local basic seo program

Monthly SEO Activities
1st Month
Initial SEO
Keyword Research
Initial Ranking Report
Creation of Robots.txt
On-Page Optimization
Title Tag Optimization
Meta Tags Optimization
Image Optimization
Header Tag Optimization
Local Search Website Optimization
Updating Pages for Local Search with Schema Tag
Google+ Local / Bing Local Listing Center Optimization
Adding Google +1 Button
Content Optimization
Website Content Writing (250 Words Per Page) (1 Pages)
Informational Content Writing (1)
Link Strategy
Social Profiles Creation (10)
Social Bookmarking (5)
Informational Content Syndication (1)
2nd Month
On-Page Optimization
Title Tag Optimization
Meta Tags Optimization
Image Optimization
Header Tag Optimization
Local Search Website Optimization
Local Search Engine Submission
Content Optimization
Informational Content Writing (1)
Link Strategy
Social Profiles Creation (10)
Social Bookmarking (5)
Informational Content Syndication (1)
Web 2.0 and Social Media Optimization
Press Release Writing & Distribution (1)
3rd Month
On-Page Optimization
Title Tag Optimization
Meta Tags Optimization
Image Optimization
Header Tag Optimization
Content Optimization
Informational Content Writing (1)
Link Strategy
Social Profiles Creation (10)
Social Bookmarking (5)
Informational Content Syndication (1)
4th Month
On-Page Optimization
Title Tag Optimization
Meta Tags Optimization
Image Optimization
Header Tag Optimization
Content Optimization
Informational Content Writing (1)
Link Strategy
Social Profiles Creation (10)
Social Bookmarking (5)
Informational Content Syndication (1)
5th Month
On-Page Optimization
Title Tag Optimization
Meta Tags Optimization
Image Optimization
Header Tag Optimization
Content Optimization
Informational Content Writing (1)
Link Strategy
Social Profiles Creation (10)
Social Bookmarking (5)
Informational Content Syndication (1)
6th Month
On-Page Optimization
Title Tag Optimization
Meta Tags Optimization
Image Optimization
Header Tag Optimization
Content Optimization
Informational Content Writing (1)
Link Strategy
Social Profiles Creation (10)
Social Bookmarking (5)
Informational Content Syndication (1)
Other Activities
Review Submission
Coupon Distribution
Social Reputation Monitoring
Youtube Channel Setup/ Optimization
Google, Yahoo & MSN Sitemap Creation
Monthly Ranking Report (Every Week)
Monthly Statistics Report (Google Analytics) (13th of Every Month)
Monthly SEO Report (13th of Every Month)
In Addition:
PBCASEO will add landing pages used to encourage website visitors to request follow-up information.
PBCASEO will add GODS RESOURCES’ information, in-depth description and videos to over 59 local
directories such as YP.com, YELP.com, WhitePages.com and many more.
PBCASEO offers all of our clients 100% Customer Satisfaction.
APPENDIX A: SEO Deliverables Explanation
Title Tag Optimization: Title tag appears at the top bar of your web browser. Based on the keywords in
this tag search engines list the site relevant to a search made in their engines. It is one of the important
aspects of getting rankings in search engines. Since this title also appears in search engines result pages
appropriate use of keywords in promotional language may result in more clickthroughs.
Robots.txt Optimization: This file allows you to hide files or directories that you don't wish the search
engine spiders to find. You can let us know which files or folders you do not want spiders to crawl they
will be disallowed.
W3c Validation: The Markup Validation Service by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) allows
Internet users to check HTML documents for conformance to HTML or XHTML and is also a quick
method to check for errors in code. We validate your sites as per W3C guidelines.
Image, Hyperlink & Header Tag Optimization: We incorporate keywords in Alt text of image tags and
title attribute of hyperlinks. This helps to a certain extent in search engine rankings. We incorporate
keywords in Heading Tags (h1 to h6). Search engines do consider this tag while ranking a site.
Canonicalization: We add Canonical Link Element in source code to avoid duplicate content issue. This
tag or link element is added between head tags.
Local Search Engine Submission: We submit your site to various local search engines. This helps to
improve your local visibility over the net and get some local traffic as well. Customer Review
Submission: Most of the consumers check out online business reviews before making a purchase or
signing up for a service. We submit reviews about your site or business to these local search engines so
that you remain one step ahead of your competitors.
hCard Integration: hCard is a simple, open, distributed format for representing people, companies,
organizations, and places. hCard is one of several open microformat standards suitable for embedding in
your website. We create an hCard markup that is supported by local search engines and add it to your
contact page.
Updating Pages for Local Search: We update pages for local search by adding your local contact address
and telephone number in an "address" tag. This helps to optimize a site well in local
Website Content Writing: We write search engine friendly content for the website based on the
keywords we have finalized.
Blog, Article and Press release writing: We write blogs, articles and press releases related to the
keywords we are targeting and use them for submission to various websites.
Editorial Interview: we interview the business owner and then use the interview to point a link to client
Now, submitting such an interview to our news portal is important because:i.
Our news portal is an influential portal and our news stories have been cited and linked to by
Oreilly, PC World Magazine, NBC Bay Area (NBC group site) and Adobe among others.
