Studying the Underlying Event at CDF and the LHC Rick Field University of Florida Outline of Talk Review what we learned about “min-bias” and the “underlying event” in Run 1 at CDF. Discuss using Drell-Yan lepton-pair production to study the “underlying event”. Explain the various PYTHIA PT(hard) Initial-State Radiation Proton AntiProton Underlying Event “underlying event” tunes and extrapolations to the LHC. University of Toronto Physics March 18, 2008 Outgoing Parton Outgoing Parton Underlying Event Final-State Radiation “CDF-QCD Data for Theory”: My latest CDF Run 2 project. UE&MB@CMS: Plans to measure “min-bias” and the “underlying event” at CMS. University of Toronto March 18, 2008 CMS at the LHC CDF Run 2 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 1 Proton-AntiProton Collisions at the Tevatron Elastic Scattering The CDF “Min-Bias” trigger picks up most of the “hard core” cross-section plus a Double Diffraction small amount of single & double diffraction. M2 M1 Single Diffraction M stot = sEL + sIN SD +sDD +sHC 1.8 TeV: 78mb = 18mb + 9mb + (4-7)mb + (47-44)mb CDF “Min-Bias” trigger 1 charged particle in forward BBC AND 1 charged particle in backward BBC Hard Core The “hard core” component contains both “hard” and “soft” collisions. “Hard” Hard Core (hard scattering) Outgoing Parton “Soft” Hard Core (no hard scattering) Proton AntiProton PT(hard) Beam-Beam Counters 3.2 < |h| < 5.9 Proton AntiProton Underlying Event Underlying Event Initial-State Radiation Final-State Radiation Outgoing Parton University of Toronto March 18, 2008 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 2 QCD Monte-Carlo Models: High Transverse Momentum Jets Hard Scattering Initial-State Radiation Hard Scattering “Jet” Initial-State Radiation “Jet” Outgoing Parton PT(hard) Outgoing Parton PT(hard) Proton “Hard Scattering” Component AntiProton Final-State Radiation Outgoing Parton Underlying Event Underlying Event Proton “Jet” Final-State Radiation AntiProton Underlying Event Outgoing Parton Underlying Event “Underlying Event” Start with the perturbative 2-to-2 (or sometimes 2-to-3) parton-parton scattering and add initial and finalstate gluon radiation (in the leading log approximation or modified leading log approximation). The “underlying event” consists of the “beam-beam remnants” and from particles arising from soft or semi-soft multiple parton interactions (MPI). The “underlying event” is“jet” an unavoidable Of course the outgoing colored partons fragment into hadron and inevitably “underlying event” background to most collider observables observables receive contributions from initial and final-state radiation. and having good understand of it leads to more precise collider measurements! University of Toronto March 18, 2008 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 3 Particle Densities DhD = 4 = 12.6 2 31 charged charged particles particle Charged Particles pT > 0.5 GeV/c |h| < 1 CDF Run 2 “Min-Bias” CDF Run 2 “Min-Bias” Observable Average Nchg Number of Charged Particles (pT > 0.5 GeV/c, |h| < 1) 3.17 +/- 0.31 0.252 +/- 0.025 PTsum (GeV/c) Scalar pT sum of Charged Particles (pT > 0.5 GeV/c, |h| < 1) 2.97 +/- 0.23 0.236 +/- 0.018 Average Density per unit h- dNchg chg/dhd = 1/4 3/4 = 0.08 0.24 13 GeV/c PTsum 0 -1 h +1 Divide by 4 dPTsum/dhd = 1/4 3/4 GeV/c = 0.08 0.24 GeV/c Study the charged particles (pT > 0.5 GeV/c, |h| < 1) and form the charged particle density, dNchg/dhd, and the charged scalar pT sum density, dPTsum/dhd. University of Toronto March 18, 2008 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 4 CDF Run 1 “Min-Bias” Data Charged Particle Density Charged Particle Density: dN/dhd Charged Particle Pseudo-Rapidity Distribution: dN/dh 1.0 7 CDF Published CDF Published 6 0.8 dN/dhd dN/dh 5 4 3 0.6 0.4 2 0.2 CDF Min-Bias 630 GeV CDF Min-Bias 1.8 TeV 1 CDF Min-Bias 1.8 TeV all PT CDF Min-Bias 630 GeV all PT 0.0 0 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 -4 -3 -1 0 1 2 3 4 Pseudo-Rapidity h Pseudo-Rapidity h <dNchg/dh> = 4.2 -2 <dNchg/dhd> = 0.67 Shows CDF “Min-Bias” data on the number of charged particles per unit pseudo-rapidity at 630 and 1,800 GeV. There are about 4.2 charged particles per unit h in “Min-Bias” collisions at 1.8 TeV (|h| < 1, all pT). DhxD = 1 Convert to charged particle density, dNchg/dhd, by dividing by 2. D = 1 There are about 0.67 charged particles per unit h- in “Min-Bias” 0.25 0.67 collisions at 1.8 TeV (|h| < 1, all pT). There are about 0.25 charged particles per unit h- in “Min-Bias” Dh = 1 collisions at 1.96 TeV (|h| < 1, pT > 0.5 GeV/c). University of Toronto March 18, 2008 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 5 CDF Run 2 Min-Bias “Associated” Charged Particle Density “Associated” densities do not include PTmax! Highest pT charged particle! Charged Particle Density: dN/dhd PTmax Direction PTmax Direction 0.5 D Correlations in Charged Particle Density CDF Preliminary Associated Density PTmax not included data uncorrected 0.4 D Charge Density 0.3 0.2 0.1 Min-Bias Correlations in Charged Particles (|h|<1.0, PT>0.5 GeV/c) PTmax 0.0 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 D (degrees) Use the maximum pT charged particle in the event, PTmax, to define a direction and look It is more probable to find a particle at the the “associated” density, dN chg/dhd, in “min-bias” collisions (pT > 0.5 GeV/c, |h| < accompanying PTmax than it is to 1). find a particle in the central region! Shows the data on the D dependence of the “associated” charged particle density, dNchg/dhd, for charged particles (pT > 0.5 GeV/c, |h| < 1, not including PTmax) relative to PTmax (rotated to 180o) for “min-bias” events. Also shown is the average charged particle density, dNchg/dhd, for “min-bias” events. University of Toronto March 18, 2008 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 6 CDF Run 2 Min-Bias “Associated” Charged Particle Density Rapid rise in the particle density in the “transverse” region as PTmax increases! Associated Particle Density: dN/dhd PTmaxDirection Direction PTmax D “Toward” “Transverse” “Transverse” Correlations in “Away” Associated Particle Density Jet #1 D PTmax > 2.0 GeV/c 1.0 PTmax > 2.0 GeV/c PTmax > 1.0 GeV/c 0.8 Charged Particles (|h|<1.0, PT>0.5 GeV/c) CDF Preliminary data uncorrected PTmax > 0.5 GeV/c Transverse Region 0.6 Transverse Region 0.4 0.2 Jet #2 PTmax PTmax not included Min-Bias 0.0 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 D (degrees) Ave Min-Bias 0.25 per unit h- PTmax > 0.5 GeV/c Shows the data on the D dependence of the “associated” charged particle density, dNchg/dhd, for charged particles (pT > 0.5 GeV/c, |h| < 1, not including PTmax) relative to PTmax (rotated to 180o) for “min-bias” events with PTmax > 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 GeV/c. Shows “jet structure” in “min-bias” collisions (i.e. the “birth” of the leading two jets!). University of Toronto March 18, 2008 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 7 CDF Run 1: Evolution of Charged Jets “Underlying Event” Charged Particle D Correlations PT > 0.5 GeV/c |h| < 1 Charged Jet #1 Direction “Transverse” region very sensitive to the “underlying event”! Look at the charged particle density in the “transverse” region! 2 “Toward-Side” Jet D “Toward” CDF Run 1 Analysis Away Region Charged Jet #1 Direction D Transverse Region “Toward” “Transverse” Leading Jet “Transverse” Toward Region “Transverse” “Transverse” Transverse Region “Away” “Away” Away Region “Away-Side” Jet 0 -1 h +1 Look at charged particle correlations in the azimuthal angle D relative to the leading charged particle jet. Define |D| < 60o as “Toward”, 60o < |D| < 120o as “Transverse”, and |D| > 120o as “Away”. All three regions have the same size in h- space, DhxD = 2x120o = 4/3. University of Toronto March 18, 2008 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 8 Run 1 Charged Particle Density “Transverse” pT Distribution "Transverse" Charged Particle Density: dN/dhd Charged Particle Density Charged Particle Jet #1 Direction "Transverse" PT(chgjet#1) > 5 GeV/cD 1.0E+00 CDF Min-Bias CDF Run 1 CDF JET20 data uncorrected 0.75 0.50 Factor of 2! 0.25 1.8 TeV |h|<1.0 PT>0.5 GeV/c 0.00 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 PT(charged jet#1) (GeV/c) PT(charged jet#1) > 30 GeV/c “Transverse” <dNchg/dhd> = 0.56 “Min-Bias” 50 Charged Density dN/dhddPT (1/GeV/c) "Transverse" Charged Density 1.00 CDF Run 1 data uncorrected 1.0E-01 “Toward” "Transverse" PT(chgjet#1) > 30 GeV/c 1.0E-02 “Transverse” “Transverse” 1.0E-03 “Away” 1.0E-04 Min-Bias 1.0E-05 1.8 TeV |h|<1 PT>0.5 GeV/c 1.0E-06 CDF Run 1 Min-Bias data <dNchg/dhd> = 0.25 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 PT(charged) (GeV/c) Compares the average “transverse” charge particle density with the average “Min-Bias” charge particle density (|h|<1, pT>0.5 GeV). Shows how the “transverse” charge particle density and the Min-Bias charge particle density is distributed in pT. University of Toronto March 18, 2008 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 9 ISAJET 7.32 “Transverse” Density ISAJET uses a naïve leading-log parton shower-model which does not agree with the data! Charged Jet #1 Direction 1.00 D “Transverse” “Transverse” “Away” CDF Run 1Data "Transverse" Charged Density “Toward” ISAJET "Transverse" Charged Particle Density: dN/dhd Isajet data uncorrected theory corrected 0.75 "Hard" 0.50 0.25 “Hard” Component "Remnants" 1.8 TeV |h|<1.0 PT>0.5 GeV Beam-Beam Remnants 0.00 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 PT(charged jet#1) (GeV/c) Plot shows average “transverse” charge particle density (|h|<1, pT>0.5 GeV) versus PT(charged jet#1) compared to the QCD hard scattering predictions of ISAJET 7.32 (default parameters with PT(hard)>3 GeV/c) . The predictions of ISAJET are divided into two categories: charged particles that arise from the break-up of the beam and target (beam-beam remnants); and charged particles that arise from the outgoing jet plus initial and final-state radiation (hard scattering component). University of Toronto March 18, 2008 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 10 HERWIG 6.4 “Transverse” Density D “Toward” “Transverse” “Transverse” “Away” 1.00 CDF Run 1Data "Transverse" Charged Density Charged Jet #1 Direction HERWIG uses a modified leadinglog parton shower-model which does agrees better with the data! "Transverse" Charged Particle Density: dN/dhd Total "Hard" data uncorrected theory corrected 0.75 0.50 0.25 "Remnants" Beam-Beam Remnants HERWIG Herwig 6.4 CTEQ5L PT(hard) > 3 GeV/c 1.8 TeV |h|<1.0 PT>0.5 GeV 0.00 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 PT(charged jet#1) (GeV/c) 35 40 45 50 “Hard” Component Plot shows average “transverse” charge particle density (|h|<1, pT>0.5 GeV) versus PT(charged jet#1) compared to the QCD hard scattering predictions of HERWIG 5.9 (default parameters with PT(hard)>3 GeV/c). The predictions of HERWIG are divided into two categories: charged particles that arise from the break-up of the beam and target (beam-beam remnants); and charged particles that arise from the outgoing jet plus initial and final-state radiation (hard scattering component). University of Toronto March 18, 2008 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 11 HERWIG 6.4 “Transverse” PT Distribution HERWIG has the too steep of a pT dependence of the “beam-beam remnant” "Transverse" Chargedcomponent Particle Density: dN/dhd of the “underlying event”! "Transverse" Charged Particle Density Charged Jet #1 Direction CDF Data "Hard" Total data uncorrected theory corrected 0.75 1.0E+00 Herwig 6.4 CTEQ5L PT(hard) > 3 GeV/c D 0.50 0.25 "Remnants" 1.8 TeV |h|<1.0 PT>0.5 GeV 0.00 0 5 10 CDF Data PT(chgjet#1) > 5 GeV/c 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 PT(charged jet#1) (GeV/c) Herwig PT(chgjet#1) > 30 GeV/c “Transverse” <dNchg/dhd> = 0.51 50 Charged Density dN/dhddPT (1/GeV/c) "Transverse" Charged Density 1.00 data uncorrected theory corrected 1.0E-01 “Toward” 1.8 TeV |h|<1 PT>0.5 GeV/c 1.0E-02 “Transverse” 1.0E-03 “Transverse” “Away” 1.0E-04 1.0E-05 PT(chgjet#1) > 30 GeV/c Herwig 6.4 CTEQ5L 1.0E-06 Herwig PT(chgjet#1) > 5 GeV/c <dNchg/dhd> = 0.40 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 PT(charged) (GeV/c) Compares the average “transverse” charge particle density (|h|<1, pT>0.5 GeV) versus PT(charged jet#1) and the pT distribution of the “transverse” density, dNchg/dhddPT with the QCD hard scattering predictions of HERWIG 6.4 (default parameters with PT(hard)>3 GeV/c. Shows how the “transverse” charge particle density is distributed in pT. University of Toronto March 18, 2008 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 12 MPI: Multiple Parton Interactions “Hard” Collision Multiple Parton Interaction outgoing parton “Hard” Component “Semi-Hard” MPI “Soft” Component AntiProton Proton initial-state radiation initial-state radiation outgoing parton final-state radiation or + outgoing jet final-state radiation PYTHIA models the “soft” component of the underlying event with color string fragmentation, but in addition includes a contribution arising from multiple parton interactions (MPI) in which one interaction is hard and the other is “semi-hard”. Beam-Beam Remnants color string color string The probability that a hard scattering events also contains a semi-hard multiple parton interaction can be varied but adjusting the cut-off for the MPI. One can also adjust whether the probability of a MPI depends on the PT of the hard scattering, PT(hard) (constant cross section or varying with impact parameter). One can adjust the color connections and flavor of the MPI (singlet or nearest neighbor, q-qbar or glue-glue). Also, one can adjust how the probability of a MPI depends on PT(hard) (single or double Gaussian matter distribution). University of Toronto March 18, 2008 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 13 Tuning PYTHIA: Multiple Parton Interaction Parameters Parameter Default Description PARP(83) 0.5 Double-Gaussian: Fraction of total hadronic matter within PARP(84) PARP(84) 0.2 Double-Gaussian: Fraction of the overall hadron radius containing the fraction PARP(83) of the total hadronic matter. Multiple Parton Interaction Color String Color String PARP(86) PARP(89) PARP(90) PARP(67) 0.33 0.66 1 TeV 0.16 1.0 Probability that the MPI produces two gluons with color connections to the “nearest neighbors. Multiple PartonDetermine Interactionby comparing with 630 GeV data! Probability that the MPI produces two gluons either as described by PARP(85) or as a closed gluon loop. remaining fraction consists of Affects the The amount of quark-antiquark pairs. initial-state radiation! Color String Hard-Scattering Cut-Off PT0 5 Determines the reference energy E0. Determines the energy dependence of the cut-off PT0 as follows PT0(Ecm) = PT0(Ecm/E0)e with e = PARP(90) A scale factor that determines the maximum parton virtuality for space-like showers. The larger the value of PARP(67) the more initialstate radiation. PYTHIA 6.206 e = 0.25 (Set A)) 4 PT0 (GeV/c) PARP(85) Take E0 = 1.8 TeV 3 2 e = 0.16 (default) 1 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 CM Energy W (GeV) Reference point at 1.8 TeV University of Toronto March 18, 2008 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 14 PYTHIA 6.206 Defaults MPI constant probability scattering PYTHIA default parameters 6.115 6.125 6.158 6.206 MSTP(81) 1 1 1 1 MSTP(82) 1 1 1 1 PARP(81) 1.4 1.9 1.9 1.9 PARP(82) 1.55 2.1 2.1 1.9 PARP(89) 1,000 1,000 1,000 PARP(90) 0.16 0.16 0.16 4.0 1.0 1.0 PARP(67) 4.0 1.00 "Transverse" Charged Density Parameter "Transverse" Charged Particle Density: dN/dhd CDF Data Pythia 6.206 (default) MSTP(82)=1 PARP(81) = 1.9 GeV/c data uncorrected theory corrected 0.75 0.50 0.25 1.8 TeV |h|<1.0 PT>0.5 GeV 0.00 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 PT(charged jet#1) (GeV/c) CTEQ3L CTEQ4L CTEQ5L CDF Min-Bias CDF JET20 Plot shows the “Transverse” charged particle density versus PT(chgjet#1) compared to the QCD hard scattering predictions of PYTHIA 6.206 (PT(hard) > 0) using the default parameters for multiple parton interactions and CTEQ3L, CTEQ4L, and CTEQ5L. Note Change PARP(67) = 4.0 (< 6.138) PARP(67) = 1.0 (> 6.138) University of Toronto March 18, 2008 Default parameters give very poor description of the “underlying event”! Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 15 Run 1 PYTHIA Tune A CDF Default! PYTHIA 6.206 CTEQ5L "Transverse" Charged Particle Density: dN/dhd Parameter Tune B Tune A MSTP(81) 1 1 MSTP(82) 4 4 PARP(82) 1.9 GeV 2.0 GeV PARP(83) 0.5 0.5 PARP(84) 0.4 0.4 PARP(85) 1.0 0.9 "Transverse" Charged Density 1.00 CDF Preliminary 0.75 1.0 0.95 PARP(89) 1.8 TeV 1.8 TeV PARP(90) 0.25 0.25 PARP(67) 1.0 4.0 New PYTHIA default (less initial-state radiation) University of Toronto March 18, 2008 Run 1 Analysis 0.50 0.25 CTEQ5L PYTHIA 6.206 (Set B) PARP(67)=1 1.8 TeV |h|<1.0 PT>0.5 GeV 0.00 0 PARP(86) PYTHIA 6.206 (Set A) PARP(67)=4 data uncorrected theory corrected 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 PT(charged jet#1) (GeV/c) Plot shows the “transverse” charged particle density versus PT(chgjet#1) compared to the QCD hard scattering predictions of two tuned versions of PYTHIA 6.206 (CTEQ5L, Set B (PARP(67)=1) and Set A (PARP(67)=4)). Old PYTHIA default (more initial-state radiation) Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 16 PYTHIA Tune A Min-Bias “Soft” + ”Hard” Tuned to fit the CDF Run 1 “underlying event”! PYTHIA Tune A CDF Run 2 Charged DefaultParticle Density Charged Particle Density: dN/dhd 1.0 CDF Published 1.0E+00 0.8 CDF Min-Bias Data 1.0E-01 0.6 0.4 0.2 Pythia 6.206 Set A 1.8 TeV all PT CDF Min-Bias 1.8 TeV 0.0 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 Pseudo-Rapidity h PYTHIA regulates the perturbative 2-to-2 parton-parton cross sections with cut-off parameters which allows one to run with Lots of “hard” scattering in PT“Min-Bias” (hard) > 0. One can simulate both “hard” at the Tevatron! and “soft” collisions in one program. Charged Density dN/dhddPT (1/GeV/c) dN/dhd Pythia 6.206 Set A 1.8 TeV |h|<1 1.0E-02 12% of “Min-Bias” events have PT(hard) > 5 GeV/c! PT(hard) > 0 GeV/c 1.0E-03 1% of “Min-Bias” events have PT(hard) > 10 GeV/c! 1.0E-04 1.0E-05 CDF Preliminary 1.0E-06 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 PT(charged) (GeV/c) The relative amount of “hard” versus “soft” depends on the cut-off and can be tuned. This PYTHIA fit predicts that 12% of all “Min-Bias” events are a result of a hard 2-to-2 parton-parton scattering with PT(hard) > 5 GeV/c (1% with PT(hard) > 10 GeV/c)! University of Toronto March 18, 2008 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 17 PYTHIA Tune A LHC Min-Bias Predictions Hard-Scattering in Min-Bias Events Charged Particle Density 50% 12% of “Min-Bias” events have|h|<1 PT(hard) > 10 GeV/c! 1.0E+00 Pythia 6.206 Set A Pythia 6.206 Set A 40% % of Events Charged Density dN/dhddPT (1/GeV/c) 1.0E-01 1.0E-02 PT(hard) > 5 GeV/c PT(hard) > 10 GeV/c 30% 20% 1.8 TeV 1.0E-03 10% 14 TeV 1.0E-04 0% 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 CM Energy W (GeV) 630 GeV LHC? 1.0E-05 Shows the center-of-mass