RAZVOJNA NALOGA ZA MAJ 2011 PROJECT IMPROVEMENT PROPOSALS Operacijo delno financira Evropska unija iz Evropskega socialnega sklada ter Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost, kulturo in šport. Operacija se izvaja v okviru Operativnega programa razvoja človeških virov v obdobju 2007-2013, razvojne prioritete: Razvoj človeških virov in vseživljenjsko učenje; prednostne usmeritve: Izboljšanje kakovosti in učinkovitosti sistemov izobraževanja in usposabljanja. Seznam oddanih razvojnih nalog / List of submitted R&D tasks # 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Foreign Teacher Filipe de Almeida Irma Bandiera Soizic Dupuy-Roudel Demará C. Ivanič Philip Jacobs Andrea Jadrzyk Gerosa Lambergar Laura L. Jensen Andrea Leone Mary Ellen Ramasimanana Virtič Ignacio Escriche Rubio Daniel Schmidt William Tomford Amresh Prakash Torul Benjamin Tweedie Andrea Valenti Stephen Moses Zulu FL Submission ENG ITA FRA ENG GER ENG GER ENG ITA Project Improvement Proposals FRA SPA ENG ENG ENG ENG ITA ENG Navodila / Instructions Think of measures (changes in the project structure and/or activities) at both the national level and school level that would improve (directly or indirectly) your pedagogic behaviour/performance in class as well as your participation in the project management/execution. In your proposals for project improvement(s), you should delineate: the overall aim and specific goal(s)/objective(s) of the proposed improvement(s); the measures that need to be adopted at either level to produce/ lead up to the desired improvement(s), the people responsible for their implementation and the timeline/timeschedule of implementation; conditions that need to be fulfilled for the improvement to take place; constraints that might prove detrimental to the implementation of the measure(s) as well as ways and means of removing them. In your justification of the proposals, explain/describe: the project and real-life context of the improvement proposals (ie. what area of the project they refer to/affect); the root causes of the problem(s) that must be overcome/call(s) for improvement; the underlying reasons for the implementation of the desired changes in the project structure or/and activities. Check your formulation of the improvement goals and measures for feasibility and effectiveness using the 3M approach (meaningful - manageable - measurable). We expect 3 improvement proposals for each level. They can refer to different project areas and activities (research, education, project management/teamwork etc.) and phases (planning, execution, monitoring&evaluation) or one only. If the latter, 3 individual improvement measures for the same area/activity/phase of the project at each level need to be clearly specified and justified. National level No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. Improvement proposal Explanation/Justification Improvement proposal Explanation/Justification Improvement proposal Explanation/Justification Improvement proposal Explanation/Justification Improvement proposal Explanation/Justification Improvement proposal Explanation/Justification Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: School level No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: 1. Filipe de Almeida National level No. 1. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: No. 2. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: No. 3. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: Improvement proposal Accessible archives/databank with lesson plans, project work and homework assignments etc… Zavod will assign someone responsible for doing this Employment of a competent person to carry out this responsibility Costs involved, finding an expert willing to carry out the task etc... Explanation/Justification Transparency of information and documents. Availability of material to all educational institutes (equity of access).By having a specialized person who organizes all the material in a coherent archive accessible to anyone involved in education. Public access to all material. Improvement proposal Webpage for the project with all information on the project and new developments. Zavod will assign someone responsible for doing this Employment of someone responsible for this Costs, expertise, time etc... Explanation/Justification Dissemination of project work to public. Advertise the project online. People who cannot go to the ministry can access information from any part of the country. Keep up with updates within the project which haven’t been published yet. Possibility of having an online record of project work. Improvement proposal Periodical scientific publishing of project work. Design a newsletter or publish in a known scientific/educational newspaper Find the ideal magazine newspaper and writer to publish these documents Cost of publishing, availability of qualified personnel, willingness of scientific circles to publish our articles. Explanation/Justification Shows scientific importance of project and dissemination of project within intellectual circles. By publishing our work it gains weight as a necessity in Slovenia and makes it easier for foreign teachers to integrate in the Slovene educational system. Improvement proposal Inter-school network co-operation(students, teachers, ideas and material) Joint planning of next school year including possible exchange ideas of both personnel, material and students Willingness of team members and school to participate in exchanges. Reluctance of teachers and students to exchange, logistics of moving students, eventual costs. Lack of communication between schools, scepticism to divide materials and dissemination of ideas. Time constraints, coordination of schedules, overcrowding in certain schools etc... Explanation/Justification To promote collaborative culture. Sharing intellectual knowledge and know-how from different schools will enrich education on all levels as teachers from different areas participate in the project. This will diversify the students working habits and give them new perspectives to learning. To get a good education we need to know how to share information instead of keeping it for a select few. School level No. 1. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: No. 2. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: No. 3. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: Improvement proposal Added motivation to participate in project. The project leader should put together a set of “rules” for principles and send them this document in writing reminding them of the “time” difficulties of teachers working in the project in order for them to have a reduced extra workload. Principle should reduce the non-teaching activities for teachers participating in the project (suplence, doprinos etc…) Principles do not adhere to these rules as they are autonomous and their word is final. Explanation/Justification Project work entails a lot of different aspects of planning, researching and putting together innovative ideas which takes up not only time but a lot of mental work. It is important to maintain the project team motivated and not see the project as an overload of work. To be able to invite new teachers to participate the project shouldn’t be seen as a burden but something new and exciting. If you have too much work then of course the quality of work is less and so is motivation. Improvement proposal Better team communication through workshops to improve team work. Active teambuilding workshops organized by ZRSŠ at least 3 times in the year (beginning, middle and end). Workshops should be included in project year plan or done when both foreign and Slovene teachers meet for project work. Specialized person to run the workshop in a professional and practical way that results in a positive outcome. Explanation/Justification By running workshops to improve team teaching we will find a solution within the school and at the same time resolve a problem at national level which is the constant changing of workplace by foreign teachers. The best solution is resolving the problem within and maintaining continuity of teachers at one school. Another thing is that it is not always easy to teach with someone from a different culture thus we need to training to familiarise ourselves with their customs and habits. 2. Irma Bandiera National level No. 1. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: No. 2. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: Improvement proposal Izboljšanje komunikacije med člani PT Za boljšo komunikacijo bi predstavljali ali ponujali nove učne teme za možno skupno obravnavo redno na 14 dni v okviru srečanj strokovnih delavcev. Urnik naj bi prilagodili tako, da bi člani PT imeli istočasno proste termine vsak teden za skupna načrtovanja in priprave na pedagoške ure. Strah pred novimi temami in načini dela (npr. v timu s človekom, ki ga ne poznaš). Večina pedagoških delavcev je naučena delati samostojno z učenci in nič učiti v tandemu z drugo osebo. Učenci težko sprejmejo novega tujega učitelja, morda tudi zaradi zastarelih pogledov na nekaj novega. Improvement proposal Izboljšanje sodelovanja med člani PT Redno informiranje drug drugega o obravnavanih temah. Točno določanje terminov za učinkovito izvedbo. Uvajanje čim več novih metod in oblik dela. Jasno predlaganje idej. Spodbujanje učencev in učiteljev za uvanje novosti pri učenju in delu. Premalo prostih skupnih terminov za srečevanje. Nezainteresiranost za novosti. Slaba naravnanost za učenje s strani učencev. Slabo spoštovanje dogovorov. Zamujanje in podaljševanje pedegoških ur. Stari sistem poučevanja je preveč utirjen pri večini. Želje, da bi uvajali novosti so redke. Strah do novega je prevladujoč. Explanation/Justification Izboljšanje komunikacije med učitelji s pomočjo tujega učitelja omogoča napredek in povezovanje novih znanj. Zaradi rednega informiranja o novih temah, spodbuja tudi medpredmetno sodelovanje in povezovanje. Pri rednih srečanjih je mogoče sprotno informiranje za možno sodelovanje in na tak način spodbujanje k novemu načinu dela. Način izvajanja učnih ur v timu je dober model za bodoče timsko delo učencev. Nov način dela učiteljev je temelj za drugačno sodelovanje učencev kot bodočih delavcev v različnih dejavnostih. Explanation/Justification Strokovnost bi morala biti podlaga za trdne temelje pri uvajanju novosti. Člani PT naj bi se dogovarjali redno in na skupnih srečanjih. Ideje morajo stalno krožiti in se nadgrajevati ter dopolnjevati s starimi metodami in oblikami dela. Način izvajanja učnih ur v timu je dober model za bodoče timsko delo učencev. Nov način dela učiteljev je temelj za drugačno sodelovanje učencev kot bodočih delavcev v različnih dejavnostih. No. 3. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: Improvement proposal Izboljšanje odnosov med člani PT Vsak seodelujoči naj bi čim več energije vložil v uvajanje novega, ki naj se prepleta s starim. Pričakovali bi več truda od vsakega člana. Zaradi uspehov pri delu bi z veseljem sodelovali in odnosi bi se izboljšali. Pripravljenost za uvajanje novosti in ne samo fizična prisotnost na sestankih. Redno srečevanje na skupnih srečanjih in informiranje drugih učiteljev preko članov PT. Sprotno dogovarjanje o temah Strokovnost naj prehiteva osebne interese. Dogovarjanje o temah pred začetkom šolskega leta (julij – avgust). Pomanjkanje interesa za novosti. Premalo strokovnosti s strani predagoških delavcev. »Delam pri projektu, ker so me določili«. Explanation/Justification Zaradi slabih odnosov družba ne more napredovati. Improvement proposal Izboljšanje komunikacije med strokovnimi delavci pedagoškega zbora. Tuji učitelj naj bo rdeča nit povezovanja vseh strokovnih delavcev. Srečanja za izmenjevanje idej naj bodo redna zaradi uvajanja novosti. Obogatitev dela s pozitivnimi izkušnjami, da bi se zmanjšala apatičnost, lenoba in s tem posledično tudi manj frustracij ter neuspehov. Zmanjšanje nezainteresiranosti, ker vsak vlaga energijo v novosti. Strokovna znanja posameznikov se zlijejo v nove dimenzije. Dvigovanje entuzijazma in s tem tudi morale. Zmanjšanje nezainteresiranosti, ker vsak vlaga energijo v novosti. Reševanje novih problemov z delovanjem vseh članov. Delitev strokovnih informacij. Odprto širjenje idej. Podpora vseh članov PT med seboj. Učinkovite tehnike, da bi lažje širili ideje. Veliko spoštovanja do strokovnosti drugega. Vsak član PT naj ne bi varoval rešitve zase. Nespoštovanje vseh oseb v PT (zaradi starosti ali drugačnih pogledov in delovanja). Explanation/Justification Slabi vzorci se prenašajo od starejših na mlajše generacije. To ponavaljanje bi morali ustaviti oz. prekiniti. Zgled dobrega sodelovanja med učitelji je dober primer za otroke. Napredovanje ni možno brez interesa in pozitivne naravnanosti učiteljev. Temelj za dobro delo naj bo strokovnost, ki naj se vedno dopolnjuje. School level No. 1. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: Z veliko vstrajnosti, potrpežljivosti in truda posameznikov, s pomočjo strategij in ustreznih metod do izboljšanja komunikacije. Najboljše učenje učencev je učenje z zgledom učiteljev. Delo v timu z dobro komunikacijo je temelj za vse življenjske situacije. Način izvajanja učnih ur v timu je dober model za bodoče timsko delo učencev. Nov način dela učiteljev je temelj za drugačno sodelovanje učencev kot bodočih delavcev v različnih dejavnostih. No. 2. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: No. 3. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: Improvement proposal Izboljšanje kvalitete znanja učencev in učiteljev. Reševanje problemov z delovanjem vseh članov. Stalno dogovarjanje strokovnih delavcev na skupnih srečanjih. Odprta in direktna komunikacija. Vztrajnost, potrpežljivost in veliko truda vseh članov PT. Učinkovite tehnike, da bi lažje poglabljali znanje. Podpora vseh članov PT med seboj. Nesebična delitev strokovnih informacij. Ekstremne spretnosti članov PT. Odprto širjenje idej. Ekstremno dobro komuniciranje za hitro širjenje znanja. Varovanje rešitev individualno. Čim manj osebnih interesov. Improvement proposal Učenje timskega dela. Dobro sodelovanje v timu. Visoka strokovnost. Povečanje zainteresiranosti za delo v skupini. Podpora vseh članov. Uporaba učinkovitih tehnik, metod in oblik dela. Vsi člani PT se podpirajo med seboj. Učinkovito uporabljajo tehnike in metode poučevanja. Delitev strokovnih informacij. Sodelovanje vseh članov, da se pride do kvalitetnih rešitev. Želja po novem znanju. Slaba zainteresiranost za delovanje v timu. Vztrajanje pri uporabi starih oblik in metod dela. Varovanje rešitev samo zase. Majhna pripravljenost za delo v timu. Slaba strokovnost. Slabo širjenje informacij. Explanation/Justification S prepletanjem različnih tehnik metod in oblik dela se izboljša znanje učencev. Delovanje strokovnih delavcev je zgled za vse učence. Učenje vztrajnosti in vlaganje veliko truda do izboljšanja znanja. Boljše znanje za izboljšanje življenja. Explanation/Justification Najboljše in najbolj učinkovito učenje timskega dela je zgled skupinskega dela učiteljev. Pestrejše oblike dela učinkovitost pri delu. za večjo Želje po novem znanju se povečajo z dobrim sodelovanjem. Izboljšanje komunikacije med učitelji s pomočjo tujega učitelja omogoča napredek in povezovanje novih znanj. Zaradi rednega informiranja o novih temah spodbuja tudi medpredmetno sodelovanje in povezovanje. Pri rednih srečanjih je mogoče sprotno informiranje za možno sodelovanje in na tak način spodbujanje k novemu načinu dela. 3. Soizic Dupuy-Roudel National level No. 1. No. 2. Improvement proposal Aim/Goal(s): Une évaluation initiale / finale destinée aux Lycéens / aux Professeurs / aux partenaires de l'équipe Measure(s): - Réunion de Septembre: présentation des objectifs concernant le rôle du Professeur étranger dans l'établissement / dans la classe - Rédaction d'un questionnaire précis destiné à tous les membres impliqués. - Réunion finale de Juin: Objectifs atteints? Oui / Non / Pourquoi + exemples concrets Conditions: - Avoir plus d'informations / d'explications / d' exemples sur les techniques d'évaluation - Réfléchir et rédiger cette évaluation au début de l'année par groupe de langue ainsi qu'avec les partenaires de l'équipe. - A la fin de l'année: présentation de cette évaluation par groupe de langue + feed-back + Analyse et réflexions sur les échecs / réussites. Constraints: - Pas d'évaluation efficace - Evaluation trop détaillée / trop personnelle / ou au contraire trop générale qui ne répondrait pas aux questions préalables. Explanation/Justification - Le rôle / les fonctions / le statut d'un professeur étranger varient d'un établissement à un autre selon les partenaires impliqués. - Toujours utile de rappeller les grands objectifs du projet et surtout de les évaluer ensemble. - Ce projet est ambitieux et très interessant mais certaines directives ne sont pas réalisables - Important de se fixer des objectifs généraux de travail par équipe (variations selon l'établissement et la langue enseignée. - Evaluation à long-terme fixée selon les attentes / les besoins / les compétences des différents partenaires en vue d'une amélioration. Improvement proposal Aim/Goal(s): Adapter le projet à la langue enseignée et à la situation linguistique particulière de l'établissement Measure(s): - Réflexions sur les directives du projet: sont elles réalistes / réalisables? Oui / Non et Pourquoi? - Par groupe de langue, analyser les objectifs initiaux du projet et les diviser en, par exemple: » facilement réalisable « , » non réalisable « ... Conditions: - Toujours par groupe de langue / par équipe (team teaching d'un Lycée particulier), analyser la situation linguistique personnelle de l'établissement - Faire une liste des avantages / des inconvénients de l'enseignement de la langue donnée. - Etablir les points forts / les points faibles Constraints: - Certaines langues n'auront pas ce problème ou ce besoin là. - Difficile d' adapter les objectifs de travail aux besoins / à la situation réelle Explanation/Justification Il s'agit ici de la situation particulière du Français Langue Etrangère en Slovénie: seconde ou troisième langue, peu ou pas d'apprenants, option facultative, niveau débutant mais rarement »avancé«, conditions d'enseignement , horaires... Il est certain que suivant les langues vivantes, nous ne pouvons pas tous faire la même chose ou les mêmes activités. Prenons l'exemple de l'Anglais qui en fin de Lycée est parlé couramment et du Français , qui n'est qu'une option facultative, une troisième langue de surcroit...le contenu pour l'un peut-être privilégié (en Interdisciplinarité par exemple), au détriment de la forme pour l'autre (comment comprendre le contenu si la forme est trop complexe). Et on ne peut pas développer les mêmes activités si les niveaux linguistiques sont opposés (débutants / avancés) Exemple de la comparaison film / livre Exemples: Qu'attendez-vous d'un professeur étranger? No. 3. Improvement proposal Aim/Goal(s): Le projet général sur l'année proposé par les Lycées avant leur application devrait être plus ou moins rédigé en accord avec le profil des futurs professeurs étrangers. Measure(s): - Rencontre du professeur étranger avant Septembre avec toute la team teaching. - Présentations respectives des idées des uns et des autres. - Ellaboration d'un plan sur l'année en lien avec le projet de base et suivant les compétences du professeur étranger. Conditions: - S'organiser avant Septembre pour obtenir un résultat correct - Implication de tous les membres concernés Constraints: - Le temps, l'organisation générale, le niveau de la langue enseignée et les qualités personnelles / professionnelles du professeur étranger Explanation/Justification Par exemple, les deux projets des deux Lycées pour lesquels je travaille sont très différents: Pour l'un la motivation Pour l'autre l'interculturalité Que signifie exactement ces deux notions? Pourquoi ont-elles été choisies? Quels étaient les attentes? Les résultats à la fin de l'année sont-ils en accord avec ces deux projets? Toutes ces questions, si l'on veut bien respecter le projet de base et travailler en fonction, devraient, il me semble, être explicités plus clairement. Et à partir de cela, il serait plus simple de réfléchir ensemble à la performance du professeur étranger ( expèriences dans ce domaine, exemples, moyens...) School level No. 1. Improvement proposal Aim/Goal(s): Limiter le nombre de sous-projets par mois / par an ainsi que le nombre de co-teachers ( pour les autres disciplines) dans l'école afin de faciliter l'emploi du temps et la performance du professeur étranger Measure(s): - Limiter le nombre d'interventions en Interdisciplinarité - Limiter la participation aux autres projets Conditions: - Choisir les personnes avec qui l'on peut travailler - Préparer ensemble pour que ce soit réellement du co teaching Constraints: - Trop d'interventions en tant que professeur »invité« Pauvreté du fond / de la forme Pas assez d'investissement de la part des partenaires Explanation/Justification - Favoriser la qualité et non la quantité des performances - Prévoir des projets à long-termes plutôt qu'à court terme - Réfléchir à l'utilité réelle et aux objectifs sous-jacents de l'intervention du professeur étranger en Interdisciplinarité - Un contenu qui n'est pas très / assez développé (plus une valeur d'illustration) - Certains professeurs » utilisent« les professeurs étrangers pour varier leurs leçons : » fais ce que tu veux sur ce sujet«. Où est donc le co-teaching? Quelle est la valeur réelle du contenu? De la forme ( aspect linguistique)? Est-ce en accord avec le projet? No. 2. Improvement proposal Aim/Goal(s): Réduire le nombre d'heures d'enseignement mais inclure les travaux de recherche / préparation du co-teaching dans l'emploi du temps Measure(s): - Par exemple, 15h de cours au lieu de 20h mais vraiment »nnovatives« - 5 autres heures pour les travaux de recherche et autres préparations pour le projet Conditions: - Organisation efficace - Accord des co-teachers Constraints: - Emploi du temps / Directives officielles Explanation/Justification - Si l'on veut faire / proposer quelque chose d'innovant, il faut avoir du temps pour la réflexion / l'organisation / la préparation de l'activité puis la mise en place - Valeur ajoutée pour chaque heure de cours, ce n'est pas réaliste si l'on tient compte des contraintes du programme, de l'école... (préparation du Matura...) No. 3. Improvement proposal Aim/Goal(s): Prévoir quelques heures dans l'emploi du temps où le professeur étranger est indépendant dans son travail Measure(s): - Des heures fixées dès le départ - Favoriser la division des classes et le travail par groupe ( un groupe par enseignant) - Encore une fois favoriser la qualité de l'enseignement - Autonomiser le professeur étranger Explanation/Justification - Si le professeur étranger partage toutes les heures de langue avec son co-teacher, certaines heures ne possèdent pas de valeurs ajoutée ( test: révisions, corrections en classe, grammaire, programme personnel de l'enseignant...) - Pour éviter la position de l'enseignant étranger comme » assistant « - Pour améliorer le travail d'équipe ainsi que le domaine de compétences des deux partenaires Conditions: - - Constraints: - Trouver le moyen d'instaurer des heures en plus pour le professeur étranger sans » voler » les heures des professeurs Slovènes Il faudrait que ces heures linguistiques soient inscrites dans le cursus Optionnel mais pas facultatif Pas assez d'heures Organisation complexe 4. Demará C. Ivanič National level No. 1. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: No. 2. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Improvement proposal To improve project management among schools during the planning, execution and monitoring/evaluation phases via a Facebook web portal that would connect participating schools throughout Slovenia to one another (similar to www.parelliconnect.com). This would require a certain level of computing skill on each participant's part. Furthermore each participant would be required to register for and maintain an updated Facebook-like account. It could be implemented at the administrative level and spurred on by the foreign teachers themselves. Time contraint: 1 year to create, 1 year beta, then final version to be distributed. Videos, documents, powerpoints, graphs, etc. are all uploadable to the web portal. Progress can be tracked. Participation/involvement is able to be tracked on both a school and individual level. Participants are in touch anytime, anyplace, anywhere and also have access to archives. Virtual communication may become more emphasized than personal communication. Explanation/Justification This proposal was made with the primary intention of improving communication within the project on a national level and would have an effect on the planning, execution and monitoring and evaluation stages of the project. Improving communication skills within the project may be caused by a certain lack of uniformity and such an improvement would help to provide consistency without limiting creativity. Improvement proposal To improve communication among schools during the execution phase via an interactive school and administrative calendar that would allow easier communication between the mother schools and partner schools. This would require all participating schools to have a database of their yearly plans as well as interdiscplinary projects, intracurricular undertakings, etc. Again this would be implemented at the national level by administration and would require the joint cooperation of project team leaders, foreign teacher coordinators, and foreign teachers. As stated in Proposal 1., perhaps a two year period would be needed to successfully implement an interactive calendar. Computer savvy, archiving, and planning among other tasks are all necessary. A restructuring of deadlines would need to be discussed so that the interactive calendar is ready before September 1st each academic year. Ideally the calendar would be usable beginnning August 1st of each year. Explanation/Justification Having an interactive calendar would allow teachers to better cooperate together when planning for projects between schools and also allow for teachers and administrators to see what is going on at other institutions. The primary obstacle would be planning. For an interactive calendar to initialize and take place, a school must have something to put on the calendar in the first place. This require planning. Finally sticking to the planning and carrying out the lessons, activities, events that have to do with the project would make the calendar sucessful. Constraints: No. 3. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: In this way administrators and teachers could access the calendar and begin more detailed planning one month in advance of the start of the regular school year. Motivation is the primary constraint. For this proposal to work, each one has to be working towards the same goals, unified in mind and willing to put in the time that it would take each year to make a successful interactive calendar. Pre-planning, planning, and post-planning would be a must. Improvement proposal To improve the monitoring and evaluation phase among schools by implementing an interactive timetable available bilingually in Slovene and English, Slovene and French, Slovene and Italian, Slovene and Spanish, and Slovene and German. Foreign teachers would be responsible for maintaining their personal timetables online. A monthly deadline would be required. An reliable intranet database and operating system platform may be required along with access to one' payroll information. Explanation/Justification When proposing this improvement I was thinking of the time consuming duty of going back through the month to fill out one's timetable but then checking those actual hours with the hours on the payroll time sheet. It would be helpful to have a glossary, or key, if you will, to the abbreviations used on the timetable and a key as to how many working hours certain dates require (e.g. praznik = 4 hours, sick leave = 4 hours, etc.). Better yet would be to have theis timetable available in each person's native language as well as in Slovene. Improvement proposal To improve communication within the team by conducting skills surveys at the beginning, middle, and end of the school year to be distributed among team members as well as to be distributed among students. Interactive, online forms would be useful and would provide uniformity to the process. One month could be given to create a survey, one to two weeks to fill it out, and another week or two to discuss it and come to some conclusions about the information provided. Age-appropriate, content-specific and classspecific questionnaires and surveys would need to be created. Time constraints may be of concern. Explanation/Justification In order to improve our teamwork, we need to know each other's strengths and weaknesses. (We could also distribute similar surveys or questionnaires to students to see how they best learn and to get to know them better before the school year). When we begin working together as a team, we usually have no idea who the other person is and what they are bring to the table, so to speak. This would be a way to help improve that. School level No. 1. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: No. 2. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: No. 3. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: Improvement proposal To improve communication within the team during the planning phase by utilizing an interactive template and calendar. Online, interactive forms, deadlines. Timeline: ongoing. Deadlines must be met and discussion must take place. Time constraints may be of concern. Explanation/Justification This would help us to better plan and could be used as a planning calendar or working calendar throughout the school year as well as a basis of improvement for the following year. Improvement proposal To improve communication within the team during the monitoring and evaluation phase by utilizing an interactive template that focuses upon best practices and reflective teaching. Interactive forms with an archiving system. Deadlines must be met and discussion must take place. Time constraints may be of concern. Explanation/Justification This would help us to better plan for the following school year and to improve the implementation of projects and lessons. 