Asher College Las Vegas VA Addendum To Program Catalog & Student Handbook Accredited by the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education and Training Licensed by the Nevada Commissions on Postsecondary Education November 6, 2012 –November 30, 2013 255 E WARM SPRINGS RD STE 110*LAS VEGAS NV* 89119-4275 702-836-9900 702-836-3583 fax VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5/3/13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 Asher College Information Technology Degree Program Descriptions INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATES DEGREE EMPHASIS IN: COMPUTER AND NETWORKING TECHNICIAN The Information Technology Associates Degree program prepares the student for a comprehensive set of skills necessary to perform a particular role as a Computer /Information Technology Services Administrator or Management. The Information Technology Associate Degree - Computer and Networking Technician (CNT) program can result in three (3) CompTIA certifications and three (3) Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist certifications. CompTIA certifications are known among Information Technology professionals as foundational to an IT professional’s career. An Information Technology Associates Degree graduate will have the skill set for basic management skills including; critical thinking, communication, math, and exposure to the workings of the American Government as well as Nevada State Government. The Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist certifications provide the next step for the Microsoft operating systems. Certifications are designed to validate your skills on the features and functionality of key technologies. You will be knowledgeable in several specific areas of Microsoft systems. The Computer and Networking Technician graduate can advance their career by showing employers and clients that they have the skills to successfully implement, manage and troubleshoot network environments running on the Windows client/server platform as well as supervisory, administration and management skills. The Information Technology Associate Degree - Computer and Network Technician program (1265 hours) includes the following training courses: 220-801 A+ Essentials: Course Objectives A+ ESSENTIALS DOMAIN 1.0 HARDWARE 1.1 Categorize storage devices and backup media 1.2 Explain motherboard components, types and features 1.3 Classify power supplies types and characteristics 1.4 Explain the purpose and characteristics of CPUs and their features 1.5 Explain cooling methods and devices 1.6 Compare and contrast memory types, characteristics and their purpose 1.7 Distinguish between the different display devices and their characteristics 1.8 Install and configure peripherals and input devices 1.9 Summarize the function and types of adapter cards 1.10 Install, configure and optimize laptop components and features 1.11 Install and configure printers DOMAIN 2.0 TROUBLESHOOTING, REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE 2.1 Given a scenario, explain the troubleshooting theory 2.2 Given a scenario, explain and interpret common hardware and operating system symptoms and their causes 2.3 Given a scenario, determine the troubleshooting methods and tools for printers 2.4 Given a scenario, explain and interpret common laptop issues and determine the appropriate basic troubleshooting method 2.5 Given a scenario, integrate common preventative maintenance techniques DOMAIN 3.0 NETWORKING 3.1 Compare and contrast the different Windows Operating Systems and their features 3.2 Given a scenario, demonstrate proper use of user interfaces 3.3 Explain the process and steps to install and configure the Windows OS 3.4 Explain the basics of boot sequences, methods and startup utilities VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 2 DOMAIN 4.0 NETWORKING 4.1 Summarize the basics of networking fundamentals, including technologies, devices and protocols 4.2 Categorize network cables and connectors and their implementations 4.3 Compare and contrast the different network types DOMAIN 5.0 SECURITY 5.1 Explain the basic principles of security concepts and technologies 5.2 Summarize the following security features DOMAIN 6.0 OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE 6.1 Outline the purpose of appropriate safety and environmental procedures and given a scenario apply them 6.2 Given a scenario, demonstrate the appropriate use of communication skills and professionalism in the workplace Career Success: REQUIRED LECTURES: Course Looking Forward Safely – Introduction: Overview unit designed for preregistration, to help the students prepare for the experience of higher education. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Unit 1 What’s Holding Me Back? – Am I seeing all there is to see? What am I missing, and why? Unit 2 Who Am I Listening To? – We realize that what may be “the truth” to others isn’t necessarily our truth. Unit 3 Lock-On / Lock-Out – Sometimes, the absence of the truth may set you free. Unit 4 My Brain’s Filter System – Discover the levels of the mind involved in the thought process and what they do. Unit 5 How My Mind Works – The three levels of the mind work together to make sure we act like we know we are. Unit 6 Free Flowing at a New Level – Stress comes when we try to behave differently than we know we are. Unit 7 Leaning in the Right Direction – Our habits and attitudes can keep us from getting to where we want to be. Unit 8 How My Beliefs are Formed – Thoughts accumulate to become beliefs, so it is important to control our thoughts. Unit 9 Building My Self-Image – Each of us builds a self-image with our own thoughts. Unit 10 My Future is Up to Me – We move toward and become like what we think about; our present thoughts determine our future. Unit 11 I’m Worth It! – Learn the importance of building high self-esteem, in yourself and in others around you. Unit 12 Make the Unfamiliar Familiar – Comfort zones can keep us safe, but they can also keep us from moving forward. Unit 13 The Next Time – Self-talk is utilized to change future performance, and we start by giving ourselves future goals with “The next time...” Unit 14 Putting Life on a Want-To – Motivation comes in two varieties: constructive (want-to) and restrictive (have-to), moving you forward or holding you back. Unit 15 Making the Pictures Match – The world outside must match the picture we have in our minds. When it doesn’t, we have a problem. Unit 16 I Can See It! – Human beings need goals; it’s a fact of life. We must dream big and give ourselves big goals. Unit 17 If It’s to Be, It’s Up to Me – When we visualize the new, we become dissatisfied with the old. Unit 18 My Better Future – If we demand to know the “how” first, we will back up our goals and not grow into our future. Unit 19 My Goals – My Vision – My Future – Create the vision of the way you want your future to look like before it actually happens. Unit 20 If I Want It, I Can Create It – By developing your personal efficacy, you will look forward and see success. Unit 21 Rites of Passage – One statement of fact can change your life forever. 220-802- A+ Practical Application: Course Objectives A+ PRACTICAL APPLICATION DOMAIN 1.0 HARDWARE 1.1 Given a scenario, install, configure and maintain personal computer components 1.2 Given a scenario, detect problems, troubleshoot and repair/replace personal computer 1.3 Given a scenario, install, configure, detect problems, troubleshoot and repair/replace laptop components 1.4 Given a scenario, select and use the following tools 1.5 Given a scenario, detect and resolve common printer issues VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 3 DOMAIN 2.0 Operating Systems & Software 2.1 Select the appropriate commands and options to troubleshoot and resolve problems 2.2 Differentiate between Windows Operating System directory structures (Windows 2000, XP and Vista 2.3 Given a scenario, select and use system utilities / tools and evaluate the results 2.4 Evaluate and resolve common issues DOMAIN 3.0 Networking 3.1 Troubleshoot client-side connectivity issues using appropriate tools 1.1 Install and configure a small office home office (SOHO) network DOMAIN 4.0 Securities 4.1 Given a scenario, prevent, troubleshoot and remove viruses and malware 4.2 Implement security and troubleshoot common issues N10-005 a&b Network +: Course Objectives o DOMAIN 1.0 Network Technologies o DOMAIN 2.0 Network Media and Topologies o DOMAIN 3.0 Network Devices o DOMAIN 4.0 Network Management o DOMAIN 5.0 Network Tools o DOMAIN 6.0 Network Security 70-680 Windows 7, Configuring: Course Objectives o DOMAIN 1.0: Installing, Upgrading, and Migrating to Windows 7 o DOMAIN 2.0: Deploying Windows 7 o DOMAIN 3.0: Configuring Hardware and Applications o DOMAIN 4.0: Configuring Network Applications o DOMAIN 5.0: Configuring Access to Resources o DOMAIN 6.0: Configuring Mobile Computing o DOMAIN 7.0: Monitoring and Maintaining Systems that Run Windows 7 o DOMAIN 8.0: Configuring Backup and Recovery Options 70-640 Windows Server 2008 Active Directory, Configuring: Course Objectives 70-640 o DOMAIN 1.0: Configuring Domain Name System (DNS) for Active Directory o DOMAIN 2.0: Configuring the Active Directory Infrastructure o DOMAIN 3.0: Configuring additional Active Directory Server roles o DOMAIN 4.0: Creating and maintaining Active Directory objects o DOMAIN 5.0: Maintaining the Active Directory Environment o DOMAIN 6.0: Configuring Active Directory Certificate Services Advanced Career Development: Course Objectives 9-week series combining Career Services workshops with The Next Level A 3-hour class once a week for 8 weeks Introduction to Career Services Class 1: Intro to LAUNCH & Career Assessment Class 2: Job Search Networking Class 3: Interviewing Techniques Class 4: How to Follow up Class 5: Portfolio Development Class 6: The Hiring Process! Class 7: Advanced Career Search Class 8: Graduation & Affirmations VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 4 70-642 Windows 2008 Network Infrastructure, Configuring: Course Objectives o DOMAIN 1.0: Configuring IP Addressing and Services o DOMAIN 2.0: Configuring Name Resolution o DOMAIN 3.0: Configuring Network Access o DOMAIN 4.0: Configuring File and Print Services o DOMAIN 5.0: Monitoring and Managing a Network Infrastructure General Education Courses: AD-1001 Critical Thinking (54 clock hours - 5.4 QCH) consists of the following: Course Objectives and Coverage o o o o o o o o o o o o Lesson 1: The Structure of Arguments Lesson 2: Deduction: Truth and Validity Lesson 3: Deduction: Argument Forms Lesson 4: Induction: Generalizations Lesson 5: Induction: Evidence and Analogies Lesson 6: Formal Fallacies and Weak Induction Lesson 7: Informal Fallacies Lesson 8: Language and Logic Lesson 9: Reading Media Lesson 10: Bias and Viewpoints Lesson 11: Logic in Real Life Lesson 12: Using Your Voice Course Completion Requirements Final Exam Layout: Final Exam time limit: Passing score: 50 Multiple choice questions 90 minutes 700 AD-1002 Business Communication (54 hrs - 5.4QCH) consists of the following: Course Objectives and Coverage o o o o o o o o o o o o Lesson 1: Introduction to Business Communications Lesson 2: Listening and Nonverbal Communication Skills Lesson 3: Communicating Across Cultures Lesson 4: Composing a Business Message Lesson 5: Communicating Routine Information Lesson 6: Communicating Bad News Lesson 7: Persuasive Communications Lesson 8: Introduction to Business Reports and Proposals Lesson 9: Composing Business Reports and Proposals Lesson 10: Formal Reports and Proposals Lesson 11: Oral Presentation Skills Lesson 12: Resume Writing and the Employment Interview Course Completion Requirements Final Exam Layout: Final Exam time limit: Passing score: 50 Multiple choice questions 90 minutes 700 VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 5 AD-1003 Business Math (54 clock hours – 5.4 QCH) consists of the following: Course Objectives and Coverage o o o o o o o o o o o o Lesson 1: Whole Numbers, Fractions and Decimals Lesson 2: Banking and Equations Lesson 3: Percentages and Statistics Lesson 4: Trade and Cash Discounts, Markup and Markdown Lesson 5: Payroll Lesson 6: Interest, Discount, Credit and Value Lesson 7: Annuities, Sinking Funds, Stocks and Bonds Lesson 8: Mortgages Lesson 9: Financial Statements Lesson 10: Inventory Lesson 11: Insurance and Taxes Lesson 12: Financial Statements Course Completion Requirements Final Exam Layout: Final Exam time limit: Passing score: 50 Multiple choice questions 90 minutes 700 AD -1004 Introduction to Business (54 clock hours - 5.4 QCH) consists of the following: Course Objectives and Coverage o o o o o o o o o o o o Lesson 1: The Business Environment Lesson 2: Business Ethics and Social Responsibility Lesson 3: New Business Ventures in the US and International Markets Lesson 4: Managing the Business Enterprise Lesson 5: Managing and Motivating Employees Lesson 6: Marketing Processes Lesson 7: Product Pricing, Distribution, and Promotion Lesson 8: Productivity and Quality Lesson 9: Information Systems and Communication Technologies Lesson 10: Principles of Accounting Lesson 11: Banking and Finance Lesson 12: Financial and Risk Management Course Completion Requirements Final Exam Layout: Final Exam time limit: Passing score: 50 Multiple choice questions 90 minutes 700 AD -1005 Principles of Management (54 clock hours – 5.4 QCH) consists of the following: Course Objectives and Coverage o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Lesson 1: Introduction to Management Lesson 2: Managing the Business Environment Lesson 3: Social Responsibility and Managerial Ethics Lesson 4: Decision Making Lesson 5: Planning and the Manager’s Role Lesson 6: Strategic Management and Planning Techniques Lesson 7: Organizational Structure and Communications Lesson 8: Human Resource Management Lesson 9: The Psychology of Management Lesson 10: Motivating and Leading Others Lesson 11: Overview of Human Resource Management Lesson 12: Employee Recruitment and Placement Lesson 13: Controlling Organizational Performance Lesson 14: Operations Management VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 6 Course Completion Requirements Final Exam Layout: Final Exam time limit: Passing score: 50 Multiple choice questions 90 minutes 700 AD -1006 American Government (54 clock hours – 5.4 QCH) consist of the following: Course Objectives and Coverage: Nevada text - Nevada's Heritage Reinterpreted, University of Nevada Press, 2004, (ISBN: 0874175925) o Apply informational literacy skills in the study of politics o Analyze how the historical development of the United States affects contemporary political environment o Explain how individual actors impact contemporary political environment o Outline the institutional structures and how these structures interact with each other to explain the processes of government o Apply understanding of government processes to analyze contemporary politics o Analyze the formal and informal processes by which public policy is made o Explain the history, development, and current status of the constitution of the state of Nevada Course Completion Requirements Final Exam Layout: Final Exam time limit: Passing score: 50 Multiple choice questions 90 minutes 700 The Information Technology Associate Degree - Computer and Network Technician degree is appropriate for the job roles including: Desktop Support Specialist Junior Network Administrator Network Operations Analyst Technical Support Specialist Network Technician Help Desk PC Technician Prerequisites: Academic Quarter Credit: Financial Aid Quarter Credit: Program Clock Hours: Student Status: High School Diploma or GED 97.7 63 1265 VA Full time = 18 Plus hours/week; VA ¾ time = 13-17 hours/week; VA ½ Time = 9-12 hours/week Registration Fee: Books & Supplies: Exam Fee: ** Tuition: Total cost $100 $1125 $1,059 $20,666 $22,950 ** Exam Fees are optional. Price without Exam Fees $21,891.00 Exam Fees payable to authorized testing centers are included in the above total. VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 7 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATES DEGREE EMPHASIS IN: COMPUTER SPECIALIST AND NETWORK TECHNICIAN (WITH LINUX+) The Information Technology Associates Degree program prepares the student for a comprehensive set of skills necessary to perform a particular role as a Computer /Information Technology Services Administrator or Management. The Information Technology Associates Degree - Computer Specialist and Network Technician (with Linux+) program can result in five (5) CompTIA certifications and two (2) Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist certifications. CompTIA certifications are known among Information Technology professionals as foundational to an IT professional’s career. The Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist certifications provide the next step for the Microsoft operating systems. certifications are designed to validate your skills on the features and functionality of key technologies. You will be knowledgeable in several specific areas of Microsoft systems. Linux+ (LXO-10X) consists of two exams are necessary to be certified: LX0-101 and LXO-102. LX0-101 covers system architecture; Linux Installation and package management; GNU and Unix commands; devices, Linux file systems, and file system hierarchy standard. LX0102 covers shells, scripting and data management; user interfaces and desktops; administrative tasks; essential system services; networking fundamentals; security. An Information Technology Associates Degree graduate will also have the skillset for basic management skills including; critical thinking, communication, math, and exposure to the workings of the American Government as well as Nevada State Government. The CSNT program helps you advance your career by showing employers and clients that you have the skills to successfully implement, manage and troubleshoot network environments running on the Windows client/server platform as well as supervisory, administration and management skills. . The Information Technology Associates Degree – Computer Specialist and Networking Technician degree (1304 hrs) includes the following training courses: 220-801 A+ Essentials: Course Objectives A+ ESSENTIALS DOMAIN 1.0 HARDWARE 1.1 Categorize storage devices and backup media 1.2 Explain motherboard components, types and features 1.3 Classify power supplies types and characteristics 1.4 Explain the purpose and characteristics of CPUs and their features 1.5 Explain cooling methods and devices 1.6 Compare and contrast memory types, characteristics and their purpose 1.7 Distinguish between the different display devices and their characteristics 1.8 Install and configure peripherals and input devices 1.9 Summarize the function and types of adapter cards 1.10 Install, configure and optimize laptop components and features 1.11 Install and configure printers DOMAIN 2.0 TROUBLESHOOTING, REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE 2.1 Given a scenario, explain the troubleshooting theory 2.2 Given a scenario, explain and interpret common hardware and operating system symptoms and their causes 2.3 Given a scenario, determine the troubleshooting methods and tools for printers 2.4 Given a scenario, explain and interpret common laptop issues and determine the appropriate basic troubleshooting method 2.5 Given a scenario, integrate common preventative maintenance techniques DOMAIN 3.0 NETWORKING 3.1 Compare and contrast the different Windows Operating Systems and their features 3.2 Given a scenario, demonstrate proper use of user interfaces 3.3 Explain the process and steps to install and configure the Windows OS 3.4 Explain the basics of boot sequences, methods and startup utilities VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 8 DOMAIN 4.0 NETWORKING 4.1 Summarize the basics of networking fundamentals, including technologies, devices and protocols 4.2 Categorize network cables and connectors and their implementations 4.3 Compare and contrast the different network types DOMAIN 5.0 SECURITY 5.1 Explain the basic principles of security concepts and technologies 5.2 Summarize the following security features DOMAIN 6.0 OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE 6.1 Outline the purpose of appropriate safety and environmental procedures and given a scenario apply them 6.2 Given a scenario, demonstrate the appropriate use of communication skills and professionalism in the workplace Career Success: REQUIRED LECTURES: Course Looking Forward Safely – Introduction: Overview unit designed for preregistration, to help the students prepare for the experience of higher education. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Unit 1 What’s Holding Me Back? – Am I seeing all there is to see? What am I missing, and why? Unit 2 Who Am I Listening To? – We realize that what may be “the truth” to others isn’t necessarily our truth. Unit 3 Lock-On / Lock-Out – Sometimes, the absence of the truth may set you free. Unit 4 My Brain’s Filter System – Discover the levels of the mind involved in the thought process and what they do. Unit 5 How My Mind Works – The three levels of the mind work together to make sure we act like we know we are. Unit 6 Free Flowing at a New Level – Stress comes when we try to behave differently than we know we are. Unit 7 Leaning in the Right Direction – Our habits and attitudes can keep us from getting to where we want to be. Unit 8 How My Beliefs are Formed – Thoughts accumulate to become beliefs, so it is important to control our thoughts. Unit 9 Building My Self-Image – Each of us builds a self-image with our own thoughts. Unit 10 My Future is Up to Me – We move toward and become like what we think about; our present thoughts determine our future. Unit 11 I’m Worth It! – Learn the importance of building high self-esteem, in yourself and in others around you. Unit 12 Make the Unfamiliar Familiar – Comfort zones can keep us safe, but they can also keep us from moving forward. Unit 13 The Next Time – Self-talk is utilized to change future performance, and we start by giving ourselves future goals with “The next time...” Unit 14 Putting Life on a Want-To – Motivation comes in two varieties: constructive (want-to) and restrictive (have-to), moving you forward or holding you back. Unit 15 Making the Pictures Match – The world outside must match the picture we have in our minds. When it doesn’t, we have a problem. Unit 16 I Can See It! – Human beings need goals; it’s a fact of life. We must dream big and give ourselves big goals. Unit 17 If It’s to Be, It’s Up to Me – When we visualize the new, we become dissatisfied with the old. Unit 18 My Better Future – If we demand to know the “how” first, we will back up our goals and not grow into our future. Unit 19 My Goals – My Vision – My Future – Create the vision of the way you want your future to look like before it actually happens. Unit 20 If I Want It, I Can Create It – By developing your personal efficacy, you will look forward and see success. Unit 21 Rites of Passage – One statement of fact can change your life forever. 