This site is an important source for Google News and sometimes our posts gets indexed by
Google within 10 minutes. Hence, your interview would be searchable in Google News for few days.
We will optimize the interview and make it search engine friendly. This should definitely help
long term SEO of your website. Not to mention that the News Portal has a PageRank of 5.
Directory Submissions: We submit your website to few secondary directories which allow free listing of
sites. These act as one-way links to your site. Again, good for the improvement of link popularity.
Premium Directory Submissions: These are our partner directory sites which are powered by High PR
links and can boost your page rank quite quickly.
Social Bookmarking: Social bookmarking is very popular these days as people prefer to keep their list of
favorite websites online and also share it with others. These bookmarks also serve as backlinks to your
website. Sites like Stumble Upon and del.icio.us can send significant traffic. And search engines are using
social bookmarks as part of their ranking algorithm. We submit your site many popular social
bookmarking sites. This helps your overall SEO strategy and adds to visibility of your website.
Article Social Bookmarking: Once we submit an article to an article submission website, the confirmation
URL will be submitted to social bookmarking websites in order to drive visitors to your website and to get
you backlinks on to your website.
Article Submission: We write general articles based on your business and submit to various sites that
accept them. This helps us get some backlinks that eventually help your site in search engine rankings.
Additional One Way Links: We research a number of related sites, place their details on your links
pages, and send link requests to them for link exchange. This is all done manually.
Blog Submission: Blogging is a frequent chronological publication of personal thoughts. You can write
about a topic that interests you so much and link to any website that is relevant. This also helps in
building your brand as you can write good reviews about your company.
Press Release Submission: Press release is a news release written for a new event that might take place
in your business or industry. Distribution of the same to online media helps in building your brand name
and in the long run in the improvement of search engine ranking. Google now displays even news results
in their organic result pages. We write it and submit to various PR sites for you.
Video Submission: Google also displays videos in its organic listings. We create and optimize video
presentation of your business and submit it to various video sharing sites like Youtube, MySpace, Google
Video, Metacafe, etc.
Photo Sharing: We create profiles of your business on photo sharing sites like Flickr, Photobucket etc.
This also helps to generate some amount of traffic to the site.
Creating Web 2.0 Video: We will create an informative video about your website basically outlining the
products you offer and other information like your unique selling points, etc. We will include a
background score and the duration of the video would be around 45-90 seconds. You can check this
sample Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vli6-w5IzC8&feature=player_embedded
Usability Tips: Our usability experts would perform various user-tasks to try and track the most typical
steps followed by visitors on your website. These tasks would enable us to identify which areas of your
site are unclear, difficult to find/use, or inappropriate for your visitors needs. Our team would then
provide you with some useful tips on usability and accessibility which would assist in making your
website more user-friendly
Conversion Optimization: We would analyze your website from conversion perspective and pinpoint
areas of concerns. Our conversion experts will then be able to recommend solutions (for increasing your
online sales, leads, downloads, subscriptions, etc.) and initiate a dialogue with you to make sure that our
advice and strategies would help in improving the overall conversion rate of your website.
Landing page analyzer: We will analyze your home page and give you suggestions for improvement.
Google and Bing Sitemap Creation: A site map (or sitemap) is a list of pages of a web site accessible to
crawlers or users. It can be either a document in any form used as a planning tool for web design, or a
web page that lists the pages on a web site, typically organized in hierarchical fashion. This helps visitors
and search engine bots find pages on the site.
Google Base Feeds: We can add your products in Google base feeds so that your products can be seen in
Google Shopping.
Facebook & Twitter Marketing: We will help improve your social media presence by creating and
managing Facebook business page and your Twitter account. We will keep your accounts active by
posting stuff regularly and replying to comments by your fans. This can help some amount of traffic and
sales through Facebook & Twitter. We will also give you access to some applications which will help you
to manage multiple social networking sites through Facebook.
Reporting: Your project manager will provide you monthly reports giving you detailed information about
the current rankings for all the keywords and all the activities performed in that particular month. Also,
we would be providing you Google analytics code to track visitor behavior on your website.
Page Title: As the name suggests it is the name for a given web page.
H1 Tag: Page headings and other prominent text are often used by search engines to rank a page. These
headings are given a separate.
ALT Text: The alt attribute is used in HTML and XHTML documents to specify alternative text (alt text)
that is to be rendered when the element to.
Hyperlink: A link from a hypertext file or document to another location or file, typically activated by
clicking on a highlighted word or image on.
Word Count: The word count is the number of words in a document or passage of text. Most word
processors can do automatic word counts; Unix-like.
Inline Style: An outdated design concept where a page's appearance (e.g. fonts, font size) is detailed by
elements within the page.
Canonical Tag: Code used by search engine crawlers/spiders to tell search engines what URL is the
original version of your webpage.
Moz Rank: Link Popularity Metric for Website Analysis.
Domain Authority: The number of root domains which link to different pages on your website (rather
than getting all links pointing directly to your.
Page Authority: Page Authority measures the predictive ranking strength of a single page.
Guest Blog Post Writing & Syndication: Guest blogging is a method used by bloggers to increase blog
traffic where bloggers write posts to be published on other bloggers' blogs. Guest blogging can work in
one of two ways