energy dependence CDF Data 1.0E-06 0 2 4 6 8 PT(charged) (GeV/c) 1% of “Min-Bias” events have PT(hard) > 10 GeV/c! 10 12 14 of the charged particle density, dNchg/dhddPT, for “Min-Bias” collisions compared with PYTHIA Tune A with PT(hard) > 0. PYTHIA Tune A predicts that 1% of all “Min-Bias” events at 1.8 TeV are a result of a hard 2-to-2 parton-parton scattering with PT(hard) > 10 GeV/c which increases to 12% at 14 TeV! University of Toronto March 18, 2008 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 18 QCD Monte-Carlo Models: Lepton-Pair Production Lepton-Pair Production Anti-Lepton Initial-State Radiation Lepton-Pair Production Initial-State Radiation “Jet” Proton Anti-Lepton “Hard Scattering” Component AntiProton Lepton Underlying Event Underlying Event Proton Lepton AntiProton Underlying Event Underlying Event “Underlying Event” Start with the perturbative Drell-Yan muon pair production and add initial-state gluon radiation (in the leading log approximation or modified leading log approximation). The “underlying event” consists of the “beam-beam remnants” and from particles arising from soft or semi-soft multiple parton interactions (MPI). Of course the outgoing colored partons fragment into hadron “jet” and inevitably “underlying event” observables receive contributions from initial and final-state radiation. University of Toronto March 18, 2008 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 19 The “Central” Region in Drell-Yan Production Drell-Yan Production Look at the charged particle density and the PTsum density in the “central” region! Charged Particles (pT > 0.5 GeV/c, |h| < 1) Lepton 2 Proton AntiProton Underlying Event Underlying Event Initial-State Radiation Central Region Anti-Lepton Multiple Parton Interactions Proton Lepton AntiProton Underlying Event 0 -1 Underlying Event Anti-Lepton h +1 After removing the leptonpair everything else is the “underlying event”! Look at the “central” region after removing the lepton-pair. Study the charged particles (pT > 0.5 GeV/c, |h| < 1) and form the charged particle density, dNchg/dhd, and the charged scalar pT sum density, dPTsum/dhd, by dividing by the area in h- space. University of Toronto March 18, 2008 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 20 CDF Run 1 PT(Z) PYTHIA 6.2 CTEQ5L Tune A Tune A25 Tune A50 MSTP(81) 1 1 1 MSTP(82) 4 4 4 PARP(82) 2.0 GeV 2.0 GeV 2.0 GeV PARP(83) 0.5 0.5 0.5 PARP(84) 0.4 0.4 0.4 PARP(85) 0.9 0.9 0.9 PARP(86) 0.95 0.95 0.95 PARP(89) 1.8 TeV 1.8 TeV 1.8 TeV ISR Parameter PARP(90) 0.25 0.25 0.25 PARP(67) 4.0 4.0 4.0 MSTP(91) 1 1 1 PARP(91) 1.0 2.5 5.0 PARP(93) 5.0 15.0 25.0 s = 1.0 Z-Boson Transverse Momentum 0.12 PT Distribution 1/N dN/dPT UE Parameters Parameter CDF Run 1 Data PYTHIA Tune A PYTHIA Tune A25 PYTHIA Tune A50 s = 2.5 0.08 CDF Run 1 published 1.8 TeV s = 5.0 Normalized to 1 0.04 0.00 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Z-Boson PT (GeV/c) Shows the Run 1 Z-boson pT distribution (<pT(Z)> ≈ 11.5 GeV/c) compared with PYTHIA Tune A (<pT(Z)> = 9.7 GeV/c), Tune A25 (<pT(Z)> = 10.1 GeV/c), and Tune A50 (<pT(Z)> = 11.2 GeV/c). Vary the intrensic KT! Intrensic KT University of Toronto March 18, 2008 20 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 21 CDF Run 1 PT(Z) UE Parameters ISR Parameters Parameter Tune A Tune AW MSTP(81) 1 1 MSTP(82) 4 4 PARP(82) 2.0 GeV 2.0 GeV PARP(83) 0.5 0.5 PARP(84) 0.4 0.4 PARP(85) 0.9 0.9 PARP(86) 0.95 0.95 PARP(89) 1.8 TeV 1.8 TeV PARP(90) 0.25 0.25 PARP(62) 1.0 1.25 PARP(64) 1.0 0.2 PARP(67) 4.0 4.0 MSTP(91) 1 1 PARP(91) 1.0 2.1 PARP(93) 5.0 15.0 Tune used by the CDF-EWK group! Z-Boson Transverse Momentum 0.12 PT Distribution 1/N dN/dPT PYTHIA 6.2 CTEQ5L CDF Run 1 Data PYTHIA Tune A PYTHIA Tune AW CDF Run 1 published 0.08 1.8 TeV Normalized to 1 0.04 0.00 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Z-Boson PT (GeV/c) Shows the Run 1 Z-boson pT distribution (<pT(Z)> ≈ 11.5 GeV/c) compared with PYTHIA Tune A (<pT(Z)> = 9.7 GeV/c), and PYTHIA Tune AW (<pT(Z)> = 11.7 GeV/c). Effective Q cut-off, below which space-like showers are not evolved. Intrensic KT The Q2 = kT2 in as for space-like showers is scaled by PARP(64)! University of Toronto March 18, 2008 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 22 Jet-Jet Correlations (DØ) Jet#1-Jet#2 D Distribution D Jet#1-Jet#2 MidPoint Cone Algorithm (R = 0.7, fmerge = 0.5) L = 150 pb-1 (Phys. Rev. Lett. 94 221801 (2005)) Data/NLO agreement good. Data/HERWIG agreement good. Data/PYTHIA agreement good provided PARP(67) = 1.0→4.0 (i.e. like Tune A, best fit 2.5). University of Toronto March 18, 2008 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 23 CDF Run 1 PT(Z) PYTHIA 6.2 CTEQ5L ISR Parameters Tune DW Tune AW MSTP(81) 1 1 MSTP(82) 4 4 PARP(82) 1.9 GeV 2.0 GeV PARP(83) 0.5 0.5 PARP(84) 0.4 0.4 PARP(85) 1.0 0.9 PARP(86) 1.0 0.95 PARP(89) 1.8 TeV 1.8 TeV PARP(90) 0.25 0.25 PARP(62) 1.25 1.25 PARP(64) 0.2 0.2 PARP(67) 2.5 4.0 MSTP(91) 1 1 PARP(91) 2.1 2.1 PARP(93) 15.0 15.0 Z-Boson Transverse Momentum 0.12 PT Distribution 1/N dN/dPT UE Parameters Parameter CDF Run 1 Data PYTHIA Tune DW HERWIG CDF Run 1 published 0.08 1.8 TeV Normalized to 1 0.04 0.00 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Z-Boson PT (GeV/c) Intrensic KT Shows the Run 1 Z-boson pT distribution (<pT(Z)> ≈ 11.5 GeV/c) compared with PYTHIA Tune DW, and HERWIG. Tune DW uses D0’s perfered value of PARP(67)! Tune DW has a lower value of PARP(67) and slightly more MPI! University of Toronto March 18, 2008 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 24 Use LO as with L = 192 MeV! UE Parameters ISR Parameter PYTHIA 6.2 Tunes Parameter Tune DW Tune DWT ATLAS Tune D6 Tune D6T PDF CTEQ5L CTEQ5L CTEQ5L CTEQ6L CTEQ6L MSTP(2) 1 1 1 1 1 MSTP(33) 0 0 0 0 1 PARP(31) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 MSTP(81) 1 1 1 1 1 MSTP(82) 4 4 4 4 4 PARP(82) 1.9 GeV 1.9409 GeV 1.8 GeV 1.8 GeV 1.8387 GeV PARP(83) 0.5 0.5 0.5 PARP(84) 0.4 0.4 0.4 PARP(85) 1.0 1.0 0.33 1.0 1.0 PARP(86) 1.0 1.0 0.66 1.0 1.0 PARP(89) 1.8 TeV 1.96 TeV 1.0 TeV 1.8 TeV 1.96 TeV PARP(90) 0.25 0.16 0.16 0.25 0.16 PARP(62) 1.25 1.25 1.0 1.25 1.25 PARP(64) 0.2 0.2 1.0 0.2 0.2 PARP(67) 2.5 2.5 1.0 2.5 2.5 MSTP(91) 1 1 1 1 1 PARP(91) 2.1 2.1 1.0 2.1 2.1 PARP(93) 15.0 15.0 5.0 15.0 15.0 CMS0.5uses Tune0.5DWT and 0.4 Tune D6T! 0.5 CTEQ6L Tune Intrinsic KT University of Toronto March 18, 2008 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 25 PYTHIA 6.2 Tunes s(MPI) at 1.96 TeV s(MPI) at 14 TeV Tune A 309.7 mb 484.0 mb Tune DW 351.7 mb 549.2 mb Tune DWT Charged Average PT 351.7 mb 829.1 mb PYTHIA 6.2 CTEQ5L Parameter Tune A Tune DW Tune DWT ATLAS MSTP(81) 1 1 1 1 MSTP(82) 4 PARP(82) 2.0 GeV 4 1.7GeV 1.9 PARP(83) 0.5 0.9 1.0 1.3 1.0 PARP(86) 0.95 PARP(89) 1.8 TeV PARP(90) 0.25 PARP(62) 1.0 PARP(64) 1.0 0.2 PARP(67) 4.0 MSTP(91) 1 0.72.5 0 1 1.8 1.1 TeV 0.25 0.33 1.0 0.66 1.96 TeV 1.0 TeV 0.16 0.16 1.25 1.0 1.96 TeV 0.2 2.5 50 1 100 HERWIG 1.0 1.0 150 1 PARP(91) 1.0 2.1 2.1 1.0 PARP(93) 5.0 15.0 15.0 5.0 Identical to DW at 1.96 TeV but uses ATLAS extrapolation to the LHC! 768.0 mb "Transverse" Charged Particle Average pT "Transverse" Charged Particle Density: dN/dhd "Transverse" PTsum Density: dPT/dhd 1.0 1.25 0.9 324.5 mbRun 2 Data! CDF "Leading Jet" 0.5 data corrected 0.5 to particle level 0.5 1.5 0.4 0.5 PY Tune0.4 A, DW PARP(85) University of Toronto March 18, 2008 ATLAS 1.8 GeV "Transverse" Charged PTDensity (GeV/c) "Transverse" Charged "Transverse" PTsum Density (GeV/c) 0.4 1.9409 GeV CDF Run 2 Preliminary "Transverse" <PT> (GeV/c) PARP(84) 4"Transverse" 4 1.6 1.0 1.5 RDF RDFPreliminary Preliminary RDF Preliminary generator generatorlevel level generator level 0.8 1.2 1.3 PY Tune DW PY Tune DW 0.6 PY Tune DW PY Tune A PY Tune A PY-ATLAS PY-ATLAS 0.8 1.1 PY-ATLAS 0.4 PY Tune A MidPoint R = 0.7 |h(jet#1) <PY-ATLAS 2 1.96TeV TeV 1.96 1.96 TeV HERWIG 0.4 0.9 HERWIGPT>0.5 GeV/c) Charged Particles (|h|<1.0, 0.2 Leading JetJet (|h|<2.0) Leading (|h|<2.0) Leading Jet (|h|<2.0) Charged Particles (|h|<1.0, PT>0.5 GeV/c) Charged Particles (|h|<1.0, PT>0.5 GeV/c) Charged Particles (|h|<1.0, PT>0.5 GeV/c) HERWIG 0.0 0.0 200 0.7 250 00 0 50 50 50 300 100 100 100 PT(jet#1) (GeV/c) 350 150 150 150 400 200 200 200 250 250 250 450 300 300 300 350 350 350 400 400 400 450 450 450 500 500 500 PT(particle jet#1) PT(particle jet#1) jet#1) (GeV/c) (GeV/c) PT(particle (GeV/c) Shows Shows the the “transverse” “transverse” charged charged PTsum particledensity, density, average p T, dN/dhd, versus PPTT(jet#1) “leading dPT/dhd, versusfor (jet#1)for for “leading jet” versus PT(jet#1) “leading jet” eventsjet” at 1.96 events atTune 1.96A, TeV forATLAS, Tune A, A,and DW,HERWIG ATLAS, and and events 1.96 TeV for Tune DW, ATLAS, TeV forat DW, HERWIGMPI). (without MPI). MPI). HERWIG (without (without Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 26 The “Underlying Event” in High PT Jet Production (LHC) High PT Jet Production Outgoing Parton PT(hard) Initial-State Radiation The “Underlying Event” Proton Underlying Event Underlying Event “Underlying event” much more active at the LHC! Final-State Radiation Outgoing Parton "Transverse" Charged Particle Density: dN/dhd "Transverse" Charged Particle Density: dN/dhd 1.0 2.0 RDF Preliminary LHC RDF Preliminary generator level 0.8 0.6 PY Tune AW HERWIG 0.4 1.96 TeV 0.2 "Leading Jet" Charged Particles (|h|<1.0, PT>0.5 GeV/c) 0.0 "Transverse" Charged Density "Transverse" Charged Density Charged particle density versus PT(jet#1) AntiProton generator level 1.5 PY Tune AW HERWIG 1.0 CDF 0.5 "Leading Jet" Charged Particles (|h|<1.0, PT>0.5 GeV/c) 