220-802- A+ Practical Application: Course Objectives A+ PRACTICAL APPLICATION DOMAIN 1.0 HARDWARE 1.5 Given a scenario, install, configure and maintain personal computer components 1.6 Given a scenario, detect problems, troubleshoot and repair/replace personal computer 1.7 Given a scenario, install, configure, detect problems, troubleshoot and repair/replace laptop components 1.8 Given a scenario, select and use the following tools 1.5 Given a scenario, detect and resolve common printer issues VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 9 DOMAIN 2.0 Operating Systems & Software 2.4 Select the appropriate commands and options to troubleshoot and resolve problems 2.5 Differentiate between Windows Operating System directory structures (Windows 2000, XP and Vista 2.6 Given a scenario, select and use system utilities / tools and evaluate the results 2.4 Evaluate and resolve common issues DOMAIN 3.0 Networking 3.2 Troubleshoot client-side connectivity issues using appropriate tools 1.2 Install and configure a small office home office (SOHO) network DOMAIN 4.0 Securities 4.3 Given a scenario, prevent, troubleshoot and remove viruses and malware 4.4 Implement security and troubleshoot common issues N10-005 a&b Network +: Course Objectives NETWORK + o DOMAIN 1.0 Network Technologies o DOMAIN 2.0 Network Media and Topologies o DOMAIN 3.0 Network Devices o DOMAIN 4.0 Network Management o DOMAIN 5.0 Network Tools o DOMAIN 6.0 Network Security 70-680 MCTS Windows 7, Configuring: Course Objectives o DOMAIN 1.0: Installing, Upgrading, and Migrating to Windows 7 o DOMAIN 2.0: Deploying Windows 7 o DOMAIN 3.0: Configuring Hardware and Applications o DOMAIN 4.0: Configuring Network Applications o DOMAIN 5.0: Configuring Access to Resources o DOMAIN 6.0: Configuring Mobile Computing o DOMAIN 7.0: Monitoring and Maintaining Systems that Run Windows 7 o DOMAIN 8.0: Configuring Backup and Recovery Options 70-640 MCTS Windows Server 2008 Active Directory, Configuring: Course Objectives 70-640 o DOMAIN 1.0: Configuring Domain Name System (DNS) for Active Directory o DOMAIN 2.0: Configuring the Active Directory Infrastructure o DOMAIN 3.0: Configuring additional Active Directory Server roles o DOMAIN 4.0: Creating and maintaining Active Directory objects o DOMAIN 5.0: Maintaining the Active Directory Environment o DOMAIN 6.0: Configuring Active Directory Certificate Services Advanced Career Development: Course Objectives 9-week series combining Career Services workshops with The Next Level A 3-hour class once a week for 8 weeks Introduction to Career Services Class 1: Intro to LAUNCH & Career Assessment Class 2: Job Search Networking Class 3: Interviewing Techniques Class 4: How to Follow up Class 5: Portfolio Development Class 6: The Hiring Process! Class 7: Advanced Career Search Class 8: Graduation & Affirmations VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 10 LX0/101 Linux +: Course Objectives LX0-101 o o o o o o o o o o 101 System Architecture 102 Linux Installation and Package Management 103 GNU and UNIX Commands 104 Devices, Linux Filesystems, Filesystem Hierarchy Standard 105 Shells, Scripting and Data Management 106 User Interfaces and Desktops 107 Administrative Tasks 108 Essential System Services 109 Networking Fundamentals 110 Security General Education Courses: AD-1001 Critical Thinking (54 clock hours - 5.4 QCH) consists of the following: Course Objectives and Coverage o o o o o o o o o o o o Lesson 1: The Structure of Arguments Lesson 2: Deduction: Truth and Validity Lesson 3: Deduction: Argument Forms Lesson 4: Induction: Generalizations Lesson 5: Induction: Evidence and Analogies Lesson 6: Formal Fallacies and Weak Induction Lesson 7: Informal Fallacies Lesson 8: Language and Logic Lesson 9: Reading Media Lesson 10: Bias and Viewpoints Lesson 11: Logic in Real Life Lesson 12: Using Your Voice Course Completion Requirements Final Exam Layout: Final Exam time limit: Passing score: 50 Multiple choice questions 90 minutes 700 AD-1002 Business Communication (54 hrs - 5.4QCH) consists of the following: Course Objectives and Coverage o o o o o o o o o o o o Lesson 1: Introduction to Business Communications Lesson 2: Listening and Nonverbal Communication Skills Lesson 3: Communicating Across Cultures Lesson 4: Composing a Business Message Lesson 5: Communicating Routine Information Lesson 6: Communicating Bad News Lesson 7: Persuasive Communications Lesson 8: Introduction to Business Reports and Proposals Lesson 9: Composing Business Reports and Proposals Lesson 10: Formal Reports and Proposals Lesson 11: Oral Presentation Skills Lesson 12: Resume Writing and the Employment Interview Course Completion Requirements Final Exam Layout: Final Exam time limit: Passing score: 50 Multiple choice questions 90 minutes 700 VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 11 AD-1003 Business Math (54 clock hours – 5.4 QCH) consists of the following: Course Objectives and Coverage o o o o o o o o o o o o Lesson 1: Whole Numbers, Fractions and Decimals Lesson 2: Banking and Equations Lesson 3: Percentages and Statistics Lesson 4: Trade and Cash Discounts, Markup and Markdown Lesson 5: Payroll Lesson 6: Interest, Discount, Credit and Value Lesson 7: Annuities, Sinking Funds, Stocks and Bonds Lesson 8: Mortgages Lesson 9: Financial Statements Lesson 10: Inventory Lesson 11: Insurance and Taxes Lesson 12: Financial Statements Course Completion Requirements Final Exam Layout: Final Exam time limit: Passing score: 50 Multiple choice questions 90 minutes 700 AD -1004 Introduction to Business (54 clock hours - 5.4 QCH) consists of the following: Course Objectives and Coverage o o o o o o o o o o o o Lesson 1: The Business Environment Lesson 2: Business Ethics and Social Responsibility Lesson 3: New Business Ventures in the US and International Markets Lesson 4: Managing the Business Enterprise Lesson 5: Managing and Motivating Employees Lesson 6: Marketing Processes Lesson 7: Product Pricing, Distribution, and Promotion Lesson 8: Productivity and Quality Lesson 9: Information Systems and Communication Technologies Lesson 10: Principles of Accounting Lesson 11: Banking and Finance Lesson 12: Financial and Risk Management Course Completion Requirements Final Exam Layout: Final Exam time limit: Passing score: 50 Multiple choice questions 90 minutes 700 AD -1005 Principles of Management (54 clock hours – 5.4 QCH) consists of the following: Course Objectives and Coverage o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Lesson 1: Introduction to Management Lesson 2: Managing the Business Environment Lesson 3: Social Responsibility and Managerial Ethics Lesson 4: Decision Making Lesson 5: Planning and the Manager’s Role Lesson 6: Strategic Management and Planning Techniques Lesson 7: Organizational Structure and Communications Lesson 8: Human Resource Management Lesson 9: The Psychology of Management Lesson 10: Motivating and Leading Others Lesson 11: Overview of Human Resource Management Lesson 12: Employee Recruitment and Placement Lesson 13: Controlling Organizational Performance Lesson 14: Operations Management VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 12 Course Completion Requirements Final Exam Layout: Final Exam time limit: Passing score: 50 Multiple choice questions 90 minutes 700 AD -1006 American Government (54 clock hours – 5.4 QCH) consist of the following: Course Objectives and Coverage: Nevada text added Nevada's Heritage Reinterpreted, University of Nevada Press, 2004, (ISBN: 0874175925) At the end of this course, the student will be able to: o Apply informational literacy skills in the study of politics o Analyze how the historical development of the United States affects contemporary political environment o Explain how individual actors impact contemporary political environment o Outline the institutional structures and how these structures interact with each other to explain the processes of government o Apply understanding of government processes to analyze contemporary politics o Analyze the formal and informal processes by which public policy is made o Explain the history, development, and current status of the constitution of the state of Nevada Course Completion Requirements Final Exam Layout: Final Exam time limit: Passing score: 50 Multiple choice questions 90 minutes 700 The Information Technology Associate Degree - Computer Specialist and Networking Technician degree is appropriate for the job roles including: Desktop Support Specialist Jr Network administrator Network operations analyst Technical support specialist Network technician Help Desk PC technician Prerequisites: Academic Quarter Credit: Financial Aid Quarter Credit: Program Clock Hours: Student Status: High School Diploma or GED 102.05 65 1304 VA Full time = 18 Plus hours/week; VA ¾ time = 13-17 hours/week; VA ½ Time = 9-12 hours/week Registration Fee: Books & Supplies: Exam Fee: Tuition: Total cost $100 $1,125 $1,255 $21,070 $23,550 ** Exam Fees are optional. Price without Exam Fees $22,295. Exam Fees payable to authorized testing centers are included in the above total. VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 13 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATES DEGREE EMPHASIS IN: IT NETWORK ENGINEER The Information Technology Associates Degree with an emphasis in IT Network Engineer prepares the student for a comprehensive set of skills necessary to perform a particular role as a Computer Information Technology Services Administrator or Management. Graduates will be prepared to implement medium-to-large enterprises using the latest advances in Windows Server 2012 technologies such as IPv6, Network Access Protection, IPSec, and new performance monitoring and event log tools. Graduates will be expert at administering & managing Windows Server 2002 Active directory, Network Infrastructure and Application Infrastructure roles and its features. Graduates will learn to configure automatic installation procedures, leverage hardware resources, and use built-in tools. An Information Technology Associates Degree with an emphasis in IT Network Engineer graduate will have the skill set for basic management including; critical thinking, communication, math, and exposure to the workings of the American Government as well as Nevada State Government.. The Information Technology Associates Degree with an emphasis in IT Network Engineer is an appropriate candidate for Network Administrator, Network Analyst, Network Engineer and other Networking positions. Information Technology Associates Degree - IT Network Engineer (ITNE 1336 hrs) program consists of the following courses: 70-680 MCTS Windows 7, Configuring: Course Objectives o DOMAIN 1.0: Installing, Upgrading, and Migrating to Windows 7 o DOMAIN 2.0: Deploying Windows 7 o DOMAIN 3.0: Configuring Hardware and Applications o DOMAIN 4.0: Configuring Network Applications o DOMAIN 5.0: Configuring Access to Resources o DOMAIN 6.0: Configuring Mobile Computing o DOMAIN 7.0: Monitoring and Maintaining Systems that Run Windows 7 o DOMAIN 8.0: Configuring Backup and Recovery Options Career Success: REQUIRED LECTURES: Course Looking Forward Safely – Introduction: Overview unit designed for preregistration, to help the students prepare for the experience of higher education. Unit 1 What’s Holding Me Back? – Am I seeing all there is to see? What am I missing, and why? Unit 2 Who Am I Listening To? – We realize that what may be “the truth” to others isn’t necessarily our truth. Unit 3 Lock-On / Lock-Out – Sometimes, the absence of the truth may set you free. Unit 4 My Brain’s Filter System – Discover the levels of the mind involved in the thought process and what they do. Unit 5 How My Mind Works – The three levels of the mind work together to make sure we act like we know we are. Unit 6 Free Flowing at a New Level – Stress comes when we try to behave differently than we know we are. Unit 7 Leaning in the Right Direction – Our habits and attitudes can keep us from getting to where we want to be. Unit 8 How My Beliefs are Formed – Thoughts accumulate to become beliefs, so it is important to control our thoughts. Unit 9 Building My Self-Image – Each of us builds a self-image with our own thoughts. Unit 10 My Future is Up to Me – We move toward and become like what we think about; our present thoughts determine our future. Unit 11 I’m Worth It! – Learn the importance of building high self-esteem, in yourself and in others around you. VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 14 Unit 12 Make the Unfamiliar Familiar – Comfort zones can keep us safe, but they can also keep us from moving forward. Unit 13 The Next Time – Self-talk is utilized to change future performance, and we start by giving ourselves future goals with “The next time...” Unit 14 Putting Life on a Want-To – Motivation comes in two varieties: constructive (want-to) and restrictive (have-to), moving you forward or holding you back. Unit 15 Making the Pictures Match – The world outside must match the picture we have in our minds. When it doesn’t, we have a problem. Unit 16 I Can See It! – Human beings need goals; it’s a fact of life. We must dream big and give ourselves big goals. Unit 17 If It’s to Be, It’s Up to Me – When we visualize the new, we become dissatisfied with the old. Unit 18 My Better Future – If we demand to know the “how” first, we will back up our goals and not grow into our future. Unit 19 My Goals – My Vision – My Future – Create the vision of the way you want your future to look like before it actually happens. Unit 20 If I Want It, I Can Create It – By developing your personal efficacy, you will look forward and see success. Unit 21 Rites of Passage – One statement of fact can change your life forever. 70-410: Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2012 Install and Configure Servers o Install servers o Configure servers o Configure local storage Configure Server Roles and Features o Configure file and share access o Configure print and document services o Configure servers for remote management Configure Hyper-V o Create and configure virtual machine settings o Create and configure virtual machine storage o Create and configure virtual networks Deploy and Configure Core Network Services o Configure IPv4 and IPv6 addressing o Deploy and configure Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) service o Deploy and configure DNS service Install and Administer Active Directory o Install domain controllers o Create and manage Active Directory users and computers o Create and manage Active Directory groups and organizational units (OUs) Create and Manage Group Policy o Create Group Policy objects (GPOs) o Configure security policies o Configure application restriction policies o Configure Windows Firewall 70-411: Administering Windows Server 2012 Deploy, Manage, and Maintain Servers o Deploy and manage server images. o Implement patch management. o Monitor servers. Configure File and Print Services o Configure Distributed File System (DFS). o Configure File Server Resource Manager (FSRM). o Configure file and disk encryption. o Configure advanced audit policies. Configure Network Services and Access o Configure DNS zones. o Configure DNS records. o Configure VPN and routing. o Configure Direct Access. VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 15 Configure a Network Policy Server Infrastructure o Configure Network Policy Server (NPS). o Configure NPS policies. o Configure Network Access Protection (NAP). Configure and Manage Active Directory o Configure service authentication. o Configure Domain Controllers. o Maintain Active Directory. o Configure account policies. Configure and Manage Group Policy o Configure Group Policy processing. o Configure Group Policy settings. o Manage Group Policy objects (GPOs). o Configure Group Policy preferences. 70-412: Configuring Advanced Windows Server 2012 Services Configure and Manage High Availability o Configure Network Load Balancing (NLB). o Configure failover clustering. o Manage failover clustering roles. o Manage Virtual Machine (VM) movement. Configure File and Storage Solutions o Configure advanced file services. o Implement Dynamic Access Control (DAC). o Configure and optimize storage. Implement Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery o Configure and manage backups. o Recover servers. o Configure site-level fault tolerance. Configure Network Services o Implement an advanced Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) solution. o Implement an advanced DNS solution. o Deploy and manage IPAM. Configure the Active Directory Infrastructure o Configure a forest or a domain. o Configure trusts. o Configure sites. o Manage Active Directory and SYSVOL replication. Configure Identity and Access Solutions o Implement Active Directory Federation Services 2.1 (AD FSv2.1). o Install and configure Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS). o Manage certificates. o Install and configure Active Directory Rights Management Services (AD RMS). 70-413: Designing and Implementing a Windows Server 2012 Infrastructure Plan and Deploy a Server Infrastructure o Design an automated server installation strategy. o Plan and implement a server deployment infrastructure. o Plan and implement server upgrade and migration. o Plan and deploy Virtual Machine Manager services. o Plan and implement file and storage services. Design and Implement Network Infrastructure Services o Design and maintain a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) solution. o Design a name resolution solution strategy. o Design and manage an IP address management solution. Design and Implement Network Access Services o Design a VPN solution. o Design a Direct Access solution. o Implement a scalable remote access solution. o Design a network protection solution. o Implement a network protection solution. Design and Implement an Active Directory Infrastructure (Logical) o Design a forest and domain infrastructure. o Implement a forest and domain infrastructure. o Design a Group Policy strategy. o Design an Active Directory permission model VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 16 Design and Implement an Active Directory Infrastructure (Physical) o Design an Active Directory sites topology. o Design a domain controller strategy. o Design and implement a branch office infrastructure. Advanced Career Development: Course Objectives ADVANCED CAREER DEVOPMENT 9-week series combining Career Services workshops with The Next Level A 3-hour class once a week for 8 weeks Introduction to Career Services Class 1: Intro to LAUNCH & Career Assessment Class 2: Job Search Networking Class 3: Interviewing Techniques Class 4: How to Follow up Class 5: Portfolio Development Class 6: The Hiring Process! Class 7: Advanced Career Search Class 8: Graduation & Affirmations 70-414: Implementing an Advanced Server Infrastructure Manage and Maintain a Server Infrastructure o Design an administrative model. o Design a monitoring strategy. o Design an updates infrastructure. o Implement automated remediation. Plan and Implement a Highly Available Enterprise Infrastructure o Plan and implement failover clustering. o Plan and implement highly available network services. o Plan and implement highly available storage solutions. o Plan and implement highly available server roles. o Plan and implement a business continuity and disaster recovery solution. Plan and Implement a Server Virtualization Infrastructure o Plan and implement virtualization hosts. o Plan and implement virtualization guests. o Plan and implement virtualization networking. o Plan and implement virtualization storage. o Plan and implement virtual guest movement. o Manage and maintain a server virtualization infrastructure. Design and Implement Identity and Access Solutions o Design a Certificate Services infrastructure. o Implement and manage a Certificate Services infrastructure. o Implement and manage certificates. o Design and implement a federated identity solution. o Design and implement Active Directory Rights Management Services (AD RMS). The elective Quarter Credit Value allotted in this program equals the value of Security +. Choice of 1 elective from the following course: Elective SY0-301 Security +: Course Objectives and Coverage o DOMAIN 1.0: Systems Security o DOMAIN 2.0: Network Infrastructure o DOMAIN 3.0: Access Control o DOMAIN 4.0: Assessments & Audits o DOMAIN 5.0: Cryptography o DOMAIN 6.0: Organizational Security VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 17 \ Elective N10-005 a&b Network +: Course Objectives NETWORK + o DOMAIN 1.0 Network Technologies o DOMAIN 2.0 Network Media and Topologies o DOMAIN 3.0 Network Devices o DOMAIN 4.0 Network Management o DOMAIN 5.0 Network Tools o DOMAIN 6.0 Network Security Elective 640-822 ICND I: Course Objectives o DOMAIN 1.0: Describe the operation of data networks o DOMAIN 2.0: Implement a small switched network o DOMAIN 3.0: Implement an IP addressing scheme and IP services to meet network requirements for a small branch office o DOMAIN 4.0: Implement a small routed network o DOMAIN 5.0: Explain and select the appropriate administrative tasks required for a WLAN o DOMAIN 6.0: Identify security threats to a network and describe general methods to mitigate those threats o DOMAIN 7.0: Implement and verify WAN links Elective 640-816 ICND II: Course Objectives o DOMAIN 1.0: Configure, verify and troubleshoot a switch with VLANs and interswitch communications o DOMAIN 2.0: Implement an IP addressing scheme and IP services to meet network requirements in a medium-size Enterprise branch office network o DOMAIN 3.0: Configure and troubleshoot basic operation and routing on Cisco devices o DOMAIN 4.0: Implement, verify, and troubleshoot NAT and ACLs in a medium-size Enterprise branch office network. o DOMAIN 5.0: Implement and verify WAN links Elective LX0/101 Linux +: Course Objectives LX0-101 o o o o o o o o o o 101 System Architecture 102 Linux Installation and Package Management 103 GNU and UNIX Commands 104 Devices, Linux Filesystems, Filesystem Hierarchy Standard 105 Shells, Scripting and Data Management 106 User Interfaces and Desktops 107 Administrative Tasks 108 Essential System Services 109 Networking Fundamentals 110 Security General Education Courses: AD-1001 Critical Thinking (54 clock hours - 5.4 QCH) consists of the following: Course Objectives and Coverage o o o o o o o o o o o o Lesson 1: The Structure of Arguments Lesson 2: Deduction: Truth and Validity Lesson 3: Deduction: Argument Forms Lesson 4: Induction: Generalizations Lesson 5: Induction: Evidence and Analogies Lesson 6: Formal Fallacies and Weak Induction Lesson 7: Informal Fallacies Lesson 8: Language and Logic Lesson 9: Reading Media Lesson 10: Bias and Viewpoints Lesson 11: Logic in Real Life Lesson 12: Using Your Voice VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 18 Course Completion Requirements Final Exam Layout: Final Exam time limit: Passing score: 50 Multiple choice questions 90 minutes 700 AD-1002 Business Communication (54 hrs - 5.4QCH) consists of the following: Course Objectives and Coverage o o o o o o o o o o o o Lesson 1: Introduction to Business Communications Lesson 2: Listening and Nonverbal Communication Skills Lesson 3: Communicating Across Cultures Lesson 4: Composing a Business Message Lesson 5: Communicating Routine Information Lesson 6: Communicating Bad News Lesson 7: Persuasive Communications Lesson 8: Introduction to Business Reports and Proposals Lesson 9: Composing Business Reports and Proposals Lesson 10: Formal Reports and Proposals Lesson 11: Oral Presentation Skills Lesson 12: Resume Writing and the Employment Interview Course Completion Requirements Final Exam Layout: Final Exam time limit: Passing score: 50 Multiple choice questions 90 minutes 700 AD-1003 Business Math (54 clock hours – 5.4 QCH) consists of the following: Course Objectives and Coverage o o o o o o o o o o o o Lesson 1: Whole Numbers, Fractions and Decimals Lesson 2: Banking and Equations Lesson 3: Percentages and Statistics Lesson 4: Trade and Cash Discounts, Markup and Markdown Lesson 5: Payroll Lesson 6: Interest, Discount, Credit and Value Lesson 7: Annuities, Sinking Funds, Stocks and Bonds Lesson 8: Mortgages Lesson 9: Financial Statements Lesson 10: Inventory Lesson 11: Insurance and Taxes Lesson 12: Financial Statements Course Completion Requirements Final Exam Layout: Final Exam time limit: Passing score: 50 Multiple choice questions 90 minutes 700 VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 19 AD -1004 Introduction to Business (54 clock hours - 5.4 QCH) consists of the following: Course Objectives and Coverage o o o o o o o o o o o o Lesson 1: The Business Environment Lesson 2: Business Ethics and Social Responsibility Lesson 3: New Business Ventures in the US and International Markets Lesson 4: Managing the Business Enterprise Lesson 5: Managing and Motivating Employees Lesson 6: Marketing Processes Lesson 7: Product Pricing, Distribution, and Promotion Lesson 8: Productivity and Quality Lesson 9: Information Systems and Communication Technologies Lesson 10: Principles of Accounting Lesson 11: Banking and Finance Lesson 12: Financial and Risk Management Course Completion Requirements Final Exam Layout: Final Exam time limit: Passing score: 50 Multiple choice questions 90 minutes 700 AD -1005 Principles of Management (54 clock hours – 5.4 QCH) consists of the following: Course Objectives and Coverage o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Lesson 1: Introduction to Management Lesson 2: Managing the Business Environment Lesson 3: Social Responsibility and Managerial Ethics Lesson 4: Decision Making Lesson 5: Planning and the Manager’s Role Lesson 6: Strategic Management and Planning Techniques Lesson 7: Organizational Structure and Communications Lesson 8: Human Resource Management Lesson 9: The Psychology of Management Lesson 10: Motivating and Leading Others Lesson 11: Overview of Human Resource Management Lesson 12: Employee Recruitment and Placement Lesson 13: Controlling Organizational Performance Lesson 14: Operations Management Course Completion Requirements Final Exam Layout: Final Exam time limit: Passing score: 50 Multiple choice questions 90 minutes 700 AD -1006 American Government (54 clock hours – 5.4 QCH) consist of the following: Course Objectives and Coverage: Nevada text added Nevada's Heritage Reinterpreted, University of Nevada Press, 2004, (ISBN: 0874175925) At the end of this course, the student will be able to: o Apply informational literacy skills in the study of politics o Analyze how the historical development of the United States affects contemporary political environment o Explain how individual actors impact contemporary political environment o Outline the institutional structures and how these structures interact with each other to explain the processes of government o Apply understanding of government processes to analyze contemporary politics o Analyze the formal and informal processes by which public policy is made o Explain the history, development, and current status of the constitution of the state of Nevada VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 20 Course Completion Requirements Final Exam Layout: Final Exam time limit: Passing score: 50 Multiple choice questions 90 minutes 700 Prerequisites: Academic Quarter Credit: Financial Aid Quarter Credit: Program Clock Hours: Student Status: A+ and Network+ recommended or equivalent experience, High School Diploma or GED 98.95 66 1336 VA Full time = 18 Plus hours/week; VA ¾ time = 13-17 hours/week; VA ½ Time = 9-12 hours/week Registration Fee: Books & Supplies: Exam Fee** Tuition: Total cost $100 $1,125.00 $1372.00 $20,398.00 $22,995.00 **Exam Fees are optional. Price without Exam Fees $21,623.00. Exam Fees payable to authorized testing centers are included in the above total. VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 21 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATES DEGREE EMPHASIS IN: IT SERVER ADMINISTRATOR The Information Technology Associates Degree with emphasis in IT Server Administrator prepares the student with a comprehensive set of skills necessary to perform a particular role as a Computer Information Technology Services Administrator or Management. An IT - Associates Degree graduate will have the skill set for basic management skills including: critical thinking, communication, math, and exposure to the workings of the American Government as well as Nevada State Government... The Information Technology Associates Degree with emphasis in IT Server Administrator graduate will have the knowledge to administrate the operations and day-to-day management of an infrastructure of Windows Server 2008 R2 servers for an enterprise organization and the upgrade to Windows Server 2012. Windows server administrators manage infrastructure, Web, and IT application servers. Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA) 2008 and 2012 certification validates that you have the comprehensive set of skills necessary to perform a particular role as a Systems Administrator with day to day responsibilities. Windows server administrators use scripts and batch files written by others or those that they occasionally write themselves to accomplish tasks on a regular basis. They conduct most server management tasks remotely by using Remote Desktop Server or administration tools installed on their local workstation. A server administrator’s primary tasks include: managing the server operating system, file, and directory services, software distribution and updates, profiling and monitoring assigned servers, troubleshooting. IT Server Administrator graduates are appropriate candidates for Network Administrator, Network Analyst, Network Engineer, and other Networking positions as well as management and supervisory positions The Information Technology Associates Degree with emphasis in IT Server Administrator (1331HRS) degree consists of the following courses: 70-680 Windows 7, Configuring: Course Objectives o DOMAIN 1.0: Installing, Upgrading, and Migrating to Windows 7 o DOMAIN 2.0: Deploying Windows 7 o DOMAIN 3.0: Configuring Hardware and Applications o DOMAIN 4.0: Configuring Network Applications o DOMAIN 5.0: Configuring Access to Resources o DOMAIN 6.0: Configuring Mobile Computing o DOMAIN 7.0: Monitoring and Maintaining Systems that Run Windows 7 o DOMAIN 8.0: Configuring Backup and Recovery Options Career Success: REQUIRED LECTURES: Course Looking Forward Safely – Introduction: Overview unit designed for preregistration, to help the students prepare for the experience of higher education. Unit 1 What’s Holding Me Back? – Am I seeing all there is to see? What am I missing, and why? Unit 2 Who Am I Listening To? – We realize that what may be “the truth” to others isn’t necessarily our truth. Unit 3 Lock-On / Lock-Out – Sometimes, the absence of the truth may set you free. Unit 4 My Brain’s Filter System – Discover the levels of the mind involved in the thought process and what they do. Unit 5 How My Mind Works – The three levels of the mind work together to make sure we act like we know we are. Unit 6 Free Flowing at a New Level – Stress comes when we try to behave differently than we know we are. Unit 7 Leaning in the Right Direction – Our habits and attitudes can keep us from getting to where we want to be. Unit 8 How My Beliefs are Formed – Thoughts accumulate to become beliefs, so it is important to control our thoughts. VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 22 Unit 9 Building My Self-Image – Each of us builds a self-image with our own thoughts. Unit 10 My Future is Up to Me – We move toward and become like what we think about; our present thoughts determine our future. Unit 11 I’m Worth It! – Learn the importance of building high self-esteem, in yourself and in others around you. Unit 12 Make the Unfamiliar Familiar – Comfort zones can keep us safe, but they can also keep us from moving forward. Unit 13 The Next Time – Self-talk is utilized to change future performance, and we start by giving ourselves future goals with “The next time...” Unit 14 Putting Life on a Want-To – Motivation comes in two varieties: constructive (want-to) and restrictive (have-to), moving you forward or holding you back. Unit 15 Making the Pictures Match – The world outside must match the picture we have in our minds. When it doesn’t, we have a problem. Unit 16 I Can See It! – Human beings need goals; it’s a fact of life. We must dream big and give ourselves big goals. Unit 17 If It’s to Be, It’s Up to Me – When we visualize the new, we become dissatisfied with the old. Unit 18 My Better Future – If we demand to know the “how” first, we will back up our goals and not grow into our future. Unit 19 My Goals – My Vision – My Future – Create the vision of the way you want your future to look like before it actually happens. Unit 20 If I Want It, I Can Create It – By developing your personal efficacy, you will look forward and see success. Unit 21 Rites of Passage – One statement of fact can change your life forever. 70-640 Windows Server 2008 Active Directory, Configuring: Course Objectives 70-640 o DOMAIN 1.0: Configuring Domain Name System (DNS) for Active Directory o DOMAIN 2.0: Configuring the Active Directory Infrastructure o DOMAIN 3.0: Configuring additional Active Directory Server roles o DOMAIN 4.0: Creating and maintaining Active Directory objects o DOMAIN 5.0: Maintaining the Active Directory Environment o DOMAIN 6.0: Configuring Active Directory Certificate Services 70-642 Windows 2008 Network Infrastructure, Configuring: Course Objectives o DOMAIN 1.0: Configuring IP Addressing and Services o DOMAIN 2.0: Configuring Name Resolution o DOMAIN 3.0: Configuring Network Access o DOMAIN 4.0: Configuring File and Print Services 70-646 Windows 2008 Network Infrastructure, Configuring: Course Objectives 70-646 o o o o o DOMAIN 1.0: Planning for Server Deployment DOMAIN 2.0: Planning for Server Management DOMAIN 3.0: Monitoring and Maintaining Servers DOMAIN 4.0: Planning Application and Data Provisioning DOMAIN 5.0: Planning for Business Continuity and High Availability 70-417: Upgrading Your Skills to MCSA Windows Server 2012 Course Objectives Install and Configure Servers o Install Servers. o Configure servers. o Configure local storage. Configure Server Roles and Features o Configure servers for remote management. Configure Hyper-V o Create and configure virtual machine settings. o Create and configure virtual machine storage. o Create and configure virtual networks VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 23 Install and Administer Active Directory o Install domain controllers. Deploy, Manage, and Maintain Servers o Monitor servers. Configure Network Services and Access o Configure Direct Access. Configure a Network Policy Server Infrastructure o Configure Network Access Protection (NAP). Configure and Manage Active Directory o Configure Domain Controllers. o Maintain Active Directory. Configure and Manage Group Policy o Configure Group Policy processing. Configure and Manage High Availability o Configure failover clustering. o Manage failover clustering roles. o Manage Virtual Machine (VM) movement. Configure File and Storage Solutions o Implement Dynamic Access Control (DAC). Implement Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery o Configure and manage backups. o Configure site-level fault tolerance. Configure Network Services o Deploy and manage IPAM. Configure Identity and Access Solutions o Implement Active Directory Federation Services 2.1 (AD FSv2.1). 70-413: Designing and Implementing a Windows Server 2012 Infrastructure Plan and Deploy a Server Infrastructure o Design an automated server installation strategy. o Plan and implement a server deployment infrastructure. o Plan and implement server upgrade and migration. o Plan and deploy Virtual Machine Manager services o Plan and implement file and storage services. Design and Implement Network Infrastructure Services o Design and maintain a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) solution. o Design a name resolution solution strategy. o Design and manage an IP address management solution. Design and Implement Network Access Services o Design a VPN solution. o Design a Direct Access solution. o Implement a scalable remote access solution. o Design a network protection solution. o Implement a network protection solution. Design and Implement an Active Directory Infrastructure (Logical) o Design a forest and domain infrastructure. o Implement a forest and domain infrastructure. o Design a Group Policy strategy. o Design an Active Directory permission model. Design and Implement an Active Directory Infrastructure (Physical) o Design an Active Directory sites topology. o Design a domain controller strategy. o Design and implement a branch office infrastructure. Advanced Career Development: Course Objectives ADVANCED CAREER DEVOPMENT 9-week series combining Career Services workshops with The Next Level A 3-hour class once a week for 8 weeks o Introduction to Career Services o Class 1: Intro to LAUNCH & Career Assessment o Class 2: Job Search Networking o Class 3: Interviewing Techniques o Class 4: How to Follow up o Class 5: Portfolio Development o Class 6: The Hiring Process! o Class 7: Advanced Career Search o Class 8: Graduation & Affirmations VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 24 70-414: Implementing an Advanced Server Infrastructure Manage and Maintain a Server Infrastructure o Design an administrative model. o Design a monitoring strategy. o Design an updates infrastructure. o Implement automated remediation. Plan and Implement a Highly Available Enterprise Infrastructure o Plan and implement failover clustering. o Plan and implement highly available network services. o Plan and implement highly available storage solutions. o Plan and implement highly available server roles. o Plan and implement a business continuity and disaster recovery solution. Plan and Implement a Server Virtualization Infrastructure o Plan and implement virtualization hosts. o Plan and implement virtualization guests. o Plan and implement virtualization networking. o Plan and implement virtualization storage. o Plan and implement virtual guest movement. o Manage and maintain a server virtualization infrastructure. o Design and Implement Identity and Access Solutions Design a Certificate Services infrastructure. o Implement and manage a Certificate Services infrastructure. o Implement and manage certificates. o Design and implement a federated identity solution. o Design and implement Active Directory Rights Management Services (AD RMS). General Education Courses: AD-1001 Critical Thinking (54 clock hours - 5.4 QCH) consists of the following: Course Objectives and Coverage o o o o o o o o o o o o Lesson 1: The Structure of Arguments Lesson 2: Deduction: Truth and Validity Lesson 3: Deduction: Argument Forms Lesson 4: Induction: Generalizations Lesson 5: Induction: Evidence and Analogies Lesson 6: Formal Fallacies and Weak Induction Lesson 7: Informal Fallacies Lesson 8: Language and Logic Lesson 9: Reading Media Lesson 10: Bias and Viewpoints Lesson 11: Logic in Real Life Lesson 12: Using Your Voice Course Completion Requirements Final Exam Layout: Final Exam time limit: Passing score: 50 Multiple choice questions 90 minutes 700 AD-1002 Business Communication (54 hrs - 5.4QCH) consists of the following: Course Objectives and Coverage o o o o o o o o o o o o Lesson 1: Introduction to Business Communications Lesson 2: Listening and Nonverbal Communication Skills Lesson 3: Communicating Across Cultures Lesson 4: Composing a Business Message Lesson 5: Communicating Routine Information Lesson 6: Communicating Bad News Lesson 7: Persuasive Communications Lesson 8: Introduction to Business Reports and Proposals Lesson 9: Composing Business Reports and Proposals Lesson 10: Formal Reports and Proposals Lesson 11: Oral Presentation Skills Lesson 12: Resume Writing and the Employment Interview VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 25 Course Completion Requirements Final Exam Layout: Final Exam time limit: Passing score: 50 Multiple choice questions 90 minutes 700 AD-1003 Business Math (54 clock hours – 5.4 QCH) consists of the following: Course Objectives and Coverage o o o o o o o o o o o o Lesson 1: Whole Numbers, Fractions and Decimals Lesson 2: Banking and Equations Lesson 3: Percentages and Statistics Lesson 4: Trade and Cash Discounts, Markup and Markdown Lesson 5: Payroll Lesson 6: Interest, Discount, Credit and Value Lesson 7: Annuities, Sinking Funds, Stocks and Bonds Lesson 8: Mortgages Lesson 9: Financial Statements Lesson 10: Inventory Lesson 11: Insurance and Taxes Lesson 12: Financial Statements Course Completion Requirements Final Exam Layout: Final Exam time limit: Passing score: 50 Multiple choice questions 90 minutes 700 AD -1004 Introduction to Business (54 clock hours - 5.4 QCH) consists of the following: Course Objectives and Coverage o o o o o o o o o o o o Lesson 1: The Business Environment Lesson 2: Business Ethics and Social Responsibility Lesson 3: New Business Ventures in the US and International Markets Lesson 4: Managing the Business Enterprise Lesson 5: Managing and Motivating Employees Lesson 6: Marketing Processes Lesson 7: Product Pricing, Distribution, and Promotion Lesson 8: Productivity and Quality Lesson 9: Information Systems and Communication Technologies Lesson 10: Principles of Accounting Lesson 11: Banking and Finance Lesson 12: Financial and Risk Management Course Completion Requirements Final Exam Layout: Final Exam time limit: Passing score: 50 Multiple choice questions 90 minutes 700 AD -1005 Principles of Management (54 clock hours – 5.4 QCH) consists of the following: Course Objectives and Coverage o o o o o o o o o Lesson 1: Introduction to Management Lesson 2: Managing the Business Environment Lesson 3: Social Responsibility and Managerial Ethics Lesson 4: Decision Making Lesson 5: Planning and the Manager’s Role Lesson 6: Strategic Management and Planning Techniques Lesson 7: Organizational Structure and Communications Lesson 8: Human Resource Management Lesson 9: The Psychology of Management VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 26 o o o o o Lesson 10: Motivating and Leading Others Lesson 11: Overview of Human Resource Management Lesson 12: Employee Recruitment and Placement Lesson 13: Controlling Organizational Performance Lesson 14: Operations Management Course Completion Requirements Final Exam Layout: Final Exam time limit: Passing score: 50 Multiple choice questions 90 minutes 700 AD -1006 American Government (54 clock hours – 5.4 QCH) consist of the following: Course Objectives and Coverage: Nevada text added Nevada's Heritage Reinterpreted, University of Nevada Press, 2004, (ISBN: 0874175925) At the end of this course, the student will be able to: o Apply informational literacy skills in the study of politics o Analyze how the historical development of the United States affects contemporary political environment o Explain how individual actors impact contemporary political environment o Outline the institutional structures and how these structures interact with each other to explain the processes of government o Apply understanding of government processes to analyze contemporary politics o Analyze the formal and informal processes by which public policy is made o Explain the history, development, and current status of the constitution of the state of Nevada Course Completion Requirements Final Exam Layout: Final Exam time limit: Passing score: 50 Multiple choice questions 90 minutes 700 Prerequisites: Academic Quarter Credit: Financial Aid Quarter Credit: Program Hours: Student Status: Network+ recommended or equivalent experience, High School Diploma or GED 98.95 66 1331 VA Full time = 18 Plus hours/week; VA ¾ time = 13-17 hours/week; VA ½ Time = 9-12 hours/week Registration Fee: Books & Supplies: Exam Fee** Tuition: Total cost $100 $1,125 $1,222 $20,653 $23,100 **Exam Fees are optional. Price without Exam Fees $21,878. Exam Fees payable to authorized testing centers are included in the above total. VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 27 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATES DEGREE EMPHASIS IN: NETWORK AND DATABASE ADMINISTRATOR The Information Technology Associates Degree with an emphasis in Network and Database Administrator prepares the student with a comprehensive set of skills necessary to perform a particular role as a Computer Information Technology Services Administrator or Manager. Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate Database Administrator certification in Server 2012 validates that you have the comprehensive set of skills necessary to manage, deploy, build, designing, and optimize databases and database servers. The graduate will also possess expertise with Windows Server 2008 platform. The Information Technology Associates Degree with an emphasis in Network and Database Administrator graduate will have the skill set for basic management skills including: critical thinking, communication, math, and exposure to the workings of the American Government as well as Nevada State Government. The Information Technology Associates Degree with emphasis Network and Database Administrator (1230 Hours) includes the following courses: 70-680 MCTS Windows 7, Configuring: Course Objectives o DOMAIN 1.0: Installing, Upgrading, and Migrating to Windows 7 o DOMAIN 2.0: Deploying Windows 7 o DOMAIN 3.0: Configuring Hardware and Applications o DOMAIN 4.0: Configuring Network Applications o DOMAIN 5.0: Configuring Access to Resources o DOMAIN 6.0: Configuring Mobile Computing o DOMAIN 7.0: Monitoring and Maintaining Systems that Run Windows 7 o DOMAIN 8.0: Configuring Backup and Recovery Options Career Success: REQUIRED LECTURES: Course Looking Forward Safely – Introduction: Overview unit designed for preregistration, to help the students prepare for the experience of higher education. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Unit 1 What’s Holding Me Back? – Am I seeing all there is to see? What am I missing, and why? Unit 2 Who Am I Listening To? – We realize that what may be “the truth” to others isn’t necessarily our truth. Unit 3 Lock-On / Lock-Out – Sometimes, the absence of the truth may set you free. Unit 4 My Brain’s Filter System – Discover the levels of the mind involved in the thought process and what they do. Unit 5 How My Mind Works – The three levels of the mind work together to make sure we act like we know we are. Unit 6 Free Flowing at a New Level – Stress comes when we try to behave differently than we know we are. Unit 7 Leaning in the Right Direction – Our habits and attitudes can keep us from getting to where we want to be. Unit 8 How My Beliefs are Formed – Thoughts accumulate to become beliefs, so it is important to control our thoughts. Unit 9 Building My Self-Image – Each of us builds a self-image with our own thoughts. Unit 10 My Future is Up to Me – We move toward and become like what we think about; our present thoughts determine our future. Unit 11 I’m Worth It! – Learn the importance of building high self-esteem, in yourself and in others around you. Unit 12 Make the Unfamiliar Familiar – Comfort zones can keep us safe, but they can also keep us from moving forward. Unit 13 The Next Time – Self-talk is utilized to change future performance, and we start by giving ourselves future goals with “The next time...” Unit 14 Putting Life on a Want-To – Motivation comes in two varieties: constructive (want-to) and restrictive (have-to), moving you forward or holding you back. VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 28 o o o o o o o o o o Unit 15 Making the Pictures Match – The world outside must match the picture we have in our minds. When it doesn’t, we have a problem. Unit 16 I Can See It! – Human beings need goals; it’s a fact of life. We must dream big and give ourselves big goals. Unit 17 If It’s to Be, It’s Up to Me – When we visualize the new, we become dissatisfied with the old. Unit 18 My Better Future – If we demand to know the “how” first, we will back up our goals and not grow into our future. Unit 19 My Goals – My Vision – My Future – Create the vision of the way you want your future to look like before it actually happens. Unit 20 If I Want It, I Can Create It – By developing your personal efficacy, you will look forward and see success. Unit 21 Rites of Passage – One statement of fact can change your life forever. 70-640 Windows Server 2008 Active Directory, Configuring: Course Objectives 70-640 o DOMAIN 1.0: Configuring Domain Name System (DNS) for Active Directory o DOMAIN 2.0: Configuring the Active Directory Infrastructure o DOMAIN 3.0: Configuring additional Active Directory Server roles o DOMAIN 4.0: Creating and maintaining Active Directory objects o DOMAIN 5.0: Maintaining the Active Directory Environment o DOMAIN 6.0: Configuring Active Directory Certificate Services 70-461: Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Create Database Objects o Create and alter tables using T-SQL syntax (simple statements). o Create and alter views (simple statements). o Design views. o Create and modify constraints (simple statements). o Create and alter DML triggers. Work with Data o Query data by using SELECT statements. o Implement sub-queries. o Implement data types. o Implement aggregate queries. o Query and manage XML data. Modify Data o Create and alter stored procedures (simple statements). o Modify data by using INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements. o Combine datasets. o Work with functions. Troubleshoot & Optimize o Optimize queries. o Manage transactions. o Evaluate the use of row-based operations vs. set-based operations. o Implement error handling. Advanced Career Development: Course Objectives ADVANCED CAREER DEVOPMENT 9-week series combining Career Services workshops with The Next Level A 3-hour class once a week for 8 weeks Introduction to Career Services Class 1: Intro to LAUNCH & Career Assessment Class 2: Job Search Networking Class 3: Interviewing Techniques Class 4: How to Follow up Class 5: Portfolio Development Class 6: The Hiring Process! Class 7: Advanced Career Search Class 8: Graduation & Affirmations VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 29 70-462: Administering Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Databases Install and Configure o Plan installation. o Install SQL Server and related services. o Implement a migration strategy. o Configure additional SQL Server components. o Manage SQL Server Agent. Maintain Instances and Databases o Manage and configure databases. o Configure SQL Server instances. o Implement a SQL Server clustered instance. o Manage SQL Server instances. Optimize and Troubleshoot o Identify and resolve concurrency problems. o Collect and analyze troubleshooting data. o Audit SQL Server instances. Manage Data o Configure and maintain a back up strategy. o Restore databases. o Implement and maintain indexes. o Import and export data. Implement Security o Manage logins and server roles. o Manage database permissions. o Manage users and database roles. o Troubleshoot security. Implement High Availability o Implement Always On. o Implement database mirroring. o Implement replication. 