5. Philip Jacobs Nacionalna raven Št. 1. Namen/Cilj: Ukrep/-i: Pogoji: Omejitve: Št. 2. Namen/Cilj: Ukrep/-i: Pogoji: Omejitve: Št. 3. Namen/Cilj: Ukrep/-i: Pogoji: Omejitve: Predlog za izboljšavo Urejen in vsem dostopen arhiv gradiv, predavanj, nalog Določitev osebe, ki bo za to zadolžena in strokovno usposobljena. Zaposlitev osebe Omejitev zaposlovanja v javni upravi, finančne omejitve, prostor za delovno mesto Utemeljitev Prevelik obseg informacij in gradiv ovira tekoče delovanje projekta. Potrebno je zagotoviti enakovreden dostop do gradiv za vse šole v projektu tudi drugim šolam, ki niso vključene v projekt. Predlog za izboljšavo Urejene spletne strani projekta Določitev osebe, ki bo za to zadolžena in strokovno usposobljena. Zaposlitev osebe Omejitev zaposlovanja v javni upravi, finančne omejitve, prostor za delovno mesto Utemeljitev Spletna stran bi pripomogla k večji prepoznavnosti projekta OUTJ. Na tekočem bi bili tudi zainteresirane osebe, ki niso vključene v projekt. Predlog za izboljšavo Periodična strokovna publikacija tekočih novosti in načrtov projekta Določitev osebe, ki bo za to zadolžena in strokovno usposobljena. Zaposlitev osebe Omejitev zaposlovanja v javni upravi, finančne omejitve, prostor za delovno mesto Utemeljitev Publikacija bi projektu dala večjo strokovno težo in transparentnost. Tudi v znanstvenih krogih bi bila brana. Šolska raven Št. 1. Namen/Cilj: Ukrep/-i: Pogoji: Omejitve: Št. 2. Namen/Cilj: Ukrep/-i: Pogoji: Omejitve: Št. 3. Namen/Cilj: Ukrep/-i: Pogoji: Omejitve: Predlog za izboljšavo Učinkovita izmenjava gradiv in idej učiteljev, dijakov med šolami v projektu Skupno načrtovanje že v juniju za naslednje šolsko leto: skupni projektni dnevi, tedni, izmenjave. Pripravljenost učiteljev za sodelovanje in izmenjavo. Pomanjkanje komunikacije med šolami, skeptičnost do delitve gradiv in diseminacije idej. Časovna omejitev, usklajevanje urnikov, prostorska stiska na določenih šolah. Utemeljitev Za uresničevanje propozicij (smernic in ciljev) projekta. Za spodbujanje sodelovalne kulture. Izkušnje mednarodnih izmenjav bi šole lahko prenesle na lokalno raven. Predlog za izboljšavo Dodatna motivacija učiteljev za sodelovanje v projektu. Ravnatelj naj sodelovanje v projektu nagradi z upoštevanjem doprinosa, zmanjšanjem nadomeščanj, dežurstev in drugih obveznosti. Skrbnik projekta naj v sodelovanju z Ministrstvom RS za šolstvo in šport pisno priporoči ravnateljem izvedbo navedenih predlogov. Avtonomija ravnateljev. Utemeljitev Učitelji, ki so vključeni v ožji projektni tim so kljub temu, da so za svoje delo v projektu plačani v okviru povečanega obsega dela, pogosto preobremenjeni tudi z drugimi delovnimi obveznostmi (doprinos, nadomeščanja, dežurstva idr.). Motivacija je zlasti pomembna za tiste učitelje, ki niso del projektnih timov, saj pogosto vidijo projekte le kot dodatno obremenitev. Predlog za izboljšavo Izboljšanje komunikacije med součitelji, ki poučujejo timsko. S pomočjo aktivnih delavnic. Organizira naj jih ZRŠS vsaj trikrat v šolskem letu: na začetku, sredi in koncu šolskega leta. Vključeni so slovenski učitelji in učitelji naravni govorci vključno z nemškimi programskimi učitelji. Delavnice naj bodo vključene v letni delovni načrt projekta OUTJ oziroma naj bodo del mesečnih sestankov učiteljev naravnih govorcev s slovenskimi učitelji na ZRSŠ. Ni večjih omejitev. Utemeljitev Preprečili bi fluktuacijo učiteljev naravnih govorcev in pridobili na stabilnosti in kontinuiteti projekta. Z vključitvijo nemških programskih učiteljev bi tudi oni pripomogli k razvoju projekta. Ta predlog zadeva tako šolsko kot nacionalno raven. Težave v komunikaciji se pojavljajo na šolski ravni, vendar so skupne rešitve možne na nacionalni ravni. 6. Andrea Jadrzyk National level No. 1. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: No. 2. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: Improvement proposal More information on R&D tasks in advance to ensure a better final result. This would be done in advance at the monthly meeting by means of a description of what is expected and how it must be written. A brief example may also prove useful. This would be the responsibility of the Institute or perhaps one of the FTs who has knowledge in this area to provide clear guidelines / an example in advance. This would require extra time and preparation concerning R&D tasks to ensure clear instruction for FTs as to what, specifically is expected. One of the main problems that may occur is a lack of time on the part of the Institute, so perhaps a Ft could be enlisted to aid in providing an example of what the finished product should look like. Explanation/Justification The problem of the R&D tasks is one that has repeated itself more than once. Often, FTs feel that they only discover the details of what they should have written after the fact. I have to believe that this miscommunication is resulting in a lower quality of the submitted work. For the instructions to be made clear, tasks would have to be organized in advance and perhaps even provide an example of what is expected along with the guidelines. If the intentions and wishes behind the task are clear, the quality of the submissions will also increase. This will also save time later on as there will be fewer mistakes to discuss at future meetings. Improvement proposal There should be more feedback given to FTs on their performance within the project / school. Both the schools and the Institute could hold short individual consultations with FTs to provide feedback on the work they have been submitting (R&D tasks) and on how their colleagues, principal, etc. feel about their progress in the classroom. This could be done on a six-month or even yearly basis. A person with an overall view of the individual's submitted work would have to inform the FT of their successes and mistakes at the Institute and one of the members of the project team would have to do the same in the schools. Again problems may include a lack of manpower or even time to provide this feedback at the Institute. Thus, feedback could be provided only in a more general way so that any reoccurring problems may be avoided in the future. Explanation/Justification Providing FTs with feedback (even if it is only on a six-month or yearly basis) will allow them to constantly improve in both the writing of their R&D tasks and in the classroom. If this is not done, problems may continue to reappear in the work of a FT. Time constraints may not allow for more than a very general assessment, which is why a quick solution may be to offer FTs a short consultation or to simply send an email outlining the Institute's and the school's satisfaction (or dissatisfaction) with the FT's work. This would allow FTs to improve themselves and their work in more than 1 area of the project. No. 3. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: Improvement proposal The addition of more didactic theory that could be used in the classroom. Some of the meetings we attend could be partially devoted to practical application of the theory we learn including more real-life classroom problems, solutions, ways of motivating students, sharing lesson plans or speculating on lesson plans and activities that are versatile and interesting for students. This could be done by means of group work at our meetings as we would work together to brainstorm ideas and discuss classroom issues. For this, additional planning and time would be necessary to cover problems of motivation, classroom disorder, etc. Identifying common difficulties among FTs in the classroom would require extra time and effort on the part of the Institute and the FTs. Thus, group work could quickly provide a great deal of the work identifying difficulties we all have. This would provide a basis on which to develop the concepts into workable subjects for later discussion. Explanation/Justification A great deal of the FTs were not trained as teachers and even those that are could always benefit from a structured discussion on subjects such as motivation students, projects, dealing with 'rude' students and inappropriate outbursts, etc. Were time taken to address some of these issues, I believe that FTs would have a better foundation upon which to enter the classroom. The theory we have been exposed to is interesting, but does not always provide practical applications to be used in the classroom. Such debates could only be beneficial as teachers share experiences and ideas on what works, what does not and what could potentially be done to address common, everyday issues with students, coworkers and parents. Improvement proposal Gaining the opinions of students and parents concerning the presence of the FT in the classroom. This would be carried out by means of a simple questionnaire to be used to assess the satisfaction of the students and possibly even the parents with the inclusion of a FT to the curriculum. The questionnaire could be created with the help of a professional and issued at the beginning and the end of the school year to assess both expectations and results. The Institute and the schools involved would have to take the questionnaire seriously and issue them on time informing students / parents that they should be honest. The results would have to be considered in order to improve what is being offered to students. Students / parents may not want to be honest or may not want to take the time to do the questionnaire so it is critical that it is kept as simple as possible (perhaps multiple choice) and anonymous. Explanation/Justification The issuing of questionnaires to students and / or parents would provide the schools, the Institute and the Ministry with some concrete evidence on the success of the project from those that it affects the most. Thus they would have more than just grades and second-hand information on which to rely and allow them to see whether or not the addition of the FT to the classroom is appreciated / motivating. This change is necessary because there is too much emphasis on grades being the only improvement we can measure in our students. I believe that one's attitude towards a culture or language is also very important to the success of the project. The students should also have the opportunity to suggest improvements or express their opinions on the experience and how it has affected them. School level No. 1. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: No. 2. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: No. 3. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: Improvement proposal To provide better education to those students who have a greater desire to progress or improve their language learning competences. This improvement could be achieved by offering gifted or aspiring students more access to the FT. This encouragement would have to reach schools by means of the Institute at the beginning of each new semester. Schools would have to be willing to make the distinction between students who require or would like more access to the FT and are ready to work as a result of this. The FTs would also have to be prepared to challenge the students and to provide adequate motivation and activities in accordance with their needs and wishes. Many schools do not wish to divide students and wish for all to have access to the FT. This unfortunately includes those who are completely uninterested in languages and on working to improve their use of the language in question. I believe that here the FT would have to make the decision base4d on the individual's performance in class, recommending that certain students be removed so as not to hinder the others. Explanation/Justification There is a problem in schools in Slovenia in which all students are expected to have access to a FT. This keeps the FT from providing the extra attention that certain, more applied students may appreciate. Thus students who show little or no interest as well as those who constantly disrupt the learning experience should not be given extra privileges. Students who are eager and willing to work should be put first and their needs catered to more effectively. Improvement proposal A greater emphasis on FTs having a stable schedule in both Home and Partner Schools. This would have to be achieved by means of some form of monitoring on the part of the Home School and the Institute. When determining the schedule of a FT at the beginning of each semester, there should be some pressure put on schools during meetings and during the school year to comply. FTs should be encouraged to report such problems to the Home School or the Institute so that further action may be taken from there. Schools would have to be willing to be flexible in creating schedules and also keep the FT in mind. Schools need to stop considering the FT a commodity and think of them as people with rights of their own. Many schools have the mentality that a FT should be in as many classes as possible with the schedule changing from week to week. It may be difficult to convince such institutions that this is not possible or realistic. The only solution is for the Home School or the Institute to demand stable schedules for FTs as part of the program. Explanation/Justification Many schools take advantage of the FT and use them to boost the reputation of the school rather than assisting those students who would truly appreciate and benefit from the FT. The truth of the matter is that FTs should be given a stable schedule as would any other member of the teaching staff. This would allow the FT to get to know their students and capabilities as well as to plan effectively for lessons. This would also make the FT feel more like a part of the school and less like a convenient substitute teacher and marketing tool. 7. Gerosa Lambergar National level No. 1. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: No. 2. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Improvement proposal Predlog: Razvojne naloge bi želela pisati v svojem 1. jeziku nemščini Namen: Enostavno preveč časa porabim za prevode nalog iz nemščine v slovenščino. Pri prevajanju v slovenščino se mi pojavljajo velike težave s formuliranjem stavkov in niti ne znam napisati, kar želim. To pelje posledično do časovne stiske zaradi tega trpijo tudi priprave na redni pouk. Bistveno bolj produktivno in smiselno bi bilo, da bi ta čas namenila posebnemu in dodatnemu delu z dijaki in načrtovanju pouku. S takšnim ukrepom (da bi lahko pošiljala naloge v svojem 1. jeziku nemščini) bi bila zagotovo bolj produktivna, konstruktivna in predvsem znala bolj razumljivo predstaviti celotno vsebino. Razvojne naloge bi bilo treba prevesti v angleščino ali v slovenščino. Finančno je na prvi pogled mogoče nekoliko dražje, vendar bi s tem lahko prihranila veliko časa, katerega bi lahko namenila izboljšanju projekta, kar je verjetno eden izmed glavnih ciljev. Oziroma če bi pisala poročila v slovenščini, predlagam da bi imela več časa za naloge in da se dolžina poročil skrajša, saj mi poleg ostalega dela sedanja poročila vzamejo preveč časa. Explanation/Justification Obstaja nevarnost, da na prvem mestu ni več vsebina - vzgoja in poučevanje, ampak različna poročila, časovnice in raziskovalne naloge. Pogosto zaradi različnih oblik in načinov poročanja pride do preobremenjenosti. Npr. zgodilo se je, prejšnji mesec sem mogla oddati 19.5. razvojno nalogo in 21.5. pa primer učne ure. Kolikor mi je znano smo se na začetku dogovorili, da se na mesec pošilja samo eno stvar. Moje kolegice KTJ in VPT so si te naloge vsaj razdelile, tako da je vsaka imela po en izdelek. Jaz sem pa imela obe stvari. Improvement proposal Predlog: za medpredmetne povezave naj bi se dobil tudi en bonus ali POD, ker je ogromno več individualnega dela in truda: že samo iskanje ustreznega součitelja, ki je sploh želi sodelovati na tem »projektu« predstavlja težave (naj pridem naslednji mesec ali čez dva mesca ali naslednjo šolsko leto), poleg tega se je pa treba tudi poglobit v ta novi drugi predmet, najprej samostojno in potem seveda še timsko za točen potek ure, cilje, evaluacijo in dokumentacijo. Namen: pri takšni ponudbi (bonusa ali POD ja) bi bili vsi že od začetka bolj pripravljeni k sodelovanju in tudi število projektov bi naraslo. Kot dodaten ukrep bi bilo smiselno, da se že na začetku šolskega leta v LDN določi medpredmetne povezave in rezervira dodatne ure zato. V LDN bi celo lahko vpisali temo projekta in predmete, ki bodo sodelovali pri tej Explanation/Justification Kako do profesionalnega pristopa? Pri vsaki moji medpredmetni povezavi sem že v startu imela »neprijeten« občutek, kot da bi tistemu predmetnemu učitelju »vzela« eno šolsko uro za našo medpredmetno povezavo in namesto da bi ga še prosila za dodatno delo v zvezi s potrebnimi skupnimi pripravami, sem do njih večinoma že stopila z načrtom in pripravljeno uro, da bi jih čim manj obremenjevala. Constraints: No. 3. medpredmetni povezavi. Kot dodaten pogoj bi si želela, da mi KTJ oz. VPT pomagata pri pridobitvi součiteljev za medpredmetne povezave. Tudi če so pogoji točno določeni, smo na vse zadnje mi le odvisni od dobre volje teh predmetnih učiteljev / profesorjev in njihovo odločitvijo ali bo, kdaj bo in kako bo potekala medpredmetna povezava . Improvement proposal Explanation/Justification Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: School level No. 1. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: Improvement proposal Predlog: Želela bi si bolj stalen urnik, ker te spremembe od tedna v teden zahtevajo ogromno fleksibilnostjo, ker imam (pre-) veliko različnih razredov in seveda tudi veliko več součiteljev. Namen: Kvantitativno dosežem po tem principu sicer več razredov oz. vse dijake, ki se učijo nemščino. Kvaliteta pa sigurno trpi nad tem, ker je kontinuiteta omejena in tudi kompleksnejši projekti so težko izvedljivi. Na vse zadnje so pa tudi dijaki zmedeni, ker prihajam neredno k njim v pouk in tako tudi velikokrat ostanejo teme na pol obdelane in nezaključene. To pa sigurno ni v smislu projekta OUTJ in njegove «dodane vrednosti« pri pouku. Tukaj na žalost ne vidim druge možnosti, kot da dobi šola jasna navodila s strani nacionalne ravni, ker meni kot TU očitno ni uspelo uvesti te novosti. Pogoj za uspešno izboljšavo je, da doseže kvaliteta prednost pred kvantiteto. Na nekaterih šolah se zelo težko in počasi prilagajajo spremembam in novostim obstoječega projekta, ter se kar držijo še starejših projektov o »tujih asistentih«, ker jim bolje ustreza. Za vse predloge, kako te omejujoče okoliščine obvladati, bi bila zelo hvaležna. Explanation/Justification Biti vedno in vsakemu na razpolago ima priokus tujega »asistenta«. No. 2. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Improvement proposal Predlog: Želela bi si, da imajo vsi TU iste pogoje in da so delovne dolžnosti točno definirane in da tudi ravnatelj ne more posegati poljubno v delovni čas TU. Govorim o 6-urni zahtevani dnevni prisotnosti na šoli, ki velja za pripravnike na tej šoli, za tehnične sodelavce in za TU nemščine, ne pa za TU angleščine in ne za TU francoščine in ne za vse ostale profesorje. Tukaj bi si resnično želela podporo z nacionalne ravni projekta, ker se sama nisem mogla dogovoriti in se mi to ravnanje enostavno ne zdi upravičeno, samo zaradi tega, ker pač vlada poseben »režim« na tej šoli. Explanation/Justification Conditions: Constraints: No. 3. Improvement proposal Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: Explanation/Justification 8. Laura L. Jensen National level No. 1. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: No. 2. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: Improvement proposal Improved coordination/information-sharing from project management team. Fewer but longer emails from project management team; Power Point presentations made available in English and Slovene on Zavod website; all emails to foreign teachers in both English and Slovene; all emails send from a single individual, rather than multiple Project management team and project teachers must agree that this is a reasonable and useful set of changes. Fewer emails may result in a loss of flexibility and/or occasional necessary changes relating to monthly meetings or project goals. Project management should be allowed to notify project teachers via email of any reasonable or necessary changes no later than 24 hours before a meeting, but this should not be a frequent occurance. Explanation/Justification Project teachers at our school feel that we receive too many emails from the project management team, which causes some confusion. This confusion is increased by the fact that the emails come from multiple individuals. Some of us also would like to receive copies of the Power Point presentations used at the monthly meetings, preferably before the meeting so that we can take useful notes during the meeting. There have also been complaints about changes to the meeting details, sometimes very soon after an email about the meeting, resulting in multiple emails about the same meeting but with different information. Improvement proposal Increased participation of other subject teachers in the project. Project database of materials, methodology, information on improving students' cross-curricular literacy. Develop materials, workshops, information to assist language teachers (local and foreign) to use other school subject topics in the targetlanguage classroom. Encourage new methods of information-sharing with non-project teachers so they are more aware of the project and its goals. Lesson topics must be elementary enough that the language teachers are comfortable teaching the material and students are capable of comprehending the material, while complex or sophisticated enough that students are engaged and the vocabulary will be useful to them in future academic or professional work. Lesson topics must also fit into required curriculum for the Matura so that students do not suffer academically for the sake of experimental lessons. Project language teachers and nonproject subject teachers could coordinate lessons to cover similar or related material. See conditions. Explanation/Justification It is difficult to get non-project teachers, particularly those outside of the humanities and social sciences, interested in using the target language in their classrooms, either through guest teaching by the foreign teacher or through a longer team-teaching project. Non-project teachers need to be made more aware of the possibilities of target-language teaching of their subjects. Non-project teachers may ask what language teachers can do to teach their subject in the language classroom, rather than what the subject teachers can do to teach the target language in the subject classroom. Coordination of lesson topics or material would increase nonproject teacher interest or participation in project activities. No. 3. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: Improvement proposal Improvement of schedule on days when we have a monthly meeting. Change the start time of monthly meetings to an earlier or later time. Project teachers would have to agree that changing the time of the meetings would be useful to them. Teachers coming from a distance of more than one hour's drive, or who must rely on public transportation to get to Ljubljana, may find an earlier (or later)time very difficult. Explanation/Justification Some teachers feel that the monthly meetings should start earlier in the day so that they can make better use of the afternoon back home. Others thought perhaps later meetings would be better because they could still teach a few lessons in the morning and not lose the entire teaching day. There was also concern that the meetings currently take place during the most tiring part of the day and that teachers are easily distracted as a result, unable to appreciate the meetings as well as they should. Improvement proposal Increased time and teacher availability for project team meetings. Schedule team meetings for the end of the school day. This will work best if the meeting is scheduled for the same day of the week each week, allowing project members to schedule extracurriculars, special school events, and personal appointments. Holidays and special school events may still require rescheduling of the team meeting. Explanation/Justification Until last week, our team meeting was scheduled for fifth period and the meetings often had to be cut short so project teachers could go to their classes or attend other meetings. Last week we had our meeting in eighth period and were able to continue as long as we needed or wanted to, with few interrruptions; this was universally seen as a positive change. While one teacher did have to leave to go to an afternoon class, in the future we could schedule the meeting for a day when no one in the team would normally expect to have to leave early. Improvement proposal Improved cross-curriculuar literacy among students. Subject teachers would communicate with language teachers about topics they plan to teach. Language teachers would incorporate related topics or materials into the language classroom. Occasional guest teaching or teamteaching would connect the lessons and provide the students with better or increased opportunities to use material from the language class in the subject class. Subject teachers have to be comfortable sharing lessons plans, as well as planning significant portions of lessons far in advance. Language teachers have to be sufficiently comfortable or familiar with the topics or materials to teach the subject lesson under the guise of a language lesson. Explanation/Justification The team wishes to improve the teamteaching/guest-teaching paradigm. While guest-teaching has been somewhat successful at our school, the subject teachers sometimes have to repeat significant amounts of material in Slovene during or after a foreign teacher's lesson in the subject classroom. We think that covering some related material in the language classroom will improve students' comprehension of the guesttaught/team-taught lesson by providing necessary vocabulary and context. School level No. 4. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: No. 5. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: No. 6. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: Subject teachers cannot significantly deviate from the planned lessons without rescheduling the coordination with the language teacher. Absences due to illness or using additional time/lessons due to students' difficulties with the topic(s) will cause scheduling/planning difficulties. Improvement proposal Create a portfolio of team-teaching/guestteaching lessons (both subject and language teaching) which can be made available to the entire teaching faculty, perhaps electronically. Project teachers will contribute documentation of lesson plans and ideas to a communal portfolio or file. This file can be shared with other teachers, especially non-project teachers, as both proof of the feasibility of the project and as usefulness of the project. Project teachers must be responsible and consistent about contributing material to the portfolio file. Project teachers must be comfortable with their materials being available to other teachers. Project teachers must make good use of opportunities to share the portfolio with non-project teachers, such as at faculty meetings or in casual conversation. Non-project teachers may not be interested in looking at the portfolio or designing lesson plans similar to those in the portfolio. Project teachers may feel overburdened by work if they do not usually write down many details of their lesson plans. Explanation/Justification While we feel we do a good job of designing team-taught lesson plans, we think we can improve. We also need to do a better job of sharing ideas and methodology for lessons. By creating an official portfolio, either paper-copy or electronic, we will have a useful resource and an easier way of sharing our lesson plans amongst ourselves. It will also make it easier to share information about the project with non-project teachers who perhaps don't know much about team-teaching or cross-curricular teaching. As we must already share lesson plans and other information in the monthly/trimonthly reports, this shouldn't be too much extra work if we prepare our lessons well. 9. Andrea Leone National level No. 1. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: No. 2. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: No. 3. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: Improvement proposal Have more time to concentrate on the work in each school. Simplify the paper work for the Slovene teachers and foreign teachers; organize the school network in order to avoid high travel costs and loss of time to travel from one school to the other. Give long term deadlines for paper work and reduce the number of papers to be submitted. The necessity to produce many evidences of the FT’s work. Explanation/Justification The Slovene teachers, even if they are interested in the project, lose their commitment due to the paper work. Some changes seem to have been done, but still some of them are quite skeptical about it and they claim that there is not enough time to plan lessons. At the same time, many foreign teachers have to travel a lot to reach their partner schools, causing a big loss of time and energies and difficulty to concentrate on the situation in each school. Improvement proposal Promote more the project all around the schools of Slovenia. Create forms of commercials through national medias about the project itself to make it public to a larger amount of people. Use different ways to promote the project in all the schools of the Country. High costs of the promotion as well as risk to get wrong information trough misunderstandings. The project is complex and not easy to understand at first approach. Explanation/Justification I personally believe that the project is not known enough among the Slovene schools. Too many people still think that it is a new form of assistantship; because of this, they are not willing to participate or get more information about it. Improvement proposal Recognize more energetically the work of foreign teachers and their teams, so that they can be more motivated and constantly improve the quality of their work. Offer better work conditions to the foreign teachers, also with the recognition of the years of experience to have a better salary. Design a more specific contract that take in consideration the situation of Foreign teachers. Application of other national laws that do not allow a change in the position of Foreign teachers. Explanation/Justification Foreign teachers suffer from demotivation for the economical aspect of the project. The salary is quite low and there is no possibility to progress in the pay level. Moreover, the years of experience are not taken into consideration. Some talented Foreign teachers have left the project because they have found better work contracts somewhere else. Improvement proposal Better understanding of the project at school level. During the meetings with all of the teachers, it should be presented the work planned and to be Explanation/Justification Many teachers who are not involved in the project don't know in what exactly it consists. For this reason, the foreign teachers don't have many possibilities School level No. 1. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: No. 2. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: No. 3. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: planned during the year by the team. In this way all of the teachers have the evidence of the genuinity of the project. The team should be more supported by the headmaster to schedule regular reports of the work done during the monthly meetings at school. Not enough time during meetings and low interest from some of the teachers. to work with others. On the contrary, when there is an opportunity of cooperation, time is too short and activity are not prepared with enough advance. Improvement proposal Integrate better the foreign teachers in the schools, to make them feel as part of the system. Involve teachers in extracurricular activities, workshops, seminars, trips organized by the school. Promote the foreign teachers through leaflets, article in the web pages of schools, official timetables at the disposal of students. Use any possible media to promote the role and potential of the Foreign teachers. Take advantage of the Foreign teacher’s presence to promote the school and not the project itself. Explanation/Justification Too few time spent in each school reduces the occasions for foreign teachers to take part in extra activities that would help to get more integrate in the school. The school, as well, should involve more the foreign teachers and inform the whole staff in different ways about the role and the work of the Foreign teachers. Improvement proposal Use the potential of the foreign teachers in different classes when needed. Create a rotational official timetable of the foreign teacher, to be changed when some specific classes could need a particular support from the foreign teacher. At the same time, organize some extra compulsory hours to be offered by the foreign teacher. Analyse and create similar timetables each month, considering the participation of the Foreign teachers in non language lessons. Hang in the teacher’s room notice-board a sheet in which other teachers can express wishes and opinions about possible cooperations. A different timetable for each month can be a stressful task for the Foreign teacher as well as the language coordinator. At the same time, not all of the colleagues could be available to cooperate during the year. Explanation/Justification It is difficult to involve the Foreign teachers in different subjects, so giving a more official shape to the possibility of cooperation with other teachers could represent a step forward in this sense. The headmaster should promote and support more this aspect of the project. 10. Mary Ellen Ramasimanana Virtič National level No. 1. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: No. 2. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Improvement proposal Focaliser le temps de travail du professeur étranger sur l'enseignement propre ; sur l'élaboration des projets et à leurs applications. Faire un travail de recherche deux fois par an ou une fois par trimestre Mesure d'application prise par l'Institut (ZRSŠ) qui dirige le projet. - Fournir mensuellement au moins un projet ou une fiche pédagogique presentant la valeur ajoutée qui a marché et créer une banque à idées par langue et par matière (pour l'interdisciplinaire). - Commenter les fiches envoyées et annoter les conditions du bon déroule- ment. Cette mesure ne devrait avoir ni causer de contraintes car elle rentre directement dans le cadre même du travail de l'enseignant. Improvement proposal A- Faire des formations continues de formateurs avec des ateliers pratiques sur 1/l'utilisation des nouvelles technologies en cours de langue, pour développer les quatre compétences : conception et élaboration d'activités multimédias ; 2-/ l'interdisciplinarité ou langue à objectif spécifique ; 3-/ un entrainement à l'évaluation des productions écrites et orales des élèves. B- Faire des formations concernant le projet pour les autres professeurs qui participent au projet. A- Mesure prise par l'Institut (ZRSŠ) et/ ou les autres institutions comme British Council, Institut Français, Goethe Institut, Instituto Cervantes, Instituto Italiano pour trouver les intervenants. Ou demander aux professeurs étrangers formés pour cela et/ou ont une compétence particulière. Explanation/Justification Cette proposition vient du problème cité lors du séminaire à Bled que le projet développe des attentes démesurées et entrainent un surcharge horaire pour les professeurs (étrangers comme slovènes). Cette attente est dû au fait qu'au fil du temps, depuis septembre, le projet a évolué dans un sens où les actants sont amenés à faire des travaux de recherches. Or j'estime que le projet est fait et conçu avant tout pour le bien des apprenants, des élèves. Un travail de recherche, pour qu'il soit utile ultérieurement nécessite un temps de réfléxion conséquent et alloué spécialement pour cela. Pourtant, en parallèle, les coursprojets sont conduits régulièrement étant donné que le »OUTJ« est un programme basé sur l'élaboration de projets et de leur application. C'est la raison pour laquelle j'ai choisi les conditions ici citées. Le fait qu'une mesure prise n'engendre pas de contrainte ne la qualifie pas de »mauvaise« mesure. Au contraire, elle rassure les professeurs, les motive et les soutient dans leur activité première : enseigner. Explanation/Justification A- Les seminaires mensuels sont instructifs pour nous les professeurs. Mais il arrive souvent que ces avancés dans la refléxion et le travail du professeur ne sont pas toujours applicables pour toutes les langues enseignées. Je parle du français particulièrement qui a un statut de deuxième langue étrangère dans les établissements voire même une langue facultative ou 3ème langue. A l'issu des séminaires, on se sent désemparé car on est très enthousiaste par les nouveautés apprises et en même temps on ne sait pas de quelle manière on pourrait les réaliser dans sa classe. C'est pourquoi je proposerais des formations comme celles décrites dans les objectifs de la proposition. Conditions: Constraints: B- Mesure commune entre Institut ZRSŠ et les écoles (mères et partenaires). - Faire une formation sur 2 ou 3 jours tous les trimestres ou semestres pour tous les professeurs : slovènes et étrangers. - Etablir des groupes pour les premières langues étrangères et les deuxièmes langues étrangères. - La formation pour les autres professeurs participants au projet devrait se faire dans les locaux des écoles, et conduite par les responsables du projet de l'Institut ZRSŠ. B- Les professeurs qui participent au projet ne réalisent pas toujours la dimension et l'importance de leur participation au projet. C'est la raison pour laquelle ils prennent la liberté de participer ou pas en fonction de leur disponibilité. A mon avis, ayant reçu une formation concernant le projet, leur attitude évoluera et leur enthousiasme augmentera pour collaborer. - Une absence prolongée des professeurs - Faire faire une formation pour toutes les langues fait prendre le risque d'un décalage pour l'application. Il y a toujours le »problème« de statut de la langue enseignée. - Trouver les formateurs pour chaque langue. No. 3. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: Improvement proposal Adapter les consignes des travaux de recherche à chaque langue suivant le statut (première, deuxième ou troisième langue enseignée). Mesure prise par l'Institut (ZRSŠ) avec l'aide des responsables de chaque langue Donner la possibilité d'un choix entre deux sujets à traiter. Donner le travail au moins un mois à l'avance. Pouvoir écrire dans sa propre langue (pour les professeurs étrangers). Donner une date fixe pour le retour. Explanation/Justification Les travaux de recherches sont constructifs pour les professeurs car ils leur permettent de faire une réflexion sur leur propre progression professionnelle. C'est la raison pour laquelle je la proposerais. Sauf qu'il faudrait l'adapter à chaque langue et à chaque culture. Une des difficulté évoquée lors du séminaire à Bled est le manque de directive des travaux de recherche et des consignes assez confuses. Cet exercice aide les professeurs à ne pas tomber dans une »routine« de travail d'enseignement seulement mais aussi à faire une autoévaluation assidûment. Fixer la date de retour est une contrainte judicieuse et discipliné car il permet de planifier le travail pour qu'on ne s'étire pas dans le temps. Improvement proposal Pour le travail de l'équipe : fixer dans l'emploi du temps les heures de rencontre entre professeurs (slovènes et étrangers) pour les préparations, les planifications et les rapports. Mesure prise par la direction de l'école avec l'aide de l'Institut ZRSŠ Définir le nombre d'heures (2 heures) par Explanation/Justification Planifier les cours et les projets à l'avance est un des avantages du projet dans la mesure où on le fait comme il faut. Nombre de fois, les professeurs n'ont pas le temps matériel pour le faire car leur emploi du temps ne leur permet pas. Alors ils font des School level No. 1. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: No. 2. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: quinzaine pour cela pour que ce soir effectif et efficace. Les professeurs étrangers travaillent dans au moins deux établissements. Les heures se chevauchent ou sont éparpillées. compromis ce qui signifie sacrifice de temps sur d'autre travail. »Faire du sacrifice« à longueur d'année peut leur entrainer une démotivation et surtout un sentiment de faire face à un devoir impératif, à éxécuter constamment. C'est pourquoi, programmer cette activité de préparation et de planification profitera à l'enseignant slovène et au professeur étranger. De plus, ils pourront mieux discuter des thèmes et des projets qu'ils pourront créer et mener ensemble. Improvement proposal Faire des mini-projets en fonction du niveau des participants et non par rapport au niveau de la classe. Mesure prise au niveau des départements de langue, au niveau de la direction de l'école avec le soutien de l'Institut (ZRSŠ). Diviser la classe suivant le niveau des apprenants. Le professeur étranger prend en charge une fois par semaine ou par quinzaine le groupe »plus avancé« pour qu'il puisse travailler en plus ; et s'échange avec le professeur slovène pour prendre le groupe des »moins avancés«. Une double vitesse de l'enseignement au niveau de la réalisation du programme national. Manque de salles de classe. Explanation/Justification Cette activité est proposée pour répondre au problème de différences d'approches entre professeurs slovènes et étrangers lors des planifications des projets. Elle a pour but surtout de faire profiter les élèves »doués« de pouvoir mieux s'exprimer en petit groupe et d'avancer dans leur apprentissage. Elle fait profiter également les élèves moins avancés d'être dans un groupe réduit et d'avoir des explications supplémentaires répondants à leurs attentes. Le danger qui pourra viser cette pratique s'il n'est pas conduit régulièrement et systématiquement serait la double vitesse de connaissance dans la classe. Cela pourra résoudre aussi le manque de motivation des élèves dès fois car je pense que cette défaillance de motivation vient souvent du fait de l' »ennui« des élèves qui savent plus et inversement le manque de concentration des élèves plus à la traine. Il faudrait prendre en compte aussi dans les années à venir qu'il y aura de plus en plus d'élèves qui auront déjà appris le français ou l'allemand comme option facultative dans les écoles primaires. On ne peut pas les considérer comme des vrais débutants arrivés au lycée et il faudrait prévoir un système qui leur permet d'avancer. Cela existe déja mais pas de manière systématique. No. 3. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: Improvement proposal Elaborer des activités-projets défiants les nombreux projets que proposent l'école pour permettre un bon nombre de participants: semaine du goût au début de l'année scolaire, fête de la musique en fin d'année scolaire. Mesure à prendre et à planifier au niveau des départements de langue et les autres matières qui pourraient participer; mesure à soumettre à la direction de l'école. Préparer les projets déjà à la fin de l'année scolaire précédente pour une continuité et une mise en route immédiate des activités liées à la langue cible dès septembre. Faire participer toutes les langues enseignées dans l'établissement pour avoir un échange culturel concernant la gastronomie / la cuisine et la musique. Bien définir les objectifs de ces projets. Le temps de la pré-préparation de ces activitésprojets peut être une contrainte car en fin d'année scolaire, les élèves sont concentrés aux examens et une fois ces obligations passées, ils sont moins disponibles pour faire et ou préparer un »projet« Explanation/Justification Cette propostion est plus concrète et pratique pour chercher à équilibrer et balancer le grand nombre d'activités qu'offrent les écoles en général. Ces deux projets se déterminent par leur qualité de projet culturel national en France. Les écoles françaises participent à ces deux projets et ils sont généralement soutenues par les autorités locales et/ou les institutions européennes. Ainsi, commencer ces projets au niveau de chaque établissement dans un premier temps (la première et/ou deuxième année) et après les étendre au niveau national. Cela permet aux élèves de développer leur créativité (écrite et orale) mais aussi de faire une réfléxion – comparaison sur sa propre culture et de pouvoir présenter la gastronomie /cuisine slovène et la musique traditionnelle slovène dans la langue cible apprise (français, mais aussi allemand, anglais, italien ou espagnol). 11. Ignacio Escriche Rubio National level No. 1. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: No. 2. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: No. 3. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: Improvement proposal Less burocracy, simple documents Simplify the documents such as »poročilo o potnem nalogu« and others. Fulfilling the reports would be easier and less time taker. The project needs certain formal feedback on what it is being done and can not simplify documents. Explanation/Justification As »časovnica« was modified this year (easier to fulfill), I think we could do the same for other documents at national level. Maybe integrating reports (as poročilo o potnem nalogu...) in the monthly hours evidence to make everything for both foreing teachers and administrative staff. Improvement proposal Less new guides, methods or ideas Focus on what worked well and implement new ideas slowly Less is more. Implementing new proposals, step by step, when previous proposals have been already setted and tested. Time constraints and management´s way of working Explanation/Justification Sometimes we get many guidelines from the National Institute and this can produce confussion and mess. Previous ideas or guidelines have still not been implemented, and we get even more. In some cases, it would be better going more slowly, testing what have been done and then going forward. Improvement proposal Use of Slovene language in handouts and tasks for FT Make Slovene a second lingua franca in the project Improve the use of Slovene language between the FT´s Use of English as lingua franca Explanation/Justification English is my forth foreign language and, as you have notice, I do not speak well. When sending tasks and reports, I would like to have the option to write them in Slovene or in English. I am sure being able to speak and write Slovene it is a positive thing for every FT. School level No. 1. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: No. 2. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: No. 3. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: Improvement proposal More evaluation and analysis Making post evaluation and analysis a part of each project Evaluation processes after every project in order to check student`s knowledge and opinion Time constraint Explanation/Justification During this school years we have done few evaluations and I think it is a very useful tool to check opinions and knowledge. The problem is always the time. When planning, we focus on activities and not on evaluation, so I think we could improve this the next year. Improvement proposal Less experimentation Focus on what worked well and on our strengths Taking enough time to implement new ideas (TT, Slovene during L2 hours, etc.) and focus on what works. National Education Institute requirements. Explanation/Justification In some cases, we have followed the new ideas of our project manager, when previous guidelines were not completely implemented. I agree with and I like new ideas, but many changes produce confussion in the teachers (and in students) and I feel like if we would be »experimenting« with student´s knowledge. Improvement proposal More organization and time to plan Setting a fix day for planning, at least three hours each week, considering this hours as »priprava na pouk« in the monthly evidence. More planning get us to better results. Time and schedule constraints. Explanation/Justification Regarding that we are working in one or two more schools, we have to increase the number of hours when planning activities for each month. Due to satelitte and partner schools, we have less chances to find a fix day to do it. We could fix a day or two in the schedule, take the time and plan more efficiently in advance. 12. Daniel Schmidt National level No. 1. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: No. 2. Improvement proposal Clearer understanding of teaching hours needed when teaching at both osnovna and sredna šola from the national level. An equation that can bridge the gap between the necessary 22 hours of lessons per week at osnovna šola, and the 20 necessary for sredna šola. This obviously wouldn’t be necessary for many teachers in the project. Hours should be pro-rated, or weighted in either direction that would be most clear for the home school coordinator. There maybe difficulty in a compromise in hours either at the home or partner school. I believe that the hours change should be seen at the home school, given it has a substantial hours advantage with the Foreign Teacher. Improvement proposal Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: Amendable research questions of Partner Schools. That Partner Schools that didn't have a full grasp of the project prior to admittance, could later adjust their research question to better show improvments made by having a Foreign Teacher. Ability to amend partner school research question after submission and approval. Within reason, Partner Schools would be able to change their research question, dependant upon the changing desires and reasearch goals at the national level. The research question would be one that is more open to assessment of the Foreign Teacher's influence upon its results. That the focus of study would be within the grasp and realm of interest and study of that school. Explanation/Justification As a Foreign Teacher who has been confused about the differing time needs, has aired more on the side of getting the 22 hours required by my home school, when it probably wasn’t necessary. The adjustments to weekly schedules at the sredna šola to maintain a balance has not been helpful for consistency with students in the classroom given that in my case, I am only there one day a week. Explanation/Justification After beginning at my Partner School, it seemed that their approval to participate in the project was based upon their past experience with native speakers, and foreign teachers, but then also upon the strength of their research question. Sharing their research question with me, it seemed clear that the research question would be difficult to show results and more difficult to attribute the results of the research quesiton to any improvements that a Foreign Teacher would be able to show. No. 3. Improvement proposal Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Foreign Teachers will have enough time to prepare lessons with the teachers that they will be co-teaching with over the next month. Giving teachers more time to develop more overarching themes and interactive plans that can span over the month and build upon each consecutive lesson. Have monthly schedules required to be submitted prior to the month in which it covers. Conditions: If there are explainable difficulties in confering with all the different subject teachers, then an additional few days could be given. Constraints: Although this may make things more difficult on the coordinator, it will greatly diminish the pressure of too limited of time for the Foreign Teacher and co-teachers to develop a better longer term scheduling and lesson planning. Explanation/Justification Having moved from coordinators being mandated to submit monthly schedules to Zavod before the month began, to after, it has been a much more confusing time with which classes to be prepared for with which subject teachers. It was better when the deadline was earlier for the sake of planning on the Foreign Teacher and the co-teaching subject teachers. The first week of each month has been a bit chaotic after this change in policy. School level No. 1. Improvement proposal Aim/Goal(s): Clear expectations of the co-teacher in nonlanguage subject classes. Measure(s): Newer teachers to the project should not just awknowledge an understanding, but also show evidence of this through perhaps having their first few lessons with the Foreign Teacher be submitted to the Project Leader for approval prior to the Foreign Teacher participation in the classroom. Teachers of subject classes would need to have some form of documentation as evidence of working in lesson planning with the Foreign Teacher. This has the potential of being more difficult at the beginning, but will definitely reap better returns. Conditions: Constraints: Explanation/Justification More often than not, and depending on the length of cooperation between the Foreign Teacher and the Subject teacher, it far too often becomes more “Guest Teaching”, with the Foreign teacher taking on all the responsibilities of lesson planning, and execution of the lesson. Even if it the interactive teach teaching classes would be delayed from starting, it would be worthwhile to begin correctly, instead of hoping that it will eventually become a more balanced contribution and execution. No. 2. Improvement proposal Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: No. 3. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: Explanation/Justification Making of extra-cirricular subject classes individually taught by the Foreign Teacher mandatory attendance. Similar to the satelitte school program, but within the home school or partner school. Foreign teachers would be able to have their own individually run and assessed classes within the timetable of the school. Foreign Teacher would need to provide the overall aims, goals, and overall year plan before the beginning of the school year. This would need to take place before the beginning of the school year. This would obviously take a lot of work on the part of the Principle to coordinate into the school schedule. It came as much frustration to many Foreign Teachers that their individual teaching classes could only be placed late in the afternoon with only optional attendance, which often lead to a quick dropoff of attendance. Thus leaving the foreign teacher having to recoup individual teaching hours elsewhere. Improvement proposal Working with less classes, but for more hours at a Partner School. Before a partner school is approved, be sure that there is a willing subject teacher that is willing to take on weekly Foreign Teacher coteaching in their classroom. The subject class should be one that the Foreign Teacher also has experience or heavy interest with so as to have a more manageable expectation of lesson planning with the subject teacher. This would mean that less students would have access to the Foreign Teacher, but that those students would have a much more meaningful experience, and results could be more easily measured as to the Foreign Teacher's influence upon the results of the students' improvements. Explanation/Justification Upon arrival at my partner school, I found it quite stretching to have four completely different lessons prepared for four completely different sets of students. I believe that it would be more beneficial to the students to have more time than 45 minutes a week with the Foreign Teacher. Still having the same amount of hours, but doubling up hours with the same students across both language and subject classes. Through guest-teaching subject classes at my partner school, it was clear that the students were more engaged with the content and language than if only having language for a single 45 minute lesson a week. This problem was brought up almost immediately at my partner school, but language teachers of all the european classes were very determined to have the Foreign Teacher in their classroom, as they said it had been promised to the students in that track. 13. William Tomford National level No. 1. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: No. 2. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: No. 3. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Improvement proposal To strengthen the dispersal of techniques and methods used in the project. Materials to be produced at the national level for dispersal at the school level. Better clarity and transparency of the goals and common practices of the program. Reaching FTs and STs, but also non-affiliated teachers. There needs to be a set of specific needs from the FTs and the STs, and how they need to be conveyed to other teachers at school. The ministry needs to invest more time into strengthening the collaboration between FTs and STs. Trying to turn very complicated issues and materials into graspable, palpable ones. Explanation/Justification One of the key issues where I would seek improvement at the national level is the overall dispersal, teaching, and discussion of EFFL techniques and methods. It often feels as though we spend only a little time actually discussing and sharing important information among the STs and the FTs. I have been able to get the most out of meetings where actual classroom techniques and methods were discussed and shared. This material could in turn be dispersed and shared with non-affiliated teachers to strengthen the program and make it grow in popularity at the schools. Improvement proposal Maximizing efficiency for the documentation of the FT. Either increasing communication between different status schools, or using one school for chief documentation. Improving the Casovnica to create a single, multi-functional worksheet that contains all of the integral information. Deciding, finally, on one single form of documentation that works best at both the national and school levels. It's difficult to create an all-pleasing solution to the documentation issue. Not all teachers are on board with documentation to begin with. Explanation/Justification One of the most controversial issues— well, the issue that seems to raise the most eyebrows—is the issue of documentation. There is no doubt that documentation is an integral part of the program and is necessary for many reasons. But nevertheless, at the beginning and end of each month there seems to be reluctance on the part of everyone to truly embrace it. I have thought about this a lot, and I think it comes down to two key elements: efficiency and organization. Efficiency could be improved by streamlining the process. As FTs will be probably be involved in more schools as the time goes on, it’s even more important that documentation be submitted by one school, because communication between schools is very difficult. Also, it seems that combining the Casovnica with the didactic goals could eliminate some paperwork as well. Improvement proposal Successfully integrating the EFFL program and the FT into the national curriculum—creating a mutual understanding of each other's roles and expectations. Exposing program techniques and methods to teachers outside of the program. Stressing a Explanation/Justification The issue of integrating the EFFL into the Matura curriculum can feel at times vague, because it's not that the two aren't compatible, it's more that the integration and how to achieve that hasn't been discussed yet. I propose Conditions: Constraints: need for the implementation of the program into the Matura program. Seeing how This is going to involve the cooperation of the entire EFFL team and the National team. It can't be seen as going against the national curriculum, rather as an issue of integration. The rigidness of the matura program can be restraining. It is going against the teaching philosophies and ideals of many teachers and schools. that the FTs and STs come up with specific steps to show the other faculty how to use the EFFL tools to accomplish their Matura goals while using the FTs in the classrooms. Improvement proposal To improve communication among the Project Team members. Set meeting times and structured collaborations. Dispersal of lesson plans, best practices, pedagogic and didactic methods. Collaborative Research and Development tasks. Joint FT and ST meetings. Set expectations for team communication. Constraints include differing expectations for communication among team members, different languages used, and different time schedules to deal with. Explanation/Justification The issue of team communication has been a bit different for me at the school level. Having no other English teachers on the team has been understandably problematic. That issue aside though, I still feel the need to express some more general issues about the project team. I think that communication among the project team needs to increase. Right now, it feels like most of the communication among the team—at least among teachers from other languages, with whom I don’t often collaborate—is based mostly on the record keeping and documentation. This is an important aspect, but I would call for more pedagogic and didactic-based communication from the team. I would like to be able to frequently share updates and lessons plans— successes and failures. I have thought of a few possible solutions to this issue. First, I would propose that we work on collaborative Research and Development tasks. This would bring the group together more. The second solution would be to have more joint Foreign Teacher and Slovenian Teacher meetings at Zhavod. I have actually gained the most real skills and helpful information from these meetings, as opposed to the ones where only FTs are present. School level No. 1. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: No. 2. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: No. 3. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: Improvement proposal Getting more involvement from more teachers on the school staff. Exposing teachers to the materials and examples of the EFFL. Strict organization on the part of the Project Team to present the EFFL to other teachers. Specific goals and narratives that describe the program in an easy-to-understand way. Reluctant teachers and the inability to properly demonstrate the methods and goals of the EFFL. Explanation/Justification For the near future at least, there will be the dichotomy between the need to prepare students for the Matura, and the greater goals of cross-curricular learning, cultural awareness and knowledge, and critical thinking-based lessons. This issue will of course take time to sort out, but I have thought of a few ideas that could improve this situation. One would be to have some materials and examples to show reluctant teachers. When teachers have a simple explanation of how the program works, they will be more likely to engage. I think that the program’s goals are often stated in a far too complicated way, which makes teachers shy away from committing. Improvement proposal Improving the sharing of materials used in the EFFL. To create an environment where PTs from different schools can share materials and success stories from different lessons and units. Creating an online system of sharing and communication like Moodle or Wikispaces where FTs and STs can share information. Lack of desire to share and collaborate from different teachers. Inability to organize on such a high level. Explanation/Justification This is an area that I feel strongly about, because I think in the monthly meetings we spend far too much time discussing documentation and paperwork issues, and not enough time discussing the concrete lessons going on in the classroom. I propose that more time is spent on collaboration with other teachers, dispersal of teaching methods and success stories and troubleshooting. We spend more time discussing the technical elements of the EFFL than we do about what is actually done in the classroom. This has created a real disconnection between the classroom and the program, and this gap needs to be narrowed if the program is going to be successful. 14. Amresh Prakash Torul National level No. 1. Improvement proposal Aim/Goal(s): To optimise the dissemination of information to the stakeholders of the project: school management, Slovenian teachers, foreign teachers, students and parents. Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: To modernise the way information is passed around within the project in order to save valuable time, thus allowing people to better do their actual job, i.e. to do their part in adding value to the education provided at schools. Develop a state-of-the-art, dynamic and up-todate project website, efficiently run by a fulltime systems administrator. A website designer/developer would have to be appointed to develop the website. A full-time systems administrator would have to be recruited to keep the system working and up-to-date. Considering the fact that this is a project funded partly by the EU, I believe that there might be financial constraints involved. Explanation/Justification I have to say that the staff at Zavod really try their best to communicate efficiently with the members of the project. While email works for inviting teachers to meetings and providing instructions for monthly tasks, a website would really improve the options for communication between people within the project. Using a website would provide us with a common place to go to and find the information we need (materials from meetings, feedback, technical details about employment, project rules, pdf documents, etc...). All the information would be online for all stakeholders mentioned, well documented, easily searchable and downloadable. The website could also include discussion forums with each topic started by the staff of Zavod, or project members. People with similar problems would find the solutions to their problems easily, without always having to email and wait for answers. This would also save the Institute a lot of time. The website could be made bilingual so as to cater for foreign teachers with limited Slovene too. Another major advantage of using a project website is that general information about the project could be easily shared with external entities. It would be as simple as giving someone the web address of the project and I believe it helps to enhance the image of the project. A special section for materials could be set up, where foreign teachers would upload their materials, thus providing us with a structured database of materials. No. 2. No. 3. Improvement proposal Aim/Goal(s): To improve the capabilities of school project teams to implement the goals of the project, and making sure that each member of a project team is equally empowered to do so. Measure(s): Make the monthly meetings at Zavod compulsory for all members of the project team (core team). Conditions: Members of project teams who currently do not attend the meetings should be offered incentives to agree to this new policy. Constraints: There might be resistance to this change, from the teachers themselves and also from the school management, due to the disruption it might cause to the school time tables. Explanation/Justification From my experience of team teaching so far, it is quite easy to see who has been attending the Zavod meetings, and who has not. Improvement proposal Aim/Goal(s): To facilitate sharing of ideas and materials between similar schools. Explanation/Justification I think I would vastly improve my skills in terms of developing technical English materials and handling the collaboration with technical subject teachers, which can be very challenging. Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: To improve the overall quality of the work done at schools. Set up circles of similar schools, for example, gimnazija / technical schools / schools specialising in similar subjects. Schools must support the idea and be willing invest in the additional time and effort that it will require. While most schools would probably welcome this new idea, (as it can only help project teams), time might be a major constraint. It could be also very difficult for Zavod to monitor scheduled meetings, and questions could be raised on the workload of the teachers involved. I believe the monthly meetings are of immense importance and at least all the members of the core team deserve an equal chance to excel in the project. Meetings within the team at school can help to some extent, but they are no substitute to the energetic and inspirational plenary inputs by Ms Katja Pavlič and the good work done by the staff of Zavod. Sharing of ideas and materials would be a big advantage, but at the same time, we could bring a certain standard to the work done by foreign teachers. Teachers would be able to share their experiences (good and bad) and a lot of time could be saved by adopting existing approaches which have been tried and tested by other foreign teachers. These circles of similar schools would also beneficiate the coordinators in terms of planning and coordinating the work of the foreign teachers for specific subjects. School level No. 1. Improvement proposal Aim/Goal(s): To improve the image of the project at the school. Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: No. 2. To invite more teachers of technical subjects to participate in the project, thus widening the scope of the work done by the foreign teacher. Increase support to the project at all levels of the school, especially management: promote the project during school staff meetings; urge other teachers to support the project and remind them of the benefits it brings to the students by explaining its goals and the role of the foreign teacher at the school; clarify the fact that foreign teachers are “teachers”, not assistants, once for all. The management of the school must be genuinely convinced that the project does bring the added value to the students’ education. They should not support the project for the sole purpose of being able to promote the school’s involvement in such a project. It is difficult to change the mentality of some people. There will be always a section of the staff that will not support the project. The real trouble is when such people spread wrong and negative information about the project, for various personal and professional reasons. Improvement proposal Aim/Goal(s): To improve the collaboration between the foreign teacher and technical subject teachers. Measure(s): Meetings with technical subject teachers should be scheduled regularly and the project team must make sure that these teachers understand the goal of the collaboration. Conditions: The meetings must be fruitful and teachers must be committed to find the time to meet. They must also be flexible and understanding with each other to actually make it work. Constraints: Some technical subject teachers can see only from their point of view (which is completely understandable and I respect that). But it certainly is an inconvenience if they cannot appreciate the importance of technical language skills and literacy in English. Technical subject teachers often have additional hours and laboratory activities. They can be very busy and may not be willing to devote more time into something that is not a priority for them. Explanation/Justification The success of the project in a specific school depends hugely on how it is perceived by the rest of the school. From my personal experience, I can say that a lot of people at the school do not give the project enough credit. Some people think that the foreign teacher is there just to have some conversation with students. Others think that he or she is an assistant who is supposed to help the “main” teacher, and I have even seen some teachers who are concerned that the foreign teacher might “steal” their position in the class. If the role of the foreign teacher is made 100% clear to everyone at the school, I am sure it would improve the attitude of some people towards the project. Explanation/Justification I have personally experienced the difference proper planning can make to a lesson, especially one involving the foreign teacher and a teacher of a technical subject. Technical subject teachers are obviously oriented towards the benefits of their subject for the students. In order for many of them to understand the importance of English for Specific Purpose, a lot of time needs to be spent together in terms of establishing goals, planning lessons and building professional relationships. No. 3. Improvement proposal Aim/Goal(s): To make the work of the foreign teacher with a specific group of students more substantial, thus truly increasing the added value provided. Measure(s): Allocating block hours (2 lessons) with the main classes with which the foreign teacher works. Conditions: The school management would have to be completely convinced for them to advocate such a measure. Constraints: Block hours are not easy to get as far English lessons are concerned. It might be difficult to justify the need for block hours with plain words only. But as teachers, we have experienced their power and the difference they can make with a specific group of students. Explanation/Justification Again, from personal experience, I have noticed that block hours are very effective for team teaching. Spending 2 hours with a specific group of students gives the two teachers a decent amount of time to dig deep enough in the subject in order to produce meaningful results. The additional hour provides the opportunity to use different team teaching approaches within the same block, which really makes the lesson interesting, while keeping its aims realistic with respect to its time frame. 15. Benjamin Tweedie National level No. 1. Improvement proposal Explanation/Justification Aims/Goal(s): To increase the project participants' awareness of the implication of intercultural communication on the teaching and learning process. Measure(s): At monthly meeting professional development workshops, the participants are introduced to the concepts of intercultural communication during a plenary presentation: For example: characteristics of individualist & collectivist cultures high context vs. low context differences in linguistic routines and speech acts cultural value system communicative styles During language-based discussion, the participants examine language specific case studies of intercultural communication. For homework, the participants reflect on what intercultural communication difficulties they have experienced whilst teaching in Slovenia. They hypothesise why this occurred with reference to what they have learnt about intercultural communication. The primary condition that must be met is to ensure that suitable case study material is sourced for all foreign languages and that the plenary discussion is accessible in both English and Slovene language. Whilst there is a plethora of research which compares English language with other foreign languages from an intercultural communication perspective, it is unknown (by me at least) what type and amount of research has been so far conducted in the French, German, Italian or Spanish languages. Has there been enough research conducted? If the language teacher is unaware of how intercultural differences can affect communication, how can he/she effectively teacher a foreign language? In the past, interculturality has not been a particularly relevant consideration for teachers (in Slovenia) since the student cohort has traditionally been Slaviclanguage centric and during the time of Yugoslavia, cultural/ethnic differences were not allowed to cause problems. However, since the dissolution of Yugoslavia and Slovenia's EU admission, Slovenia has been experiencing the arrival of workers (and their families) from both the EU and third countries as well as refugees from war-torn parts of the world ranging from Africa to the Middle East to Asia. Thus, this issue is now becoming much more relevant in the language classroom. Conditions: Constraints: No. 2. Improvement proposal Explanation/Justification Aims/Goal(s): To facilitate more effective planning and implementation of the FT's teaching obligations in order to provide equitable access. Measure(s): The monthly Institute CPD meeting is scheduled to be held on the same day every month. That is, unlike the current arrangement, the foreign teacher's meeting day is not rotated from meeting to meeting; it is held on the same day every months, like the VP/KTJ meetings. Conditions: The chosen day is communicated to participating schools prior to the drafting of the new school year's schedule. Constraints: The institute communicates the chosen day to participating schools in an untimely fashion. Whilst, the intent of rotating the day of the monthly CPD meeting is supposed to provide equitable access to the foreign teacher for the entire school, I believe that it can also be quite disruptive to the foreign teacher's routine. If the set-day for the foreign teacher's meeting is known in advance before yearly scheduling is conducted, this would allow schools to arrange the foreign teacher's timetable so that they would have a minimal obligation on the scheduled meeting day, thereby maximising their student exposure and ultimately providing more equitable access for everybody The institute changes the set day for foreign teacher meetings during the school year. No. 3. Improvement proposal Aims/Goal(s): To increase the project participants' project management skills for research projects. Measure(s): At monthly meeting professional development workshops, the participants are introduced to the concepts of project management from a research project perspective. For example: project phases project team roles project management approaches 1. traditional approach 2. critical chain project management 3. Prince2 During language-based discussion, the participants compare a number of given project management approaches and discuss which approach is most-suited to use in a school-based research project. The Institute spokesperson informs the group which approach is preferred for future use within the project. For homework, the participants (in conjunction with their PT) construct a draft project plan for their research. Explanation/Justification As schools become more involved in the research side of the project, there is a need to up skill the project teams in how to manage a research project. This upskilling ranges from how to formulate the research question (which has already been attempted to some extent at previous Institute