Operating Agreement - Campus Website Directory

Team Name and Members:
Wesley Jones- Project Manager
Nathaniel Schwartz- Presentation Coordinator
Brandon Collins- Formal Report Coordinator
Landon Derrick- Research Coordinator
Bhumika Patel- Webmaster
Team Mission Statement:
The IS Saints mission is to find the potential future in food related apps.
Team Objective:
Our team’s objective is to research the future in apps related to food. Many large
companies including Dominoes, Taco Bell, Wendy’s, and many more have all created
apps for their restaurants that help people eat and a hurry. Ordering off an food also lets
you pay in advance to avoid sitting in line.
The future of ordering food from apps can have a drastic change in our lives. It has the
possibly to change the whole restaurant industry. With ordering online one could order a
meal and arrive to the restaurant with a name on his table with his freshly made food.
-The purpose for our team being so intrigued by this topic is based on all of our
personal interest on how this could change the food industry.
-This project mean importance to all of us based on the fact that this could lead
to possible negative outcomes.
-The Is Saints interprets this project at an chance to indulge on a topic that we all
find interest in.
-We will research if there has been any changes in the food industry so far. Also
we will also try to find studies on the future for ordering online.
-The Is Saints will present our findings over voice presentation.
- We will not require any equipment/resources. Instead we will have to all
dedicate our time to ensure our success.
Preparation and Quality:
Quality is defined by the IS Saints by information that is valuable to our success. This
includes information that is all prepared to the best of our ability. This excludes
coprwrited and information from Wikipedia. Each member should give 100% in all
Team Decision Making:
Decisions will be made based on what is best for the team. We will be implementing a
democracy type decision making structure that is based off majority rules. If there is a
problem in any way it will be handled by all of us sitting down and talking it out and
figuring out the best option.
Work Breakdown and Structure :
Wesley Jones, Team Leader- The team leader will have the most overall participation.
He will oversee all parts of the projects while helping all members do their part. He will
help all members in completing their task within the group. He will make sure that the
Team Operation Agreement, Research, and Website are all done and prepared a day in
advance. The Agreement will be done by the 15th of October. He will prepare all of the
research before October, 19th and have the team Website up and running on the 21st.
Bhumika Patel, Webmaster- Bhumika Patel will take the role of the Webmaster. She will
have to work with the group on the design, layout and style of the Team website. She
will also have to make sure there is a common theme that is included in each of the
team members’ pages and assign them to create their own page. The deadline for all
the members to email Bhumika their final page will be Thursday, October 22nd by
4pm to ensure there is enough time for editing and putting the website together.
Friday October 23rd, she will have to make sure each member has uploaded the
Website and if any member is having problems with this, she should figure out a time to
meet up with them and help them upload the site. The final deadline for the full website
is Friday October 23rd by 9:55pm.
Nathaniel Schwartz, Presentation Coordinator- Will go over the presentation with every
group member on 10/20 (Rehearsal). Will discuss which part of the presentation each
team member will be in charge of. I will organize everything that needs to be done prior
to the rehearsal date. I will choose an organizational pattern for the presentation. I will
let each team member know what part of the presentation they will present and they will
practice and prepare for the actual presentation. Will be split equally among everyone in
the group.
Brandon Collins, Formal Report Coordinator- Brandon Collins is the coordinator of the
team paper. His roles are organizing the information,
revising the info the group may present, and typing the paper in the correct format.
Also, he will contribute information and needed assistance with the website, PowerPoint
and research.
Brandon Derrick, Research Coordinator- for my position as the research coordinator, I
will be ensuring that my team has reputable sources to aid in their portions. I will
present my team with my findings a week before each assignment due date, and will be
verifying the sources my team mates choose to use on their own. Each piece of work
will be checked using a plagiarism checker, and I will also write the bibliography using
any additional sources my team mates come up with. Individual citations will also be
checked for accuracy.
Team Meetings :
October 15th
October 17th
October 19st
October 21th
October 22nd (optional)
The team will meet on campus in a reserved library room from 5-6 to discuss and review the
operating agreement
The team will meet from 12-2 to begin designing the webpage and also begin doing research and
finding links. We will meet either in the library or the Burris Building.
We will meet after class from 745-9 as we begin putting information into our webpage. At this point
our website will begin to take a shape with all the hyperlinks inserted.
We will meet after class to finish all the major parts of the page. We will work until it is either done
or until we all are ready to go home. At this point 90% at the least of the website and research will
be completed.
If needed the team will finish whatever is left to do.
Non-Performance :
The IS saints have come up with a non flexible non-performance outline.
1. Misses a meeting- Upon missing 1 meeting the member will be issued a warning. If the team
member misses another meeting they will have a meeting with the team leader and whoever else
on the team would like to come. If a member misses 3 meetings they will be referred to Mr. Perry.
2. Fails to communicate- The team has agreed on implementing the 36 hour rule. If needed and
a teammate does not respond after 12 hours upon being reached out to a team member will call
that person. After 24 hours another member will try calling. After 36 hours the member will be
referred to Mr. Perry.
3. Misses a deadline-Any member that misses a deadline will be instantly referred to Mr. Perry
unless there is a valid excuse.
4. Stops contributing- Any member that stops contributing will be instantly reffered to Mr. Perry.
Your team can include sanctions for team infractions including warnings and point
deductions from the team member evaluation. Finally, team members can be FIRED
with permission of the professor – AFTER a specific documented problem and attempts
at resolution have been tried. See Below and include this in your Operating Agreement.
When a team member stops communicating or misses an INTERNAL Deadline, the
project manager will document attempts to communicate with the team member by
phone, email and/or social media. This documentation will be copied by email to the
professor. Failure to answer the team’s attempt to contact will constitute a written
warning by email copied to the professor. The professor will then attempt to contact
the team member by email. If the team member then does not respond to the team
and professor, then the professor has the option to allow the team to FIRE the
member. If a member is FIRED, he or she will be placed in the GHOST Group and
expected to complete all project components individually.
Signature: Wesley Jones
Date: 10/15/15
Signature: Nathaniel Schwartz
Date: 10/15/15
Signature: Brandon Collins
Date: 10/15/15
Signature: Landon Derrick
Date: 10/15/15
Signature: Bhumika Patel
Date: 10/15/15