0.0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 0 250 500 PT(particle jet#1) (GeV/c) 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500 PT(particle jet#1) (GeV/c) Charged particle density in the “Transverse” Charged particle density in the “Transverse” region versus PT(jet#1) at 1.96 TeV for PY region versus PT(jet#1) at 14 TeV for PY Tune Tune AW and HERWIG (without MPI). AW and HERWIG (without MPI). University of Toronto March 18, 2008 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 27 PYTHIA 6.2 Tunes s(MPI) at 1.96 TeV s(MPI) at 14 TeV Tune A 309.7 mb 484.0 mb PYTHIA 6.2 CTEQ5L Tune A Tune DW Tune DWT ATLAS MSTP(81) 1 1 1 1 Tune DW 351.7 mb 549.2 mb MSTP(82) 4 4 4 4 Tune DWT 351.7 mb 829.1 mb PARP(82) 2.0 GeV 1.9 GeV 1.9409 GeV 1.8 GeV ATLAS 324.5 mb 768.0 mb PARP(83) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 PARP(84) 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 PARP(85) 0.9 1.0 1.0 0.33 PARP(86) 0.95 1.0 1.0 0.66 PARP(89) 1.8 TeV 1.8 TeV 1.96 TeV 1.0 TeV PARP(90) 0.25 0.25 0.16 0.16 PARP(62) 1.0 1.25 1.25 1.0 PARP(64) 1.0 0.2 0.2 1.0 PARP(67) 4.0 2.5 2.5 1.0 MSTP(91) 1 1 1 1 PARP(91) 1.0 2.1 2.1 1.0 PARP(93) 5.0 15.0 15.0 5.0 Identical to DW at 1.96 TeV but uses ATLAS extrapolation to the LHC! University of Toronto March 18, 2008 "Transverse" Charged Density "Transverse" Density (GeV/c) "Transverse"PTsum Charged PT (GeV/c) Parameter "Transverse"Charged PTsum Density: dPT/dhdpT "Transverse" Particle Average "Transverse" Charged Particle Density: dN/dhd 8.0 2.5 2.5 PY Tune DWT PY Tune DWT PY Tune DWT RDF Preliminary RDFgenerator Preliminary level generator level RDF Preliminary 6.0 generator level PY Tune DW PY Tune DW 2.0 2.0 1.5 4.0 PY-ATLAS HERWIG PY Tune DW 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.5 1.0 0.0 0.0 PY-ATLAS HERWIG HERWIG 00 0 250 250 500 500 PY-ATLAS 750 750 14 TeV 14 TeV 14 TeV Leading LeadingJet Jet(|h|<2.0) (|h|<2.0) Leading Jet (|h|<2.0) Charged (|h|<1.0, PT>0.5 ChargedParticles Particles (|h|<1.0, PT>0.5GeV/c) GeV/c) Charged Particles (|h|<1.0, PT>0.5 GeV/c) 1000 1000 1250 1250 1500 1500 1750 1750 2000 2000 PT(particle jet#1) jet#1) (GeV/c) PT(particle (GeV/c) PT(particle jet#1) (GeV/c) Shows the “transverse” charged PTsum particle density, Shows the “transverse” charged averagedensity, pT, dN/dhd, versus P (jet#1) for “leading jet” dPT/dhd, versusfor PT T(jet#1) forjet” “leading versus PT(jet#1) “leading eventsjet” at 14 events at 14 TeV for Tune A, DW, ATLAS, and TeV for Tune A, DW, ATLAS, and HERWIG HERWIG (without MPI). (without MPI). Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 28 Summary Outgoing Parton “Minumum Bias” Collisions Tevatron LHC PT(hard) Initial-State Radiation Proton AntiProton Proton AntiProton Underlying Event Outgoing Parton Underlying Event Final-State Radiation PYTHIA Tune DW is very similar to Tune A except that it fits the CDF PT(Z) distribution and it uses the DØ prefered value of PARP(67) = 2.5 (determined from the dijet D distribution). PYTHIA Tune DWT is identical to Tune DW at 1.96 TeV but uses the ATLAS energy extrapolation to the LHC (i.e. PARP(90) = 0.16). PYTHIA Tune D6 and D6T are similar to Tune DW and DWT, respectively, but use CTEQ6L (i.e. LHAPDF = 10042). University of Toronto March 18, 2008 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 29 Drell-Yan Production (Run 2 vs LHC) Drell-Yan Production Proton <pT(m+m-)> is much larger at the LHC! Lepton-Pair Transverse Momentum Lepton AntiProton Underlying Event Underlying Event Shapes of the pT(m+m-) distribution at the Z-boson mass. Initial-State Radiation Anti-Lepton Lepton-Pair Transverse Momentum Drell-Yan PT(m+m-) Distribution 80 0.10 Drell-Yan Drell-Yan LHC 60 1/N dN/dPT (1/GeV) Average Pair PT generator level 40 Tevatron Run 2 20 0 0.08 PY Tune DW (solid) HERWIG (dashed) 0.06 70 < M(m-pair) < 110 GeV |h(m-pair)| < 6 0.04 0.02 PY Tune DW (solid) HERWIG (dashed) Z generator level Tevatron Run2 LHC Normalized to 1 0.00 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 0 5 Lepton-Pair Invariant Mass (GeV) 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 PT(m+m-) (GeV/c) Average Lepton-Pair transverse momentum Shape of the Lepton-Pair pT distribution at the Z-boson mass at the Tevatron and the LHC for at the Tevatron and the LHC for PYTHIA PYTHIA Tune DW and HERWIG (without MPI). Tune DW and HERWIG (without MPI). University of Toronto March 18, 2008 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 30 The “Underlying Event” in Drell-Yan Production Drell-Yan Production The “Underlying Event” Lepton Proton HERWIG (without MPI) is much less active than PY Tune AW (with MPI)! Underlying Event Charged particle density versus M(pair) AntiProton Underlying Event “Underlying event” much more active at the LHC! Initial-State Radiation Anti-Lepton Charged Particle Density: dN/dhd Charged Particle Density: dN/dhd 1.5 1.0 RDF Preliminary generator level PY Tune AW 0.8 0.6 0.4 HERWIG 0.2 Drell-Yan 1.96 TeV Z Charged Particles (|h|<1.0, PT>0.5 GeV/c) (excluding lepton-pair ) Charged Particle Density Charged Particle Density RDF Preliminary generator level Z LHC 1.0 PY Tune AW CDF 0.5 Drell-Yan Charged Particles (|h|<1.0, PT>0.5 GeV/c) (excluding lepton-pair ) HERWIG 0.0 0.0 0 50 100 150 200 250 0 50 100 150 200 250 Lepton-Pair Invariant Mass (GeV) Lepton-Pair Invariant Mass (GeV) Charged particle density versus the lepton- Charged particle density versus the lepton-pair invariant mass at 14 TeV for PYTHIA Tune AW pair invariant mass at 1.96 TeV for PYTHIA and HERWIG (without MPI). Tune AW and HERWIG (without MPI). University of Toronto March 18, 2008 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 31 Extrapolations to the LHC: Drell-Yan Production Drell-Yan Production Charged particle density versus M(pair) Lepton The “Underlying Event” Proton AntiProton Underlying Event Tune DW and DWT are identical at 1.96 TeV, but have different MPI energy dependence! Underlying Event Initial-State Radiation Anti-Lepton Charged Particle Density: dN/dhd Charged Particle Density: dN/dhd 1.0 2.5 PY Tune BW generator level RDF Preliminary PY Tune DW 0.8 0.6 0.4 PY Tune A PY Tune AW 1.96 TeV 0.2 HERWIG Charged Particles (|h|<1.0, PT>0.5 GeV/c) (excluding lepton-pair ) Z 0.0 0 50 Charged Particle Density Charged Particle Density RDF Preliminary generator level PY-ATLAS PY Tune DWT 2.0 1.5 PY Tune DW 1.0 14 TeV 0.5 Z Charged Particles (|h|<1.0, PT>0.5 GeV/c) (excluding lepton-pair ) HERWIG 0.0 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 0 100 Lepton-Pair Invariant Mass (GeV) 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Lepton-Pair Invariant Mass (GeV) Average charged particle density versus the Average charged particle density versus the lepton-pair invariant mass at 1.96 TeV for lepton-pair invariant mass at 14 TeV for PYTHIA Tune A, Tune AW, Tune BW, Tune PYTHIA Tune DW, Tune DWT, ATLAS and DW and HERWIG (without MPI). HERWIG (without MPI). University of Toronto March 18, 2008 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 32 Extrapolations to the LHC: Drell-Yan Production Drell-Yan Production The “Underlying Event” The ATLAS tune has a much “softer” distribution of chargedAntiProton particles than Underlying Event the CDF Run 2 Tunes! Initial-State Proton Charged Particles (|h|<1.0, pT > 0.5 GeV/c) Charged particle density versus M(pair) Lepton Underlying Event Radiation Charged Particles (|h|<1.0, pT > 0.9 GeV/c) Anti-Lepton Charged Particle Density: dN/dhd Charged Particle Density: dN/dhd Drell-Yan PY Tune DWT Generator Level 14 TeV Charged Particle 4.0 Density: dN/dhd PY-ATLAS generator level 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 Z HERWIG 100 200 0.0 0 Charged Particle Density Charged Particle Density RDF Preliminary 300 1.2 PY-ATLAS PY Tune DWT 3.0 PY Tune DW PY Tune DW 2.0 14 TeV 1.0 Charged Particles (|h|<1.0, PT>0.5 GeV/c) (excluding lepton-pair ) Charged Particle Density 2.5 0.8 Charged Particles (pT > min, |h|<1.0) (excluding lepton-pair PY Tune DW ) 0.4 PY-ATLAS 70 < M(m+m-) < 110 GeV Z Generator Level 14 TeV HERWIG Charged Particles (|h|<1.0, PT>0.9 GeV/c) (excluding lepton-pair ) 0.0 400 500 600 HERWIG 700 800 900 1000 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Lepton-Pair Invariant Mass (GeV) Lepton-Pair Invariant Mass (GeV) 0.0 particle 0.0 0.2 0.4(pT >0.60.5 0.8 Average 1.0 1.2charged 1.4 1.6 1.8density (pT > 0.9 GeV/c) Average charged particle density the lepton-pair invariant mass at 14 TeV GeV/c) versus the lepton-pair invariantMinimum mass pversus T (GeV/c) at 14 TeV for PYTHIA Tune DW, Tune DWT, for PYTHIA Tune DW, Tune DWT, ATLAS and HERWIG (without MPI). ATLAS and HERWIG (without MPI). University of Toronto March 18, 2008 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 33 Most Recent CDF “Underlying Event” Studies Fermilab 2008 CDF-QCD Data for Theory The goal is to produce data (corrected to the particle level) that can be used by the theorists to tune and improve the QCD Monte-Carlo models that are used to simulate hadron-hadron collisions. Outline of the Project The “Towards”, “Away”, and “Transverse” regions of h- space. Four Jet Topologies. The “transMAX”, “transMIN”, and Rick Field Craig Group Deepak Kar “transDIF” regions. Also, study the “underlying event” in Drell-Yan production. Over 128 plots to get “blessed” and then to published. So far we have only looked at average quantities. We plan to also produce distributions and flow Proton plots. Proton We plan to construct a “CDF-QCD Jet #1 Direction Lepton Parton Outgoing D PT(hard) Initial-State Radiation AntiProton AntiProton UnderlyingEvent