CARIBBEAN STUDIES TOPIC: IMPACT OF GEOGRAPHICAL PHENOMENA QUESTIONS FOR REVIEW. 1. Outline TWO practices of people living in the Caribbean that have contributed to accelerated soil erosion. (2 marks) 2. Describe TWO methods of soil conservation that may be used to combat the problem of soil erosion. (4 marks) 3. Explain what is meant by ‘plate tectonics’. (2 marks) 4. Describe TWO ways in which volcanic activity has influenced Caribbean society and culture. (4 marks) 5. Outline TWO social consequences of the impact of hurricanes on the Caribbean. (4 marks) 6. Outline ONE economic consequence of the impact of hurricanes on the Caribbean. (2 marks) 7. State TWO ways in which drought affects food production in the Caribbean. (2 marks) 8. With the aid of examples, state how droughts may affect areas of life, other than food production, in the Caribbean. (4 marks) 9. Define the term ‘soil erosion’.(2 marks) 10. Describe TWO processes that have contributed to soil erosion in the Caribbean. (4 marks) ESSAYS: 1. Describe how the physical landscape has influenced settlement patterns in the Caribbean. (20 marks) 2. Assess the measures that Caribbean countries can realistically undertake to minimize the danger posed by earthquakes. (30 marks) 3. Describe the value of coral reefs to the Caribbean. (20 marks) 4. Discuss the social and economic impact of natural disasters on the Caribbean. (30 marks) 5. “Flooding is caused by a combination of natural and man-made factors. Discuss the extent to which flooding is a MAJOR environmental hazard in the Caribbea. (30 marks)