
Chapter 4 - A Tour of the Cell
Key Terms
endoplasmic reticulum
eukaryotic cells
Golgi apparatus
plasma membrane
prokaryotic cells
1. In the sections below where I say “don’t worry” about this or that, please read them anyway so you are familiar
with the terms and general concept but I will not quiz you about specific details in those sections.
The Microscopic World of Cells
2. Don’t worry about the microscope section for the quiz
3. Name 1 specific cell feature that prokaryotic cells share with eukaryotic cells. Name 2 features eukaryotic cells
have that prokaryotes do not.
Membrane Structure
4. Be able to name the kind of lipid that makes up the majority of the plasma membrane.
The Nucleus and Ribosomes: Genetic Control of the Cell
5. What do ribosomes make?
The Endomembrane System: Manufacturing and Distributing Cellular Products
6. All you need to know here for now is that the endoplasmic reticulum and golgi apparatus are a collection of
membrane sacs where stuff is made and modified and that they are both organelles.
7. Don’t worry about lysosomes and vacuoles for now.
Chloroplasts and Mitochondria: Energy Conversion
8. Know that mitochondria and chloroplasts are organelles involved in energy conversion.
9. Also know that each of these organelles have further sacs within sacs, but don’t worry about why for now.
The Cytoskeleton: Cell Shape and Movement
10. Understand what the cytoskeleton is and how it relates to cell shape. How is it similar in function as bones are in
our body?
11. Don’t worry about cilia and flagella
Chapter 21 - A Tour of the Cell p456-463
Key Terms
connective tissue
epithelial tissue
muscle tissue
nervous tissue
organ systems
1. Don’t worry about the specific details of each of the figures on p 468-463 but still look over them.
The Structural Organization of Animals
2. Understand what is meant by form fits function and the analogy with the screwdriver and hammer. Understand
why this is an important concept in biology.
3. Define what a tissue is. Know any 3 of the 4 tissue types and be able to give an example of each.
4. Memorize all of the organs on p462 and p463 and the organ systems they are a part of (…just kidding! Don’t
worry about having to remember anything from fig 21.8 but still look over it).