Huawei CBS R5: Agile growth, flexible billing
By Michael Chan
The proliferation of third-party services, applications, and contents, coupled with the emergence of new business models for MBB, MVNO, M2M, and cloud-based services, represents an unparalleled business expansion opportunity for operators but also a tremendous challenge in terms of billing, which can now encompass anything from simple voice to quad-play, with the latter representing services beyond the traditional telco sphere (third-party multimedia, e-books, and even consumer goods).
Pricing plans can range from simple to complex to unheard-of; flexibility is key, which is why Huawei has developed CBS Release 5, its latest convergent BSS billing solution.
CBS R5 is designed to enable agile business expansion, with flexible billing for all business categories. Specifically, this involves commercial benefits in three key areas
– business agility, revenue growth & protection, and cost efficiency.
Operators who respond swiftly to ever-changing market requirements and trends grab the lion’s share of customer spending, but this kind of agility requires flexibility. CBS
R5 offers both flexibility and configurability through modular architecture for flexible distributed deployment and unified customer hierarchy. Billing customization is also enabled in terms of format and delivery (billing-on-demand), while agility is enhanced through centralized operational management that efficiently oversees all billing operations, including charge processing, billing, and revenue audit. With CBS
R5, millions of subscribers can be billed in a matter of hours.
Among telcos, revenue growth largely is what it is and nothing more. To bring profits back into the equation, CBS R5 provides a full range of real-time charging models that range from voice & simple data to tiered, content-based, and/or policy-based charging. Innovative product bundling discounts can be fashioned quickly, with dynamic real-time discounts also available, based on time of day and subscriber location. Revenue growth is important, but so is leakage. CBS R5 provides end-to-end revenue assurance tools that minimize bill shock and service outages.
CBS R5’s components are pre-integrated to reduce total cost of ownership, while its conformance with industry standards protects your investment and reduces costs while enabling smooth BSS and IT transformation. With the benefits it delivers, CBS
R5 makes for an exceptional operational experience.
Business agility
CBS R5 converges heterogeneous services, billing (including that for third-party services), multiple payment methods, and different customer categories, all onto a single platform. With CBS R5, gone will be the frustration and cost of managing disparate silos, duplicated and asynchronous customer & product data, and disjointed business processes.
Accelerated TTM
CBS R5 provides flexible GUI-based product, tariff, and charging configuration.
Flexible charging factors such as quality of service (QoS) and handset type can be defined. Based on Huawei’s experiences with global operators, CBS R5 can meet at least 85% of billing requirements by configuration alone, without customization or code changes. Configuration data can be versioned for analysis or for rollback purposes, while data can be imported from or exported to other systems. Policy templates encompass price planning, discount, penalties, notifications, and rewards; all can be reused to further accelerate time to market (TTM).
Flexibility can be a double-edged sword. Without quality assurance, hasty changes may lead to incorrect billing and revenue leakage. To mitigate this, CBS R5 provides online GUI-based testing and simulation tools that ensure that new and/or adjusted products are thoroughly tested prior to release. Testing is comprehensive, from event configuration to simulated billing.
CBS R5’s modular architecture allows functional modules to be distributed over multiple servers – the billing engine might be on one server with rating on another.
Multiple rating engines can be also used or added to balance the load, enabling smooth expansion. A distributed architecture facilitates cloud-based deployment involving shared resources for individual modules. This not only reduces billing-related OPEX, it also brings billing as a service (BaaS) within reach.
Smart operations
CBS R5 uses a unified customer hierarchy model to support all customer types, including individuals, families, and enterprises. Charges can be redirected from one user account to another in the hierarchy, based on location, time, spending threshold, service type, and subscriber type; data charges incurred during office hours can be charged to a personal account or a company account. This unified customer hierarchy also allows billing at virtually any level or node in the hierarchy; a single bill can be generated for the entire hierarchy, or for a specific group of users belonging to a corporate department. This hierarchy also enables resource sharing; an MBB data package with a monthly data quota of 5GB can be shared by all family members.
CBS R5 sets an agility benchmark for the industry as it can complete a billing run for
70 million subscribers in only 8 hours. This has been achieved through intelligent
operational streamlining; tasks such as rating, charging, accumulation, and error resolution can be performed on a real-time basis, as opposed to waiting for billing.
Other activities, such as recurring charge calculation & charge reconciliation, traditionally done during billing, can be scheduled to run daily.
To enhance operational efficiency, CBS R5 provides an intuitive & centralized management GUI for scheduling and monitoring background tasks such as billing, re-rating, and error CDR recycling. Billing progress can be monitored online, without the need to wait hours for failures to reveal themselves.