Event Underlying Data for Theory” WEBsite with the “blessed” plots together with tables of the data points and errors so that people can have access to the results. University of Toronto March 18, 2008 Drell-Yan Production Anti-Lepton Outgoing Parton UnderlyingEvent Event Underlying Final-State Radiation Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS “Toward” “Transverse” “Transverse” “Away” Page 34 “Towards”, “Away”, “Transverse” Look at the charged particle density, the charged PTsum density and the ETsum density in all 3 regions! D Correlations relative to the leading jet Jet #1 Direction “Transverse” region is very sensitive to the “underlying event”! Charged particles pT > 0.5 GeV/c |h| < 1 Calorimeter towers ET > 0.1 GeV |h| < 1 “Toward-Side” Jet 2 Away Region Z-Boson Direction Jet #1 Direction D D Transverse Region “Toward” “Toward” “Transverse” “Transverse” “Away” “Transverse” “Transverse” Leading Jet Toward Region “Away” Transverse Region “Away-Side” Jet Away Region 0 -1 h +1 Look at correlations in the azimuthal angle D relative to the leading charged particle jet (|h| < 1) or the leading calorimeter jet (|h| < 2). Define |D| < 60o as “Toward”, 60o < |D| < 120o as “Transverse ”, and |D| > 120o as “Away”. o Each of the three regions have area DhD = 2×120 = 4/3. University of Toronto March 18, 2008 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 35 Event Topologies “Leading Jet” events correspond to the leading calorimeter jet (MidPoint R = 0.7) in the region |h| < 2 with no other conditions. “Inclusive 2-Jet Back-to-Back” events are selected to have at least two jets with Jet#1 and Jet#2 nearly “backto-back” (D12 > 150o) with almost equal transverse energies (PT(jet#2)/PT(jet#1) > 0.8) with no other conditions . “Exclusive 2-Jet Back-to-Back” events are selected to have at least two jets with Jet#1 and Jet#2 nearly “backto-back” (D12 > 150o) with almost equal transverse energies (PT(jet#2)/PT(jet#1) > 0.8) and PT(jet#3) < 15 GeV/c. “Leading ChgJet” events correspond to the leading charged particle jet (R = 0.7) in the region |h| < 1 with no other conditions. “Z-Boson” events are Drell-Yan events with 70 < M(lepton-pair) < 110 GeV with no other conditions. University of Toronto March 18, 2008 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Jet #1 Direction D “Leading Jet” “Toward” “Transverse” “Transverse” subset “Away” Jet #1 Direction D “Inc2J Back-to-Back” “Toward” subset “Transverse” “Transverse” “Away” “Exc2J Back-to-Back” Jet #2 Direction ChgJet #1 Direction D “Charged Jet” “Toward” “Transverse” “Transverse” “Away” Z-Boson Direction D “Toward” Z-Boson “Transverse” “Transverse” “Away” Page 36 “Leading Jet” Observables at the Particle and Detector Level “Leading Jet” Jet #1 Direction Observable Particle Level Detector Level dNchg/dhd Number of charged particles per unit h- (pT > 0.5 GeV/c, |h| < 1) Number of “good” charged tracks per unit h- (pT > 0.5 GeV/c, |h| < 1) dPTsum/dhd Scalar pT sum of charged particles per unit h- (pT > 0.5 GeV/c, |h| < 1) Scalar pT sum of “good” charged tracks per unit h- (pT > 0.5 GeV/c, |h| < 1) <pT> Average pT of charged particles (pT > 0.5 GeV/c, |h| < 1) Average pT of “good” charged tracks (pT > 0.5 GeV/c, |h| < 1) PTmax Maximum pT charged particle (pT > 0.5 GeV/c, |h| < 1) Require Nchg ≥ 1 Maximum pT “good” charged tracks (pT > 0.5 GeV/c, |h| < 1) Require Nchg ≥ 1 dETsum/dhd Scalar ET sum of all particles per unit h- (all pT, |h| < 1) Scalar ET sum of all calorimeter towers per unit h- (ET > 0.1 GeV, |h| < 1) PTsum/ETsum Scalar pT sum of charged particles (pT > 0.5 GeV/c, |h| < 1) divided by the scalar ET sum of all particles (all pT, |h| < 1) Scalar pT sum of “good” charged tracks (pT > 0.5 GeV/c, |h| < 1) divided by the scalar ET sum of calorimeter towers (ET > 0.1 GeV, |h| < 1) D “Toward” “Transverse” “Transverse” “Away” Jet #1 Direction D “Toward” “Transverse” “Transverse” “Away” Jet #2 Direction “Back-to-Back” University of Toronto March 18, 2008 Also include the leading jet mass (new)! Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 37 Overall Totals (|h| < 1) ETsum = 775 GeV! “Leading Jet” Overall Totals versus PT(jet#1) ETsum = 330 GeV 1000 CDF Run 2 Preliminary ETsum (GeV) data corrected pyA generator level Jet #1 Direction D PTsum (GeV/c) Average 100 “Overall” Nchg "Leading Jet" MidPoint R=0.7 |h(jet#1)|<2 10 PTsum = 190 GeV/c Charged Particles (|h|<1.0, PT>0.5 GeV/c) Stable Particles (|h|<1.0, all PT) 1 0 50 Nchg = 30 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 PT(jet#1) (GeV/c) Data at 1.96 TeV on the overall number of charged particles (pT > 0.5 GeV/c, |h| < 1) and the overall scalar pT sum of charged particles (pT > 0.5 GeV/c, |h| < 1) and the overall scalar ET sum of all particles (|h| < 1) for “leading jet” events as a function of the leading jet pT. The data are corrected to the particle level (with errors that include both the statistical error and the systematic uncertainty) and are compared with PYTHIA Tune A at the particle level (i.e. generator level).. University of Toronto March 18, 2008 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 38 Overall Totals (|h| < 1) “Leading Jet” Overall Number ofversus Charged Particles Overall Charged PTsum Overall ETsum PT(jet#1) Jet #1 Direction D Average PTsum Average ETsum (GeV) Average Number of(GeV/c) Charged Particles 400 80040 CDF Run CDF Run 2Preliminary Preliminary CDF Run 22 Preliminary 300 60030 PY Tune A data corrected data corrected data corrected generator level theory generator level theory generator level theory HW PY Tune A PY Tune A 200 40020 “Overall” 20010 100 "Leading Jet" "Leading Jet" MidPoint R=0.7 |h(jet#1)|<2 MidPoint R=0.7 |h(jet#1)|<2 HW HW 00 0 00 0 50 50 50 100 100 150 150 ChargedStable Particles (|h|<1.0, PT>0.5 GeV/c) Particles (|h|<1.0, all PT) Charged Particles (|h|<1.0, PT>0.5 GeV/c) 200 200 250 250 300 300 350 350 400 400 PT(jet#1) PT(jet#1) (GeV/c) (GeV/c) Data at 1.96 TeV on the overall number ofsum charged (p(|h| 0.5 |h| < 1) “leading events Data ofofcharged particles > GeV/c, |h|for <events 1) for as “leading jet” T ><(p Data at at 1.96 1.96 TeV TeV on on the the overall overall scalar scalar pET allparticles particles 1)T GeV/c, for0.5 “leading jet” ajet” function T sum as function ofjetthe jet are pT. The are corrected tolevel the particle levelthat (with errors that include both events as a function thedata leading jet pdata data are corrected to theerrors particle level (withboth errors that include of athe leading pTleading .of The corrected the particle (with include the statistical T. Theto both the error and the systematic uncertainty) and are compared with PYTHIA AHERWIG and MPI) the statistical and the systematic uncertainty) and are compared with PYTHIA TuneTune A and error andstatistical the error systematic uncertainty) and are compared with PYTHIA Tune A and HERWIG (without HERWIG (without at the particle level (i.e. level). generator level). (without MPI) at theMPI) particle level (i.e. generator at the particle level (i.e. generator level). University of Toronto March 18, 2008 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 39 CDF DiJet Event: M(jj) ≈ 1.4 TeV ETjet1 = 666 GeV ETjet2 = 633 GeV Esum = 1,299 GeV M(jj) = 1,364 GeV M(jj)/Ecm ≈ 70%!! University of Toronto March 18, 2008 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 40 “Towards”, “Away”, “Transverse” “Leading Jet” Jet #1 Direction D “Toward” “Transverse” “Transverse” “Away” ETsum Density (GeV) Charged PTsum Density (GeV/c) Average Charged Density Charged Particle Density: dN/dhd Charged PTsum Density: dPT/dhd ETsum Density: dET/dhd 5 100.0 100.0 CDFCDF RunRun 2 Preliminary 2 Preliminary 4 data corrected data"Toward" corrected pyA generator level pyA generator level 10.0 3 "Toward" "Away" "Away" Factor of ~13 "Toward" "Transverse" Factor of ~16 "Away" "Transverse" "Leading Jet" Factor of MidPoint ~4.5 R=0.7 |h(jet#1)|<2 2 1.0 1.0 1 0 0.1 0.1 0 0 0 "Transverse" CDF Run 2 Preliminary data corrected pyA generator level 50 50 50 100100 100 150 150 150 "Leading Jet" "Leading Jet" MidPoint R=0.7 |h(jet#1)|<2 MidPoint R=0.7 |h(jet#1)|<2 ChargedStable Particles (|h|<1.0, PT>0.5 GeV/c) Charged Particles (|h|<1.0, PT>0.5 GeV/c) Particles (|h|<1.0, all PT) 200 200 200 250 250 250 300 300 300 350 350 350 400 400 400 PT(jet#1) PT(jet#1)(GeV/c) (GeV/c) PT(jet#1) (GeV/c) Data Data at at 1.96 1.96 TeV TeV on on the the charged density ofparticle charged particles, dN/dhd, p > 0.5 GeV/c and |h| < 1 for pT sum density, with dPT/dhd, and“leading |h| T > 0.5 GeV/c Data at 1.96 TeV on the particle scalar ETscalar sum density, dET/dhd, forT|h| < with 1 for p“leading jet” events as<a1 jet” events as a function of the leading jet p for the “toward”, “away”, and “transverse” regions. The for “leading jet” eventsjet as pa function of the Tleading jet pand the “toward”, “away”,The anddata “transverse” T for“transverse” function of the leading “toward”, “away”, regions. are corrected T for the data are corrected to the particle level (with errors that include both the statistical error and the systematic regions. The data are corrected to the particle level (with errors that include both the statistical errorand andare to the particle level (with errors that include both the statistical error and the systematic uncertainty) uncertainty) and are compared with PYTHIA Tune A at the particle level (i.e. generator level). the systematic and A are with PYTHIA Tune Alevel). at the particle level (i.e. generator compared withuncertainty) PYTHIA Tune at compared the particle level (i.e. generator level). University