70-463: Implementing a Data Warehouse with Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Design and Implement a Data Warehouse o Design and implement dimensions. o Design and implement fact tables. Extract and Transform Data o Define connection managers. o Design data flow. o Implement data flow. o Manage SSIS package execution. o Implement script tasks in SSIS. Load Data o Design control flow. o Implement package logic by using SSIS variables and parameters. o Implement control flow. o Implement data load options. o Implement script components in SSIS. Configure and Deploy SSIS Solutions o Troubleshoot data integration issues. o Install and maintain SSIS components. o Implement auditing, logging, and event handling. o Deploy SSIS solutions. o Configure SSIS security settings. Build Data Quality Solutions o Install and maintain Data Quality Services. o Implement master data management solutions. o Create a data quality project to clean data. General Education Courses: AD-1001 Critical Thinking (54 clock hours - 5.4 QCH) consists of the following: Course Objectives and Coverage o o o o o o Lesson 1: The Structure of Arguments Lesson 2: Deduction: Truth and Validity Lesson 3: Deduction: Argument Forms Lesson 4: Induction: Generalizations Lesson 5: Induction: Evidence and Analogies Lesson 6: Formal Fallacies and Weak Induction VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 30 o o o o o o Lesson 7: Informal Fallacies Lesson 8: Language and Logic Lesson 9: Reading Media Lesson 10: Bias and Viewpoints Lesson 11: Logic in Real Life Lesson 12: Using Your Voice Course Completion Requirements Final Exam Layout: Final Exam time limit: Passing score: 50 Multiple choice questions 90 minutes 700 AD-1002 Business Communication (54 hrs - 5.4QCH) consists of the following: Course Objectives and Coverage o o o o o o o o o o o o Lesson 1: Introduction to Business Communications Lesson 2: Listening and Nonverbal Communication Skills Lesson 3: Communicating Across Cultures Lesson 4: Composing a Business Message Lesson 5: Communicating Routine Information Lesson 6: Communicating Bad News Lesson 7: Persuasive Communications Lesson 8: Introduction to Business Reports and Proposals Lesson 9: Composing Business Reports and Proposals Lesson 10: Formal Reports and Proposals Lesson 11: Oral Presentation Skills Lesson 12: Resume Writing and the Employment Interview Course Completion Requirements Final Exam Layout: Final Exam time limit: Passing score: 50 Multiple choice questions 90 minutes 700 AD-1003 Business Math (54 clock hours – 5.4 QCH) consists of the following: Course Objectives and Coverage o o o o o o o o o o o o Lesson 1: Whole Numbers, Fractions and Decimals Lesson 2: Banking and Equations Lesson 3: Percentages and Statistics Lesson 4: Trade and Cash Discounts, Markup and Markdown Lesson 5: Payroll Lesson 6: Interest, Discount, Credit and Value Lesson 7: Annuities, Sinking Funds, Stocks and Bonds Lesson 8: Mortgages Lesson 9: Financial Statements Lesson 10: Inventory Lesson 11: Insurance and Taxes Lesson 12: Financial Statements Course Completion Requirements Final Exam Layout: Final Exam time limit: Passing score: 50 Multiple choice questions 90 minutes 700 AD -1004 Introduction to Business (54 clock hours - 5.4 QCH) consists of the following: Course Objectives and Coverage o o o o o Lesson 1: The Business Environment Lesson 2: Business Ethics and Social Responsibility Lesson 3: New Business Ventures in the US and International Markets Lesson 4: Managing the Business Enterprise Lesson 5: Managing and Motivating Employees VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 31 o o o o o o o o o o Lesson 6: Marketing Processes Lesson 7: Product Pricing, Distribution, and Promotion Lesson 8: Productivity and Quality Lesson 9: Information Systems and Communication Technologies Lesson 10: Principles of Accounting Lesson 11: Banking and Finance Lesson 12: Financial and Risk Management Course Completion Requirements Final Exam Layout: Final Exam time limit: Passing score: 50 Multiple choice questions 90 minutes 700 AD -1005 Principles of Management (54 clock hours – 5.4 QCH) consists of the following: Course Objectives and Coverage o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Lesson 1: Introduction to Management Lesson 2: Managing the Business Environment Lesson 3: Social Responsibility and Managerial Ethics Lesson 4: Decision Making Lesson 5: Planning and the Manager’s Role Lesson 6: Strategic Management and Planning Techniques Lesson 7: Organizational Structure and Communications Lesson 8: Human Resource Management Lesson 9: The Psychology of Management Lesson 10: Motivating and Leading Others Lesson 11: Overview of Human Resource Management Lesson 12: Employee Recruitment and Placement Lesson 13: Controlling Organizational Performance Lesson 14: Operations Management Course Completion Requirements Final Exam Layout: Final Exam time limit: Passing score: 50 Multiple choice questions 90 minutes 700 AD -1006 American Government (54 clock hours – 5.4 QCH) consist of the following: Course Objectives and Coverage: Nevada text added Nevada's Heritage Reinterpreted, University of Nevada Press, 2004, (ISBN: 0874175925) At the end of this course, the student will be able to: o Apply informational literacy skills in the study of politics o Analyze how the historical development of the United States affects contemporary political environment o Explain how individual actors impact contemporary political environment o Outline the institutional structures and how these structures interact with each other to explain the processes of government o Apply understanding of government processes to analyze contemporary politics o Analyze the formal and informal processes by which public policy is made o Explain the history, development, and current status of the constitution of the state of Nevada VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 32 The Information Technology Associates Degree with emphasis Network and Database Administrator is appropriate for: Database Administrator Systems Analysis Quality Control Prerequisites: Academic Quarter Credit: Financial Aid Quarter Credit: Program Clock Hours: Student Status: Registration Fee: Books & Supplies: Exam Fee** Tuition: Total cost A+ or equivalent experience, thorough understanding of networking fundamentals recommended, High School Diploma or GED 95.55 61 1230 VA Full time = 18 Plus hours/week; VA ¾ time = 13-17 hours/week; VA ½ Time = 9-12 hours/week $100 $1,150 $600 $18,650 $20,500 ** Exam Fees are optional. Price without Exam Fees $19,900. Exam Fees payable to authorized testing centers are included in the above total. VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 33 Asher College IT Certification Program Descriptions COMPUTER AND NETWORKING TECHNICIAN *ELIGIBLE FOR ASSOCIATES DEGREE PROGRAM The Computer and Networking Technician (CNT) program can result in three (3) CompTIA certifications and three (3) Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist certifications. CompTIA certifications are known among Information Technology professionals as foundational to an IT professional’s career. The Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist certifications provide the next step for the Microsoft operating systems. Certifications are designed to validate your skills on the features and functionality of key technologies. You will be knowledgeable in several specific areas of Microsoft systems. The Computer and Networking Technician graduate can advance their career by showing employers and clients that they have the skills to successfully implement, manage and troubleshoot network environments running on the Windows client/server platform. The CNT program (941 hours) includes the following training courses: 220-801 A+ Essentials: Course Objectives A+ ESSENTIALS DOMAIN 1.0 HARDWARE 1.1 Categorize storage devices and backup media 1.2 Explain motherboard components, types and features 1.3 Classify power supplies types and characteristics 1.4 Explain the purpose and characteristics of CPUs and their features 1.5 Explain cooling methods and devices 1.6 Compare and contrast memory types, characteristics and their purpose 1.7 Distinguish between the different display devices and their characteristics 1.8 Install and configure peripherals and input devices 1.9 Summarize the function and types of adapter cards 1.10 Install, configure and optimize laptop components and features 1.11 Install and configure printers DOMAIN 2.0 TROUBLESHOOTING, REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE 2.1 Given a scenario, explain the troubleshooting theory 2.2 Given a scenario, explain and interpret common hardware and operating system symptoms and their causes 2.3 Given a scenario, determine the troubleshooting methods and tools for printers 2.4 Given a scenario, explain and interpret common laptop issues and determine the appropriate basic troubleshooting method 2.5 Given a scenario, integrate common preventative maintenance techniques DOMAIN 3.0 NETWORKING 3.1 Compare and contrast the different Windows Operating Systems and their features 3.2 Given a scenario, demonstrate proper use of user interfaces 3.3 Explain the process and steps to install and configure the Windows OS 3.4 Explain the basics of boot sequences, methods and startup utilities DOMAIN 4.0 NETWORKING 4.1 Summarize the basics of networking fundamentals, including technologies, devices and protocols 4.2 Categorize network cables and connectors and their implementations 4.3 Compare and contrast the different network types DOMAIN 5.0 SECURITY 5.1 Explain the basic principles of security concepts and technologies 5.2 Summarize the following security features VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 34 DOMAIN 6.0 OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE 6.1 Outline the purpose of appropriate safety and environmental procedures and given a scenario apply them 6.2 Given a scenario, demonstrate the appropriate use of communication skills and professionalism in the workplace Career Success: REQUIRED LECTURES: Course Looking Forward Safely – Introduction: Overview unit designed for preregistration, to help the students prepare for the experience of higher education. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Unit 1 What’s Holding Me Back? – Am I seeing all there is to see? What am I missing, and why? Unit 2 Who Am I Listening To? – We realize that what may be “the truth” to others isn’t necessarily our truth. Unit 3 Lock-On / Lock-Out – Sometimes, the absence of the truth may set you free. Unit 4 My Brain’s Filter System – Discover the levels of the mind involved in the thought process and what they do. Unit 5 How My Mind Works – The three levels of the mind work together to make sure we act like we know we are. Unit 6 Free Flowing at a New Level – Stress comes when we try to behave differently than we know we are. Unit 7 Leaning in the Right Direction – Our habits and attitudes can keep us from getting to where we want to be. Unit 8 How My Beliefs are Formed – Thoughts accumulate to become beliefs, so it is important to control our thoughts. Unit 9 Building My Self-Image – Each of us builds a self-image with our own thoughts. Unit 10 My Future is Up to Me – We move toward and become like what we think about; our present thoughts determine our future. Unit 11 I’m Worth It! – Learn the importance of building high self-esteem, in yourself and in others around you. Unit 12 Make the Unfamiliar Familiar – Comfort zones can keep us safe, but they can also keep us from moving forward. Unit 13 The Next Time – Self-talk is utilized to change future performance, and we start by giving ourselves future goals with “The next time...” Unit 14 Putting Life on a Want-To – Motivation comes in two varieties: constructive (want-to) and restrictive (have-to), moving you forward or holding you back. Unit 15 Making the Pictures Match – The world outside must match the picture we have in our minds. When it doesn’t, we have a problem. Unit 16 I Can See It! – Human beings need goals; it’s a fact of life. We must dream big and give ourselves big goals. Unit 17 If It’s to Be, It’s Up to Me – When we visualize the new, we become dissatisfied with the old. Unit 18 My Better Future – If we demand to know the “how” first, we will back up our goals and not grow into our future. Unit 19 My Goals – My Vision – My Future – Create the vision of the way you want your future to look like before it actually happens. Unit 20 If I Want It, I Can Create It – By developing your personal efficacy, you will look forward and see success. Unit 21 Rites of Passage – One statement of fact can change your life forever. 220-802- A+ Practical Application: Course Objectives A+ PRACTICAL APPLICATION DOMAIN 1.0 HARDWARE 1.9 Given a scenario, install, configure and maintain personal computer components 1.10 Given a scenario, detect problems, troubleshoot and repair/replace personal computer 1.11 Given a scenario, install, configure, detect problems, troubleshoot and repair/replace laptop components 1.12 Given a scenario, select and use the following tools 1.5 Given a scenario, detect and resolve common printer issues DOMAIN 2.0 Operating Systems & Software 2.7 Select the appropriate commands and options to troubleshoot and resolve problems 2.8 Differentiate between Windows Operating System directory structures (Windows 2000, XP and Vista 2.9 Given a scenario, select and use system utilities / tools and evaluate the results 2.4 Evaluate and resolve common issues DOMAIN 3.0 Networking 3.3 Troubleshoot client-side connectivity issues using appropriate tools 1.3 Install and configure a small office home office (SOHO) network DOMAIN 4.0 Securities 4.5 Given a scenario, prevent, troubleshoot and remove viruses and malware 4.6 Implement security and troubleshoot common issues VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 35 N10-005 a&b Network +: Course Objectives NETWORK + o DOMAIN 1.0 Network Technologies o DOMAIN 2.0 Network Media and Topologies o DOMAIN 3.0 Network Devices o DOMAIN 4.0 Network Management o DOMAIN 5.0 Network Tools o DOMAIN 6.0 Network Security Advanced Career Development: Course Objectives ADVANCED CAREER DEVOPMENT 9-week series combining Career Services workshops with The Next Level A 3-hour class once a week for 8 weeks Introduction to Career Services Class 1: Intro to LAUNCH & Career Assessment Class 2: Job Search Networking Class 3: Interviewing Techniques Class 4: How to Follow up Class 5: Portfolio Development Class 6: The Hiring Process! Class 7: Advanced Career Search Class 8: Graduation & Affirmations 70-680 Windows 7, Configuring: Course Objectives o DOMAIN 1.0: Installing, Upgrading, and Migrating to Windows 7 o DOMAIN 2.0: Deploying Windows 7 o DOMAIN 3.0: Configuring Hardware and Applications o DOMAIN 4.0: Configuring Network Applications o DOMAIN 5.0: Configuring Access to Resources o DOMAIN 6.0: Configuring Mobile Computing o DOMAIN 7.0: Monitoring and Maintaining Systems that Run Windows 7 o DOMAIN 8.0: Configuring Backup and Recovery Options 70-640 Windows Server 2008 Active Directory, Configuring: Course Objectives 70-640 o DOMAIN 1.0: Configuring Domain Name System (DNS) for Active Directory o DOMAIN 2.0: Configuring the Active Directory Infrastructure o DOMAIN 3.0: Configuring additional Active Directory Server roles o DOMAIN 4.0: Creating and maintaining Active Directory objects o DOMAIN 5.0: Maintaining the Active Directory Environment o DOMAIN 6.0: Configuring Active Directory Certificate Services 70-642 Windows 2008 Network Infrastructure, Configuring: Course Objectives o DOMAIN 1.0: Configuring IP Addressing and Services o DOMAIN 2.0: Configuring Name Resolution o DOMAIN 3.0: Configuring Network Access o DOMAIN 4.0: Configuring File and Print Services o DOMAIN 5.0: Monitoring and Managing a Network Infrastructure The CNT program is appropriate for the following positions: Desktop Support Specialist Jr Network administrator Network operations analyst Technical support specialist Network technician Help Desk PC Technician VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 36 Prerequisites: Academic Quarter Credit: Financial Aid Quarter Credit: Program Clock Hours: Student Status: High School Diploma or GED 65.3 47 941 VA Full time = 18 Plus hours/week; VA ¾ time = 13-17 hours/week; VA ½ Time = 9-12 hours/week Administration Fee: Books & Supplies: Exam Fee: Tuition: Total cost $100 (Per Program) $425 $1,059 $14,366 $15,950 ** Exam Fees are optional. Price without Exam Fees $14,891. Exam Fees payable to authorized testing centers are included in the above total. VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 37 COMPUTER SPECIALIST AND NETWORK TECHNICIAN (WITH LINUX+) *ELIGIBLE FOR ASSOCIATES DEGREE PROGRAM The Computer Specialist and Network Technician (with Linux+) program can result in five (5) CompTIA certifications and two (2) Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist certification. CompTIA certifications are known among Information Technology professionals as foundational to an IT professional’s career. The Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist certifications provide the next step for the Microsoft operating systems. Certifications are designed to validate your skills on the features and functionality of key technologies. You will be knowledgeable in several specific areas of Microsoft systems. Linux+ consists of two exams are necessary to be certified: LX0-101 and LX0-102. LX0-101 covers system architecture; Linux Installation and package management; GNU and Unix commands; devices, Linux filesystems, and file system hierarchy standard. LX0-102 covers shells, scripting and data management; user interfaces and desktops; administrative tasks; essential system services; networking fundamentals; security. The CSNT program helps you advance your career by showing employers and clients that you have the skills to successfully implement, manage and troubleshoot network environments running on the Windows client/server platform. CSNT (980 hrs) program includes the following training courses: 220-801 A+ Essentials: Course Objectives A+ ESSENTIALS DOMAIN 1.0 HARDWARE 1.1 Categorize storage devices and backup media 1.2 Explain motherboard components, types and features 1.3 Classify power supplies types and characteristics 1.4 Explain the purpose and characteristics of CPUs and their features 1.5 Explain cooling methods and devices 1.6 Compare and contrast memory types, characteristics and their purpose 1.7 Distinguish between the different display devices and their characteristics 1.8 Install and configure peripherals and input devices 1.9 Summarize the function and types of adapter cards 1.10 Install, configure and optimize laptop components and features 1.11 Install and configure printers DOMAIN 2.0 TROUBLESHOOTING, REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE 2.1 Given a scenario, explain the troubleshooting theory 2.2 Given a scenario, explain and interpret common hardware and operating system symptoms and their causes 2.3 Given a scenario, determine the troubleshooting methods and tools for printers 2.4 Given a scenario, explain and interpret common laptop issues and determine the appropriate basic troubleshooting method 2.5 Given a scenario, integrate common preventative maintenance techniques DOMAIN 3.0 NETWORKING 3.1 Compare and contrast the different Windows Operating Systems and their features 3.2 Given a scenario, demonstrate proper use of user interfaces 3.3 Explain the process and steps to install and configure the Windows OS 3.4 Explain the basics of boot sequences, methods and startup utilities DOMAIN 4.0 NETWORKING 4.1 Summarize the basics of networking fundamentals, including technologies, devices and protocols 4.2 Categorize network cables and connectors and their implementations 4.3 Compare and contrast the different network types DOMAIN 5.0 SECURITY 5.1 Explain the basic principles of security concepts and technologies 5.2 Summarize the following security features DOMAIN 6.0 OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE 6.1 Outline the purpose of appropriate safety and environmental procedures and given a scenario apply them 6.2 Given a scenario, demonstrate the appropriate use of communication skills and professionalism in the workplace VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 38 Career Success: REQUIRED LECTURES: Course Looking Forward Safely – Introduction: Overview unit designed for preregistration, to help the students prepare for the experience of higher education. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Unit 1 What’s Holding Me Back? – Am I seeing all there is to see? What am I missing, and why? Unit 2 Who Am I Listening To? – We realize that what may be “the truth” to others isn’t necessarily our truth. Unit 3 Lock-On / Lock-Out – Sometimes, the absence of the truth may set you free. Unit 4 My Brain’s Filter System – Discover the levels of the mind involved in the thought process and what they do. Unit 5 How My Mind Works – The three levels of the mind work together to make sure we act like we know we are. Unit 6 Free Flowing at a New Level – Stress comes when we try to behave differently than we know we are. Unit 7 Leaning in the Right Direction – Our habits and attitudes can keep us from getting to where we want to be. Unit 8 How My Beliefs are Formed – Thoughts accumulate to become beliefs, so it is important to control our thoughts. Unit 9 Building My Self-Image – Each of us builds a self-image with our own thoughts. Unit 10 My Future is Up to Me – We move toward and become like what we think about; our present thoughts determine our future. Unit 11 I’m Worth It! – Learn the importance of building high self-esteem, in yourself and in others around you. Unit 12 Make the Unfamiliar Familiar – Comfort zones can keep us safe, but they can also keep us from moving forward. Unit 13 The Next Time – Self-talk is utilized to change future performance, and we start by giving ourselves future goals with “The next time...” Unit 14 Putting Life on a Want-To – Motivation comes in two varieties: constructive (want-to) and restrictive (have-to), moving you forward or holding you back. Unit 15 Making the Pictures Match – The world outside must match the picture we have in our minds. When it doesn’t, we have a problem. Unit 16 I Can See It! – Human beings need goals; it’s a fact of life. We must dream big and give ourselves big goals. Unit 17 If It’s to Be, It’s Up to Me – When we visualize the new, we become dissatisfied with the old. Unit 18 My Better Future – If we demand to know the “how” first, we will back up our goals and not grow into our future. Unit 19 My Goals – My Vision – My Future – Create the vision of the way you want your future to look like before it actually happens. Unit 20 If I Want It, I Can Create It – By developing your personal efficacy, you will look forward and see success. Unit 21 Rites of Passage – One statement of fact can change your life forever. 220-802- A+ Practical Application: Course Objectives A+ PRACTICAL APPLICATION DOMAIN 1.0 HARDWARE 1.13 Given a scenario, install, configure and maintain personal computer components 1.14 Given a scenario, detect problems, troubleshoot and repair/replace personal computer 1.15 Given a scenario, install, configure, detect problems, troubleshoot and repair/replace laptop components 1.16 Given a scenario, select and use the following tools 1.5 Given a scenario, detect and resolve common printer issues DOMAIN 2.0 Operating Systems & Software 2.10 Select the appropriate commands and options to troubleshoot and resolve problems 2.11 Differentiate between Windows Operating System directory structures (Windows 2000, XP and Vista 2.12 Given a scenario, select and use system utilities / tools and evaluate the results 2.4 Evaluate and resolve common issues DOMAIN 3.0 Networking 3.4 Troubleshoot client-side connectivity issues using appropriate tools 1.4 Install and configure a small office home office (SOHO) network DOMAIN 4.0 Securities 4.7 Given a scenario, prevent, troubleshoot and remove viruses and malware 4.8 Implement security and troubleshoot common issues VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 39 N10-005 a&b Network + consists: Course Objectives NETWORK + o DOMAIN 1.0 Network Technologies o DOMAIN 2.0 Network Media and Topologies o DOMAIN 3.0 Network Devices o DOMAIN 4.0 Network Management o DOMAIN 5.0 Network Tools o DOMAIN 6.0 Network Security Advanced Career Development: Course Objectives ADVANCED CAREER DEVOPMENT 9-week series combining Career Services workshops with The Next Level A 3-hour class once a week for 8 weeks Introduction to Career Services Class 1: Intro to LAUNCH & Career Assessment Class 2: Job Search Networking Class 3: Interviewing Techniques Class 4: How to Follow up Class 5: Portfolio Development Class 6: The Hiring Process! Class 7: Advanced Career Search Class 8: Graduation & Affirmations 70-680 Windows 7, Configuring: Course Objectives o DOMAIN 1.0: Installing, Upgrading, and Migrating to Windows 7 o DOMAIN 2.0: Deploying Windows 7 o DOMAIN 3.0: Configuring Hardware and Applications o DOMAIN 4.0: Configuring Network Applications o DOMAIN 5.0: Configuring Access to Resources o DOMAIN 6.0: Configuring Mobile Computing o DOMAIN 7.0: Monitoring and Maintaining Systems that Run Windows 7 o DOMAIN 8.0: Configuring Backup and Recovery Options 70-640 Windows Server 2008 Active Directory, Configuring: Course Objectives 70-640 o DOMAIN 1.0: Configuring Domain Name System (DNS) for Active Directory o DOMAIN 2.0: Configuring the Active Directory Infrastructure o DOMAIN 3.0: Configuring additional Active Directory Server roles o DOMAIN 4.0: Creating and maintaining Active Directory objects o DOMAIN 5.0: Maintaining the Active Directory Environment o DOMAIN 6.0: Configuring Active Directory Certificate Services LX0/101 Linux +: Course Objectives LX0-101 o 101 System Architecture o 102 Linux Installation and Package Management o 103 GNU and UNIX Commands o 104 Devices, Linux Filesystems, Filesystem Hierarchy Standard o 105 Shells, Scripting and Data Management o 106 User Interfaces and Desktops o 107 Administrative Tasks o 108 Essential System Services o 109 Networking Fundamentals o 110 Security VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 40 The CSNT with Linux+ Professional is appropriate for the following positions: Desktop Support Specialist Jr Network administrator Linux administration Network operations analyst Technical support specialist Network technician Help Desk PC Technician Prerequisites: Academic Quarter Credit: Financial Aid Quarter Credit: Program Clock Hours: Student Status: High School Diploma or GED 69.65 49 980 VA Full time = 18 Plus hours/week; VA ¾ time = 13-17 hours/week; VA ½ Time = 9-12 hours/week Administration Fee: Books & Supplies: Exam Fee: Tuition: Total cost $100 (Per Program) $425 $1,255 $14,770 $16,550 * Individual courses taken separately are considered avocational ** Exam Fees are optional. Price without Exam Fees $15,295. Exam Fees payable to authorized testing centers are included in the above total. VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 41 IT NETWORK ENGINEER *ELIGIBLE FOR ASSOCIATES DEGREE PROGRAM IT Network Engineer Program validates that you have the comprehensive set of skills necessary to perform a particular role as a Network Engineer. The IT Network Engineer graduate will be ready to implement medium-to-large enterprises using the latest advances in Windows Server 2012 technologies such as IPv6, Network Access Protection, IPSec, and new performance monitoring and event log tools. This certification sets you apart from other IT professionals. You will be an expert at administering Windows Server 2012 Active directory, Network Infrastructure and Application Infrastructure roles and its features. You will learn to configure automatic installation procedures, leverage hardware resources, and use great built-in tools. An IT Network Engineer professional is an appropriate candidate for Network Administrator, Network Analyst, Network Engineer and other Networking positions. IT Network Engineer (ITNE 1012 hrs) program consists of the following courses: 70-680 Windows 7, Configuring: Course Objectives 70-680 Course Objectives o DOMAIN 1.0: Installing, Upgrading, and Migrating to Windows 7 o DOMAIN 2.0: Deploying Windows 7 o DOMAIN 3.0: Configuring Hardware and Applications o DOMAIN 4.0: Configuring Network Applications o DOMAIN 5.0: Configuring Access to Resources o DOMAIN 6.0: Configuring Mobile Computing o DOMAIN 7.0: Monitoring and Maintaining Systems that Run Windows 7 o DOMAIN 8.0: Configuring Backup and Recovery Options Career Success consists of the following: REQUIRED LECTURES: Course Looking Forward Safely – Introduction: Overview unit designed for preregistration, to help the students prepare for the experience of higher education. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Unit 1 What’s Holding Me Back? – Am I seeing all there is to see? What am I missing, and why? Unit 2 Who Am I Listening To? – We realize that what may be “the truth” to others isn’t necessarily our truth. Unit 3 Lock-On / Lock-Out – Sometimes, the absence of the truth may set you free. Unit 4 My Brain’s Filter System – Discover the levels of the mind involved in the thought process and what they do. Unit 5 How My Mind Works – The three levels of the mind work together to make sure we act like we know we are. Unit 6 Free Flowing at a New Level – Stress comes when we try to behave differently than we know we are. Unit 7 Leaning in the Right Direction – Our habits and attitudes can keep us from getting to where we want to be. Unit 8 How My Beliefs are Formed – Thoughts accumulate to become beliefs, so it is important to control our thoughts. Unit 9 Building My Self-Image – Each of us builds a self-image with our own thoughts. Unit 10 My Future is Up to Me – We move toward and become like what we think about; our present thoughts determine our future. Unit 11 I’m Worth It! – Learn the importance of building high self-esteem, in yourself and in others around you. Unit 12 Make the Unfamiliar Familiar – Comfort zones can keep us safe, but they can also keep us from moving forward. Unit 13 The Next Time – Self-talk is utilized to change future performance, and we start by giving ourselves future goals with “The next time...” Unit 14 Putting Life on a Want-To – Motivation comes in two varieties: constructive (want-to) and restrictive (have-to), moving you forward or holding you back. Unit 15 Making the Pictures Match – The world outside must match the picture we have in our minds. When it doesn’t, we have a problem. VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 42 o o o o o o Unit 16 I Can See It! – Human beings need goals; it’s a fact of life. We must dream big and give ourselves big goals. Unit 17 If It’s to Be, It’s Up to Me – When we visualize the new, we become dissatisfied with the old. Unit 18 My Better Future – If we demand to know the “how” first, we will back up our goals and not grow into our future. Unit 19 My Goals – My Vision – My Future – Create the vision of the way you want your future to look like before it actually happens. Unit 20 If I Want It, I Can Create It – By developing your personal efficacy, you will look forward and see success. Unit 21 Rites of Passage – One statement of fact can change your life forever. 70-640 Windows Server 2008 Active Directory, Configuring: Course Objectives 70-640 o DOMAIN 1.0: Configuring Domain Name System (DNS) for Active Directory o DOMAIN 2.0: Configuring the Active Directory Infrastructure o DOMAIN 3.0: Configuring additional Active Directory Server roles o DOMAIN 4.0: Creating and maintaining Active Directory objects o DOMAIN 5.0: Maintaining the Active Directory Environment o DOMAIN 6.0: Configuring Active Directory Certificate Services 70-410: Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2012 Install and Configure Servers o Install servers o Configure servers o Configure local storage Configure Server Roles and Features o Configure file and share access o Configure print and document services o Configure servers for remote management Configure Hyper-V o Create and configure virtual machine settings o Create and configure virtual machine storage o Create and configure virtual networks Deploy and Configure Core Network Services o Configure IPv4 and IPv6 addressing o Deploy and configure Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) service o Deploy and configure DNS service Install and Administer Active Directory o Install domain controllers o Create and manage Active Directory users and computers o Create and manage Active Directory groups and organizational units (OUs) Create and Manage Group Policy o Create Group Policy objects (GPOs) o Configure security policies o Configure application restriction policies o Configure Windows Firewall 70-411: Administering Windows Server 2012 Deploy, Manage, and Maintain Servers o Deploy and manage server images. o Implement patch management. o Monitor servers. Configure File and Print Services o Configure Distributed File System (DFS). o Configure File Server Resource Manager (FSRM). o Configure file and disk encryption. o Configure advanced audit policies. Configure Network Services and Access o Configure DNS zones. o Configure DNS records. o Configure VPN and routing. o Configure Direct Access. VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 43 Configure a Network Policy Server Infrastructure o Configure Network Policy Server (NPS). o Configure NPS policies. o Configure Network Access Protection (NAP) o Configure and Manage Active Directory o Configure service authentication. o Configure Domain Controllers. o Maintain Active Directory. o Configure account policies. Configure and Manage Group Policy o Configure Group Policy processing. o Configure Group Policy settings. o Manage Group Policy objects (GPOs). o Configure Group Policy preferences. 70-412: Configuring Advanced Windows Server 2012 Services Configure and Manage High Availability o Configure Network Load Balancing (NLB). o Configure failover clustering. o Manage failover clustering roles. o Manage Virtual Machine (VM) movement. Configure File and Storage Solutions o Configure advanced file services. o Implement Dynamic Access Control (DAC). o Configure and optimize storage. Implement Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery o Configure and manage backups. o Recover servers. o Configure site-level fault tolerance. Configure Network Services o Implement an advanced Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) solution. o Implement an advanced DNS solution. o Deploy and manage IPAM. Configure the Active Directory Infrastructure o Configure a forest or a domain. o Configure trusts. o Configure sites. o Manage Active Directory and SYSVOL replication. Configure Identity and Access Solutions o Implement Active Directory Federation Services 2.1 (AD FSv2.1). o Install and configure Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS). o Manage certificates. o Install and configure Active Directory Rights Management Services (AD RMS). 70-413: Designing and Implementing a Windows Server 2012 Infrastructure Plan and Deploy a Server Infrastructure o Design an automated server installation strategy. o Plan and implement a server deployment infrastructure. o Plan and implement server upgrade and migration. o Plan and deploy Virtual Machine Manager services. o Plan and implement file and storage services. Design and Implement Network Infrastructure Services o Design and maintain a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) solution. o Design a name resolution solution strategy. o Design and manage an IP address management solution. Design and Implement Network Access Services o Design a VPN solution. o Design a Direct Access solution. o Implement a scalable remote access solution. o Design a network protection solution. o Implement a network protection solution. Design and Implement an Active Directory Infrastructure (Logical) o Design a forest and domain infrastructure. o Implement a forest and domain infrastructure. o Design a Group Policy strategy. o Design an Active Directory permission model. Design and Implement an Active Directory Infrastructure (Physical) o Design an Active Directory sites topology. o Design a domain controller strategy. o Design and implement a branch office infrastructure. VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 44 Advanced Career Development: Course Objectives 9-week series combining Career Services workshops with The Next Level A 3-hour class once a week for 8 weeks Introduction to Career Services Class 1: Intro to LAUNCH & Career Assessment Class 2: Job Search Networking Class 3: Interviewing Techniques Class 4: How to Follow up Class 5: Portfolio Development Class 6: The Hiring Process! Class 7: Advanced Career Search Class 8: Graduation & Affirmations 70-414: Implementing an Advanced Server Infrastructure Manage and Maintain a Server Infrastructure o Design an administrative model. o Design a monitoring strategy. o Design an updates infrastructure. o Implement automated remediation. Plan and Implement a Highly Available Enterprise Infrastructure o Plan and implement failover clustering. o Plan and implement highly available network services. o Plan and implement highly available storage solutions. o Plan and implement highly available server roles. o Plan and implement a business continuity and disaster recovery solution. Plan and Implement a Server Virtualization Infrastructure o Plan and implement virtualization hosts. o Plan and implement virtualization guests. o Plan and implement virtualization networking. o Plan and implement virtualization storage. o Plan and implement virtual guest movement. o Manage and maintain a server virtualization infrastructure. Design and Implement Identity and Access Solutions o Design a Certificate Services infrastructure. o Implement and manage a Certificate Services infrastructure. o Implement and manage certificates. o Design and implement a federated identity solution. o Design and implement Active Directory Rights Management Services (AD RMS). ITNE ELECTIVES: The elective Quarter Credit Value allotted in this program equals the value of Security +. Choice of 1 elective from the following course: SY0-301 Security +: Course Objectives and Coverage o DOMAIN 1.0: Systems Security o DOMAIN 2.0: Network Infrastructure o DOMAIN 3.0: Access Control o DOMAIN 4.0: Assessments & Audits o DOMAIN 5.0: Cryptography o DOMAIN 6.0: Organizational Security VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 45 LX0/101 Linux +: Course Objectives LX0-101 101 System Architecture o 102 Linux Installation and Package Management o 103 GNU and UNIX Commands o 104 Devices, Linux Filesystems, Filesystem Hierarchy Standard o 105 Shells, Scripting and Data Management o 106 User Interfaces and Desktops o 107 Administrative Tasks o 108 Essential System Services o 109 Networking Fundamentals o 110 Security N10-005 a&b Network +: Course Objectives NETWORK + o DOMAIN 1.0 Network Technologies o DOMAIN 2.0 Network Media and Topologies o DOMAIN 3.0 Network Devices o DOMAIN 4.0 Network Management o DOMAIN 5.0 Network Tools o DOMAIN 6.0 Network Security 640-822 ICND I: Course Objectives o o o o o o o DOMAIN 1.0: Describe the operation of data networks DOMAIN 2.0: Implement a small switched network DOMAIN 3.0: Implement an IP addressing scheme and IP services to meet network requirements for a small branch office DOMAIN 4.0: Implement a small routed network DOMAIN 5.0: Explain and select the appropriate administrative tasks required for a WLAN DOMAIN 6.0: Identify security threats to a network and describe general methods to mitigate those threats DOMAIN 7.0: Implement and verify WAN links 640-816 ICND II: Course Objectives o DOMAIN 1.0: Configure, verify and troubleshoot a switch with VLANs and interswitch communications o DOMAIN 2.0: Implement an IP addressing scheme and IP services to meet network requirements in a medium-size Enterprise branch office network o DOMAIN 3.0: Configure and troubleshoot basic operation and routing on Cisco devices o DOMAIN 4.0: Implement, verify, and troubleshoot NAT and ACLs in a medium-size Enterprise branch office network. o DOMAIN 5.0: Implement and verify WAN links IT Network Engineer Professional is appropriate for the following positions: Network Administrator, Network Analyst Network Engineer Other Networking positions. VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 46 Prerequisites: Academic Quarter Credit: Financial Aid Quarter Credit: Program Clock Hours: Student Status: A+, Network+ or equivalent experience recommended, High School Diploma, or GED 66.55 50 1012 VA Full time = 18 Plus hours/week; VA ¾ time = 13-17 hours/week; VA ½ Time = 9-12 hours/week Administration Fee: Books & Supplies: Exam Fee** Tuition: Total cost $100 (Per Program) $425 $1372 $14,098 $15,995 **Exam Fees are optional. Price without Exam Fees $14,623. Exam Fees payable to authorized testing centers are included in the above total. VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 47 IT SERVER ADMINISTRATOR *ELIGIBLE FOR ASSOCIATES DEGREE PROGRAM The Information Technology Associates Degree with emphasis in IT Server Administrator prepares the student with a comprehensive set of skills necessary to perform a particular role as a Computer Information Technology Services Administrator or Management. An IT - Associates Degree graduate will have the skill set for basic management skills including: critical thinking, communication, math, and exposure to the workings of the American Government. The Information Technology Associates Degree with emphasis in IT Server Administrator graduate will have the knowledge to administrate the operations and day-to-day management of an infrastructure of Windows Server 2008 R2 servers for an enterprise organization and the upgrade to Windows Server 2012. Windows server administrators manage infrastructure, Web, and IT application servers. Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA) 2008 and 2012 certification validates that you have the comprehensive set of skills necessary to perform a particular role as a Systems Administrator with day to day responsibilities. Windows server administrators use scripts and batch files written by others or those that they occasionally write themselves to accomplish tasks on a regular basis. They conduct most server management tasks remotely by using Remote Desktop Server or administration tools installed on their local workstation. A server administrator’s primary tasks include: managing the server operating system, file, and directory services, software distribution and updates, profiling and monitoring assigned servers, troubleshooting. IT Server Administrator graduates are appropriate candidates for Network Administrator, Network Analyst, Network Engineer, and other Networking positions. IT Server Administrator (1007 HRS): program consists of the following courses: 70-680 Windows 7, Configuring: Course Objectives o DOMAIN 1.0: Installing, Upgrading, and Migrating to Windows 7 o DOMAIN 2.0: Deploying Windows 7 o DOMAIN 3.0: Configuring Hardware and Applications o DOMAIN 4.0: Configuring Network Applications o DOMAIN 5.0: Configuring Access to Resources o DOMAIN 6.0: Configuring Mobile Computing o DOMAIN 7.0: Monitoring and Maintaining Systems that Run Windows 7 o DOMAIN 8.0: Configuring Backup and Recovery Options Career Success: REQUIRED LECTURES: Course Looking Forward Safely – Introduction: Overview unit designed for preregistration, to help the students prepare for the experience of higher education. o o o o o o o o o o o Unit 1 What’s Holding Me Back? – Am I seeing all there is to see? What am I missing, and why? Unit 2 Who Am I Listening To? – We realize that what may be “the truth” to others isn’t necessarily our truth. Unit 3 Lock-On / Lock-Out – Sometimes, the absence of the truth may set you free. Unit 4 My Brain’s Filter System – Discover the levels of the mind involved in the thought process and what they do. Unit 5 How My Mind Works – The three levels of the mind work together to make sure we act like we know we are. Unit 6 Free Flowing at a New Level – Stress comes when we try to behave differently than we know we are. Unit 7 Leaning in the Right Direction – Our habits and attitudes can keep us from getting to where we want to be. Unit 8 How My Beliefs are Formed – Thoughts accumulate to become beliefs, so it is important to control our thoughts. Unit 9 Building My Self-Image – Each of us builds a self-image with our own thoughts. Unit 10 My Future is Up to Me – We move toward and become like what we think about; our present thoughts determine our future. Unit 11 I’m Worth It! – Learn the importance of building high self-esteem, in yourself and in others around you. VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 48 o o o o o o o o o o Unit 12 Make the Unfamiliar Familiar – Comfort zones can keep us safe, but they can also keep us from moving forward. Unit 13 The Next Time – Self-talk is utilized to change future performance, and we start by giving ourselves future goals with “The next time...” Unit 14 Putting Life on a Want-To – Motivation comes in two varieties: constructive (want-to) and restrictive (have-to), moving you forward or holding you back. Unit 15 Making the Pictures Match – The world outside must match the picture we have in our minds. When it doesn’t, we have a problem. Unit 16 I Can See It! – Human beings need goals; it’s a fact of life. We must dream big and give ourselves big goals. Unit 17 If It’s to Be, It’s Up to Me – When we visualize the new, we become dissatisfied with the old. Unit 18 My Better Future – If we demand to know the “how” first, we will back up our goals and not grow into our future. Unit 19 My Goals – My Vision – My Future – Create the vision of the way you want your future to look like before it actually happens. Unit 20 If I Want It, I Can Create It – By developing your personal efficacy, you will look forward and see success. Unit 21 Rites of Passage – One statement of fact can change your life forever. 70-640 Windows Server 2008 Active Directory, Configuring: Course Objectives 70-640 o DOMAIN 1.0: Configuring Domain Name System (DNS) for Active Directory o DOMAIN 2.0: Configuring the Active Directory Infrastructure o DOMAIN 3.0: Configuring additional Active Directory Server roles o DOMAIN 4.0: Creating and maintaining Active Directory objects o DOMAIN 5.0: Maintaining the Active Directory Environment o DOMAIN 6.0: Configuring Active Directory Certificate Services 70-642 Windows 2008 Network Infrastructure, Configuring: Course Objectives o DOMAIN 1.0: Configuring IP Addressing and Services o DOMAIN 2.0: Configuring Name Resolution o DOMAIN 3.0: Configuring Network Access o DOMAIN 4.0: Configuring File and Print Services o DOMAIN 5.0: Monitoring and Managing a Network Infrastructure 70-646 Windows 2008 Network Infrastructure, Configuring: Course Objectives 70-646 o DOMAIN 1.0: Planning for Server Deployment o DOMAIN 2.0: Planning for Server Management o DOMAIN 3.0: Monitoring and Maintaining Servers o DOMAIN 4.0: Planning Application and Data Provisioning o DOMAIN 5.0: Planning for Business Continuity and High Availability 70-417: Upgrading Your Skills to MCSA Windows Server 2012 Course Objectives Install and Configure Servers o Install Servers. o Configure servers. o Configure local storage. Configure Server Roles and Features o Configure servers for remote management. Configure Hyper-V o Create and configure virtual machine settings. o Create and configure virtual machine storage. o Create and configure virtual networks. Install and Administer Active Directory o Install domain controllers. Deploy, Manage, and Maintain Servers o Monitor servers. Configure Network Services and Access o Configure Direct Access. VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 49 Configure a Network Policy Server Infrastructure o Configure Network Access Protection (NAP). Configure and Manage Active Directory o Configure Domain Controllers. o Maintain Active Directory. Configure and Manage Group Policy o Configure Group Policy processing. Configure and Manage High Availability o Configure failover clustering. o Manage failover clustering roles. o Manage Virtual Machine (VM) movement. Configure File and Storage Solutions o Implement Dynamic Access Control (DAC). Implement Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery o Configure and manage backups. o Configure site-level fault tolerance. Configure Network Services o Deploy and manage IPAM. Configure Identity and Access Solutions o Implement Active Directory Federation Services 2.1 (AD FSv2.1). 70-413: Designing and Implementing a Windows Server 2012 Infrastructure Plan and Deploy a Server Infrastructure o Design an automated server installation strategy. o Plan and implement a server deployment infrastructure. o Plan and implement server upgrade and migration. o Plan and deploy Virtual Machine Manager services o Plan and implement file and storage services. Design and Implement Network Infrastructure Services o Design and maintain a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) solution. o Design a name resolution solution strategy. o Design and manage an IP address management solution. Design and Implement Network Access Services o Design a VPN solution. o Design a Direct Access solution. o Implement a scalable remote access solution. o Design a network protection solution. o Implement a network protection solution. Design and Implement an Active Directory Infrastructure (Logical) o Design a forest and domain infrastructure. o Implement a forest and domain infrastructure. o Design a Group Policy strategy. o Design an Active Directory permission model. Design and Implement an Active Directory Infrastructure (Physical) o Design an Active Directory sites topology. o Design a domain controller strategy. o Design and implement a branch office infrastructure. Advanced Career Development: Course Objectives 9-week series combining Career Services workshops with The Next Level A 3-hour class once a week for 8 weeks Introduction to Career Services Class 1: Intro to LAUNCH & Career Assessment Class 2: Job Search Networking Class 3: Interviewing Techniques Class 4: How to Follow up Class 5: Portfolio Development Class 6: The Hiring Process! Class 7: Advanced Career Search Class 8: Graduation & Affirmations VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 50 70-414: Implementing an Advanced Server Infrastructure Manage and Maintain a Server Infrastructure o Design an administrative model. o Design a monitoring strategy. o Design an updates infrastructure. o Implement automated remediation. Plan and Implement a Highly Available Enterprise Infrastructure o Plan and implement failover clustering. o Plan and implement highly available network services. o Plan and implement highly available storage solutions. o Plan and implement highly available server roles. o Plan and implement a business continuity and disaster recovery solution. Plan and Implement a Server Virtualization Infrastructure o Plan and implement virtualization hosts. o Plan and implement virtualization guests. o Plan and implement virtualization networking. o Plan and implement virtualization storage. o Plan and implement virtual guest movement. o Manage and maintain a server virtualization infrastructure. o Design and Implement Identity and Access Solutions Design a Certificate Services infrastructure. o Implement and manage a Certificate Services infrastructure. o Implement and manage certificates. o Design and implement a federated identity solution. o Design and implement Active Directory Rights Management Services (AD RMS). Prerequisites: Academic Quarter Credit: Financial Aid Quarter Credit: Program Hours: Student Status: A+, Network+ or equivalent experience recommended, High School Diploma or GED 66.55 50 1007 VA Full time = 18 Plus hours/week; VA ¾ time = 13-17 hours/week; VA ½ Time = 9-12 hours/week Administration Fee: Books & Supplies: Exam Fee** Tuition: Total cost $100 (Per Program) $425 $1,222 $14,353 $16,100 **Exam Fees are optional. Price without Exam Fees $14,878. Exam Fees payable to authorized testing centers are included in the above total. VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 51 NETWORK AND DATABASE ADMINISTRATOR *ELIGIBLE FOR ASSOCIATES DEGREE PROGRAM Microsoft Certified IT Professional Database Administrator certification validates that you have the comprehensive set of skills necessary to manage, deploy, build, designing, and optimize databases and database servers. You will also demonstrate expertise with Windows Server 2008 platform. Network and Database Administrator (906 Hours) training program includes five courses: 70-680 MCTS Windows 7, Configuring: Course Objectives o DOMAIN 1.0: Installing, Upgrading, and Migrating to Windows 7 o DOMAIN 2.0: Deploying Windows 7 o DOMAIN 3.0: Configuring Hardware and Applications o DOMAIN 4.0: Configuring Network Applications o DOMAIN 5.0: Configuring Access to Resources o DOMAIN 6.0: Configuring Mobile Computing o DOMAIN 7.0: Monitoring and Maintaining Systems that Run Windows 7 o DOMAIN 8.0: Configuring Backup and Recovery Options Career Success: REQUIRED LECTURES: Course Looking Forward Safely – Introduction: Overview unit designed for preregistration, to help the students prepare for the experience of higher education. o Unit 1 What’s Holding Me Back? – Am I seeing all there is to see? What am I missing, and why? o Unit 2 Who Am I Listening To? – We realize that what may be “the truth” to others isn’t necessarily our truth. o Unit 3 Lock-On / Lock-Out – Sometimes, the absence of the truth may set you free. o Unit 4 My Brain’s Filter System – Discover the levels of the mind involved in the thought process and what they do. o Unit 5 How My Mind Works – The three levels of the mind work together to make sure we act like we know we are. o Unit 6 Free Flowing at a New Level – Stress comes when we try to behave differently than we know we are. o Unit 7 Leaning in the Right Direction – Our habits and attitudes can keep us from getting to where we want to be. o Unit 8 How My Beliefs are Formed – Thoughts accumulate to become beliefs, so it is important to control our thoughts. o Unit 9 Building My Self-Image – Each of us builds a self-image with our own thoughts. o Unit 10 My Future is Up to Me – We move toward and become like what we think about; our present thoughts determine our future. o Unit 11 I’m Worth It! – Learn the importance of building high self-esteem, in yourself and in others around you. o Unit 12 Make the Unfamiliar Familiar – Comfort zones can keep us safe, but they can also keep us from moving forward. o Unit 13 The Next Time – Self-talk is utilized to change future performance, and we start by giving ourselves future goals with “The next time...” o Unit 14 Putting Life on a Want-To – Motivation comes in two varieties: constructive (want-to) and restrictive (have-to), moving you forward or holding you back. o Unit 15 Making the Pictures Match – The world outside must match the picture we have in our minds. When it doesn’t, we have a problem. o Unit 16 I Can See It! – Human beings need goals; it’s a fact of life. We must dream big and give ourselves big goals. o Unit 17 If It’s to Be, It’s Up to Me – When we visualize the new, we become dissatisfied with the old. o Unit 18 My Better Future – If we demand to know the “how” first, we will back up our goals and not grow into our future. o Unit 19 My Goals – My Vision – My Future – Create the vision of the way you want your future to look like before it actually happens. o Unit 20 If I Want It, I Can Create It – By developing your personal efficacy, you will look forward and see success. o Unit 21 Rites of Passage – One statement of fact can change your life forever. VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 52 70-640 Windows Server 2008 Active Directory, Configuring: Course Objectives 70-640 o DOMAIN 1.0: Configuring Domain Name System (DNS) for Active Directory o DOMAIN 2.0: Configuring the Active Directory Infrastructure o DOMAIN 3.0: Configuring additional Active Directory Server roles o DOMAIN 4.0: Creating and maintaining Active Directory objects o DOMAIN 5.0: Maintaining the Active Directory Environment o DOMAIN 6.0: Configuring Active Directory Certificate Services 70-461: Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Create Database Objects o Create and alter tables using T-SQL syntax (simple statements). o Create and alter views (simple statements). o Design views. o Create and modify constraints (simple statements). o Create and alter DML triggers. Work with Data o Query data by using SELECT statements. o Implement sub-queries. o Implement data types. o Implement aggregate queries. o Query and manage XML data. Modify Data o Create and alter stored procedures (simple statements). o Modify data by using INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements. o Combine datasets. o Work with functions. Troubleshoot & Optimize o Optimize queries. o Manage transactions. o Evaluate the use of row-based operations vs. set-based operations. o Implement error handling. 