Yesterday's Wisdom, Tomorrow's Destiny

The plant kingdom continues to be the subject of an
enormous amount of research and discovery. At
least 30 percent of prescription drugs in the United
States are based on naturally occurring compounds
from plants. Each year, millions of dollars are
allocated to universities searching for new
therapeutic agents that lie undiscovered in the bark,
roots, flowers, seeds, and foliage of jungle canopies,
river bottoms, forests, hillsides, and vast wilderness
regions throughout the world.
 In France, medical students are required to
study aromatherapy; it is frequently
prescribed by physicians and typically
covered by insurance.
 In Germany you need a prescription to buy
essential oils.
 In Japan, manufacturers filter essential oils
such as rosemary and lavender through
factory ventilation systems to improve
productivity and prevent the spread of
communicable illness such as influenza.
 Essential oils are aromatic, volatile liquids distilled from shrubs,
flowers, trees, roots, bushes, and seeds. Essential oils have been
called “the life blood of a plant.” They circulate through plant
tissues and pass through cell walls, carrying nutrition into cells
and carrying waste products out.
 They contain only the lightest and smallest of plant molecules,
which are unique in that they can pass through the skin, through
the blood-brain barrier, and through cell membranes to bring
healing at cellular levels.
 The chemistry of essential oils is very complex: each one may
consist of hundreds of different and unique chemical
compounds. They are highly concentrated and far more potent
than dried herbs. The distillation process is what makes
essential oils so concentrated. It often requires an entire plant
or more to produce a single drop of distilled essential oil. For
example, it takes 50 pounds of eucalyptus, 150 pounds of
lavender, 500 pounds of rosemary, and 2,000 to 3,000 pounds of
rose to produce one ounce of essential oils .
 Essential oils are one of nature’s best body cleansers.
They can cleanse our cellular receptor sites of
pharmaceutical drugs, petrochemicals, and other
disruptors of intercellular communication. They can
also chelate heavy metals and other toxins, helping to
remove and flush them through the liver, colon, sweat,
lungs, and kidneys. They can also increase our ability
to absorb vitamins and other nutrients.
 The vast majority of essential oils (over 95%) are
produced for flavor and fragrance and do not fulfill
therapeutic standards. Such oils are not considered
suitable for use in medicinal applications.
 A therapeutic grade essential oil is defined as one that is
specially distilled from plants that are cultivated
organically or grown wild, in their indigenous region.
Plants should be from the proper botanical genus, species,
and cultivar. No chemical fertilizers are added to the soil
and crop cultivation is free of herbicides and pesticides.
Essential oils should be extracted by steam distillation at
minimum temperatures and pressures. No chemical
solvents are to be used in the extraction process.
 Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade (CPTG) essential oils are
100% pure natural aromatic compounds without fillers or
artificial ingredients that would dilute their active qualities
and are free of contaminants such as pesticides or other
chemical residues. Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade
essential oils are cross tested using mass spectrometry and
gas chromatography to ensure both extract purity and
composition potency of each batch.
 Essential oils can lift the mood, calm the senses,
and elicit powerful emotional responses.
 Anxiety, stress and sleep deprivation are very
common culprits in the hospital environment.
 Lavender essential oils, especially its aromatic
properties, has been shown to reduce stress and
anxiety. There has been considerable research on
lavender, with most confirming that lavender
essential oil is effective for use as a sedative, mood
modulator, analgesic, and decreases anxiety.
 At Worchester Hospital in Hereford, England a six-
month study was conducted to uncover the antianxiety effects of lavender essential oil. They
discovered that vaporizing lavender enabled patients
to have more natural sleep patterns; many patients
were able to be weaned off of sedatives all together.
 St. Croix Valley Hospital in Wisconsin diffuses calming
essential oils throughout the lobby, nurses stations,
and waiting rooms.
 At Memorial-Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New
York they use essential oils to lower the anxiety levels
of patients undergoing MRI scans. During the testing
phase of this experiment they noticed that 63% of
patients exposed to the oils’ aroma experienced
reduced anxiety.