meetings) through to how to use a Gannt chart to manage the project's deadlines and overall timeline. Conditions: Constraints: Whichever project management approach is chosen, it is likely it will need to be modified or abridged in some way to match the needs of the actual research project. An overly ambitious project management approach should be avoided if possible as it will only divert the project team's focus away from its priority, research, to irrelevant administrative tasks. School level No. 1. Improvement proposal Aims/Goal(s): To realign the schools approach to teaching the FL (English) as a global language. Measure(s): The project team create materials or use other resources (WWW, audiovisual materials) in order to increase the students' breadth of global English. Conditions: The students are able to communicate in lessformal modes of English communication. Constraints: The Slovene teachers prefer to utilise the textbook/workbook and is unmotivated to develop new materials and resources. The Slovene teachers focus on fluency, accuracy or both, but only in a formal-English perspective. Explanation/Justification There is still a legacy in schools of Slovene teachers focusing on either British or American English; how English is used in other countries is generally ignored. This is not a uniquely Slovene problem, but a common standard operating procedure throughout the TESOL community. Whilst recent textbooks (eg. Messages in OŠ) are being designed to be more inclusive of different English accents (that is, no longer focus primarily on Received Pronunciation), they still do not provide the student with any significant grounding in the use of global English, especially the use of colloquial English. The real question is “Why are we teaching English?” Is it simply to be accurate in the use of grammar? Is it to be fluent? Is it to be understood and to understand irrespective of where we are in the world? Or is it all 3? For instance, if a student travels to Australia, it doesn't matter how fluent or accurate their English is, if they don't actually understand Australian slang, then there is just miscommunication. No. 2. Improvement proposal Aims/Goal(s): To increase the foreign teacher's Slovene language proficiency. Measure(s): The foreign teacher is partnered with a Slovene teacher in a collaborative partnership whereby the Slovene teacher tutors the foreign teacher in the Slovene language. The foreign teacher may reciprocate and assist their Slovene colleague with their mastery of the foreign language. Conditions: The FT is able to complete a Slovene language proficiency test (initially at A level, but preferably at B level). Constraints: If the Slovene teachers do not wish to participate in this activity, there is a possibility that a 'better' and trusted student could mentor the foreign teacher instead. There is a lack of time for all concerned parties that has a negative influence on the foreign teacher's acquisition of proficiency in Slovene. Explanation/Justification Whilst, initially, it is understood that the foreign teacher is not expected to possess any significant Slovene language proficiency, there is a natural expectation that over time, the foreign will communicate in Slovene. However, unless the foreign teacher is listening to Slovene language 24/7 (that is, their spouse/partner is a native Slovene speaker as well), this is not an easily-achieved outcome. Therefore, a more authentic, effective and efficient teaching and learning approach is required. The Slovene courses facilitated by the numerous language schools and university faculties are useful at the basic level; their usefulness is debatable at the more advanced proficiency levels unless conducted F2F individually. Since the cost of this type of 'individualised' training is prohibitive, this peer-mentoring solution is ideal. No. 3. Improvement proposal Aims/Goal(s): The foreign teacher's time (teaching time, planning time etc.) is always purposeful. Measure(s): The project team and school administration discuss and agree on what commitment (outside of the minimum teaching hours 20/22) the foreign teacher is required to achieve. If required, the commitment is amended again. Conditions: The foreign teacher completes the minimum teaching hours and equivalent planning hours. The foreign teacher completes any additional agreed-upon activities, but not anything which is not expected. Constraints: If the foreign teacher believes the agreed-upon commitment is either too-little or too-big, they seek advice from the institute. Explanation/Justification Since there is a wide interpretation between schools of how a teacher should spend their working day, foreign teachers have different workplace expectations, depending on where they work. In some schools, the foreign teach is only required for faceto-face teaching time as well as planning sessions (if any). In other instances, the teacher is involved in every aspect of school-life, including all meetings. There is a disparity here with teachers at one end of the scale, not spending enough time at school planning, evaluating and the other end of the scale where foreign teachers are immersed in so many superfluous endeavours that they have little time to direct to important project issues like evaluation. 16. Andrea Valenti National level No. 1. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: No. 2. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: No. 3. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: Improvement proposal Urejen in vsem dostopen arhiv gradiv, predavanj, nalog idr Določitev osebe, ki bo za to zadolžena in strokovno osposobljena. Zaposlitev te osebe. Omejitev zaposlovanja v javni uparvi, finančne omejitve, prostorske omejitve. Explanation/Justification Preobsežnost informaciji, gradiv, ovira tekoče delovanje projekta. Potrebno je zagotoviti enakovreden dostop do gradiv tudi drugim šolam, ki niso vključene v projekt. Improvement proposal Urejene spletne strani projekta Določitev osebe, ki bo za to zadolžena in strokovno osposobljena. Zaposlitev te osebe. Omejitev zaposlovanja v javni uparvi, finančne omejitve, prostorske omejitve. Explanation/Justification To bi pripomoglo k večji prepoznavnosti projekta. Improvement proposal Periodična strokovna publikacija tekočih novosti in načrtov projekta Določitev osebe, ki bo za to zadolžena. Zaposlitev te osebe. Omejitev zaposlovanja v javni uparvi, finančne omejitve, prostorske omejitve. Explanation/Justification Publikacija bi dala projektu večjo strokovno težjo, transparentnost in diseminacijo v znanstvenih krogih. Improvement proposal Medšolsko mrežno sodelovanje. Učinkovita izmenjava gradiv in idej, učiteljov, dijakov med šolami v projektu. Skupno načrtovanje že v juniju za naslednje šolsko leto: skupni projektni dnevi, tedni, izmenjave. Pripravljenost učiteljev za sodelovanje in izmenjavo. Pomanjkanje komunikacije med šolami. Skeptičnost do delitev gradiv in diseminacije idej. Časovna omejitev, usklajevanje urnikov, prostorska stiska določenih šol. Explanation/Justification Za uresničevanje smernic in ciljev projekta. Za spodbujanje sodelovalne kulture bi šole lahko iskušnje mednarodnih izmenjav prinesle na lokalno raven.prinesle na lokalno raven. Improvement proposal Dodatna motivacija učiteljev za sodelovanje v projektu. Ravnatelj naj sodelovanje v projektu nagradi z upoštevanjem doprinosa, zmanjšanjem suplenc, dežurstev in drugih ne učnih obveznosti. Explanation/Justification Učitelji, ki so uključeni v ožji projektni tim so kljub temu, da so za svoje delo v projektu plačani v okviru povečanega obsega dela, pogosto preobremenjeni tudi z drugimi School level No. 4. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: No. 5. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: No. 6. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: Skrbnik projekta naj v sodelovanju z MŠŠ priporoči ravnateljem (pisno) aplikacijo zgoraj navedenih predlogov. Autonomija ravnateljev. delovnimi obveznostmi (doprinos, suplence, dežursta in drugo). Motivacija je zlasti pomembna za tiste učitelje, ki niso del projektnih timov, sej pogosto vidijo projekte le kot dodatno obremenitev. Improvement proposal Izboljšanje komunikacije med učitelji, ki poučujejo timsko (slovenski učitelj – tuji učitelj) S pomočjo aktivnih delavnic: organizira naj jih ZRSŠ vsaj trikrat v šolskem letu (na začetku, sredi in na koncu šolskega leta). Delavnice naj bodo uključene v letni delovni načrt prjekta OUTJ, oziroma naj bodo del rednih mesečnih sestankov TU skupaj s SU. Ne vidimo omejitev. Explanation/Justification Ta predlog zadeva tako šolsko kot nacionalno raven. Nedvomno se težave v komunikaciji pojavljajo na šolski ravni, vender vidimo rešitev na nacionalni ravni. S tem bi preprečili fluktuacijo tujih učiteljov in pridobili na stabilnosti in kontinuiteti projekta. 17. Stephen Moses Zulu National level No. 1. Improvement proposal Aim/Goal(s): - To create school environment that is conducive for the work of a foreign teacher. - To encourage all Slovenian teachers to support the project and cooperate with the foreign teacher. Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: No. 2. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: No. 3. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: Emphasis should be made on the definition of a foreign teacher, his/her roles in the participating school. This should be clearly communicated to project team members, who will in turn educate all language and non-language teachers about it. Project leaders should truly understand the definition of a foreign teacher, as this is the only way that they will be able to educate other teachers. Lack of time, interest. Explanation/Justification During the three years that I have been working on this project I have noticed certain issues that I believe need to be addressed in order to improve the performance of foreign teachers in Slovenian schools. To start with, I would like to stress that the effort to educate Slovenian teachers about the involvement of a foreign teacher in the school curriculum should be carried out more thoroughly and systematically. However, although a lot has been done in this area, there are still some issues that need to be tackled with great attention. One of these issues is that Slovene teachers don’t know what the exact role of a foreign teacher is, so they expect him/her to adapt and use Slovenian teaching methods. In addition, a foreign teacher is also expected to be a language teacher, regardless of his/her educational background. This affects foreign teacher’s performance, and once a problem like this begins, everyone in the school (including students), becomes aware of it, which makes it hard for the FT to teach and cooperate with other teachers in other subjects. Improvement proposal To improve project team performance at school level. Heads of schools should be encouraged to consider the work of the PT members as extra work so they should be awarded with hours of “doprinos”. Heads of schools should be invited for meetings at the Institute to be educated about the project. Heads of schools may not have time to attend the meetings conducted at the institute. Explanation/Justification Although there is an improvement in the team morale at our school, some members of the team still feel left out on the rewards that the project leader, the coordinator and the foreign teacher are receiving. Concern has been put across that the Ministry should encourage heads of schools to grant the people participating any form of reward. It could be in the form of extra hours for their leave days (doprinos in Slovene) or as a bonus. Improvement proposal To encourage the participation of foreign teachers in the research work. All tasks (course plans) submitted by the foreign teachers should be evaluated according to the levels of students each teacher is teaching. Explanation/Justification The project management/teamwork is doing a great job, But my concern is on our monthly tasks. I think an improvement should be made on the way our monthly tasks are evaluated. I would suggest school levels to be considered when it comes to checking tasks, like course plans. I am saying so because tasks are done by teachers who teach different levels of students (from primary to high school) and the comments (feedback) are mainly focused on high school standards, which tends to put down the effort done for primary school levels. For example, a course plan prepared for grades 1 to 9 cannot look the same as the one prepared for high school due to differences that exist in levels of English and the type of work they can handle. School level No. 1. No. 2. Improvement proposal Aim/Goal(s): To encourage cooperation of home teachers (Slovene) and foreign teachers in order to improve project performance at school level. Measure(s): Project leaders should be reporting to the school staff every time they attend a meeting at the Institute. Conditions: All the teachers should have a chance to listen to the reports and comment on them, if necessary. This will keep the project alive and remain accepted by the members of staff. Constraints: Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: Explanation/Justification The school management should include project issues on the agenda of our weekly staff meeting. During this time our project leader would have a chance to report about the project performance and information from our monthly meetings at the Institute. By doing so, teachers will be encouraged to take part in the project. Improvement proposal To update school staff on the progress of the project and to encourage teachers to support the project. The school management should include one period for the project meeting on the timetables of the PT members. All PT members should have a free period for the project meeting at the same time It may not be possible for all the teachers to have a period dedicated for the meetings at the same time. The school administration may not agree with the idea. Explanation/Justification Our team has currently been facing problems with time for meetings. There hasn’t been any time when all team members could meet and discuss and plan for the project. This has made it hard for the foreign teacher to cooperate with teachers from other subjects. For next year, I would suggest one free lesson is included into the timetable for all PT members for our team meetings. In addition, I would also suggest that the head of school should at least once in a month attend our meetings to show support to our team members and the project. No. 3. Aim/Goal(s): Measure(s): Conditions: Constraints: Improvement proposal To inform the entire school community about the project and the work of the foreign teacher in order to enhance cooperation and team teaching amongst teachers. The school management should cooperate with the foreign teacher in organising the school project day. All language teachers should take part in the organisation of project day to support the foreign teacher. A large number of cultural and sports days. Explanation/Justification As a foreign teacher I have been carrying out three individual lessons per week (Karate, Drama, English). These lessons are visible and concrete examples of my added value as a foreign teacher to the school, and this should be made known to the rest of the school. I propose the school chooses a day that could be dedicated to the project performance, where all minor projects that have been carried out by the project team can be shown and presented to the school and the wider community. By doing so, the project would receive more support from teachers.