70-462: Administering Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Databases Install and Configure o Plan installation. o Install SQL Server and related services. o Implement a migration strategy. o Configure additional SQL Server components. o Manage SQL Server Agent. Maintain Instances and Databases o Manage and configure databases. o Configure SQL Server instances. o Implement a SQL Server clustered instance. o Manage SQL Server instances. Optimize and Troubleshoot o Identify and resolve concurrency problems. o Collect and analyze troubleshooting data. o Audit SQL Server instances. Manage Data o Configure and maintain a back up strategy. o Restore databases. o Implement and maintain indexes. o Import and export data. Implement Security o Manage logins and server roles. o Manage database permissions. o Manage users and database roles. o Troubleshoot security. Implement High Availability o Implement Always On. o Implement database mirroring. o Implement replication. VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 53 Advanced Career Development: Course Objectives ADVANCED CAREER DEVOPMENT 9-week series combining Career Services workshops with The Next Level A 3-hour class once a week for 8 weeks Introduction to Career Services Class 1: Intro to LAUNCH & Career Assessment Class 2: Job Search Networking Class 3: Interviewing Techniques Class 4: How to Follow up Class 5: Portfolio Development Class 6: The Hiring Process! Class 7: Advanced Career Search Class 8: Graduation & Affirmations 70-463: Implementing a Data Warehouse with Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Design and Implement a Data Warehouse o Design and implement dimensions. o Design and implement fact tables. Extract and Transform Data o Define connection managers. o Design data flow. o Implement data flow. o Manage SSIS package execution. o Implement script tasks in SSIS. Load Data o Design control flow. o Implement package logic by using SSIS variables and parameters. o Implement control flow. o Implement data load options. o Implement script components in SSIS. Configure and Deploy SSIS Solutions o Troubleshoot data integration issues. o Install and maintain SSIS components. o Implement auditing, logging, and event handling. o Deploy SSIS solutions. o Configure SSIS security settings. Build Data Quality Solutions o Install and maintain Data Quality Services. o Implement master data management solutions. o Create a data quality project to clean data. Network and Database Administrator Professional is appropriate for: Database administrator Systems Analysis Quality Control Prerequisites: Academic Quarter Credit: Financial Aid Quarter Credit: Program Clock Hours: Student Status: A+ or equivalent experience, thorough understanding of networking fundamentals, High School Diploma or GED 63.15 45 906 VA Full time = 18 Plus hours/week; VA ¾ time = 13-17 hours/week; VA ½ Time = 9-12 hours/week Administration Fee: Books & Supplies: Exam Fee** Tuition: Total cost $100 (Per Program) $450 $600 $12,350 $13,500 ** Exam Fees are optional. Price without Exam Fees $12,900. Exam Fees payable to authorized testing centers are included in the above total. VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 54 PC TECHNICIAN CompTIA A+ is foundational for the certification track. Businesses see the CompTIA A+ certification as mandatory for their technicians. PC Technician at Asher College is done in two parts. The Essentials class teaches the fundamentals of computer technology, networking and security, as well as the communication skills and professionalism now required of all entry-level IT professionals. The Practical Applications course covers more of a "hands-on" orientation focused on scenarios in which troubleshooting and tools must be applied to resolve problems. Earning A+ certification ensures that you have the right skills for the job. CompTIA A+ certified technician is appropriate for Technical Support, Hardware Technician, and Support Technician and must also have excellent customer service and communication skills to work with clients. PC Technician (306 hours) consists of the following courses: 220-801 A+ Essentials 220-802 A+ IT Practical Course Objectives A+ ESSENTIALS DOMAIN 1.0 HARDWARE 1.1 Categorize storage devices and backup media 1.2 Explain motherboard components, types and features 1.3 Classify power supplies types and characteristics 1.4 Explain the purpose and characteristics of CPUs and their features 1.5 Explain cooling methods and devices 1.6 Compare and contrast memory types, characteristics and their purpose 1.7 Distinguish between the different display devices and their characteristics 1.8 Install and configure peripherals and input devices 1.9 Summarize the function and types of adapter cards 1.10 Install, configure and optimize laptop components and features 1.11 Install and configure printers DOMAIN 2.0 TROUBLESHOOTING, REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE 2.1 Given a scenario, explain the troubleshooting theory 2.2 Given a scenario, explain and interpret common hardware and operating system symptoms and their causes 2.3 Given a scenario, determine the troubleshooting methods and tools for printers 2.4 Given a scenario, explain and interpret common laptop issues and determine the appropriate basic troubleshooting method 2.5 Given a scenario, integrate common preventative maintenance techniques DOMAIN 3.0 NETWORKING 3.1 Compare and contrast the different Windows Operating Systems and their features 3.2 Given a scenario, demonstrate proper use of user interfaces 3.3 Explain the process and steps to install and configure the Windows OS 3.4 Explain the basics of boot sequences, methods and startup utilities DOMAIN 4.0 NETWORKING 4.1 Summarize the basics of networking fundamentals, including technologies, devices and protocols 4.2 Categorize network cables and connectors and their implementations 4.3 Compare and contrast the different network types DOMAIN 5.0 SECURITY 5.1 Explain the basic principles of security concepts and technologies 5.2 Summarize the following security features DOMAIN 6.0 OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE 6.1 Outline the purpose of appropriate safety and environmental procedures and given a scenario apply them 6.2 Given a scenario, demonstrate the appropriate use of communication skills and professionalism in the workplace VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 55 220-802- A+ Practical Application: Course Objectives A+ PRACTICAL APPLICATION DOMAIN 1.0 HARDWARE 1.17 Given a scenario, install, configure and maintain personal computer components 1.18 Given a scenario, detect problems, troubleshoot and repair/replace personal computer 1.19 Given a scenario, install, configure, detect problems, troubleshoot and repair/replace laptop components 1.20 Given a scenario, select and use the following tools 1.5 Given a scenario, detect and resolve common printer issues DOMAIN 2.0 Operating Systems & Software 2.13 Select the appropriate commands and options to troubleshoot and resolve problems 2.14 Differentiate between Windows Operating System directory structures (Windows 2000, XP and Vista 2.15 Given a scenario, select and use system utilities / tools and evaluate the results 2.4 Evaluate and resolve common issues DOMAIN 3.0 Networking 3.5 Troubleshoot client-side connectivity issues using appropriate tools 1.5 Install and configure a small office home office (SOHO) network DOMAIN 4.0 Securities 4.9 Given a scenario, prevent, troubleshoot and remove viruses and malware 4.10 Implement security and troubleshoot common issues Prerequisites: Program Clock Hours: Academic Quarter Credit: Financial Aid Quarter Credit: Student Status: High School Diploma or GED 306 21.75 15 VA Full time = 18 Plus hours/week; VA ¾ time = 13-17 hours/week; VA ½ Time = 9-12 hours/week Admissions Fee: Books & Supplies: Exam Fee** Tuition: Total cost $100 (Per Program) $275 $356 $3719 $4450 **Exam Fees are optional. Price without Exam Fees $4904. Exam Fees payable to authorized testing centers are included in the above total. VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 56 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATES DEGREE COURSE CHART Information Technology Associates Degree with an emphasis in: COMPUTER AND NETWORK TECHNICIAN 1265 clock hours Course 220-801 TPI-CS 220-802 N10-005a N10-005b 70-680 70-640 Lecture Total Hours Lab hours Clock Theory Hands on Hours 75 105 21 0 54 72 22 20 50 49 35 90 35 140 180 21 126 42 96 125 185 Financial Aid Academic QCH QCH Breakdown Breakdown 9 12.75 2.1 1.05 9 6.3 3.2 2.1 7.3 4.8 8 6.25 11 9.25 ACD 25 0 25 70-642 48 93 141 Critical Thinking-1001 54 0 54 Business Communication-1002 54 0 54 Business Math-1003 54 0 54 Intro to Business-1004 54 0 54 Principles of Mgt-1005 54 0 54 American Gov’t -1006 54 0 54 Information Technology Associates Degree with an emphasis in: COMPUTER SPECIALIST & NETWORK TECHNICIAN with LINUX Course 220-801 TPI-CS 220-802 N10-005a N10-005b 70-680 70-640 ACD Linux + Critical Thinking-1001 Business Communication-1002 Business Math-1003 Intro to Business-1004 Principles of Mgt-1005 American Gov’t -1006 Lecture Total Hours Lab hours Clock Theory Hands on Hours 75 105 21 0 54 72 22 20 50 49 35 90 35 140 25 0 96 84 54 0 54 54 54 54 54 0 0 0 0 0 180 21 126 42 96 125 185 25 180 54 54 54 54 54 54 VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 2.5 9.45 5.4 5.4 1.25 7.05 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 1304 clock hours Academic Financial Aid QCH QCH Breakdown Breakdown 12.75 9 2.1 1.05 9 6.3 3.2 2.1 7.3 4.8 8 6.25 11 9.25 2.5 1.25 13.8 9 5.4 2.7 5.4 2.7 5.4 2.7 5.4 2.7 5.4 2.7 5.4 2.7 57 Information Technology Associates Degree with an emphasis in: IT NETWORK ENGINEER 1336 clock hours Course 70-680 TPI-CS 70-410 70-411 70-412 70-413 ACD 70-414 Elective Critical Thinking1001 Business Communication-1002 Financial Aid Lecture Total Academic QCH Hours Lab hours Clock QCH Breakdown Theory Hands on Hours Breakdown 35 90 125 8 6.25 21 0 21 2.1 1.05 35 150 185 11 9.25 7.05 48 93 141 9.45 7.00 45 95 140 9.25 6.25 50 75 125 8.75 25 0 25 2.5 1.25 6.25 35 75 125 8 6.25 25 100 125 7.5 54 0 54 5.4 2.7 54 0 54 5.4 2.7 Business Math-1003 54 0 54 5.4 2.7 Intro to Business-1004 Principles of Mgt1005 54 0 54 5.4 2.7 54 0 54 5.4 2.7 American Gov’t -1006 54 0 54 5.4 2.7 Information Technology Associates Degree with an emphasis in: IT SERVER ADMINISTRATOR 1331 clock hours Course 70-680 TPI-CS 70-640 70-642 70-646 70-417 70-413 ACD 70-414 Critical Thinking-1001 Business Communication-1002 Business Math-1003 Intro to Business-1004 Principles of Mgt-1005 American Gov’t -1006 Financial Aid Lecture Academic QCH Hours Lab hours Total Clock QCH Breakdown Theory Hands on Hours Breakdown 35 90 125 8 6.25 21 0 21 2.1 1.05 35 150 185 11 9.25 7.05 48 93 141 9.45 6.25 35 90 125 8 6.75 40 95 135 8.75 6.25 50 75 125 8.75 25 0 25 2.5 1.25 6.25 35 90 125 8 54 0 54 5.4 2.7 54 54 54 54 54 0 0 0 0 0 54 54 54 54 54 VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 58 Information Technology Associates Degree with an emphasis in: NETWORK & DATABASE ADMINISTRATOR 1230 clock hours Course 70-680 70-640 TPI-CS 70-461 70-462 40-463 ACD Critical Thinking-1001 Business Communication-1002 Business Math-1003 Intro to Business-1004 Principles of Mgt-1005 American Gov’t -1006 Lecture Hours Theory 35 35 21 25 102 114 25 54 Lab hours Hands on 90 150 0 105 108 96 0 0 54 54 54 54 54 0 0 0 0 0 Financial Total Academic Aid Clock QCH QCH Hours Breakdown Breakdown 125 8 6.25 185 11 9.25 21 2.1 1.05 6.5 130 7.75 10.5 210 15.6 10.5 210 16.2 25 2.5 1.25 54 5.4 2.7 54 54 54 54 54 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 ELECTIVE COURSE CHART SECURITY + 125 clock hours Lecture Total Academic Financial Aid Hours Lab hours Clock QCH QCH Course Theory Hands on Hours Breakdown Breakdown SY0-301 50 75 125 8.75 6.25 Cisco Certified Network Administrator 250 clock hours Financial Aid Lecture Total Academic QCH Hours Lab hours Clock QCH Course Theory Hands on Hours Breakdown Breakdown 640-822 45 640-816 45 Network + 138 clock hours Lecture Hours Course Theory N10-005a 22 N10-005b 50 Linux + clock hours 125 Lecture Hours Course Theory LINUX + 50 90 90 Lab hours Hands on 125 125 75 6.25 6.25 Total Clock Hours Financial Aid Academic QCH QCH Breakdown Breakdown 42 3.2 2.1 96 7.3 4.8 Total Clock Hours Financial Aid Academic QCH QCH Breakdown Breakdown 125 8.75 6.25 20 49 Lab hours Hands on 9 9 VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 59 IT CERTIFICATE PROGRAMS & COURSE CHART COMPUTER AND NETWORK TECHNICIAN 941 clock hours Total Academic Lecture Lab hours Clock QCH Course Hours Theory Hands on Hours Breakdown 220-801 75 105 180 12.75 TPI-CS 21 0 21 2.1 220-802 54 72 126 9 N10-005a 22 20 42 3.2 N10-005b 50 49 96 7.3 70-680 35 90 125 8 70-640 35 140 185 11 ACD 25 0 25 2.5 70-642 48 93 141 9.45 COMPUTER SPECIALIST & NETWORK TECHNICIAN with LINUX Total Academic Lecture Hours Lab hours Clock QCH Course Theory Hands on Hours Breakdown 220-801 75 105 180 12.75 TPI-CS 21 0 21 2.1 220-802 54 72 126 9 N10-005a 22 20 42 3.2 N10-005b 50 49 96 7.3 70-680 35 90 125 8 70-640 35 140 185 11 ACD 25 0 25 2.5 Linux + 96 84 180 13.8 NETWORK & DATABASE ADMINISTRATOR 906 clock hours Total Academic Lecture Hours Lab hours Clock QCH Course Theory Hands on Hours Breakdown 70-680 35 90 125 8 70-640 35 150 185 11 TPI-CS 21 0 21 2.1 70-461 25 105 130 7.75 70-462 102 108 210 15.6 ACD 25 0 25 2.5 40-463 114 96 210 16.2 PC TECHNICIAN 306 clock hours Total Academic Lecture Hours Lab hours Clock QCH Course Theory Hands on Hours Breakdown 220-801 75 105 180 12.75 220-802 54 72 126 9 VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 Financial Aid QCH Breakdown 9 1.05 6.3 2.1 4.8 6.25 9.25 1.25 7.05 980 clock hours Financial Aid QCH Breakdown 9 1.05 6.3 2.1 4.8 6.25 9.25 1.25 9 Financial Aid QCH Breakdown 6.25 9.25 1.05 6.5 10.5 1.25 10.5 Financial Aid QCH Breakdown 9 6.3 60 IT SERVER ADMINISTRATOR 1007 clock hours Total Academic Financial Aid Lecture Hours Lab hours Clock QCH QCH Course Theory Hands on Hours Breakdown Breakdown 70-680 35 90 125 8 6.25 TPI-CS 21 0 21 2.1 1.05 70-640 35 150 185 11 9.25 7.05 70-642 48 93 141 9.45 6.25 70-646 35 90 125 8 6.75 70-417 40 95 135 8.75 6.25 70-413 50 75 125 8.75 ACD 25 0 25 2.5 1.25 6.25 70-414 35 90 125 8 IT NETWORK ENGINEER 1012 clock hours Total Academic Financial Aid Lecture Hours Lab hours Clock QCH QCH Course Theory Hands on Hours Breakdown Breakdown 70-680 35 90 125 8 6.25 TPI-CS 21 0 21 2.1 1.05 70-410 35 150 185 11 9.25 7.05 70-411 48 93 141 9.45 7.00 70-412 45 95 140 9.25 6.25 70-413 50 75 125 8.75 ACD 25 0 25 70-414 35 75 125 Elective 25 100 125 SECURITY + 125 clock hours Lecture Total Hours Lab hours Clock Course Theory Hands on Hours SY0-301 50 75 125 Cisco Certified Network Administrator 250 clock hours Total Lecture Hours Lab hours Clock Course Theory Hands on Hours 640-822 45 90 125 640-816 45 90 125 Network + 138 clock hours Total Lecture Hours Lab hours Clock Course Theory Hands on Hours N10-005a 22 20 42 N10-005b 50 49 96 Linux + clock hours Total Lecture Hours Lab hours Clock Course Theory Hands on Hours LINUX + 50 75 125 2.5 8 7.5 1.25 6.25 6.25 Academic QCH Breakdown Financial Aid QCH Breakdown 8.75 6.25 Academic QCH Breakdown Financial Aid QCH Breakdown 9 6.25 9 6.25 Academic QCH Breakdown Financial Aid QCH Breakdown 3.2 7.3 Academic QCH Breakdown VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 2.1 4.8 Financial Aid QCH Breakdown 8.75 6.25 61 Asher College IT Certification Program Descriptions MEDICAL BILLING & CODING Healthcare providers depend on Medical Billing & Coding Associates to generate revenue for their practice or facility. Coders protect patient health information by maintaining accurate records, following the guidelines for assigning proper diagnostic, procedure, and revenue codes. Healthcare is expected to grow much faster than the average for all other occupations, therefore opportunities for medical billing and coding specialists are expected to increase. Asher College’ Medical Billing & Coding training program equips you with the career knowledge to: Adhere to HIPAA, Federal and State regulations Utilize Microsoft Office Essentials Utilize software applications for data input of codes Assign a code to each diagnosis and procedure provided Bill insurance companies to receive proper reimbursements on claims Asher College's Medical Billing & Coding training program (936 Hours) includes the following courses: MOE-07 Microsoft Office Essentials: Course Objectives o DOMAIN 1.0: Microsoft Word o DOMAIN 2.0: Microsoft Excel o DOMAIN 3.0: Microsoft Outlook Student Learning Outcomes: 1. Start Microsoft Word 2. Identify features to open, move around, edit and print documents 3. Start Microsoft Excel 4. Open a workbook, apply data to the worksheet, create formulas 5. Start Microsoft Outlook 6. Open and send mail messages 7. Identify and use calendar, make appointments 8. Create new contacts, view & print schedules Career Success: REQUIRED LECTURES: Course Looking Forward Safely – Introduction: Overview unit designed for preregistration, to help the students prepare for the experience of higher education. o Unit 1 What’s Holding Me Back? – Am I seeing all there is to see? What am I missing, and why? o Unit 2 Who Am I Listening To? – We realize that what may be “the truth” to others isn’t necessarily our truth. o Unit 3 Lock-On / Lock-Out – Sometimes, the absence of the truth may set you free. o Unit 4 My Brain’s Filter System – Discover the levels of the mind involved in the thought process and what they do. o Unit 5 How My Mind Works – The three levels of the mind work together to make sure we act like we know we are. o Unit 6 Free Flowing at a New Level – Stress comes when we try to behave differently than we know we are. o Unit 7 Leaning in the Right Direction – Our habits and attitudes can keep us from getting to where we want to be. o Unit 8 How My Beliefs are Formed – Thoughts accumulate to become beliefs, so it is important to control our thoughts. o Unit 9 Building My Self-Image – Each of us builds a self-image with our own thoughts. o Unit 10 My Future is Up to Me – We move toward and become like what we think about; our present thoughts determine our future. o Unit 11 I’m Worth It! – Learn the importance of building high self-esteem, in yourself and in others around you. VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 62 o o o o o o o o o o Unit 12 Make the Unfamiliar Familiar – Comfort zones can keep us safe, but they can also keep us from moving forward. Unit 13 The Next Time – Self-talk is utilized to change future performance, and we start by giving ourselves future goals with “The next time...” Unit 14 Putting Life on a Want-To – Motivation comes in two varieties: constructive (want-to) and restrictive (have-to), moving you forward or holding you back. Unit 15 Making the Pictures Match – The world outside must match the picture we have in our minds. When it doesn’t, we have a problem. Unit 16 I Can See It! – Human beings need goals; it’s a fact of life. We must dream big and give ourselves big goals. Unit 17 If It’s to Be, It’s Up to Me – When we visualize the new, we become dissatisfied with the old. Unit 18 My Better Future – If we demand to know the “how” first, we will back up our goals and not grow into our future. Unit 19 My Goals – My Vision – My Future – Create the vision of the way you want your future to look like before it actually happens. Unit 20 If I Want It, I Can Create It – By developing your personal efficacy, you will look forward and see success. Unit 21 Rites of Passage – One statement of fact can change your life forever. AC-TF Typing Fundamentals consists of the following: Student Learning Outcomes: 1. Mastery of the keyboard by touch 2. Ability to type greater than 35 wpm 3. Ability to type memos and correspondence MED02-04 Medical Law & Ethics: Student Learning Outcomes: 1. Identify the fundamentals of HIPAA Privacy training. 2. Identify HIPAA, as well as the concepts of administrative simplification. 3. Identify how HIPAA training impacts the health care workforce and those in their care. 4. Identify the concepts of covered entities. 5. Identify how HIPAA impacts the insurance industry and its workforce. 6. Identify the differences between Privacy and Security. 7. Identify how HIPAA impacts preferred partner companies and re-pricing organizations, as well as other business associates MED02-01 Medical Terminology: Student Learning Outcomes: 1. Become proficient using medical terms through word building exercises. 