On your body
On your thoughts and feelings
On your behavior
Chest Pain
Pounding Heart
Angry outburst
High blood pressure
Drug abuse
Shortness of breath
Excessive drinking
Muscle aches
Increased smoking
Back pain
Social withdrawal
Clenched jaws
Mood swings
Crying spells
Tooth grinding
Stomach upset
Job dissatisfaction
Feeling insecure
Relationship conflicts
Decreased productivity
Blaming others
Increased sweating
Sleep problems
Weight gain or loss
Inability to concentrate
Sex problems
Seeing only the negatives
Skin breakouts
 There are three ways to use Essential Oils; internal,
topical and by diffusion.
 The FDA has approved some essential oils for internal
use and given them the designation of GRAS
(Generally Recognized As Safe for human
consumption). Essential Oils safe for oral use will
have a designation listed as Oral Use As Dietary
Supplement on the label. If this is not seen, do not
use the oil internally.
 Internal use of Essential Oils can be done by placing
them in water or juice, directly undiluted by mouth, or
by putting them in a capsule.
 Direct Application: Apply the oils directly on the area of concern using one to
six drops of oil. More oil is not necessarily better, since a large amount of oil can
trigger a detoxification of the surrounding tissue and blood. Such a quick
detoxification can be somewhat uncomfortable. To achieve the desired results,
one to three drops of oil is usually adequate. A few guidelines for direct
application of the oils are as follows:
 The feet are the second fastest area of the body to absorb oils because of the
large pores. Other quick absorbing areas include behind the ears and on the
 When massaging a large area of the body, always dilute the oil by 15% to 30%
with carrier oil such as fractionated coconut oil.
 When applying oils to infants and small children, dilute with fractionated
coconut oil.
 Do not mix oil blends. Commercially available blends have been specially
formulated by someone who understands the chemical constituents of each oil
and which oils blend well.
 Layering individual oils is preferred over mixing your own blends. Layering
refers to the process of applying one oil, rubbing it in, and then applying oil.
There is no need to wait more than a couple of seconds between each oil as
absorption occurs quite rapidly.
 Diffused oils alter the structure of molecules that create
odors, rather than just masking them. They also increase
oxygen availability, produce negative ions, and release
natural ozone. Many essential oils are extremely effective
for eliminating and destroying airborne germs and
 A cold air diffuser is designed to atomize a micro-fine mist
of essential oils into the air, where they can remain
suspended for several hours. Unlike aroma lamps or
candles, a diffuser disperses essential oils without heating
or burning which can render the oil therapeutically less
beneficial and even create toxic compounds.
 Reduce bacteria, fungus, mold, and unpleasant odors.
 Relax the body, relieve tension, and clear the mind.
 Improve concentration, alertness, and mental clarity.
 Stimulate neurotransmitters.
 Stimulate secretion of endorphins.
 Stimulate growth hormone production and receptivity.
 Improve the secretions of IgA antibodies that fight
 Improve digestive functions.
 Improve hormonal balance.
 Relieve headaches
Carson, C.F., Hammer, K.A., and T.V. Riley. “Melaleuca alternifolia (tea tree) oil: A review of
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Carson, C.F., Cookson, B.D. et al. “Susceptibility of methicillin-resistant staphylococcus-aureus to the
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Maddocks-Jennings, W., and Jenny M. Wilkinson. “Aromatherapy practice in nursing: literature
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Baratta, M.T., Dorman, H.J., Stanley, G.D., et al. “Antimicrobial and antioxidant properties of some
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Warnke, P.H., Sherry, E., et al. “Antibacterial essential oils in malodorous cancer patients: clinical observations in 30
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David K. Hill, DC., Nature’s Living Energy: A Personal Guide to Using Essential Oils. Sound Concepts (2007) 59-71
D. Gary Young, ND., Essential Oils Integrative Medical Guide. Essential Science Publishing (2003) 1-27, 44-45
David Stewart, Ph.D., D.N.M., The Chemistry of Essential Oils Made Simple. Care Publications (2005) 6-10, 51,
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