Revenue growth & protection
In addition to voice charging, CBS R5 comes with built-in charging models for data
& broadband services; these include tiered pricing based on QoS and data volume, content-based charging, bundling (voice, data and content) for both fixed and mobile, and policy-based charging (3GPP PCRF standards), with the latter enabling services such as bandwidth-on-demand, IMEI-based charging (handset category), and dynamic charging, which might involve QoS based on the pre-paid balance. Dynamic discount, based on location and time, is also supported. A subscriber might receive a real-time data usage discount in a less congested area during non-peak hours, which should help inspire brand loyalty.
CBS R5 offers a revenue assurance toolbox to help eliminate revenue leakage.
Revenue audit is done end-to-end, from event collection to rating to invoicing.
Account balance auditing, rental fee deduction failure auditing, and recharge balance auditing are just some of the tools.
Another form of revenue leakage is bad debt, which has various causes; bill shock is one of them, especially in the data area. CBS R5 allows operators to put real-time spending controls into the hands of subscribers, who can configure spending thresholds as desired. Once thresholds are reached, real-time notifications are sent, thus eliminating bill shock.
Cost efficiency
When operators implement BSS or IT transformation, it must be standards-based or chaos will ensue. Even as CBS R5 transforms billing from a back-office task to a strategic tool, it continues to conform to industry standards from the 3GPP and the
TM Forum Information Framework SID model. In terms of finance, a standards-based solution reduces integration cost and accelerates system implementation time, especially when there are other third-party systems to integrate.
CBS R5’s key components are pre-integrated, including the engines for billing, accounts receivable, debt collection, general ledger, real-time rating & charging,
account balance management (ABM), unified product catalog, offline & online mediation, PCRF, and billing care. In addition, CBS R5 can be integrated with third-party systems for CRM, data warehousing, ABM, PCRF, and business intelligence (BI). This pre-integrated approach reduces CAPEX & OPEX, and accelerates the launch of convergent services.
Business expansion scenarios
CBS R5 provides abundant opportunities for operators to expand their businesses into
MBB, enterprise, MVNO, and emerging businesses such as M2M and cloud services.
MBB is increasingly viewed as a major service differentiator. Operators can monetize
MBB services through CBS R5’s ability to deliver innovative services such as bandwidth-on-demand and application-specific packages. With its policy-based control and flexible notification configuration functionality, bill shock can be prevented.
CBS R5 provides a flexible customer hierarchy that can effectively model an organization’s structure, while allowing billing at any level. Charges incurred by any employee can be paid for by any department, while dual billing or split billing (where payments are made by the company or employee), depending on factors such as location, time, and service type, are also enabled.
Operators are increasingly expanding their businesses through MVNOs that target specific market segments, both foreign and domestic. These subsidiaries require billing support almost immediately. CBS R5 has multi-tenant capability; a new, independent, and separate billing environment for a new MVNO can be configured on an existing CBS R5 platform, which may already be serving other MVNOs. Each operator on the same platform has its own subscribers, services, product offerings,
SIM cards, number management tools, currencies, tax schemes, time zones, bill cycles and notifications. With this centralized billing approach, the cost of billing operations for a new MVNO is a fraction of the operations cost of the typical dedicated on-site billing system.
Billing for emerging businesses
CBS R5’s flexibility lays a solid foundation for billing of emerging businesses such as
M2M and cloud services. For vertical industries such as utilities, CBS R5 can be
utilized for smart meter billing. Products & tariffs can be configured for new events by type, charging unit (meter unit), location, meter ID, day, and time. Metering events are sent wirelessly to the operator on a real-time basis for charging. A convergent retail bill is then sent to the subscriber that encompasses both telecom and utility charges, leading to revenue settlement between the operator and utility company. In the cloud space, CBS R5 can charge for cloud services such as infrastructure use on a pay-as-you-go or subscription-based model.
For the future
Third-parties are now common at every point in the telco ecosystem. Whether it is
MBB, M2M, or cloud service, any business model is likely to be two-sided. Many service & content providers deliver their services over the operator’s wireless network
(smart pipe). In return, operators act as the sales channels. Third-party sales & delivery may be done through the operator’s portal, under names such as e-shop, digital shopping mall, or e-storefront. Third parties concentrate on enriching their offerings, while operators add value through billing (third-party billing) and payment brokerage. Wholesale billing & settlement will take place between third-parties and operators. Operators can offer creative bundles & discounts for telco and non-telco services & content. This might involve the charge for an e-book being added to the phone bill, leading to a 5% discount on data usage for the month, while ten e-books lead to a 10% discount. Customers are probably the biggest winners as they enjoy better pricing, truly convergent billing for telco and non-telco services, and the use of a single point of contact with the operator, thanks to CBS R5.