2. Learn medical abbreviations and acronyms 3. Learn proper spelling of all body systems medical 4. Understand the relationship of medical terminology to anatomy & physiology 5. Obtain knowledge of media terminology as it relates to other health care specialties MED02-02 Human Anatomy & Physiology: Course Overview: Upon completion, the student will have the necessary knowledge, of the twelve main sections of the human anatomy. This includes the structure and function of cells, tissues, and organs and of the physiological concepts and processes of the human body's systems. The student will also have the knowledge of the medical terminology necessary to perform proper diagnostic and procedure coding. Upon completion, the student will have the necessary knowledge, of the twelve main sections of the human anatomy. This includes the structure and function of cells, tissues, and organs and of the physiological concepts and processes of the human body's systems. The student will also have the knowledge of the medical terminology necessary to perform proper diagnostic and procedure coding. VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 63 Advanced Career Development: Course Objectives 9-week series combining Career Services workshops with The Next Level A 3-hour class once a week for 8 weeks Introduction to Career Services Class 1: Intro to LAUNCH & Career Assessment Class 2: Job Search Networking Class 3: Interviewing Techniques Class 4: How to Follow up Class 5: Portfolio Development Class 6: The Hiring Process! Class 7: Advanced Career Search Class 8: Graduation & Affirmations MED01-01 Medical Administrative Essentials: Course Objectives o 1. Introduction to the Medical Field o 2. Administrative Responsibilities o 3. Financial Responsibilities o 4. Medical Records and Documentation MED02-07 Advanced Billing & Reimbursement: Course Objectives o DOMAIN 1.0: Career and Professionalism o DOMAIN 2.0: Basics of Health Insurance o DOMAIN 3.0: Coding Insurance Claims o DOMAIN 4.0: Claim Submission o DOMAIN 5.0: Receiving Payment and Problem Solving MED03-01 Advanced Physician Coding: Course Objectives and Coverage o DOMAIN 1.0: CPT - E&M Services o DOMAIN 2.0: CPT - Anesthesia, Integumentary and Musculoskeletal o DOMAIN 3.0: CPT - Respiratory, Cardiovascular, Hemic and Lymphatic o DOMAIN 4.0: CPT - Mediastinum, Diaphragm and Digestive o DOMAIN 5.0: CPT - Urinary, Male and Female Genital, Maternity Care o DOMAIN 6.0: CPT - Endocrine, Nervous System, Sense Organs o DOMAIN 7.0: CPT - Radiology, Lab, Pathology, and Medicine o DOMAIN 8.0: Coding Guidelines and Standards o DOMAIN 9.0: ICD-9 Codes 001 – 289 o DOMAIN10.0: ICD-9 Codes 290 – 519 o DOMAIN11.0: ICD-9 Codes 520 - 739 o DOMAIN12.0: ICD-9 Codes 740 - 799 o DOMAIN13.0: ICD-9 Codes 800 - E999 MED03-02 Facility Coding: Course Objectives o DOMAIN 1.0: Facilities o DOMAIN 2.0: Revenue Cycle o DOMAIN 3.0: Claim Requirements Basics o DOMAIN 4.0: Procedure Coding o DOMAIN 5.0: Diagnostic Coding o DOMAIN 6.0: E/M Coding o DOMAIN 7.0: Facility Modifiers o DOMAIN 8.0: Level II Codes & DME o DOMAIN 9.0: Ambulatory Surgery Centers o DOMAIN 10.0: Encoder VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 64 Asher College’s Medical Billing & Coding Graduates are equipped to work for Doctors, Dentists, Chiropractors, Insurance Companies, hospitals, skilled nursing facilities and more. Prerequisites: Academic Quarter Credit: Financial Aid Quarter Credit: Clock hours: Student Status: High School Diploma or GED 67.11 46 936 hours VA Full time = 18 Plus hours/week; VA ¾ time = 13-17 hours/week; VA ½ Time = 9-12 hours/week Administration Fee: Books & Supplies: Exam Fee:* Tuition: Total cost $100 (Per Program) $840 $370 $13,640 $14,950 ** Exam Fees are optional. Price without Exam Fees $14,580 VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 65 MEDICAL RECORDS SPECIALIST Asher College ‘s Medical Records Specialist graduates perform a range of tasks in support of a physician’s office, clinics, hospitals and other medical facilitates. The MRS graduate is able to adhere to HIPAA, update patient Medical records, fill out insurance forms, and handle insurance authorizations, scheduled appointments and much more. Utilizing Software such as Optum-Care Tracker EHR the graduate is able to input data, patient demographics, and properly file and store records and patient files. An Asher College Medical Records Specialist will be able to: Adhere to HIPAA, Federal and State regulations Utilize Microsoft Office Essentials Accurately obtain & maintain patient data Perform computerized patient billing Perform Insurance Billing Medical Records Specialist graduates are equipped to work for Doctors, dentists, insurance companies’ and hospitals skilled nursing facilities and more. Medical Records Specialist (671 Hours) consists of the following courses: Digital Literacy Students will be able to: 1. How personal computers work, set up your computer system 2. Starting and shutting down your computer 3. Using a Mouse. Mouse types 4. How to use the keyboard 5. Getting to know Computer Operating Systems; Window’s 7 and Window’s XP 6. Navigating through Window’s 7 and Window’s XP 7. Configuring Files and Folders in Window’s 7 and Window’s XP 8. Windows Explorer and File, Folders, and Disk Management 9. Common computer technology 10. Using the World Wide Web 11. Connecting to the Internet; At Home on the Road 12. Searching the Web 13. Exploring search techniques, using search engines 14. Researching websites 15. Methods of communicating on the Internet 16. Maintain and Troubleshoot your Desktop 17. Installing new Software 18. Protecting your Computer, security threats, keeping your computer secure 19. Digital Technology, Media, Audio, Video; and the use for Career Opportunities 20. USB configuration, and Installing a printer 21. Introduction to Productivity Programs, Word Processors, Spreadsheet Programs, Presentation Programs, and Database Programs 22. Resume writing using Word 23. Social Networking, blogs, instant messaging 24. Etiquette and Security in Social Networking MOE-07a Microsoft Office Essentials: Course Objectives o DOMAIN 1.0: Microsoft Word o DOMAIN 2.0: Microsoft Excel o DOMAIN 3.0: Microsoft Outlook o DOMAIN 4.0 Microsoft Access VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 66 Student Learning Outcomes: 1. Format documents using Microsoft Word 2007 2. Edit documents using Microsoft Word 2007 3. Create and manage tables and lists using Microsoft Word 2007 4. Incorporate graphics and other visual elements into various documents using Microsoft Word 2007 5. Create and edit worksheets/workbooks using Microsoft Excel 2007 6. Format cells and worksheets using Microsoft Excel 2007 7. Manage worksheets using Microsoft Excel 2007 8. Analyze and manage data using Microsoft Excel 2007 9. Create formulas and functions using Microsoft Excel 2007 10. Create and edit charts using Microsoft Excel 2007 11. Create, edit, send and respond to email using Microsoft Outlook 2007 12. Manage mail and folders using Microsoft Outlook 2007 13. Create, edit, and manage contacts using Microsoft Outlook 2007 14. Manage meetings using Microsoft Outlook 2007 15. Manage tasks using Microsoft Outlook 2007 16. Create database tables using Microsoft Access 2007 17. Manage records using Microsoft Access 2007 18. Modify table structures and content using Microsoft Access 2007 Career Success: REQUIRED LECTURES: Course Looking Forward Safely – Introduction: Overview unit designed for preregistration, to help the students prepare for the experience of higher education. o Unit 1 What’s Holding Me Back? – Am I seeing all there is to see? What am I missing, and why? o Unit 2 Who Am I Listening To? – We realize that what may be “the truth” to others isn’t necessarily our truth. o Unit 3 Lock-On / Lock-Out – Sometimes, the absence of the truth may set you free. o Unit 4 My Brain’s Filter System – Discover the levels of the mind involved in the thought process and what they do. o Unit 5 How My Mind Works – The three levels of the mind work together to make sure we act like we know we are. o Unit 6 Free Flowing at a New Level – Stress comes when we try to behave differently than we know we are. o Unit 7 Leaning in the Right Direction – Our habits and attitudes can keep us from getting to where we want to be. o Unit 8 How My Beliefs are Formed – Thoughts accumulate to become beliefs, so it is important to control our thoughts. o Unit 9 Building My Self-Image – Each of us builds a self-image with our own thoughts. o Unit 10 My Future is Up to Me – We move toward and become like what we think about; our present thoughts determine our future. o Unit 11 I’m Worth It! – Learn the importance of building high self-esteem, in yourself and in others around you. o Unit 12 Make the Unfamiliar Familiar – Comfort zones can keep us safe, but they can also keep us from moving forward. o Unit 13 The Next Time – Self-talk is utilized to change future performance, and we start by giving ourselves future goals with “The next time...” o Unit 14 Putting Life on a Want-To – Motivation comes in two varieties: constructive (want-to) and restrictive (have-to), moving you forward or holding you back. o Unit 15 Making the Pictures Match – The world outside must match the picture we have in our minds. When it doesn’t, we have a problem. o Unit 16 I Can See It! – Human beings need goals; it’s a fact of life. We must dream big and give ourselves big goals. o Unit 17 If It’s to Be, It’s Up to Me – When we visualize the new, we become dissatisfied with the old. o Unit 18 My Better Future – If we demand to know the “how” first, we will back up our goals and not grow into our future. o Unit 19 My Goals – My Vision – My Future – Create the vision of the way you want your future to look like before it actually happens. o Unit 20 If I Want It, I Can Create It – By developing your personal efficacy, you will look forward and see success. o Unit 21 Rites of Passage – One statement of fact can change your life forever. VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 67 AC-TF Typing Fundamentals: Student Learning Outcomes: 1. Mastery of the keyboard by touch 2. Ability to type greater than 35 wpm 3. Ability to type memos and correspondence MED02-04 Medical Law & Ethics: Student Learning Outcomes: 1. Identify the fundamentals of HIPAA Privacy training. 2. Identify HIPAA, as well as the concepts of administrative simplification. 3. Identify how HIPAA training impacts the health care workforce and those in their care. 4. Identify the concepts of covered entities. 5. Identify how HIPAA impacts the insurance industry and its workforce. 6. Identify the differences between Privacy and Security. 7. Identify how HIPAA impacts preferred partner companies and re-pricing organizations, as well as other business associates. MED02-01 Medical Terminology: Student Learning Outcomes: 1. Become proficient using medical terms through word building exercises. 2. Learn medical abbreviations and acronyms 3. Learn proper spelling of all body systems medical 4. Understand the relationship of medical terminology to anatomy & physiology 5. Obtain knowledge of media terminology as it relates to other health care specialties MED01-01 Electronic Records: Course Objectives o 1. Introduction to the Medical Field o 2. Administrative Responsibilities o 3. Financial Responsibilities o 4. Medical Records and Documentation MED01-02a Professional Billing Concepts: Course Objectives and Coverage o DOMAIN 1.0: Managed Care and Medical Insurance Basics o DOMAIN 2.0: Fundamentals of Claims Processing o DOMAIN 3.0: Coding Claims o DOMAIN 4.0: Compliance o DOMAIN 5.0: Charges and Payments o DOMAIN 6.0: CMS-1500s o DOMAIN 7.0: Contacts and Private Payers o DOMAIN 8.0: Hospital Billing Advanced Career Development: Course Objectives ADVANCED CAREER DEVOPMENT 9-week series combining Career Services workshops with The Next Level A 3-hour class once a week for 8 weeks Introduction to Career Services Class 1: Intro to LAUNCH & Career Assessment Class 2: Job Search Networking Class 3: Interviewing Techniques Class 4: How to Follow up Class 5: Portfolio Development Class 6: The Hiring Process! Class 7: Advanced Career Search Class 8: Graduation & Affirmations VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 68 MED02-07 Advanced Billing & Reimbursement: Course Objectives o DOMAIN 1.0: Career and Professionalism o DOMAIN 2.0: Basics of Health Insurance o DOMAIN 3.0: Coding Insurance Claims o DOMAIN 4.0: Claim Submission o DOMAIN 5.0: Receiving Payment and Problem Solving Medical Records Specialist graduates typically begin their healthcare careers in entrylevel positions such as Medical Records Technician, Medical Office Receptionist and Medical Front Office Assistant. Prerequisites: Academic Quarter Credit: Financial Aid Quarter Credit: Clock hours: Student Status: High School Diploma or GED 46.74 33 671 hours VA Full time = 18 Plus hours/week; VA ¾ time = 13-17 hours/week; VA ½ Time = 9-12 hours/week Administration Fee: Books & Supplies: Tuition: Total cost $100 (Per Program) $600 $9,050 $9,750 VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 69 HEALTH INFORMATION SPECIALIST Asher College Health Information Specialist program builds the skills needed in the modern medical environment. The program teaches you the communication and organizational skills to be successful in business and everyday life. The graduate is able to adhere to HIPAA, federal and state regulations concerning confidentiality in the medical field. Utilizing Software including Database software, Optum-Care Tracker EHR software, and Access the graduate is able to input data, patient demographics, and properly file and store records and patient files. Health Information Specialist are equipped to work for Doctors, dentists, insurance companies’ hospitals skilled nursing facilities and more. Health Information Specialist (911 Hours) consists of the following courses: Digital Literacy Students will be able to: 1. How personal computers work, set up your computer system 2. Starting and shutting down your computer 3. Using a Mouse. Mouse types 4. How to use the keyboard 5. Getting to know Computer Operating Systems; Window’s 7 and Window’s XP 6. Navigating through Window’s 7 and Window’s XP 7. Configuring Files and Folders in Window’s 7 and Window’s XP 8. Windows Explorer and File, Folders, and Disk Management 9. Common computer technology 10. Using the World Wide Web 11. Connecting to the Internet; At Home on the Road 12. Searching the Web 13. Exploring search techniques, using search engines 14. Researching websites 15. Methods of communicating on the Internet 16. Maintain and Troubleshoot your Desktop 17. Installing new Software 18. Protecting your Computer, security threats, keeping your computer secure 19. Digital Technology, Media, Audio, Video; and the use for Career Opportunities 20. USB configuration, and Installing a printer 21. Introduction to Productivity Programs, Word Processors, Spreadsheet Programs, Presentation Programs, and Database Programs 22. Resume writing using Word 23. Social Networking, blogs, instant messaging 24. Etiquette and Security in Social Networking Career Success: REQUIRED LECTURES: Course Looking Forward Safely – Introduction: Overview unit designed for preregistration, to help the students prepare for the experience of higher education. o Unit 1 What’s Holding Me Back? – Am I seeing all there is to see? What am I missing, and why? o Unit 2 Who Am I Listening To? – We realize that what may be “the truth” to others isn’t necessarily our truth. o Unit 3 Lock-On / Lock-Out – Sometimes, the absence of the truth may set you free. o Unit 4 My Brain’s Filter System – Discover the levels of the mind involved in the thought process and what they do. o Unit 5 How My Mind Works – The three levels of the mind work together to make sure we act like we know we are. o Unit 6 Free Flowing at a New Level – Stress comes when we try to behave differently than we know we are. o Unit 7 Leaning in the Right Direction – Our habits and attitudes can keep us from getting to where we want to be. o Unit 8 How My Beliefs are Formed – Thoughts accumulate to become beliefs, so it is important to control our thoughts. VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 70 o o o o o o o o o o o o o Unit 9 Building My Self-Image – Each of us builds a self-image with our own thoughts. Unit 10 My Future is Up to Me – We move toward and become like what we think about; our present thoughts determine our future. Unit 11 I’m Worth It! – Learn the importance of building high self-esteem, in yourself and in others around you. Unit 12 Make the Unfamiliar Familiar – Comfort zones can keep us safe, but they can also keep us from moving forward. Unit 13 The Next Time – Self-talk is utilized to change future performance, and we start by giving ourselves future goals with “The next time...” Unit 14 Putting Life on a Want-To – Motivation comes in two varieties: constructive (want-to) and restrictive (have-to), moving you forward or holding you back. Unit 15 Making the Pictures Match – The world outside must match the picture we have in our minds. When it doesn’t, we have a problem. Unit 16 I Can See It! – Human beings need goals; it’s a fact of life. We must dream big and give ourselves big goals. Unit 17 If It’s to Be, It’s Up to Me – When we visualize the new, we become dissatisfied with the old. Unit 18 My Better Future – If we demand to know the “how” first, we will back up our goals and not grow into our future. Unit 19 My Goals – My Vision – My Future – Create the vision of the way you want your future to look like before it actually happens. Unit 20 If I Want It, I Can Create It – By developing your personal efficacy, you will look forward and see success. Unit 21 Rites of Passage – One statement of fact can change your life forever. AC-TF Typing Fundamentals: Student Learning Outcomes: 4. Mastery of the keyboard by touch 5. Ability to type greater than 35 wpm 6. Ability to type memos and correspondence MOE-07 Microsoft Office Essentials: Course Objectives o DOMAIN 1.0: Microsoft Word o DOMAIN 2.0: Microsoft Excel o DOMAIN 3.0: Microsoft Outlook Student Learning Outcomes: 9. Start Microsoft Word 10. Identify features to open, move around, edit and print documents 11. Start Microsoft Excel 12. Open a workbook, apply data to the worksheet, create formulas 13. Start Microsoft Outlook 14. Open and send mail messages 15. Identify and use calendar, make appointments 16. Create new contacts, view & print schedules MED02-04 Medical Law & Ethics: Student Learning Outcomes: 1. Identify the fundamentals of HIPAA Privacy training. 2. Identify HIPAA, as well as the concepts of administrative simplification. 3. Identify how HIPAA training impacts the health care workforce and those in their care. 4. Identify the concepts of covered entities. 5. Identify how HIPAA impacts the insurance industry and its workforce. 6. Identify the differences between Privacy and Security. 7. Identify how HIPAA impacts preferred partner companies and re-pricing organizations, as well as other business associates. MED02-01 Medical Terminology: Student Learning Outcomes: Become proficient using medical terms through word building exercises. Learn medical abbreviations and acronyms Learn proper spelling of all body systems medical Understand the relationship of medical terminology to anatomy & physiology Obtain knowledge of media terminology as it relates to other health care specialties VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 71 MED01-01 Electronic Records: Course Objectives o 1. Introduction to the Medical Field o 2. Administrative Responsibilities o 3. Financial Responsibilities o 4. Medical Records and Documentation MED02-08 Health Information Billing and Coding Student will be able to: Career and Professionalism Health Insurance and Documentation Coding Insurance Claims Claims Submission Reimbursements Health Care Payers Hospital Billing Knowledge of ICD-9 and CPT codes HIPAA, Federal and state regulations HIT-001: Health Information Technology Student will be able to: Identify and describe the key elements of modern Health Care Systems Identify and describe the components required to effectively and accurately collect Health Care data Discuss the challenges associated with collecting and maintaining Electronic Health Records Document the clinical flow of acute care records Recognize medical code sets, including ICD-9, ICD-10, HCPCS/CPT-4, and describe where and how each are used Identify and describe common forms of reimbursement, including various forms of insurance and entitlements Describe the billing process Create a Uniform Bill Discuss the impact of coding on reimbursements Identify and discuss the impact of Health Information Management in alternate care settings, including physician's offices, ambulatory surgery, long-term care facilities, rehabilitation, hospice and home care Manage health records using a variety of file identification methodologies and chart locator systems - both physical and electronic Retrieve, aggregate, analyze and report on information collected based on requirements provided in common health care scenarios Discuss current trends and issues associated with the use of health information Identify and define key issues in confidentiality and compliance. Topics covered will include HIPPA, access to information, patient consent, release of information, and compliance with federal, corporate and facility regulations Identify and define key roles performed in the HIM Department Discuss ongoing training and development as it affects HIM employees DB-001: Introduction to Database Student will be able to: 1. Define and explain the nature, purpose and scope of business data management 2. Describe SQL and it's significance as a database language 3. Identify the key components of all database models: entitied, attributes and identifiers 4. Define the term "relationship" in the context of database management 5. Recognize relationships between database components and describe the advantages of a creating a sound relational structure 6. Create an ERD 7. Identify and define the levels of database normalization 8. Recognize errors in normalization 9. Create a simple database 10. Create tables and set table constraints 11. Use the SELECT statement to retrieve data from a database 12. Use various DDL commands to modify existing tables 13. Use various DML commands to modify and remove data from the database 14. Understand database administration and its importance in maintaining secure and reliable information VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 72 Advanced Career Development: Course Objectives ADVANCED CAREER DEVOPMENT 9-week series combining Career Services workshops with The Next Level A 3-hour class once a week for 8 weeks Introduction to Career Services Class 1: Intro to LAUNCH & Career Assessment Class 2: Job Search Networking Class 3: Interviewing Techniques Class 4: How to Follow up Class 5: Portfolio Development Class 6: The Hiring Process! Class 7: Advanced Career Search Class 8: Graduation & Affirmations 77-605 Access Course Objectives o DOMAIN 1.0: Structuring a Database o DOMAIN 2.0: Creating and Formatting Database Elements o DOMAIN 3.0: Entering and Modifying Data o DOMAIN 4.0: Creating and Modifying Queries o DOMAIN 5.0: Presenting and Sharing Data o DOMAIN 6.0: Managing and Maintaining Databases Prerequisites: Academic Quarter Credit: Financial Aid Quarter Credit: Clock hours: Student Status: High School Diploma or GED 62.19 45 911 hours VA Full time = 18 Plus hours/week; VA ¾ time = 13-17 hours/week; VA ½ Time = 9-12 hours/week Registration Fee: Books & Supplies: Tuition: Total cost $100 $700 $14,150 $14,950 VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 73 OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR Asher College’s Office Administrator training program builds the skills needed in a professional office environment. You’ll develop an advanced knowledge of today’s most current computer based operating system, Microsoft Office Applications and Internet Explorer. The program also teaches you the communication and organizational skills to be successful in business and everyday life. Office Administrator duties include operating office equipment, email, presentations, using databases, writing correspondence; organization and preparation, storing and distributing information, and handling fundamental accounting. This program prepares you for positions such as: Receptionist, Clerk, Administrative Assistant, Front Office Coordinator, and others. An Office Administrator’s chief duty is to give support to a manager or group of managers. Asher College’s Office Administrator program (776 hrs) you’ll get hands-on training with: 77-601 Microsoft Word 2007 * consists of the following: Course Objectives o DOMAIN 1.0: Creating and Customizing Documents o DOMAIN 2.0: Formatting Content o DOMAIN 3.0: Working with Visual Content o DOMAIN 4.0: Organizing Content o DOMAIN 5.0: Reviewing Documents o DOMAIN 6.0: Sharing and Securing Content Career Success consists of the following: REQUIRED LECTURES: Course Looking Forward Safely – Introduction: Overview unit designed for preregistration, to help the students prepare for the experience of higher education. o Unit 1 What’s Holding Me Back? – Am I seeing all there is to see? What am I missing, and why? o Unit 2 Who Am I Listening To? – We realize that what may be “the truth” to others isn’t necessarily our truth. o Unit 3 Lock-On / Lock-Out – Sometimes, the absence of the truth may set you free. o Unit 4 My Brain’s Filter System – Discover the levels of the mind involved in the thought process and what they do. o Unit 5 How My Mind Works – The three levels of the mind work together to make sure we act like we know we are. o Unit 6 Free Flowing at a New Level – Stress comes when we try to behave differently than we know we are. o Unit 7 Leaning in the Right Direction – Our habits and attitudes can keep us from getting to where we want to be. o Unit 8 How My Beliefs are Formed – Thoughts accumulate to become beliefs, so it is important to control our thoughts. o Unit 9 Building My Self-Image – Each of us builds a self-image with our own thoughts. o Unit 10 My Future is Up to Me – We move toward and become like what we think about; our present thoughts determine our future. o Unit 11 I’m Worth It! – Learn the importance of building high self-esteem, in yourself and in others around you. o Unit 12 Make the Unfamiliar Familiar – Comfort zones can keep us safe, but they can also keep us from moving forward. o Unit 13 The Next Time – Self-talk is utilized to change future performance, and we start by giving ourselves future goals with “The next time...” o Unit 14 Putting Life on a Want-To – Motivation comes in two varieties: constructive (want-to) and restrictive (have-to), moving you forward or holding you back. o Unit 15 Making the Pictures Match – The world outside must match the picture we have in our minds. When it doesn’t, we have a problem. VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 74 o o o o o o Unit 16 I Can See It! – Human beings need goals; it’s a fact of life. We must dream big and give ourselves big goals. Unit 17 If It’s to Be, It’s Up to Me – When we visualize the new, we become dissatisfied with the old. Unit 18 My Better Future – If we demand to know the “how” first, we will back up our goals and not grow into our future. Unit 19 My Goals – My Vision – My Future – Create the vision of the way you want your future to look like