other’s opinions Issues that cannot be resolved or discussions that require follow-up will be documented on the parking lot for future resolution 15 Deloitte’s Process-Centered Tool –IndustryPrint™ IndustryPrint™ is a process modeling tool based on industry-specific best practices Deloitte’s IndustryPrint™ tool can be used throughout the project to help define scope and to design processes based on key inputs such as business requirements, best practices, and future vision IndustryPrint™ jump-starts a project by providing the foundation to document the organization’s “to-be” processes in an ERP-enabled environment IndustryPrint™ facilitates the documentation of information critical to the development and implementation of your HR Transformation Our clients and consultants have found IndustryPrint™ key to accelerating the Plan, Design, and Build Phases of a project The most valuable aspects of IndustryPrint™ are that it uses best practices, simple diagrams, industry-specific processes, and language to communicate with business users 16 IndustryPrintTM Key Benefits Starts with a model, not a white-board IndustryPrint™ Process Models HR-010 Plan & Manage Employee Resources HR-030 Develop & Train Workforce Document Offer Process Lessons Learn ed Source Candidates Internally Focuses on the future process design IT-070 Analyze & Create Job Support & Train Position Users No Qualify & Select Manage Offer Process Offer Accepted? Candidates Source Candidates Externally IT-020 Evolve IT Architecture Perform Psychological Profile/Drug Testing Yes Receive Hire Decision/ Acceptance Drives North Carolina to embedded best practices Document Employment Data & Tax Withholding Preferences Perform Orientation Employee HR-050 Perform Employee Benefit Event Maintenance & Open Enrollment Assign Company Property Flexible enough to incorporate North Carolina-specific processes Provides common language across North Carolina agencies Ensures that process and business drivers are driving technology Accelerates the implementation Ensures business process ownership and consensus 17 IndustryPrintTM provides multiple levels HR Manage Human Resources HR-010 Establish and Implement HR Programs/Policies HR-070 Manage Compensation HR-130 Manage Employee Separation HR-020 Manage Recruiting HR-080 Manage Organization and Positions HR-140 Manage Benefits HR-030 Manage New Hire Integration HR-090 Manage Employee Rewards System HR-150 Administer Disability Claims HR-040 Manage Training Development HR-100 Manage Employee Satisfaction HR-160 Administer Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) HR-050 Manage Career Development Process HR-110 Monitor Employee Health and Safety HR-170 Administer COBRA HR-060 Perform Employee Data Administration HR-120 Manage Employee Relations HR-180 Process Payroll HR-190 Process Commissions HR-200 Process Field Underwriter Contractors HR-210 Perform Self Service Administration Level I - Process Core Business Process family; Human Resources, Sales & Distribution, Financials, Information Technology, Materials Management, etc. Level II – Sub-Process Primary management sub-processes within Human Resources. These cover the traditional sub-processes such as HR Administration, Benefits, Payroll, Recruitment and other HR management functions. Level III – Activity Flow Diagrams Activity Flow Diagrams represent activities within a specific sub-process and their inter-relationships with other activities within and/or outside the sub-process. These are tailored to meet North Carolina’s business needs. During the workshops, we will utilize the IndustryPrint activities to finalize the North Carolina Template. 18 Level 1: Process Decomposition Diagram IndustryPrint™ Level 1 provides a graphic depiction of each business process. HR-010 Establish and Implement HR Programs/ Policies Processes Subprocesses HR-030 Manage New Hire Integration HR-020 Manage Employee Recruitment Develop HR Strategic Plan and Objectives Plan Organizational Design Analyze and Create Job/Position Screen Candidates Receive Offer Acceptance/Rejection Document Employee Data Develop HR Programs Perform HR Research and Development Develop Selection Criteria Prepare Rejection Document Lessons Learned Perform Employee Orientation Develop Benefit Programs Review Program Delivery Options Establish Recruitment Strategy and Sources Select Successful Candidate Monitor Referral Rewards Assign Company Property Develop