of Toronto March 18, 2008 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 41 The “Toward” Region “Leading Jet” "Toward" Charged Particle Density: dN/dhd "Toward" ETsum Density: dET/dhd "Toward" Charged PTsum Density: dPT/dhd Jet #1 Direction D “Toward” “Transverse” “Transverse” “Away” "Toward" ETsum Density (GeV) "Toward" PTsum Density (GeV/c) "Toward" Charged Density 4 100 50 CDFRun Run22 2Preliminary Preliminary CDF Run Preliminary 80 40 3 HW data corrected data corrected data corrected generator level theory generator level theory generator level theory 30 60 2 PY Tune A PY Tune A PY Tune A 20 40 1 10 20 00 0 00 0 HW HW 50 50 50 100 100 100 150 150 150 "Leading Jet" MidPoint R=0.7 |h(jet#1)|<2 "Leading Jet" "Leading Jet" MidPoint R=0.7 |h(jet#1)|<2 MidPoint R=0.7 |h(jet#1)|<2 Charged Particles (|h|<1.0, PT>0.5 GeV/c) Charged Particles (|h|<1.0, PT>0.5 GeV/c) Stable Particles (|h|<1.0, all PT) 200 200 200 250 250 250 300 300 300 350 350 350 400 400 400 PT(jet#1) (GeV/c) PT(jet#1) PT(jet#1) (GeV/c) (GeV/c) at 1.96 TeV on the density of charged particles, dN/dhd, withwith pT >p0.5 and |h| <|h|1 < for “leading jet” Data pT sum density, dPT/dhd, > GeV/c 0.5 GeV/c “leading Data Data at at 1.96 1.96 TeV TeV on on the the charged scalar ETscalar sum density, dET/dhd, with |h| < 1 forT“leading jet” and events as 1a for function of events as a as function of the jet pjet “toward” region. The The datadata are corrected to the level jet” events ofleading the leading pTthe fordata the “toward” region. are corrected toparticle thethat particle T for the leading jetapfunction are corrected to the particle level (with errors include T for the “toward” region. The (with errorserrors that include both the statistical error error and the systematic uncertainty) and are with with level (with include both the statistical and the systematic uncertainty) andcompared are compared both the statisticalthat error and the systematic uncertainty) and are compared with PYTHIA Tune A and HERWIG PYTHIA Tune A A and and HERWIG HERWIG (without MPI) the particle level PYTHIA Tune (without MPI) at at level). the particle level (i.e. (i.e. generator generator level). level). (without MPI) at the particle level (i.e. generator University of Toronto March 18, 2008 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 42 The “Away” Region “Leading Jet” "Away" Charged Particle Density: dN/dhd "Away" Charged PTsum Density: dPT/dhd dET/dhd Density: ETsum "Away" Jet #1 Direction D “Toward” “Transverse” “Transverse” “Away” "Away" ETsum Density (GeV) "Away" PTsum Density (GeV/c) "Away" Charged Density 5 50 100 CDFRun Run22Preliminary Preliminary CDF CDF Run 2 PreliminaryPY Tune A 480 40 datacorrected corrected data corrected data level generatorlevel theory generator theory generator level theory HW PY Tune A PY Tune A 360 30 240 20 1 10 20 00 0 00 0 HW "Leading Jet" "Leading Jet" MidPoint R=0.7 |h(jet#1)|<2 Jet" "Leading MidPoint R=0.7 |h(jet#1)|<2 MidPoint R=0.7 |h(jet#1)|<2 HW 50 50 50 Charged Particles (|h|<1.0, PT>0.5 GeV/c) Stable Particles (|h|<1.0, all PT) 100 100 100 150 150 150 200 200 200 250 250 250 300 300 300 350 350 400 400 PT(jet#1) (GeV/c) PT(jet#1) (GeV/c) PT(jet#1) (GeV/c) charged particles, dN/dhd, p1Tfor >p0.5 andand |h| <|h|1 as for jet” Data Data at 1.96 TeV on the charged scalar pT sum density, dPT/dhd, with > GeV/c 0.5 GeV/c < 1a“leading for “leading Data at at 1.96 1.96 TeV TeV on on the the density scalar Eof dET/dhd, withwith |h| < jet” events function of T“leading T sum density, events as a as function of the jet pjet “away” region. The data are corrected to the level T for jet” events ofleading the leading pTthe for theare “away” region. The data are corrected toparticle thethat particle the leading jetapfunction data corrected to the particle level (with errors include T for the “away” region. The (with errors that include boththe the statistical error error and the systematic uncertainty) and are with level (with errors that include both the statistical and the systematic uncertainty) andcompared are compared with both the statistical error and systematic uncertainty) and are compared with PYTHIA Tune A and HERWIG PYTHIA Tune HERWIG (without MPI) the PYTHIA Tune A A and HERWIG (without MPI) at at level). the particle particle level level (i.e. (i.e. generator generator level). level). (without MPI) at and the particle level (i.e. generator University of Toronto March 18, 2008 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 43 The “Transverse” Region “Leading Jet” Particle Density: dN/dhd "Transverse" Charged PTsum Density: dPT/dhd "Transverse" Average PTmax dET/dhd Density: ETsum "Transverse" "Transverse" Average PT Jet #1 Direction D “Toward” “Transverse” “Transverse” “Away” "Transverse" Charged Density "Transverse" Average "Transverse" ETsum Density (GeV) "Transverse" PTsum Density (GeV/c) "Transverse" Average PTPTmax (GeV/c) (GeV/c) 1.2 2.04.0 5.0 CDF Run 22Preliminary Preliminary Run CDF CDF Run 2 Preliminary CDF Run 2 Preliminary data corrected 4.0 0.9 1.53.0 1.5 3.0 0.6 1.02.0 2.0 1.0 0.3 0.51.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.50.0 0.0 000 0 data corrected corrected data data corrected data corrected generator level theory generator level theory generator level theory theory level generator generator level theory HW HW HW HWHW 50 5050 50 100 100 100 100 PY Tune A PY Tune A PY Tune A PY Tune A "Leading Jet" PY Tune A MidPoint R=0.7 |h(jet#1)|<2 "Leading Jet" "LeadingJet" Jet" "Leading MidPoint R=0.7 |h(jet#1)|<2 Charged Particles (|h|<1.0, PT>0.5 GeV/c) Jet" "Leading MidPointR=0.7 R=0.7|h(jet#1)|<2 |h(jet#1)|<2 MidPoint MidPoint R=0.7 |h(jet#1)|<2 Charged Particles (|h|<1.0, PT>0.5 GeV/c) Excludes events with no "Transverse" Charged Particles Charged Particles (|h|<1.0, PT>0.5 GeV/c) Charged Particles (|h|<1.0, PT>0.5 GeV/c) all PT) (|h|<1.0, Particles Stable 150 150 150 150 200 200 200 200 250 250 250 250 300 300 300 300 350 350 350 400 400 400 PT(jet#1) PT(jet#1) (GeV/c) PT(jet#1)(GeV/c) (GeV/c) (GeV/c) PT(jet#1) Data at 1.96 TeV on the density of charged particles, dN/dhd, withwith pT >p0.5 andand |h| <|h|1 < for “leading Data pTaverage sum density, dPT/dhd, > GeV/c 0.5 GeV/c for “leading Data at 1.96 TeV on the scalar ETscalar sum density, dET/dhd, with |h| <GeV/c 1GeV/c forTand “leading jet” events as1ajet” function ofas Data at at 1.96 1.96 TeV TeV on on the the charged charged particle pTp , with p > 0.5 |h| < 1 for “leading events jet” Data at 1.96 TeV on the charged particle maximum , with p > 0.5 and |h| < 1 for “leading jet” events T T T events as a function of the leading jet p for the “transverse” region. The data are corrected to the jet” events of as apfunction jet pTT for thedata “transverse” region. The data are corrected tolevel thethat the leading jetthe forleading theof “transverse” region. The are corrected to are the particle (with errors a function leading jetthe pTleading for thethe “transverse” region. The data are corrected tolevel the particle (with T as a function of the jet p for “transverse” region. The data corrected to the particle level (with T particle level (with errors that include both the statistical error and the systematic uncertainty) and are particle level (with errors that include both the statistical error and the systematic uncertainty) and are compared include both the statistical error and the systematic uncertainty) and are compared with PYTHIA Tune A and errors that include both the statistical error and the systematic uncertainty) and are compared with PYTHIA errors thatwith include both the statistical error and the systematic uncertainty) andlevel are compared with level). PYTHIA compared PYTHIA Tune A and HERWIG (without at the particle (i.e. level). generator with PYTHIA Tune A and HERWIG (without MPI) at theMPI) particle level (i.e. generator HERWIG (without MPI) at the particle level (i.e. generator level). Tune A and HERWIG (without MPI) at the particle level (i.e. generator level). Tune A and HERWIG (without MPI) at the particle level (i.e. generator level). University of Toronto March 18, 2008 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 44 The “Transverse” Region “Leading Jet” Jet #1 Direction D “Toward” “Transverse” “Transverse” “Away” "Transverse" Data Charged - TheoryDensity 0.4 1.2 "Transverse" Density: dN/dhd 0.1 density corresponds to "Transverse" Charged Charged Particle Particle Density: dN/dhd 0.42 charged particles in the “transverse” CDF Run 2 Preliminary CDF region! Run 2 Preliminary "Leading Jet" 0.9 0.2 data corrected MidPoint R=0.7 |h(jet#1)|<2 generator level theory data corrected generator level theory HW 0.6 PY Tune A 0.0 "Leading Jet" MidPoint R=0.7 |h(jet#1)|<2 HW PY Tune A 0.3 Charged Particles (|h|<1.0, PT>0.5 GeV/c) Charged Particles (|h|<1.0, PT>0.5 GeV/c) -0.2 0.0 00 50 50 100 100 150 150 200 200 250 250 300 300 350 350 400 400 PT(jet#1) (GeV/c) (GeV/c) PT(jet#1) 1.96 TeV- on the density charged particles,particles, dN/dhd,dN/dhd, with pT >with 0.5 GeV/c |h| <and 1 for Data Showsatthe Data Theory for theofdensity of charged pT > 0.5and GeV/c |h|“leading < 1 for jet” events as events a function the leading pT forjet thep“transverse” region. The data are corrected to the “leading jet” as a of function of thejet leading T for the “transverse” region for PYTHIA Tune A and particle level (with errors HERWIG (without MPI).that include both the statistical error and the systematic uncertainty) and are compared with PYTHIA Tune A and HERWIG (without MPI) at the particle level (i.e. generator level). University of Toronto March 18, 2008 