Follow-Me Quiz Resources There are four files per topic, e.g. (a) (b) (c) (d) 2.2.9 Photosynthesis FM EQ iQuiz.pptx 2.2.9 Photosynthesis FM EQ Quiz HW Soln.docx 2.2.9 Photosynthesis FM EQ Quiz HW.docx 2.2.9 Photosynthesis FM EQ Quiz.docx The file name should be self-explanatory. Instructions: These FMQuizzes are designed for a class of 24 students. 1. Print four copies of the Word document (d) 2.2.9 Photosynthesis FM EQ Quiz.docx on 160 g A4 card. Each copy (set) should be done on a different colour card. 2. Use a scissors to separate the cards. 3. Using one set of cards give one card to each student (students could work individually or in groups) – note: ALL cards must be give out so in a class of less than 24 some students nay get two (or more cards). 4. Each card has a question (Q) and an answer (A) on it. The answer on the card is not the answer to the question on the card. 5. Call on any student to read out their question. Ask for hands up anyone who thinks they have the answer to the question. The student with the correct answer will then read the question on their card. And so the game continues until you come back to the student who read the initial question. Note: Different questions may have the same answer, e.g. Q. Where in the cell is chlorophyll found? and Q. Where in a plant cell does photosynthesis take place? Both have the same answer A. Chloroplast. Select either of the answers and proceed as normal until the same answer occurs again. This time follow the second answer. Downside of this activity in a class of 24 There is not a lot of engagement of the students other than listen and as soon as the first student has answered their question this student will have no further involvement in the class until the game is over. A Possible remedy to this dilemma 1. Working in small groups may lead to discussion/collaboration. 2. When the game is complete divide the class into four groups – up to six in each group. Each group is given a set of cards and the stand around a table (easier read the cards standing). 3. There are twelve points on a clock. If you include the half-hours you get a ‘twenty four point clock’. Place one card on the table in the twelve o’clock position. Find the answer to the question on this card and place it next to it. The answer to the question on this card is then placed in the one o’clock position. The task is to arrange the cards in a 24 point clock so that the answer on any card matches the question on the preceding one. A follow-up to this Game If students know that there is a written exercise following the game it may improve their attention. Print a copy of (c) 2.2.9 Photosynthesis FM EQ Quiz HW.docx on both sides of the same page for each student. This contains the same 24 questions with spaces for the answers. This could be used as Homework. Alternative Options 1. Bring the class to the computer room. Give each student access to the file (a) 2.2.9 Photosynthesis FM EQ iQuiz.pptx and a copy of (c) 2.2.9 Photosynthesis FM EQ Quiz HW.docx. Now using the PowerPoint each student has to complete the HW sheet. Insist on each student getting 100%. If it is a HL class the activity could be timed. 2. The above activity could be used to introduce a new topic. The activity is used as a research activity prior to ‘teaching’ the topic. 3. Each student is given the two files (a) 2.2.9 Photosynthesis FM EQ iQuiz.pptx and (c) 2.2.9 Photosynthesis FM EQ Quiz HW.docx to ‘take home’ with them (on their pen drive, on school website, etc.) and the HW is done at home. I am sure there are other ways of using the above resources. I would be glad to hear them. There are 57 sets of FM EQ Quizzes. Each question is from a past paper and each answer is from the corresponding marking scheme. Q & As from the 2014 paper are not included. Two booklets FM EQ Quiz Homework Book.docx (120 pages) and FM EQ Quiz Homework Solutions Book.docx (62 pages) are also available. For the DIY enthusiast there are blank templates for both the word document (d) 2.2.9 Photosynthesis FM EQ Quiz.docx and the PowerPoint (a)2.2.9 Photosynthesis FM EQ iQuiz.pptx. These can be distributed by the PDST next year.