Tornadogenesis within a Simulated Supercell Storm Ming Xue School of Meteorology and Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms University of Oklahoma Acknowledgement: NSF, FAA and PSC 22nd Severe Local Storms Conference 6 October 2004 Why Numerical Simulations? • Observational data lack necessary temporal and spatial resolutions and coverage • Observed variables limit to very few • VORTEX II trying to change all these (?) Theory of Mid-level Rotation - responsible for mid-level mesocyclone Tilting of Storm-relative Streamwise Environmental Vorticity into Vertical Theories of Low-level Rotation Baroclinic Generation of Horizontal Vorticity Along Gust Front Tilted into Vertical and Stretched (Klemp and Rotunno 1983) Downward Transport of Mid-level Mesocyclone Angular Momentum by Rainy Downdraft (DavisJones 2001, 2002) vorticity carried by downdraft parcel baroclinic generation around cold, water loaded downdraft cross-stream vort. generation by sfc friction Past Simulation Studies • Representative work by several groups Klemp and Rotunno (1983), Rotunno and Klemp (1985) Wicker and Wilhelmson (1995) Grasso and Cotton (1995) Adlerman, Droegemeier, and Davies-Jones (1999) • All used locally refined grids Current Simulation Study • Single uniform resolution grid (~50x50km) covering the entire system of supercell storms • Up to 25 m horizontal and 20 m vertical resolution • Most intense tornado ever simulated (V>120m/s) within a realistic convective storm • Entire life cycle of tornado captured • Internal structure as well as indications of 25 m (LES) simulation • Using ARPS model • 1977 Del City, OK sounding (~3300 J/kg CAPE) • 2000 x 2000 x 83 grid points • dx = 50m and 25m, dzmin = 20m, dt=0.125s. • Warmrain microphysics with surface friction • Simulations up to 5 hours • Using 2048 Alpha Processors at Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center • 15TB of 16-bit compressed data generated by one 25m simulation over 30 minutes, output at 1 s intervals Sounding for May 20, 1977 Del City, Oklahoma tornadic supercell storm CAPE=3300 J/kg Storm-relative Hodograph h 50m simulation shown in full 50x50 km domain Full Domain Surface Fields of 50m simulation t=3h 44m Red – positive vertical vorticity 25 m simulation surface fields shown in subdomains Near surface vorticity, wind, reflectivity, and temperature perturbation 2 x 2 km Vort ~ 2 s-1 Low-level reflectivity and streamlines of 25 m simulation 50m Movie (30min – 4h 30min) 25m Movie (over 20 min) Maximum surface wind speed and minimum perturbation pressure of 25m simulation 120m/s >80mb pressure drop +50m/s in ~1min ~120m/s max surface winds -80mb time Pressure time series in vicinity of Allison TX F-4 Tornado on 8 June 1995 (Winn et al 1999) 910mb >50mb pressure drop 850mb Lee etc (2004) 22nd SLS Conf. CDROM 15.3 ~100mb pressure drop Iso-surfaces of cloud water (qc = 0.3 g kg-1, gray) and vertical vorticity (z=0.25 s-1, red), and streamlines (orange) at about 2 km level of a 50m simulation Time-dependent Trajectories 3km View from South t=13250s beginning of vortex intensification 3km N t=13250s beginning of vortex intensification View from SW Trajectory Animations 3km FFD of 2nd cell RFD of 1st cell Inflow from east Low-level jump flow View from Northeast Browning’s Conceptual Model of Supercell Storm Diagnostics along Trajectories Orange portion t=13250-500s – 13250+200s 14km t=13250s Beginning of low-level spinup 8km X Y Z W Vh Streamwise Vort. Cross-stream Vort. Horizontal Vort. Vertical Vort. Total Vort. 12750 13250 13450 ~2 m s-2 Force along trajectory 5 Buoyancy Vert. Pgrad Sum of the two +b' due to -p' -5 Perturbation pressure -76mb 13250 Orange portion t=13250-500s – 13250+200s 14km rapid parcel rise t=13250s Beginning of low-level spinup 8km X Y Z W Vh Streamwise Vort. Cross-stream Vort. Horizontal Vort. Vertical Vort. Total Vort. 12750 13250 13450 Conclusions • F5 intensity tornado formed behind the gust front, within the cold pool. • Air parcels feeding the tornado all originated from the warm sector in a layer of about 2 km deep. • The low-level parcels pass over the forward-flank gust front of 1st or 2nd supercell, descended to ground level and flowed along the ground inside the cold pool towards the convergence center • The parcels gain streamwise vorticity through stretching and baroclinic vorticity generation (quantitative calculations to be completed) before turning sharply into the vertical Conclusions • Intensification of mid-level mesocyclone lowers mid-level pressure • Vertical PGF draws initially negatively buoyant low-level air into the tornado vortex but the buoyancy turns positive as pressure drops • Intense vertical stretching follows intensification of low-level tornado vortex genesis of a tornado Conclusions (less certain at this time) • Baroclinic generation of horizontal vorticity along gust front does not seem to have played a key role (in this case at least) • Downward transport of vertical vorticity associated with mid-level mesocyclone does not seem to be a key process either (need confirmation by e.g., vorticity budget calculations) Many Issues Remain • Exact processes for changes in vorticity components along trajectories • Treatment and effects of surface friction and SGS turbulence near the surface • Do many tornadoes form inside cold pool? • Microphysics, including ice processes • Intensification and non-intensification of lowlevel rotation? • Role of 1st storm in this case • etc etc etc. Movie of Cloud Water Field 25 m, 7.5x7.5km domain, 30 minutes Questions / Comments?