before it actually happens. Unit 20 If I Want It, I Can Create It – By developing your personal efficacy, you will look forward and see success. Unit 21 Rites of Passage – One statement of fact can change your life forever. AC-TF Typing Fundamentals consists of the following: Student Learning Outcomes: 1. Mastery of the keyboard by touch 2. Ability to type greater than 35 wpm 3. Ability to type memos and correspondence 77-604 Microsoft Outlook 2007* consists of the following: Course Objectives and Coverage o DOMAIN 1.0: Managing Messaging o DOMAIN 2.0: Managing Scheduling o DOMAIN 3.0: Managing Tasks o DOMAIN 4.0: Managing Contacts and Personal Information o DOMAIN 5.0: Organizing Information 77-603 Microsoft PowerPoint 2007* consists of the following: Course Objectives and Coverage o DOMAIN 1.0: Creating and Formatting Presentations o DOMAIN 2.0: Creating and Formatting Slide Content o DOMAIN 3.0: Working with Visual Content o DOMAIN 4.0: Collaborating on and Delivering Presentations 77-602 Microsoft Excel 2007* consists of the following: Course Objectives o DOMAIN 1.0: Creating and Manipulating Data o DOMAIN 2.0: Formatting Data and Content o DOMAIN 3.0: Creating and Modifying Formulas o DOMAIN 4.0: Presenting Data Visually o DOMAIN 5.0: Collaborating and Securing Data PBS-001 Office Procedures consists of the following: Course Objectives o DOMAIN 1.0: Professional Office Skills o DOMAIN 2.0: Verbal Communication o DOMAIN 3.0: Mail and Document Distribution o DOMAIN 4.0: Organizational Planning o DOMAIN 5.0: Records Management o DOMAIN 6.0: Office Equipment and Supplies o DOMAIN 7.0: Computer Technology o DOMAIN 8.0: Communications Equipment o DOMAIN 9.0: E-mail Etiquette and Guidelines o DOMAIN 10.0: Electronic Communications and the Internet o DOMAIN 11.0: Office and Web Publishing o DOMAIN 12.0: Business Writing o DOMAIN 13.0: Editing and Proofreading o DOMAIN 14.0: Basic Grammar Skills VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 75 PBS-002 Organizational Management consists of the following: Course Objectives o DOMAIN 1.0: Personal Professional Development o DOMAIN 2.0: Professional and Office Protocol o DOMAIN 3.0: Business Etiquette o DOMAIN 4.0: Business Ethics o DOMAIN 5.0: Business Law and legal Issues o DOMAIN 6.0: Human Resources o DOMAIN 7.0: Accounting Procedures and Analysis Advanced Career Development consists of the following: Course Objectives 9-week series combining Career Services workshops with The Next Level A 3-hour class once a week for 8 weeks Introduction to Career Services Class 1: Intro to LAUNCH & Career Assessment Class 2: Job Search Networking Class 3: Interviewing Techniques Class 4: How to Follow up Class 5: Portfolio Development Class 6: The Hiring Process! Class 7: Advanced Career Search Class 8: Graduation & Affirmations PBS 003 QuickBooks Applications consists of the following: Course Objective o DOMAIN 1.0: Accounting Applications o DOMAIN 2.0: Accounts and Accounting Systems o DOMAIN 3.0: Banking Transactions & Services o DOMAIN 4.0: Accounts Payable & Receivable o DOMAIN 5.0: Ledgers and Reports o DOMAIN 6.0: Financial Statements and Balances Office Administrator’s chief duty is to give support to a manager or group of managers. *With the opportunity to sit for the Microsoft© Office Specialist (MOS) certification exam. Prerequisites: Academic Quarter Credit: Financial Aid Quarter Credit: Clock hours: Student Status: High School Diploma or GED 52.18 38 776 hours VA Full time = 18 Plus hours/week; VA ¾ time = 13-17 hours/week; VA ½ Time = 9-12 hours/week Administration Fee: Books & Supplies: Exam Fee: Tuition: Total cost $100 (Per Program) $400 $405 $9,045 $9,950 ** Exam Fees are optional. Price without Exam Fees $9,500. Exam Fees payable to authorized testing centers are included in the above total. VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 76 OFFICE ACCOUNTING SPECIALIST The Office Accounting Specialist program builds the skills needed in a professional office environment. The graduate learns an advanced knowledge of today’s most current computer based operating system, Microsoft Office Applications. The program also teaches you the communication and organizational skills to be successful in business and everyday life. Office Accounting Specialist duties include operating office equipment, sending email, creating presentations, using databases, writing correspondence; organizing, preparing, and storing and distributing information. With the Office Accounting Specialist program you will get hands-on training with keyboarding, internet basics, Microsoft Office programs, technologies in the workplace and administrative office procedures. Office Accounting Specialist lays a foundation with an introduction to accounting and QuickBooks. Office Accounting Specialist duties include support to a manager or group of managers. This program prepares you for positions such as: Receptionist, Clerk, Administrative Assistant, Front Office Coordinator, Bookkeeper and others. Office Accounting Specialist (1006 Hours) consists of the following courses: Digital Literacy Students will be able to: 1. How personal computers work, set up your computer system 2. Starting and shutting down your computer 3. Using a Mouse. Mouse types 4. How to use the keyboard 5. Getting to know Computer Operating Systems; Window’s 7 and Window’s XP 6. Navigating through Window’s 7 and Window’s XP 7. Configuring Files and Folders in Window’s 7 and Window’s XP 8. Windows Explorer and File, Folders, and Disk Management 9. Common computer technology 10. Using the World Wide Web 11. Connecting to the Internet; At Home on the Road 12. Searching the Web 13. Exploring search techniques, using search engines 14. Researching websites 15. Methods of communicating on the Internet 16. Maintain and Troubleshoot your Desktop 17. Installing new Software 18. Protecting your Computer, security threats, keeping your computer secure 19. Digital Technology, Media, Audio, Video; and the use for Career Opportunities 20. USB configuration, and Installing a printer 21. Introduction to Productivity Programs, Word Processors, Spreadsheet Programs, Presentation Programs, and Database Programs 22. Resume writing using Word 23. Social Networking, blogs, instant messaging 24. Etiquette and Security in Social Networking 77-601 Microsoft Word 2007 * consists of the following: Course Objectives o DOMAIN 1.0: Creating and Customizing Documents o DOMAIN 2.0: Formatting Content o DOMAIN 3.0: Working with Visual Content o DOMAIN 4.0: Organizing Content o DOMAIN 5.0: Reviewing Documents o DOMAIN 6.0: Sharing and Securing Content VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 77 Career Success consists of the following: REQUIRED LECTURES: Course Looking Forward Safely – Introduction: Overview unit designed for preregistration, to help the students prepare for the experience of higher education. o Unit 1 What’s Holding Me Back? – Am I seeing all there is to see? What am I missing, and why? o Unit 2 Who Am I Listening To? – We realize that what may be “the truth” to others isn’t necessarily our truth. o Unit 3 Lock-On / Lock-Out – Sometimes, the absence of the truth may set you free. o Unit 4 My Brain’s Filter System – Discover the levels of the mind involved in the thought process and what they do. o Unit 5 How My Mind Works – The three levels of the mind work together to make sure we act like we know we are. o Unit 6 Free Flowing at a New Level – Stress comes when we try to behave differently than we know we are. o Unit 7 Leaning in the Right Direction – Our habits and attitudes can keep us from getting to where we want to be. o Unit 8 How My Beliefs are Formed – Thoughts accumulate to become beliefs, so it is important to control our thoughts. o Unit 9 Building My Self-Image – Each of us builds a self-image with our own thoughts. o Unit 10 My Future is Up to Me – We move toward and become like what we think about; our present thoughts determine our future. o Unit 11 I’m Worth It! – Learn the importance of building high self-esteem, in yourself and in others around you. o Unit 12 Make the Unfamiliar Familiar – Comfort zones can keep us safe, but they can also keep us from moving forward. o Unit 13 The Next Time – Self-talk is utilized to change future performance, and we start by giving ourselves future goals with “The next time...” o Unit 14 Putting Life on a Want-To – Motivation comes in two varieties: constructive (want-to) and restrictive (have-to), moving you forward or holding you back. o Unit 15 Making the Pictures Match – The world outside must match the picture we have in our minds. When it doesn’t, we have a problem. o Unit 16 I Can See It! – Human beings need goals; it’s a fact of life. We must dream big and give ourselves big goals. o Unit 17 If It’s to Be, It’s Up to Me – When we visualize the new, we become dissatisfied with the old. o Unit 18 My Better Future – If we demand to know the “how” first, we will back up our goals and not grow into our future. o Unit 19 My Goals – My Vision – My Future – Create the vision of the way you want your future to look like before it actually happens. o Unit 20 If I Want It, I Can Create It – By developing your personal efficacy, you will look forward and see success. o Unit 21 Rites of Passage – One statement of fact can change your life forever. AC-TF Typing Fundamentals: Student Learning Outcomes: 1. Mastery of the keyboard by touch 2. Ability to type greater than 35 wpm 3. Ability to type memos and correspondence 77-604 Microsoft Outlook 2007* consists of the following: Course Objectives and Coverage o DOMAIN 1.0: Managing Messaging o DOMAIN 2.0: Managing Scheduling o DOMAIN 3.0: Managing Tasks o DOMAIN 4.0: Managing Contacts and Personal Information o DOMAIN 5.0: Organizing Information 77-603 Microsoft PowerPoint 2007* consists of the following: Course Objectives and Coverage o DOMAIN 1.0: Creating and Formatting Presentations o DOMAIN 2.0: Creating and Formatting Slide Content o DOMAIN 3.0: Working with Visual Content o DOMAIN 4.0: Collaborating on and Delivering Presentations VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 78 77-602 Microsoft Excel 2007* consists of the following: Course Objectives o DOMAIN 1.0: Creating and Manipulating Data o DOMAIN 2.0: Formatting Data and Content o DOMAIN 3.0: Creating and Modifying Formulas o DOMAIN 4.0: Presenting Data Visually o DOMAIN 5.0: Collaborating and Securing Data PBS-001 Office Procedures consists of the following: Course Objectives o DOMAIN 1.0: Professional Office Skills o DOMAIN 2.0: Verbal Communication o DOMAIN 3.0: Mail and Document Distribution o DOMAIN 4.0: Organizational Planning o DOMAIN 5.0: Records Management o DOMAIN 6.0: Office Equipment and Supplies o DOMAIN 7.0: Computer Technology o DOMAIN 8.0: Communications Equipment o DOMAIN 9.0: E-mail Etiquette and Guidelines o DOMAIN 10.0: Electronic Communications and the Internet o DOMAIN 11.0: Office and Web Publishing o DOMAIN 12.0: Business Writing o DOMAIN 13.0: Editing and Proofreading o DOMAIN 14.0: Basic Grammar Skills PBS-002 Organizational Management consists of the following: Course Objectives o DOMAIN 1.0: Personal Professional Development o DOMAIN 2.0: Professional and Office Protocol o DOMAIN 3.0: Business Etiquette o DOMAIN 4.0: Business Ethics o DOMAIN 5.0: Business Law and legal Issues o DOMAIN 6.0: Human Resources o DOMAIN 7.0: Accounting Procedures and Analysis AC-001 Introduction to Accounting Student will be able to: 15. Define and explain the nature, purpose and scope of accounting 16. Explain and conceptualize the accounting cycle 17. Prepare books of original entry and perform double entries 18. Prepare ledgers, a simple cash book and the trial balance 19. Prepare financial statements for a sole proprietor in accordance with the required format 20. Identify and prepare the various types of cashbooks 21. Compare the transactions that appear on both the cashbook and the bank statement 22. Prepare a bank reconciliation statement 23. Prepare a sales and purchases ledger control account 24. Identify the various types of long term assets 25. Distinguish between capital and revenue expenditure 26. Apply the various methods of estimating depreciation expense 27. Account for disposal of assets and 28. Prepare a schedule of PPE 29. Identify the various types accounting errors 30. Correct both accounting errors affecting and not affecting the trial balance 31. Prepare journal entries for correction of the accounting errors. VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 79 Advanced Career Development consists of the following: Course Objectives 9-week series combining Career Services workshops with The Next Level A 3-hour class once a week for 8 weeks Introduction to Career Services Class 1: Intro to LAUNCH & Career Assessment Class 2: Job Search Networking Class 3: Interviewing Techniques Class 4: How to Follow up Class 5: Portfolio Development Class 6: The Hiring Process! Class 7: Advanced Career Search Class 8: Graduation & Affirmations PBS 003 QuickBooks Applications consists of the following: Course Objective o DOMAIN 1.0: Accounting Applications o DOMAIN 2.0: Accounts and Accounting Systems o DOMAIN 3.0: Banking Transactions & Services o DOMAIN 4.0: Accounts Payable & Receivable o DOMAIN 5.0: Ledgers and Reports o DOMAIN 6.0: Financial Statements and Balances Prerequisites: Academic Quarter Credit: Financial Aid Quarter Credit: Clock hours: Student Status: High School Diploma or GED 65.92 50 1006 hours VA Full time = 18 Plus hours/week; VA ¾ time = 13-17 hours/week; VA ½ Time = 9-12 hours/week Registration Fee: Books & Supplies: Exam Fee: ** Tuition: Total cost $100 $700 $608 $13,542 $14,950 ** Exam Fees are optional. Price without Exam Fees $14,342. Exam Fees payable to authorized testing centers are included in the above total. VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 80 HEALTH SERVICES PROGRAM S & COURSE CHART MEDICAL BILLING & CODING 936 clock hours Lecture Hours Lab hours Total Clock Course Theory Hands on Hours MOE-07 31.5 53.5 85 TPI 21 0 21 AC-TF 2 28 30 MED02-04 22 18 40 MED02-01 28.5 56.5 85 MED02-02 70 50 120 MED01-01 38 42 80 MED02-07 36 54 90 MED03-01 97 98 195 ACD 25 0 25 MED03-02 34 128 165 MEDICAL RECORDS SPECIALIST 671 clock hours Academic Financial Aid QCH QCH Breakdown Breakdown 5.82 4.25 2.1 1.05 1.6 1.5 3.1 3.25 5.68 4.25 9.56 6 5.9 4 6.3 4.5 14.6 9.75 2.5 1.25 9.95 8.25 Financial Aid Academic QCH Lab hours Total Clock QCH Breakdown Course Hands on Hours Breakdown 4.25 Digital Literacy 25 35 60 3.0 MOE-07a 31.5 87 125 8.15 6.25 TPI-CS 21 0 21 2.1 1.05 AC-TF 2 28 30 1.6 1.5 MED02-04 25 40 65 4.5 3.25 MED02-01 28.5 56.5 85 5.67 4.25 MED01-01 38 42 80 5.9 4 ACD 25 0 25 2.5 1.25 5.77 MED01-02a 25.5 64.5 90 4.5 MED02-07 36 54 90 6.3 4.5 OFFICE ADMINISTRATION 776 clock hours Lecture Hours Theory Course 77-601 TPI AC-TF 77-603 77-604 77-602 ACD PBS-001 PBS-002 PBS-003 Lecture Lab hours Hours Theory Hands on 30 95 21 0 2 28 40 60 30 70 40 85 25 0 22 58 27.5 52.5 30 60 Academic Financial Aid Total Clock QCH QCH Hours Breakdown Breakdown 7.75 125 6.25 21 2.1 1.05 30 1.6 1.5 7 100 5 6.5 100 5 8.25 125 6.25 25 2.5 1.25 5.1 80 4 5.38 80 4 6 90 4.5 VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 81 OFFICE ACCOUNTING SPECIALIST 1006 clock hours Course Digital Literacy 77-601 TPI-CS AC-TF 77-602 77-604 77-603 ACD PBS-001 PBS-002 AC-001 PBS-003 Lecture Academic Financial Aid Hours Lab hours Total Clock QCH QCH Breakdown Theory Hands on Hours Breakdown 4.25 25 35 60 3 7.75 30 95 125 6.25 21 0 21 2.1 1.05 2 28 30 1.6 1.5 8.25 40 85 125 6.25 6.5 30 70 100 5 7 40 60 100 5 25 0 25 2.5 1.25 5.1 22 58 80 4 5.37 27.5 52.5 80 4 7.75 25 105 130 6.5 7.75 25 105 130 6.5 HEALTH INFORMATION SPECIALIST 911HRS Course Digital Literacy TPI-CS TS-TF MOE-07 MED02-04 MED01-01 MED02-01 MED02-08 HIT-001 INTRO TO DB ACD ACCESS Lecture Hours Theory 25 21 20 31.5 25 38 28.5 46 36 25 25 30 Lab hours Hands on 35 0 28 53.5 40 42 56.5 119 54 55 0 95 Academic Financial Aid Total Clock QCH QCH Breakdown Hours Breakdown 4.25 60 3.0 21 2.1 1.05 30 1.6 1.5 5.82 85 4.25 4.5 65 3.0 5.9 80 4.0 85 5.67 4.25 165 10.55 8.25 90 6.3 4.5 80 5.25 4.25 25 2.5 1.25 125 7.75 6.25 VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 82 PRIOR CREDIT EVALUATION All previous education and training of students receiving VA benefits will be evaluated, credit granted when appropriate, the program length reduced proportionately, and the student notified. Tuition will be prorated on a percentage of the course(s) accepted. Courses accepted for prior credit may affect federal financial aid and VA certification. Normally, it is the school’s policy to accept credit hours earned in courses taken at accredited institutions provided that a grade of 2.0 (C) or above was earned. Transfer credit hours that are more than five (5) years old generally are not accepted. Students may not transfer credit hours for courses taken at another institution and also receive credit for the same course taken at TechSkills. Transfer credits must be directly applicable to courses required in the selected Asher College program. Transcripts must be on file before transfer credit can be approved. Unofficial transcripts are acceptable for VA education benefits (GI Bill) student files ONLY. The VA student must complete a Prior Credit Evaluation Form and submit transcripts for both military service and for all coursework taken at a non-Asher College institution to the Asher College School Certifying Official (SCO). The SCO will notify the student in person and in writing within 5 school days of receiving the above information of the prior credit evaluation findings. If a student believes that their credit was not evaluated properly, the student is encouraged to discuss the situation informally with their Admissions Specialist and SCO. If the inquiry is resolved by the parties, the matter is deemed closed. If the inquiry is not resolved at this level, the student may request an appeal to the IT or Health Services Director and then to the Campus Director, respectively. Note: If the VA student fails to provide the SCO with the Prior Credit Evaluation Form, both military and college transcripts, and Certificate of Eligibility within 30 days of the program start date, the SCO will suspend certification until the proper paperwork is submitted. VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 83 ATTENDANCE POLICY FOR VA STUDENTS Regular attendance is essential for academic progress and success in a career. Too many absences may jeopardize a student’s ability to pass/complete the program in a timely manner. All students are encouraged to complete the specified hours for their program by the end of each week. If a student is unable to attend, or leaves class early on a given day(s), they should contact their instructor or appropriate staff member to make up missed attendance within 1 week. The instructor will assist in creating a makeup plan. Asher College requires 100% completion of the courses for graduation. Asher College encourages 100% attendance, and requires 90% cumulative hours for graduation. VA students’ attendance will be monitored on a weekly basis. If the student is not meeting 90% attendance during any calendar month, they will be placed on attendance probation for the next calendar month. If at the end of the attendance probation period, the student is still not meeting minimum satisfactory attendance requirements, the SCO will suspend certification. VA education benefit certification can be reinstated if the student demonstrates satisfactory attendance requirements. Any student who has an unexcused absence of fourteen (14) consecutive days will be automatically withdrawn. Students are required to log in and log out using the computer located in the classrooms. The computer tracks the amount of time a student spends on campus. This information is stored in a student database from which attendance reports are generated. If the student does not log in they will be required to sign the attendance roster and have an instructor initial for confirmation. If a student plans to leave campus, he/she must log out and can log in upon return. If a student is caught logging in and then leaving the campus, the student will be placed on probation for misconduct for a calendar month. If the student fails to comply with this policy during this probationary period, the SCO will suspend certification. If the student maintains satisfactory conduct during this probation period, the student’s probation status will be lifted. In the event a student is placed on probation for misconduct a second time, the SCO will suspend certification. Students can appeal this decision in writing to the Campus Director. The student will be notified within 14 business days of a decision at such time the resolution will be final. BREAK PAY The VA no longer authorizes break pay (effective August 1, 2011). If a VA student is going to be absent beyond 14 consecutive school days, he/she must request a leave of absence per to the Leave of Absence policy in the Program Catalog and Student Handbook). VA students will not receive VA benefits during leaves of absence. VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 84 MILITARY DEPLOYMENT Active Duty/Selected Reserve VA students must provide the SCO copies of their orders for military training/deployment for their GI Bill file. The VA will be notified of deployment and pay the student per VA policy. SATISFACTORY ACADEMIC PROGRESS (SAP) POLICY Evaluation of student achievement is based on meeting the objectives for each course. Student progress is evaluated four times throughout the program. The evaluation periods are at approximately 2 weeks, 18 quarter credit hour, and 36 quarter credit hour and at the completion of the program. For the programs less than 36 quarter credit hours, the evaluations are approximately 2 weeks, one month, the approximate midpoint and the completion of the last module. At the instructor’s discretion, other evaluations may occur as needed. Progress checks will be conducted by an instructor. VA students must complete all courses in the program, achieve a grade point average of at least 70% (2.0) and have 90% cumulative attendance to pass/complete the program. For example: a PCN student meeting SAP at the 18QCH evaluation will have a minimum of 419 hrs (90% of 465), they will have completed A+ Essentials, A+ IT Technician, Network + and Thought Patterns for a Successful Career. The student’s GPA must be at least 70%. VA students must achieve a grade point average of at least 70% in all courses within their program to meet Satisfactory Academic Progress. The following steps will be taken for VA students not meeting this requirement: 1. The student will be placed on academic warning and begin the Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) process outlined in the section entitled Unsatisfactory Academic Progress Requirement / Probationary Status in the Program Catalog and Student Handbook. Exception: If a VA student does not pass a course, they may not be allowed to move to the next module. The IEP process can begin at any time at the discretion of the Program Director. This period will last for 30 calendar days. 2. If a VA student still does not meet the minimum academic requirement of 70% grade point average (GPA), he/she will be placed on probation for 30 calendar days and the VA will be notified. 3. If at the end of the probation period the student’s GPA does not meet the minimum satisfactory academic requirement, the SCO will suspend certification. VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 85 VA students must pass all exam scores with at least 70% to meet Satisfactory Academic Progress. The following steps will be taken for VA students not meeting this requirement: 1. VA students who do not pass an exam with 70% will be required to retake it. 2. In the event a student receives less than 70% on a second exam within the same course, the student will be placed on academic warning and begin the Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) process outlined in the section entitled Unsatisfactory Academic Progress Requirement / Probationary Status in the Program Catalog and Student Handbook. Exception: If a VA student does not pass a course, they may not be allowed to move to the next module. The IEP process can begin at any time at the discretion of the Program Director. This period will last 14 calendar days. 3. If a VA student still does not pass the exam with at least 70%, he/she will be placed on probation for 30 calendar days and the VA will be notified. 4. However, if at the end of the probation period the student’s exam score is still below 70%, the SCO will suspend certification. All students must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress while meeting the required standards for attendance and conduct. When students are not making Satisfactory Academic Progress a face-to-face appointment will be scheduled with the appropriate faculty member, instructor or Program Director. VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 86 255 E Warm Springs Rd Ste 110 Las Vegas, NV 89119 I have received a copy of the Asher College VA Catalog Addendum which contains the policies, regulations, course completion requirements, and costs for the specific program for which I am enrolled. I have read and understand the following policies: Prior Credit Evaluation (initial) Attendance Policy for VA Students (initial) Break Pay (initial) Military Deployment (initial) Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy (initial) Print Name Signature Social Security or File Number Enrolled by Date VA CATALOG ADDENDUM UPDATED 5.3.13 For classes starting 11/6/12-11/30/13 87