s MODULE SPECIFICATION TEMPLATE MODULE DETAILS Module title Module code Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility EC 383 Level Level Level 6 Credit rating 20 Successful completion of Level 2 Pre-requisites for registration on this module Level Level eventually it is anticipated that these will be specified in terms of learning outcomes; in the interim they should be specified in terms of other module codes, or equivalent Type of module Period of time over which it is delivered and mode of delivery Brief description of module content and/ or aims Year Through Taught followed by individual Research The module provides a guided forum for an in depth investigation into a particular area of interest, chosen by the individual students in the area of business ethics and corporate social responsibility. Overview (max 80 words) Module team/ author/ coordinator(s) Semester 1 or 2 Babak Sodagar 1 and 2 Site/ campus where Moulsecoomb delivered Field(s) for which module is appropriate and status in that field Field Status (mandatory/ compulsory/ optional) Finance and Accountancy Business Management Optional Optional Course(s) for which module is appropriate and status on that course Course Status (mandatory/ compulsory/ optional) Business Management Programme Courses Finance and accountancy Programme Courses Optional Optional MODULE AIMS, ASSESSMENT AND SUPPORT Aims To provide a guided forum for an in depth investigation of a particular area of interest in the area of business ethics and corporate social responsibility. To examine the impact of these issues on a business area or specific company of the participant's choice. To develop an understanding of ethics in the contemporary context. To develop an understanding of the relevance of ethics and corporate social responsibility to business. To develop the ability to analyse the link between ethical issues to corporations To enhance research skills Learning outcomes/ objectives To enhance written communication skills Subject Specific: To demonstrate awareness of some of the key issues in the area of corporate social responsibility and business ethics. To demonstrate capabilities to critically analyse the specific impact of these issues on a particular company or related business area. Cognitive: To link academic and abstract thinking with practical problem solving, through research and critical analysis and to recognise where their individual knowledge and skills may be relevant to solving a new problem. To develop the capacity for independent and self-managed learning. To develop communication skills, including the ability to present quantitative and qualitative information, together with analysis and commentary. Content • • • • An in-depth study of markets and corporate bodies for which the issue of corporate social responsibility and ethics are significant factors. Using the notions of resource allocation, theory of the firm, income distribution, role of markets, externalities, etc The study of the work of some of the thinkers whose work has influenced this area, for example Bentham, Mill, Marx, Kant, Machiavelli, Aristotle, Plato, Socrates, Rousseau as well as modern writers such as Rawls ,Etzioni etc, can inform the study which is carried out. The participants must research into the issue of business ethics and corporate social responsibility in a relevant area. This may involve work on a specific company or relevant area to the operation of businesses. These are some examples of the kind of issues at hand , company reporting, GM foods, physical environmental impact of business activities, ethical investment funds, business in the community, supply chains and purchasing strategies, essential Teaching and learning strategy • Allocation of study hours to activities (including pre-module activities, contact time, private study time and assessment) Th • drugs and pharmaceutical pricing strategies, marketing ethics, impact of Fair Trade, business impact on local communities, brands and ethics There will be workshops to set out the agenda and discuss and develop both theoretic and practical, issues which are researched into by the participants. The participants will choose an area which they want to conduct individual investigation into, using secondary and where possible primary research. The participants are supported by individual and group consultations with the lecturer\s. Guest lectures and study visits will be used when appropriate and possible. Lectures: 9 Open Learning: 0 Self Study: 91 40 Assessment: 60 Total: 200 Seminars: Workshops: Learning support Including indicative reading, computer packages, field trips etc INDICATIVE READING: The latest editions of: Barry, N, Business Ethics, Macmillan Business Beauchamp, TL & Bowie, NE Theory and Business Practice, Prentice Hall Blowfield, M & Murry Corporate Responsibility A Critical Introduction, Oxford University Press Boatright, JR Ethics and the conduct of Business, Prentice Hall Bowie, NE, ed. Business Ethics, Blackwell Bradburn, R Understanding Business Ethics, Continuum, London Bryman A, & Bell, E Buchanan, A Business Business Research Methods, Oxford Encyclopedic Dictionary of Business Ethics, Blackwell Cadbury, A Corporate governance and Chairmanship, Oxford University Press Chryssides, G & Kaler, J Essentials of Business Ethics, McGraw Hill Connock, S & Johns, T Ethical Leadership, IPD Crane, A & Matten, D Fisher, C , Business Ethics, Oxford Researching and writing a Dissertation for Business PcM Fisher, C & Lovell, A Business Ethics & Values, Prentice Hall Frederick, RE Companion to Business Ethics, Blackwell Hartman, L Perspectives in Business Ethics, McGraw Hill Hartman, L & Werhane, P The Global Corporation, sustainable, effective and ethical Practice A Case Book, Routledge Harrison, M Palgrave An Introduction to Business & Management Ethics, Hartley, R Business Ethics Mistakes & Successes, Wiley McIntosh, Thomas & Mele, D Living Corporate Citizenship, Prentice Hall Business Ethics in Action, Palgrave Mellahi,K et al The Ethical Business, Palgrave Parker, M Ethics and Organizations, Sage Saunders, C Research Methods for Business Students, D.H. Soros, G Company The Crisis of Global Capitalism, Little Brown and Schlegelmilch, B Marketing Ethics an International Perspective Sullivan, RJ An Introduction to Kant's Ethics, CUP Trevino, L & Nelson, A Managing Business Ethics, Wiley Vales, A & Hall, V Littlefield Ethics in International Affairs, Rowman & Werhane, Patricia, H Blackwell & Freeman, RE eds. Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Business Ethics, Wicks,AC, Freeman,RE & Approach, Prentice Hall EIRIS., Business Ethics A Managerial The Ethical Investor, Ethical Investment Research Service Association of British Insurers Disclosure guidelines on socially Responsible Investment, ABI The Journal of Business Ethics Some USEFUL WEB SITES: www.eiris.org www.sustainability-index.com www.hermes.co.uk/corporate-governance www.ftse4good/index www.ethibel.org www.ft.com www.ibe.org.uk Assessment tasks Individual Academic Report Maximum 6,000 words Including weighting of individual tasks EXAMINATION INFORMATION Area examination board Economics External examiners Name Date appointed Mathias Kluass 2008 QUALITY ASSURANCE Date of first approval July 2002 Only complete where this is not the first version Date of last revision Only complete where this is not the May 2007 first version Date of approval for this version Version number Modules replaced Specify codes of modules for which this is a replacement