Internet Research Packet

Internet Research Guidelines Packet
1) Reliable sources guidelines
page 2-3
2) Using online databases: BOCES Library
page 4-5
dm Aug. 28, 2014
Reliable Websites for Research
Reliable websites will differ for every topic you want to research. Here are some tips and
suggestions that should work for most topics.
To find reliable websites for research:
Search (The Internet Public Library) or for your
Visit the PNW BOCES Professional Library. Login = pnw password = PL2012 (PeterLarry 2012).
Use a Google Advanced Search to limit your results to just .org (non-profit), .edu
(educational institutions), or .gov (government) websites. This will also let you limit to a
date range.
Look at the bibliographies/references on sources you found helpful, to lead you to more
Tips for finding reliable websites:
Make sure the website is up to date.
Use websites that cite their sources.
Avoid citing commercial websites (.com).
Do not cite Wikipedia or similar user-edited sites.
Search tips:
Use keywords, not a sentence or a question.
Use "" (quotations) around phrases such as "Wild Bill".
* (asterisk) is a wildcard e.g. nurs* will search for nursing, nurses, nursed etc...
In Google, - (minus) will exclude a certain word (-university).
In a Google search, use ~ (tilde) to search for similar words (~college will also find
Other Resources:
Use Google Scholar - - for scholarly articles.
Use Google Books - - for books you can read online.
BASE - - for academic open access web resources.
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) - - for academic open
access web resources. - - for authoritative U.S. government
dm Aug. 28, 2014
Example from Google Books
Searching: “History of Car Brakes”
I tried the link to the book on
the American automobile
designer Preston Tucker…
dm Aug. 28, 2014
Researching Internet Databases
Go to the PNW BOCES Library website
Login: pnw
Password: pl2012 (Peter Larry 2012) (might be case sensitive – PL2012)
Good places to begin your research:
Academic Search Complete Academic Search Complete is the world's most valuable and
comprehensive scholarly, multidisciplinary full-text database, with more than 8,600 full-text
periodicals, including more than 7,500 peer-reviewed journals.
General OneFile
General OneFile provides access to periodical and news
information on a diverse set of topics, including humanities, education, business, science, current
events, art, politics, economics, social science, law, health care, computers, technology,
environmental issues, and general interest topics. The full-text for some titles may be subject to
publisher-imposed embargo periods.
Home Improvement Collection
Even the smallest home improvement project can
be daunting, but with this special collection of more than 250 home improvement-focused titles
from InfoTrac, hobbyists and professional carpenters alike will immediately put their projects
on a more solid foundation.
MAS Ultra™ — School Edition This comprehensive database, designed specifically for high
school libraries, contains full text for nearly 500 popular, high school magazines including
America’s Civil War, American Heritage, American History, Archaeology, Astronomy,
Bioscience, Careers & Colleges, Civil War Times, Congressional Digest, Discover, History
Today, Nation, National Review, New Republic, New Scientist, Popular Science, Science News,
Scientific American, Smithsonian, World War II, etc.
National Newspaper Index
Provides indexing (1977 to present) of America's top
five newspapers: The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Christian Science Monitor,
Los Angeles Times and The Washington Post. Indexing only.
New York State Newspapers
A subset of InfoTrac Custom Newspapers, this
database includes the following full-text newspapers from around New York State: Albany
Times Union, Buffalo News, New York Times, New York Post, New York Observer, Syracuse
Herald American, Syracuse Herald-Journal, and Syracuse Post-Standard.
dm Aug. 28, 2014
Opposing Viewpoints in Context
Opposing Viewpoints in Context is an online
resource covering today’s social issues, from Offshore Drilling to Climate Change, Health Care
to Immigration. Opposing Viewpoints in Context helps research, analyze and organize a broad
variety of data for conducting research, completing writing assignments, preparing for debates,
creating presentations and more.
ProQuest(Multiple databases/DirectPlus/NYDirectPkg) Contains comprehensive index and
coverage of 7500+ magazines and major U.S. and international newspapers. Includes selected
articles from Newsday, 2003-present day. Translate contents into 18 languages, and find audio
and video clips, books, conference papers and proceedings, dissertations and theses, historical
newspapers in addition to the magazines and newspapers.
Small Business Collection
This compilation provides insights, tips, strategies and
success stories. Users will find more than 180 subject-appropriate full-text periodicals.
Small Engine Repair Reference Center Small Engine Repair Reference Center is a full text
database accessible via a custom EBSCO interface. It is intended for public library patrons, as
well as public school teachers and students, seeking reference and instructional information
about small engine machinery maintenance and repair.
dm Aug. 28, 2014