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 45 The “Transverse” Region Jet #1 Direction D “Toward” “Transverse” “Transverse” “Away” Data - Theory (GeV/c)(GeV/c) "Transverse" PTsum Density “Leading Jet” 2.0 0.6 0.1 density corresponds to "Transverse" "Transverse" Charged Charged PTsum PTsum Density: Density: dPT/dhd dPT/dhd 420 MeV/c in the “transverse” region! CDF Run 2 Preliminary CDF Run 2 Preliminary "Leading Jet" data corrected MidPoint R=0.7 |h(jet#1)|<2 generator level theory data corrected generator level theory 1.5 0.4 HW 1.0 0.2 PY Tune A "Leading Jet" MidPoint R=0.7 |h(jet#1)|<2 0.5 0.0 HW PY Tune A Charged ChargedParticles Particles(|h|<1.0, (|h|<1.0,PT>0.5 PT>0.5GeV/c) GeV/c) -0.2 0.0 00 50 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 350 400 400 PT(jet#1) (GeV/c) 1.96 TeV- on the charged scalar pTscalar sum density, with pT >with 0.5 GeV/c |h| <and 1 for Data Showsatthe Data Theory for the charged pT sum dPT/dhd, density, dPT/dhd, pT > 0.5and GeV/c |h| < 1 for “leading The data areTune corrected “leading jet” jet” events events as as aa function function of of the the leading leading jet jet p pTT for for the the “transverse” “transverse” region. region for PYTHIA A andto the particle(without level (with errors that include both the statistical error and the systematic uncertainty) and are HERWIG MPI). compared with PYTHIA Tune A and HERWIG (without MPI) at the particle level (i.e. generator level). University of Toronto March 18, 2008 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 46 The “Transverse” Region “Leading Jet” Jet #1 Direction D “Toward” “Transverse” “Transverse” “Away” Data - Theory (GeV) (GeV) "Transverse" ETsum Density 5.0 1.6 0.4Density: density corresponds "Transverse" ETsum dET/dhdto 1.67 GeV in the CDF CDF Run Run 2 Preliminary 2 Preliminary “transverse” "Leading Jet" region! data corrected data corrected generator level theory generator level theory 4.0 1.2 MidPoint R=0.7 |h(jet#1)|<2 Stable Particles (|h|<1.0, all PT) HW 3.0 0.8 PY Tune A 2.0 0.4 PY Tune A 1.0 0.0 "Leading Jet" MidPoint R=0.7 |h(jet#1)|<2 HW Stable Particles (|h|<1.0, all PT) 0.0 -0.4 00 50 50 100 100 150 150 200 250 300 350 400 PT(jet#1) (GeV/c) 1.96 TeV- on the scalar ETscalar sum density, with |h| <with 1 for jet” events a function Data Showsatthe Data Theory for the ET sum dET/dhd, density, dET/dhd, |h|“leading < 1 for “leading jet”asevents as a of the leading pT forjet thep“transverse” region. The data are corrected to the particle level (with errors that function of thejet leading T for the “transverse” region for PYTHIA Tune A and HERWIG (without MPI). include both the statistical error and the systematic uncertainty) and are compared with PYTHIA Tune A and HERWIG (without MPI) at the particle level (i.e. generator level). University of Toronto March 18, 2008 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 47 “transMAX” & “transMIN” Jet #1 Direction Jet #1 Direction D Area = 4/6 “transMIN” very sensitive to the “beam-beam remnants”! “Toward-Side” Jet D “Toward” “TransMAX” “Toward” “TransMIN” “TransMAX” “Away” “TransMIN” Jet #3 “Away” “Away-Side” Jet Define the MAX and MIN “transverse” regions (“transMAX” and “transMIN”) on an event-by-event basis with MAX (MIN) having the largest (smallest) density. Each of the two “transverse” regions have an area in h- space of 4/6. The “transMIN” region is very sensitive to the “beam-beam remnant” and multiple parton interaction components of the “underlying event”. The difference, “transDIF” (“transMAX” minus “transMIN”), is very sensitive to the “hard scattering” component of the “underlying event” (i.e. hard initial and final-state radiation). The overall “transverse” density is the average of the “transMAX” and “transMIN” densities. University of Toronto March 18, 2008 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 48 The “TransMAX/MIN” Regions “Leading Jet” "TransMAX" Charged Particle Density: dN/dhd "TransMIN" Particle Density: dN/dhd "TransMAX/MIN" Charged Particle Density: dN/dhd "TransDIF" Charged Particle Density: dN/dhd Jet #1 Direction D “Toward” “TransMAX” “TransMIN” “Away” "Transverse" Charged Density TransMAX - TransMIN Density "TransMIN" Charged "TransMAX" ChargedDensity Density 2.0 0.8 2.0 1.2 CDF Run 2 Preliminary CDF Run Preliminary CDF 222Preliminary CDFRun Run Preliminary data corrected "Leading Jet" MidPoint R=0.7 |h(jet#1)|<2 datacorrected corrected data data corrected generator level generatorlevel level theory theory generator generator leveltheory theory 1.5 0.6 1.5 0.9 "transMAX" HW 1.0 0.4 0.6 1.0 PY Tune A PY Tune A PY Tune A HW HW HW 0.5 0.2 0.3 0.5 PY Tune A 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 00 50 50 50 50 100 100 100 100 150 150 150 150 "Leading Jet" "Leading Jet" MidPoint R=0.7 |h(jet#1)|<2 "Leading Jet" "transMIN" MidPoint R=0.7 |h(jet#1)|<2 MidPoint R=0.7 |h(jet#1)|<2 Charged Particles Particles (|h|<1.0, (|h|<1.0, PT>0.5 Charged PT>0.5 GeV/c) GeV/c) Charged Particles (|h|<1.0, PT>0.5 GeV/c) Charged Particles (|h|<1.0, PT>0.5 GeV/c) 200 200 200 200 250 250 250 250 300 300 300 300 350 350 350 350 400 400 400 400 PT(jet#1) (GeV/c) (GeV/c) PT(jet#1) PT(jet#1) (GeV/c) (GeV/c) PT(jet#1) Data at 1.96 TeV on the density of charged particles, dN/dhd, with 0.5 GeV/c and |h| for “leading Data Data at at 1.96 1.96 TeV TeV on on the the density density of of charged charged particles, particles, dN/dhd, dN/dhd, with with pp pTTT>> > 0.5 0.5 GeV/c GeV/c and and |h| |h| << < 111 for for “leading “leadingjet” jet” jet” events as a function ofleading the leading pTthe for“transMIN” the “transMAX” region. The are datacorrected are corrected the events as aa function function of the the jet ppTjet for region. The data toare theto particle events as of leading jet “transDIF” = “transMAX”-”transMIN. The data corrected to T for particle level (with errors thatboth include both the statistical error and the systematic uncertainty) and are with level (with errors that include the statistical error and the systematic uncertainty) and are compared the particle level (with errors that include both the statistical error and the systematic uncertainty) and are compared with PYTHIA Tune A and HERWIG (without MPI) at the particle level (i.e. generator level). PYTHIA Tune and HERWIG MPI) at the particle generator compared with A PYTHIA Tune A (without and HERWIG (without MPI)level at the(i.e. particle levellevel). (i.e. generator level). University of Toronto March 18, 2008 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 49 The “TransMAX/MIN” Regions “Leading Jet” "TransMAX" ChargedCharged PTsumDensity: Density:Density dPT/dhd "TransMIN" Charged PTsum dPT/dhd "TransDIF" Charged PTsum Density: dPT/dhd "TransMAX/MIN" PTsum Jet #1 Direction D “Toward” “TransMAX” “TransMIN” “Away” "Transverse" Density (GeV/c) "TransMIN" PTsum Density (GeV/c) TransMAXPTsum - TransMIN Density "TransMAX" PTsum Density (GeV/c) (GeV/c) 3.03.0 0.8 3.0 CDF Run Preliminary CDF Run 2 Preliminary CDF Run Preliminary CDF Run 222Preliminary 0.6 2.02.0 2.0 data corrected data corrected data corrected data corrected generator level theory generator theory generator level theory generator levellevel theory "transMAX" HW PY Tune A PY Tune A PY Tune A 0.4 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 00 0 0 HWHW PY Tune A HW 50 50 50 50 100 100 100 100 "Leading Jet" "Leading Jet" Jet" MidPoint"Leading R=0.7 |h(jet#1)|<2 MidPoint R=0.7 |h(jet#1)|<2 MidPoint R=0.7 "Leading Jet"|h(jet#1)|<2 MidPoint R=0.7 |h(jet#1)|<2 "transMIN" Charged Particles (|h|<1.0, PT>0.5 GeV/c) Charged Particles (|h|<1.0, PT>0.5 GeV/c) Charged Particles (|h|<1.0, PT>0.5 GeV/c) Charged Particles (|h|<1.0, PT>0.5 GeV/c) 150 150 150 150 200 200 200 200 250 250 250 250 300 300 300 300 350 350 350 350 400 400 400 400 PT(jet#1) (GeV/c) PT(jet#1) PT(jet#1)(GeV/c) (GeV/c) PT(jet#1) (GeV/c) Data at 1.96 TeV on the charged scalar p sum density, dPT/dhd, with p > 0.5 GeV/c and |h| < 1 for “leading Data Data at at 1.96 1.96 TeV TeV on on the the charged charged scalar scalar ppTTT sum sum density, density, dPT/dhd, dPT/dhd, with with ppTTT > > 0.5 0.5 GeV/c GeV/c and and |h| |h| < < 11 for for “leading “leading jet” events as a function of the leading jet p for the “transMAX” region. The data are corrected to T jet” “transMIN” region. The data are corrected to the jet” events events as as aa function function of of the the leading leading jet jet ppTT for for the “transDIF” = “transMAX”-”transMIN. The data are particle the particle level (with errors that include both the statistical error and the systematic uncertainty) and arewith level (with to errors that include statistical error and are compared corrected the particle levelboth (withthe errors that include boththe thesystematic statisticaluncertainty) error and theand systematic uncertainty) compared withAPYTHIA Tune A and HERWIG (without MPI)level at the particle levellevel). (i.e. generator level). PYTHIA Tune and HERWIG MPI)HERWIG at the particle (i.e. generator and are compared with PYTHIA(without Tune A and (without MPI) at the particle level (i.e. generator level). University of Toronto March 18, 2008 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 50 The “TransMAX/MIN” Regions “Leading Jet” Jet #1 Direction D “Toward” “TransMAX” “TransMIN” “Away” "TransMAX" Density (GeV) "Transverse" Density (GeV) TransMAX ETsum -ETsum TransMIN (GeV) "TransveMIN" ETsum Density (GeV) "TransMAX" "TransMIN" ETsum Density: dET/dhd "TransMAX/MIN" ETsum Density: dET/dhd "TransDIF" ETsum Density: dET/dhd 6.0 3.0 6.0 5.0 CDF "Leading Jet" CDF Run Run 22 Preliminary Preliminary CDF Run 4.0 4.0 2.0 4.0 3.0 PY Tune A 2.