Reward and Recognition Programs Develop/Maintain HR Policies and Procedures Post Job/Position Perform Psychological Profile/Drug Testing Re-deploy Employee Define HR Operational Budgets Implement Change Process Track Candidates Prepare Job Offer Manage Employee Relocation 19 Level 2: Subprocess Decomposition Diagrams IndustryPrint™ Level 2 provides a graphic depiction of each subprocess. Process HR-030 Manage New Hire Integration Document Employee Data Subprocesses Perform Employee Orientation Assign Company Property 20 Level 3: Activity Integration Diagrams At the third level, the green business activities from the previous level are now displayed in a flow diagram. HR-010 Establish and Implement HR Programs/Policies HR-020 Manage Employee Recruitment PE-040 Monitor/Manage Physical Assets Document Employee Data HR-040 Train Workforce PE-020 Identify Maintenance Structure Perform Employee Orientation HR-060 Perform Employee Data Administration PE-040 Monitor/Manage Physical Assets Assign Company Property HR-140 Perform Life Event/Open Enrollment Benefits Administration S-100 Select/Manage Resellers, Sales Agents, Brokers, Distributors MP-110 Execute Project The subprocess model is integrated with other subprocesses that are represented by the shadowed gray triangles, or Connectors. These Connectors depict integration across subprocesses. 21 The Subprocess You Will Design HR-060 Develop and Maintain Workforce P-010 Develop Procurement Strategy HR-020 Plan and Manage HR Programs and Plans Develop Organizational Training Plan Develop Individual Employee Training Plan Manage Cancellations and Changes Plan Courses Develop Training Materials Offer Courses Receive Employee Enrollment Request and Approvals Enroll Employee in Training Course HR-040 Career and Succession Planning No HR-050 Manage Recruiting, Hiring and Integration IT-070 Support and Train Users D-010 Develop Licensing, Permitting, and Accreditation Policies, Procedures, and Strategies Course Available and Minimum Enrollment Achieved? Perform Employee Skill Assessment Yes Generate Course Confirmation Information Deliver Course Materials Deliver Training Complete Course/ Instructor Evaluation Perform Follow-up Activities Maintain Employee Training Record IT-070 Support and Train Users 22 Another accelerator - Past project requirements Deloitte has successfully completed numerous HR and Payroll requirements gathering projects Past client deliverables can not be shared due to confidentiality, but Deloitte will leverage them when developing North Carolina’s requirements JAD Facilitators will consider past requirements documents, which will yield stronger, more complete requirements for North Carolina SubProcess Benefits Functional Requirements Life Changes Ability to terminate participation based on life status change (I.e. no longer a student) New Hire System should have mandatory sequence fields and/or flags to warn of incomplete or inconsistent information New Hire System should have the ability for the system to default to certain Benefits settings so that exception information only is being manually keyed by Benefits personnel Open Enrollment Ability to assign benefit entry rules (eligibility) Open Enrollment Ability to automatically enroll employees based on comparison of plan eligibility to employee data 23 Change Management Change Management is designed to… Develop a strategy for managing change in process, technology and management practices Communicate the HR/Payroll vision and ongoing status Equip HR/Payroll project Leadership with the information and tools to lead the project Identify and communicate potential impacts of new processes, procedures, and technology to be implemented in Phase III Identify potential areas of project risk and devise strategies to mitigate that risk 25 Framework for Change Management Strategy: The 8 Steps of Change Implementing and sustaining change Engaging and enabling the whole organization Creating a climate for change 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Increase Urgency Build the Guiding Team Get the Right Vision Communicate for Buy-in Empower Action Create Shortterm Wins Don’t Let Up Make it Stick 5 Kotter, John P. and Cohen, Dan S. The Heart of Change. Boston: Harvard Business School Press 26 Open Discussion Action Items Review PMC Action Items ASAP - Finalize List of Process Owners December 6, 2004 – JAD Sessions Begin January 6, 2005 – Next PMC Meeting 29