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 HW data corrected generator level theory HW PY PYTune TuneAA "Leading Jet" MidPoint R=0.7 |h(jet#1)|<2 "Leading Jet" "transMIN" Jet" MidPoint "Leading R=0.7 |h(jet#1)|<2 MidPoint R=0.7 |h(jet#1)|<2 PY Tune A Stable Particles (|h|<1.0, all PT) Stable Particles (|h|<1.0, all PT) Stable Particles (|h|<1.0, all PT) HW 1.0 HW 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 CDF Run 2 Preliminary data MidPoint R=0.7 |h(jet#1)|<2 datacorrected corrected data corrected "transMAX" generator theory generatorlevel level theory generator level theory Stable Particles (|h|<1.0, all PT) 000 50 50 50 100 100 100 150 150 150 200 200 200 250 250 250 250 300 300 300 300 350 350 350 350 400 400 400 400 PT(jet#1) PT(jet#1) (GeV/c) (GeV/c) PT(jet#1) (GeV/c) Data Data at at 1.96 1.96 TeV TeV on on the the scalar scalar E ETTT sum sum density, density, dET/dhd, dET/dhd, with with |h| |h| < < 11 for for “leading “leading jet” jet” events events as as aa function function of of of leading “transMAX” region. corrected to the particle (with errors the leading jet ppT pfor thethe “transMIN” region. TheThe datadata are are corrected to the particle levellevel (with errors thatthat T for thethe leading jetjet T for “transDIF” = “transMAX”-”transMIN. The data are corrected to the particle level (with include both the statistical and the systematic and are compared PYTHIA A and errors that include both theerror statistical error and the uncertainty) systematic uncertainty) and are with compared withTune PYTHIA HERWIG MPI) at the MPI) particle levelparticle (i.e. generator Tune A and(without HERWIG (without at the level (i.e.level). generator level). University of Toronto March 18, 2008 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 51 “TransMIN” Nchg Density "TransMIN" Charged Particle Density: dN/dhd 0.6 CDF Run 2 Preliminary D “Toward” “TransMAX” “TransMIN” “Away” "TransMIN" Charged Density Jet #1 Direction "Leading Jet" MidPoint R=0.7 |h(jet#1)|<2 data corrected generator level theory HW 0.4 0.2 PY Tune A Charged Particles (|h|<1.0, PT>0.5 GeV/c) 0.0 0 50 100 These are the key plots! Tune A does not produce enough activity in the “transMIN” region! 150 200 250 300 350 400 PT(jet#1) (GeV/c) Data at 1.96 TeV on the density of charged particles, dN/dhd, with pT > 0.5 GeV/c and |h| < 1 for “leading jet” events as a function of the leading jet pT for the “transMIN” region. The data are corrected to the particle level (with errors that include both the statistical error and the systematic uncertainty) and are compared with PYTHIA Tune A and HERWIG (without MPI) at the particle level (i.e. generator level). University of Toronto March 18, 2008 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 52 “TransMIN” PTsum Density "TransMIN" Charged PTsum Density: dPT/dhd Jet #1 Direction D “Toward” “TransMAX” “TransMIN” “Away” "TransMIN" PTsum Density (GeV/c) 0.6 CDF Run 2 Preliminary "Leading Jet" MidPoint R=0.7 |h(jet#1)|<2 data corrected generator level theory 0.4 0.2 PY Tune A HW Charged Particles (|h|<1.0, PT>0.5 GeV/c) 0.0 0 50 100 These are the key plots! Tune A does not produce enough activity in the “transMIN” region! 150 200 250 300 350 400 PT(jet#1) (GeV/c) Data at 1.96 TeV on the charged scalar PTsum density, dPT/dhd, with pT > 0.5 GeV/c and |h| < 1 for “leading jet” events as a function of the leading jet pT for the “transMIN” region. The data are corrected to the particle level (with errors that include both the statistical error and the systematic uncertainty) and are compared with PYTHIA Tune A and HERWIG (without MPI) at the particle level (i.e. generator level). University of Toronto March 18, 2008 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 53 “TransMIN” ETsum Density "TransMIN" ETsum Density: dET/dhd D “Toward” “TransMAX” “TransMIN” “Away” "TransveMIN" ETsum Density (GeV) 3.0 Jet #1 Direction "Leading Jet" MidPoint R=0.7 |h(jet#1)|<2 CDF Run 2 Preliminary data corrected generator level theory Stable Particles (|h|<1.0, all PT) 2.0 HW 1.0 PY Tune A 0.0 0 50 100 These are the key plots! Tune A does not produce enough activity in the “transMIN” region! 150 200 250 300 350 400 PT(jet#1) (GeV/c) Data at 1.96 TeV on the scalar ETsum density, dET/dhd, with |h| < 1 for “leading jet” events as a function of the leading jet pT for the “transMIN” region. The data are corrected to the particle level (with errors that include both the statistical error and the systematic uncertainty) and are compared with PYTHIA Tune A and HERWIG (without MPI) at the particle level (i.e. generator level). University of Toronto March 18, 2008 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 54 The Leading Jet Mass “Leading Jet” Leading Jet Invariant Off by ~2Mass GeV 12.0 70 “Toward” “Transverse” “Transverse” “Away” Data Theory (GeV) Jet-Mass (GeV) Jet #1 Direction D CDF CDFRun Run22Preliminary Preliminary 60 "Leading Jet" MidPoint R=0.7 |h(jet#1)|<2 data datacorrected corrected generator generatorlevel leveltheory theory 8.0 50 HW PY Tune A 40 4.0 30 PY Tune A 20 0.0 10 -4.0 0 00 "Leading Jet" MidPoint R=0.7 |h(jet#1)|<2 HW 5050 100 100 150 150 200 200 250 250 300 300 350 400 PT(jet#1 uncorrected) PT(jet#1) (GeV/c)(GeV/c) atthe 1.96 TeV- on the leading invariant mass for mass “leading jet” events asevents a function of the leading pT Data Shows Data Theory for thejet leading jet invariant for “leading jet” as a function of thejet leading for “transverse” region. The data are corrected to the particle level (with errors that include both the jet pthe T for the “transverse” region for PYTHIA Tune A and HERWIG (without MPI). statistical error and the systematic uncertainty) and are compared with PYTHIA Tune A and HERWIG (without MPI) at the particle level (i.e. generator level). University of Toronto March 18, 2008 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 55 Min-Bias at the LHC We have learned a lot about “Min-Bias” at the Tevatron, but we do not know what to expect at the LHC. This will depend on the Min-Bias Trigger! We are making good progress in understanding and modeling the “underlying event”. However, we do not yet have a perfect fit to all the features of the CDF “underlying event” data! “Minumum Bias” Collisions Proton AntiProton Charged Particle Density: dN/dh 10 Charged Particle Density “Min-Bias” is not well defined. What you see depends on what you trigger on! Every trigger produces some biases. pyA pyDW pyDWT ATLAS Generator Level 14 TeV 8 6 4 2 Charged Particles (all pT) 0 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 PseudoRapidity h Outgoing Parton PT(hard) Need to measure “Min-Bias” and the “underlying event” at the LHC as soon as possible and tune the Monte-Carlo modles and compare with CDF! Initial-State Radiation Proton AntiProton Underlying Event Outgoing Parton University of Toronto March 18, 2008 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Underlying Event Final-State Radiation Page 56 UE&MB@CMS UE&MB@CMS “Minimum-Bias” Collisions Proton Proton High PT Jet Production Outgoing Parton PT(hard) Initial-State Radiation Proton Proton Underlying Event Outgoing Parton Min-Bias Studies: Charged particle distributions and correlations. Construct “charged particle jets” and look at “mini-jet” structure and the onset of the “underlying event”. (requires only charged tracks) Underlying Event Final-State Radiation Drell-Yan Production Lepton Proton Proton Underlying Event Underlying Event Study charged particles “Underlying Event” Studies: The “transverse region” in and“leading muons using the CMS detector charged particle jet Jet” and “back-to-back” atproduction the LHC (as soon possible)! and theas“central region” in Drell-Yan production. (requires charged tracks and muons for DrellYan) Initial-State Radiation Anti-Lepton Drell-Yan Production Lepton-Pair PT(pair) Proton Proton Underlying Event Underlying Event Initial-State Radiation Final-State Radiation Drell-Yan Studies: Transverse momentum distribution of the lepton-pair versus the mass of the lepton-pair, <pT(pair)>, <pT2(pair)>, ds/dpT(pair) (only requires muons). Event structure for large lepton-pair pT (i.e. mm +jets, requires muons). Outgoing Parton University of Toronto March 18, 2008 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 57 Summary It is important to produce a lot of plots (corrected to the particle level) so that the theorists can tune and improve the QCD Monte-Carlo models. If they improve the “transverse” region they might miss-up the “toward” region etc.. We need to show the whole story! We are making good progress in understanding and modeling the “underlying event”. However, we do not analysis approval in December 2007! Proton yet have a perfect fit to allCMS the features of the CDF “underlying event” data! Outgoing Parton PT(hard) Initial-State Radiation AntiProton Underlying Event There are over 128 plots to get “blessed” and then published. So far we have only looked at average quantities. We plan to also produce distributions and flow plots I will construct a “CDF-QCD Data for Theory” WEBsite with the “blessed” plots together with tables of the data points and errors so that people can have access to the results . Final-State Radiation CDF-QCD Data for Theory Need to measure “Min-Bias” and the “underlying event” at the LHC as soon as possible and tune the Monte-Carlo modles and compare with CDF! University of Toronto March 18, 2008 Outgoing Parton Underlying Event Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS UE&MB@CMS Page 58